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1) 의사소통이란 -

정의한 사람이 다른 사람에게 정보나 의사 또는 감정이 전달되도록 하는 과정, 개인이나 집단 조직이 여러

가지 정보를 다른 개인이나 집단, 조직에게 전달하는 과정으로도 정의한다. 의사소통의 경로는 일방적이

아니라 쌍방적이다

Communication is multiple steps of an individual or groups sharing their opinions or feelings with
other people. Communication is done by two ways from each other.

하나의 커뮤니케이션이 이뤄지기까지 여러 단계의 과정을 거치므로 그 과정에서 왜곡이 일어날

가능성이 높습니다.

In one communication/, it has to go through multiple steps/ which means/ it is easy to make a
mistake between the steps.

커뮤니케이션의 4 가지 주요사항은 다음과 같다.

So there are 4 considerations of communication we should keep in mind


When we have a communication, audience is one of the things that we should consider. We need to
know who they are, what they need, where they are from, and also their physical and mental
conditions. To give them a better understanding, ones giving speech should have basic knowledge
about who audiences are.


Channel can be various methods. Examples of channel are texting, email, phone, and social media.
They can be recorded with our voice, mailed, written or printed.

Language 어브리뷔에이션

Languages are consisted of words with correct grammar such as abbreviation, and body language
which is not verbal. 벌볼

Visual 이모지

Visuals can be pictures, images with colours. Also they can be videos, symbols, and emoji’s. However,
there is also a negative impact on communication.
This is model of communication process

이것을 커뮤니케이션 프로세스 (Communication Process Model)이라고 합니다.

From the receiver step, it goes back to source.

Like this In communication process, there are 7 steps.

1) (source) :

The source could be me myself, my friend, any person, or a group of people. The source creates and
produces the message and comes up with an idea to share information with others

. It also expresses the things that they would like to tell and share.

2) Message :

The message is any kind of information or subject matter that the source is trying to share. The
information can be feelings, opinions, perspectives, requests, suggestions, or instructions. 인스트럭션

3) channel : Communication channels include verbal, non-verbal, written, and digital.

4) inter ference : 인터퍼런스 벌보

베리어 오브스텍클

Interference is a barrier or obstacle that appears while sending a message. Examples of interference
can be personality, age, ability, language, noise, poor connection, or interruptions. 인터럽션즈

5) feedback :

Feedback is a sign from the receiver to show understanding. It often shows up in the form of gestures
or expressions such as nodding or silence following.


6) environment/context : 익스퍼테인션

The context is the setting, physical, mental, emotional space. And the expectations of the source.

7) receiver(decoding): experience, knowledge

The receiver is the person that gets or receives the message. Receiver is charged with decoding and
understand the message and intentions of the source. In order to decode source’s message, it is good
for them to have related experiences and knowledge. An example that is shown by the receivers are
“yes” or “no.”

Thank you for listing

From the receiver step, it goes back to source.

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