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The Art of War for

Samuel Huang
Liu Bei Best Virtues

1. Integrity
2. Getting the Best Resource

SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity

1. Integrity
“ The Quality of being honest and
being Strong moral Principles.”

“This about all: to think our self be True”

(William Shakespare 1564-1616)

SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity

Survey to Business Owner & CEO
Most important Factors

• Education
• Skill
• Experience
• Loyalty
• Habit
• Attitude / Integrity

SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity

6. Education
5. Skill
4. Experience
3. Loyalty
2. Habit
1. Attitude / Integrity

SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity

What are the Secrets ?
SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity
SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity
Menanamkan etos Kerja, niat luhur dalam berusaha, tidak melakukan
tindakan tercela, serta menjaga integritas, reputasi,

Berangkat dari pikiran yang bersih, yang berkaitan dengan keinginan

membahagiakan orang lain, mensejahterakan para karyawan dan sejahtera
bersama bangsa

SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity


“Kita tidak boleh memecat orang.

Pemimpin itu harus bisa mencari lapangan
pekerjaan orang.”

Om William Soerdjaya

SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity

The World Furniture

SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity

2. Getting the Best Resource

“Human resources are the greatest assets of any company.”
Norayana Murthy - 1946
Founder & CEO of Infosys Technologies

SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity

SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity
SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity
取才 用才 留才

SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity

Great CEO

Carlos Ghosn

Howard Schultz
CEO of Starbucks

Muhtar Kent
CEO of Coca Cola
SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity
Wrong Decision

Meg Whitman

Jamie Dimon
CEO of J.P. Morgan

Jerry Yang
CEO of Yahoo

SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity

Warren Buffet Wang Chuanfu

Wang Chuanfu became China richest in 2009.
Net worth US$ 5.8 Billion

SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity

“ Whether it’s a good time or a bad time,
whether it’s needed or not,
the recruitment & selection of candidates
are crucial.”

SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity

The Secret of Liu Bei
• Man of Vision & Big Dream
• High Integrity
• True Sincerity
• Genuine Humility
• Sharp Instinct

SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity

SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity

SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity
The Strategy in Business Context
• Airlines Industries
• Consumer Products ( Lux & SPG )
• Entertainment Industries
• Banking, Hotel, etc.

Front Liner Challenges

SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity

SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity
SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity
SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity
SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity
SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity
SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity
SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity

SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity

SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity
Mr. Arwana

SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity

Zhuge Liang

SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity

• Loan from Bank
• Window Dressing
• Business Leaders Role Model
• Responsible Company

SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity


“ Many people thought I was finished,

I refused to give in to the negative circumstances
and I never lost Faith in myself.I didn’t
believe I was finished even when the newspapers
was saying so.”

Donald Trump

SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity

Companies during Crisis
• Enhance Brand Image
• Never compromise on Quality & Service
• Expand Advertising

SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity

SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity
Be aware !!!
• Ponzi Scam
• Probes
• Dressels
• And many more …

SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity


SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity

天时 地理 人和

SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity

Perfect Combination

天时 : Momentum

地理 : Location / Territory

人和 : Human Resource

SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity

“ Life is about Timing”
( Carl Lewis )

“Timing is Everything”
( Tommy Shaw )

SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity

Right Momentum

SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity

Lost of Momentum

SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity

Art of War for Prosperity
• Integrity is the Best Virtues
• Human Resource are the most important Factor
• Be Humble, Be Sincere & Be Cautious
• Complete & Accurate Information is almost everything
• Always anticipate for Competitors
• Innovate or Die – Strategy ( 千变万化 )
• At the Worst time, Be Confidence
• Catch the Right Moment
• Serenity breeds Brilliant Thoughts

SAM KOK - The Art of War for Prosperity

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