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“Where globalization means, as it so often
does, that the rich and powerful now have
new means to further enrich and
empower themselves at the cost of the
power and weaker, we have a

HOW DO WE responsibility to protest in the name of

universal freedom."


1 - ALM



Globalization: Measurement and Definition

Globalization as a concept refers to the compression of the world into one single unitary
force which aims to move forward together as a whole with its vital constituent parts. It is
attributed as the intensification of consciousness among different nations in the presence of
global adversity. Multifaceted interdependence and innovation through modernization have
become core ideas in most researchers’ minds. Nonetheless, incongruity on working meanings
has led to outsets centering generally on the ideas of economic, cultural, and technological
interdependence and interconnectedness.

Globalization is a process wherein the discussion is very much relative recently. It is

closely linked to the outlines of modernity and development. It weighs a very heavy definition
wherein it is subject to different meanings, ideas and interpretations leading to different debates
and discussions. Even if globalization is treated in broader terms and in general focus, its
empirical standpoint is in the reckoning of the increasing acceleration in global interdependence
and consciousness of the global whole in the contemporary period. It is necessary to say that
globalization is not to be equated with modernity even if the two terms is treated synonymously
and is seen with direct consequences.

The term globalization has developed quite recently. Its critics attack it by not
recognizing it as a significant concept even as to its effects today. Globalization’s definition is
virtually impossible to be accurately given characterization because the meaning it carries
depends on contemporary diffusions across large areas of contemporary life in different parts in
the world. By now, the term itself is seen to have a very loose ends for its definition and use.
Oxford Dictionary of New Worlds sees ‘global’ as a new term focusing it to be seen as an
‘environmental jargon’. It defines global consciousness as an acceptance to the occurrence of
different cultures in the world aside from one’s own in appreciating not only the socio-economic
issues but also to the ecological consequences of the global growth.


Reactions toward Globalization

The current call to globalization has been a very long, uneven and complicated process.
This leaves several questions whether if actions and implications contribute to the process of
globalization. In contemporary world, globalism is seen as a negative remark specially to
underdeveloped countries since it carries with it the idea of the ‘center-periphery’ impression
which favors developed countries in having positive perspective toward globalization.
Ideological terms as ‘one-worldism’ or ‘cosmopolitanism’ is uncommon in the general
genealogy of such terms in relation to globalization’s effects and consequences. Such negative
gestures and oppositions are typically connoted in modern times in reference to modern

In the study of global system, the word, ‘global’ refers to the contemporary analysis of
‘the world’ in a relatively dull sense. Such mechanism resulted to the birth of different
terminologies to address its definition based on varying contexts wherein it is applicable. Such
resulted to the offshoot of ‘Third World societies’ which speaks of international stratification
among countries that negatively been impacted by the continuing globalization.

Power Play

The rise of liberal thought brought drastic changes and revisions in the perceivance of
subjugated regions on the control of the reigning states. This leads to the idea of acquisition of
power is an imperative to stay on top which will push through interdependence and freedom of
suppression. Power through various means and ways as it can be channeled pertains to the
suppression of less prevailing states and territories. As long as there exists of national interest to
achieve such influence, the need to protect it for the sake of the anarchy of international sphere
arises. Globalization embeds a state of anarchy since as an embrace and byline of different
nations in the world, there is a struggle between nations and states for power. This machinizes
the creation of unhealthy race for competition among systems. As seen dominantly, this was

evident in the aggressive political behavior during and after the cold war. Two major powers are
on collision against each other using their resources as their primary armaments against each
other. War is to be seen in competition on their military might and scientific advancements. In
the protraction of cold war, lesser states are being deprived and compromised to suffice the needs
of the two superpowers to crash each other, this can be seen as a war of attrition but on the
consequence and deprivation of minor states under the dominance of these giants.

Economic Dilemma

The roughness of globalization on the ends of developing countries highlights apparent

inequality in the world. Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) shows that private companies serve as
major driving force in pushing the economic globalization. These investments are majorly
concentrated or indirectly owned by transnational corporations. Economically, rather than
globalization itself leads to a common or unified goal, the manner on its accomplishment differs
from every way depending on the ability of a state to push through it. The process and patterns
shaped by these uneven developments continue to lay a considerable burden on the backs of the
developing countries pulling them down in conforming with the global standards. These bars the
equal opportunity of every nation to step up in their own terms and ways by pressuring them
through indirect ways like the incursion of debt traps, rising level of demands and various
political regressions. As a result, the unevenness of globalization is criticized as another form of
colonialism, this way, in a global and direct manner.

Contracting Colonialism

In our context, some rooted globalization as an evolved form of colonialism. For

Philippines, we attach this term to the irrevocable relationship between the Philippines and the
United States. This relationship exceeds in geographical and administrative boundaries which
illustrates the power of United States to take control of our systems. The world system analysis
points out the unstoppable expansion of power and consolidation of the imperial forces. This
brought a rearrangement of the world economy by dividing the world under different spheres of

influence like the indisputable impact of the western power. Colonialism transcends to
globalization by the influence of outside states in leadership and management of a country. This
hindered the ability of a state in primal growth only to be exploited by entities and situations
using and consuming them. Globalization creates an unhealthy competition by making the one
who gains the most the winner and the one who suffers the worst as losers.

Globalization in terms of the influence of an organization to a nation is part of the

determining action which is to be made by an independent body, this waives the ability of a
nation to freely express itself and to create decisions independently without the discretion of
others. The Philippines’ participation in multilateral bodies like the APEC and ASEAN,
determines our foreign and national policy. The integration of ASEAN policies strongarms us to
conform in meeting the standards which it prescribed. We are subject to undue influence that this
organization sets and as a continuing member of such, we need to adhere by it to continue our
relationship with our neighboring countries. The free trade with them just imposes consequential
threat toward our national interest, it may seem like we are opening our doors for opportunities
but we are doing this without any precautions, we are only inviting greater coercions to enter our
market system.


Deconstruction & Reconstruction

Globalization is seen as the expansion of market transactions and organization of global

activities across the political, economic, social and cultural boundaries of the state. More
precisely, it can be defined as a process in achieving growing interdependence and the inclusion
to the integration of different bodies to address the movement toward global standards.
Globalization is confronted by its critics by identifying it as something extraneous, equivocal and
inexistent. With the different questions as to its function and necessity, it draws complexities out
of its simple definition.

While considerable effort has gone into liberalizing the global status and developing the
existing set of national agreements, that does not mean that they cannot be improved upon. As
long as the world moves in the same unilateral direction, there are always other means to remedy
the shortcomings and lapses of the methods in order to perfect the process. In addressing these
issues, it must be considered that the preservation of vital benefits and rights of a nation is a
requisite in higher standard of living in both advanced and emerging countries. The focal point
here is the importance to further strengthen the global connections in the form of trade, relations
and agreements that binds every constituent part of the progression and to contemplate the
indispensable role that they can deliver into the headway of expansion toward global precision.

In a way to make globalization more just, the pace of the globalization must be duly
coordinated. While the developed countries race to move frontward, the developing countries are
left and the stride of its continuance should be synchronized to meet the desired ends of all the
countries in the world. An evident example here is the global economic integration has increased
on an unimaginable manner in recent decades. Trade goods and different items subject to
commerce had skyrocketed to meet the growing demands of the people, as effect, while this race
for globalization continues, the developing countries are not given the chance to keep up with

these standards. This is one of the numerous reasons why developing countries continue to
struggle in attaining the status of being a developed country.

Given the cost of global integration and more liberalized trade, an explosion for prospects
and stakes has resulted for countries to enjoy. This allowed an opportunity to make most out of
the fruits of global amalgamation. Countries should compete better, not less, given the chance to
utilize it has ascended, the benefits of open trade offer long term impact on efficiency and has
been a key contributor to global evolution and affluence. Openness to trade gives about bountiful
profits to suffice the need of a nation which includes; bigger markets and greater specialization
opportunities for increased ability to acquire sale; quicker movement of technology and
innovation; and greater competitive challenges to increase productivity.

Aside from protectionism, a better policy would be to standardize employees rather than
making them compete against each other, it is needed that additional mechanisms should be
allowed for these people to fully capture the benefits that they are entitled to. Strategies
regarding engagement should better address job losses and income difference from
computerization and other advances in technology. Stated above, just like the entitlement of
employees to equal pay, benefits and job security, this is how nations and organizations should
respond to the deficiencies of globalization. The cause of action should depend on regional and
industry circumstances, these include the nature of trade impacts, capability, focus of specialism
of a nation and the amount of resources that they can offer which can be mobilized to facilitate
adjustment. As part of the global whole, considerations and necessary alterations which will
make a state fitting in contributing to development must be actualized in order to result to an
equitable and fair global system. Increasing specialization brings real and concrete benefits, in
order to maintain this interstate relationship, globalization must be socially and politically
sustainable. In that case, it is compulsory that support must be given to those who are hurt by the
defects of globalization, interests must be protected to secure mobility.

In making globalization much more sustainable, a high level of global interdependence is

required from robust cooperation and effective international institutions. In addressing problems
associated with globalization like the global financial crisis, the need to establish a more
vigorous and resilient global system is significant. Such management is necessary if we are
equipped and embraced to face such adversities. Tighter regulation of global system and policies

must be supplemented by operative direction, development should be completed by improving

the host supervisory cooperation. Under a local context, cross-border supervisory coordination
has taken on augmented status as global functions have expanded transnationally in recent years.

In a world of inadequate partners, it is not surprising that the guidelines of the global policy
are lop-sided in terms of concept and unbalanced in terms of result. The strong have the power to
make the rules and authority to implement the rules. In contrast, the weak can neither set nor
invoke the rules. Because power works both relationally and reciprocally, the balance of power
between two nations must be entered into a relationship of any form, this is to ascertain and to
afford, that the parties in a relationship, have some power over the other, as what the relationship
had shaped. Power coming from the relationship created have relatively equal or nearly equal in
power in terms of constraint rather than of power, thus, ‘power’ has an implication of
unilateralism. However, since relationship is subject to stipulation, power can be fixed by
agreement between the two parties. For its effectivity, it must be signed and ratified. There must
be meeting of minds between the contracting parties so that power shall be equitably enjoyed in
their relationship. This equalizes international relations between different countries for the
establishment of an all-encompassing global workforce.


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