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“I don’t really ”We went to

fancy horror She says (said) she doesn’t Starbuck’s

films, because (didn’t) fancy horror films, yesterday, and the
they are too because they are (were) too coffee was really
scary.” scary. good.”

They told us (that) they had “The doctor told He told us (that) the doctor
gone to Starbuck’s the day me I me I can’t had told him that he couldn’t
before (just yesterday) and the go back to work go back to work until the
coffee had been really good. until next following Tuesday (next
Tuesday.” Tuesday).

“Have you filed “Can I borrow

the documents She asked me if I had filed the some money for
and posted the documents and posted the a cab? “
new information new information on the pin
on the pin board board for the students.
for the students?”

“We are going

to England next
week for a few They said (that) they were
She asked us if she could
going to go to England the
borrow some money for a cab. days.”
following week for a few days.
“I will reply to “I can bring you
his email a copy of the
She told me (that) she would notes, next
reply to his email the next day. time.”
(on the folllowing day)

“I have never
been to the
He said (that) he could bring United States She said (that) she had never
me a copy of the notes the before.” been to the United States
next time we meet. before.

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