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25, 2019

To Whom It May Concern,

It is with great pleasure that I recommend Amy Ellis for the position of a teacher in your school district.

I have known Amy this Fall Semester as her Clinical Supervisor through Western Governor’s University. I
have been able to observe her first hand as she has been completing her student teaching assignment.

Amy is organized, patient, and knowledgeable. She has great classroom management skills and keeps
her students eagerly engaged with her lessons. Amy knows how to work with all ability levels within the
classroom, differentiating the instructions to meet the students needs. She strives to reach all her
students and has developed strong trust relationships with her students. The students are excited to
share their work with Amy and she is complementary in her interactions with them.

Amy is always willing to go the extra mile and do additional research to enhance her own knowledge of
different subjects so that she can become a more effective teacher and can strengthen the growth of
her students as well.

Amy has excellent rapport not only with her students but, with her colleague too. She is respectful in
the way she addresses others and accepts feedback with grace and is determined to improve in
whatever area has been discussed. She is reflective in her teaching and is working to find the best way
to reach and teach her students.

Amy has energy, enthusiasm, and a true passion for teaching. She has confidence in front of the class
when she is presenting her lessons, and she takes time to make sure students understand the concepts
being taught. In my observations I have seen her exceptional teaching skills used in many different
situations, the students have truly benefited from the time that Amy has been their teacher.

I am confident that Amy will be a genuine asset and an invaluable addition to your school district. Please
feel free to contact me if you have and questions.


Mary Jane Arrant


Clinical Supervisor

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