Project Proposal Jessika Peterson

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To: Miss Jennie Enger

From: Jessika Peterson JP

Date: 10-21-10

Re: Unit 4 Project Proposal: Client education pamphlet on animal care in an emergency

For Unit Four of English 320, I have chosen to make a client education pamphlet on what to
do in an emergency medical situation with a pet. Having a pet is very popular and most pet
owners are not prepared or educated on what to do if they found their pet in need of
emergency medical attention. Client education is a very large part in the veterinary
profession. Particularly as a veterinary technologist I will be working to educate clients often
and will most likely be asked to make several forms of client education handouts. I plan to
put together a pamphlet with information on what to do in emergency situations that occur
most often in dogs. Hereafter you will find a summary of my project, objectives, methods,
timeline, grading rubric as well as sources I plan to use.


I will use my knowledge from classes taken as well as textbooks from those classes to
research information on what to do in the emergency situations of poisoning, broken
limbs and lacerations as well as overheating in dogs and cats. I will compile this
information into an eye-catching yet professional and informational pamphlet. I will
include what to do at home in these situations as well as include sources they can use
in those situations. I then plan to give this pamphlet to someone who is not in the
medical profession but is also a pet owner. I will ask them to fill out a questionnaire
about the pamphlet. I will ask questions about the professionalism of the pamphlet as
well as if the information is clear and useful. I will take the critique from the
questionnaire and revise my pamphlet.


Writing will make up a large portion of my project. In the medical profession it is difficult to
find language that is both professional yet can be understood by anyone. It also needs to be
simple as many people struggle to stay calm and rarely can think clearly in emergency
situations. I will need to use a professional yet basic style of writing as I am making this
pamphlet as if it would be read by a client at a veterinary practice. The following needs to be
considered when making this pamphlet: Professional style of writing, language easy to
understand by anyone, calming and inviting use of language as well as simple and clear
directions. I will include these components into questions for my evaluator. I have included a
rubric below for you to evaluate my pamphlet.

Visual Components

The visual components of my pamphlet are equally important to the writing component.
I must take into consideration making the pamphlet a color that is noticeable making it
easy to find in case of emergency. It should also be professional as it involves serious
emergency situations. Any graphics must be appropriate yet appealing. Graphics will
include informational photographs for written instructions that could be potentially
confusing. The order of information in the pamphlet should be taken into consideration.
It should be organized in a way that is clear and easy to read. Sources and phone
numbers should be included in an easy to access place on the pamphlet and include an
emergency animal clinic phone number and address. A rubric to evaluate these factors
is included below.


Working to make this client education pamphlet is very beneficial for practice for my
future career. The following are objectives I would like to accomplish through this

Use this assignment as an opportunity to learn to make an educational and professional

 Learn to use professional medical language that can be understood by all.
 Learn what medical terms are easy to understand and which are not.
 Learn how to make a professional yet pleasing look for a pamphlet.
 After this class use the pamphlet as an example of my client education skills.
 Use as an example of my professional yet understandable language.
 Learn more about emergency medicine and learn how to teach pet owners these

This assignment assures me I will need this writing in my career and this is an excellent
way to practice for the future.


As a veterinary technology student, I will use my experience working at a

veterinary clinic and my knowledge gained from classes to create an
informational pamphlet for emergency situations. After completing this pamphlet I
will ask a pet owner who is not in the medical profession to read my pamphlet
and fill out a questionnaire about the usability and professionalism of the
pamphlet. I will use the criticism from the questionnaire to make revisions. I have
listed the steps for my project below.

1. Research information about what to do if a dog is poisoned, breaks a limb or

lacerates the skin or if the dog becomes overheated.
2. Choose the most useful information and compile it into a pamphlet.
3. Choose graphics that assist in explaining directions.
4. Make a questionnaire about the pamphlet’s information, graphics, overall look
and professionalism and clarity of directions. Ask a pet owner who is not in the
medical profession to read the pamphlet and fill out the questionnaire.
5. Review the filled out questionnaire and make revisions.


The following is a timeline of the ideal chronology of the steps that must be taken to
complete my project.

1 2 3 4 5
1. Project proposal turned in to Miss Enger on
October 22nd via assignments page on X
2. Research information (October 31st-
November 8th)
3. Compile information into pamphlet with
appropriate graphics. (October 31st- X
November 8th)
4. Make questionnaire and give to a reviewer
with a copy of the pamphlet. (November 8 th- X
5. Review questionnaire and make revisions
(November 15th-24th)
6. Project progress report to Miss Enger by
November 24th by email.
7. Final Project due December 3rd. X


Miss Enger will evaluate the progress and final product of this project using the grading
rubric I have created below. I will evaluate myself in a progress report due November
Grading Rubric Client Education Pamphlet

Item Points Score Comments

Language used is 20
professional yet easy to

Pamphlet is well 20
organized, appropriate
style for an emergency
situation and visually
Directions are easy to 20
follow and very clear.

Graphics used are 10

useful and emphasize
and compliment the
Sources and phone 15
numbers are easy to
find and access.
Spelling and Grammar 15
 -2pt. for 2 or less
 -4pt. for 4 or less
 -6 or more pts for 6
or more
Total Score 100

“ASPCA | What To Do If Your Pet Is Poisoned." ASPCA: The American Society for the

Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Web. 22 Oct. 2010.

“Be a Cool Owner: Don’t Let Your Dog Overheat; the." LaSuer Belle Plain Veterinary Clinic

News 14 (Summer 2004). Print.

“Laceration in Dogs." Pet Place:Pet Care Information - Pet Information - Pet Health

Information. Web. 22 Oct. 2010.

Sirois, Margi. Principles and Practice of Veterinary Technology. St. Louis, MO: Mosby, 2004.


Sonsthagen, Teresa. “Emergency Medical Care.” NDSU Campus, Fargo, ND. Fall 2009.


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