Writing EA in MQL5

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arzoz018 MALS Site / Step-By-Step Guide fo wring an Experl Advisor in MQLS for Beginners - MALS Ailes Step-By-Step Guide to writing an Expert Advisor in MQL5 for Beginners Samuel Olowoyo | 9 June, 2010 Introduction This article is aimed at beginners who wish to learn how to write simple Expert Advisors in the new MQLS language. We will begin first by defining what we want our EA (Expert advisor) to do, and then move on to how we want the EA to do it. 1, Trading Strategy What our EA will do: + It will monitor a particular indicator, and when a certain condition is met (or certain conditions are met), it wil place a trade (either a Short/Sell or Long/Buy), depending on the present condition that has been met. The above is called a trading strategy. Before you can write an EA, you must first develop the strategy that you want to automate into the EA. So in this case, let us modify the above statement so that it reflects the strategy we want to develop into an EA. = We will use an indicator called Moving Average with a period of 8 ( You can choose any period, but for the purpose of our strategy, we will use 8) = We want our EA to place a Long (Buy) trade when the Moving Average-8 (for the sake of our discussion, | will refer to it as MA-8) is increasing upwards and the price is close above it and it will place a Short (Gell) when MA-8 is decreasing downwards and the price is close below it. + We are also going to use another indicator called Average Directional Movement (ADX) with period 8 also to help us determine whether the market is trending or not. We are doing this because we only want to enter the trade when the market is trending and relax when the market is ranging (that is, not trending). To achieve this, we will only place our trade (Buy or Sell) when above conditions are met and the ADX value is greater that 22. If ADX is greater that 22 but decreasing, or ADX fs less than 22, we will not trade, even though the condition B has been met. = We want to also protect ourselves by setting a Stop loss of 30 pips, and for our Profit target; we will target a profit of 100 pips. = We also want our EA to look for Buy/Sell opportunities only when a new bar has been formed and we will also make sure we open a Buy position if the Buy conditions are met and we do not already have one opened, and open a Sell position when the Sell conditions are met and we do not already have one opened. We have now developed our strategy; it is now time to start writing our code. 2. Writing an Expert Advisor 2.1 MQL5 Wizard Begin by launching the MetaQuotes Language Editor 5. Then press Ctrl+N or click on the New button on the ‘Menu bar htpsiwwn.mal. convenfarticles!1002print= 135 arzoz018 MALS Site / Step-By-Step Guide fo wring an Experl Advisor in MQLS for Beginners - MALS Actes File edit View Tools Help See 3 i SIE OF [deo © Mats EB beperts EB Files iS Images (BS Inclide B Indicators AES Libraries B log BD Objects i Presets B Proects (BB Seriats Prec | Figure 1, Starting a new MQLS document In the MQLS Wizard window, select Expert Advisor and click the "Next" as shown on Fig. 2: Welcome to MQLS5 Wizard Pleace select what you would ke to eat: © bine Acie © Custom indicator © Script © lay © Include gh) Figure 2. Selecting program type In the next window, type the Name you want to give to your EA in the Name box. In this case, I typed ‘My_First_EA. You can then type your name in the Author box and also your website address or email address in the Link box (if you have one). htpsiwwn.mal. convenfarticles!1002print= 2198 arzoz018 MALS Site / Step-By-Step Guide fo wring an Expert Advisor in MQLS for Beginners - MALS Aticles General properties of the Expert Advisor Please specily general propeties of the Expet Advisor. Name: My Fist EAl z ‘Author: Copwiaht 2070, MeteDuotes Soltware Cor Link: itp.’ maf. com Perametets: | Wane Tone Iria value Delete Figure 3. General properties of the Expert Advisor Since we want to be able to change some of the parameters for our EA in order to see which of the values can give us the bes st result, we shall add them by clicking the "Add" button. General properties of the Expert Advisor Please specily general propeties of the Expet Advisor. Name: My Fist £4 ‘Autor: Copyight 2070, Metelluotes Soltware Comp Link: itp. mgB.com Perametets: | Wane Tone Iria value di nn \ Figure 4. Setting EA input parameters In our EA, we want to be able to experiment with our Stop Loss, Take Profit, ADX Period, and Moving Average Period settings, so we will define them at this point. Double Click under the Name section and type the name of the parameter, then double click under the Type to Select the data type for the parameter, and double click under the Initial value section and type the value for the parameter. Once you are done, it should look something like this: htpsiwwn.mal. convenfarticles!1002print= 3195 arzoz018 MALS Site / Step-By-Step Guide fo wring an Expert Advisor in MQLS for Beginners - MALS Aticles General properties of the Expert Advisor Please speciy general propeties ofthe Expet Advisor. Name: My Fist EA, Auhor’ Conyight 2010, MeteQuotes Sottware Corn ke ati nae Parameters: | Name Type Initial value Add fia StopLoss int Ea tae) ie 10 [a\ADX Petod it 8 he el © bool ee ree Son hot ee Sm Bock _|(_Frsh_) or iong tora seine fost be Sr Figure 5. Data types of EA input parameters ‘As you can see above, | selected integer (int) data type for all the parameters. Let us talk a little about data types. char: The char type takes 1 byte of memory (8 bits) and allows expressing in the binary notation 28-256 values. The char type can contain both positive and negative values. The range of values is from -128 to 127. uchar : The uchar integer type also occupies 1 byte of memory, as well as the char type, but unlike it char is intended only for positive values. The minimum value is zero, the maximum value is 255. The first letter u in the name of the uchar type is the abbreviation for unsigned. short: The size of the short type is 2 bytes (16 bits) and, accordingly, it allows expressing the range of values equal to 2 to the power 16: 2°16 = 65 536. Since the short type is a sign one, and contains both positive and negative values, the range of values is between -32 768 and 32 767. ushort: The unsigned short type is the type ushort, which also has a size of 2 bytes. The minimum value is 0, the maximum value is 65 535. int : The size of the int type is 4 bytes (32 bits). The minimal value is -2 147 483 648, the maximal one is 2147 483 647. uint : The unsigned integer type is uint. It takes 4 bytes of memory and allows expressing integers from O to 4 294 967 295. long : The size of the long type is 8 bytes (64 bits). The minimum value is -9 223 372 036 854 75 808, the maximum value is 9 223 372 036 854 775 807. uulong : The ulong type also occupies 8 bytes and can store values from 0 to 18 446 744 073 709 551 615. From the above description of the various data types, the unsigned integer types are not designed for storing negative values, any attempt to set a negative value can lead to unexpected consequences. For example, if you want to store negative values, you cannot store them inside the unsigned types (i.e. uchar, uint, ushort, tulong).. Back to our EA. Looking at the data types, you will agree with me that we are suppose to use char or uchar data types since the data we intend to store in these parameters are less than 127 or 255 respectively. For good memory management, this is the best thing to do. However for the sake of our discussion, we will still stick to the int type. Once you are done setting all the necessary parameters, click the Finished button and the MetaQuotes Editor will create the skeleton of the code for you as shown in the next figure. hitps:wwn.mal. convenfaticles!1002print= 4195 arzoro18 MALS Site / Step-By-Step Guide fo wring an Experl Advisor in MQLS for Beginners - MALS Aticles We Ws Ww W Ws property copyright "Copyright 2010, MetaQuctes Software Corp." property link “hee: //wwy.mg15 com" property version "1.00" anput int StopLoss=30; input int TekeProfit=100; input int input int ant oninit () 4 “uv Wf return (0)? } “ + Ww re void OnDeinit (const int reason) Let’s break the code into the various sections for better understanding. ‘The top part (Header) of the code is where the property of the EA is defined. You can see that here are the values you filled in the MQLS5 Wizard in figure 3. In this section of the code, you can define additional parameters EA), declare constants, include additional files or import functions. WI Wy Wy Wy Ws property copyright "Copyright 2010, MetaQuctes Software Corp." property link "nttp: //wew.mgl5.com* property version "1.00" ce description (brief text description of the When a statement begins with a # symbol, it is called a preprocessor directive and it does not end with a semicolon ‘;’ other example of preprocessor directives includes: #tdefine : The #define directive is used for a declaration of constants. It is written in the form #define identifier token_string htpsiwwn.mal. convenfartictes!1002pri 5195 arzoz018 MALS Site / Step-By-Step Guide fo wring an Experl Advisor in MQLS for Beginners - MALS Ailes What this does is substitute every occurrence of identifier in your code with the value token_string. Example : fdefine ABC 100 fdefine COMPANY_NAME "MetaQuotes Software Corp." It will replace every occurrence of COMPANY NAME with the string "MetaQuotes Software Corp.” or it will replace every occurrence of ABC with the char (or integer) 100 in your code. You can read more about the preprocessor directives in the MQL5 Manual. Let us now continue with our discussion. The second part of the header of our code is the input parameters section: Stoploss anput int input int anput int dnput int We specify all parameters, which will be used in our EA at this section. These include all variables that will be used by all the functions we will be writing in our EA. Variables declared at this level are called Global Variables because they are accessible by every function in our EA that may need them. The input parameters are parameters that can only be changed outside of our EA. We can also declare other variables which we will manipulate in the course of our EA but will not be available outside of our EA in this section. Next is the EA initialization function. This is the first function that is called when the EA is launched or attached to a chart and it is called only once. return (0); 3 This section is the best place to make some important checks in order to make sure our EA works very well. We can decide to know if the chart has enough bars for our EA to work, ete. It is also the best place to get the handles we will be using for our indicators (ADX and Moving Average indicators). void OnDeinit (const int reason) 4 3 ‘The OnDeinit function is called when the EA is removed from the chart. For our EA, we will release the handles created for our Indicators during the initialization in this section. htpsiwwn.mal. convenfarticles!1002print= eras arzoro18 MALS Site / Step-By-Step Guide fo wring an Experl Advisor in MQLS for Beginners - MALS Ailes This function process the NewTick event, which is generated when a new quote is received for a symbol. Note, that Expert Advisor cannot perform trade operations if the use of Expert Advisors in the client terminal is not allowed (Button “Auto Trading’). Eifie view inet Ghats Tools Window &-| & Bites) Brerore Symbal Bid Ask * me oes aT Figure 6. Autotrading is enabled ‘Most of our codes that will implement our trading strategy, developed earlier, will be written within this section. Now that we have looked at the various sections of the code for our EA, let us begin adding flesh to the skeleton, 2.2 INPUT PARAMETERS SECTION //--~ input paraneters input int StopLoss=30; // Stop Loss input int TakeProfit=100; // Take Profit input int ADK_Period=8; /1 BOX Period input int MA_Period=8; // Moving Average Period input int BA Magic=12345; // EA Magic Number Input double Adx_Min=22.0; // Minimum ADX Value input double Lot=0.17 // Lots to Trade J{--= Ozher pazaneters int adxHandle; // handle for our ADX indicator int maiandle; // handle for our Meving Average indicator Gouble plsDI{],minDI(],adxVal[]; // Dynamic arrays Lo held the values of +DI, -DI and double maVal{]i // Dynamic array to hold the values of Moving Average for each bars double p close; // Variable to store the close value of a bar int STP, TKP; // To be used for Stop Loss & Take Profit values ‘As you can see, we have added more parameters. Before we continue discussing the new parameters, let us discuss something you can see now. The two forward slashes ‘//’ allows us to put comments in our codes. With comments, we are able to know what our variables stand for, or what we are doing at that point in time in our code. It also gives a better understanding of our code. There are two basic ways of writing comments: // Other Parameters This is a single line comment * This is a multi-line comment ” This is a multiline comment. Multi-line comments start with the /* pair of symbols and end with the */ one. htpsiwwn.mal. convenfartictes!1002pri 9s arzoz018 MALS Site / Step-By-Step Guide fo wring an Experl Advisor in MQLS for Beginners - MALS Ailes The compiler ignores all comments when compiling your code. Using single-line comments for the input parameters is a good way of making our EA users understand what those parameters stands for. On the EA Input properties, our users will not see the parameter itself, but instead they will see the comments as shown below: Variable Vale 13) Stop Loss 30 12) Take Profit 100 (10 ADM Potiod @ |12) Moving Average Period 8 112) EA Magic Number 12345 "9 Minimum ats Vatie 20 “VP Lats to Trade a1 Led Save ES Gras) Figure 7. Expert Advisor input parameters Now, back to our code... We have decided to add additional parameters for our EA. The EA_Magic is the magic number for all orders by our EA. The minimum ADX value (Adx_Min) is declared as a double data type. A double is used to store floating point constants, which contain an integer part, a decimal point, and a fraction part. Example: Gouble mysum = 123.5678; double b7 = 0.09876; The Lot to trade (Lot) represents the volume of the financial instrument we want to trade, Then we declared other parameters that we will be using: The adxHandle is to be used for storing the ADX indicator handle, while the maHandle will store the handle for the Moving Average indicator. The plsDI[], minDI[], adxVal[] are dynamic arrays that will hold the values of +DI, -DI and main ADX (of the ADX Indicator) for each bar on the chart. The maVal{] is a dynamic array that will hold the values of the Moving Average indicator for each bar on the chart. By the way, what are dynamic arrays? A dynamic array is an array declared without a dimension. In other words, no value is specified in the pair of square brackets. A static array, on the other hand has its dimensions defined at the point of declaration, Example: double allbars(20]; // this will take 20 elements p_close is a variable we will use to store the Close price for the bar we are going to monitor for checking of ‘our Buy/Sell trades. STP and TKP are going to be used to store the Stop Loss and the Take Profit values in our EA. 2.3, EAINTIALIZATION SECTION int ontnit() ( //--~ Get handle for ADX indicator adxHand1e=iADX (NUL, 0, ADK Period); htpsswwn.mal convenfarticies!1002print= 8135 MALS Site / Step-By-Step Guide fo wring an Experl Advisor in MQLS for Beginners - MALS Ailes Get the handle for Moving Average indicator maHandle=iMA( Symbol, Period,MA_Period, 0,MOD=_=NA, PRICE_CLOSE); What if handle returns Invalid Handle if(adxfiandle Relesse our indicator handles IndicatorRelease (adxHandle) ; IndicatorReLease (maHandle) ; > Since this function is called whenever the EA is disabled or removed from a chart, we will release all the indicators handles that were created during the initialization process here, We created two handles, one for ADX indicator and another handle for the Moving Average indicator. We will use the IndicatorRelease() function to accomplish this. It takes only one argument (the indicator handle) bool IndicatorRelease( int indicator_handle, // indicator handle Me ‘The function removes an indicator handle and release the calculation block of the indicator, if it's not been used. 2.5 THE EA ONTICK SECTION The first thing we have to do here is to check if we have enough bars on the present chart. We can get the total bars in history of any chart using the Bars function. It takes two parameters, the symbol (can be ‘obtained using Symbol or Symbol). These two return the current symbol for the current chart on which our EA is attached) and the period or timeframe of the present chart (can be obtained using Period or Period(). This two will return the timeframe of the current chart on which the EA is attached). If the total available bars are less than 60, we want our EA to relax until we have enough bars available on the chart. The Alert function displays a message on a separate window. It takes any values separated by commas as parameters/arguments. In this case, we have only one string value. The return exits the initialization of our FA, //\ Bxpert tick function void OnTick() ( // Do we have enough bars to work with if (Bars(_Symbol, Period)<60) // if total bars is less than 60 bars { Alert ("We have less than 60 bars, FA will now exit!!"); return; ) // We will use the static Old_Time variable to serve the bar time. Jf Bt each OnTick execution we will check the current bar time with the saved one // Tf the bar time isn't equal to the saved time, it indicates that we have a new tick, static datetime Ola Time; datetime New Time[1]; bool IsNewBar=false; // copying the last bar time to the element New_Time[0] int copied=CopyTime ( Symbol, Period, 0,1,New Time); if(copied>0) // ok, the data has been copied successfully ‘ if (Old_Time! ( jew_Time[0]) // if old time isn't equal to new bar time IsNewBar-true; // if it isn't a first call, the new bar has appeared Lf (MOLSInfornteger (NOLS DEBUGGING) Print("We have new bar here ",New Time [0],| Old_Time=New_Time|01; (7 saving bar time hitpshwwn.mal. convenfartictes'1002pri 10135 arzoro18 MALS Site / Step-By-Step Guide fo wring an Experl Advisor in MQLS for Beginners - MALS Ailes else { Alert ("Error in copying historical times data, error ResetLastBrror(); return; ) GethastError ())5 /{>-~ BR should only check for new trade if we have a new bar if (IsNewBar==false) { return; ) //==~ Do we have enough bars to work with int Mybars=Bars (Symbol, Period); if (Mybars<60) // if total bars is less than 60 bars ‘ Alert("We have less than 60 bars, EA will now exit!!"); return; ) //==~ Define some MOLS Structures we will use for our trade MglTick latest price; // To be used for getting recent/latest price quotes MqlTradeRequest mrequest; // To be used for sending our trade requests MqlTradeResuit mresult; // To be used to get cur trade results MglRates mrate(]; // To be used to store the prices, volumes and spread of ZeroMemory (mrequest) + // Initialization of mrequest structure The Expert Advisor will perform trade operations at the beginning of a new bar, so it's necessary to solve the problem with the new bar identification. In order words, we want to be sure that our EA does not check for Long/Short setups on every tick, we only want our EA to check for Long/Short positions when there is a new bar. We begin by declaring a static datetime variable Old_Time, which will store the Bar time. We declared it as static because we want the value to be retained in memory until the next call of the OnTick function. Then we will be able to compare its value with the New_Time variable (also of datetime data type), which is an array of one element to hold the new(current) bar time. We also declared a bool data type variable IsNewBar and sets its value to false. This is because we want its value to be TRUE only when we have a new bar. We use the CopyTime function to get the time of the current bar. It copies the bar time to the array New_Time with one element; if it is successful, we compare the time of a new bar with the previous bar time. If the times aren't equal, it means that we have a new bat, and we set the variable IsNewBar to TRUE and save the value of the current bar time to the variable Old_Time. The IsNewBar variable indicates that we have a new bar. If it's FALSE, we finish the execution of OnTick function. Take a look at the code if (MQLSTnfoTateger (MQL5_DEBUGGING)) Print ("We have new bar here ",New_Time[0]," old tin} it checks for the debug mode execut will consider it further. \n, it will print the message about the bar times when debug mode, we The next thing we want to do here is to check if we have enough bars to work with. Why repeat it? We just want to be sure that our EA works correctly. It should be noted that while the Onlnit function is called only ‘once when the EA is attached to a chart, the OnTick function is called every time there is a new tick (price quote). You observe that we have done it again differently here. We decide to store the total bars in history which we obtained from the expression int Mybars=Bars(_Symbol, Period) ; hitpshwwn.mal. convenfartictes'1002pri 15 arzoro18 MALS Site / Step-By-Step Guide fo wring an Experl Advisor in MQLS for Beginners - MALS Ailes in a new variable, Mybars, declared within the OnTick function. This type of variable is a local variable, unlike the variable we declared at the INPUT PARAMETERS section of our code. While the variables, declared at the Input Parameters section of our code, are available to all functions, within our code that may need them, variables declared within a. single function is limited and available to that function alone. It can not be sed outside of that function. Next, we declared a few variables of MQL5 structure types which will be used in this section of our EA. MQL5 has quite a number of built in Structures which makes things pretty easy for EA developers. Let's take the Structures one after the other. This fs a structure used for storing the latest prices of symbols. struct MqlTick ( datetime times // Time of the last prices update double bids // Current Bid price double ask: Jf Current Ask price double last; // Price of the last deal (Zast) ulong volume; // Volume for the current Last price be Any variable declared to be of the MqlTick type can easily be used to obtain the current values of Ask, Bid, Last and Volume once you call the SymbolinfoTick() function. So we declared latest_price as a MqlTick type so that we could use it to get the Ask and Bid prices MalTradeRequest This structure is used to perform all trade requests for a trade operation. It contains, in its structure, all the fields necessary for performing a trade deal. struct MqlTradeRequest fl ENUM_TRADE_REQUEST_ACTIONS action; Jf Trade operation type ulong magic; // Expert Advisor ID (magic number) uleng order; Jf Order ticket string symbol; #/ Trade symbol double volume; // Requested volume for a deal in lors double price; Uf Price double stoplimit; // StopLimit level of the order double sli 7 Stop Loss level of the order double tp? /{ Take Profit level of the order ulong deviation; // Maximal possible deviation from the ENUM_ORDER TYPE, types W/ order type ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_FIZLING type_filling; // Order execution type ENUM ORDER TYPE TINE type_time; 77 Order execution time datetime expiration; // Order expiration time (for the orde string comment; V7 Order comment TS » Any variable declared to be of the MalTradeRequest type can be used to send orders for our trade operations. Here we declared mrequest as a MalTradeRequest type. MalTradeResult The result of any trade operation is returned as a special predefined structure of MalIradeResult type. Any variable declared to be of MalTradeResult type will be able to access the trade request results. steuct MqlTradeResult ( uint —_retcodes // Operation return code ulong deal; // Deal Lickel, if it is performed ulong order; // Order ticket, if it is placed htps:wwn.mal. convenfarticles!1002print= 12i95 arzoro18 MALS Site / Step-By-Step Guide fo wring an Experl Advisor in MQLS for Beginners - MALS Ailes double volume // Deal volume, confirmed by broker double prices 77 Deal price, confirmed by broker double bids 17 Current Bid price double ask: 77 Current Ask price string comment; // Broker comment to operation (by default it is filled he | » Here we declared mresult as a MglTradeResult type, MqlRates ‘The Price (Open, Close, High, Low), the Time, the Volumes of each bar and the spread for a symbol is stored in this structure. Any array declared to be of the MalRates type can be used to store the price, volumes and spread history for a symbol. steuct MqlRates ( datetime times // Period start time double open 77 open price double high? // The highest price of the period double lows // The lowest price of the period double close; // Close price long tick_volume; // Tick volume iat, spread; U7 Spread jong real_volume; // Trade volume hb Here we have declared an array mrate[] which will be used to store these information. * Let's make sure our arrays values for the Rates, ADK Values and MA values is store serially similar to the timeseries array ” Jf the rates arrays ArraySetAsSeries (mrate, true); // the ADX Di+values array ArraySetAsSeries (plsDI, true); // the ADX DI-values array ArraySetAsSeries (minDI, true); df the ADX values arrays ArraySetAsSeries (adVal, true) ; Jf the MA-8 values arrays ArraySetAsSeries (maVal, true); Next we decide to set all the arrays we will be using to store Bars details as series. This is to ensure that the values that will be copied to the arrays will be indexed like the timeseries, that is, 0, 1, 2, 3, (to correspond with the bars index. So we use the ArraySetsSeries() function. bool ArraySetAsseries( void array{], // array by reference bool set // true denotes reverse order of indexing It should be noted that this can also be done once at the initialization section of our code. However, | have decided to show it at this point for the sake of our explanation. //--- Get the last price quote using the MOLS Mqlfick Structure if (!Symbolinfofick( Symbol, latest_price)) 1 Alert ("Error getting the latest price quote - error:",GetLastBrror(),"!!"); return; ) htpsiwwn.mal. convenfartictes!1002pri 19195 arzoz018 MALS Site / Step-By-Step Guide fo wring an Experl Advisor in MQLS for Beginners - MALS Ailes We now use the SymbolinfoTick function to obtain the latest price quote. This function takes two arguments - chart symbol and the MqlTick structure variable (latest_price). Again, if there is error, we reported it. //--~ Get the details of the latest 3 bars if (CopyRates(_Symbol, Period, 0, 3,mzate) <0) ‘ Alert ("Error copying rates/history data - error: return; ) sGetbastError(),"!1")7 Next we copied the information about the latest three bars into our Mglrates type array using the CopyRates function. The CopyRates function is used to get history data of MqlRates structure of a specified Symbol- Period in specified quantity into a MqlRates type array. int CopyRates ( string symbol_name, // symbol name ENUM TIMEPRAMES timeframe, 11 period int start_pos, // start position int count, // data count to copy Mglrates rates_array[] // target array to copy Me The symbol name is obtained by using ‘_symbol’, the current period/timeframe is obtained by using ‘_period’. For the start position, we will start from the current bar, Bar 0 and we will count only three Bars, Bars 0, 1, and 2. The result will be store in our array, mrate[]. The mrate[] array now contains all the price, time, volumes and spread information for bars 0, 1 and 2. Therefore to get the details of any bar, we will use the following: mrate[bar_number] .bar_property for example, we can have the following information about each bar: mrate[1].time // Bar 1 Start time mrate[1].open // Bar 1 Open price mrate[0]-high // Bar 0 (current bar) high price, ete Next we, copied all the indicator values into the dynamic arrays we have declared using the CopyBuffer function. int CopyBuffer( int indicator_handie, /f indicator handle int buffer_num, // indicator buffer number int, start pos, // start pesition int count, // amount to copy double burferl] // tazget array to copy Mu The indicator handle is the handle we created in the Onlnit section. Concerning buffer numbers, the ADX indicator has three (3) buffers: = 0- MAIN_LINE, = 1+ PLUSDI_LINE, = 2 MINUSDI_LINE. ‘The Moving Average indicator has only one (1) buffer: = 0- MAIN_LINE. We copy from the present bar (0) to the past two bars. So amount of records to copy is 3 (bars 0, 1 and 2) The buffer[] is the target dynamic arrays we had earlier declared - adxVal, plsD1, minDI and maVal. htpsiwwn.mal. convenfarticles!1002print= 14i35 arzoz018 MALS Site / Step-By-Step Guide fo wring an Experl Advisor in MQLS for Beginners - MALS Ailes ‘As you can see here again, we try to capture any error that may occur in the copying process. If there is error, no need to go further. It is important to note that the CopyBuffer() and the CopyRates() function returns the total number of records copied on success while it returns -1 incase of an error. That is why we are checking for a value less than 0 (zero) in the error checking functions here. //--~ Copy the new values of our indicators to buffers (arrays) using the handle if (CopyBuffer (adxflandle, 0,0, 3,adxVal) <0 || CopyBufter (adxiiandle, 1,0, 3,plsDI) <0 I CopyBuf fer (adxHandle, 2,0, 3,minD1)<0) ‘ Alert ("Error copying ADX indicator Buffers ~ error return; ) if (CopyBuffer (maandle, 0, 0, 3,maVal) <0) ‘ Alert ("Error copying Moving Average indicator buffer - error: return; ) GetLastHrror(),"! sGetLastBrror())¢ At this point we want to check if we already have a Buy or Sell position opened, in order words, we want to make sure we have only ONE Sell or Buy trade opened at a time. We do not want to open a new Buy if we already have one, and we do not want to open a new Sell if we already have one opened. To achieve we will first of all declare two bool data type variables (Buy_opened and Sell_opened) which will hold a TRUE value if we already have a position opened for either Buy or Sell. /{--~ we have no errors, so continue J{--- Do we have positions opened already? bool Buy opened-false; // variable to hold the result of Buy opened position bool Sell_opened=false; // variable to hold the result of Sell opened position if (Positionselect (_Symbol) ( true) // we have an opened position Af (BositionGet Integer (POSrTION_TYPE) i POSI'TION_TYPH_BUY) Buy ¢ pened = true; //It is a Bay ) else if (PositionGet Integer (POSITION TYPE) { POSITION TYPE SELL) Sell_opened = true; // Tt is a Sell ) We use the trade function PositionSelect to know if we have an open position. This function returns TRUE if we have a position opened already and FALSE if we have none. bool PositionSelect ( string symbol // Symbol name dM It takes, as the major argument/parameter, the symbol (currency pair) we want to check. Here, we use _symbol because we are checking the current symbol(currency-pair). If this expression returns TRUE, then we want to check if the position opened is a Buy or a Sell. We use the PositionGetinteger function for this. it gives us the type of position opened when we use it with the POSITION_TYPE modifier. It returns the Position type identifier which can either be POSITION_TYPE_BUY or POSITION_TYPE_SELL long PositionGet Integer ( ENUM_POSITION_PROPERTY property_id // Property identifier Me In our case, we used it to determine which of the position we already have opened. If it is a Sell, we store a ‘TRUE value in Sell_opened and if it is a Buy, we store a TRUE value in Buy_opened. We will be able to use htpsiwwn.mal. convenfartictes!1002pri 15195 arzoz018 MALS Site / Step-By-Step Guide fo wring an Experl Advisor in MQLS for Beginners - MALS Ailes these two variables later when we are checking for Sell or Buy conditions later in our code. It is now time to store the close price for the bar we will be using for our Buy/Sell setup. Remember we declared a variable for that earlier // Copy the bar close price for the previous bar prior to the current bar, that is Bar p.closesnrate[1].close; // bar 1 close price + Having done this, we will now proceed to the next step. i 1. Check fer a long/Buy Setup : MA-8 increasing upwards, previous price close above it, ADX > 22, +DI > -DT - Declare bool type variables to hold our Buy Conditions bool Buy_Condition_1 = (maVai[0]>maVal(1]) && (maVal{1]>maVal (21); // MA-8 Tncreasi: bool Buy Condition 2 = (p_close > maVal[1]}; // previuos price closed above bool Buy_Condition_3 = (adxVal(0]>Adx Min); // Current ADX value greater t! bool Buy Condition 4 = (p1sD2[0]>minDI(0] // 4D greater than -DI Putting all together if(Buy Condition 1 && Buy Condition 2) ‘ L£(Buy_Condition_3 && Buy_Condition_4) ( // any opened Buy position? i (Buy_opened) ‘ Alert ("We already have a Suy Position! !!"); return; // Don't open a new Buy Position ) mrequest.action = TRADE_ACTION DEAL: WY Armed: mrequest .price = NormalizeDouble(latest_price.ask, Digits); /f lates! mrequest.s1 = NormalizeDouble(latest_price.ask ~ STP* Point, Digits); // Stop mrequest.tp = NormalizeDouble(latest_price.ask + TKP* Point, Digits); // Take mmrequest.synbol = _Symvol: 17 carrene: mrequest.volune = Zot 17 number > mrequest magic ~ FA Magic? 1) Oraes ta request type ~ ORDER *YPE_BOY; 17 Bay OF mmeequest.type_f11ling = ORDER FILLING Fox: 17 order mrequest .deviation=100; 11 veviati 7/--= send order Ordersend ineequest,mresult) LE > It is now time to start checking for a Buy opportunity. Let us analyze the expression above as it represents the strategy we designed earlier. We are declaring a bool type variable for each of our conditions that must be met before an order can be placed. A bool type variable can only contain TRUE or FALSE. So, our Buy strategy has been broken down into four conditions. If any of the conditions is met or satisfied, then a value of TRUE is stored in our bool type variable, otherwise, a value of FALSE will be stored. Let us look at them one by one. bool Buy Condition 1 = (maVal[0}>maVal[1]) @& (maVal[1]>maVal[21) + Here we are looking at the MA-8 values on Bars 0, 1 and 2. If value of MA-8 on the current bar is greater than its value on the previous Bar 1 and also the MA-8 value on Bar 1 is greater than its value on Bar 2, it means that MA-8 is increasing upwards. This satisfies one of our conditions for a Buy setup. bool Buy Condition_2 = (p_close > maVal(1])¢ This expression is checking to see if Bar 1 Close price is higher than the value of MA-8 at the same period (Bar 1 period). If the price is higher, then our second condition has also been satisfied, then we can check for other htpsiwwn.mal. convenfarticles!1002print= 16195 srz0r2018 OLS Sit! Step-By-Step Guide to wring an Expert Advisor in MALS for Beginners - MALS Aves conditions. However, if the two conditions we have just considered were not met, then there will be no need to check other conditions. That is why we decide to include the next expressions within these two initial conditions (expressions). bool Buy Condition 3 = (adxVal[0]>Aex Min); Now we want to check if the current value of ADX (ADX value on Bar 0) is greater than the Minimum ADX value declared in the input parameters. If this expression is true, that is, the current value of ADX is greater than the Minimum required value; we also want to be sure that the plusDI value is greater than the minusDI value. This is what we achieved in the next expression bool Buy Condition 4 = (plspz[0]>minb=[0]); If all these conditions are met, that is, if they return true, then we want to be sure that we do not open a new Buy position if we already have one. It is now time to check the value of the Buy_opened variable we declared earlier in our code. // any opened Buy position? i (Buy_opened) ‘ Alert ("We alzeady have a Buy Position! !!"); return; // Don't open a new Suy Position If Buy_opened is true, we do not want to open another Buy position, so, we display an alert to inform us and then return so that our EA will now wait for the next Tick. However, if Buy_opened is FALSE, then we prepare our records using the MqlTradeRequest type variable (mrequest) which we declared earlier to send our order. = The action here, which is the trade operation type, is TRADE_ACTION_DEAL because we are placing a trade order for an immediate execution. If we are modifying an order, then we will use TRADE_ACTION_MODIFY. To delete an order we will use TRADE_ACTION_REMOVE. We used our MalTick type latest_price to get the latest Ask price. The order Stop loss price is obtained by subtracting our StopLoss in points from the Ask price while the order take profit price is obtained by adding our TakeProfit in points to the Ask price. You will also observe that we used the NormalizeDouble function for the Ask price, the StopLoss and TakeProfit values, it is good practice to always normalize these prices to the number of digits of currency pair before sending it to the trade server. = The symbol is the current symbol (_Symbol or Symbol()). The order type is the type of order we are placing, here we are placing a buy order ORDER_TYPE_BUY. For a Sell order, it will be ORDER_TYPE_SELL. = The order type_filling is the order execution type; ORDER_FILLING_FOK means that the deal can be executed exclusively with a specified volume at the equal or better price than the order specified price. If there is no sufficient volume of offers on the order symbol, the order will not be executed. The OrderSend() function takes two arguments, the MqlTradeRequest type variable and the MqlTradeResult type variable. bool OrderSend( Mq1?radeRequests request // query structure MgltradeResulté result // structure of the answer Me ‘As you can see, we used our MalTradeRequest type variable and the MalTradeResult type variable in placing our order using OrderSend. // get the result code i f(mresult.retcode==10008 || mresult.retcode ‘ Alert ("A Buy order has been successfully placed with Ticket#:",mresult.orde } else ‘ Alert ("the Buy order request could not be completed -error:",GetLastError (] ResetLastError(); htps:wwn.mal. convenfarticles!1002print= 7138 10008) //Request is completed o: arzoro18 MALS Site / Step-By-Step Guide fo wring an Experl Advisor in MQLS for Beginners - MALS Ailes return; ) Having sent our order, we will now use the Mq(TradeResult type variable to check the result of our order. If our order is executed successfully, we want to be informed, and if not, we want to know too. With the MqlTradeResult type variable ‘mresult’ we can access the Operation return code and also the order ticket number if the order is placed. The return code 10009 shows that the OrderSend request was completed successfully, while 10008 shows that our order has been placed. That is why we have checked for any of these two return codes. If we have any of them, we are sure that our order has been completed or it has been placed. To check for a Sell Opportunity, we check for the opposite of what we did for Buy Opportunity except for our ADX that must be greater than the Minimum value specified. y* 2. Check for a Short/Sell Setup : MA-8 decreasing downwards, previous price close below it, ADX > 22, -DI > +DI / J{--- Declare bool type variables to hold our Sell Conditions bool Sell _Condition_1 = (maVal(0]Adx Min); // Current ADX bool Sell_Condition_4 = (plsDI{0]Adx Min); Now we want to check if the current value of ADX (ADX value on Bar 0) is greater than the Minimum ADX value declared in the input parameters. If this expression is true, that is, the current value of ADX is greater than the Minimum required value; we also want to be sure that the MinusDI value is greater than the plusDI value. This is what we achieved in the next expression bool Sell_Condition_4 = (plsDI[0]o) // ox, the daca nas been copied ou ‘ i£(Qld_Time!=New Time[0]) // if old time isn| ‘ TeNewBar-true; // if it isn't a first call, the new bar has apr 32 (NQLSInfornteger (MES DEBUGGING) ) Print ("We have new bar here ' Old Time=New Time[0]? // saving bar time > } Figure 10, Setting a breakpoint For our code, we are going to set breakpoint on five different lines. | will also label them form 1 to 5 for the sake of explanation. To continue, set breakpoint at the seven code lines as shown in the figure below. Breakpoint 1 is the one we have created above. BE) G-|# wf -| Gomi |O 0 O|G @ E/E! //--~ FR should only check for new trade if we have a new bar 03. i£(TeNewBar==ta1se) t return; » /[--- Do we have encugh bare ve vork with 4 int Mybars-Bers(_Symbol, Period); O§ if(ybars<60) // if total bars is less chan 60 bars 4 Alert ("We have less than 60 bars, EA will now exit!!"); » //--~ Define some MQLS Stra we will use for our trade MglTick lavest_price; MgiTradeRequest mrequest; // To be used for sending our MglTradeResult mresult; — // To be used to MglRates mrate[]; // To be used to 0 be used for getting rece: prices, volumes ¢ Let's make si ° for tes, ADX Values and MA ve we serially similar to the timeseries array Figure 11, Setting additional breakpoints ‘Once we have finished setting our breakpoints, we are now set to start debugging our code. htpsiwwn.mal. convenfartictes!1002pri 218 soos MALS Site Step-By-Step Guide to wing an Expert Advisor in MALS forBaginners- MLS Aces To start the debugger, press F5 or click the green button on the Toolbar of the MetaEditor: [copie ||O)O O|& & E| Start/Resume debugging, FS Copyright 2019, Metaguotes Figure 12. Starting the Debugger The first thing the editor does is to compile the code, if there is any error at the point, it will display it and if no error, it will let you know that the code compiled successfully. Description © "My-First_EAmas © O error(s), 0 wamning(s) File Enos [ Find inFiles | Figure 13. Compilation Report Please note that the fact that the code compiled successfully does not mean there may not be errors in your code, Depending on how your code is written, there may be runtime errors. For example, if any of our expressions does not evaluate correctly due to any little oversight, the code will compile correctly but may not run correctly. Too much of the talk, let's see it in action... Once the debugger has finished compiling the code, it takes you to the trading terminal, and attach the EA to the chart you have specified on the Metaditor Options settings. At the same time, it shows you the Input parameters section of the EA. Since we are not adjusting anything yet, just click the OK button. Vorsble |128| Sop Loss al Take Profit |i) ADX Period 12] Moving Average Period [a8] EA Mario Number 18) Ninimam ADX Valve 3 Lats to Trade Figure 14. Expert Advisor Input Parameters for Debugging You will now see the EA clearly on the top-right hand corner of the chart. Once it starts the OnTick(), it will stop as soon as it gets to our breakpoint 1. htpsiwwn.mal. convenfarticles!1002print= 22135 MALS Site / Step-By-Step Guide fo wring an Experl Advisor in MQLS for Beginners - MALS Aticles ¥ [Some (O OO ao GlBe al ble to 2e: check the current bar time with che sa @ the static Old Time va: // Be cach OnTick execution we wi oe eA Raa Ua NS dncetine New Time [1] Soca aedececesion @1 int copied=copyTine ( Symbol, Period, 0,1,New Time) ; 2 it(copied>o) // ok, the data has b d success: : 4 (01d Time!New Time[0]) // if old vine isn’ equel vo nev bar tine ( IsevBarcceve:// Af ie isn't a fixer call, che new bar has appeared Ee igusiatomceser IMQIS DEBUGGING) ) Prine ("We have new bar heze’ "yew Tint Platine dnc ety 7) caving bar vine ) SSeS ' Funtion el Eee Value ra (nes OnTick 7 Delete Copy Value Grid Auto Arrange Figure 15, Debugger stops atthe first breakpoint You will notice a green arrow at that code line. That tells you that previous code line had been executed; we are now ready to execute the present line. Let me make some explanations before we proceed. If you look at the Editor’s Tool Bar, you will observe that the three buttons with curved arrows which were earlier grayed out are now activated. This is because we are now running the debugger. These buttons/commands are used to step through our code (Step into, Step over ‘or Step out) eo00 Ge €| Figure 16. Step into command The Step Into is used to go from one step of the program execution into the next step, entering into any called functions within that code line. Click on the button or press F11 to invoke the command. (We will use this command in our Step-by-Step debugging of our code.) Ovo GEIS Figure 17. Step over command htpsiwwn.mal. convenfarticles!1002print= 2235 arzoz018 MALS Site / Step-By-Step Guide fo wring an Experl Advisor in MQLS for Beginners - MALS Ailes The Step over, on the other hand does not enter into any called function within that code line. Click on the button or press F10 to invoke the command lO 0 O|GG lz Step out, Shift FEL Figure 18. Step out command To execute a program step that is one level higher, you click this button or press Shift+F11. Also, at the lower part of the Editor, you will see the Toolbox window. The Debug tab in this window has the following headings: File : This displays the name of the file been called Function : This displays the present function from the file been called Line : This displays the number of the code line in the file from which the function is called. Expression : This is where you can type the name of any expression/variable you are interested in monitoring from our code. = Value : This will display the value of the expression/variable we typed at the Expression area. = Type : This will display the data type of the expression/variable been monitored. Back to our debugging process... ‘The next thing we want to do is now to type in the variables/expressions from our code that we are interested in monitoring. Make sure you only monitor the variables/ expressions that really matters in your code. For our ‘example, we will monitor the followin: + Old_Time (old bar time) = New_Time[0] (current bar time) = IsNewBar (flag that indicates the new bar) + Mybars (Total bars in History) - Our EA depends on it ‘You can add other ones like the ADX values, the MA-8 values, etc. To add the expression/variable, double-click under the Expressions area or right-click under the Expressions area and select Add as shown in the figure above. ‘Type the expression/variable to monitor or watch. Fle Function Li. | Expression Value Type © (MQLI\Siperts\My.Firet_EfmeS Ontick —79| (Ola. ‘om | Search | Debug [Aricies | Figure 19. The exoressions watching window ‘Type all the necessary variables/ expressions... htpsiwwn.mal. convenfarticles!1002print= 2435 MALS Site / Step-By-Step Guide fo wring an Experl Advisor in MQLS for Beginners - MALS Aticles szozots * Fe Function Li | Exoression value Type © \MQLAEperiAMy fit EAmgs _Onick _—_(79._|[9 Old-Time 1970010: 600000 datetime D New Time[0] 'D'1970.01.01 00:00:00° datetime [Newer fase bool [Mytar| ever [Seren | Debuy [Aria] Figure 20, Adding expressions or variables to watch If the variable hasn't been declared yet, its type is "Unknown identifier” (except the static variables). Now, lets move on... EI) G-| F wf -| Gomi |O O —_ @|Se static datetime Old Time; Gatetime New Time(2]; bool IslewSar=felse; “we 01 int copie: @2 if (copied) // ox, the aa opying the last bar vine to the ame (0) Ga ‘opyTime ( Symbol, Pericd,0,1,New Time) ; has been copied t equal to new bar time : \ st(oid_Time!-New timefo}) // if oid vine 4 : IsNewBarstrae; // if if (MQLSInfoInteger (MQL5_DEBUGGING)} Print("We have new bar here * the new bar has apr Old Time-New Tame [0]? ; Function Lin. | Expression Type tEAmgs OnTick 80 | © Old Time datetime © New_Timel0] datetime Fah copied T int [BBicNewBar false bool [aybss eearee rat Figure 21. Step into command in action Click the Step into button or press F11. and observe what happens. Keep on pressing this button or F11 until you get to breakpoint no 2, continue until you get to breakpoint no 4 as shown below and observe the ‘expressions watching window. htpsiwwn.mal. convenfarticles!1002print= 25135, arzoz018 MALS Site / Step-By-Step Guide fo wring an Expert Advisor in MQLS for Beginners - MALS Aticles BB) a-|" w/b O00/&EE|E should only check for new trade if we have a new ber @|3 if (TsNewBar==faise) Ry |Jn-— Do we have enough bars to work 4 int Mybars-Bars(_Symbol, Period): 5 ie(iybars w Status Bar © Charts Bar Depth OF Market > 1 GBPUS| 5) Market Watch cua se epan| E Data Window Ctred arece [FE Navigator CtrieN, e aubug El Toolbox Chie (ts SET avast" Futscreen Al Figure 26, Starting the Strategy Testing The Tester (Strategy Tester) is shown at the lower part of the terminal. For you to see all the Tester’s settings, you need to expand/resize it. To do this, move your mouse pointer to the point shown by the red arrow (as shown below) 5 Trae [Bposure | Hitoy | News | Mallbox | Alets | Spets | Jounal | bee asi Execution: (Nomad a Gy 210052 B+ Testng progess: | (| [Stat Settings [Tnputs | Agents | Journal | | Spat: (Ny Fist Aes =] EURUSDN > (he 2 Figure 27. The Strategy Tester window The mouse pointer changes to a double-end arrow, hold down the mouse and drag the line upwards. Stop when you discover that you can see everything on the settings tab. htpsiwwn.mal. convenfarticles!1002print= 30135 arzorz018 MALS Site / Step-By-Step Guide fo wring an Expert Advisor in MQLS for Beginners - MALS Aticles snot: [NEE SS) aa = ia SS See ae ST —— Boa Depost: 10000 7—Bev USD Opinzaton: [Deabled By) [Baencenax 5 Foran io ao1a0e 02 7 Tesingproress: | | [stat Setting ute | Agents | Jeural | [ Figure 28. The Strategy Tester Settings Tab . Select the EA you want to test . Select the Currency pair to use for the test . Select the Period/ Timeframe to use for the test . Select Custom Period and set the dates in 5 . Set the dates for the custom period to be used for the test . Execution is Normal . Select the deposit amount in USD to be used for the test . Set Optimization to Disable (We are not optimizing now, we just want to test) . Click this button when you are ready to start test. WC eNanaene Before we click the Start button, lets look at the other tabs on the Tester Agents Tab The processor used by the Tester for the Test. Depending on your Computer's processor type. Mine is only one (1) core processor. get Hordware CPU Usege Sous AS! Beal x « Bi Gorei Intel Xeon 3.20GHz, 1023 MB, PR75 ready lgl- Remote [Settings | Inputs | Agents [Journal | Figure 29. The Strategy Tester Agents tad Once the agent, you will see something similar to the figure below htpsiwwn.mal. convenfarticles!1002print= 3135 arzoro18 MALS Site / Step-By-Step Guide fo wring an Expert Advisor in MQLS for Beginners - MALS Aticles *) Agent Hardware CPU Usage Status fe Local BR Cores Intel Xeon 3.20GHz, 1023 MB, PRED —— 98% gBe Remote Settings | Inputs | Graph [Agents [ Journal | Figure 30. The Strategy Tester Agents tab during a test Journal Tab This is where all the events going on during the test period is displayed “| Time Source Message a © 2010-0607 054052 Corel deal perform [#350 sell 0.10 EURUSD at 125950] © 2010-0607 054052 Core deal #350 sell0.10 EURUSD at 1.25850 done (based on order #350), © 2010-0607 054052 Core instant zell.10 EURUSD ot 1.25950 a1 26280 tp 1.24950 (1.25850 / 1.25963 / 1. (© 2910-0607 05:40:52 Core order perforrned cll O10 at 26219 [#240 cell 010 EURUSD at 1.25419] © 2010-0607 064052 Corel deal performed [£39 sel 0.10 EURUSD at 126419) ‘© 2010-0607 0640352 Core deal #349 sell010 EURUSD at 1.25418 done (based on order #349), © 2010-0607 054052 Core stop loss triggered buy 010 EURUSD 1.26719 sh 1.26449 fpr 1.27719 [#249 zal | © 2010.0607 06:4052 Cored ‘A Buy order has been successfully olaced with Ticket 348 l My | Settings | Inputs | Resuits | Graph | Agents [Journal Figure 31. The Strategy Tester Journal tab showing trade activities This is where you can specify the input parameters for the EA. * Veriable Value stop Loss 2 1 Take Profit 300 ADK Period 8 T Moving Average Period 8 7 EAMagic Number a5 Minimum ADX Value 20 T Lots to Trade oa Settings LInpats [ Results | Groph | Agents | Journal | Figure 32. The Strategy Tester Inputs tab If we are optimizing our EA, then we will need to set the values in the circled area. = The Start is the values you want the Tester to begin with. = The Step is the increment rate for the value you selected, and = The Stop is the value at which the Tester will stop incrementing the value for that parameter. However, in our case we are not optimizing our EA, so we will not need to touch that for now. Once everything is set, we now go back to the Settings tab and click the Start button. Then the tester begins its work. All you need to do now is to go and take another cup of coffee if you like, of, if you are like me, you may want to monitor every event, then turn to the Journal tab. htpsiwwn.mal. convenfartictes!1002pri sas arzoz018 ‘Graph tab Once you begin to see messages about orders been sent on the Journal Tab, you may then wish to turn to a NEW tab named Graph which has just been created. Once you switch to the Graph tab, you will see the graph keep on increasing or decreasing as the case may be depending on the outcome of your trades. MALS Site / Step-By-Step Guide fo wring an Experl Advisor in MQLS for Beginners - MALS Ailes Tie) ee ans 10640 | [Maca Level 0340 |B 2n0ctos 00138 2010.01.23 20100210 2010.02.24 201003. F Settngs | Inputs | Resuts | Graph [ agents | Journal | DInGE25 —20LOOKI2 20000426 OLOOSGE 2UNS4 Figure 33. The graph result fr the Expert Advisor Test Results tab Once the test is completed, you will see another tab called Results. Switch to the Results tab and you will see the summary of the test we have just carried out. * Intial Depost 19 000.00 * ‘bers 475 Ties 4545073 Total Net Prof 145210 Gross Profit 505250 Gross Loss 2600.40 Profit Factor 140 Eipected Payoff 754 Recovery Factor 316 Sharpe Ratio 2643 | Belance Drawdown Ab. 30280 Balance Drawdown Ma, 382200.75%8) Balance Drawdown Ren 3.75% (382.29) |= _Ecuty Deawdown Abe. 31720 Equity Dranclown Max. 44530 (125%) Equity Drawdown Rela. 4.25% (445.20) [Total Tredes 190 ShertPosiions (won %) 116 (B7.07%4) Long Positions (won %) 74 25.68%) Profit Trades (ot tot.. 62 (263%) Loss Trades ("sof total) 128 67.37%) | Largest profittade 10050 loss rede 3060 | | 3 Average profit trade S140 tosetrade m2 . Maximum — consecutive wins 6) 3200.00) consecutivelosses|§) 13 (382.20) _ ) Setince | Topas LResuts [Graph | Agente | Journal | Figure 24, The Strategy Tester Results tab showing test results summary You can see the total Gross Profit, Net Profit, total trades total loss trades and many more. Its really interesting to see that we have about USD 1,450.0 within the period we selected for our test. At least we have some profit. Let me make something very clear to you here. You will discover that the settings for the EA parameters that you see in the Strategy tester is different from the initial settings in the Input parameters of the EA. | have just demonstrated to you that you can change any of those input parameters to get the best out of your EA. Instead of using a period of 8 each for the Moving Average and ADK, | changed it to 10 for Moving Average and 14 for ADX. | also change the Stop Loss from 30 to 35. Last but not the least, | decided to use 2 Hour timeframe. Remember, this is the Strategy Tester. If you want to view a complete report of the test, then right-click on anywhere in the Results tab, you will see a menu. From this menu, Select ‘Save as Report’. htpsiwwn.mal. convenfartictes!1002pri sas sr20/2018 MALS Site / Step-By-Step Guide fo wring an Experl Advisor in MQLS for Beginners - MALS Aticles Results Settings | Inputs “Graph | Agents | Journal | * ital Depest 7000000 = ‘bare 1575 Ticke “Total Net Profi 145210 Grose raft [eae T uase 2640 | ott Factor ao epee paaF| owen | I ecovery Factor 325 SurpeReo | aare beats | ste Drvdown A 20290 Rance Deda peoon feeDrendownRel. 375% 05220) = | Equity Drawdown Abe. 31720 Equity Drowdown Na} L Drawdown ela... 425% (4530) (Total Trades 390 Short Positions (won Export | Positions (won %) 74 (25.6894) ! Prof Trades (696 6 Open Chart Trades (%oftotal) 128 6737% | EERE Ie 6 | | Average profit trade rade 223 ! aS 220000) conceutvelowee(6)—— 42 (8290) | I Figure 35, Saving the result ofthe test The save dialog window will appear, type a name for your report (if you want, otherwise leave the default name) and click the save button. The whole report will be saved in HTML format for you. To view the chart for the test that was carried out, click Open Chart and you will see the chart displayed EURISO A Last LiG7es LS 1a My. Fist EA testng with StopLossh30; TatePro Ying y \, "y, ar “A 131170 000000; Leto. 10000 1.20065 1.28960 127855 126750 + 1.28645 122330 121225 Say 2010 EMay 1400 FMay 2200 1A Nay 0600 T2May 1400 13 May 22a 7 May On00 TE May 1400 19 May 2200 21May 06:00 Figure 36. The chart showing the test That's it, we have successfully written and tested our EA and we now have a result to work with. You can now go back to the strategy tester Settings tab and make the test for other Timeframes/Period. Assignment I want you to carry out the test using different currency pairs, different timeframes, different Stop Loss, different Take profit and see how the EA performs. You can even try new Moving Average and ADX values. AS | said earlier, that is the essence of the Strategy tester. | will also like you to share your results with me. Conclusion In this step by step guide, we have been able to look at the basic steps required in writing a simple Expert Advisor based on a developed trading strategy. We have also looked at how we check our EA for errors using the debugger. We also discussed how to test the performance of our EA using the Strategy Tester. With this, we have been able to see the power and robustness of the new MQLS language. Our EA is not yet perfect or complete as many more adjustments must still be made in order to used it for real trading. There is still more to learn and | want you to read the article over again together with the MQLS manual, and try everything you have learn in this article, | can assure you that you will be a great EA developer in no hitps:iwiwn mal. confenfarticles'1002pri 30195 sr20r2018 MALS Site / Step-By-Step Guide fo wring an Experl Advisor in MQLS for Beginners - MALS Ailes distant future. Happy coding. 35195, hitps:iwiwn mal. confenfarticles'1002pri

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