5052-26 Shipboard Pest Management

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United States Navy

Shipboard Pest Management


NAVMED P-5052-26

May 2008

Through liaison with Dr. M. Mullen, Ms. B. Waters, USDA/ARS, U.S. Grain Market
Research Lab, Manhattan, KS, generously provided laboratory-reared, living stored
products pest specimens for digitally-captured images.

For permission to use: figs. 2-1, 2-2, 2-15 through 2-18, J. Kalisch, Univ. Nebraska –
Lincoln; figs. 2-23 through 2-25, and 2-27 through 2-29, Courtesy of the Central Science
Laboratory, U.K.; fig. 2-37, HMC Knapp; fig. 5-1, P.A. Grove, the Whitmire Micro-Gen
Research Laboratories, Inc; figs. 2-26, 2-31 through 2-33 and Appendix F, U.S. Public
Health Service, CDC, Atlanta, GA.

Figures 2-3 through 2-11, 2-12, 2-15 (inset), and 2-21 were digitally captured from U.S.
Navy photos or films. Figures 2-13, 2-14, 2-19, 2-20, 2-35, 2-36, and 2-38 through 2-40
were provided by Dr. W. Tozer, currently with Navy Environmental Preventive Medicine
Unit 5, San Diego, CA.


Trade names are used in this manual to provide specific information and do not imply
endorsement of the products named or criticism of similar ones not mentioned. Mention
of trade names does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the products by the Navy
Entomology Center of Excellence, the Military Services, or the Department of Defense
Table of Contents

Acknowledgements ............................................................................................. i

Disclaimer............................................................................................................. i

Chapter 1 Overview of the U.S. Navy Shipboard Pest Control Program

Introduction .............................................................................................1-1
Responsibilities .......................................................................................1-1
Education and Training Requirements ....................................................1-3

Chapter 2 Shipboard Pests

Introduction .............................................................................................2-1
The German Cockroach ..........................................................................2-1
Cockroach Control Aboard Surface Ships...............................................2-7
Cockroach Control Aboard Submarines ................................................2-10
Stored Products Pests (SPPs) ..............................................................2-12
Miscellaneous Shipboard Pests ............................................................2-31

Chapter 3 Quarantine Issues

Background .............................................................................................3-1
U.S. Navy Vessels Entering U.S. Ports ...................................................3-2
U.S. Navy Vessels Entering Foreign Ports..............................................3-2
Pierside/Onloading Inspections of Infestible Products ............................3-4
Rodents and Rat Guards.........................................................................3-5

Chapter 4 Records and Reports

Materiel Inventory Records .....................................................................4-1
Pierside/On-Board Inspection Records ...................................................4-1
SSCEC/SSCC Records...........................................................................4-1
Courtesy Technical Assistance Visit/Informal Survey .............................4-1
Pesticide Use Records ............................................................................4-1
Infested Products ....................................................................................4-2

Chapter 5 Pesticides
Pesticide Label........................................................................................5-1
Pesticide Safety ......................................................................................5-3
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ....................................................5-5
Procurement of Pesticides and Pesticide Dispersal Equipment ..............5-6
Pesticide Storage ....................................................................................5-7
Pesticide Mixing and Spills......................................................................5-7

Chapter 6 Pesticide Dispersal Equipment

Aerosol Container Pesticide Dispersal Unit.............................................6-1

Hand-Compressed Air Sprayer ...............................................................6-4

Appendix A- Authorized Shipboard Pesticide List ....................................... A-1

Appendix B- Pest Control Equipment and Supplies .................................... B-1

Appendix C- Personal Protective Equipment ............................................... C-1

Appendix D- Navy Shipboard Pest Management Training Centers ............ D-1

Appendix E- DD Form 1222: Instruction sheet, Blank and Sample Forms. E-1

Appendix F- Shipboard Sanitation Control Exemption Certificate/

Shipboard Sanitation Control Certificate (SSCEC/SSCC) .................F-1

Appendix G- Ship’s Pesticide Inventory and Pierside Inspection Log

Entry Samples ...................................................................................... G-1

Appendix H- Instructions for the Use of the Pest Management Use

Record, DD Form 1532-1...................................................................... H-1

Appendix I- Pest Management Use Record,

DD Form 1532-1 (Blank).........................................................................I-1

Appendix J- Sample Pest Management Use Record,

DD Form 1532-1 (Sample)..................................................................... J-1

Appendix K- References ................................................................................. K-1

Chapter 1
Overview of the U.S. Navy Shipboard Pest
Management Program

INTRODUCTION The Senior MDR ensures an

This manual outlines DoD, OPNAV ongoing shipboard pest control
and BUMED policies and program is maintained. The main
procedures; defines responsibilities; elements of an effective program
and provides detailed guidelines for are:
the U.S. Navy Shipboard Pest
Management Program. The • Rodent Control: An effective
information contained herein is the rodent exclusion program.
combined effort of Navy Medical
Entomologists and Preventive • Fumigation and Commercial
Medicine Technicians to provide a Contracts: Prohibiting fumigation
"ready reference" to assist you in of ships' spaces and prohibiting
conducting a safe, effective, and commercial contracts for pest
environmentally sound program control services aboard ship,
utilizing the concepts of integrated unless specifically approved in
pest control. Your diligence in writing by a Navy Medical
detecting potential problems and Entomologist.
monitoring control measures is
essential. However, controlling • Procurement of Pesticides,
pests aboard naval vessels requires Pesticide Dispersal Equipment,
the cooperative effort of all hands in and Personal Protective
maintaining good sanitary standards Equipment (PPE): Ensuring all
in workspaces, berthing and pesticides (Appendix A), pest
common use areas. control equipment (Appendix B),
and PPE (Appendix C) have
RESPONSIBILITIES been approved for use aboard
The Commanding Officer of a Navy naval vessels by BUMED. A
vessel must ensure the Senior Navy Medical Entomologist must
Enlisted Medical Department be contacted to receive approval
Representative (SMDR) and Hospital for the procurement of non-
Corpsmen responsible for pest standard stock pesticides.
control are certified in shipboard pest
management. Responsible corps- • Meals Ready to Eat (MREs):
men must establish and maintain a Maintaining a control program for
safe and effective program for MRE rations, to prevent materiel
controlling insects, rodents, and loss from pest infestations.
other pests that may affect the health
and well-being of ship’s personnel, • Inspections: Conducting ongoing
lead to loss of materiel, or affect the pierside food acceptance
deployment status of vessels. inspections and shipboard pest
surveillance (every two weeks, or

1- 1 Chapter 1 – Program Overview

more often if necessary, as part • Record Keeping and Reporting:
of food sanitation inspections) to Maintaining an ongoing pest
identify the presence of any pest control log, which adequately
species, including source documents pest control
locations and severity of the procedures and shipboard pest
infestations. Evaluating the control training conducted aboard
effectiveness of control measures ship. Meeting mandated external
through follow-up post-treatment reporting requirements, including
surveys. documentation of pesticide use.

• Sanitation: Recommending • Regulations and Program

appropriate sanitation procedures Guidance: Maintaining a basic
to exclude or eliminate shipboard reference library of written
pests. regulations and program
• Pesticide Safety: Conducting and
supervising safe pest control Vessels with no assigned MDR shall
operations as outlined under obtain technical consultation and
current BUMED instructions, assistance from their cognizant
including: preventive medicine personnel,
NECE or one of the NEPMUs.
• Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE): Navy Medical Entomologists
Coordinating with the assigned to the Navy Entomology
Respiratory Protection Officer Center of Excellence (NECE) and
and Safety Officer to ensure Navy Environmental and Preventive
appropriate National Institute
Medicine Units (NEPMUs) oversee
for Occupational Safety and
the shipboard pest control program.
Health (NIOSH) approved
This oversight is achieved by:
pesticide respirators are
readily available for use (see
Chapter 5). • Providing guidance, on-site
consultation, technical
assistance, and
• Respiratory Protection
recommendations to fleet
Program: Ensure that all
commands on all matters relating
personnel who perform pest
to shipboard pest control.
control operations are
Commands requesting pest
adequately trained in
control services are responsible
respiratory protection and
for adequately preparing spaces
respirator use, medically
for treatment with pesticides and
evaluated, and are receiving
must provide post-treatment
annual respirator fit-testing.
clean up.
• Material Safety Data Sheets • Conducting education and
(MSDSs): Maintaining MSDSs for training of selected personnel for
all pesticides stored or used certification as shipboard pest
aboard ship. control specialists, following

1- 2 Chapter 1 – Program Overview

procedures outlined in Classroom training is conducted
BUMEDINST 6250.12C. under the supervision of a Navy
Medical Entomologist currently
• Reviewing and evaluating all pest certified as a DoD Pesticide
control procedures, pesticides, Applicator in Category 8. A written
pesticide dispersal equipment, examination with a minimum passing
and new technologies before score of at least 70 percent must be
approval for shipboard use. achieved.

EDUCATION & TRAINING assroom1topics

ClChapter consistOverview
– Program of:
Medical Department Personnel Subject Hours
responsible for pest control Course Introduction and
operations must be certified to Administrative Requirements....... 0.75
conduct shipboard pest control Program Responsibilities
operations by attending and and Training...........................…... 0.25
successfully completing the Biology, Surveillance
Shipboard Pest Control Course (CIN: and Control of:
B-322-1075). Ship’s stewards or • Cockroaches
other personnel assigned pest • Stored Products Insects
management responsibilities on • Rodents
Military Sealift Command (MSC) and • Miscellaneous
U.S. Coast Guard vessels may be Shipboard Pests.........……..... 2.50
trained and certified in shipboard Quarantine Issues....................... 1.00
pest control. Pesticides
• Recording and Reporting Pesticide
Mess Control Specialists, Watch Use
Captains, Mess Deck Masters-At- • Safety, Health and Personal
Arms, and Break-Out or Cargo Protective Equipment
personnel not assigned to MSC • Pesticides and Pesticide Dispersal
ships should be encouraged to Equipment - Use and
attend shipboard pest management Procurement....................... 2.50
training to increase their Review and Examination............. 1.00
understanding of sanitation practices Total Classroom Hours................ 8.00
related to shipboard pest control,
pest recognition, and proper
preparation of spaces before and After ship’s personnel have com-
after pesticides are applied. pleted the classroom portion of the
Although these personnel will not course, the SMDR may schedule the
receive certification, they may field training directly with the
assist the MDR in applying course’s lead instructor or through
pesticides when directly supervised the training department of NECE or
by certified personnel. your cognizant NEPMU. The
Certification Training consists of requirement for field training aboard
one day of classroom (didactic) a vessel should be completed no
instruction and one-half day of field later than 1-week after the classroom
training aboard a ship or vessel. phase. A certificate of completion

1- 3 Chapter 1 – Program Overview

will not be issued until both phases Classes are routinely conducted by
of training are completed. NECE and the NEPMUs. Inform-
ation on convening dates and quotas
Annual training is required to retain can be obtained by contacting these
certification. activities (Appendix D).

1- 4 Chapter 1 – Program Overview

Chapter 2
Shipboard Pests

INTRODUCTION cockroach with an ideal habitat for

Global presence and the increased growth and survival. Their habits and
operating tempo of naval forces body structure enable them to
greatly increase the chances of potentially transmit pathogens that
encountering pests that transmit cause dysentery and diarrhea.
pathogens, infest food supplies, or Cockroaches also impart a foul odor
simply present a nuisance to crew where infestations are well
members. This manual concentrates established. Their presence
on the biology, surveillance, and indicates inadequate sanitary
control strategies of pests that are practices or ineffective cockroach
commonly found aboard ships. control measures. Medical
These pests are prone to inhabit Department personnel must
certain areas, making continual understand the biological
monitoring important for the following characteristics of German
spaces: cockroaches to provide an effective
control program.
• Food service areas
• Sculleries Biology
• Mess decks The German Cockroach (Fig. 2-1a,
• Ship's stores (e.g., soda storage b, c) is a small, flattened, light brown
areas) insect which can be easily identified
from other cockroaches (Fig. 2-2) by
• Snack areas
the presence of two dark longitudinal
• Heads and showers
stripes behind the head (“Lieu-
• Dry provision storage areas. tenant’s bars”). Adult German
• Berthing areas Cockroaches are approximately one-
• Laundry and dry-cleaning shops half inch long. Adult female
• Cleaning gear locker cockroaches produce a visible egg
• Garbage collection areas capsule (called an ootheca) located
at the tip of the abdomen (Fig. 2-1b,
THE GERMAN COCKROACH d). The egg capsule protects the
Importance developing 30-40 eggs until they are
The German Cockroach is the most ready to hatch. Gravid females may
commonly-encountered pest aboard carry the egg capsule up to three
Navy ships. Cockroaches contam- weeks, until the eggs are within 24
inate food and food preparation hours of hatching. The young
areas, and lower crew morale. The cockroaches are called nymphs and
construction characteristics of naval look very similar to the adults. The
vessels make cockroach control very nymphs shed their skins (molt)
challenging. Abundant standing several times as they mature. As
water, food, warmth, and numerous this process continues, they
potential harborages provide the gradually develop wings and

2-1 Chapter 2 – Shipboard Pests

increase in size. Depending upon against a solid surface in small
environmental factors (temperature, cracks and crevices (positive
moisture, food supply), nymphs will thigmotaxis.)
fully mature in 40 to 60 days. The
adults are characterized by fully
developed wings and sexual
maturity. Adults can live up to one
year and a single female is capable
of producing up to six egg capsules
during her lifetime.

German Cockroaches require food,

water, warmth, and harborages
(cracks and crevices usually less
than 1/2-inch wide) for growth and
survival. Their flattened bodies
enable them to hide in tight places Fig. 2-2. Comparison of some common household
that are warm and dark. Even cockroaches

Surveillance Procedures
A visual inspection for cockroach
harborages is an essential part of a
successful control program. Early
identification of sites of cockroach
infestations will reduce the need to
apply pesticides by eliminating the
breeding sources. Frequent
inspections are especially important,
because light infestations usually go
Fig. 2-1. German Cockroach. a = male; b = unnoticed by ship’s personnel until
female; c = nymph; d = egg capsule
the infestation becomes more
difficult to control.
though their exoskeleton is covered
with a thin, water-resistant, waxy Cockroaches normally forage in
coating, they are especially intolerant darkness. Therefore, if cockroaches
of dry areas and will instead be are seen in lighted conditions, it may
found close to available sources of indicate (1) that an extremely large
water. German Cockroaches are population exists in overcrowded
nocturnal and gregarious in habit. harborages, resulting in overflow into
Typically, the cockroach spends the ship’s spaces, or (2) that a
approximately 80 percent of the time harborage has been disturbed,
in the harborage and the remaining causing the cockroaches to disperse.
20 percent foraging within a few feet Additionally, the presence of
of an established harborage. immature and adult cockroaches in
Studies have shown cockroaches the same harborages often indicates
prefer to have their body pressed a well-established infestation.

2-2 Chapter 2 – Shipboard Pests

Cockroaches may also be located in • Steam lines
areas not normally surveyed, and the • Cable bundles
infestation may quickly increase • Berthing
unnoticed. The goal of cockroach • False bulkheads, overheads, and
control will be met only when all splash boards
harborages are located and properly • Lagging and torn insulation
treated or eliminated. • Behind pictures and bulletin
The shipboard pest control specialist • Around holes for plumbing and
should conduct a cockroach survey electrical lines
every two weeks in food service
• Behind drawers
areas, and weekly until cock-
• Around iron supports of counters
roaches are no longer present.
and serving lines
• In hollow furniture and utility legs
(e.g., refrigeration and heavy
equipment supports)
• Oncoming food stores (e.g.,
bagged onions, potatoes), soft
drink containers, and cardboard
• Ovens and oven hoods
• Motor housings, esp., in
refrigeration units, ice cream
machines (Fig. 2-3)
• Deck drains (Fig. 2-4)

Fig. 2-4. Deck drain

• Sinks and drains (Fig. 2-5)

• Steam kettles (Fig. 2-6)
Fig. 2-3. Ice cream machine and motor
• Behind stainless steel plates and
ventilation grating (Fig. 2-7)
• In expansion joints and under
pipe insulation (Fig. 2-8)
Infestations are most likely to be in
and around: • Inside electrical switch, fuse box,

2-3 Chapter 2 – Shipboard Pests

and valve junction panels (Figs. population. Cockroach feces appear
2-9, 2-10) as small, straw-colored to reddish-
• Unsecured debris (Fig. 2-11) dark brown dots near harborages
and infested containers.

Fig. 2-7. Ventilation grating

Fig. 2-5. Deep sinks

Fig. 2-8. Pipe insulation

Fig. 2-6. Steam kettles Special inspection techniques are

necessary to locate cockroach
resting sites and harborages. A
Often the pest control specialist must flashlight is essential when searching
stoop and crawl to locate for cockroach harborages in dark or
harborages. The presence of dimly lit areas. A screwdriver is also
cockroach feces is a good indication needed to remove screen guards
of an active or past cockroach and motor housing covers
(remember to disconnect power to

2-4 Chapter 2 – Shipboard Pests

the motor before removing the small amount of flushing agent into
housing). Replace guards and potential harborages using the tip
housings after inspection. Request extender on the aerosol can and
assistance from Engineering observe the area for 3 to 5 minutes
Department personnel, when for cockroach activity. Flushing
necessary. agents will produce a quick
response, if cockroaches are
present. Because of its repellent
properties, do not apply d-phenothrin
around bait stations or surfaces
treated with boric acid aerosol dust.

Fig. 2-9. Electrical panel

Fig. 2-11. Unsecured packing material

Use caution in areas with electrical

or fire hazards and never spray food
preparation surfaces or equipment.
Food cannot be prepared, served, or
consumed during pesticide
application. When using a flushing
agent during pierside receipt
inspections, avoid spraying the agent
directly on food or food packages.

Cockroach Traps
Cockroach traps (sticky traps) are
Fig. 2-10. Valve junction panel useful survey tools to detect low-
level populations, locate harborages,
and determine the effectiveness of
treatment. Trapping alone will not
Flushing Agents eliminate an infestation. Traps with
Flushing agents are useful in a glue board (sticky trap) and a
locating cockroaches and their protective covering are commercially
harborages. Flushing agents consist available, and in the stock system
of an aerosol pesticide formulation of (Appendix B).
synthetic pyrethroids, such as d- Traps may consist of a rectangular
phenothrin (Appendix A). Spray a box, a glass jar, or similar container

2-5 Chapter 2 – Shipboard Pests

which holds an attractant (e.g., members may also be infested with
manufacturer supplied bait, slice of pests.
banana, fresh bread) to lure the
insect into the trap. Spread an Preventive control strategies can
extremely thin layer of petroleum reduce or eliminate most
jelly just under the inside opening of cockroach infestations by denying
the jar trap to prevent cockroaches cockroaches the basic requirements
from leaving the container. for growth and survival. This
includes preventing cockroaches
Place traps near suspected from accessing food, water, warmth,
harborages and allow them to and harborages, as well as excluding
remain in place for at least 24 hours. cockroaches from supplies being
Place traps in the same locations brought aboard ship. Use preventive
each time. For best results, place control measures on a continuous
them in dark areas along bulkheads basis even in the absence of a
or in corners and use a map of the cockroach infestation. Not only are
surveyed spaces to record their preventive measures effective in
locations. Do not place traps in avoiding infestations, they also
areas that are wet. Count the augment corrective control
trapped cockroaches and record the measures.
results in your pest control log. If
two or more cockroaches per trap A high-level of sanitation is the first
are caught in a 24-hour period, step to effective cockroach control.
pesticide treatment may be Store foods correctly, maintain good
necessary. Live cockroaches in the housekeeping, and eliminate water
traps can be killed by spraying them leaks and spills.
with a 3% solution of dishwashing
detergent (in water). The four key factors that support
cockroach infestations and to which
Prevention cockroaches must be denied access
Conduct pier-side acceptance are food, water, warmth and
inspections (random selection) when harborages:
stores are coming aboard. This is a
critical element of the shipboard pest Food
control program while in port. Cockroaches can exist on very small
German Cockroaches may be amounts of food. Strict adherence to
brought aboard the ship in the egg, the following guidelines will limit the
nymph, or adult stages. Inspect increase of cockroach populations:
potatoes, onions, soda cases, baked
products, milk products, and any • Proper food handling techniques
cardboard box pierside. Segregate • Store food and garbage in
and remove infested items from containers with tight-fitting lids to
packing material. Ensure items are prevent access to foraging
free of cockroaches before bringing cockroaches
them aboard the ship. Personal • Clean food preparation areas,
items carried aboard by crew equipment, and eating utensils
thoroughly after each use

2-6 Chapter 2 – Shipboard Pests

• Clean food spills immediately pesticides would normally be
• Prohibit food consumption in applied. If in doubt, do not seal.
berthing areas • Repair torn, deteriorated, or
damaged lagging and insulation.
Water Check with engineering
German Cockroaches require a department personnel to repair or
readily available source of water. remove insulation and lagging.
Preventing access to water will affect • Promptly remove cardboard and
population reproduction and cardboard boxes from food
survivability. To accomplish this: service areas.
• Prohibit the use of shelf liners.
• Eliminate water leaks • Eliminate false overheads and
• Store wet swabs with the head up bulkheads, if possible.
• Repair clogged drains and • Eliminate unnecessary metal
eliminate standing water coverings or flashing.


Cockroaches can be found in and ABOARD SURFACE SHIPS
around warm, sheltered areas. Food When cockroach populations
packages such as baked goods, become established, it may become
bags of potatoes or onions, and necessary to apply insecticides to
other containers with signs of eliminate the infestation. This is
cockroach infestation can be placed accomplished through the use of
in a refrigerator to kill the dust, liquid, aerosol, and bait
cockroaches. Cockroaches will be pesticide formulations. Conduct a
killed in from 48 to 72 hours at thorough pre-treatment survey
freezer temperatures (0oF). before initiating corrective actions.
The only certain way to assess
Harborages effectiveness of treatment is to
German cockroaches prefer very compare pre-treatment surveys with
small cracks and crevices post-treatment surveys. Actual
(harborages) for resting and hiding. treatment must be performed by
All cracks and crevices should be certified shipboard pest control
suspected as harborage areas for specialists.
cockroaches. Cockroach
populations will be severely stressed Preparation of Treatment Spaces
if harborages are reduced or Before residual insecticide
eliminated. application, properly prepare food
service spaces and implement
• Seal cracks and crevices with a procedures to prevent accidental
caulking compound only when all exposures to food preparation
cockroach access is eliminated. surfaces.
Incomplete sealing of cracks and
crevices will provide a “safe Establish coordination between
zone” for the cockroach departments. This helps in
population by sealing sites where scheduling date and time of the
treatment, materials, and personnel.

2-7 Chapter 2 – Shipboard Pests

Coordination also minimizes area. Completely cover foods
disruption of those areas requiring that cannot be removed with
treatment. Ventilation may need to impervious material such as
be secured during the treatment to aluminum foil or waxed paper.
prevent the spread of insecticide
odors throughout the ship's spaces. • Move all non-fixed equipment
and furniture away from
Notify all individuals directly involved bulkheads to facilitate proper
in preparing the space and all who treatment.
have responsibility for the space.
These personnel should include the • Disconnect equipment with
following: potential electrical spark hazards.

• Executive Officer • Have an electrician secure both

• Food Service Officer exhaust and supply ventilation.
• Department Head Cover vent openings with plastic.
• Supply Officer
• Master-at-Arms • Ensure access panels to all
• Damage Control Assistant power boxes, motor
• Watch Captain compartments, and the
ventilation system are opened
Proper and timely preparation of before beginning treatment.
each space to be treated is critical to These access panels should be
a good pest control program. The opened only by authorized
following checklist provides general personnel.
guidance for preparing spaces, and
may be modified depending on the • Open spaces having false
type of vessel, insecticide to be bulkheads or overhead panels to
used, and severity of the cockroach provide access for treatment.
• Cover all hatches and doorways
• Conduct a complete field day, which do not have covers, cannot
ensuring a thorough “deep be adequately sealed, or will not
cleaning” of all surfaces, as be used, with a plastic or paper
grease and dirt will reduce the cover and tape.
effectiveness of the applied
pesticide. Food service spaces • Post warning signs on all
must have all food contact entrances to spaces under
surfaces covered before treatment.
application. After the treatment is
complete, thoroughly clean these Crack and Crevice Treatment
surfaces with soap and hot water This technique involves the precise
before use. placement of insecticide residues
• Do not allow exposed food or into all existing and potential
food utensils in treatment areas. cockroach harborages. Crack and
Remove all stored food and crevice treatment reduces the
materials from the treatment chance that the insecticide material

2-8 Chapter 2 – Shipboard Pests

will be washed away during routine achieved with a 4-way extender void
cleaning procedures. Dust, liquid, injector tip.
and aerosol insecticide formulations
can be used. Avoid depositing these Post-Treatment Procedures
products onto exposed surfaces or After insecticide treatments have
introducing excessive material into been completed, keeping the area
the air. Random spraying of secured and unventilated for one to
insecticides will not give effective several hours will greatly increase
cockroach control. Avoid the effectiveness of the pesticide
contamination of food, food application (read the pesticide label
utensils, and food processing for reentry statement requirements).
surfaces. In addition:

For crack and crevice treatment, all • Prohibit reentry of personnel into
pesticides in aerosol formulations treated spaces until the space
shall be applied using extender tips. has been ventilated for at least
one-half hour. It may be
Direct the spray into all cracks and necessary to extend this time in
crevices, including: breaks in poorly ventilated spaces or based
insulation and pipe lagging, on specific pesticide label
overhead wiring, deck drains, motor requirements.
compartments of machinery (when
electrical components can be • Residual insecticides are not
avoided), metal supports under effective in killing cockroaches
counters and installed tables and developing in egg capsules. It is
equipment, behind splash-boards very important for food service
and shields, false bulkheads, personnel to promptly sweep up
pictures, and bulletin boards). Use dead cockroaches and egg
extreme caution when spraying capsules immediately upon
areas where possible electrical or reentry to the space to prevent
fire hazards may exist. new cockroaches from hatching
and seeking untreated
Void Treatments harborages.
To access voids behind false
bulkheads, an extender tip must first • Wash all food contact surfaces
be attached to an aerosol can, or thoroughly after application.
aerosol container pesticide dispersal
unit (Whitmire® PT® System III). • Refrain from a complete field day
The extender tip is then inserted into in treated spaces for a minimum
the void through any existing hole in of 24 hours to prevent
the bulkhead, deck, overhead area, insecticides from being washed
or place where screws can be out of cracks and crevices.
removed and replaced. Do not
make new holes for placement of Pesticide Baits
void treatments. Widest dispersal Pesticide baits authorized for
of a pesticide (e.g., boric acid shipboard use consist of a food
aerosol dust) into a void can be attractant, a humectant (keeps bait

2-9 Chapter 2 – Shipboard Pests

moist), and a stomach poison, all of cause the bait to dry and crack or
which are enclosed in a plastic soften and run. Under these
container for easy placement near conditions, it may be necessary
cockroach harborages. Baits are to replace bait more frequently.
non-repellent, nonvolatile, and do not In heavily infested areas, the bait
produce air contaminants. The in bait stations may be consumed
stomach poison is slow acting quickly and the empty stations
compared to residual insecticides, so used as a harborage for surviving
an immediate decrease in cockroach cockroaches. Check some of
population levels may not be these by cutting them open and
observed. It may take from 1 to 2 replacing them as needed.
weeks before there is a noticeable
reduction in cockroach numbers. • Do not place bait or bait stations
Baits can be used in all locations directly on the deck. When
where liquids would otherwise exposed to liquids baits can
present the danger of electrical rapidly degrade and become
shorting or fire. There are no unattractive to cockroaches.
restrictions on where these baits can
be placed and no special site • Do not place baits out in the open
preparations necessary, except such as along the middle of a
clean surfaces to place the baits. wall or on top of a table.
Apply the baits per label directions. Cockroaches typically only forage
When placing bait stations, adhere to a few feet from a harborage.
the following recommendations: Placing baits as close to
harborages as possible
significantly increases their
• Place baits where cockroaches or effectiveness.
their excreta have been detected.
Baits may be placed behind • Do not spray insecticides on or
equipment, inside fuse boxes, the near baits. Residual insecticides
underside of tables, in repel cockroaches and they will
overheads, inside torn or not enter a bait station on a
damaged lagging, in enclosed treated surface. If a flushing
motor areas, and in corners of agent is used for surveys
food preparation surfaces (conducted every two weeks),
(including shelving). take care to avoid contamination
of the bait or areas near the bait.
• Bait stations should be placed
horizontally with the label side COCKROACH CONTROL
against the surface. Vertical ABOARD SUBMARINES
placement significantly reduces Sanitation
the likelihood that cockroaches Berthing spaces are to be inspected
will enter the bait station. every other week by the MDR to
ensure the compartment is free from
• Check a representative sample of insects. Insects in berthing
placed baits periodically (10%, compartments shall be reported to
every 3-7 days). High heat or the Commanding Officer on the
high moisture conditions can formal sanitation report. Absolutely

2-10 Chapter 2 – Shipboard Pests

no open food containers shall be Sufficient quantities of this bait
stowed in personal lockers, under should be maintained to control
bunks, or elsewhere in berthing cockroaches adequately in all food
compartments, working spaces, or service areas. Apply baits per the
offices. No open food packages will label instructions.
be left uncovered.”
(COMSUBLANT/COMSUBPACINST With the exception of approved baits,
6000.2C). pesticides cannot be stored aboard
submarines. Supporting submarine
Pierside Inspections tenders maintain an adequate supply
“Cardboard cartons containing fresh of insecticides and insecticide
provisions…are ideal for the laying of dispersal equipment to meet the
cockroach eggs. These items will be needs of these vessels.
inspected and unloaded topside on
submarines, or left unpacked and the Residual insecticides are repellent to
cartons discarded immediately. cockroaches and they will not enter a
Spraying of d-phenothrin is bait station placed on a treated
authorized for pierside inspection of surface. If a flushing agent is to be
canned, bottled, and individually used aboard a submarine when in
packaged stores. For the inspection port and venting, take care to avoid
of vegetables, fruits, and other items contamination of baits or areas near
such as bagged onions, potatoes, baits. If in doubt, replace with fresh
etc., [d-phenothrin] is not baits or bait stations before the
authorized.” submarine deploys.
6000.2C). The following also applies when
using residual pesticides aboard
Pesticides submarines:
Only when in port and able to
ventilate outboard for at least 24 • Residual pesticides are limited
hours can residual crack and to crack and crevice treatment
crevice pesticide treatment against while using extender tips, and
cockroaches be used. Currently, a will not be used as a space
2% aerosol formulation of d- spray at any time. Avoid
phenothrin and the Whitmire aerosol covering large areas with residual
(PT 565) formulations of pyrethrins insecticides.
are recommended approved • Determine outboard ventilation
pesticides. time during and following
treatment based on treatment
Methods for applying insecticides conditions and the amount of
aboard submarines are the same as pesticide used. The general rule
those used aboard surface vessels. is that the exhaust air shall be
Read and closely adhere to pesticide discharged overboard for at least
label directions and precautions. 24 hours following application.
This should be adequate for
Authorized baits may be used evacuating the propellant and
aboard submarines at any time. pesticide odor.

2-11 Chapter 2 – Shipboard Pests

of contamination. Insect populations
• Use residual pesticides only raise the humidity within the food
when the submarine is not product, increasing mold and fungal
expected to submerge for a growths. Total losses from
period of 24 hours following infestations of SPPs are unknown,
application. but are thought to be in the millions
of dollars annually. When proper
• Secure all equipment having procedures are absent, the potential
flame or electrical spark hazards for loss is enormous.
during treatment and for 24 hours
after application. Some of the contaminated food
supplies found on ships may already
• Secure all food preparation and have been infested before they were
service areas. Cover all food and taken aboard. The most susceptible
food contact surfaces. Wash all supply items are farinaceous
food contact surfaces thoroughly products (those made from flour or
with soap and hot water after other processed grains). Dry beans
application. and peas, candy, spices, and dried
fruit may also be easily infested.
• Prohibit reentry of personnel into
treated spaces until the space In addition to the monetary losses
has been ventilated for at least described above, some species of
one-half hour. It may be SPPs may cause illness. Beetle
necessary to extend this time in larvae belonging to the family
poorly ventilated spaces or due to Dermestidae are covered with tiny
specific pesticide label hairs, which, if eaten, may cause
requirements. serious intestinal distress.

Some stored products pests, such as

STORED PRODUCTS PESTS the Khapra Beetle are internationally
(SPPs) quarantined pests. Caution must be
General Information taken to prevent infestations and, if
Over 100 species of insects, mostly found, to ensure against infesting
beetles and moths, can infest food other ships or port areas through
products brought aboard ship. Only infested consumables.
a few species are responsible for the
majority of damage to stored Biology
commodities. The majority of SPPs are small,
avoid light, and multiply rapidly under
SPPs can cause considerable favorable conditions. Stored
damage to stored subsistence. subsistence provides an ideal
Losses are much greater than the environment for the development of
amount actually consumed because SPPs because of an abundance of
food, contaminated by feces, odors, nutrients, a stable environment
webbing, cast skins, and live or dead under most storage conditions, and a
insects, may need to be discarded or lack of natural parasites and
destroyed, depending on the degree predators. Detection is difficult

2-12 Chapter 2 – Shipboard Pests

because the infestation often Most members of the family feed on
remains hidden inside packaging. animal products such as fur, hides,
Discovery is often delayed until skins, feathers, and dead insects,
insect populations are well and are common pests in
established. warehouses throughout much of the
world. The adults and larvae are
A key feature of the biology of SPPs capable of penetrating both
is their ability to conserve water. polyethylene and foil packaging.
This makes them well adapted for
infesting dry stores. They are
extremely resistant to dehydration,
excrete only dry material, and retain
metabolic water resulting from the
breakdown of foods. Because of
these adaptations, they are able to
thrive in low moisture environments.

Like all cold-blooded animals,

activities of SPPs are temperature-
dependent. Below an upper limit, Fig. 2-12. Dermestid beetle larva
development is faster as
temperature increases. Thus
reduction of temperature and cold The Khapra Beetle
storage of susceptible or infested This dermestid beetle probably
commodities are effective measures originated from India, and has
for the prevention and control of become a quarantinable insect of
SPPs. medical importance worldwide.

The more important stored products The adults and larvae are generally
pests, which may be found aboard brown in color and covered with
ship, are divided into two groups: (1) yellowish hairs. In contrast to other
Medically Important and (2) Non- dermestid species, it feeds on grains
Medically Important. and cereal products, instead of
animal products.
Medically Important SPPs
Dermestid Beetles Adult Khapra Beetles may live a few
Beetles in the family Dermestidae days to several months. However,
(Fig. 2-12) are medically important the larvae of the Khapra Beetle are
because hairs on the outside of the especially resistant to starvation, and
larvae can cause intestinal trauma, may live for several years without
eye irritation, dermatitis and allergic food (Munro 1966). A small
reactions (Wirtz 1991). Adult infestation can very quickly develop
dermestids can be recognized by the into large populations and, unless
characteristic patterns of various completely eradicated from a ship,
colors on their wing covers. An adult can continue to survive unnoticed in
female can produce approximately small numbers for long periods of
100 eggs during her lifetime. time.

2-13 Chapter 2 – Shipboard Pests

Because all dermestid larvae have
external hairs, and because the
Khapra Beetle, in particular, is
difficult to distinguish from other
dermestid species, any dermestid
infestation must be handled
extremely aggressively. Every effort
must be taken to ensure complete
Fig. 2-14. Confused Flour Beetle
control and thorough destruction of
the infested product. An infestation
of one or more living or dead
larvae of Trogoderma or other Both species are common pests of
dermestid species shall be crackers, cereals, flour, and other
justification for condemnation of the grain products. While adults of the
lot Red Flour Beetle can fly, the
Confused Flour Beetle does not.
Flour Beetles Neither are good package
The Red Flour Beetle and the penetrators, usually relying on
Confused Flour Beetle are very existing openings.
similar in appearance. They are also
called “Tribolium” beetles. The When present in large numbers, both
terminal three antennal segments of species cause flour to turn gray in
the Red Flour Beetle are distinctly color and impair its baking qualities.
larger than the other antennal Adult flour beetles also secrete
segments (Fig. 2-13.) benzoquinones, which impart a
disagreeable taste and odor to
infested products. The reported
toxic and carcinogenic effects of the
benzoquinones and possible levels
in stored foods indicate a potential
hazard (Wirtz 1991). Because of
this, a tolerance level of only 3 or
more insects per pound for flour
beetle infestations is lower than the
limit of 7 or more insects per
pound for most other insects (MIL-

Flour beetles appear as shiny,

flattened, reddish-brown insects.
Fig. 2-13. Red Flour Beetle
The head and upper parts of the
thorax are densely covered with
In contrast, the antennal segments of minute pitting. The wing covers are
the Confused Flour Beetle gradually ridged lengthwise. The female flour
increase in size throughout their beetle lays an average of 440 eggs
length, similar to the shape of a in her lifetime. Each egg is covered
baseball bat (Fig. 2-14). with a sticky secretion that allows the

2-14 Chapter 2 – Shipboard Pests

egg to adhere easily and securely to
the seams of sacks and boxes. The Adults are reddish-brown and have a
adult may live 2-3 years. long “beak” or ”snout” that extends
out from the head. It may be as long
Non-Medically Important SPPs as ¼ the length of the body. The
Saw-Toothed Grain Beetle adult can be easily recognized by the
The Saw-Toothed Grain Beetle (Fig. presence of two yellowish or reddish
2-15) is the most common SPP
aboard ship. It can infest a wide
range of commodities including grain
products, dried fruits, candy, sugar,
dried meats, and tobacco products.
The adult is slender, flat, and brown.
It is easily recognized by the six saw-
toothed-like projections on each side
of the thorax. The female can lay as
many as 280 eggs during her
lifetime. The adult usually lives 6 to
10 months, but some may live for up Fig. 2-16. Rice Weevil
to 3 years. The Merchant Grain
Beetle is nearly identical in spots on the top of each front wing.
appearance, similar in habit, but
more abundant in the Pacific region. Indian Meal Moth
Both are poor package penetrators, The Indian Meal Moth (Fig. 2-17) has
normally utilizing breaks along a worldwide distribution and is the
seams, vent holes, or other number one pest of dried fruits in
openings. storage. It also infests other com-
modities, including grain products,
nuts, powdered milk, candy, and pet

It can be a problem, especially in

packaged food items in vending
machines and snack areas aboard
ship. When infesting grain products,
it prefers coarse flours and is
commonly found in items like corn
meal. The fully-grown larvae are
large compared to other common
Fig. 2-15. Saw-Toothed Grain Beetle SPPs (about one-half inch long).
The most commonly seen “white
worms” found in packaged dried
Rice Weevil fruits are nearly always the larvae of
The Rice Weevil (Fig. 2-16) is this moth. They also produce silk
considered to be one of the most webbing, which further lowers the
destructive of the stored products quality of the infested commodity.
pests, feeding on a variety of raw The adults of this moth have a
grains and grain products. grayish band across the upper 1/3 of

2-15 Chapter 2 – Shipboard Pests

their reddish-bronze wings. The hardened front wings are smooth in
wings are folded over the abdomen appearance.
when resting. The female moth lays
from 100 to 300 eggs during her Drugstore Beetle
lifetime. The Drugstore Beetle (Fig. 2-19), like
its close relative the Cigarette
Beetle, is very active and will eat
almost anything. They can even
ingest poisons such as strychnine

Fig. 2-17. Indian Meal Moth

Cigarette Beetle
The Cigarette Beetle (Fig. 2-18) Fig. 2-19. Drugstore Beetle
infests a wide variety of foods
including grains, spices, herbs, dried and belladonna. In addition to food
meats, drugs, and pet food. The products, they can consume paper
adults are very active and fly readily, and wood and can be serious pests
increasing the risk of adjacent food in books. They have been known to
bore through sheet lead, and have
little difficulty penetrating metal foil
packaging. The adult is reddish-
brown in color. In contrast to the
Cigarette Beetle, the last 3 segments
of the antennae are elongated and
sausage-like in shape. The front
wings have parallel lines along their
length. Its life history and habits
resemble the Cigarette Beetle.
Fig. 2-18. Cigarette Beetle
Booklice (psocids)
stores becoming quickly infested. Booklice (Fig. 2-20) are minute
They are capable of penetrating insects about the size of a pinhead
both polyethylene and paper and are sometimes found covering
packaging. The adult is light-brown stored food products (flour, cereals).
in color and appears rounded. The These almost transparent insects are
head is bent downward, giving the about 1 mm long. They feed on
adult a hump-backed appearance. cereal products, vegetable and
The last segments of the antennae animal debris, paste, glue, and other
are saw-like or triangular, and the organic substances. However, their

2-16 Chapter 2 – Shipboard Pests

preferred foods are molds and fungi, from egg to adult in about 3 weeks.
indicative of conditions of high One common psocid, the Booklouse,
humidity, which can also attract other is often extremely abundant in stored
SPPs to the site or product. Each grain products.
female lays up to 100 eggs, growing

A more comprehensive list of
selected stored products pests that
may be encountered aboard ship is
found in Table 2-1 (next page.)

Fig. 2-20. Booklouse

2-17 Chapter 2 – Shipboard Pests

Table 2-1. Characteristics of some stored products pests found aboard ship

Length Days to
of develop
adult (egg to Adults Common type of
Insect (mm) adult) can fly Presence product attacked1,2,3
Saw-Toothed Grain 2-3 30-50 No Very common Packaged cereals, crackers,
Beetle dried fruits, candy, flour, meal,
sugar, dried meat, tobacco,
wide variety of grain products
Merchant Grain 2-3 30-50 Yes Very common Oatmeal, rice, flour, cake mixes,
Beetle (Pacific region) macaroni, cookies

Cigarette Beetle 2-3 30-50 Yes Very common Tobacco, breakfast cereals,
spices (esp., dry cocoa
powder), raisins, rice, teas
Drugstore Beetle 2-3 60-210 Yes Very common Flour, oatmeal, spices, leather
Bean Weevil 2-3 20-90 Yes Very common Dried Navy beans, kidney
beans, peas, seeds
Pea Weevil and 3-5 20-90 Yes Very common Dried peas and other beans
Cow Pea Weevil
Rice Weevil 2-4 30-50 Yes Very common Pasta, rice, raw grains, nuts,
Red Flour Beetle 3-4 30-120 Yes Very common Flour, other grain products,,
(health concern, beans, peas, dried fruits,
if 3 or more per shelled nuts, spices, chocolate
Confused Flour 3-4 30-120 No Very common Flour, other grain products,
Beetle (health concern, beans, peas, dried fruits,
if 3 or more per shelled nuts, spices, chocolate
Furniture Carpet 2-3 90-200 Yes Common Woolens, feathers, silk, animal
Beetle (health concern, fibers (hides with hair), natural
dermestid bristles, products of animal
species, if 1 or origin
more larvae/lot)
Common Carpet 3-5 80-200 Yes Common Woolen goods, rugs,
Beetle (health upholstered furniture
species, if 1 or
more larvae/lot)
Khapra Beetle 2-3 60-300+ Seldom Rare Raw grains, including wheat,
(USA barley, rice; dry milk
quarantine products, breakfast cereals,
dermestid dried fruits (a concern with
species, if 1 or products from SW Asia,
more/lot) Middle East and North Africa
Varied Carpet 2-3 1 Yes Common Grain products, woolens, silks,
Beetle generation (health concern, feathers, products of animal
per year dermestid origin, rodent nests, dead
species, if 1 or insects
more larvae/lot)

2-18 Chapter 2 – Shipboard Pests

Table 2-1 (continued)
Characteristics of some stored products pests found aboard ship

Length Days to
of develop
adult (egg to Adults Common type of
Insect (mm) adult) can fly Presence product attacked1,2,3
Warehouse 2-3 40-60 Yes Common Grain products, dead insects
Beetle (health
species, if 1 or
more larvae/lot)
Lesser Grain 2-3 30-60 Yes Common Flour and other raw grains,
Borer esp., wheat, corn
Flat Grain Beetle 1-2 35-85 Yes Rare Broken raw grain, and other
grain products, including
Spider beetles 2-3 90-300 No Rare Broken grain, seeds, dried
(Family: Ptinidae) fruits and meats, woolens
and dried animal products,
rat and mouse droppings
Indian Meal Moth 8-10 25-135 Yes Very common Flour, corn, cornmeal, dried
(esp., in fruits, nuts, powdered milk,
vending crackers, biscuits, chocolate,
machine areas) dried red peppers, dried
Almond Moth 10-12 60-120 Yes Common Cereals, cocoa beans, dried
fruits, flour, grain, peanuts,
seeds, shelled nuts
Mediterranean 10-14 30-40 Yes Rare Flour, cereals, bran, biscuits,
Flour Moth seeds, chocolate, dried fruits
Processed grain products: flour, pasta, rice, grits, oatmeal, cornmeal, farina (cream of wheat),
bakery mixes (cake, biscuit mixes), cookies, crackers, ice cream cones, (dry pet food is not
commonly found aboard ship, but is a highly infestible item if on-loaded).
Raw grains (unprocessed grain products): wheat, rice, corn, barley, oats, rye.
Spices: red & black pepper, cinnamon, dry cocoa powder, dry chili spice mix.

Surveillance Procedures

Pierside and Onboard Inspections

Inspection of infestible commodities
before on-loading is critical in
preventing infestations of SPPs
aboard ship. Inspect all dry food
products upon receipt and reject
them if evidence of infestation is
found. Conduct pierside inspections
at time of receipt (Fig. 2-21).
Conduct onboard inspections of all Fig. 2-21. Conducting a pierside inspection

2-19 Chapter 2 – Shipboard Pests

replenishments within 48 hours of when SPPs enter or exit the
receipt, including newly-acquired packaging.
stored products transferred from
supply ships at sea (Fig. 2-22). • Invert items in plastic bags and
look for insect excrement (a fine
powdery substance) which may
have fallen to the bottom of the

• Examine seams and folds in

packaging and the inside corners
of cardboard boxes.

• Pay special attention to any items

at or near the inspection test date
Fig. 2-22. Ship-to-ship onloading
(ITD). These items have a higher
risk of infestation.

• The Jack-of-the-Dust, Cargo-

Personnel performing the receipt King, or other personnel
inspection can be either medical or responsible for maintaining the
supply department members, but all storage space should conduct
shall be trained in inspection biweekly storage inspections.
procedures. Detailed inspection The Medical Department should
procedures are provided in MIL- be immediately notified whenever
STD-904B. It is not necessary to live or dead insects are found.
inspect every package. However,
the greater the number of packages Table 2-2. Recommended sample sizes to determine
inspected, the greater the probability infestation levels of SPPs
of discovering infestations. Random Lot size Sample
inspection of packages should (Primary container) size
detect infestations of SPPs. Sample 2 to 15 2
sizes, based on the number of
16 to 50 3
packages per primary container, are
51 to 150 5
provided in Table 2-2.
151 to 500 8
General inspection and surveillance 501 to 3,200 13
procedures are as follows: 3,201 to 35,000 20
35,001 to 500,000 32
• Perform the receipt inspection 500,001 and over 50
with the aid of a flashlight.
• Medical Department personnel
• Examine packaging (e.g., should inspect storerooms at
individual boxes, plastic bags, or least monthly, or more often as
cardboard boxes) for the needed, to ensure the highest
presence of live or dead insects; level of sanitation is maintained.
cast “skins,” or pinholes made SMDR’s should recommend that

2-20 Chapter 2 – Shipboard Pests

all broken containers, torn sacks, • Preserving at least two
and spilled food should be specimens in 70 percent ethyl
removed immediately. Decks alcohol (or isopropyl alcohol, if
should be swept and vacuumed, ethyl alcohol is unavailable). This
especially prior to receipt of new is especially important for
food stores. immature or adult soft-bodied
stages, e.g., lice, which will
• Items most susceptible to otherwise “shrink” and be hard to
infestation should receive priority identify if preserved and shipped
during storeroom surveys. dry.
Carefully check cereals and other
products containing raisins. They • However, adult moths should be
are especially vulnerable to submitted dry in vials without
SPPs. alcohol, or carefully placed into
folded postage envelopes. If an
Past experience has shown the envelope is used, place it on a
following items have the highest piece of cardboard with a short
probability of infestation: section of cardboard on each
side of the envelope to act as
• Grits protective “spacers”. Place
• Cornmeal another piece of cardboard over
• Farina the envelope and the other
• Fry mix cardboard pieces, taping them all
• Macaroni/Pasta
• Barley
• This dry preservation technique
• Cookie and cake mix will keep their scales from falling
• Flour off into the alcohol, while
• Dry beans and peas maintaining key color patterns
• Ready to eat cereal used for identification. However,
• Spices it is still advisable, if several
specimens are available, to
preserve a few in alcohol, since
Reporting Infestations of SPPs - species that are difficult to
DD Form 1222. All infestations of identify by color patterns alone
SPPs must be submitted for can often be more easily
identification and reported. Send examined microscopically using
labeled SPP specimen samples with characters preserved in alcohol.
a completed DD Form 1222,
"Request for and Results of Tests” to
• Whether a dry or alcohol-filled
the nearest NEPMU or to NECE.
vial is used, place tissue (do not
Instructions for completing DD Form
use cotton) in each end of the
1222 and examples can be found in
vial to prevent movement of the
Appendix E.
specimens during mailing or hand
delivery. If cotton is used instead
Minimum requirements for submitting
of tissue, specimens will be
specimens include:
tangled in the fibers, and

2-21 Chapter 2 – Shipboard Pests

extremely hard to free for • Ship’s address and Unit
identification without damaging Identification Code (UIC).
the specimens. Several
specimens of the same • Point of contact, with telephone
suspected type from the same number when in port.
collection site can be packed in a
single vial, alternating layers of • Quarantine measures taken.
tissue on either side of each
specimen. • Amount of product at risk.

• Carefully pack all vials and/or • Storage site and type of product
cardboard protected paper infested.
envelopes in thick, well-padded
mailing envelopes or cylinders MIL-STD-904B lists the following
before final shipping. thresholds for determining fitness for
human consumption of commodities
Following identification, the DD 1222 infested with SPPs. Products
will be returned to the submitting require disposal when the insects
activity, which should forward a copy are found within (not external)
to the appropriate accountable inspected packages, as follows:
officer and the Defense Supply
Center Philadelphia, DSCP-HROS, • One or more dermestid
700 Robbins Ave. – Building 6, larva(e), adult(s), or cast
Philadelphia, PA 19111-5092. skin(s) per lot.

Additional Reporting • Three or more flour beetle

Requirements for Infested Stores (Tribolium) larvae or adults per
pound of product.
NAVSUP Publication 486 Volume
1, Food Service Management, • Seven or more of any other
states that the presence of insect- insects (larvae or adults) per
infested products warrants a pound of product.
“Suspected Hazardous Food Item
Message” to be sent to DSCP, Prevention
Philadelphia. This message is in Preventive controls are the first line
addition to submission requirements of defense against SPP infestations.
of a DD Form 1222. A sample If properly conducted, the following
message is provided in NAVSUP P- measures should keep any vessel
486. Responsibilities and procedural SPP free:
guidelines for recall of hazardous
food products are outlined in Sanitation
NAVSUPINST 10110.8C. Sanitation is extremely important in
prevention of infestations of SPPs.
When hazardous food messages are Infested items shall be isolated or
sent, include NECE or an NEPMU as promptly disposed of to prevent
an information addressee and: contamination of other materials. A
small amount of flour on the deck or

2-22 Chapter 2 – Shipboard Pests

accumulations of dust in cracks and increase inspection frequency to
crevices is enough to maintain a monthly or shorter.
SPP infestation. Always keep store-
rooms clean. Adhere to the following • Warm temperatures shorten
principles of storeroom sanitation at insect development time and are
all times: justification for frequent
inspection of infestible items.
• Clean up all spills immediately.
• Cool temperatures and negative
• Dispose of items found in open or findings for pests and sanitation
damaged packaging. are justification to reduce
frequency of inspection.
• Vacuum - do not sweep - deck
grates and horizontal ledges Segregation of Infested
• Rotate stock by date of pack. When infested commodities are
Good stock rotation procedures discovered in the storeroom,
are essential to minimize the segregate them from other
potential spread of SPP subsistence and put them in cold
infestation. The rule for good storage. Items with an infestation
stock rotation is "first in, first out." below the levels specified in MIL-
STD-904B can be placed in a freezer
• If space permits, leave inspection
space for at least 3 days. This will
aisles between commodities.
kill many of the insects, which can
• Ensure decks are clean before then be sifted out of the food
receiving new stores. material to remove the various insect
stages, cast skins and excrement.
The food items should then be used
Inspection and Surveillance as soon as possible. Freezing
A rigorous inspection program will infested food materials for a
help prevent the introduction of minimum of 2 weeks at 0o F will kill
infested commodities to storerooms all stages of insects. Dispose of
and detect the presence of infested items infested above the allowable
commodities before cross infestation levels. Isolate the products and
can occur. Storage conditions and expedite administrative procedures
product history affect inspection for disposal.
Low Temperature Storage
• Poor sanitation is conducive to All SPPs are temperature sensitive
pest infestations and is and low temperature arrests
justification for frequent development and reduces survival.
inspections, monthly or shorter if Low temperature storage will retard
conditions warrant. the development of infestations in
food products. To the extent
• Any recent pest infestation/ permitted by available space, keep
activity where products are used all items at high risk of infestation in
or stored is justification to cold storage.

2-23 Chapter 2 – Shipboard Pests

SPPs Control Measures Aerosol can be used to control the
flying stages of SPPs in storerooms
Meals, Ready to Eat (MREs) when used as a space treatment.
Current pest control program Never spray aerosols directly on
guidance for MREs stored aboard packaging. Insects inside packages
ship is contained in the Armed will not be controlled by space
Forces Pest Management Board treatment. Consult NECE or an
(AFPMB) Technical Guide No. 38 NEPMU for the current
recommendations on aerosol
Fumigation insecticide use in storerooms.
When large quantities of product are
infested, fumigation may be the only RODENTS
practical control measure. On-shore Importance
fumigation is normally carried out by The effective control of rodent
public works or contract personnel, populations (rats and mice) is
usually in a warehouse or on the extremely important to the Navy.
pier. Fumigation aboard ship is Rodents can carry serious
conducted only under special communicable diseases such as
circumstances and requires the plague, murine typhus, leptospirosis,
approval of a Navy Medical and food-borne illnesses (e.g.,
Entomologist. salmonellosis). Rodents eat,
contaminate, or destroy enormous
Residual Pesticide Application amounts of food annually. Rodents
Insecticides can be used to prevent also gnaw electrical insulation that
infestation of non-infested can cause electrical shorts, outages,
commodities or to control the spread or fires.
of an existing infestation. All
insecticides applied aboard ship Biology
require extreme caution to prevent Rodents have been in close
contamination of food products. association with humans for ages.
Residual insecticides are applied per Several species are particularly well
label directions (e.g., to cracks and suited for specialized conditions
crevices, or as spot or area found aboard ship, where they can
treatments on decks and bulkheads.) impact greatly the health and welfare
For corrective spraying, treat an of ship’s personnel, food supplies
infested area according to the and morale. A successful rodent
pesticide label. If spot or area control program must be based on
treatment is required, empty and understanding the behavior and
clean the storeroom before applying habits of each species. Specifically,
the insecticide. If total removal of rodents:
food products from the space is
impractical, completely cover all food • Use a sense of touch when
products with impervious materials. moving about, and prefer to run
Consult NECE or an NEPMU for the alongside vertical surfaces rather
current recommendations on than across “open ground.”
storeroom treatment.
Aerosol Insecticides • Have poor vision.

2-24 Chapter 2 – Shipboard Pests

• Have an excellent sense of smell,
and are not repelled by human

• Have a good sense of taste,

preferring fresh foods.

• Have excellent hearing.

• Are excellent climbers, jumpers, Fig. 2-23. Norway Rat

and swimmers.

The most important rodents of Roof Rat

concern onboard ship are: The Roof Rat, “ship rat,” or “black
rat” (Fig. 2-24,) probably originated
Norway Rat in Southeast Asia, spreading through
The Norway Rat, (Fig. 2-23,) also Europe and then into the Americas
called the “common rat,” “brown rat,” long before the Norway Rat. It was
“water rat,” “wharf rat,” or “sewer rat,” the carrier of bubonic plague during
probably originated from Central the “Black Death” of the 14th century,
Asia, arriving in North America in which killed a third of Europe’s
1776 in boxes of grain brought by population. It arrived in North
Hessian troops hired by the British America in 1609 with the early
during the American Revolution. It is colonists at Jamestown. When the
associated with diseases such as Norway Rat finally arrived, large
tularemia, spotted fever and bubonic numbers of Roof Rats began to
plague. It is a comparatively large disappear, and today the Roof Rat is
aggressive rat, brown-gray above, much less common than the Norway
gray on the underside, and weighs Rat. Some propose that this is
approximately 7 to 17 ounces. Its because the larger, more aggressive
tail length of 5-8” is slightly less than Norway Rat has outcompeted the
half its total body length (12-18 Roof Rat. Others suggest that the
inches, tip of nose to tip of tail). It Roof Rat is more suited to warm
has relatively small eyes. tropical climates. Regardless, the
roof rat is far more common on ships
The Norway rat is present wherever than the Norway rat, and continues
human activity creates suitable to be reintroduced into the U.S at
harborages and there is an adequate seaports. It is an excellent climber
food supply. It is an excellent and may be found in the overhead
swimmer and a good climber. It is wiring and upper decks of ships. It
found mainly in the holds and decks weighs 4-13 ounces, with its tail
of ships. Preferred foods include length (6-10”) greater than half its
meat or fish mixed with a diet of total body length (13-18”). There are
grains, vegetables, and fruit. If these many color and body type variations
items are absent, any food may be worldwide. Most are brown or gray
eaten. above, and gray or white on the
underside. These rats prefer seeds,

2-25 Chapter 2 – Shipboard Pests

cereals, vegetables, and fruit, but following signs help determine
may subsist on leather goods, location and degree of rodent
chocolate, and even weaker infestation, the species involved,
food and water sources, and needed
improvements in exclusion and

Runways and Rub Marks

Routes frequently traveled by
rodents are called "runways." A dark
color at the base of a bulkhead or
where the rat climbs stanchions
usually identifies the runways. This
discoloration results from the
Fig. 2-24. Roof Rat repeated passage of rats. Since
their hair is moderately oily, they
members of their own kind. leave behind a mark (much like a
scuff-mark) that continues to darken
House Mouse as more oils and dirt are rubbed off
The House Mouse (Fig. 2-25) is a with repeated use of the runways.
small rodent, adults weighing only
about ¾ ounce, with a total length of Runways are usually hidden from
5-8”. It is gray-brown above and obvious view and may be anywhere.
below. It is commonly associated For example, if a runway is inside a
with humans and may cause serious pipe, it will usually be inside the
casing, which will need to either be
opened to reveal it, or followed, inch-
by-inch, to discover the entrance and
exit openings. Because roof rats
prefer to travel along overhead wires
or steam lines, the most common
runways will be found in those areas.
Where the point of contact of the
cross beams occurs, their roughly
semicircular rub marks are usually
evident. Other locations of runways
Fig. 2-25. House Mouse may be the free edge of an angle
iron, a pipe, an electric cable, or the
damage to electrical wiring or food top of sheathing.
stores, especially sweets and grains.
Surveillance Procedures Hold a flashlight at an angle to the
Careful surveillance helps to identify deck to observe tracks in the dust.
rodent infestations and is necessary The tracks will cast a distinct shadow
to determine control measures. The (Fig 2-26).

2-26 Chapter 2 – Shipboard Pests

wood and metal simply to keep their
teeth worn down to a suitable length.
Fresh gnawings are light in color
(like freshly chopped wood) with

Fig. 2-26. Positioning the flashlight

Fresh tracks will appear sharp and

distinct (Figure 2-27), whereas
old tracks may be less distinct, Fig. 2-28. Gnawing on a grain sack
because of dust accumulation. The
five-toed tracks of the rear paws are distinct teeth marks present. Small
more commonly observed than the chips of wood or other materials in
four-toed front paws, yet both may the survey area may also indicate
be present. It is very useful to recent gnawing. With time, the wood
spread a thin band of talcum powder around gnawed holes appears dark
along runways to check for rodent and smooth because of frequent
direction and the amount of recent contact with the rodent's body.
Fresh fecal droppings appear soft,
shiny, and dark (Fig. 2-29) and vary
in shape and size, depending on the
species (Table 2-3).

Fig. 2-27. Fresh rodent tracks in dust

Because rodent teeth continue to Fig. 2-29. Comparison of rodent droppings
grow, rodents constantly gnaw to
prevent their front teeth (incisors)
from becoming too long to use in After a few days, droppings may
feeding. They gnaw to gain entrance appear dry and hard. Old droppings
into containers and obtain food (Fig. appear dull and gray in color and
2-28), but will sometimes gnaw on easily crumble when pressed with a
stick. Droppings are usually more

2-27 Chapter 2 – Shipboard Pests

abundant near the food source, but eliminate food and harborage
they may also be found along sources aboard each vessel are still
runways. necessary, especially in ports where
large populations of rodents exist.
Species Shape Length
Norway Rat Blunt ¾”
Roof Rat Pointed ½”
House Mouse Pointed ¼”

Table 2-3. Characteristics of rodent droppings

Rodents cannot regulate or control
their urine output, so they constantly
urinate. To search for rodent signs
along runways, hold a black (UV)
light at an angle to the deck. Fresh
rodent urine fluoresces a lime green
color. Old rodent urine appears

Rodent Hairs
Rodent hairs, particularly rat hairs,
appear as a bluish-white color when
seen under a black light.
Fig. 2-30. Rat guard on hawser

Prevention Consequently, there may be

instances when CO’s or SMDR’s
Sanitation determine the use of rat guards to be
The elimination of food and shelter advisable as an additional protective
by proper handling of food and measure against rodent entry
prompt disposal of garbage and (SECNAVINST 6210.2A). For
rubbish reduces the attractiveness of example, while COMSUBLANT/
the ship to rodents. Sanitation is the COMSUBPACINST 6000.2C
key cornerstone in successful rodent requires rat guards for plague-
control programs. endemic areas and recommends rat
guards for all foreign ports,
Exclusion CINCPACFLTINST 5440.3H
Rat guards (Fig. 2-30) should be requires rat guards on all lines in all
used on all tending lines. Inter- ports.
national health regulations no longer
require the use of rat guards by Rat guards should have a 36-inch
ships except when berthed in ports minimum outside diameter, a cone
where plague is endemic. However, angle of 30 degrees, and be made of
continuing efforts to prevent entry of 18 gauge steel or aluminum. Rat
rodents onto ships and reinforce- guards must be mounted with the
ment of proper sanitary measures to point of the cone toward the ship on

2-28 Chapter 2 – Shipboard Pests

all tending lines, at least 6 feet from • When any evidence of rodent
the pier and greater than 2 feet from infestation/contamination i found
the ship. Use rags to plug gaps, within product packaging.
securing the rags tightly to prevent • Penetration of packaging by
loosening or being pulled apart by rodent feces/urine, as evidenced
the rat. Ensure stray lines are kept by urine stains and/or feces
out of the water. If two lines are in visible under normal light or black
close proximity to each other, either light.
group the lines to pass through a • Existence of one or more holes
single rat guard, or install the rat gnawed through the innermost
guards side-by-side or touching to layer of packaging.
prevent rats from jumping from one • External contamination of
line to another, skirting the rat waterproof containers (e.g., cans)
guards and making them ineffective. containing the product, unless it
is possible to recondition the
The use of rat guards is further container by disinfecting and
detailed in SECNAVINST 6210.2A, rinsing under the direction of
BUMEDINST 6250.14A, and Manual medical authority. The entire
of Preventive Medicine, NAVMED P- pallet shall be condemned when
5010, Chapter 8. rework cost is estimated to
exceed the value of the product
Illumination and Movement salvaged.
Since rodents are basically Handling Rodent-Contaminated
nocturnal, lighting up gangways and Products
landing ramps at night can Be careful when handling rodent-
discourage rodents from coming contaminated materials.
onboard. Isolate gangways and
other means of access to the vessel • Wear protective gloves to avoid
from the shore by a distance of at direct contact with urine or feces.
least 6 feet, unless guarded. Raise
or remove cargo nets when not in • Decontaminate the surface of
use. infested packages with a
household bleach solution (three
Pierside Inspections tablespoons per gallon of water)
Inspect all incoming subsistence or other sanitizer.
items for signs of rodent activity • Seal any holes in packaging to
(e.g., droppings, urine, hair, prevent leakage, or place
gnawing, or live rodents). damaged packages in a plastic
Rodent Contamination • If entire pallets are condemned,
Contaminated units (boxes, cases, seal them with plastic sheeting
bags, bales) shall be condemned and tape. Segregate damaged
under the following conditions: materials for reimbursement, or
dispose of them.

2-29 Chapter 2 – Shipboard Pests

Rodent Control Tie or nail down traps to prevent
Because the odor from dead rats in an injured rodent from crawling
confined spaces of a ship is off. Secure vertical traps to
unacceptable, rodent trapping is the overhead pipes, beams, and
prescribed method for rodent control. wires, or wherever runways are
Use of poison baits must be identified (Fig. 2-32).
approved by the cognizant Medical
Entomologist at NECE or an

Trap Placement

Fig. 2-32. Attach traps to vertical surfaces

• Setting the Trap. Rodents,

being creatures of habit, will
frequently avoid traps as
unfamiliar items in the
Fig. 2-31. Create a directed runway
environment. Place unset baited
traps in the trapping location for a
• The conventional wood base, few days before actually setting
spring (snap) trap is also an the spring and trigger. This gives
effective way to kill rats and mice. the rodent a false sense of
Set traps at right angles to the security as it becomes used to
runway, with the trigger end the location of the trap and
toward the bulkhead. Once traps available food. Preferred trap
are in use, replace bait every 2 baits vary with each rodent
days. On the deck, set traps species and regionally available
behind objects that are stacked food sources. Traps and bait are
close to a bulkhead, along rows usually accepted as part of the
of boxes and between crates. environment within 2 to 3 days.
Boxes and barrels can be When it is time to set the trap,
positioned to create directed fasten the bait securely to the
runways to force the rodents to trigger with cheesecloth or by
pass over the traps (Fig. 2-31). wrapping it in a 2 x 2-inch gauze
square before attaching it to the
Place traps so as not to be visible trigger. This prevents the rodent
from the passage way entrances. from taking the bait without

2-30 Chapter 2 – Shipboard Pests

springing the trap. Set the trigger MISCELLANEOUS
on the traps to spring at this time.
• Expanded triggers. The trigger
may be expanded with Bed Bugs
cardboard, stainless steel, or Bed bugs are blood-sucking insects
screen wire to increase the that feed on sleeping hosts. They
contact area of the trigger and its may occasionally be found aboard
sensitivity (Fig. 2-33). Do not set ship.
the trap until actual feeding is
noted in the unset traps. Usually
the catch is best the first night of


Fig. 2-33. Expanded trigger Fig. 2-34. Bed bug

These insects are not vectors of any

• Cleaning the Trap. Before known human diseases but many
reusing heavily soiled or bloodied people consider the presence of
traps, wash traps with soap and these insects and their bites
hot water. Rats are not repelled extremely annoying. These insects
by human odors. can seriously affect crew morale.
Other Traps Biology
• Glue boards have been Bed bugs are oval-shaped and flat
effective in reducing small (when not engorged with blood).
populations of mice (and Adults are approximately 7 mm long.
probably rats) within 2 to 3 They appear brownish in color, are
weeks, if properly placed in wingless, and have piercing-sucking
the area of rodent activity. mouthparts (Fig. 2-34).
• Live traps, which consist of a
wire-enclosed cage with a Bed bugs hide during the day in
spring or gravity-controlled mattresses, bedsprings, and other
door, can be used to collect small cracks and crevices in sleeping
rodents for ectoparasite or quarters. They may live for several
disease studies. months without a blood meal. They
usually feed at night, and the host is

2-31 Chapter 2 – Shipboard Pests

usually unaware of being bitten. material may reveal their
Signs of bed bug infestations are tiny harborages.
spots of red blood from the wound
site, or the presence of dead insects To determine harborages, conduct a
that were crushed as the sleeping complete survey of the suspected
humans rolled over onto them. area in question before considering
Other signs of infestation include treatment with insecticides. Treat
brown or black fecal spots on only the seams, folds, and buttons of
mattresses and other hiding places. mattresses with insecticides labeled
for bed bug control. Never soak
People vary in their reactions to bed mattresses with spray. Allow
bug bites. Some are little affected, mattresses to dry thoroughly and
while others may experience intense cover before use. Steam cleaning is
itching and a large inflamed area at also effective in controlling mattress-
the bite site. Bites often occur on the dwelling bed bugs.
face, neck, arms, and hands.
Follow label instructions to treat all
Bed bugs glue their eggs to the cracks and crevices in the infested
surface of cracks and crevices. area, including the corners of bunks,
Aboard ship, they may lay their eggs empty lockers, springs, canvas
in privacy curtains. A female can lay bottoms, grommets, and stanchions.
up to 200 eggs at the rate of 1 to 5 Apply insecticide behind all
per day. Eggs hatch in 6 to 10 days equipment close to bulkheads. All
under warm conditions, reaching bunks in the space from which the
maturity in 1 to 2 months. complaint originated should be
treated. Remove and launder
Bed bugs have a characteristic odor privacy curtains and mattress
produced by scent glands located coverings. Bed bugs are destroyed
between the hind legs. The odor may during normal laundry procedures.
be described as unpleasant, sweet,
or fruity. Fruit Flies
Fruit flies are occasional pests in
Infestations are not necessarily food service and berthing areas.
associated with unsanitary
conditions. Often inadvertently
transported in clothing, baggage,
and laundry, they are easily
introduced into spotlessly clean

Effective bed bug control depends
on locating and treating all actual or
potential hiding places. They can be Figure 2-35. Fruit Fly
found in any location that offers
darkness and protection. Even when These small insects can be brought
live bugs are not seen, spots of fecal aboard in infested fruit and

2-32 Chapter 2 – Shipboard Pests

vegetables, either in the ship's stores adequate to control the occasional
or by crewmembers. They have fruit fly problem aboard ship.
been encountered in berthing areas Personnel should leave the space to
of ships that allow food in berthing. be treated, with ventilation secured,
Once aboard, they can breed in and the area closed after treatment
rotting food or flour found in cracks for the period of time specified on the
and crevices in food service areas. label.
They may also be attracted to sugar
build-up in cracks and crevices Always ventilate the area before re-
around beverage dispensers. entry. Do not expose food during
treatment, and clean all exposed
Biology food contact surfaces after
Fruit flies are attracted to yeast treatment.
produced by fruits and vegetables as
they ripen and decay. At least one Phorid Flies
species is also attracted to human Phorid flies (“humpbacked flies”) are
and animal feces and may serve as active, dark flies, smaller than one-
a vector of disease. If ingested, eighth of an inch, that develop in any
some may cause stomach upset and type of decaying organic material.
diarrhea. In addition to their small size and
humpbacked appearance (Fig. 2-36,)
Fruit flies can occur in large numbers they can be recognized by the way
in very small amounts of decaying
organic material. Any substance
capable of supporting fermentation
can act as a source of infestation.
Some potential sources include
rotting potatoes, dishwater from
sinks or drain water from
refrigerators (if allowed to stand),
soured swabs or brooms, and
clogged drains.

Control Fig. 2-36 Phorid Fly

The key to controlling these pests is
sanitation and locating and removing they move in a jerky manner across
the source of infestation. Often surfaces. They are more often seen
disposal of rotting fruit or vegetables running in this manner than flying.
may be enough. If the source of
infestation is organic debris in cracks Biology
and crevices, these areas should be Phorid flies are often pests in food-
cleaned and, if practical, sealed with handling areas because of the
caulking compound to provide moisture, food and garbage that are
permanent control. often present there. The tiny
immature stages develop in drains,
Space treatment with approved algae, food debris in cracks and
aerosol insecticides is usually joints in equipment, wet garbage, or

2-33 Chapter 2 – Shipboard Pests

any other source of wet filth. A tiny shower stalls. They are often called
amount of material is all it takes to moth flies because they resemble
allow flies to develop. small moths due to the many long

Sanitation is the key to preventing or
eliminating phorid flies. If floor
drains are present, they should be
opened and cleaned well. If you see
adult flies in the drain, chances are
good the drain is an important
breeding site. Look for small
amounts of food or other organic
debris in the seams, joints and
cracks of food-processing
machinery, work surfaces, and
storage equipment. Inspect where
devices meet the floor, looking for Fig. 2-37 Drain Fly
wet organic “muck”.
hairs lining their body and wings.
Adult flies can be knocked down with They fly about with a characteristic
a space spray (see Fruit Fly section hopping motion, usually flying short
for details) or they can be vacuumed distances. Drain flies breed in areas
or trapped on tape or other sticky that may contain disease-causing
material that is placed near the organisms which could pose a health
breeding site(s). risk for fleet personnel. Control of
these flies can be obtained by
Drain Flies identifying the breeding source and
Drain flies (<5 mm in size) can be thoroughly cleaning it with soapy
occasional pests in heads and water and a wire brush to destroy the
galleys aboard naval vessels. They eggs and larvae. Glue boards or an
breed in semi-aquatic habitats approved aerosolized space spray
containing organic debris and are near the source of infestation will kill
often found on the deck and the adults.
bulkheads near drains, urinals, and

2-34 Chapter 2 – Shipboard Pests

Chapter 3
Quarantine Issues

BACKGROUND The International Plant Protection

Large volumes of DoD equipment Convention (IPPC)
and thousands of DoD personnel The IPPC is a multilateral treaty
move across international administered through the Food and
boundaries every day. These Agriculture Organization (FAO) of
activities provide many opportunities the United Nations. The IPPC was
to accidentally transport a wide created to prevent the spread of
variety of pests and disease pests of plants and plant products
organisms from country to country. and to promote measures for their
Accidental introductions of control. It provides a framework and
organisms into new geographic forum for international cooperation
areas can cause enormous damage and technical exchange, in
to agriculture and health interests, collaboration with regional and
and can adversely impact U.S. national plant protection
foreign relations if an overseas pest organizations. The IPPC is mostly
introduction is traced to U.S. military concerned with the shipment of plant
activities. and animal products, including
timber and farm animals, and
DoD interests in quarantine issues foodstuffs. Since the U.S. is a
increased during and immediately signatory nation, the U.S. Armed
after the Vietnam Conflict, when Forces fully supports this treaty.
tremendous volumes of retrograde
cargo were shipped back to the Medical Service Quarantine
continental United States. Regulations of the Armed Forces
Quarantine and retrograde cargo (OPNAVINST 6210.2)
issues were again given intense This instruction outlines quarantine
scrutiny when troops and equipment policies and procedures of the U.S.
returned from the Middle East Public Health Service and the U.S.
following Operation Desert Storm. Department of Agriculture in U.S.
Events such as the Japanese Beetle Navy programs. It conforms to the
problem in the Azores, the Brown regulations of the United States
Tree Snake in Guam, and Aedes Departments of Health and Human
albopictus (the “Asian Tiger Services, Agriculture, Treasury,
Mosquito”), the Asian Gypsy Moth, Interior, and Commerce. This
the Asian Tiger Beetle, and the regulation is intended to prevent the
Zebra Mussel introductions into the introduction and dissemination,
United States are but a few domestically or elsewhere, of
examples that exemplify the need for diseases of humans, plants and
an increased vigilance to ensure that animals, prohibited or illegally taken
U.S. and foreign shores are wildlife, arthropod vectors, and pests
protected of health and agriculture importance.

3-1 Chapter 3 – Quarantine Issues

Ships, aircraft, or other conveyances Public Health). “Inspectors are
of the Armed Forces proceeding to a authorized to board ships, aircraft,
foreign port will meet the quarantine and any other means of conveyance
requirements published by the of the Armed Forces, and to inspect
proper authority for such port. ports and facilities. Commanders
will provide full support for
Executive Order 13112 inspections, however, all
Heightened concern for this ever examinations will be subject to all
increasing threat to our food restrictions necessary to preserve
production and natural resources the security of classified material”
was reinforced on February, 3, 1999, (OPNAVINST 6210.2).
with the signing of Executive Order
(EO) 13112, Invasive Species, by To help ensure an effective
President Clinton. This EO quarantine program and protect the
established an invasive species U.S. from importation of exotic pests,
management policy for Federal the United States Department of
agencies, and created the National Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal Plant
Invasive Species Council (NISC), Health Inspection Service (APHIS)
charged with developing a National and the U.S. Navy have a
Invasive Species Management Plan. Memorandum of Understanding,
The purpose of this order is “to through which a USDA/Military
prevent the introduction of invasive Cooperator Program has been
species and provide for their control established. This program
and to minimize the economic, coordinates the inspection of U.S.
ecological, and human health Navy ships for unwanted organisms,
impacts invasive species cause.” illegal items, and improperly stowed
garbage to expedite entry into U.S.
Because the United States has some U.S. Navy vessels have two officers
of the strictest quarantine regulations (or E-7 or above enlisted personnel)
in the world, the U.S. Navy has an who have been trained by the USDA
inherently important role in as Cooperator Plant Protection
preventing the entry of unwanted Quarantine Officers (CPPQOs). A
organisms into the U.S. because of senior MDR, when possible, should
its potential for introducing invasive be one of the two CPPQO’s.
species from foreign ports. When Although this program is intended to
entering the Continental United support USDA quarantine policy and
States (CONUS) from foreign ease entry of U.S. naval vessels into
countries, Hawaii, or U.S. Territories U.S. ports, the same principles,
and its possessions, federal techniques and procedural protocols
agricultural quarantine laws apply to are applicable to excluding invasive
U.S. Navy vessels as a condition of plant and animal species from U.S
entry (CFR Title 9, Animals and naval vessels enroute to foreign
Animal Products, and CFR Title 42, ports.

3-2 Chapter 3 – Quarantine Issues

U.S. NAVY VESSELS authorities, U.S. military ships and
ENTERING FOREIGN PORTS aircraft proceeding to and from a
Under the tenants of the IPPC, the foreign port under diplomatic
U.S. Navy has a responsibility to clearance shall comply with
ensure that potentially harmful reasonable host country
organisms are not introduced into requirements and/or restrictions on
foreign ports-of-call. It is the traffic, health, customs, immigration,
responsibility of not only the Medical quarantine, etc. The host country’s
Department, but also the entire remedies for U.S. noncompliance,
ship’s crew to ensure that potentially however, are limited to asking
harmful organisms are not released sovereign immune U.S. ships or
into another country. This can be aircraft to comply, pursuing
best accomplished by immediately diplomatic protest, or ordering
reporting infestations, observed sovereign immune ships or aircraft to
during routine inspections, to the leave the host country’s territory or
SMDR. territorial sea/airspace.

Maritime Declaration of Health and Commanding Officers, Masters, and

Controlled Free Pratique Aircraft Commanders may
U.S. Navy Regulations, articles 0828 themselves, or through their
and 0859 prohibit inspection of U.S. representative, certify compliance
warships and military aircraft, USNS with host country quarantine
vessels, and afloat prepositioned regulations and restrictions to foreign
force ships by foreign personnel. health officials. If requested by host
The following guidance country authorities, certification may
(SECNAVINST 6210.2 series; include a general description of
NAVADMIN MSG R 240023Z MAR measures taken by U.S. officials to
00 ZYB PSN 394755Z33) is comply with local requirements.
provided. Unless otherwise stipulated,
certification can be provided as a
It is a fundamental principle of locally prepared Maritime
international law that ships and Declaration of Health by the SMDR
aircraft being used in exclusive, non-
commercial government service fully At the discretion of the Commanding
assert the privilege of sovereign Officer, Master, or Aircraft
immunity; that is, freedom from the Commander, foreign officials may be
jurisdiction of foreign nations. This received on board for the purpose of
applies whether within a foreign receiving certification of compliance.
territory, foreign territorial The foreign official should then
seas/airspace, or international provide a Controlled Free Pratique
waters/airspace. They will not be for the ship. A Controlled Free
subject to inspections or searches by Pratique grants a ship permission to
officials for any purpose. enter a port, disembark, and begin
operation under stipulated
Although immune from law conditions. Foreign officials may not
enforcement actions by foreign inspect the ship or aircraft, or act as

3-3 Chapter 3 – Quarantine Issues

observers while U.S. personnel The Navy’s interim program, as
conduct inspections. Actions by outlined in BUMEDNOTE 6210,
foreign officials must be reported requires all U.S. naval vessels to
immediately to the chain of provide the SSCE/SSC certificates
command and the U.S. embassy. and the Maritime Declaration of
Health to foreign port authorities
Each country will have its own upon request. Previously qualified
quarantine concerns and regulations. DERAT inspectors will retain interim
Before leaving on deployment, authority to conduct SSCE/SSC
gather country specific quarantine inspections. Deployed ships can be
regulations for scheduled or inspected by PMTs assigned to large
unscheduled port visits. You can decks. The SSCE/SSC certificates
obtain this information from the Navy are valid for six months and a one
Entomology Center of Excellence month extension can be granted by
(NECE) and Navy Environmental the original inspector. For the latest
and Preventive Medicine Units guidance, contact the Navy and
(NEPMUs). Marine Corps Public Health Center.
Shipboard Sanitation Control
Exemption Certificates/Shipboard Pierside/Onloading: Inspection of
Sanitation Control Certificates Infestible Products
Shipboard Sanitation Control Inspection of oncoming
Exemption/Shipboard Sanitation consumables, especially fresh fruits,
Control (SSCE/SSC) certificates vegetables, and dry grain products
(Appendix F) have replaced the for pests and disease vectors, is
deratting/deratting exemption necessary to reduce degradation of
certificates (DERATs) that were used product and to ensure the health and
as the sanitation document required well being of all crew members while
for international shipping in the past. underway. By excluding these same
The change is due to a 2005 World organisms from the ship,
Health Organization (WHO) transportation of unwanted and
International Health Regulations destructive invasive pest/disease
(IHR) mandate that became effective species from port to port will also be
18 JUL 07 for the United States. prevented. Each foreign country
The Centers for Disease Control and may have varying specific
Prevention (CDC) is the lead agency requirements or concerns. Thorough
implementing the IHR changes for inspections and quick action, when
the U.S., however, as of this pests or disease vectors are found,
publication date, the CDC has yet to will prevent spread of multiple
establish final guidance. The Navy infestations. Detailed documentation
has implemented an interim of problems detected and corrective
program to comply with the WHO actions taken will help provide
mandate until further guidance is information foreign quarantine
provided by the CDC. authorities may request.

3-4 Chapter 3 – Quarantine Issues

Rodents and Rat Guards personnel. Required use and correct
While important in all U.S. ports, placement of rat guards are critical
movement of rodents onto U.S. elements of this program
naval vessels is an even greater (OPNAVINST 6210.2, BUMEDINST
concern in foreign ports, where 6250.14A, and Manual of Preventive
rodent-borne disease may be a Medicine, NAVMED P-5010, Chapter
significant health threat to ship’s 8).

3-5 Chapter 3 – Quarantine Issues

Chapter 4
Records and Reports

RECORDS U.S. Navy vessels. Each pesticide

Records of your pest management use must be recorded, archived, and
activities should be kept in your reported (see “Reports” section for
journal or log. The following records specific requirements and formats).
are required or recommended:
Materiel Inventory Pesticide Use
Key inventories that must be Memorandum, DASN (I & E),
routinely maintained include: subject: Recording and Archiving
pesticide safety gear, pest control Pesticide Use During Military
inspection and surveillance items, Operations, April 27, 1999 (Appendix
pesticide dispersal equipment, N) states that DoD Instruction
pesticides, and miscellaneous parts 4150.7, “DoD Pest Management
and supplies. Program,” requires that pesticide use
during all military operations,
Pierside/On-Board Inspections including those applications
All inspections of incoming food and performed by contract, be recorded,
non-food items for pest and invasive reported, and archived. This
species following receipt of items requirement includes all pesticide
pierside, from supply ships at sea, or use, except arthropod skin and
routinely on-board when underway clothing repellents. To comply with
must be recorded. It is important to this requirement, all personnel who
describe non-chemical methods of apply pesticides during military
control, when used. operations ashore and afloat will
record and report pesticide
SSCEC/SSCC Inspections applications using DD Form 1532-1,
Record date(s) of inspection, “Pest Management Maintenance
person(s) conducting inspection, and Record,” or a computer generated
the certifying authority. equivalent. Each month, these
records will be consolidated at each
Courtesy Technical Assistance command and forwarded directly to
Visits and Informal Surveys the Navy and Marine Corps Public
Record the date(s) of formal Health Center (NMCPHC), ATTN:
assistance from NECE, NEPMUs, or Preventive Medicine, 620 John Paul
other preventive medicine personnel, Jones Cir, Suite 1100, Portsmouth,
as well as the person(s) making visit, VA 23708-2130 for archiving.
and the reason for visit (e.g., Negative reports are strongly
technical assist, informal survey). encouraged.

Pesticide Use Historically, shipboard pesticide use

Only pesticides from the “Authorized records have been maintained in a
Shipboard Pesticide Use List” hand written pest control log book or
(Appendix A) may be used aboard electronically through a computer

4-1 Chapter 4 – Records and Reports

based pest control log contained Infested Products -DD Form
within the “SNAP Automated Medical 1222, “Request for and Results of
System (SAMS)” software program. Tests”
However, many of the data entry Preliminary recognition and
fields required by DD Form 1532-1 accurately confirmed identification of
are missing or out of sequence in pest or invasive species is critical to
current versions of the “SAMS” prompt isolation and subsequent
program. disposal of suspected contaminated
products. This is of special concern
Therefore, the only format that will in the case of organisms that may
be accepted by NMCPHC to report cause medical or health concerns to
all pesticide use aboard U.S. Navy ship’s personnel when underway.
vessels will be a paper or elect- Conversely, it goes without saying
ronic copy of DD Form 1532-1. that if a suspected pest is incorrectly
Any attempt to meet this reporting identified, vital and costly food
requirement through a format other supplies may be needlessly
than DD Form 1532-1 will negatively destroyed.
impact the ability of NMCPHC to
merge all fleet pesticide-use data Infested Products -NAVSUP P-
efficiently into a single, centralized 486, Vol. 1, Food Service
database. Management – “Suspected
Hazardous Food Item Message”
Instructions for completing DD Form If food is found to be unfit for human
1532-1, a blank form, and a sample consumption, specific detailed
form incorporating pesticide instructions on disposing of
examples from the “authorized unacceptable food items may be
shipboard pesticide use list” are found in MIL-STD-904B, NAVSUP
included in Appendixes H, I and J, 486, and NAVMED P-5010,
respectively. A copy of each Chapters 1 and 8. Indicate the
monthly DD Form 1532-1 should be survey technique used and the name
retained onboard each vessel. of the person who determined the
food to be unacceptable. Specify
The information provided through whether the food was isolated until it
this recording and reporting system could be further inspected by a more
is essential to document pest control competent authority, or discarded as
efforts in the fleet, track total unfit. Automated record keeping has
pesticide use at specific locations, become routine, and software is
and identify pest control program continually being improved.

4-2 Chapter 4 – Records and Reports

Chapter 5
Appendix A contains information on • Ingredient statement.
all authorized pesticides for
shipboard use, including baits, quick • Warning or precautionary
knockdown/flushing agents and statements.
those used for long-term residual
control of pests. Information is also • Statement of use classification.
available for choosing the
appropriate pesticide for control of a • The statement, "It is a violation of
specific pest and all pertinent Federal law to use this product in
ordering information necessary for a manner inconsistent with its
pesticide acquisition. labeling."

PESTICIDE LABEL • Directions for use, including:

Before applying any pesticide, read • Sites of application.
all label directions for use and
precautions. Review the MSDS and • Target pests associated with
any other product information sheets each site.
that may be available. The text on
the label and the MSDS has been • Dosage rate associated with
carefully written and contains each site and pest.
information on the safe and effective
use of the product. The contents • Method of application and
and format of pesticide labels are types of application apparatus
specified under federal law. or equipment required.
Pesticide labels must provide the
following information: • Frequency and timing of
applications necessary to
• Name, brand, or trademark under obtain effective results without
which the product is sold. causing unreasonable
adverse effects on the
• Name and address of the
producer, registrant, or person for
• Specific time limitations on
whom the product was produced.
reentry to areas where the
pesticide has been applied.
• Net weight or measure of
contents. • Specific directions concerning
storage and disposal of the
• Environmental Protection Agency pesticide and its container.
(EPA) registration number.
• Any limitations or restrictions
• Producing establishment on use required to prevent
registration number. unreasonable adverse effects.

5-1 Chapter 5 – Pesticides

• Category of toxicity. The text Toxicity categories, precautionary
required on the front panel of the statements, and key signal words
label is determined by the toxicity are listed below in Table 5-1 and
category of the pesticide 5-2.

Table 5-1. Toxicity categories, precautionary statements, and key signal words (oral,
inhalation, or dermal toxicity and eye local effects1)

Category Precautionary statements Signal word LD50 (mg/kg)

Fatal (poisonous) if
swallowed, inhaled, or Danger 0-50
I absorbed through skin Poison

Corrosive, causes eye and

skin damage (or skin

May be fatal if swallowed,

inhaled or absorbed through Warning 50-500
II skin

Causes eye (and skin)


Harmful if swallowed,
inhaled or absorbed through Caution 500-5000
III skin

Avoid contact with skin,

eyes or clothing. In case of
contact, immediately flush
eyes or skin with water

IV No precautionary Caution >5000

statements required

Eye tissues are particularly absorbent. Besides chemical injury to the eyes, some pesticides may
be absorbed in sufficient amounts through the eye to result in serious or fatal illness.

5-2 Chapter 5 – Pesticides

PESTICIDE SAFETY • Never expose food, beverages,
Pesticides, if not applied correctly, utensils, or food and beverage
can pose a serious health hazard to containers to pesticides.
shipboard pest control specialists
and other personnel that inhabit the • Never bite nails or put fingers in
areas where pesticides were the mouth when handling
misapplied. pesticides.

Routes for Pesticide Exposure • When handling pesticides,

There are three routes of exposure always wear a NIOSH approved
to pesticides by which poisoning can full face-piece respirator, or a
occur. Pesticides can enter the body NIOSH approved half-face
through: (1) the mouth (oral respirator with non-vented or
ingestion), (2) the nose or lungs indirectly vented goggles.
(inhalation or respiratory exposure),
and (3) the skin (dermal absorption). • Never store pesticides in
unlabeled containers.
Oral pesticide poisoning occurs Inhalation or Respiratory
when pesticides or pesticide- Exposure
contaminated items are ingested. To Inhalation pesticide poisoning occurs
prevent oral pesticide poisoning: when persons are exposed to
aerosols, mists, dusts (including
• Always check the pesticide label dusts from working with granular
for special instructions or pesticides), and volatile liquid
warnings concerning exposure. formulations. Applying pesticides in
confined spaces increases the
• Never eat, drink, or smoke while potential for respiratory exposure.
handling pesticides. To prevent inhalation pesticide
• Always wash hands and arms
thoroughly with soap and water • Always open and pour pesticides
after using pesticides and in well-ventilated areas.
especially before eating or
• Always wear a properly fitted
NIOSH certified respirator,
specifically approved for use with
• Never touch the lips to pesticide-
pesticides. OPNAVINST
contaminated objects or surfaces.
5100.19C and OPNAVINST
Never clear pesticide dispersal
5100.23E provide specific
equipment nozzles by blowing or
guidelines on respirator use
siphoning by mouth.
aboard ships. Personnel using
respirators shall have had a
• Never wipe the mouth with medical evaluation and been
forearms, hands, clothing, or rags properly fit-tested. Personnel
contaminated with pesticides. using respirators also shall be

5-3 Chapter 5 – Pesticides

• provided training in proper penetrate most quickly. To prevent
respirator usage and care, and dermal pesticide poisoning:
be included in the command's
respiratory protection program. • Immediately wash any pesticide
from the skin with soap and water
• Always inspect the respirator to minimize absorption of
before each use to ensure that it pesticides.
fits and functions properly.
Check for cracks and proper • Always read the pesticide label
fitting of valves, filters, and and follow all recommended
cartridges. personal protection measures
against exposure to the pesticide
• Always change the respirator before use.
filter cartridge after every 8 hours
of use or sooner if pesticide • Select and wear proper personal
odors are detected while wearing protective clothing to ensure skin
the respirator. To ensure 8 hours contact with the pesticide does
are not exceeded, mark the not occur. Coveralls with long
respirator filter cartridge for each sleeves and made of closely
hour of use. woven material should be worn.
At the minimum, wear long-
• Always restrict unprotected
sleeved shirts and long pants.
personnel from entering areas
where pesticide operations are
• Depending on the pesticide to be
being conducted, and for at least
applied, wear rubber boots or
30 minutes after spraying, or until
impermeable shoe coverings
the space can be properly
when spraying. Pants should be
worn outside the boots to prevent
• Always remove pesticide- pesticides spilling into the boot.
contaminated clothing before Leather boots will absorb
removing the respirator. pesticides, and can cause
chronic dermal exposure.
Dermal Absorption
Dermal pesticide poisoning can • Always wear waterproof
occur when pesticides contact the headgear, such as a hard hat,
skin. Dermal exposure is the most when working with pesticide
frequent route of pesticide poisoning. mists or conducting overhead
High temperatures, dermatitis, or spraying.
damage to the skin (e.g., sunburn)
can increase the dermal absorption • Always wear unlined neoprene,
rate of a pesticide 4 to 10 times. nitrile, or rubber gloves.
Occlusive clothing such as sweat
bands, coveralls, and leather boots • Never wear contact lenses when
also increases the absorption rate of handling pesticides.
pesticides 4 to 10 times. Different
pesticide formulations penetrate at • Always wear good and snug
different rates. Oil solutions fitting, non-vented, or indirectly

5-4 Chapter 5 – Pesticides

vented goggles to prevent eye pyrethroids whose structures include
contamination. cyano-groups: fenvalerate,
flucynthrinate, cypermethrin, and
• Never wipe the eyes with fluvalinate (none of which is on the
forearms, hands, clothing, or rags current shipboard pesticide list). The
contaminated with pesticides. If paresthetic reaction is not allergic in
pesticides get in the eyes, flush nature and sensitization does not
eyes with a gentle stream of occur.
clean water for at least 15
minutes; then seek prompt PERSONAL PROTECTIVE
medical attention. EQUIPMENT (PPE)
Safety Rules for Maintaining and
• Always wash with soap and water Wearing PPE
after using pesticides, especially Requirements and training for
before eating, drinking, wearing appropriate personal
smoking, or using the toilet. protective devices (i.e., face shields,
respirators, eye protection,
• Always launder clothes/coveralls
impervious gloves, and protective
after each pesticide application.
clothing), are provided in
OPNAVINST 5100.23F, Navy
Exposure to pyrethroids has resulted
Occupational Safety and Health
in few systemic poisonings of
Administration (NAVOSH) Program
humans. Some pyrethroids may
Manual; OPNAVINST 5100.19D,
cause distressing paraesthesia
NAVOSH Program Manual for
(stinging, burning, itching, and
Forces Afloat; Title 2 Code of
tingling with some progressing to
Federal Regulations (CFR), part
numbness) when liquid or volatilized
1910; and the pesticide label.
materials contact human skin. The
Respirators shall be NIOSH
skin of the face seems to be most
approved for the pesticides used.
commonly affected. The hands,
Individuals who apply pesticides
forearms, and neck are sometimes
shall not have facial hair that comes
involved. Sweating, exposure to sun
between the skin and the sealing
or heat, and application of water may
surface of the respirator. Obtain
enhance the disagreeable
guidance for selecting essential pest
sensations. Sometimes the effect is
control protective equipment from
noted within minutes of exposure,
the Safety Officer, MDR, or
but a 1 to 2 hour delay in symptoms
cognizant NECE or NEPMU.
is more common. Sensations rarely
persist more than 24 hours. Little or
PPE for Shipboard Pest Control
no inflammatory reaction is apparent
where paraesthesia is reported (the
PPE for shipboard pest control and
effect is presumed to result from
their applicable National Stock
pyrethroid contact with sensory
Numbers (NSN) are listed in Appen-
nerve endings in the skin).
dix C. Additional information on PPE
Not all pyrethroids cause a marked is located in the Shipboard Safety
paresthetic reaction. This reaction is Equipment Shopping Guide available
prominent following exposure to from the ship's safety officer.

5-5 Chapter 5 – Pesticides

Types of PPE wash and rinse cycle is
recommended to clean the
• Head Protection: Wear hard hats washer after rinsing
for protection from protruding contaminated clothing and before
objects and possible exposure of continued washing of non-
the scalp to pesticides sprayed contaminated items.
Cleaning and Storage of PPE
• Foot Protection: Depending on
the pesticide to be applied, wear • Store and properly maintain PPE
rubber boots or impermeable to ensure its effectiveness.
shoe coverings when spraying.
Do not wear leather shoes or • Always clean PPE after each
boots. use. Clean respirators, gloves,
goggles, and boots in warm water
• Hand Protection: Wear only with mild detergent.
unlined neoprene or nitrile,
chemical-resistant gloves while • Never store PPE in the same
handling pesticides. Surgical enclosed space (locker) as
gloves are not acceptable pesticides or pesticide dispersal
substitutes. equipment.

• Eye and Face Protection: Wear • Always store PPE in a clean, dry
non-vented or indirectly vented area away from pesticides and
goggles while handling pesticide dispersal equipment.
• Respiratory Protection: Wear only PESTICIDES AND PESTICIDE
NIOSH respirators approved DISPERSAL EQUIPMENT
specifically for pesticides during
Requisitions Submittal. Standard
all phases of handling.
Material Requisitions for NSN
pesticides (Appendix A) and
• Clothing: Wear coveralls while pesticide dispersal equipment
handling pesticides. Before (Appendix B) will be submitted
leaving the treated space, directly through normal supply
remove contaminated coveralls to channels.
prevent skin absorption and
unnecessary pesticide Non-standard materials include
contamination to other areas. nonstandard pesticides or pesticide
Place contaminated clothing in a dispersal equipment that may be
plastic bag or a biodegradable required for effective vector and pest
laundry bag labeled accordingly control. The requisitions will contain
and treat as contaminated a statement of planned use and will
clothing for designated laundry be forwarded to normal supply
systems. On ships without such sources via the appropriate area
systems (designated for
contaminated clothing), a full

5-6 Chapter 5 – Pesticides

Entomologist for technical review • Always store pesticides in areas
and approval. If procurement is protected from freezing or
approved, the Entomologist will enter excessive heat.
the appropriate code and the
requisition, and forward it to the • Stock rotation (first in – first out)
supply source indicated in the helps to prevent pesticides
requisition document. If the expiring.
Entomologist does not approve
procurement, the requisition will be PESTICIDE MIXING AND
returned to the originator. Only SPILLS
under unusual circumstances will
Mix and pour all pesticides into
non-standard materials be
dispersal equipment in ship’s spaces
that meet ventilation and spill
containment specifications. For
The area Entomologists who are
some ships, it is not practical for the
authorized to approve requisitions for
SMDR to maintain all of the
nonstandard pesticides and pesticide
equipment and materials needed to
dispersal equipment, and who are
contain and clean up every type of
available for technical assistance in
spill. However, a basic spill kit
vector and pest control procedures,
should be available to handle most
can be contacted at cognizant NECE
small spills (Table 5-3).
and NEPMUs (Appendix D).


Coveralls, disposable Appendix C
• Store all pesticides in safe, Gloves, protective 8415-01-013-7382
secure (locked), well identified Goggles, non-vented 4240-00-190-6432
areas that meet shipboard Pesticide respirator Appendix C
ventilation specifications. Keep Dustpan 7290-00-616-0109
pesticides in approved flammable Sponge, 4 ¼˝ x 6 ½˝ 7920-00-633-9906
storage lockers. Liquid detergent 7930-00-282-9699
Brush, dusting 7920-00-178-8315
• Never store pesticides inside Scrub brush, household 7920-00-282-2470
Bag, plastic, polyethylene 8105-00-848-9631
patient care areas. Store
Labels, hazardous waste 0116-LF-051-0020
pesticides according to label and Compound, absorbent, 7930-01-145-5797
MSDS requirements. HAZMAT spills (25 lb)

• Store pesticides in the original Table 5-3. Recommended pesticide spill kit
labeled container with the label
clearly visible. Ensure that the
container is tightly sealed and the Mark the kit "FOR PESTICIDE
cap on the aerosol can is in place SPILLS ONLY" and keep it where
and secure pesticides are stored, mixed, and
poured. Absorbent material, (e.g.,
• Never store pesticides near food cat litter, vermiculite, or sand) should
or drink. be readily available in the event of a

5-7 Chapter 5 – Pesticides

spill. Some type of absorbent • materials. Put spilled materials
material is usually available from the into durable plastic bags. Double
engineering department. Keep a 5 the bags to prevent further
to 10 pound bag of absorbent spillage. Write the name of the
material where it is easily accessible. pesticide and associated health
Discard all brooms or swabs used to hazards on a card or piece of
clean up the absorbent material and paper and attach it securely to
hazardous materials. Do not use the bag.
these for other purposes. Place
contaminated absorbent material, • Use liquid detergent and sponge
swabs, and brooms in appropriately to remove excess spillage.
labeled containers, and hold as
hazardous waste for suitable • Bleach may be required for
disposal on return to port. For decontamination (see pesticide
additional information on pesticide label or MSDS). Pour detergent
spills, contact the ship's Safety on spill site and wash area with a
Officer or nearest NECE or NEPMU. sponge. Wring the sponge out
into the plastic bag containing the
Containment Procedures for a contaminated materials.
Pesticide Spill:
• Immediately secure the spill site • Put all contaminated cleanup
from entry by unauthorized items into bag with contaminated
personnel. absorbent material. Turn bags
into the hazardous materials
• Notify the Damage Control coordinator for disposal.
Assistant (DCA) of the spill and
location where the spill occurred. • Remove PPE. Place disposable
coveralls, gloves, and items
• Put on appropriate PPE.
heavily contaminated with
pesticides into a plastic bag.
• Prevent spill from spreading by
Turn bag into the hazardous
using absorbent materials.
materials coordinator for
• Ensure the space is well disposal. If coveralls are
ventilated, during and after clean- reusable, bag for washing in
up procedures. appropriate ship’s laundry
• Use a broom or brush and
dustpan to collect spilled • Shower with hot water and soap
pesticides and absorbent as soon as possible.

5-8 Chapter 5 – Pesticides

Chapter 6
Pesticide Dispersal Equipment

AEROSOL CONTAINER To attach the sprayer assembly to

PESTICIDE DISPERSAL UNIT the pressurized can, hold the sprayer
The aerosol container pesticide assembly (including spray gun,
dispersal unit uses a series of coiled hose, shutoff valve, and valve-
aerosol container insecticide clamp adapter) in one hand and the
formulations and a crack and crevice aerosol can (with can clamp
injector gun to deliver survey and attached) in the other. Center the
residual insecticides directly into assembly can clamp and hand
insect harborages. This system tighten by rotating the can clockwise.
requires very little preventive Place the void injector with attached
maintenance. It is a convenient, tip onto the spray gun. Insert the
dependable, safe and effective tool aerosol can into pouch. Put on the
for treating insect harborages. belt and pouch. Open the shutoff
Certain minor repairs can be easily valve and begin applying the
handled on the job. pesticide.

To change insecticides, close the

Component Parts and Assembly
shutoff valve. Empty the hose.
Save the manufacturer's manual that
Unscrew the aerosol can and can
comes with the unit. Current units
clamp from the sprayer assembly.
recommended for use aboard naval
vessels are the Whitmire® PT® Caution: Do not disengage the can
System III (Fig. 6-1) and the B&G® clamp without first unscrewing and
Aerosol Dispersal Unit (ADU.) Both detaching the sprayer assembly.
are available through the NSN
system (Appendix B). The following To change the hose, first work the
applies to the Whitmire® PT® System hose spring guards away from the
III: fittings. Unscrew the hose fittings
from the spray gun and shutoff valve.
To attach the aerosol can clamp, set Replace with a new hose and
the can on a flat surface and place fittings. Use Teflon tape on both
the can clamp in the disengaged joints.
position over the “lip” of the
insecticide can. Turn the handle Caution: Do not remove the hose
clockwise to engage. Be sure the and gun from the pressurized
valve stem on the insecticide can is insecticide can after a spray
centered in the screw hole opening operation without first closing the
of the can clamp. shut-off valve.

6-1 Chapter 6 – Dispersal Equipment

Fig. 6-1. Whitmire® PT® System III aerosol container pesticide dispersal unit.

Operation of the Pesticide without system deterioration.

Dispersal Unit Because of excessive wear and
This unit shall only be used for potential leakage, it is recommended
crack and crevice treatment. that the stem, spring and gasket
Depress the void injector to apply (located directly underneath the gun
insecticides precisely into cap) are replaced after every six
harborages. aerosol cans are dispensed. These
replacement items usually come with
Maintenance the aerosol products.
The aerosol container pesticide
dispersal unit requires little Repair
maintenance. It is not generally • Save the manufacturer's manual
necessary to perform routine that comes with the unit.
maintenance to keep it in working Repairing the pesticide dispersal
order. Insecticide canisters can unit is not difficult. The manual
remain attached when not in use will be needed to troubleshoot

6-2 Chapter 6 – Dispersal Equipment

and repair the unit if it equipment or the hose occurs,
malfunctions. immediately turn off the valve.
Cover the hole with paper towels
• Retain all repair parts that come if available. Empty the
with aerosol cans. This is equipment and make all repairs
especially important for deployed in a well-ventilated area.
ships. Additional repair
assistance is available upon
request from the NECE and ------------------------
Table 6-2 provides basic trouble-
• Safety Precautions. If a hose shooting techniques for the aerosol
ruptures or a slow leak in the container pesticide dispersal unit.

Table 6-2. Basic troubleshooting guide for the aerosol container pesticide dispersal unit
(Whitmire® PT® System III)
Problem Probable cause(s) Solution
Loose gun cap Hand tighten gun cap
Actuator or gun cap leaks Worn actuator Replace actuator
Worn stem or gasket Replace stem or
Hose leaks near compression Hose wear Cut hose above leaking
fittings point and replace1
Clogged hose or valve stem Check and clean hose,
(or other parts) valve stem2, shutoff
valve, valve-clamp
adapter, or can clamp.
Empty can Remove can, place
Fails to spray actuator directly on can
to see If it functions
Leaks below valve Loose valve clamp adapter Hand tighten adapter,
shut off, then loosen ¼
to ½ turn or replace
Shut off the valve and empty the hose. Detach the gun and hose from the can by unscrewing the
valve clamp adapter from the can clamp. Work the hose spring guards away from fittings.
Unscrew the hose fittings from the spray gun and shutoff valve. Using two 7/16” wrenches,
remove the old compression fitting without removing the 7/16” brass adapter fitting from the end
of the spray gun. Cut the hose above the leaking point. Slide the replacement compression fitting
onto the hose, (make sure hose protrudes through the ferrule at least ⅛”). Tighten the
compression fitting down onto the knob of the brass adapter at the end of the spray gun. Attach
the hose to the gun or shutoff valve and slide the hose spring guards back into position.
Shut off the valve and unscrew the can and the can clamp from the sprayer assembly. Point the
shutoff valve downward away from you in a well-ventilated area, and empty the contents of the
hose and gun by opening the shutoff valve. Caution: Never spray toward plastic or painted
surfaces. Unscrew the spray gun cap and replace old stem, gasket, and spring with new parts.
Replace and hand tighten the brass cap or clean the plastic valve stem by removing the gasket and
cleaning the orifice on the side of the small part of the valve stem, using a safety pin or other
small sharp object. Replace the gasket, spring, and stem into the gun and hand tighten the spray
gun cap.
6-3 Chapter 6 – Dispersal Equipment
SPRAYER • The tank of the sprayer is made
The hand-compressed-air sprayer of stainless or galvanized steel,
can be used for applying insecticides but remains susceptible to
aboard ships. It is available through corrosion if not properly cleaned
the stock system (Curtis Dyna-Fog® after each use (Fig. 6-2).
Model #2981-A; Appendix B). The
“B & G” hand compressed air
sprayer is available only through
“open purchase.” The best sprayer
is one that has low maintenance and

Fig. 6-3. Internal air pump and outlet


• The air pump (Figs. 6-3, 6-4),

consisting of a handle, rod, and
piston, forces air into the sealed
tank through a check valve in the
Fig. 6-2. The hand compressed bottom of the cylinder. The
piston has either a leather or
high reliability. The hand-compres- synthetic rubber cup, which
sed sprayer ranges in size from a requires regular inspection and
one-half to two-gallon cylindrical maintenance.
tank, fitted with an air pump, hose,
spray gun, and other components • The spray gun consists of a cutoff
necessary for applying liquid valve, strainer, wand, and nozzle
insecticide formulations. (Fig. 6-5).

6-4 Chapter 6 – Dispersal Equipment

The cutoff valve or trigger assembly • The nozzle is the most important
is a spring-loaded valve to regulate part of the sprayer. The nozzle
the spray flow rate. Poor-quality or determines the amount and
poorly-maintained cutoff valves do pattern of the insecticide spray
not completely stop the pressurized dispensed. The two basic
flow of liquid, resulting in some nozzles used in hand-
pesticide dripping from the nozzle. compressed sprayers are the
solid or pin stream nozzle and the
• The wand is a metal tube flat or fan spray nozzle.
extending from the cutoff valve to
the nozzle. Two or more wands • The solid or pin stream nozzle
may be joined together for applies a fine jet of insecticide
applying insecticides to hard-to- for treating cracks and
reach areas. crevices. A sprayer should
also have a crack and crevice
• The strainer is a heavy screen tip for inserting into cracks
mesh, usually located inside the and crevices.
metal fitting that connects the
hose to the cutoff valve. This • The flat or fan spray nozzle
screen prevents large, solid applies the insecticide in a
particles from entering and wide, fan-shaped pattern for
clogging the cutoff valve and residual coverage over large
nozzle. areas.

6-5 Chapter 6 – Dispersal Equipment

• A combination nozzle is Maintenance
available for most sprayers to The hand-compressed sprayer
allow the operator to change requires proper maintenance to
spray patterns easily. ensure long service life. Empty and
clean sprayers thoroughly after each
Operation of the Sprayer day's use.
Test the sprayer with water before
using the insecticide. This prevents • Empty unused insecticide into its
wasting time and reduces potential original container.
exposure to insecticide if the sprayer
is leaking or not functioning properly. • To clean, add a warm detergent
Place a funnel into the sprayer, filling and water solution to the sprayer,
the sprayer no more than two-thirds agitate, pressurize, and spray
full with the pesticide to be sprayed. through the hose and nozzle.
Do not mix or add more pesticide
than necessary to complete the job. • Repeat the above step three
Pump pressure depends on which times with clean water.
treatment method is chosen.
• Remove the pump and let the
Crack and Crevice Treatment tank air-dry (upside down).
• Use a pin stream nozzle or
extender tip. Apply this treatment • Place a few drops of oil on the
at low pressure to avoid splash leather plunger cup to keep it
back. Four or five pump strokes pliable. Silicon lubricant (grease)
should give enough tank should be used instead for
pressure. synthetic rubber plunger cups.

• Hold the nozzle as close to the Repair

crack and crevice as possible. • Save the manufacturer's manual
An extender tip can be placed that comes with the sprayer.
into the crack or crevice for direct Repairing the hand-compressed
application. air sprayer is not difficult. Most
sprayers are similar in
Spot and Area Treatment construction. Some parts are
• Use a fan spray nozzle. Pump interchangeable. Many parts
the plunger until it becomes may appear to be
difficult to pump. Approximately interchangeable; however,
40 pounds per square inch (psi) ensure correct parts are used.
will be needed for residual The manual will be needed to
treatment. It will be necessary to troubleshoot and repair the
repeat charging the tank as the sprayer when if it malfunctions.
sprayer empties. If the sprayer
and nozzle are in good condition, • Maintain extra gaskets, valves,
adequate pressure will yield very nozzles, hoses, and small spare
fine droplets. parts used in the sprayers. This
is especially important for
• Hold the nozzle 18 to 24 inches deployed ships. Repair
from the surface to be sprayed. assistance is available upon

6-6 Chapter 6 – Dispersal Equipment

request from NECE and sprayer repair. Table 6-3 presents
NEPMUs. Most manufacturers common troubleshooting problems
produce a service kit, which and their solutions for the basic
contains small parts needed for hand-compressed sprayer.

Table 6-3. Basic troubleshooting guide for the hand compressed sprayer

Problem Probable cause Solution

Oil cup with clean oil (no
Dry or worn plunger heavier than 30 SAE); if
Fails to build pressure, this fails, replace worn
may be hard to pump cup.
Worn or missing pump Clean seating surfaces
cylinder gasket and replace gasket.
Hard to pump, liquid in Worn check valve Replace check valve.
pump cylinder
Improper wand valve If sprayer has a trigger
spring tension assembly, which is
adjustable, tighten or
loosen tension of valve
Fails to shut off, drips at spring.
nozzle Worn gaskets or “O” - Replace worn parts.
ring note: some trigger
assemblies can not be
serviced and may require
Inadequate spray or Improper wand valve Adjust wand spring
failure to spray, but spring tension tension.
pressure is o.k. Clogged strainer Tight fittings.
Clogged nozzle Replace worn parts.
Loose fittings Tight fittings.
Leaks around threaded Worn gaskets or “O” – Replace worn parts.
fittings rings
Worn fittings Plumbers tape will seal
Normal wear and tear Cut off worn ends and
Cracked and worn hose replace hose.
at attachment points Missing hose springs Replace springs and
reattach hose.

6-7 Chapter 6 – Dispersal Equipment

Appendix A
Authorized Shipboard Pesticide List

EPA Reg. # User Unit package Unit

Item Active ingredient code1 issue NSN
Insecticide, cockroach 0.03% 64240-33 A 12 bait PG 6840-01-
bait station, regular size fipronil stations/box/12 180-0167
® boxes
(Combat Quick Kill)
Insecticide, cockroach 0.03% 64240-34 A 8 bait PG 6840-01-
bait station, large size fipronil stations/box/12 224-1269
(Combat® Quick Kill) boxes
Insect repellent, clothing 0.05% 50404-5 A (12) 6-oz cans BX 6840-01-
application, aerosol permethrin 278-1336
(Permethrin Arthropod
Insect repellent, 33.33% DEET 58007-1 A (12) 2-oz tubes BX 6840-01-
personal application 284-3982
Insecticide, Boric Acid, 35.5% 499-384 N (12) 9-oz cans BX 6840-01-
aerosol (Perma-Dust®) Boric acid 287-3938
Insecticide, D- 2% D-phenothrin 901-82 N 12-oz can CN 6840-01-
Phenothrin, aerosol 412-4634
Insecticide, Pyrethrin, 0.25% 499-310 N (12) 20-oz BX 6840-00-
aerosol (PT® 565 Plus pyrethrins; 0.25% cans 823-7849
XLO®) d-trans allethrin; 1%
piperonyl butoxide,
technical; 1% n-octyl

0.5% 499-290
pyrethrins; 1%
piperonyl butoxide,
technical; 1% n-octyl
Insecticide, Siege® Gel 2% hydramethylnon 241-313 N 12 reservoirs BX 6840-01-
Bait 398-6799
Insecticide, Maxforce® 0.01% fipronil 64248-14 N 4-30 gm BX 6840-01-
Roach Killer Bait Gel reservoirs 471-5650
Insecticide, Avert® 0.05% abamectin B1 499-467 A 72 stations per BX 6840-01-
Cockroach Bait Station bag, 4 bags 561-9649
Formula 1 per box
Insecticide, Avert® Dry 0.05% abamectin B1 499-294 N 12 30-gram BX 6840-01-
Flowable Cockroach tubes per box 561-9766
Bait Formula I
Insecticide, PT® 221L 0.05% λ-cyhalothrin 499-473 N 12 aerosol BX 6840-01-
Residual Insecticide containers per 561-9669
aerosol box
Insecticide, PT® Crack & 0.1% cyfluthrin 499-470 N 6 aerosol BX 6840-01-
Crevice I aerosol containers per 561-9717
Insecticide, CB Air Devil 1.0% cypermethrin 9444-182 N 8 aerosol BX 6840-01-
HPX® residual with containers per 561-9726
cypermethrin box
A-1 Appendix A – Shipboard Pesticides
Insecticide, CB D- 0.06% deltamethrin 9444-217 N 8 aerosol BX 6840-01-
Force® HPX ®Residual containers per 561-9745
Insecticide box
Insecticide, Gentrol® 90.6% hydroprene 2724-469 N 20 per box BX 6840-01-
Point Source® 561-2905
Indicates who is authorized to use the product aboard ship
N - Navy Shipboard Hospital Corpsmen, PMT’s or Navy Medical Entomologists
C - Controlled use by Navy Medical Entomologists or PMTs at a NECE or NEPMU
A - All hands use approved, when issued by the ship’s Corpsman

Pesticides Recommended for Control of Pests

Long-term Control
Flushing and Residual
Pest Quick Kill Bait Pesticide
Combat Quick Kill bait D-Force HPX, Perma-
station, Seige Gel Dust, PT 221L, Air-
PT 565 Plus XLO, D-
Bait, MaxForce Roach Devil HPX, Crack &
Cockroaches Phenothrin, Crack &
Killer Bait Gel, Avert Crevice I, D-
Crevice I
bait stations, Avert Phenothrin, Gentrol
Dry Flowable Powder Point Source
PT 565 Plus XLO, D- D-Force HPX; PT
Phenothrin 221L, Air-Devil HPX,
Stored product pests Crack & Crevice I, D-
Phenothrin, Gentrol
Point Source
PT 565 Plus XLO, D-
Bed bugs D-Force HPX
PT 565 Plus XLO, D-

Pests Listed on Insecticide Label

Item Active Pests Labeled for Controla

Insecticide, cockroach 0.03%
bait station, regular size fipronil Cockroaches
(Combat Quick Kill )
Insecticide, cockroach 0.03%
bait station, large size fipronil Cockroaches
(Combat Quick Kill®)
Insect repellent, clothing 0.05%
application, aerosol permethrin
Protection from biting arthropods
(Permethrin Arthropod
Insect repellent, 33.33% DEET
personal application Protection from biting arthropods

A-2 Appendix A – Shipboard Pesticides

Insecticide, Boric Acid, 35.5% Ants, Booklice, Boxelder Bugs, Carpenter Ants, Carpenter
aerosol (Perma-Dust®) Boric acid Bees, Centipedes, Chocolate Moths, Clover Mites, Cluster
Flies, Cockroaches, Crickets, Dermestids, Drugstore
Beetles, Earwigs, Elmleaf Beetles, Firebrats, Flour
Beetles, Grain Weevils, Ground Beetles, Indian Meal
Moths, Millipedes, Pillbugs, Scorpions, Silverfish,
Sowbugs, Spiders, and Trogodermas.
Insecticide, D- 2% D-phenothrin
Cockroaches, mosquitoes, house flies, gnats.
Phenothrin, aerosol
Insecticide, Pyrethrin, 0.25% pyrethrins; Angoumois Grain Moths, Ants, Bed Bugs, Booklice,
aerosol (PT® 565 Plus 0.25% d-trans Carpet Beetles, Centipedes, Chocolate Moths, Cigarette
XLO®) allethrin; Beetles, Clover Mites, Cluster Flies, Cockroaches,
1% piperonyl Confused Flour Beetles, Crickets, Drug Store Beetles,
butoxide, technical; Fleas, Flies, Fruit Flies, Gnats, Grain Mites, Granary
1% n-octyl Weevils, Horn Flies, House Flies, Indian Meal Moths,
bicycloheptene Mediterranean Flour Moths, Millipedes, Mosquitoes, Mud
dicarboximide. Daubers, Red Flour Beetles, Rice Weevils, Sawtoothed
Grain Beetles, Silverfish, Small Flying Moths, Sowbugs,
Spiders, Stable Flies and Wasps.
Insecticide, Siege® Gel 2% hydramethylnon
Insecticide, Maxforce® 0.01% fipronil
Roach Killer Bait Gel
Insecticide, Avert® 0.05% abamectin B1
Cockroach Bait Station Cockroaches
Formula 1
Insecticide, Avert® Dry 0.05% abamectin B1
Flowable Cockroach Cockroaches
Bait Formula I
Insecticide, PT® 221L 0.05% λ-cyhalothrin Ants, Booklice, Boxelder Bugs, Carpenter Ants, Carpenter
Residual Insecticide Bees, Centipedes, Chocolate Moths, Clover Mites, Cluster
aerosol Flies, Cockroaches, Crickets, Dermestids, Drugstore
Beetles, Earwigs, Elm Leaf Beetles, Fire Ants, Flour
Beetles, Grain Weevils, Millipedes, Scorpions, Silverfish,
Sowbugs, Spiders, Springtails, Above-Ground Termites,
Trogoderma (Cabinet, Khapra and Warehouse
Beetles), Wood Infesting Borers and Beetles and Wood
Insecticide, PT® Crack & 0.1% cyfluthrin Ants, Booklice, Boxelder Bugs, Carpenter Ants, Carpenter
Crevice I aerosol Bees, Centipedes, Chocolate Moths, Clover Mites, Cluster
Flies, Cockroaches, Crickets, Dermestids, Drug Store
Beetles, Earwigs, Elm Leaf Beetles, Flour Beetles, Grain
Weevils, Millipedes, Scorpions, Silverfish, Sowbugs,
Spiders, Springtails, Termites*, Ticks, Trogoderma
(Cabinet, Khapra, and Warehouse Beetles), Wood-
Infesting Borers and Beetles, and Wood Wasps.
Insecticide, CB Air Devil 1.0% cypermethrin Cockroaches, Ants, Spiders, Crickets, Silverfish,
HPX® residual with Sowbugs, Pillbugs, Millipedes, Centipedes, Firebrats,
cypermethrin and Earwigs; Carpenter Ants, and Termites

A-3 Appendix A – Shipboard Pesticides

Insecticide, CB D- 0.06% deltamethrin Ants, Bees, Bedbugs, Carpet Beetles, Centipedes,
Force® HPX Residual Cockroaches, Crickets, Firebrats, Fleas, Flour Beetles,
Insecticide® Grain Beetles, Ground Beetles, Gnats, Midges, Mole
Crickets, Moths, Pillbugs, Silverfish, Sowbugs, Spiders,
Ticks, Termites (Subterranean, Formosan & Drywood),
Carpenter Ants and Carpenter Bees.

Insecticide, Gentrol® 90.6% hydroprene Cockroaches and Stored Products Pests

Point Source®
Bolded pests are those more likely found aboard ships.

A-4 Appendix A – Shipboard Pesticides

Appendix B
Pest Control Equipment and Supplies

Nomenclature NSN
Brush (small; to transfer insects) 8020-00-503-0000
Flashlight 6230-00-243-6069
Funnel, polyethylene, 1 quart 7240-00-404-9793
Funnel, polyethylene, 2 quart 7240-00-404-9795
Magnifier (reading glass) 6650-00-252-6250
Rat guard, ship, 38" diameter 2040-00-272-2353
Rat guard, ship, 48" diameter 2040-00-272-2355
Traps, mouse, 3 or 4 way snap, wood base 3740-00-252-3384
Traps, rat, spring, wood base, 1 doz. 3740-00-260-1398
Trap, glue, rodent, box of 24 3740-01-240-6170
Traps, cockroach, box of 48 3740-01-096-1632
Screens, porthole, 10 inches 2040-00-371-8031
Screens, porthole, 12 inches 2040-00-371-8032
Screens, porthole, 16 inches 2040-00-371-8033
Screw cap vials, 9 ml 6640-00-408-2200
Screw cap vials, 3 ml 6640-00-408-2300
Sprayer (hand compressed air), pesticide, manually 3740-00-191-3677
carried, 1-gal stainless tank, with pressure gauge.
Formerly MIL-S-14102, replaced by CID A-A-55748. Flow
rate – 0.8 l/min. Current inventory on hand does not
include a spare parts package. Future purchase will
include 3 sets of spare parts including: crack and crevice
tip assemblies, nozzle gaskets and “O”- rings, plunger
cups, check valves, and strainer/filters. Cage Code 58536
Sprayer, pesticide, manually carried, Whitmire System III 3740-01-338-5390
single pack, part number 20-2300, includes pouch for 3
product aerosols and a 10 foot memory coiled hose.
Pesticide aerosols must be ordered separately. Cage
Code 67184
Sprayer, pesticide, manually carried, B&G Aerosol 3740-01-561-9633
Dispersal Unit
Ultraviolet light (specimen examining) 6530-00-663-2140
Ultraviolet light batteries, two 45-volt 6135-00-100-0464

B-1 Appendix B – Equipment and Supplies

Appendix C
Personal Protective Equipment

Nomenclature Model Size NSN

X-Small 8415-00-601-0792
Small 8415-00-601-0793
Coveralls, disposable Medium 8415-00-601-0794
Large 8415-00-601-0797
X-Large 8415-00-601-0801
36S 8405-01-057-3482
36R 8405-01-057-3483
38S 8405-01-057-3484
38R 8405-01-057-3485
38L 8405-01-057-3486
40S 8405-01-057-3487
40R 8405-01-057-3488
40L 8405-01-057-3489
Coveralls 42S 8405-01-057-3490
42R 8405-01-057-3491
42L 8405-01-057-3492
44R 8405-01-057-3494
44L 8405-01-057-5582
46S 8405-01-057-3495
46R 8405-01-057-3496
46L 8405-01-057-3497
48R 8405-01-057-3498
Size 7 8415-01-147-2637
Size 8 8415-01-147-9540
Gloves, protective Size 9 8415-01-012-9294
Size 10 8415-01-013-7382
Size 11 8415-01-013-7384
Model 5111 Small 4240-01-300-9416
Respirator, air filtering Model 5211 Medium 4240-01-300-9417
(3M brand), with pre- Model 5311 Large 4240-01-300-9418
filter Model 7200S Small/medium 4240-01-246-5401
Model 7300S Medium/large 4240-01-246-5404
Retainer cartridge 4240-01-235-0823
Retainer, filter 4240-01-246-5414
Respirator, air filtering PN66STC-OVP Small 4240-01-250-0751
(Scott brand) PN66MTC-OVP Medium 4240-01-250-0748
PN66LTC-OVP Large 4240-01-250-0749
Continued on next page
C-1 Appendix C – Protective Equipment
Nomenclature Model Size NSN
Face-piece, gas mask PN B122 Small 4240-01-249-9169
(Pro-Tech) PN B222 Medium 4240-01-249-9170
PN B322 Large 4240-01-249-9171
Respirator, air filtering Small 4240-01-251-1574
(Cabot/AO): AO 5-star Medium 4240-01-251-1577
half-face-piece Large 4240-01-251-1579
Respirator, air filtering 4240-01-245-7233
(Cabot/AO): cartridge
Respirator, air filtering 4240-01-249-9289
(Cabot/AO): pre-filter
Respirator, air filtering Small 4240-01-150-7937
(MSA) Medium 4240-01-022-8501
Large 4240-01-086-7670
Respirator, air filtering 4240-01-248-9155
(MSA): cartridge
Respirator, air filtering PM300 Small/medium 4240-01-250-6521
(U.S. safety brand) PM300 Medium/large 4240-01-250-6519
Respirator, air filtering 4240-01-247-7229
(U.S. safety brand):
Face piece, gas mask Small 4240-01-249-3559
(North/Norton), rubber Medium 6515-01-231-7194
Large 4240-01-220-7617
Respirator, air filtering Model 6111S Small 4240-01-269-4170
(Wilson) Model 6111M Medium 4240-01-269-4171
Model 6111L Large 4240-01-269-4172
Respirator, air filtering 4240-01-249-2577
Respirator, air filtering 4240-01-268-0567
Pesticide Pre-filter
Goggles, Industrial 4240-00-190-6432
Helmet, Safety 8415-00-836-8618

Note 1: Consult the Shipboard Safety Equipment Shopping Guide available from the ship’s
Safety Officer for other PPE.
Note 2: Retainer rings for respirators are required to hold in the cartridge or to hold a pre-filter
on a cartridge.
Note 3: All respirators are available through the paperless order placement system (POPS).
POPS is a computer ordering system operating between the Defense General Supply
Center (DGSC) in Richmond, VA and various manufacturers. To use POPS, use S9G
in the Routing Identifier Code (RIC) on the NAVSUP Form 1250 (top left-hand corner of
the form). This will automatically send your request to DGSC through the fastest
possible route for procurement.

C-2 Appendix C – Protective Equipment

Appendix D

Navy Shipboard Pest Management Training Centers

Navy Entomology Center of Excellence

P.O. Box 43
Naval Air Station
Jacksonville, FL 32212-0043
DSN: 942-2424; Com: (904) 542-2424
FAX: (904) 542-4324

Navy Environmental and Preventive Medicine Unit No. 2

1887 Powhatan Street
Norfolk, VA 23511-3394
DSN: 564-7671; Com: (757) 444-7671
FAX: (757) 444-1191

Navy Environmental and Preventive Medicine Unit No. 5

Naval Station, Box 368143, Building 3235
3035 Albacore Alley
San Diego, CA 92136-5199
DSN: 526-7070; Com: (619) 556-7070
FAX: (619) 556-7071

Navy Environmental and Preventive Medicine Unit No. 6

1215 North Road
Pearl Harbor, HI 96860-4477
DSN: (315) 473-0555; Com: (808) 473-0555
FAX: (808) 473-2754

D-1 Appendix D – Shipboard Training Centers

Appendix E
DD Form 1222: Instruction Sheet, Blank and Sample Forms

E-1 Appendix E – DD1222

E-2 Appendix E – DD1222
E-3 Appendix E – DD1222
E-4 Appendix E – DD1222
Appendix F

Shipboard Sanitation Control Exemption Certificate/

Shipboard Sanitation Control Certificate (SSEC/SSCC)

F-1 Appendix F – SSEC/SSCC

F-2 Appendix F – SSEC/SSCC
Appendix G
Ship’s Pesticide Inventory and Pierside Inspection Log Entry Samples

Pesticide Inventory
Log entry
number Location Date Item Uses Amount on
1. Paint locker 29DEC00 D-Phenothrin (2%) Cockroaches (10) 12-oz cans
aerosol. and
NSN 6840-01-412-4634 mosquitoes
2. Paint locker 29DEC00 Whitmire Micro-Gen Cockroaches (8) 20-oz cans
PT® Engage®, 0.5%
chlorpyrifos, aerosol.
NSN 6840-01-338-2487
3. Paint locker 29DEC00 Whitmire Micro-Gen Cockroaches (12) 9-oz cans
PT® Perma-Dust®,
35.5% Boric acid,
NSN 6840-01-287-3938

Pierside Inspection
Log entry Type of pest Action Name of
number Location Date Item taken inspector
1. Pier 7, San 28DEC00 Bag of onions German Informed HM2 Jones
Diego, CA cockroach. SUPPO,
2 NYMPHS, 3 filled out
and took
onions to
galley for
2. Pier 4, 10JAN-01 Bag of Flour 1- Informed HM2 Jones
Sasebo, Trogoderma SUPPO.
Japan beetle larva. Sample
msg to
Phil., PA.
3. Pier 8, 26FEB-01 Farina Saw-toothed Informed HM2 Jones
Everett, WA (Crème grain beetle; SUPPO,
of Wheat) Twelve adults Filled out
per pound DD1222,

G-1 Appendix G – Sample Log Entries

Appendix H
Instructions for the Use of the Pest Management Use Record, DD Form

1. Value of Records. The Pest Management Maintenance Record (DD Form1532-1)

provides a standard method for recording pesticide use and pest management operations.

a. Use of the record complies in part with Federal Regulations 40 CFR 171-11(c)(7) of the
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act as amended.
b. It is used as permanent record and history of pest control operations at a particular site
(structure or area).
c. The record also provides continuity in the management and performance of pest control
d. Use and analysis of these records will identify structures, designs and areas that have
significantly more pest problems than others.
e. Historical pest control data can be used to correlate sites and treatment and to facilitate
tracking soldier and environmental exposure to pesticides. These data also facilitate
monitoring the health and safety of soldiers who apply pesticides.
f. Archival of pesticide use data facilitates development of answers to inquiries regarding
pesticide use occurring during deployment operations.

2. Maintaining Records. These records shall be maintained and permanently archived at

the designated Military Service’s archival sites (Navy Environmental Health Center, Norfolk).

3. Report Language. Since pest management information is machine processed; all report
data must adhere to a uniform system of “report language.” Standard report terms have been
developed for describing and reporting most pest control techniques and materials.

a. The terms are arranged in functional groups or categories.

b. Both the descriptive terms used to look up and classify any given operation and the
report terms for actual entry on the DD Form 1532-1 are listed in section “6. Descriptive
and Report Terms,” below.
c. Where standard units are required, such as for acres, pounds, gallons, etc., report units
are also listed.
d. Only report terms and report units listed in this instruction shall be used on the form.
e. The processing unit will reject all other terms.
f. In many cases the descriptive term and the report term are similar, while others may
differ by only one letter, so it is necessary to carefully check the report terms.
g. Descriptive terms and report terms are listed in three principal categories: (1) Target
Pests; (2) Operations; (3) Pesticides.

4. Top Line Data Entry on DD Form 1532-1.

a. BUILDING/AREA. On the top of the record form, in the space marked “BLDG/Area,”
enter the name of the U.S. naval vessel.

b. SIZE. Enter the size of the BLDG/Area (U.S naval vessel) to be maintained. Size should
be recorded as linear feet (LLF; See the “Measurement Units” in the bottom legend of DD
Form 1532).

c. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION. In the space marked “Type of Construction,” enter a code

letter from the legend to designate the major type of construction (e.g., steel, sheet metal
= ST). More than a code letter may be used if desired (See “Type of Construction
Codes,” in the bottom legend of DD Form 1532-1).

H-1 Appendix H – DD Form 1532-1

d. USE DESIGNATION. In the last space marked “Use Designation,” enter information to
identify the major use of the vessel (U.S Navy Warship or U.S. Navy Submarine).

5. Pest Control Operation Information Data Entry on DD Form 1532-1.

a. RECORDING OPERATIONS. Each line of DD Form 1532-1 can be used to record a
complete pest control operation.

(1) Most operations using a single pesticide can be entered without difficulty.

b. FIELDS AND COLUMNS OF THE FORM. DD Form 1532-1 is divided into specific fields
and columns. Use the most appropriate descriptive term and report terms from section
“6. Descriptive and Report Terms,” below, for each pest or vector. For certain fields
and columns, use the codes from the bottom legend of the front page of DD Form 1532-1
(e.g., “Work Origin,” “Measurement Units”). These fields and columns are further
described, in the order they appear on the form, as follows:

(1) Date. Enter the date of the Pest Management Operation.

(2) Units Serviced. Enter the part of the vessel involved, including the designated
“space” number and brief description of the “space.”

(3) Work Origin. Enter the codes (See “Origin of Work,” in the bottom legend of DD
Form 1532-1).

(4) Unit of Measure. Enter the numerical size of the area treated (See
“Measurement Units,” in the bottom legend of DD Form 1532-1).

(5) Target Pest. Find the most appropriate descriptive term from the section for the
pest and enter the corresponding report term on the form. In some cases you
will need to use a generic report term such as OTH (Other), ODV (Other disease
vector), etc., and then add the name of the pest for which no descriptive report
term is listed.

(a) Example. For mosquito control, find “Mosquitoes” in the descriptive

terms and enter the corresponding report term “MOSQUITOES” in the
TARGET PEST column. If there is no suitable descriptive term, find the
general grouping, which is most appropriate, and use the “Other”

(6) Control Operation. Find the most appropriate descriptive term listed in Category
2, Operations, below, and enter the corresponding report term. Note that
operation names are paired with area units (e.g., AC, MSF, LFF, etc.). Only the
indicated area unit can be used.

(7) Pesticide Use. If a Pesticide is used, record the following.

(a) Name. Enter the report term for the pesticide used in the control
operation, if any. If two or more pesticides are simultaneously used, they must
be reported separately.

(b) EPA Registration Number. Enter the EPA Registration number

(Appendix A of the “U.S Navy Shipboard Pest Control Manual” or the actual
“Pesticide Label”).

(c) Percent Concentration. Enter the % concentration of the finished

pesticide formulation.
H-2 Appendix H – DD Form 1532-1
(d) Amount. Enter the total amount or quantity used. Record the actual
amount of pesticide used (lbs as PDW; gallons as ZGL, and oz. as FLO), not
active ingredient, and not finished spray quantity. These codes are paired with
the pesticide formulation report terms (Appendix O, “Category 3, Pesticides”).

1) Aerosol Formulations:

a) Example 1: For a cockroach crack and crevice

application using PT® Perma-Dust®, if 120 linear feet of a ship’s
bulkhead were treated at the recommended rate of 1 second
(rate = 0.05 oz./sec) of spray per 3 linear feet rate, then 2.0 oz.
of product would be required. Therefore, 0.2 can AERFLO would
be recorded in the amount column. Use a dispersal rate of 0.057
oz/sec for Whitmire Micro-Gen PT® 565 Plus XLO®,
respectively. For the Airosol Company’s “D-phenothrin,” apply at
the rate of 1 sec (= 1gm or 0.035 oz) per 2 linear feet).

2) Solid Formulations (Bait Stations and Gels):

a) Example 1: Record the number of cockroach bait

stations used (e.g., 10 “Combat® Quick Kill Bait
Stations”) as 10 BTSPDW (assume as a starting point
for control, 1 bait station per 10 ft ).

b) Example 2: Record gels, such as “Siege® Gel

Insecticide” or Maxforce Roach Killer Bait Gel, as lbs.
For example, if the maximum rate of 1 gram/yd2 were
used to treat 120 ft2 (10 feet x 12 feet), then 13.3 grams
or 0.029 lbs of gel would be required. Therefore, 0.03
POGPDW would be recorded in the amount column on
DD Form 1532-1.

(e) Labor Time. This is not a mandatory field. However, logging time spent
on pest management operations provides historical records on time
spent on specific pest management operations, as well as providing
general information on time spent on pest management operations
during various periods of a deployment.

(f) Applicator Initials (back side of DD Form 1532-1). In the left-hand

column, enter the pesticide applicator’s name and initials.

(g) Pesticide Certification Numbers (back side of DD Form1532-1). In the

center columns, enter the DoD Pesticide Applicator Certification Number,
and/or Shipboard Pest Control Number (including certification expiration
dates) for each DoD and/or BUMED certified pesticide applicator.

(h) Ship’s Unit Identification Code (UIC) (back side of DD Form 1532-1). In
the far right-hand column, enter the ship’s UIC.

Continued on next page

H-3 Appendix H – DD Form 1532-1

6. Descriptive and Report Terms


Descriptive terms Report terms
Culicoides (sand flies, punkies, no-see-ums) CULICOIDS
House flies and other filth flies FILTHFLIES
Mosquitoes (culicids) MOSQUITOES
Filter flies, drain flies (psychodids) PSYCHODA
Black flies, buffalo gnats (simuliids) SIMULIIDS
Stable flies, dog flies, biting house flies STOMOXYS
(muscids, Stomoxys)
Horse flies, deer flies (tabanids) TABANIDS
Other Diptera (Miscellaneous flies, gnats, etc) OTH (add name)


Descriptive terms Report terms
Cockroaches ROACHES
Mites and chiggers MITES
Urticating insects (caterpillars, etc.) URTICATING
Wasps, bees, and hornets WOB
Other disease vectors and venomous ODV (add name)
Other arthropod pests OAR (add name)


Descriptive terms Report terms
Arthropod pests of stored foods FOODPESTS
Arthropod pests of fibers and fabrics FIBFABPST


Descriptive terms Report terms
Snails and slugs SNAILSLUGS
Snakes SNKES
Other miscellaneous pests OTP (add name)

Continued on next page

H-4 Appendix H – DD Form 1532-1



Descriptive terms Report terms Report units
Indoor residual treatment (report area treated); RESIDTR MSF, LFF
for crack and crevice treatment (report area
Baiting (chemical or biological control only INBAIT MSF, LFF
(report area protected)


Descriptive terms Report terms Report units
Food handling buildings (preparation and FHB MSF
serving only)
Barracks and BOQs BRQ MSF
Hospitals and medical laboratories HOL MSF
Recreation buildings and chapels RCH MSF
Office and administrative buildings OFF MSF
Industrial buildings, shop areas, and IND MSF
nonmedical laboratories
Storage buildings and warehouses WHS MSF
Exchanges and commissaries EXC MSF
Brigs or prison cells BRG MSF

Descriptive terms Report terms Report units
Trucks and vans TRV MSF
Aircraft ACF MSF



Descriptive terms Report terms
Boric acid crystals BRICACID
Other inorganic insecticides and acaricides OII (add name)

Descriptive terms Report terms

Descriptive terms Report terms


Descriptive terms Report terms
Emulsions EMLZGL
Solutions SLNZGL
Suspensions SUSZGL
Pastes and greases (include invert emulsions) POGPDW
Aerosols AERFLO
Other liquid Forms OLPZGL
H-5 Appendix H – DD Form 1532-1
Appendix I
Pest Management Use Record, DD Form 1532-1



If Pesticide is Used
Units Work Unit of Target Control Labor Applicator
Date Serviced Origin Measure Pest Operation Name EPA Reg % Conc Amount Time Initials

The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 4 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and
maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information,
including suggestions for reducing the burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for information Operations and reports (0704-0188), 1215 Jefferson Davis
Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a
collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control Number. PLEASE DO NOT RETURN YOUR FORM TO THIS ADDRESS.


MSF = 1,000 Sq. Ft. LFF= Linear Feet SW = Scheduled work SC = Service or Trouble call CO = Concrete BV = Brick Veneer WO = Wood
MCF = 1,000 Cu. Ft Ac = Acres WR = Work Request R = Routine Inspection BL = Block ST =Steel, sheet metal OT = Other

Designed using Perform Pro,

DD FORM 1532-1, AUG 96 (EG) WHS/DIOR, Aug 96

I-1 Appendix I – DD Form 1532-1 (Blank)

If Pesticide is Used
Units Work Unit of Target Control Labor Applicator
Date Serviced Origin Measure Pest Operation Name EPA Reg % Conc Amount Time Initials


DoD Pesticide Applicator Shipboard Pest Control

Certification Data Certification Data Ship’s Unit
Certification Expiration Certification Expiration Identification Code
Name (Initials) Rate Number Date Number Date (UIC)

(Attach additional card to continue record)

DD FORM 1532-1 (BACK), AUG 96

I-2 Appendix I – DD Form 1532-1 (Blank)

Appendix J
Sample Pest Management Use Record, DD Form 1532-1


1200 LFF ST

If Pesticide is Used
Units Work Unit of Target Control Labor Applicator
Date Serviced Origin Measure Pest Operation Name EPA Reg % Conc Amount Time Initials
00-06-25 Dry store SW 0.10 MSF ROACHES INBAIT Combat® 64240-33 0.03 10 0.25 RS, PJ
room (GERMAN) Quick Kill bait BTSPDW
(05-58-4-L) station, regular
00-06-26 Dry store SW 0.10 MSF ROACHES INBAIT Combat® 64240-34 0.03 10 0.25 RS, PJ
room (AMERICAN) Quick Kill bait BTSPDW
(05-58-4-L) station, large
00-06-28 Food SW 120 LFF ROACHES RESIDTR Whitmire 499-384 35.50 0.2 can 1.00 RS
preparation (GERMAN) Micro-Gen AERFLO
area PT® Perma- (= 2.0 oz)
(01-66-2-L) Dust®
(Boric acid)
00-07-14 Ship’s store WR 120 LFF ROACHES RESIDTR D-phenothrin 901-82 2.00 0.2 can 1.00 RS
(01-78-7-Q) (GERMAN) AERFLO
(= 2.1 oz)
00-07-18 Breakout WR 120 LFF ROACHES RESIDTR Whitmire 499-310 2.50 0.2 can 1.00 PJ
store room (GERMAN) Micro-Gen AERFLO
(01-58-2-L) PT®565 Plus (= 2.3 oz)
(pyrethrins, d-
trans allethrin
butoxide, n-
00-07-19 CPO mess SC 0.12 MSF ROACHES RESIDTR Siege® gel 241-313 2.00 0.01 lbs 1.00 RS
6-190-0-A (GERMAN) insecticide POGPDW

00-10-29 Galley admin SW 0.12 MSF ROACHES RESIDTR Maxforce 64248-14 0.01 0.03 lbs 1.00 RS
office (GERMAN) Roach Killer POGPDW
(01-70-2-L) Bait Gel (= 13.3

The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 4 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and
maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information,
including suggestions for reducing the burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for information Operations and reports (0704-0188), 1215 Jefferson Davis
Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a
collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control Number. PLEASE DO NOT RETURN YOUR FORM TO THIS ADDRESS.


MSF = 1,000 Sq. Ft. LFF= Linear Feet SW = Scheduled work SC = Service or Trouble call CO = Concrete BV = Brick Veneer WO = Wood
MCF = 1,000 Cu. Ft Ac = Acres WR = Work Request R = Routine Inspection BL = Block ST =Steel, sheet metal OT = Other

Designed using Perform Pro,

DD FORM 1532-1, AUG 96 (EG) WHS/DIOR, Aug 96

J-1 Appendix J – DD Form 1532-1 (Sample)

If Pesticide is Used
Units Work Unit of Target Control Labor Applicator
Date Serviced Origin Measure Pest Operation Name EPA Reg % Conc Amount Time Initials


DoD Pesticide Applicator Shipboard Pest Control

Certification Data Certification Data Ship’s Unit
Certification Expiration Certification Expiration Identification Code
Name (Initials)) Rate Number Date Number Date (UIC)
Robert E. Smith (RS) HM1 NB-056-97- 04JUN00 B-0012 02JUN00 62987
Paul B. Jones (PJ) HM2 NB-001-97 02FEB03 B-0027 14APR00 62987

(Attach additional card to continue record)

DD FORM 1532-1 (BACK), AUG 96

J-2 Appendix J – DD Form 1532-1 (Sample)

Appendix K

1. Armed Forces Pest Management Board (AFPMB). 2000. Stored-product

pest monitoring methods. Technical Information Memorandum No. 27.
Defense Pest Management Information Analysis Center, Wash., D.C. 20 p.
(Also available as download from AFPMB web site: http://www.afpmb.org).
2. Armed Forces Pest Management Board (AFPMB). 1998. Technical
Information Memorandum No. 38. Protecting meal, ready-to-eat rations
(MRE’s) and other subsistence during storage. Defense Pest Management
Information Analysis Center, Wash., D.C. 20 p. (Also available as download
from AFPMB web site: http://www.afpmb.org).
3. BUMEDINST 6250.12C, May 22, 1999. Pesticide applicator training and
certification for medical personnel.
4. BUMEDINST 6250.14A. February 16, 2001. Procurement of
deratting/deratting exemption certificates.
5. BUMEDINST 6250.15 (in press). Shipboard pest management program.
6. BUMEDNOTE 6210/BUMED-M3C1/07 Nov 2007. U.S. Navy Interim
Program for Compliance With World Health Organization (WHO)
International Health Regulations (IHR) (2005)
7. CINCLANTFLTINST 5400.2M. February, 1996. U.S. Atlantic fleet
8. CINPACFLTINST 6250.1. January 09, 1992. Agriculture quarantine
inspections of naval vessels.
9. CINCPACFLTINST 5440.3H. January 24, 1985. U.S. Pacific Fleet
10. COMSUBLANT/COMSUBPACINST 6000.2C. Standard Submarine Medical
Procedures Manual.
11. DoDINST 4150.7. April 22, 1996. DoD pest management program.
12. DoD 4150.7-P. September 30, 1996. DoD plan for the certification of
pesticide applicators.
13. DoD 4150.7-M. April 24, 1997. DoD pest management training and
14. MIL-STD-904B. March 10, 2000. DoD standard practice: detection,
identification, and prevention of pest infestation of subsistence.
15. Munro, J.W. 1966. Pests of stored products. Hutchinson & Co. LTD.
London. 234 pp.
16. NAVMED P-117. February, 1996. Manual of the medical department.
17. NAVMED P-5010-1. August 17, 1999. Manual of naval preventive
medicine food service sanitation.
18. NAVMED P-5010-8. September, 1987. Manual of naval preventive
medicine - medical entomology and pest control technology.
19. NAVSUP P-485. October 21, 1997. Naval supply procedures, vols. 1 & 2:
afloat supply.
20. NAVSUP P-486. June 2001. Food service management.

K-1 Appendix K – References

21. NAVSUPINST 10110.8C. August 15, 1986. DoD hazardous food &
nonprescription drug recall system.
22. OPNAVINST 5100.19D. August 30, 2001, CH-1. Navy occupational safety
and health (NAVOSH) program manual for forces afloat, Vols. I-III.
23. OPNAVINST 5100.23F. July 15, 2002. Navy occupational safety and
health (NAVOSH) program manual.
24. OPNAVINST 6250.4B. August 27, 1998. Pest management programs.
25. Pratt, H.D. and K.S. Littig. 1960. Introduction to arthropods of public health
importance. HEW Publ. No. (CDC) 79-8139.
26. Pratt, H.D., Littig, K.S. and H.G. Scott. 1975. Household and stored-food
insects of public Health importance and their control. HEW Pub. No. (CDC)
27. Pratt, H.D., Littig, K.S. and H.G. Scott. 1973. Lice of public health
importance and their control. HEW Publ. No. (CDC) 74-8265.
28. Pratt, H.D., Littig, K.S. and H.G. Scott. 1973. Fleas of public health
importance and their control. HEW Publ. No. (CDC) 76-8267.
29. Pratt, H.D., Littig, K.S. and H.G. Scott. 1975. Flies of public health
importance and their control. HEW Publ. No. (CDC) 77-8218.
30. SECNAVINST 6210.2A. January 24, 1992. Medical service quarantine
regulations of the armed forces.
31. Wirtz, R.A. 1991. Food pests as disease agents. Chapter 36, pages 469-
475 in Ecology and management of food-industry pests. J. R. Gorham,
editor, FDA Tech. Bull 4, AOAC, Arlington, VA.
32. World health assembly international health regulations. January, 1983.
International health regulations.
33. World Health Organization, International Health Regulations (2005)

K-2 Appendix K – References

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