Amy Newmyer Letter

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Lincoln EEmehtitry School

90 S. Center. Hyrurn, UT 8+319

Phone' $5-2q5-6+tt2 Fay.: $5-2q5-4+tl
uJuJuJ.ccsd incol n
Principal: Jeni Buist
secretary: Lauralee zilles

To Whom ft Moy Concern, Jonuory 29,2020

f this letter in recognition of Amy NewMyer. Amy begon working

om writing
os o student I eocher in First Grode ot Lincoln Elementory in August 2019. She olso
completed her procficum hours ot Lincoln in one of our first grode clossrooms.
Before leginning her procticum hours ond student teoching she come in and visited
with myself ond her cooperoting teacher. She ond the teocher sot down and
discussed the responsibilities she would hove os o procticum student ond a student
teocher. Once she begon teaching, shebecane port of the foculfy os ony full time
teocher would.
Amy would porficipote in grode level ond school wide Professional Learning
Community (PLC) meetings on o weekly bosis. They would work together os o teom
to determine the best teoching strotegies ond resources for their students. Amy
ottended oll of our foculty meelings, PLC's, ond district troinings.
Amy is o pleosont ond friendly person to work with. She went out of her woy
to help the students ond teochers. She mode it o point to ocguoint herself with the
stoff ot the school while she wos there. She would 6e a greol osset to hove on ony


en i Buist
Lincoln Elementory

Lincol n Leopards are T{gsponsible,

I{pspectfut, Rpsilient, and RpmarKablel

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