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1. Captain Hill took over the unit. What did he do?

took over = take over = occupation = conquest = invasion = capture  He assumed control.

2. Did you find out when the bus left?

find out = observe = learn = discover = detect  Did you know when it left?

3. How far do you have to go to get to work?

 It’s about a ten minute drive.

4. Can you help me locate room 240?

locate = find = place = position = establish  Can you help me find room 240?

5. Do you have to go?

have to = must = have got to = ought to = should  Yes, I have to.

6. When cars are moving bumper to bumper. How is traffic?

bumper to bumper  heavy

7. The train will leave at midnight. When will the train leave?
midnight  24 hours

8. This is the primary reason. What does primary mean?

primary = most important = major = main  most important

9. Corporal Tucker said that he understood. What did he mean?

 I see.

10. What does an industrial area contain?

industrial = manufacturing = industrialized  factory

11. He must start his work tomorrow. What must he do tomorrow?

start = begin = establish = set up  begin

12. When Lt. Smith left the hotel, he paid for his room. What did he pay?
 his bill

13. The child was frightened. How did the child feel?
frightened = scared = worry = afraid = nervous  afraid

14. How do you like your steak?

 well done

15. Captain Oakland said that television is entertaining. What did he mean?
entertaining = enjoyable = pleasurable = interesting  It is enjoyable.

16. Why should you wear an overcoat when it is cold?

 so as not to catch a cold

17. We must cut down our expense. What must we do?

cut down = reduce = decrease = chop down = bring down  reduce them
18. The passengers on the plane are relaxed. How do they feel?
relaxed = rest = take it easy = take a break = put your feet up = ease  at ease

19. On a bright sunny day, how is the weather?

bright = clear = light
sunny = bright = luminous = clear = fair = light  fair

20. We had a nice trip. It was not rough. How was the trip?
nice = pleasant = good = fine =smooth  smooth

21. They gave him a prize. What happened?

prize = award = trophy = reward  A prize was given to him.

22. The woman asked for the menu. What did she want?
menu = list of options = set of choices  a list of the food available.

23. Yesterday Sgt. Johnson told me that he is broke. What did he mean?
broke = ruined = bust = out of business = bankrupt  He has no money.

24. John is sitting next to Jim. Where is he sitting?

next to = beside = at the side of = close to  beside him

25. The wire had rubber covering. What kind of wire was it?
covering = cover = coat = cover up
rubber covering  insulate

26. Don’t be late for class.

Don’t be late = do not delayed  Be on time for class.

27. Helen didn’t remember her lesson.

didn’t remember = forgot  She forgot her lesson.

28. Hal ended up at the top of his class.

ended up = finish up = wind up  Hal finished highest in his class.

29. Captain McGraw has a fever this morning.

fever = fervor = eagerness = excitement  His temperature is above normal.

30. I’ve got to buy some toothpaste.

have got to = have to = must = be obliged to = ought to = should  I must get some toothpaste.

31. I am not familiar with it.

familiar = well-known = known
not familiar = unfamiliar = unknown  I don’t know it.

32. The break system is fouled up.

fouled up = foul up = make a mistake = mess up = get it wrong
 The break system is not function properly.

33. Pete is getting mad. You’d better lay off.

lay off = dismiss = suspend = discharge = stop  Stop what are you doing.
34. The restaurant is across from the public library.
across = crossways = opposite  The restaurant is opposite the library.

35. My friend said he was running short of cash.

short of = without = other than
running = management = operation  He had spent almost all of his money.

36. The students participated in sports.

participated = take part = join = play a part  They took part in sports.

37. I was talking to John when Paul cut in.

cut in = interrupt = break in = interject = move in = butt in  Paul interrupted us.

38. This suit is on sale.

on sale = for sale = reduced = discounted = in a promotion = on special offer = selling at
knockdown prices = being sold  The price has been reduced.

39. Avoid a person with a cold.

Avoid = keep away from = stay away from = steer clear of  Keep away from him.

40. The meat was too rare.

rare = uncommon = unusual = extraordinary = singular  It was not cooked enough.

41. The attack was repelled.

repelled = repel = keep away = fend off = fought off  It was fought off.

42. The student thought his friend had the right answer.
thought = thinking = idea = belief = opinion  He believed his friend had the right answer.

43. A liquid can be converted to gas.

converted = changed = renewed = transformed = rehabilitated  It can be changed to gas.

44. He is trying to design a silent airplane.

silent = quiet =noiseless=unvoiced=unspoken  He is trying to design one that makes no sound.

45. Be careful with Mr. Hawkins. He is deaf.

deaf = unable to hear = hard of hearing = hearing-impaired  He cannot hear.

46. The sergeant was tired to hearing gripes.

gripes = gripe = complaint = grievance = complain = grievance = objection = protest = grumble
 He was tired of hearing complaints.

47. She doesn’t mind doing the dishes.

doesn’t mind = doesn’t object  She doesn’t object.

48. We heard a lecture yesterday.

lecture = talk = teach = speech = homily  We heard a talk.

49. The instructor explained the process.

process=procedure=course=progression=method=course of action He explained the procedure.

50. The student said that he didn’t know the answer.

didn’t know = unknown  He couldn’t answer the question.
51. Woman : Where are you going?
Man : The sergeant told me to fill the fuel tank right now. What is he supposed to do?
right now = immediately = at once = right away  do to job immediately

52. Woman : Are you going to take the bus?

Man : Well, I just have a quarter. How much money did the man have?
just = only = no more than  only a quarter

53. Woman : Where is sergeant Brown?

Man : He’s picking up his laundry. What is sergeant Brown doing?
picking up = option = alternative = selection = preference = picking  getting his laundry

54. Woman : Good heavens, What happened?

Man : As you see, the window is shattered. What did he say about the window?
shattered = shatter = break = destroy=smash to smithereens=ruinIt was broken in small pieces.

55. Man : I’m hungry.

Woman : We have good choice of vegetables today. What did the woman say?
choice = selection = option = pick = alternative = picking  a good selection of vegetables

56. Woman : What do you think, Henry?

Man : Well I have a different viewpoint. What did Henry have?
viewpoint = opinion = belief = stance  a different opinion

57. Woman : Are you coming with us, Charles?

Man : I’ll be there soon. What did the man say?
soon = in next to no time = before long = shortly = rapidly  He’ll be there in a few minutes.

58. Woman : How did you injure your eye like that?
Man : By using too much artificial light. How did he injure himself?
artificial = non-natural = reproduction = synthetic  by using a man-made light

59. Woman : When is Nancy coming home?

Man : Oh, she’ll come home eventually. When will she be home?
eventually = sooner or later = in the long run = finally  at sometime in the future.

60. Man : Where are you going Jane?

Woman : To Houston.
Man : What kind of ticket are you buying.
Woman : A round trip ticket. What kind of ticket is Jane buying?
round = in a circle = in circles = encircling = encompassing = surrounding = on all sides of
 a ticket to Houston and back

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