1 23 2020 No. 4

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1/23/2020 center x^2+y^2+8x-6y+4=0 - Circle Calculator - Symbolab


2 2
Circle center given x + y + 8x − 6y + 4 = 0: ( −4, 3 )
2 2
x + y + 8x − 6y + 4 = 0

Circle Equation

( x−a ) 2 + ( y−b ) 2 = r2 is the circle equation with a radius r, centered at ( a, b )

2 2 Hide Steps
Rewrite x + y + 8x − 6y + 4 = 0 in the form of the standard circle equation

2 2
x + y + 8x − 6y + 4 = 0

Move the loose number to the right side

2 2
x + 8x + y − 6y = −4

Group x − variables and y − variables together

( x2 + 8x ) + ( y2 − 6y ) = −4
Convert x to square form

( x2 + 8x + 16 ) + ( y2 − 6y ) = −4 + 16
Convert to square form

( x + 4 ) 2 + ( y2 − 6y ) = −4 + 16

https://www.symbolab.com/solver/circle-function-calculator/center x%5E%7B2%7D%2By%5E%7B2%7D%2B8x-6y%2B4%3D0 1/4

1/23/2020 center x^2+y^2+8x-6y+4=0 - Circle Calculator - Symbolab

Convert y to square form

( x + 4 ) 2 + ( y2 − 6y + 9 ) = −4 + 16 + 9

Convert to square form

( x + 4 ) 2 + ( y − 3 ) 2 = −4 + 16 + 9

Re ne − 4 + 16 + 9

( x + 4 ) 2 + ( y − 3 ) 2 = 21

Rewrite in standard form

( x − ( −4 ) ) 2 + ( y − 3 ) 2 = ( √ 21 ) 2

( x − ( −4 ) ) 2 + ( y − 3 ) 2 = ( √ 21 ) 2

Therefore the circle properties are:

( a, b ) = ( −4, 3 ) , r = √ 21

And the center is:

( −4, 3 )

https://www.symbolab.com/solver/circle-function-calculator/center x%5E%7B2%7D%2By%5E%7B2%7D%2B8x-6y%2B4%3D0 2/4

1/23/2020 center x^2+y^2+8x-6y+4=0 - Circle Calculator - Symbolab


2 2 2
Plotting: ( x − ( −4 ) ) + ( y − 3 ) = ( √ 21 )

https://www.symbolab.com/solver/circle-function-calculator/center x%5E%7B2%7D%2By%5E%7B2%7D%2B8x-6y%2B4%3D0 3/4

1/23/2020 center x^2+y^2+8x-6y+4=0 - Circle Calculator - Symbolab

https://www.symbolab.com/solver/circle-function-calculator/center x%5E%7B2%7D%2By%5E%7B2%7D%2B8x-6y%2B4%3D0 4/4

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