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critical mobile

music workshop

Mobile Music is a genre in sound art which seeks for the significance of movement and willingness of displacement
in a space mediated by technology. The idea of inhabiting public space, exiting the terrain of artistic institutions,
exploring playful aspects in situations of everyday life as well as promoting collaborative creative processes, makes
up a large part of the imagination of the Mobile Music community. Mobile listening and making noise directly
influences our sound environment, and devices become a type of acoustic demarcation in space. However, this is
a complex field in which technology plays a central role on how we use new media and how it changes perception
of time/space and our relation to other people. Considering these issues, the Critical Mobile Music Workshop
(CMMW) aims to promote a discussion and reflection with its participants on portable technology and soundscape
through the development of a soundwalk and smartphone apps which will be elaborated collectively during the
timetable and tech specs

2 days workshop - 2 meetings - 4 hours each

Maximum of 16 of participants

Day 1

• Introduction do Mobile Music;

• Introduction to Pure Data and MobMuPlat;
• Development of the first app;
• A walk around the city to imagine the different narratives and sound effects which could be elaborated;

Day 2

• Development of the final apps;

• Making and presenting the soundwalk;

Technical Requirements:

• 1 computer per participant with Pure Data ( and MobMuPlat Development
Package ( installed. It would be also possible to ask to the participants
to bring their on laptops.
• 1 projector
• 1 Stereo sound system

Participation requirements

Interest and desire for listening, sounding, walking and coding. There is no need for previous knowledge on

Text reference for the workshop:

André Damião works transversally between the fields of music and electronic art. His work reflects critically on
the genre of electronic art by employing mobile, interactive music with portable electronic devices. In São Paulo
Damião was developing a Noise Crowd (Bloco Ruído) as a Carneval group, which crosses the city centre on
Ash Wednesdays making noise with self-built electronic instruments, which was part of his master’s dissertation
intitled Critical Mobile Music. Damião graduated in Composition at the State University of São Paulo (UNESP),
and is a PhD student in Sonology at the University of São Paulo (USP). He teaches at Instituto Europeo de Design
(IED), Escola de Música do Estado de São Paulo (EMESP) and at Universidade Anhembi Morumbi different
subjects around composition and coding . His works have been presented at the 30th São Paulo Art Biennial, at
the Science Gallery in London and at the Mata Festival in New York, among others.

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