Riders of The Purple Sage Synopsis

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Riders of the Purple Sage Outline and Synopsis


Scene 1-The Withersteen Ranch

There is a brief prelude that is epic in scope (western and grand) with a good love theme. It segues into
Act 1, where we hear an energetic off-stage men’s chorus. It is the Mormons coming to get Bern Venters,
a cowhand on Jane Withersteen’s ranch as well as Jane’s good friend. Elder Tull arrives with his men and
arrests Venters. Tull accuses him of a shooting fray in the village of Short Creek last night, but Jane
defends him saying he was with her. Tull accuses Jane of harboring a Gentile and maybe even loving him.
He continues by saying that Jane has always had sympathy for the Gentiles. It is in this moment that we
learn about the Mormon power in this land and of Jane’s personal wealth left to her by her deceased
father. Tull tells Jane that her friendship to Venters is offensive to her bishop, and accuses her of misusing
her wealth and power. Tull expresses his desire for Jane and tells her that the bishop has willed that she
should marry him.

Enter Lassiter! He is an infamous gunfighter with a big reputation. He asks to water his horse, and then
sees Venters tied up. He knows that Gentiles are quick to be arrested and punished by the Mormons in
this land. Jane begs Lassiter to save Venters. Lassiter confronts Tull and his men, and as they withdraw,
Tull threatens to bring Jane back to the flock even if it means bringing her down.

Lassiter tells of his hatred for the Mormons because of the influence they had on his late sister Millie Erne
(The Ballad of Millie Erne.) Millie had been lured away from her husband and community by a
charismatic Mormon preacher. He has come to the ranch looking for her grave, and is aware that Jane
knows where she is buried. Jane says that Millie was her best friend, and that she prays for the time that
the Mormon men will soften. Jane invites Lassiter and Venters to dinner. Venters leads Lassiter and his
horse off to water leaving Jane on stage alone.

Jane wonders at her strange attraction to Lassiter and why the Mormon men were so scared. (Who is This
Man?) Has he killed Mormons? She knows that after today’s events, there will be trouble coming for her
as well as Venters and Lassiter. Perhaps she can delay Lassiter here, and through her influence, keep him
from killing again.

Curtain-orchestral interlude for scene change as night changes to morning.

Scene 2-the next morning

Venters tells Jane he must leave. It is not good for him to be around especially if the bishop has ordered
his ruin. Jane begs him not to go, but he says she is blinded by her faith. He tells her that she cannot
possibly understand what these men will do to build their empire. She asks him about Lassiter, but
Venter’s only knows that he was a formidable gunfighter and most recently a new friend who saved his
life. They bid farewell in a plaintive duet (Jane , don’t look so). Jane exits as Lassiter enters. Lassiter asks
Venters about Millie Erne (Ballad of Millie Erne-part 2). Venters tells him that Millie had a child. She
eventually began to question the Mormon ways and to fight for the right to bring up her child non-
Mormon. The child then came up missing, and Millie never heard from her again. Millie then became
frail and died heartbroken. That was 12 years ago. When Lassiter asks to know the name of the man who
corrupted Millie, Venters replies that only Jane knows, and that “red hot irons could not drive it out of
her.” Suddenly Jud enters. He says that Jane’s cattle (the red herd) have been captured and that Tull’s
gang is behind it. He then tells of the mysterious masked rider who travels with these rustlers, and that
“nothin’ good happens when the masked rider is seen.” Venters vows to get Tull against Jane’s
protestations. He rides off as we hear the first orchestral “horse interlude.”
Scene 3-out on the sage

Lights up on Venters. It is night, and he is alone crouched in the sage to watch for the rustlers. As the
rustlers enter, Venters readies his gun. They pass by Venters except two of them who remain behind.
Venters gets up and is spotted by them. One is the mysterious masked rider. The other rustler fires into
the sage, and Venters fires two shots felling both men. Venters examines the bodies and discovers that the
masked rider is still alive. He turns the masked rider over and discovers that it is a young woman. (most
of the previous action in this scene is done in pantomime and not sung ) She begs him not to take her back
before she collapses in his arms.

End of act 1.


Scene 1-The Withersteen Ranch a few days later. It is Sunday morning

Jane’s Aria
Curtain up on Jane alone. We hear the sound of a hymn being sung in the valley below. She looks to the
heavens and addresses her deceased father asking for guidance about how she can reconcile the loving
word of God and the cruelty of men.

Jud enters and tells Jane that Tull came to his house and warned him never to ride for her again. He
confesses his faithfulness to her nonetheless. He tells her that the herd has been scattered and Venters has
disappeared. Jane is furious, but she knows that hate is wrong and struggles to reconcile this feeling
towards the elders of her church. She is resigned to the loss of her cattle but will NEVER sell out by
marrying Tull.

Lassiter rides up and warns Jane that she is in danger. He says he will stand by her because she showed
Millie Erne such kindness. She says she will accept his help and friendship if it will keep him from killing
another Mormon. He asks again for the name of the man who corrupted Millie Erne and once again Jane
refuses to tell him. Suddenly we hear a distant rumble. Lassiter realizes the herd is stampeding and being
brought down upon them. Lassiter rides off to avert the stampede. The curtain falls and second orchestral
horse interlude plays, representing the stampede and Lassiter’s control of the cattle. It will be an
excerptable concert piece full of tension, passion, etc. It explodes into:

Scene 2-Surprise Valley

This is a glorious place. Venters enters carrying the wounded masked rider (Bess). He lays Bess down
gently. He tells her of this amazing valley, and that there is ample food and water. He tells of a balanced
rock, placed there by the ancients that guards the entrance to the valley, and that if it is toppled, the valley
will be closed forever. Bess sings of her distant memories as a child and about her life presently. Venters
tells her that he came to Utah and became a rider, and then how the Mormons made him an outcast
because of his friendship to Jane. She tells him that she is the famous “masked rider,” and though her
reputation is formidable, she has never harmed anyone, or stolen anything. This scene culminates in a
large lyrical duet where they rhapsodize about their new-found lives and mutual affection for one another.
(No One to Hold Us Down) She begs Venters to dislodge the rock and trap them in this paradise forever.
Venters reassures her that his life did not begin until he found her, but that they will leave this hardened
land to get to Illinois.

Scene 3-The Withersteen Ranch-evening

Bishop Dyer arrives. He is the leader of the church and community in Short Creek and responsible for
helping Jane after the death of her father. He asks her about Lassiter. She explains that he is a gunman
with a hatred for Mormons, but that she has been doing her best to change him. She tells him that Lassiter
has come to avenge the death of Millie Erne. The bishop berates her for not marrying Tull and not
following the ways of her faith and people. She accuses the bishop of corrupting the faith. He grabs her
by the hair and forces her down to her knees. At that moment, Lassiter enters. The bishop draws on him
and Lassiter draws back. Jane begs Lassiter to spare the bishop. As the bishop rides off, Lassiter comforts
a distraught Jane. (Don’t you worry Jane) He recognizes her strong faith and generosity to all and then
confesses his respect for her. He tells Jane that for years he has been a lonely man, a ranger set on one
thing-getting revenge for Millie. Jane asks Lassiter to take off his guns. Lassiter sings The Gun Song,
telling how guns are a necessary part of their world. He accuses her of Mormon blindness, but she says
that saving a life is a divine value-God’s law.

Venters then rides in. He tells them of the beautiful valley and the balanced rock and of Bess (It’s
Amazing Jane.) He tells them that he is taking Bess to Illinois. The ever generous Jane offers Venters
supplies from her stores. Venters bids them farewell and exits. Jane asks Lassiter if he would like to see
Millie’s grave. Transition to…

Scene 4-Millie’s Grave

Lassiter and Jane sing of the peaceful setting, and the well-deserved rest of a good woman (Ballad of
Millie Erne- part 3.) Jane learns that Millie was Lassiter’s sister. Lassiter presses, and Jane tells him it
was Bishop Dyer who lured Millie away. Lassiter’s blood boils and he sings a climactic reprise of The
Gun Song, lamenting his missed opportunity and his firm resolve to find Dyer and kill him. He runs off as
Jane swoons.

ACT 3.

Scene 1-outside the church

Tull and Dyer sing about their faith, their absolute adherence to it, and how this system keeps things in
place (They Must be Led.) As the two men cement their agenda, they sing of Jane’s insubordination, her
rejection of Tull, and the value of her land and water. When the duet reaches its climax we hear the
Mormon hymn (Come Come Ye Saints) from off-stage. As the congregants enter, the church comes on
and surrounds the bishop and Tull placing the bishop at the pulpit and the rest of the men in the

Scene 2

Bishop Dyer is preaching a sermon. Lassiter arrives outside the meeting pondering his next move. The
meeting and the hymn build to a dramatically reverent pitch when Lassiter enters and interrupts the
service. He calls the bishop out for what he did to Millie, and demands to know what happened to her
daughter. Bishop Dyer says he raised her as a good Mormon woman, saving her from a life as a hell-
bound Gentile as well as disguising her as the masked rider. Realizing that Bess is his niece and alive,
Lassiter is caught off guard. Seeing that Lassiter is not paying attention, Dyer grabs for his gun, but alas,
not fast enough. Lassiter kills him and then runs off.

Scene 3-The Withersteen Ranch

Jane is pacing anxiously. Lassiter, stumbles in. He tells her he killed Dyer, but that revenge did not satisfy
as he thought it would. He surrenders to Jane’s wishes and allows her to take his guns. They both
reconcile that their former lives are now over. Lassiter tells her that Tull and his men will be trailing him
and that they must leave. Jane gives Lassiter back his guns accepting that they may be needed. Lassiter
suggests that they go to Illinois with Venters and Bess - his only surviving family. The stage now splits
into 3 scenes as we see Bess and Venters also leaving Surprise Valley and Tull’s men coming after
Lassiter and Jane, culminating in a huge ensemble. At the climax, Jane torches her house and fields to
deny Tull the use of them, and they head out.

Horse Interlude #3 and FIRE Music

Scene 4

Jane, Lassiter, Venters and Bess all converge as Venters and Bess are leaving Surprise Valley. Lassiter
reconciles with Bess and all four agree to head to Illinois. However, Tull’s men are closing in. Lassiter
realizes that he will need to stay behind to protect the others as they escape. Jane insists on remaining
with him. She tells Bess and Venters to “Ride through the Purple Sage and let the horses fly!!” Jane and
Lassiter climb onto the ridge, and seeing that the young lovers have escaped successfully, enter Surprise
Valley. As Tull follows them into it, Lassiter rolls the balanced rock and the mountain collapses on Tull
and his men. Lassiter and Jane are trapped in the beautiful valley united at last.



Though written 100 years ago, RIDERS OF THE PURPLE SAGE is a curiously contemporary story
about religious fundamentalism, the role of women in society, and gun control. Jane’s pure faith is
contrasted with her churchmen’s corrupt faith. Lassiter arrives without any tolerance for religion, but is
changed by Jane’s unerring beliefs even so far as to “sacrifice” himself (very biblical) for the young
lovers. The lovers (Venters and Bess) are merely trying to find their way in this corrupt world, and it is
their love which drives them. All horse scenes will be accomplished with music (and video) much like
Britten’s Sea Interludes in Peter Grimes, so that real horses are not required.

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