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Computer games are the most popular entertainments in modern societies and they
target a variety of people in different ages. The addiction to the rivalry and excitements of
the games make them the most common recreational programs for today's teenagers, so
that they do anything to reach a higher level of the game, they immerse in the game so
much that they completely separate from their surroundings. Challenging with the
obstacles and reaching a higher level in the game, make the players excited and losing the
game make them anxious. Computer games started in 1972 with Pang, a computer tennis
game, and then developed hardware and software systems. Improvement of quality and
variety of games increasingly spread it in the society especially adolescences. It is believed
that computer games like watching TV provides opportunities for visual learning.
Especially because these games are more active compared to watching TV, they are
considered more effective. Since these games are known as the second entertainment after
TV, opponents of these games emphasize on their negative effects such as stimulating
anger and violence, costing a lot of money and having negative effects of physical and
mental health, which are much higher than the positive effects of the games such as
increasing the coordination of eyes and hands. As Klein and Keepers mentioned in their
research reports in 1990, students who prefer computer games to other entertainments have
more behavioral problems that other students (cited from Patton).Currently in Philippines ,
a great part of students' leisure time out of school is spent on computer games. The reasons
for adolescents' attraction to these games include being excited and easily accessible while
authorities and families do not have any proper plan for students' leisure time and there is
not many options for their entertainments.

Playing computer games to some extent can be useful, but long-term playing leads
to various physical and mental complications. Long term involvement with these games
means the players have long term tension, restlessness and are worrisome and during the
game, physical tensions and real physical stimulations are experienced. By sympathetic
nervous system stimulation, this can gradually make this system sensitive and ready for

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response to limited stimulants, while causing anxiety symptoms in the player. The reasons
for playing these games among boys were excitements and challenges and they insisted to
win. Moreover, sport and violent games were more attractive for boys. Development of
electronic and computer games are a great threat for youth and adolescents and can lead to
psychological disorders and depression in these groups. In previous times, kids were
involved playing with other children, but children of today spend most of their time on
computer games as soon as they understand and get acquainted with them, while these
games cannot create any emotional and human relationship. Children's and adolescents
attractions to the computer games cause many mental, physical and social problems for
them. These effects are stimulating anger and violence, obesity, epilepsy due to games,
social isolation, and other physical and mental damages. Many psychologists and mental
health professionals have paid attention to the effects of these games.

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Nature and Background of the Study

Observations about the addiction to computers and more specifically computer

games date back at least to the mid-1970s. Addiction and addictive behavior was common
among the users of the PLATO system at the University of Illinois. British e-
learning academic Nicholas Rushby suggested in his 1979 book, An Introduction to
Educational Computing, that people can be addicted to computers and suffer withdrawal
symptoms. The term was also used by M. Shotton in 1989 in her book Computer Addiction.
However, Shotton concludes that the 'addicts' are not truly addicted. Dependency on
computers, she argues, is better understood as a challenging and exciting pastime that can
also lead to a professional career in the field. Computers do not turn gregarious, extroverted
people into recluses; instead they offer introverts a source of inspiration, excitement and
intellectual stimulation. Shotton's work seriously questions the legitimacy of the claim that
computers cause addiction.

The term became more widespread with the explosive growth of the Internet, as
well the availability of the personal computer. Computers and the Internet both started to
take shape as a personal and comfortable medium which could be used by anyone who
wanted to make use of it. With that explosive growth of individuals making use of PCs and
the Internet, the question started to arise whether or not misuse or excessive use of these
new technologies could be possible as well. It was hypothesized that, like any technology
aimed specifically at human consumption and use, that abuse could have severe
consequences for the individual in the short term and for the society in the long term. In
the late nineties people who made use of PCs and the internet where already referred to the
term webaholics or cyberholics. Pratarelli et al. suggested at that point already to label "a
cluster of behaviors potentially causing problems" as computer or Internet addiction.

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Statement of the Problem

1. What are the advantages of technology to students?

2. What are the disadvantages of technology to students?
3. What are the factors leading to computer addiction?
4. What are the effects of computer addiction to students?
5. What are the factors to prevent computer addiction?

Objective of the study

This study aims to explore the views of ICT students and the Impact of computer
addiction to students’ lifestyle. In particular, the objectives of the study are as follow:

1. To elaborate clearly it’s effect in every students’ lifestyle.

2. This study helps to give an accurate information about the impact of computer
addiction to students’ lifestyle.
3. To know the level of understanding in impact of computer addiction and to make
our readers alarmed.
4. To give all ICT students aims to explore the clarification of the study.
5. To give tips and help advices in all ICT students.

Significance of the Study

This study is deemed significant to the following stakeholders for the following reasons:

To the students - in order for them to be fully aware of the impact of being hooked to

To the parents - In this study, parents will realize how important it is for them to know the
impact of computers to their children for them to be fully aware of the effects of constant
exposure to computers and to guide their children.

To the teachers - This study will give information to the teachers to give proper guidance
to students in using computers.

To other researchers - The process and outcome of this study can be bases for future study.

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Scope and Delimitation

The study was conducted within the Senior High School students. This group of
students belong to Batangas Eastern Colleges. The questionnaire will be delimited to obtain
primary and secondary reasons of how computer addiction affects senior high school as
well as assessing related factors underlying therewith.

The researchers arbitrarily select the group of students for they represent a typical
student whose primary aim is to learn and excel in school. Moreover, the problem on the
impact of computer addiction to senior high school was very observable in this group of
students while they are supposedly being a model to other students.

Definition of terms

Arbitrarily – According to Zamani (2010), it refers to the basis of random choice or

personal whim, rather than any reason and pay attention. In this study, it refers to the
manner of computer addiction among ICT students.

Cognitive Skills – Ke (2005) defined cognitive skills as the core skills your brain uses to
think, read, learn, remember, reason and pay attention. In this study, cognitive skills refer
to the process of incoming information and move it into the bank of knowledge.

Compulsive-Impulsive Spectrum Disorder – According to Brewey (2010), it refers to

the mental disorder characterized by impulsivity – or the failure to resist a temptation, an
urge or impulse. In this study, it refers to the psychiatric disorder experienced by the
addicted users.

Cooperative game-playing – it is the feature of computer games will allows cooperation

and synchronous connection with the other players. In this study, it is considered as one of
the factor why ICT students were inclined with computer games.

Cyberholics – It refers to the mental condition in which users are more inclined or addicted
with computer gaming or any computer-related matters. In this study, Cyberholics users
were the focus or subject of the study.

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Dependency – it refers to the high level of addiction on certain thing or object. In this
study, the researcher will assess the dependency of the ICT students to the computer games.

Legitimacy – According to Leigh (2004), it refers to the conformity to the rules of the law;
ability to be defended with logic or justification. In this study, legitimacy refers to the
originality and genuine property of the computer games.

Pathological-involving – Hendrex (2009) explained that it is the ability to cause physical

or mental disease. In this study, it refers to the adverse effects of computer addition among
ICT students.

Preoccupation – It refers to engage or engross the interest or attention of beforehand or

preferentially. In this study, it refers to the ability of the computer games to capture the
attention of the users.

Rivalry – According to Zamani (2010), it refers to the competition for the same objective
or competition for the superiority. In this study, it refers to the factor which induces
computer addiction.

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Review of Related Literature

Computer addiction can be described as the excessive or compulsive use of the

computer which persists despite serious negative consequences for personal, social, or
occupational function. Another clear conceptualization is made by Block, who stated that
"Conceptually, the diagnosis is a compulsive-impulsive spectrum disorder that involves
online and/or offline computer usage and consists of at least three subtypes: excessive
gaming, sexual preoccupations, and e-mail/text messaging". While it was expected that this
new type of addiction would find a place under the compulsive disorders in the DSM-5,
the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, it is still
counted as an unofficial disorder. The concept of computer addiction is broadly divided
into two types, namely offline computer addiction and online computer addiction. The term
offline computer addiction is normally used when speaking about excessive gaming
behavior, which can be practiced both offline and online. Online computer addiction, also
known as Internet addiction, gets more attention in general from scientific research than
offline computer addiction, mainly because most cases of computer addiction are related
to the excessive use of the Internet.

Although addiction is usually used to describe dependence on substances, addiction

can also be used to describe pathological Internet use. Experts on Internet addiction have
described this syndrome as an individual being intensely working on the Internet,
prolonged use of the Internet, uncontrollable use of the Internet, unable to use the Internet
with efficient time, not being interested in the outside world, not spending time with people
from the outside world, and an increase in their loneliness and dejection. However, simply
working long hours on the computer does not necessarily mean someone is addicted.

According to Zamani (2010), Computer games are the most popular entertainments
in modern societies and they target a variety of people in different ages. The addiction to
the rivalry and excitements of the games make them the most common recreational
programs for today's teenagers, so that they do anything to reach a higher level of the game,
they immerse in the game so much that they completely separate from their surroundings.
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Challenging with the obstacles and reaching a higher level in the game, make the players
excited and losing the game make them anxious. Computer Addiction for some people,
computer use develops into something compulsive, and usage either online or offline
interferes with daily routines, relationships, activities and one’s overall well-being.
Computer addiction may result from or cause compulsive online gambling, an online
shopping problem, web surfing or even obsessive computer programming. If you regularly
spend more time on the computer than you intend to, experience distress because of the
computer, or if your computer use interferes with your obligations then you could be
suffering from an addiction to the computer. Although computer addiction is a relatively
new problem, there are effective treatments that can help people who are addicted to
computer understand their addiction and regain control of their lives.

Wei,Sopory &Hendrex (2009) evaluated the effect of competitive and

noncompetitive educational mathematics computer games of fourǦ to sevenǦyearǦold
boys’ and girls’ recall of gameǦplaying experience. The results showed that learning of
boys and girls was increased after competitive and non-competitive games. These games
had high influence on learning of girls.

In another study done by Ke (2005) in a sample of 125 fifth graders' as assigned to

Teams-Games-Tournament cooperative game-playing, interpersonal competitive game-
playing, and no-games conditions. It was found that cooperative game-playing was most
effective in promoting math learning compared to interpersonal competitive game playing.
In another study done by Scottish researchers on 600 students in 32 schools, some students
performed their games for 20min for 9 weeks at the start of math classes as reading the
tests, problem solving and memory strengthening games. The analysis of results of tests at
the beginning and end of classes showed that the score of students using computer games
was improved 50%. After statement of the results of Scotland education organization,
computer games reduced class-education gap and all students were at the same math
learning level (Computer games”, September 25, 2008).

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Hong & Liu(2003) emphasized that computer games increased problem solving. In
a study done by Ledman & Niess (1999), the researchers stated that computers can help
the students to study math and sciences in realistic world. According to authors, math
should be reliable and realistic. Leigh (2004) showed that computer games could improve
cognitive skills and problem solving. They stated that if children love computer games,
teachers should make computer math games that students can do computations with
computer. These games include some strategies to increase knowledge of students.
Computer games should present immediate feedback and test skills are developed. These
games are used as an alternative for practice.

The effect of computer games is investigated without separating its different types.
This study attempted to close this gap. The present study aimed to investigate the effect of
war and sport computer games on performance of students in math.

It is widely believed that playing computer games will result in addictive behaviors
and thus bring a number of detrimental outcomes, such as irrational spending of money
and time on playing and decrease in healthy leisure activities. While there is some
anecdotal evidence of game addiction, such as the recent tragedy in Korea where an adult
gamer died after 36 hours of continuous playing, current literature does not provide a
consistent support for the game-addiction hypothesis. A general review of studies on
computer game addiction by Tejeiro (2001) reveals that most of them are based on either
a general survey with unrepresentative samples, or an experiment usually focusing on a
particular type of non-popular games. Therefore, generalizability of these studies is
somewhat limited. Some researchers correctly suggest not using the word “addiction” but
rather “dependency,” which applies to a particular category of person for whom playing
games is not simply a preoccupation, but also serves special social and psychological
functions in their lives (Shotton, 1989). Adopting the concept of “dependency” rather than
“addiction,” Griffith and Hunt (1998) conducted a survey with 387 adolescents (aged 2-16
yrs.). The analysis indicated that one in five adolescents were currently “dependent” upon
computer games. Boys played significantly more regularly than girls and were more likely
to be classified as "dependent." The earlier children began playing computer games it
appeared the more likely they were to be playing at “dependent” levels.
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What is Computer Addiction?

This addiction is characterized by an excessive desire and subsequent use of the

internet or the computer that results in negative consequences socially, financially,
physically, emotionally or otherwise for the user. A preoccupation with computers can lead
to problems with relationships, problems with productivity or problems with self-care and
hygiene. It’s important to recognize that not all people who spend hours each day on the
computer are considered addicted. There are many uses for computers and the internet and
in many cases, an individual may spend 6 or more hours in a day on the computer but still
not be considered an addict. Each individual situation is different and therefore, there is no
set number of hours that is (or is not) considered a potential for computer addiction.

Effects of Computer Addiction

You may not think that using the computer excessively can have a negative impact
on your life but for those who become addicted to the computer, compulsive use can
actually lead to a number of lasting consequences in work, home and social life. If you or
someone you know is addicted to the computer, you may be experiencing the following
effects of compulsive computer use: inability to interact social except when on the
computer such as online in chat groups or social networking sites and inability to
experience pleasure when performing tasks that are not done on a computer. You may not
feel relief or gratification unless you are taking part in a task that involves using a computer
overspending on hardware, software or other computer items loss of relationships due to
spending too much time on the computer and not enough time with a friend or loved one
loss of a job due to a lack of productivity because time was spent on the computer
performing other tasks that provided you with satisfaction, giving up career goals in an
effort to spend more time on the computer ,lack of productivity on school assignment
because you are distracted by your desire to use the computer, feelings of failure because
you have tried to control your computer usage and despite your efforts have failed at your
attempts, poor self-esteem because you feel socially inept, poor self-hygiene because you
are too “busy” with your involvement with the computer to take time out to shower, eat,
brush your teeth and hair or otherwise take care of yourself.

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Many of the above effects of computer addiction can be easily reversed with time
and treatment. For instance, while you may lose a relationship when you are addicted to
the computer, getting the treatment you need to overcome the addiction can lead to the
building of new, lasting relationships or the re-building of a past relationship that suffered
as a result of your addiction.

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This chapter deals with the research design, participants and respondents, materials
and instruments, research site and data collection and analysis.

Research Design

This study was purposely designed using descriptive type of research design and
the Impact of Computer Addiction to students’ Lifestyle in Batangas Eastern Colleges
Senior High School (SHS).

Subject of the Study

The study involved 50 students of Senior High School in Information

Communication Technology (ICT) Strand in Batangas Eastern Colleges.

All of them were asked to answer the prepared and distributed questionnaire and
survey. They were also provided the needed assistance for the study. The researchers
assured the respondents the confidentiality of their responses.

Data Gathering Instruments

A questionnaire and survey was used as an instrument in conducting the study to

gather information from the respondents. Questionnaires and survey were distributed to all
the Senior High School students in Information Communication Technology (ICT) Strand.

The researchers made the instrument through gathering information and other data
helped them to visualize and bring out to the readers the impact of computer addiction to
students through these questionnaires, the researchers easily determined the responses of
the students.

The questionnaire was composed of 25-itemed rating scale test. The rating scale
items were answerable by numbers from two (2) to five (5) with corresponding descriptions
as follows:

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5 – Strongly agree

4 – Agree

3 – Disagree

2 – Strongly Disagree

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers respectfully asked permission from the school head to gather
information about the “Impact of Computer Addiction to students’ Lifestyle in Batangas
Eastern Colleges ’’.

The researchers’ questionnaire and survey were answered and distributed

individually to the Senior High School in Information Communication Technology (ICT)
Strand in Batangas Eastern Colleges. The researchers carefully tabulated, analyzed and
organized the results which served as the basis of the statistical elements.

In developing the instrument, the validation process were undertaken first before
administering to test if the item were valid. After that, the researcher seek permission from
the school head of Batangas Eastern Colleges so that the respondents can answer the
validated questionnaire. After the respondents answered the given questionnaire, they were
collected, tallied and tabulated by the researchers.

Information acquired and provided by students will be used to confirm or negate

the feasible causes which were earlier stated. The result of the questionnaire will then
contribute insight in planning and drafting of the solutions in addressing the said problems
being identified that need appropriate action.

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Statistical Treatment of Data

To analyze and interpret the data presented by the instrument the following
mathematical measures were used in the study.

Frequency: This was used to determine the population of the respondents indicating
different answers in each item.

Percentage: This was used to determine the distribution of the respondents.

Ranking: This was employed to reinforce results about the frequency in every response
on each item.

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Conceptual Framework

Conceptual Paradigm of Impact of Computer Addiction to Students’ Life Style in

Batangas Eastern Colleges


1. Advantages The methods of the

2. Disadvantages study are surveys
3. Factors for gathering data.
4. Effects

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This chapter describes the analysis of data followed by a discussion of the research
findings. The findings relate to the research questions or statement of the problem that
guided the study. Data were analyzed to identify, describe and explore the impact of
computer addiction to students’ life style in Batangas Eastern Colleges, and to determine
the solutions that may help in this problem. Data were obtained from surveys, completed
by 50 senior high school ICT students from 4 sections (n = 50).

A total of 50 surveys were received from the ICT strand sections. 20 of which were
from the Fortran section, 10 from the Elixir section, 10 from the Java Section and 10 from
the Phyton section. The Fortran section represents the grade 12 senior high school
programming students, while the Elixir section represents the grade 11 senior high school
programming students. Phyton section represents the grade 12 senior high school CSS
students, while the Java section represents the grade 11 senior high school CSS students.

The survey comprised of two sections and data generated were presented as follows:

 The first section comprises of data describing the impact of computer addiction to
students’ lifestyle.
 The second section comprises the data regarding the result of the


This section will discuss the respondents’ answers towards the surveys utilizing the
data analysis methods mentioned in the methodology. The researchers used Frequency,
Percentage, and Ranking in a table type to aid in the description of the survey answers.
Each of the questions were listed first per research question, then the discussion, following
the results. The table will show the percentage, frequency and ranking of all the
respondents’ answers in one question, according to the 5 – 2 scale used in the survey.

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Advantages of technology to students

1. Increases speed of computing and processing information.

2. Students are interested and engaged in using technology.
3. Technology provides different opportunities to make learning more fun and
4. Technology is integrated into lessons, which makes students more interested in the
subject they are studying.
5. Technology provides great opportunities for making learning more effective.

The following results were obtained indicating the advantages of technology to students:

Question 1 – On the first statement the majority answer based on the scale is strongly agree
that gained 34 of frequency or equivalent to 68%. It stated that the technology increases
the speed of computing and gain more information and it explains that it helps them to
finish their task easily and fast.


Strongly Agree 34 68% 1
Agree 16 32% 2
Disagree 0 0 3
Strongly Disagree 0 0 3

Question 2 – On the second statement the majority answer based on the scale is strongly
agree that gained 28 of frequency or equivalent to 56%. It stated that students are more
interested and engaged in using technology that helps them explore and easily finish their
research o assignments.


Strongly Agree 28 56% 1
Agree 20 40% 2
Disagree 2 4% 3
Strongly Disagree 0 0 4

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Question 3 – On the third statement the majority answer based on the scale is strongly agree
that gained 31 of frequency or equivalent to 62%. It stated that technology provides
different opportunities to make learning more fun and enjoyable to users that it can increase
their social skills and ability to work.


Strongly Agree 31 62% 1
Agree 16 32% 2
Disagree 3 6% 3
Strongly Disagree 0 0 4

Question 4 – On the fourth statement the majority answer based on the scale is strongly
agree that gained 29 of frequency or equivalent to 58%. It stated that technology is
integrated into lessons, which it helps the students be more interested in the subject they
are studying.


Strongly Agree 29 58% 1
Agree 18 36% 2
Disagree 3 6% 3
Strongly Disagree 0 0 4

Question 5 – On the fifth statement the majority answer based on the scale is strongly agree
that gained 36 of frequency or equivalent to 72%. It stated that technology provides great
opportunities for making the learning more effective and understandable to students.


Strongly Agree 36 72% 1
Agree 11 22% 2
Disagree 3 6% 3
Strongly Disagree 0 0 4

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Disadvantages of technology to students

1. Technology literally hinders the steps of learning.

2. Technology may lead to inappropriate contents.
3. Technology is a cause of cyberbullying trap.
4. Using technology is a major distraction especially at home and school.
5. People are largely becoming dependent on technology for their assignment rather
than using their mental skills for the thought process.

The following results were obtained indicating the disadvantages of technology to students:

Question 1 – On the first statement the majority answer based on the scale is agree that
gained 23 of frequency or equivalent to 46%. It stated that technology literally hinders the
steps of learning.


Strongly Agree 15 30% 2
Agree 23 46% 1
Disagree 8 16% 3
Strongly Disagree 4 8% 4

Question 2 – On the second statement the majority answer based on the scale is agree that
gained 27 of frequency or equivalent to 54%. It stated that technology lead to
inappropriate contents.


Strongly Agree 10 20% 2
Agree 27 54% 1
Disagree 10 20% 2
Strongly Disagree 3 6% 3

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Question 3 – On the third statement the majority answer based on the scale is agree that
gained 20 of frequency or equivalent to 40%. It stated that technology is one of the cause
of cyberbullying trap that can lead into a depression of the victim.


Strongly Agree 17 34% 2
Agree 20 40% 1
Disagree 11 22% 3
Strongly Disagree 3 6% 4

Question 4 – On the fourth statement the majority answer based on the scale is strongly
agree that gained 20 of frequency or equivalent to 40%. It stated that using technology is
a major distraction that leads into a fail grades and low self-esteem.


Strongly Agree 20 40% 1
Agree 20 40% 1
Disagree 9 18% 2
Strongly Disagree 1 2% 3

Question 5 –On the fifth statement the majority answer based on the scale is strongly
agree that gained 25 of frequency or equivalent to 50%. It stated that people are largely
dependent on technology for their assignment rather than using their mental skills for the
thought process.


Strongly Agree 25 50% 1
Agree 20 40% 2
Disagree 5 10% 3
Strongly Disagree 0 0 4

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Factors leading to computer addictions

1. An individual needs to play computer games frequently to get satisfaction from the
2. Gamers feel bored, upset, restless, moody, and depressed when they cannot play
computer games.
3. Individuals get angry when he/she needs the computer or when others refuse to
share time.
4. People forget all about time when playing computer games.
5. You cannot stop playing computer games, no matter how hard you try.

The following results were obtained indicating the Factors leading to computer addictions:

Question 1 – On the first statement the majority answer based on the scale is agree that
gained 24 of frequency or equivalent to 48%. It stated that individuals need to play
computer games frequently to get satisfaction.


Strongly Agree 15 30% 2
Agree 24 48% 1
Disagree 10 20% 3
Strongly Disagree 1 2% 4

Question 2 – On the second statement the majority answer based on the scale is agree that
gained 29 of frequency or equivalent to 58%. It stated that gamers feel moody, and
depressed when they cannot play computer games.


Strongly Agree 8 16% 3
Agree 29 58% 1
Disagree 11 22% 2
Strongly Disagree 2 4% 4

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Question 3 – On the third statement the majority answer based on the scale is agree that
gained 20 of frequency or equivalent to 40%. It stated that inidividual get angry when
others refused to share time in computer.


Strongly Agree 14 28% 2
Agree 20 40% 1
Disagree 14 28% 2
Strongly Disagree 2 4% 3

Question 4- On the fourth statement the majority answer based on the scale is agree that
gained 20 of frequency or equivalent to 40%. It stated that people forget all about time
when playing computer games.


Strongly Agree 16 32% 2
Agree 20 40% 1
Disagree 13 26% 3
Strongly Disagree 1 2% 4

Question 5 – On the fifth statement the majority answer based on the scale is a tie it’s
agree and disagree that both gained 18 of frequency or equivalent to 36%. It stated that it
is hard to stop playing computer games.


Strongly Agree 11 22% 2
Agree 18 36% 1
Disagree 18 36% 1
Strongly Disagree 3 6% 3

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Effects of computer addiction to students

1. Constant use of computers may lead to failure to finish off their task at home or school.

2. Computer games will only give more importance to virtual friends and withdraw from
real life friends and family.

3. If someone spends more and more time on gaming, they may give more importance to
event within the game than real life events.

4. Constant use of computer may lead to academic deterioration as they tend to not focus
much on their studies.

5. Someone constantly exposed to computers has the tendency to lose the desire for human
contact and communication and in a way that slowly breaks away from reality.

The following results were obtained indicating Effects of computer addiction to students:

Question 1 – On the first statement the majority answer based on the scale is agree that
gained 23 of frequency or equivalent to 46%. It stated that computers may lead to failure
to finish off their task at home or school because computer games is popular in the students
that may cause addiction in computers.


Strongly Agree 17 34% 2
Agree 23 46% 1
Disagree 9 18% 3
Strongly Disagree 1 2% 4

Question 2 – On the second statement the majority answer based on the scale is agree that
gained 25 of frequency or equivalent to 50%. It stated that computer games will only give
importance to virtual friend than the real life friends and family because many of the
student give more time in playing computer games that giving more time in family.

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Strongly Agree 13 26% 2
Agree 25 50% 1
Disagree 10 20% 3
Strongly Disagree 2 4% 4
Question 3 – On the third statement the majority answer based on the scale is agree that
gained 19 of frequency or equivalent to 38%. It stated that spending more time in computer
gaming may give more importance to event within the game because a student that being
addictive in computer games giving their time in playing to rich the rank or level that they


Strongly Agree 18 36% 2
Agree 19 38% 1
Disagree 11 22% 3
Strongly Disagree 2 4% 4
Question 4 – On the fourth statement the majority answer based on the scale is agree that
gained 25 of frequency or equivalent to 50%. It stated that constant use of computer may
lead to academic deterioration because student tend to not focus in their academic studies.


Strongly Agree 10 20% 3
Agree 25 50% 1
Disagree 11 22% 2
Strongly Disagree 4 8% 4
Question 5 – On the fifth statement the majority answer based on the scale is agree that
gained 29 of frequency or equivalent to 58%. It stated being exposed to computers has
tendency to lose the desire for human contact because many student only communicate
using computers they only want is being alone in playing computer games and not
communicating in the reality.


Strongly Agree 14 28% 2
Agree 29 58% 1
Disagree 5 10% 3
Strongly Disagree 2 4% 4

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Factors to prevent computer addiction

1. Limit the time you spend on computer games.

2. Make more activities for yourself to avoid spending too much time on computer games.

3. Only use computer for necessary tasks.

4. Spend more time on family, rather than play computer games.

5. Balance your lifestyle, overcome your addiction and try to manage it.

The following results were obtained indicating Factors to prevent computer addiction:

Question 1 –On the first statement the majority answer based on the scale is strongly agree
that gained 29 of frequency or equivalent to 58%. It stated that limit the time spending in
playing computer games for you to finish the other works and to prevent computer


Strongly Agree 29 58% 1
Agree 15 30% 2
Disagree 6 12% 3
Strongly Disagree 0 0 4

Question 2 – On the second statement the majority answer based on the scale is strongly
agree that gained 24 of frequency or equivalent to 48%. It stated make more activities to
yourself to avoid spending too much on computer for you to know more about yourself and
what you’re capable with.


Strongly Agree 24 48% 1
Agree 23 46% 2
Disagree 3 6% 3
Strongly Disagree 0 0 4

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Question 3 – On the third statement the majority answer based on the scale is strongly agree
that gained 21 of frequency or equivalent to 42%. It stated that only use the computer for
necessary tasks for you to do and finish the other tasks given.


Strongly Agree 21 42% 1
Agree 18 36% 2
Disagree 11 22% 3
Strongly Disagree 0 0 4
Question 4 – On the fourth statement the majority answer based on the scale is strongly
agree that gained 31 of frequency or equivalent to 62%. It stated that spend more time on
family rather than playing computer games. It will help you to become closer to your family
and gain more memorable moments with them.


Strongly Agree 31 62% 1
Agree 16 32% 2
Disagree 1 2% 4
Strongly Disagree 2 4% 3

Question 5 – On the fifth statement the majority answer based on the scale is strongly agree
that gained 33 of frequency or equivalent to 66%. It stated that balance your lifestyle to
overcome your addiction that will lead into a healthy lifestyle.


Strongly Agree 33 66% 1
Agree 15 30% 2
Disagree 2 4% 3
Strongly Disagree 0 0 4

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Technology is being used in almost everyone. Technology has changed the way we
work and it has brought some fan at school, it reduces on human errors which can be caused
by too much work or stress. There are Advantages in technology, one of it is that it
Improves communication, many students are using various communication technologies
to change the way their interactions and communication while at a particular place. There
are also disadvantages of technology to students. It also causes distraction at school. There
are so many ways technology can distract students at school. The use of social networks at
school can cause so much distraction and it affects the productivity of the students. Some
schools have decided to block access to specific websites like Facebook, Twitter and
YouTube, because of the unlimited distraction they cause. Other technologies which cause
distraction at school include smartphones, laptops and even computers in computer labs.

Whenever Internet addicts feel overwhelmed, stressed, depressed, lonely or

anxious, they use the Internet to seek solace and escape. Studies from the University of
Iowa show that Internet addiction is quite common among males ages 15 to 30 years old
who are suffering from depression.

Certain people are predisposed to having a computer or Internet addiction, such as

those who suffer from anxiety and depression. Their lack of emotional support means they
turn to the Internet to fill this need. There are also those who have a history of other types
of addiction, such as addictions to alcohol, drugs, sex and gambling. Even being stressed
and unhappy can contribute greatly to the development of a computer or Internet addiction.
People who are overly shy and cannot easily relate to their peers are also at a higher risk
of developing a computer or Internet addiction.

If a Computer Addict excessively watches Internet pornography or uses adult

fantasy role-play websites, the cause may be that they may have relationship problems in
real life or they may have been sexually abused during their childhood. If a person lacks
social support in real life, or if a person suddenly becomes less mobile due to a new
disability or responsibility which makes them hard to leave home to socialize with their
friends, they may use online social networking websites as a way to establish social
connections and relationships.

Computer addiction is becoming increasingly common as more and more people

have access to personal computers. Computer usage can be useful and productive, but if
you’re a computer addict it can have serious effects on many parts of your life. Luckily,
there are ways to overcome computer addiction without cutting computers out of your life
completely. Doing this will often take self-discipline as well as support from others, and
sometimes professional help. Limit your time on the computer.

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This may seem difficult at first, but it’s the first step to recovering from computer addiction.
Remember that you don’t need to stop using the computer altogether, just set reasonable
limits for now. Only use the computer for necessary tasks. You may need the computer for
work or for school. If this is the case, use the computer as much as you need to for those
particular applications.

Otherwise, put it away. Limit where you can use the computer. Depending on the
nature of your computer addiction, you may benefit from limiting where you use the
computer. For example, if you only use the computer in a public place, you may refrain
from behaviors that are easier to do in private, such as cybersex, online gambling, or
watching movies. Create a plan for modifying your behavior. Overcoming an addiction
isn’t easy, and it requires a plan. You may try a simple plan, such as quitting cold turkey;
however, it’s more likely that a slower, more methodical plan will be successful for
computer addiction.

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This chapter looks at the summary of findings, recommendations and suggestions for future


Academic achievement is considered as key criteria to judge one’s total potentials and
capacities. Apart from academic achievement adolescents’ study habits and self-concept
equally keep importance in students’ academic spheres. This the study is a quantitative
study which was designed to investigate the influence on study habits of computer
addiction of students in Batangas Eastern Colleges. Data were obtained from surveys,
completed by 50 senior high school ICT students from 4 sections (n = 50). A total of 50
surveys were received from the ICT strand sections. 20 of which were from the Fortran
section, 10 from the Elixir section, 10 from the Java section and 10 from the Phyton section.
The survey comprised of two sections and data generated were presented as follows:

The first section comprises of data describing the impact of computer addiction to students’
lifestyle. The second section comprises the data regarding the result of the

The study reviewed literature regarding concept of study habits & attitude, effects of
computer addiction and academic performances and also, factors influencing these

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On the basis of present study some recommendations for students in the schools are drawn
as follows:

• It would be worthwhile for all stake holders in education i.e. parents, teachers and
government to encourage students in their respective areas of responsibilities, such as
providing study materials, conducive place of study, recognizing excellence, appreciating
students hard work as soon as possible among others. These will help to motivate the
students positively towards their study and academic achievement.

• Students should be taught study skills so that they can cultivate good and effective study

• As inhabitance has been found to be a significant factor in academic achievement and

developing study habits and self-concept among students, there is the need for curriculum
developers and teachers to take the availabilities of different facilities of their respective
area into account when developing curriculum and designing instructions.

• All dimensions of self-concept should be given consideration when planning any

programmes for students in the country particularly in the District.

• Parents should improve the level of control and care of their children, show more interest
and concern in the academic work of their wards by way of providing conducive
atmosphere for studies, proving materials for studies and helping students in their studies.

• It is necessary for parents and teachers to maintain a warm and cordial relationship with
their child and students irrespective to their gender differences.

• Study habits are important as they influence the academic performance of students so
parents and teachers must help in improving the study habits of students. Some
investigators have sought to determine what study habits are characteristically used by
students when left to work by themselves with little or no direction hence, teachers in
schools should be facilitators of learning. The finite treasure within every learner should
be discovered and nurtured for the purpose of improving effective study skills.
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These recommendations can be achieved by talking to parents and on the issues raised in a
forum like the P.T.A i.e. Parent-Teachers’-Association. Group counselling can also be
organized for students on good study habits, academic achievement, positive self-concept
and gender equality. School administrators i.e. the head teachers should forward the needs
and problems affecting students study habits and academic achievement to government for

Suggestions for Future Researchers

The following suggestions for future research are:

• It is important that the findings of this research are not generalized to all schools in the
country. The sample for this study though fairly large was from only one district in San
Juan, Batangas. Future research can be conducted with larger sample size from schools
situated in different area throughout the regions of country.

• Other factors that may influence the study habits of students such as academic motivation,
intelligence, parental socio-economic background etc. should also be considered for future
research in a different geographical location.

• Future research works in the area of intervention strategies need to be developed to

enhance academic achievement, self-concept and improve study habits among students.

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Shotton, M. A. (1989). Computer Addiction?: A Study of Computer Dependency. New

York City: Taylor & Francis.

“A Terrifying Parable of the Addictive Power of Internet Gambling.” Mail Online.

Associated Newspapers Ltd, 16 Aug. 2013. Web. 29 Oct. 2013.

Bae, Hwallip, and Daeho Kim. “Desensitization of Triggers and Urge Preprocessing for
an Adolescent with Internet Addiction.” Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 2012.
Web <Bae, H., & Kim, D. (2012). Desensitization of Triggers and Urge Reprocessing for
an Adolescent With Internet Addiction Disorder. Retrieved from
03 >. - klein and keepers
_School_in_City_of_Isfahan – Patton - Nicholas rushby – Praterelli

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APPENDIX A – Letter to the Principal

APPENDIX B- Letter to the Respondents

APPENDIX C- Survey Questionnaires

APPENDIX D- Curriculum Vitae

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