ch1 Looking Back

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R T A N T ?

As you worked through this chapter, you had opportunities to
• describe landform characteristics and their patterns around
the world
• describe how natural and human activities create and change
• describe how landforms provide opportunities and challenges
for humans
• formulate questions to guide investigations

As you learned in this chapter, landforms are created by natural forces.

Landforms and the land itself are changed by the actions of people and
natural forces. Sometimes the changes cause natural disasters. Think back
to the question that started the chapter: why are landforms important? How
does your answer to this question now compare with your answer before you
read the chapter?

Summarize Your Learning

Select one of these tasks to help summarize your learning:
• Develop a storyboard for a 60-second educational video that profiles a
landform type. The video will describe the physical characteristics of the
landform, where it is located, how it is created, and how it is changed.
Make sure it includes at least 12 frames, with appropriate dialogue, music
cues, and graphic elements.
• Write copy for a tourism agency that tells about four or five of the world’s
most spectacular landforms. The copy must explain what makes each
landform special and include a map showing its location, how it was
created, and how it has changed, as well as other important information.

42 UNIT 1: Physical Patterns in a Changing World NEL

1. COMMUNICATE Some people find it hard to believe 5. GATHER AND ORGANIZE Using multiple sources
that the parts of Earth’s crust are moving. Reread of information, research a recent earthquake
pages 26 to 28. Working with one or two others, or volcanic event somewhere in the world
design a way to show how the plates move. to understand why this event occurred and
You might make a model, draw a cartoon strip, where it did. Or check Google Earth Real-Time
or create a dance or play. Make sure that you Earthquakes to find hour-by-hour data on current
include information about transform, convergent, earthquake or volcanic activity. Be sure to
and divergent plate boundaries in your design. consider patterns of landforms in your research.
2. SPATIAL SIGNIFICANCE “Some of Canada’s Organize your notes to make the information
population—those people in British Columbia— easier to understand.
may experience the damaging effects of plate 6. INTERRELATIONSHIPS Suppose that you live
tectonics. Most of Canada’s population, however, somewhere around the Pacific Ring of Fire.
will likely not.” Research evidence you need to Which tectonic event—volcanic eruption or
prove that this statement is true. Show your earthquake—would you find most frightening?
evidence to a neighbour or family friend. Conduct Explain your answer.
an interview about whether or not knowing this 7. INTERRELATIONSHIPS Create a sketch or other
information would help him or her decide where visual representation of a landform of your
to live in Canada. choice. In your work, show how the landform
3. FORMULATE QUESTIONS The chapter starts with impacts people living near it.
the question“Why are landforms important?”
Read the ideas for asking research questions on
page 36. Use them to make up research
questions that might help answer the question.
paragraph with the following topic sentence: “The
patterns of landforms on the surface of Earth
are always changing.” Use information from this
chapter as evidence to prove your topic sentence.

1. Review the Unit 1 Challenge on page 15. The first 3. Keeping in mind what you learned about
step in creating your disaster response plan is to landforms in Chapter 1, do some research to find
select a community to create a plan for. You can out if your chosen community is likely to be at
pick a location from anywhere in the world. Think risk from your selected natural disaster.
about a location that interests you and that you 4. Review the Focus On: Formulate Questions on
would like to learn more about. page 36. Formulate research questions to start
2. Your next step is to select the natural disaster your disaster plan.
that you will create your plan for.

NEL CHAPTER 1: Looking Back 43

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