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72 PEOPLE v. PAGE ISSUE: Whether Page is guilty of robbery with homicide or robbery only.

Wrongful act done be different from what was intended ROBBERY WITH HOMICIDE.

1. Camposano, aka Boy Sangkay, went to the house of Page (a 3 rd year  Of course, it was Camposano alone who directly brought about
HS student at Arellano). Veronica’s death. Whether Veronica jumped from the jeepney, as
2. From there, they went to Camposano’s house where they met with his testified by Scot, or whether Camposano kicked and pushed her and
father who was drinking with a companion. her sister out of the jeepney, Camposano’s culpability for that flagitious
3. Camposano’s father gave Page some liquor. And they stayed in the deed cannot be disputed.
house til 10PM.  If Veronica jumped out of the jeepney, it must have been because she
4. They then went to the rotunda, boarding a Manila-bound jeepnet. was in mortal dread that Camposano would shoot her. As fear gripped
5. Page was armed with a balisong knife. Camposano with a revolver. Veronica, she, thought of scampering out of the moving jeepney. Her
6. As per page’s confession, he sat beside a male passenger (Scot) near head struck the pavement. It was broken. A hemorrhage ensued.
the driver on the front seat.  The rule is that if a man creates in another person’s mind an
a. Camposano took a back seat where 2 females (Villaverdes) immediate sense of danger, which causes such person to try to escape,
were seated. and, in so doing, the latter injures himself, the man who creates such a
b. While in Harrison, Page and Camposano told the driver to turn state of mind is responsible for the resulting injuries
left and they staged a ‘hold up.’ They were able to get money  TC’s conclusion as to conspiracy is borne out by the evidence.
and jewelry. o Inside the jeepney, they coordinated their actions.
c. From the rear view, Page saw Camposano dumping the 2 o They directed the jeepney driver to go near the airport or in
females in Roxas Blvd. the vicinity of Page’s residence, a place which was well-known
d. They then directed the driver to proceed to the airport. to the two malefactors.
e. They left the jeepney on the street where Page resided and o The behavior of Page and Camposano inside the jeepney
divided the belongings. disclosed a synchronization of their actions, evincing a prior
7. Scot’s version was different. He recalled Page pressing a knife at his concert and plan to commit robbery with violence against and
neck and shouted, “This is a holdup, don’t move.” intimidation of persons.
a. They took his diary with a 1-peso bill. o They left the jeepney together and fled in the same direction.
b. Ordered the driver to turn off his lights and covered their faces
 The fact that the two armed themselves with deadly weapons, a knife
with pieces of cloth.
and a revolver, signified that they were determined to kill their victims
c. Camposano told the females to bring out their money or “else
in order to consummate their nefarious objective.
there will be shots.”
d. One female jumped, the other was kicked by Camposano.  Page should answer for all the consequences of the conspiracy,
e. Noticing a car behind which they thought was a police car, the including the homicide which was intertwined with the robbery
driver was ordered to drive at full speed. committed by his co-conspirator. The homicide was committed on the
8. Upon identifying Camposano, police went to his residence. They saw occasion on by reason of the robbery.
him but he fired shots at them and was able to elude pursuit due to the  Of course, he did not kill the victim. But, under the rules of conspiracy,
darkness. he is deemed to be a co-principal in the robbery with homicide.
9. He was later killed by the police while committing another crime.
10. Next day, police went to Page’s house. He wasn’t there. But his father
and aunt promised to surrender him.
11. He was eventually arrested at Arellano.
12. The woman (Veronica) who jumped from the jeepney was
brought to PGH by a good Samaritan but she was already dead
when they reached PGH.
a. 42 yrs old. She suffered fractures, abrasions, hematoma.
b. Death was caused by severe and traumatic meningeal
13. The sister was brought to Ospital ng Maynila. Record not clear if she
14. Page was found guilty of robbery with homicide; in consipiracy with

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