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‫بسم اهلل الرمحن الرحيم‬

Human Resources

Introduction to HRM

Dr. Abdelnasser Ghanem

Dr. Abdelnasser ghanem (
Objectives & Contents

1 Concept of Management & dimensions of HRM

2 Objectives of HRM
Functions of HRM

4 Challenges of HRM

5 Who manages human resources

6 Structure of the Department of HR

7 Measuring HR’s Contribution

This course aims to introduce the most important concepts and
functions of human resource management (HRM) in business
organizations, and highlights the importance of human resources for

Human resource is the first and most important resource at all

organizations, no matter how small or large the organization is, and no
matter the form and objectives of it.

Human welfare remains the purpose of all organizations, and Human

resource also remains the resource that manages the rest of
organization's resources.

Numerous means and approaches by which organizations seek to utilize

and investment in their human resources as an intellectual capital
which is as important as physical capital. This course aims to give an
insight to these concepts.

Course Contents

1. Introduction and concepts of HRM

2. Structuring & Job Analysis
3. Human Resource planning.
4. Recruitment & Selection
5. Performance appraisal
6. Compensation Systems
7. Training
8. Human Resource Development
CH 1
1 to HRM

1-5 Dr. Abdelnasser Ghanem (

Concept of Management What is Management? And
what managers do?

Management is the process of achieving goals through others effectively and efficiently

Activities and Achieve the The staff / or Effectiveness is the

functions performed goals or (final the selected ability to achieve
by managers: outputs) people / or goals (Doing the
(planning, planned by (human right things)
organizing, Staffing, the resources)
organization Efficiency: is the
Directing, and
controlling) ability to utilize
resources well
(Doing things right)
Concept of Management
Is identifying tasks
necessary to achieve the
goals, and by whom
(what jobs) - and how
A process by which tasks are grouped into
managers instruct, organizational units
guide and oversee the
performance and
motivate people to The process of
achieve goals. What is hiring, training,
Management? appraising,
And what compensating,
and caring of
managers do? employees

The process of setting goals Checking current

and choosing alternatives performance against pre-
(plans) needed to achieve determined standards to
the goals.
ensure adequate progress
and satisfactory
7 performance.
Concept of Management & dimensions
dimensions of HRM of HRM

In this course we focus on the (Staffing) function which

involves all policies and practices that are oriented to
manage people.

One of the simplest definitions of HRM (HRM is the process of hiring,

training, appraising, and compensating employees, and caring for labor
relations, health and safety, and fairness concerns.)

In the last decade of the last century, the term “Human Resources”
appeared with a growing awareness of the value of human resources as
they are the resource that manages the other resources.

Today, it is possible to copy and imitate all systems and technologies, except
human resource with their knowledge, skills, creativity, and loyalty, thus
this resource is one of the most important strategic resource .
Concept of Management & dimensions
dimensions of HRM of HRM
The term Human Resource focuses on humans as
(Permanent resource owned by the organization
rather than rented machines)

Thus the management of this valuable resource focuses on developing and

expanding the options available to the employee as an individual and to the
organization as well.

Thus it can be understood that the HRM has two

dimensions: the individual’s dimension and the
collective or (organizational) dimension
Dimensions of HRM

Human resources management aims to gain better

opportunities for individuals and better capabilities for
the organization through a range of tools and multiple
inputs :
Knowledge update
Acquiring Skill For organizations Organizing
Physical health
capabilities Planning

Mental capabilities
balance Efficiency
Role balance
Norms & values
Quality of life For individuals Evaluation & controlling
‫اخترب شخصيتك؟‬

‫قم بإعداد جدول بالشكل التاىل ‪:‬‬

‫الدرجة‬ ‫رقم العبارة‬ ‫الدرجة‬ ‫رقم العبارة‬

‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬
‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪2‬‬
‫‪3‬‬ ‫‪3‬‬
‫‪..‬‬ ‫‪..‬‬
‫‪7‬‬ ‫‪7‬‬
‫‪8‬‬ ‫‪8‬‬
‫‪9‬‬ ‫‪9‬‬
‫‪10‬‬ ‫‪10‬‬
‫الدرجة‬ ‫رقم العبارة‬ ‫الدرجة‬ ‫رقم العبارة‬
‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬
‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪2‬‬
‫‪3‬‬ ‫‪3‬‬
‫‪..‬‬ ‫‪..‬‬
‫‪4‬‬ ‫‪4‬‬
‫‪5‬‬ ‫‪5‬‬
‫‪9‬‬ ‫‪9‬‬
‫‪11‬‬ ‫‪10‬‬ ‫‪10‬‬
‫اخترب شخصيتك؟‬
‫كن صرحيا وصادقا مع نفسك واخرت اإلجابة احلقيقية وليس املثالية‪ ..‬أعط نفسك‬
‫الدرجة املناسبة أمام كل عبارة حبيث‪:‬‬
‫ال أوافق مطلقا‬ ‫ال أوافق‬ ‫متوسط‬ ‫أوافق‬ ‫أوافق جدا‬
‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪3‬‬ ‫‪4‬‬ ‫‪5‬‬
‫أنا أفهم االجهزة واالالت املعقد بسهولة‬ ‫‪1‬‬
‫أحب التنافس وأستمتع أكثر بالتعامالت التنافسية‬ ‫‪2‬‬
‫املربع األول‬ ‫ىل نظرة حتليلية لألمور واعتمد على املنطق أكثر من معظم الناس‬ ‫‪3‬‬
‫أنا قادر على حل املشاكل دون أن تعرتض العواطف طريقي‬ ‫‪4‬‬
‫امجع‬ ‫أنا صلب الرأى وصعب املراس‬ ‫‪5‬‬
‫الدرجات‬ ‫النقاش هو وسيليت خلوض املباراة بذكاء مع اآلخرين‬ ‫‪6‬‬
‫فى منط‬ ‫ال أتردد يف اختيار بديل واختاذ القرارات حتى عندما تكون اخليارات متشابهة‬ ‫‪7‬‬
‫املسيطر‬ ‫عندما أشرتي آلة (( كمبيوتر أو سيارة )) أريد أن اعرف كل مميزاتها التقنية‬ ‫‪8‬‬
‫‪12‬‬ ‫اعتقد أنه من املهم ان يكون الشخص مباشراً‬ ‫‪9‬‬
‫عندما أختذ قراراً استند اىل احلقائق فى رأسى بدال من التأرجح بني مقرتحات اآلخريني‬ ‫‪10‬‬
‫اخترب شخصيتك؟‬

‫ال أوافق مطلقا‬ ‫ال أوافق‬ ‫متوسط‬ ‫أوافق‬ ‫أوافق جدا‬

‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪3‬‬ ‫‪4‬‬ ‫‪5‬‬
‫اعتقد بأن النظام الثابت يبقي احلياة مرتبة و مرحية‬ ‫‪1‬‬
‫جيب أن يتصرف الناس دائما حسب املعايري الثابتة املعمول بها حلسن السلوك‬ ‫‪2‬‬
‫املربع الثانى‬ ‫أنا استمتع بالتخطيط للمستقبل‬ ‫‪3‬‬
‫اشعر بالراحة عندما اتواجد بني أناس حيبون اتباع القوانني‬ ‫‪4‬‬
‫امجع‬ ‫االهتمام بوضعي ومكانى بني اجلماعة وااللتزام به من اولوياتي‬ ‫‪5‬‬
‫الدرجات‬ ‫يعتقد أصدقائي و عائليت بأنين احلارس األمني للعادات والتقاليد‬ ‫‪6‬‬
‫فى منط‬ ‫اميل اىل توخي احلذر وليس اخلوف‬ ‫‪7‬‬
‫جيب أن يلتزم الناس يف التعامل دائما بطريقة أخالقية صحيحة‬ ‫‪8‬‬
‫من املهم احرتام التدرج الرئاسي دائما‬
‫أفضل أن احظى بأصدقاء ملتزمني على أن أحظى باصدقاء ظرفاء‬ ‫‪10‬‬
‫اخترب شخصيتك؟‬

‫ال أوافق مطلقا‬ ‫ال أوافق‬ ‫متوسط‬ ‫أوافق‬ ‫أوافق جدا‬

‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪3‬‬ ‫‪4‬‬ ‫‪5‬‬

‫أنا متفائل أكثر من معظم الناس‬ ‫‪1‬‬

‫احب املفاجآت وأجد األوضاع املفاجئة مبهجة‬ ‫‪2‬‬
‫املربع الثالث‬ ‫أنا خالق و مبدع أكثر من معظم الناس‬ ‫‪3‬‬
‫أجيد االرجتال فى املواقف غري املعدة مسبقا‬ ‫‪4‬‬
‫امجع‬ ‫يتوقع من حوىل أن أفعل أشياء جديدة دائماُ‬ ‫‪5‬‬
‫الدرجات‬ ‫أنا متحمس أكثر من معظم الناس‬ ‫‪6‬‬
‫فى منط‬ ‫أنا مستعد للمخاطرة من اجل فعل شيئ اريده‬ ‫‪7‬‬
‫املتحمس‬ ‫أملك قائمة كبرية من االمور اليت تستهويين (لدي هوايات متعددة)‬ ‫‪8‬‬
‫لدي طاقة اكثر من معظم األشخاص‬ ‫‪9‬‬
‫أصدقائي قد يرون انين مندفع‬ ‫‪10‬‬
‫اخترب شخصيتك؟‬

‫ال أوافق مطلقا‬ ‫ال أوافق‬ ‫متوسط‬ ‫أوافق‬ ‫أوافق جدا‬

‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪3‬‬ ‫‪4‬‬ ‫‪5‬‬
‫أحب أن اعرف أعمق مشاعر واحتياجات اصدقائي‬ ‫‪1‬‬
‫عموما أستمع اىل صوت قليب عندما أختذ قرارات صعبة‬ ‫‪2‬‬
‫املربع الرابع‬ ‫انا مرن وأستطيع تغيري رأيي بسهولة‬ ‫‪3‬‬
‫عندما أشاهد فيلمًا عاطفياً أظل متأثراً به لعدة ساعات الحقاً‬ ‫‪4‬‬
‫امجع‬ ‫أختيل بصورة حية أشياء مجيلة وسيئة حتدث لي‬ ‫‪5‬‬
‫الدرجات‬ ‫أنا حساس جدًأ جتاه مشاعر واحتياجات اآلخريني‬ ‫‪6‬‬
‫فى منط‬ ‫غالباً ما أجد نفسي مرتدداً بني أفكاري خالل اليوم‬ ‫‪7‬‬
‫أنا عاطفي اكثر من معظم الناس‬ ‫‪8‬‬
‫عندما استيقظ من حلم يقظة احتاج بضع ثوان ألرجع اىل الواقع‬ ‫‪9‬‬
‫أنا أشارك اآلخريني احاسيسهم‬ ‫‪10‬‬
‫تقييم )‪ (DISC assessment‬هو أداة لتقييم الشخصية‪ ،‬صاغها‬ ‫اخترب شخصيتك؟‬
‫عامل النفس وليام مارستون واليت تُركز على أربعة صفات سلوكية‬
‫مُختلفة وهي‪ :‬السيطرة والدافعية واخلضوع وااللتزام‬ ‫املسيطر‪ :‬متطلع‪ ،‬مبدع‪ ،‬مندفع ويصف‬
‫مييل لإلدارة‬ ‫نفسه باملغامر متكيف مع االخرين‪،‬‬
‫‪Task oriented‬‬ ‫يستطيعون لعب الكثري من االدوار‪ ،‬يتمتعون‬
‫امللتزم‪ :‬منظم‪ ،‬يقدس االلتزام مثابر وصبور وهو‬ ‫بشخصية كارزمية وان كان جيد صعوبة فى‬
‫يف حاجة دائمة خطط يلتزم بها‪ ،‬ملتزم جدا‬ ‫التحدث عن مشاعره‬
‫بالتقاليد ويدقق فى التفاصيل‬
‫(‪)2‬‬ ‫(‪)1‬‬
‫امللتزم‬ ‫املسيطر‬
‫‪Compliance‬‬ ‫‪Dominance‬‬
‫جانب القيادة‬
‫جانب الدأب‬
‫(‪)4‬‬ ‫(‪)3‬‬
‫املساعد‬ ‫املتحمس‬
‫‪Steadiness‬‬ ‫‪Influence‬‬
‫املساعد ‪ :‬يندمج بني الفريق‪ ،‬يستطيع‬ ‫املتحمس‪ :‬واسع احليلة وصاحب قرار‪،‬‬
‫رؤية الصورة كاملة ويدمج معلومات متباينة‬
‫يتكلم من عقله وعاطفته معا‪ ،‬جرئ‬
‫ويستطيع قراءة تعابري الوجوه ‪ .‬ويهتم‬
‫ومستقل ومبتكر‪ .‬يستطيع استيعاب افكار‬
‫دائما باآلخريني مما جيعل البعض يعتقد‬ ‫‪People oriented‬‬
‫بأنهم فضوليون‬ ‫اآلخريني ومشاعرهم و ميتلك الذكاء‬
‫مييل للقيادة‬
‫العاطفي وقدرة كبرية على العطاء‬
Concept of Management & dimensions of
dimensions of HRM HRM

Assignment (1) : Please prepare a presentation

to explain one of the following approaches to
describe different types of personality

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

Enneagram of Personality

Roles & dimensions of HRM

Past Present

30% Changes & challenges

Roles & dimensions of HRM

The primary mission of the HR manager is to match people

to jobs and put the right person in the right position where
characteristics of the person and the job requirements are

Persons are different Jobs are different

Individuals are different internally and Jobs vary because of the different nature
externally, of the technical activity (financial,
they are different in features, ages, administrative, marketing, production,..)
experiences, education and gender, and the different level of responsibility.
they also different in mental capacity, Thus requirements of performing jobs
ability to understand, perception of vary as well (education, experience,
things, the acquisition of skills skills and work conditions)
So we need a personality tests to So we need a job analysis to know
know more about personality types more about jobs
Roles & dimensions of HRM

The person-job fit is a very clear concept, but it is not simple to match
characteristics of people with characteristics of jobs.
For example, bank tellers speak to people all day, thus it require a
people oriented person. While another person who would rather not
talk to others all day may do better in a job such as, automatic
control or computer programmer.
Thus People will consider some jobs “good” and others “bad.” As a
result, different people will fit different kinds of work.

Full compatibility Or Partial compatibility

Objectives of HRM

Situation (1): A bank installed a new software that

made it easier for its customer service
representatives to handle customers’ inquiries.
However, the bank did not make any changes in
service reps’ jobs or conduct any training for them.
The new software did not help to the service reps
handle more calls. Thus, this bank saw no big
performance gains. Investigate the problem?

Situation (2): A second bank installed the same software. This bank had
conducted a training program for its customer service reps (how to sell
more), but no changes in in service reps’ jobs were made. Here, the new
computer system improved the performance and product sales, but the
results did not match the top management expectations. Why?
Objectives of HRM

Situation (3): A third bank installed the same

software. But, seeking to capitalize on how the new
software freed up customer reps’ time, this bank also
had its human resource team upgrade the customer
service reps’ jobs. This bank taught them how to sell
more of the bank’s services, gave them more
authority to make decisions, and raised their wages.
Here, the new computer system dramatically
improved product sales and profitability. Why?

Thanks to the newly trained and empowered customer service reps. Value-
added human resource practices like these improve employee
performance and company profitability .
Objectives of HRM The need for HRM

A great awareness of the importance of HR for any organization is

given, as it is reported that the organizational performance is a
function of individuals’ performance where:
Individual characteristics
Performance = Willingness X Ability X Conditions

Psychological factors Various skills

Motivation General skills
Psychological contract Leadership skills
Engagement Technical skills
Satisfaction Organizational skills

Objectives of HRM The need for HRM

With such a great impact of humans on organization' performance, we

can see how important is HRM by listing some mistakes managers may

To select the wrong person for a job

To have a discouraging environment and experience high turnover
To work with depressed and unmotivated people
To have inefficient people due to a lack of skills
To have an satisfactory or unfair compensation system

Objectives of HRM

Objectives of individuals
Organizational Objectives:
• Good job opportunities
• Efficiency and effectiveness
• Good working
• Team working
• Stability
• Equal opportunities
• Development
• Good career
• Maximizing human capital
advancement • Maintenance of loyalty
• social and health care

Functions of HRM Job Analysis: procedures to
identify the content of a job in
Career Planning& development: and job requirements needed to
continuous process of development perform the activities
include education, training, transfers,
and promotion of employees during
their working lives HR Planning: The process
aiming to ensure that staffing
Performance appraisal: is sufficient, qualified enough
Follow-up performance of to achieve the organization's
individuals within a specific goals by a planned deadlines
period of time, it includes: HRM
Performance Standards, Recruitment & Selection:
Measurement methods, and The process of attracting,
corrective actions selecting and appointing
suitable candidates for jobs
Training & Development: Two
complementary functions aim to Compensation & benefits:
qualify employees to be more Function concerned with the
compatible with their current package employees get as a result
26 and also their future careers. of their work at the organization
Challenges of HRM
Recently the world witnessed a number of fundamental changes that affect several
aspects of life, and affect all types of organizations around the world. It also affect
the structure of values and social relations to the extent that resulted in changing
patterns of management. Some of the most important management challenges are:

Total quality Globalization Demographic Economic and

Management Globalization brings changes technological
dealing with the both benefits and great changes in development
changes in quality threats. It means the workforce these affect
standards implies a more competition structure family products,
great dependence and hence more roles, and work- customer
on significant pressure to a better family balance are preferences,
HRM implications quality and lower challenges purchasing
and practices costs. This means continue to face power, business
work harder and managers, and process,
smarter, which is a imply changes of requires skills,
great role of HRM HRM policies and other
27 policies and practices
Who manages human resources

The management duties are of integrated nature between two types of authority:
(Line Authority) and advisory authority (Staff Authority).

Line Manager : managing departments which are revenue generators

(manufacturing, selling), and are responsible for achieving the organization's main
objectives by executing the key functions (such as policy making, target setting,
decision making)

Staff Manager: departments which are not related to revenues, and are
responsible for activities that support line functions (such as accounting,
maintenance, and HRM)

Human resource managers

are usually staff managers. They assist and advise line managers in
areas like recruiting, hiring, and compensation.

Who manages human resources

HRM is increasingly being seen as a critical job to the success of any

organizations, thus it is an integrated task between two partners:

HR Manager Other managers

Responsible for the Responsible for
central duties: forming managing and
and setting rules and controlling people in
systems on the their departments
organizational level according to the HR
central rules

Who manages human resources Line Managers’ HRM

line managers still have many human resource duties because the
direct handling of people has always been part of every line manager’s
duties, from president down to first-line supervisors. For example:

1. Placing the right person on the right job in his/her department

2. Starting new employees departmental orientation
3. Training employees for jobs that are new to them
4. Improving the job performance of each subordinate
5. Gaining cooperation and developing working relationships
6. Explaining the department’s policies and procedures
7. Appraising the performance of individuals
8. Applying the compensation system to their subordinates.
Who manages human resources

‫عملية‬: ‫اإلدارة هى‬

Three fundamental skills are required for any
manager to be able to manage efficiently:

More Conceptual skills: Vision and

Top important at analytical capabilities, creativity
management higher levels and then make the right decision

Important Human Skills: Communication and

Middle at all leadership skills: dealing with
management levels people, understanding the
behaviors and motivations.

Operational More Technical skills: the full

Management important awareness of the specialized
at lower aspects of the function that
levels allow him/ her to lead the team
Who manages human resources
Strategic Contribution
To have the strategic view
Leadership Skills that allows to add value to
leadership, the overall performance of
communication, the organization
cooperation and social
intelligence skills and Personal credibility
ability to work in a team To be able to deliver
what is promised, it is
HR honesty, integrity, trust,
HR Knowledge and and other personal traits
Technology competencies
that define you as a
To be updated in HR good natured person
knowledge and technology
that enhance the delivery
HR service Delivery
of HR services
To design and
Business Knowledge implement the HR
Understanding the process that effectively
organization’s business and deliver the HR services
industry characteristics
Structure of the Department of HR

HRM has a significant impact on the performance and success of the organizations,
due to it impact on employees’ lives, future, financial balance, and their physical,
and psychological health

The size and structure of HR department vary

according to the size and structure of the
organization, however three characteristics are
necessarily required

1- The HR manager must be directly connected to the Director-

General of the organization due to the important decisions he

2- The accessibility and ability to communicate all parts of the

organization easily.

3- To be able to carry out all functions of HRM and to achieve its

operational and strategic objectives

Structure of the Department of Samples
HR Director

Follow up unit

Development Section Compensation & Benefits Recruitment &

Section Information Section

Career Employees Employees Salaries & HR Information Recruitment

Planning Unit Relationships & Benefits Unit Wages Unit Unit Unit
Services Unit
Measuring HR’s Contribution
Balanced scorecards provide a clear picture of an organizational unit performance.
They can be used to measure the effectiveness of departments, or the entire
organization. The balanced scorecard includes performance metrics from four
organizational perspectives: financial, customers, internal business processes, and
Listed below are some critical measures of HRM alignment with organizational
Strategic Perspective
• Do we have the talent we need to be successful in the future?
• Are we investing in growing our HR capital?
Customer Perspective
• Are we viewed as a great place to work?
• Are we creating an environment that encourages our people?
Operational Perspective
• Are our HRM processes and transactions efficient and effective?
• Are we using technology to improve HR efficiency?
Financial Perspective
• Is our return on investment in people competitive?
• Are we managing our cost of turnover?
Dr. Abdelnasser ghanem

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