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The Victim Portal

Any survivor of sexual assault who trusts law enforcement with their sexual assault kit
deserves access to up-to-date information on their kit’s progress. Unfortunately, many
survivors have not had this kind of access in the past.

In 2016 and 2018, the State of Oregon passed Senate Bill 1571 and House Bill 4049, which
require law enforcement to give survivors of sexual assault anonymous access to their kit’s
progress through the criminal justice system.

To fulfill this requirement, the Sexual Assault Management System (SAMS) team of the
Portland Police Bureau developed the Victim Portal (VP). The Victim Portal is a secure
website that allows survivors to track the progress of their sexual assault kits anonymously
and securely.

So, how does the Victim Portal work?

How do survivors find their kit?
1. Go to the Victim Portal at

Note: We recommend opening the Victim Portal in a private web browser so it won’t
be recorded in your browser history.

2. Enter your SAFE kit number into the search bar.

3. Press the magnifying glass button or the Enter key to complete the search. The
kit will be found.

Note: The button in the top-left corner of the webpage is an escape
button. Click it to quickly leave the Victim Portal and go to the official state website.

The Victim Portal

A. The infographic on the left shows a kit’s progress. Completed steps are blue.
Incomplete steps are gray. The yellow text boxes describe each step.

B. The tracking events table on the right lists dates when each step was completed
and gives some details. Completed steps have green checks.

C. If you have any questions about your kit, call the phone number below the
tracking events table for more information.

What do survivors need to use the Victim Portal?
 Their SAFE kit number.

 A device with an internet connection.

No account creation or password are required to find a kit.

What if survivors lose or forget their SAFE kit number?

To find their SAFE kit number, survivors should call their local law enforcement agency and
ask for the SAKI coordinator. This official will help survivors find their kit number.

The “Not Found” Error Page

What should survivors do if the Victim Portal says their kit is “Not
In this case, a survivor should call their local police jurisdiction. To find this number, click
the link on the “Not Found” page. This will open a list of police department phone numbers.
You can find your local police department in this list.

How much does it cost to install the Victim Portal in a police agency?

The Portland Police Bureau shares the Victim Portal free of charge to other police agencies.
We only ask that agencies pay the travel expenses for our team to install the program.

How is information entered into the Victim Portal?

Other SAMS tools automatically update information in the Victim Portal as kits are

processed. These include:

 The SAKTS Mobile App. A smartphone app used by police officers and property
room workers to record the movements of sexual assault kits.

 SAMS-Track. A web app used by officials throughout the state to track kits.

Law enforcement and IT professionals should work together to decide whether these
programs would be useful to their agency.

The SAMS-Track Log In Page

Is the Victim Portal CJIS and HIPPA compliant?

Yes, the Victim Portal complies with CJIS and HIPPA requirements, since:

 Only those with a valid SAFE kit number can access kit information.

 Kit information listed contains no identifiers or any CJIS data.

What happens if an official forgets to record a completed step?

If a step in a kit’s progress is completed, but not recorded, the Victim Portal will wait until
the next step is completed before filling in the missed step. This is because a kit can only
reach a new step if the previous one has been completed. So, if a kit didn’t get recorded
when it was transferred to the forensic lab, but it completed testing, the missing
information will be filled in.

How is the website secured?

The Victim Portal is secured using REST API with encryption.

Is the website customizable?

Yes, the SAMS Team can tailor these parts of the Victim Portal:

 State crests.

 The escape button, which is linked to the state website.

 The About page.

 Law enforcement’s contact information.

Will web browsers record a survivor’s search history?

The browser does:

 Record that the website was visited in its search history. This is why it’s
recommended that all survivors use a private window to find their kit.

The browser does not:

 Record actions made within the Victim Portal. This means that if a survivor
enters their kit number, the browser will not remember the number or suggest
it later.

Thank You
With the Victim Portal, survivors of sexual assault can access their kit’s information
anonymously and securely.

The Victim Portal and all other SAMS programs are shared with you by the Portland Police
Bureau with minimal costs. This is because they have helped us better serve our
community and we hope they help your agency, too.

Thank you for supporting our program. If you have any questions or comments, please call
503-823-0000 or email us at

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