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Candidate Name: Mortia Stoner

Center Number:

School: Edwin Allen High

Teacher:Mrs.Bailey Smith




Plan of Investigation…………………………………….1

Artifact #1………………………………………………..2

Artifact #2………………………………………………..3

Artifact #3………………………………………………..4

Reflection #1……………………………………………..5

Reflection #2…………………………………………….6

Reflection #3…………………………………………….7

Written Report………………………………………….8

Plan of Oral Presentation………………………………9


.Plan Of Investigation

The topic for my English Language School Base Assignment (SBA) is the

effect of crime and violence on students education. I plan on investigating on this

topic because, crime and violence is rampant and as a youth, I am concerned about

how this might affect my education and others in the future, and they will have a poor

school achievement.

To gather information's on my topic, to browse the internet for a relevant

newspaper article, a short poem and a picture. I expect to develop my learning skill

and understanding a high quality of the writes techniques and language.

Reflection 1

Prior to fully immersing myself into my artifacts I’ve seen how crime

and violence have an effect on education. I thought that in these times most of

the children for the future will not obtain a high standard of achieving their goals in

school. After reading the article by Andre Poyser, on march 7,2016, I’ve learned that

“boys had poorer academic achievement and experienced higher levels of aggression

among peers and physical punishment at school than girls. I also believed that they

are not going to focus on school work but on scamming,guns etc.

Exploring my three artifacts provided much insight for me. After reading

my first artifact, an article, I realized that my opinion that violence was independently

associated with poor school achievement among the boys was correct,as the writer

revealed that in my first article that was a dose response relationship between

children's experience of violence and achievement and experiencing moderate levels

having poorer achievement than those experiencing little or none.

Reflection 2

In my three artifacts the writers use of language devices was very effective. In

my first artifact, the writer uses punctuation mark example, for miller “it’s not only an

educational problem it’s a problem dealing with self fulfilling prophecies and social

site actions”. this made the information more reader friendly and easy to understand.

Similarly the writer of my second artifact a poem,uses of rhyme. This made the

poem a pleasure to read,example, I hear shots, I go run in fear. I know someone in my

school, I don’t feel safe here.

The writer of my final artifacts made uses of rhetorical question, example, is this

spending,however,efficient? Also in addition,there was also the use of personification,

example , these incidents have observable and noteworthy consequences; victims of

crimes are known to avoid after school activities and certain locations at school, or

skip classes entirely all behaviour which impede a students academic achievement.

Through the use of these different devices, the writer of the two pieces,made their

work simple and meaningful.

Reflection 3

Written Report

Plan of Oral Presentation

Topic: The Effect Of Crime and Violence on Students Education

Genre: Prose

Sources: ( Andre Poyser 2016,

Languages used: Punctuation marks, rhyme

Main Idea: That “boys had poorer academic achievement and experienced

higher levels of aggression among peers and physical punishment at school than


Presentation aids:

Artifact #1

Violence is greatest threat to student's educational outcomes

- Miller

Published:Monday | March 7, 2016 | 12:00 AM Andre Poser

Professor Emeritus in the School of Education at the University of the West Indies,

Errol Miller, has raised concerns about what he describes as the crippling effects of

violence on the educational outcomes of students.

"Children, including boys and girls, living in communities with high percentage of

violence, is a special issue that needs to be taken up because the brutality of those

circumstances seem to have a tremendous effect on them and sometimes they develop

a short view of their life span," he said in an interview with The Gleaner.

Miller told The Gleaner that a recent project he has worked on in several inner city

communities has led him to believe that violence is the greatest threat to the

educational outcomes of students.

Miller's assertion is supported by research conducted by Professor Julie Meek s

Gardner, former director of the Caribbean Child Development Centre.

Meek s Gardner and her collaborators conducted a cross-sectional study of 1,300

children in grade five from 29 government primary schools in urban areas of Kingston

and St. Andrew.

The academic achievement of the students in mathematics, reading, and spelling was

assessed using the Wide Range Achievement Test. Interviews with the students found

that they were exposed to three types of violence: aggression among peers at school,

physical punishment at school, and community violence.

Fifty-eight per cent of the children experienced moderate or high levels of all three

types of violence.

The study found that exposure to the three different types of violence was

independently associated with poor school achievement among the children.

"Boys had poorer academic achievement and experienced higher levels of aggression

among peers and physical punishment at school than girls. Children's experiences of

the three types of violence were independently associated with all three indices of

academic achievement. There was a dose-response relationship between children's

experiences of violence and academic achievement with children experiencing higher

levels of violence having the poorest academic achievement and children

experiencing moderate levels having poorer achievement than those experiencing

little or none," the study said.

For Miller, "it's not only an educational problem it's a problem dealing with self

fulfilling prophecies and social situations."

In respect of the fact that boys are more impacted by violence, Miller has called for

more emotional support for boys.

"The circumstances that I have seen success in are in situations where people decide

to stand beside the boys and help them and inspire them and encourage them and

support them, I've seen that work," he said.

Artifact 2

Artifact 3



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