Aa - Chronology by Date

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Chronology of knowledge

Date Event

-3100 Earliest pictograph

-2500 Harappean people start to populate Indus valley
-1800 Beginning of Vedic period
-1750 Abandonment of Indus valley sites
-1650 Aryans arrive in China
-1550 Aryans settle in north of area that became India
-1550 Aryans destroy Indus valley civilisations
-1450 Earliest Vedas composed ?
-1375 Amenhotep - Ikhnaton starts reign - monotheistic
-1350 Ikhnaton's monotheistic reign ends
-1300 Moses - Exodus (or 1350 ? )
-900 Start of period of Brahmanas
-800 Earliest Upanishads composed
-800 Aryans expand to the south
-800 Vedic language disappears from use
-800 Aranyakas
-700 Srauta Sutras
-600 End of period of Brahmanas
-600 Sulbasutras
-600 Pitrimedhasutras
-600 Grhyasutras
-600 Earliest date for Lao Tzu ?
-600 Earliest date for Taiitiriya Upanishad (to 400)
-551 Confucius born
-530 Pythagoras born
-528 Death of Mahavira, founder of Jainism
-500 Subjunctive mood begins to fall out of use
-500 Jyotisha Vedanga (astonomy)
-486 Earliest date of death of Buddha
-479 Confucius dies
-479 Beginning of Greek classics - poetry, drama
-470 Hypocrates born
-469 Socrates born
-437 Plato born
-406 Hypocrates dies
-400 Ashtadhyayi (?)
Date Event

-400 Nighantu
-400 Nirukta
-400 Last Vedic Upanishads composed
-400 Earliest date for Arthasastra
-400 Latest date of death of Buddha
-400 Panini (earliest date)
-399 Socrates dies
-384 Aristotle born
-347 Plato dies
-338 End of Greek classical period
-326 Ending of the Vedic period
-322 Aristotle dies
-300 Panini (latest date)
-300 Latest date for Lao Tzu ?
-300 Writing first spreads in norh India
-273 Asoka's reign starts
-232 Asoka's reign finishes
-200 Pingala - Chandasutra
-200 Earliest date possible for Laws of Manu
-200 Brahma Sutra of Badarayana
-175 Earliest date for Caraka Samhita
-150 Patanjali - Mahabashya
-100 Ramayana (some think earlier)
-100 Mahabharata (some think earlier)
0 Arthasastra
100 Nagarjuna
100 Nyaya sutra (earliest)
120 Latest date for Caraka Samhita
200 Patanjali - Yoga Sutra
200 Latest date possible for Laws of Manu
200 Earliest date for Purva Mimamsa text
300 Samkhya karika
400 St. Augustine
400 Bhaasa - writer of Indian drama
400 Beginning of composition of Puranas
400 Kama Sutra (earliest date)
400 Kaaliidaasa (or 500 AD)
400 Candragupta ll (or 500 AD)
400 Earliest for Bhartṛhari
Date Event

400 Tattvasamasa (Samkhya)

400 Kapila - samkhyapravacanasutra
400 Hitopadesa
400 Nyaya sutra (latest)
404 Latin version of The Bible
500 Brihat Samhita of Varahamihira (architecture)
500 Sabara
500 Matsya Purana (latest date)
500 Markandeya Purana (latest date)
500 Brahmanda Purana (latest date)
500 Jyotish Atrology starts
500 Nyaya Bhashya
500 Vishnu Purana (latest date)
500 Vayu Purana (latest date)
530 Pancasiddhantika of Varahamihira (astrology)
550 Nyaya Vartitika (or 650?)
550 Vakyapadiya
550 Earliest date for Dandin
600 Prasannapada
600 Latest date for Amarakosa of Amarasimha
600 Vyasa (or 700)
600 Approx when Sanskrit named as Sanskrit
600 Kasikavritti
625 Mohammed born
650 Latest date for Dandin
675 Mandana Misra ?
700 Addition of avagraha to Devanagari
700 Nyayabindu
700 Madhva
800 Manubhashya
800 Samkara
800 Siva Sutra
814 Vedic Mathematics starts
900 SiddhaYoga
900 Bhagavat Purana
925 Nyayasara
935 Koran text finalised
1000 Kayata (11th Century)
1000 Brahma Purana (earliest date)
Date Event

1000 Siva Purana (earliest date)

1000 Abhinavagupta
1000 Bhatta Bhaskara
1000 Agni Purana (latest date)
1000 Vastuvidya (architecture)
1000 Mayamata (architecture)
1000 Ganesha Purana (earliest date)
1010 Hastyayurveda
1017 Ramanuja born?
1050 Vedantasara of Ramanuja
1100 Mammatah
1100 Nadi Vijnana
1100 Chakrapanidatta (commenting on Ayur Veda)
1100 Earliest for Kaiyata
1137 Ramanuja dies ?
1150 Nyaya-Vaisheshika starts
1150 First Hindu temple built - Cambodia
1193 Zen Buddhism founded
1200 Jayaratha
1200 Devenagari starts to be used
1350 Sayana
1350 Panchadasi
1400 End of period of composition of Puranas
1450 Vedantasara (Sadananda)
1532 Tulsidas born
1565 End of last great Hindu empire
1600 Siddhānta Kaumudi at earliest
1600 Bhiksu
1600 Growing ideas of Sanskrit as language of Eden
1623 Tulsidas dies
1700 Siddhanta Kaumudi
1813 Term Indo-European invented
1878 Start to consider Sanskrit like any other language
1903 Idea of arctic home of the Vedas
1929 Clarence Irving Lewis - first use of term 'qualia'

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