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Institute o f Geology and Geotechnics, Czechosl. Acad. Sci., Prague

J N i VAN~r:
Geophysical Institute, Czeehosl. Acad. Sci., Prague*)

Instituto Ecuatoriano de Electrificacidn, Quito

P e a m M e : HeeJteOoeauue eeo~tempuu pacnpeOe~enua o,taeoa ~ezaJtempxcenu~t e tconmunenmaJtbuo#

nstume lOcecno~t Asueput~u naO aono(t cySOyt¢quu e OKeaOope notra3aJto ttmo ~mu aeMJtemp~,teeuux
naKonaatome:~ a 8 omOeJtbubtx pae~o~tnbtx aonax, tcomopbze unmepnpemupoeant, t Kat¢ eJty6unubte
ceitc~fuuec~cu ah'rnuanbte pax.~oM~t ebt3eann~te e r.o/tmunenmpa.~buoh JtumocgSepe npoqeccoM cy6-
OyF.quu. lIolca3blaaemcct, ttmo no~tmu ece u3eecmttble mepMa]tbubte ttemottuulcu u euOpomepMa/lb/tble
ue~tenenna e 9traaOope uagJt~oOalomca a ebtxoOax 9mux pa3ito~tubtx 3on.

S u m m a r y : The analysis o f the geometry o f distribution o f earthquake f o c i occurring in the

continental South American plate above the subducted Nazea plate reveals" that in the region o f
Ecuador these earthquakes accumulate Dz 8 well-separated fracture zones. These zones are inter-
preted as a system o f deep seismically active fractures indt¢ced in the continental plate by the p1"ocess
o f subduction. It is shown that the position o f known thermal springs and o f observed hydrotherma[
alterations in Ecuador co17"elates with the outcrops o f the f)'acture zones.


The territory of Ecuador appears to be one of the most complicated regions of the A n d e a n
convergent plate margin. The detailed investigation of the distribution of earthquake loci shows
that only two thirds of the contemporary seismic activity in Ecuador belong to the subduction
zone a n d that one third of the earthquakes, inclusive of the strongest shallow events, occurs
in the overlying continental wedge [1]. Similarly as in the regions of other active continental
margins [2--4], the earthquakes in the South American plate are not distributed randomly, but
arranged into well-defined fracture zones induced or activated by the process of subduction [5].
To find satisfactory geological evidence of these seismically active fracture zones on the surface
appears to be very problematic without a study of the most recent geological phenomena, especial-
ly of the displacements of recent sediments. A systematic observation of recent crustal movemems
might help in solving this problem but the execution of the corresponding geodetic and geo-
physical measurements would be very difficult in Ecuador due to the dramatic morphology a n d
to the fact that a substantial part of the territory is covered by hardly penetrable vegetation.
The study of the seismically active subduction-induced fracture zones in Mexico revealed that
the hydrothermal activity is one of the most distinctive surface manifestations of the individual
fracture zones [6]. A similar tectonic setting and a b u n d a n t occurrence of hydrothermal maul-

*) Address: Bo~ni II, 141 31 Praha 4-SpoHlov.

258 Studia geoph, et geod. 31 [1987}

Seismically Active Fracture Z o n e s . . .

festations in Ecuador provides the possibility of proving the general validity of this relationship.
Therefore, the aim of the present paper is to investigate the spatial distribution of the known
thermal springs in relation to the seismically active fracture zones on the territory of Ecuador.



The depth distribution of earthquake foci in relation to the distance from the
Peru-Chile trench axis reveals that a well-defined Wadati-Benioff zone exists in
Ecuador. This fact is demonstrated by two vertical sections taken from the paper
of Hanu~ and Vanfik [1], which are shown in Fig. 1. Section E5 between the parallels
3.5 ° - 4.0°S represents the shape and morphology of the flatly inclined subduction zone
in southern Ecuador characterized by a dip of 15°; section E l 0 between the parallels
1.0 ° - 1 . 5 ° S across the central part of Ecuador, dipping under an angle of 23 °,
represents the transition to the more steeply inclined subduction zone observed in
southern Colombia.
It can be seen in the graphs of Fig. 1 that considerable seismic activity can also be

80 W 78 76

.••,,,....• J

-~.Fi~-+ .,~ U

-~o ~ +'"+'" + t " ~ +~+._



•l 81 W 79 ~ 77
o-. ..... ' &@A' km
q~t~. _ _ 0 ~0 O f L,,-P K 2 N



Fig. 1. Two vertical sections giving the depth distribution of earthquake loci in relation to their
distance from the trench; trench axis is denoted by an arrow, ISC foci by different symbols
according to ISC magnitude (o m = 4"0, o 4"1--4"5, • 4"6--5"0, v 5"1--6.0), NEIS foci by
crosses, the Wadati-Benioff zone by heavy parallel lines, aseismic region and intermediate
aseismic gap by a dotted area, individual fracture zones by hatching; section E5 covers the
region between the parallels 3.5--4"0°S and section E l 0 between 1"0--1"5°S. For details see
Hanu~ and Van~k [1].

Studio geoph, et geod. 31 [I987] 259

K Ifantt~. J. Vangk, G. Sandoval

observed in the continental plate above the Wadati-Benioff zone (compare also
[7, 8]). A detailed analysis of the position of earthquakes occurring in the continental
wedge reveals that they are not distributed randomly and have a tendency to ac-
cumulate in well-separated fracture zones. These zones were interpreted as a set
of deep seismically active t2actures, induced or activated in the continental plate
by the process of subduction [5].
On the territory of Ecuador 8 fracture zones of this type were delineated. The
basic scheme of these fracture zones is given in Fig. 2, where their positions on the

82 W 80 78 76


Fig. 2. Scheme of seismically active fracture zones in Ecuador. Axis of the Peru-Chile trench
is denoted by a serrated line.

surface, determined by the shallowest earthquakes associated with the corresponding

fracture zone, are shown. Every fracture zone was named using the names of localities
or rivers situated at both extremities of the fracture zone. A detailed description
of the individual fracture zones can be found in [5]. In the following the list of the
fracture zones is given:

(1) O t a v a l o - U m p a l h f r a c t u r e z o n e (F)
This fracture zone continues into Colombia and its outcrop can be traced from
(0"10°S, 79-15°W), (0"50°S, 78-65°W)to (7.15°N, 73.05°W), (6.70°N, 72.55°W).
The length of its active part is about 1050 km, its width on the surface being about

260 Studia geoph, et geod. 31 [1987]

Seismically Active Fracture Z o n e s . , .

70 kin; the dip is about 44 ° to the southwest. The maximum depth of earthquakes
associated with this fracture zone is 135 kin.
(2) P e l i l e o - Z f i f i a c f r a c t u r e z o n e (KO)
The outcrop of this fracture zone starts at (1.00°S, 78.60°W), (1.00°S, 78.30°W) and
ends at (2.50°S, 78"60°W), (2.50°S, 78.30°W). The length of its active part is about
165 km and its width on the surface is about 30 km; the dip appears to be about 39 °
to the west. The maximum depth of the associated earthquakes is about 70 kin.
(3) P u y o - Y a u p i f r a c t u r e z o n e ( K 1 N )
This fracture zone stretches from (1.05°S, 78.05°W), (t-05°S, 77-70°W) to (2"90°S,
78"05°W), (2.90°S, 77-70°W). The length of its active part is about 210 km and its
width on the surface is about 40 km. The dip is about 38 ° to the west and the maxi-
mum depth of the associated earthquakes is about 85 km.
(4) T i h u a n o - H u a s a g a fracture zone (K2N)
The outcrop of this fracture zone starts at (1.25°S, 77.40°W), (1"25°S, 77"05°W) and
stretches to (2.95°S, 77-40°W), (2.95°S, 77.05°W). The length of the active part of
the fracture zone is about 185 km, its width on the surface being about 40 kin. The
dip is about 41 ° to the west and the maximum depth of the associated earthquakes
reaches 80 km.
(5) M a n c o r a - R f o H u i t o y a c u f r a c t u r e z o n e (U)
This fracture zone can be traced from (3.90°S, 81.26°W), (4.30°S, 81.20°W) to
(3-12°S, 76.93°W), (3.55°S, 76.84°W). The length of its active part is about 490 km,
the width on the surface being about 45 km. The lYacture zone forms an almost
vertical fault, the maximum depth of the associated earthquakes being 130 km.
(6) E s m e r a l d a s - R [ o C u r a r a y f r a c t u r e z o n e (EC)
The outcrop of this fracture zone stretches from (1.65°N, 80.10°W), (1.30°N, 80.40°W)
to (1.10°S, 76.80c'W), (1.40°S, 77.10°W). The length of its active part is about 475 km
and its width on the surface is about 50 km. The dip is about 47 ° to the northeast
and the maximum depth of the associated earthquakes is 130 kin.
(7) C o j i m i e s - R i o P a s t a z a f r a c u r e z o n e (D)
This fracture zone starts at (0.20°N, 79.50°W), (0.25°S, 79-80°W) and can be traced
to (2.25°S, 76.60°W), (2.65°S, 76.95°W). The length of the active part is about 420 km,
the width on the surface being about 60 km. The fracture zone dips at 50 ° to the
northeast, the lower limit of the fracture zone reaching the depth of 85 km.
(8) S a n t a H e l e n a - S a n t a C e c i l i a f r a c t u r e z o n e (CS)
The outcrop of this fracture zone can be traced from (0-30°N, 77.15°W), (0-30°S,
76-80°W) to (2-70°S, 81-90°W), (3.25°S, 81-55°W). The length of the active part of
the fracture zone is about 615 km, its width on the surface is about 75 km. The dip
is about 45 ° to the northwest and the maximum depth of the associated earthquakes
is 130 kin.

Studia geoph, et geod. 31 [1987] 26]_

V. Hanu.¢, J. Van~k, G. Sandoval

Table 1. List of hydrothermal manifestations in Ecuador.

No. Geothermal field Number of Location Fracture

or spring springs zone

1 Tufifio-Tulc/m 17 0" 72 - - 0"87N F

77"63-- 77"93W
2 El Angel 8 0"55--0"72N F
77"92-- 78-00W
3 San Gabriel-La Paz 8 0"47--0.58N F
77" 78-- 77.92W
4 Chachinbiro-San Blaz 2 0"40--0"55N F
5 Fuente de Apuela 1 0"33N F
6 Otavalo-Cotacachi 5 0-23 --0"32N F
78"25-- 78'32W
7 Calacali-Nono 2 0.08S--0"03N F, EC
78"43-- 78"60W
8 Cayambe (Guachali) 1 0"07N F, EC
9 Ilalo 10 0.27--0.33S EC
78.33-- 78"47W
10 Papallacta-Oyacachi 4 0"23 -- 0" 38S EC, CS
77.95-- 78-12W
11 Machachi 7 0"42-- 0" 53 S (F, D, CS)
12 Cotopaxi-Salitre 4 0"63S CS
13 Chalupas-Yanahurco 10 0-67-- 0-85S CS
78-23-- 78'30W
14 Lasso-Latacunga 10 0"75-- I'00S CS, D
78.58-- 78"68W
15 Payabafios 4 0.82S CS, D
16 Nagsiche-Guapante 2 1.05-- 1' 10S CS, D
78"53-- 78'65W
17 Aguajgm-Cununyacu 3 1"22-- 1.48S CS
78"67-- 79'00W
18 Bafios-Tungurahua 3 1"40-- 1"50S D, K 0
78"40-- 78"52W
19 Los Helenes 2 1"62S K0
20 Guayllabamba 1 1"78S KO
21 Alausi-Quilluyacu 1 2-22S

g6g Studio geoph, et geod. 31 [1987]

Seismically Aetive Fracture Zones...

Table 1 (continued)

No. Geothermal field Number of Location Fracture

or spring springs zone

22 Guapan 2 2-67S
23 Bafios-Cuenca 2 2"92S
24 Saraguro-El Satado 4 3-63S U
25 Loja-La Toma 3 4"00--4"35S U
79"15-- 79-28W
26 Gonzanama 2 4"20S
27 San Vicente, Guayas 2 2"25S CS
28 Cochancay 1 2"50S


The list of hydrothermal manifestations, registered by the Instituto Ecuatoriano

de Electrificaci6n on the territory of Ecuador, is given in Tab. 1. If the distribution
of thermal springs is plotted together with the positions of the fracture zones on the
map of Ecuador (Fig. 3), it can be seen that more than 90~0 of thermal springs,
given in Tab. 1, are located within the seismically active fracture zones listed in the
preceding paragraph and described in [5]. The appurtenance of the individual geo-
thermal fields or springs to the respective fracture zones is also given in Tab. 1.
Springs Nos. 2 1 - 2 3 , 26 and 28 cannot be co-ordinated to any of the delineated
fracture zones; they occur, with the exception of the spring of Cochancay (No. 28),
in the region of Pleistocene rhyolites (denoted P r in [9]) above the aseismic region
of the flatly inclined subduction zone [1]. The distribution of springs Nos. 2 1 - 2 6 ,
28 gives an impression that they might be arranged in a linear zone elongated in the
N N E - S S W direction; however, no seismic evidence of such a fracture zone has
been found.
Recent hydrothermal activity can be traced not only by the occurrence of active
hot springs but also by the occurrence of hydrothermally altered rocks. The localities
with observed hydrothermal alterations in Ecuador, compiled in collaboration with
E. Almeida (Instituto Ecuatoriano de Electrificacidn, Quito), are given in Tab. 2.
It appears that all the localities are again situated in the outcrops of the seismically
active fracture zones (Fig. 3).
The results of the correlation between the hydrothermal manifestations and deep
tectonic structure show that the geothermal field in Ecuador, especially the anomalies

Studio geoph, et geod. 31 [1987] 263

K HanuL Y. Vangk, G. Sandoval

o f this field, is closely connected with the deep seismically active fracture zones
i n d u c e d in the c o n t i n e n t a l plate by the process o f subduction. The fact t h a t the h y d r o -
t h e r m a l activity is b o u n d to these fracture zones a n d n o t to a r b i t r a r y tectonic phe-

81W 80 79 78
1N .'C~" .'. i . .'.

• " " ".~t "


. . • 17


• •
" • . C S "
• • " I
~',27 • o21

• °.. I
, • .i
• " I
II 2 3

• . • .e24 . ." . .

• " "2s " -'-

45 • • •.......; : . . ~ o ~

L I t

Fig. 3. Distribution of hydrothermal fields (rectangular areas), thermal springs (full circles) and
localities with observed hydrothermal alterations (diamonds) in the pattern of seismically active
fracture zones on the territory of Ecuador. Numbers correspond to Tabs 1 and 2.

264 S t u d i a g e o p h , e t g e o d . 31 [1987~
Seismically Active Fracture Z o n e s . . .

Table 2. Localities with observed hydrothermal alterations in Ecuador.

No. Locality Co-ordinates Altered rocks Fracture


1 Chiles-Cerro Negro 0"80N 77.95W Pliocene to recent volcanics F

2 Calacali 0"10N 78.55W Cretaceous pelitic and F, EC
psamitic rocks
3 Oyacachi 0"25S 78"00W Pliocene volcanics EC, CS
4 Papatlacta 0-35S 78-15W Pliocene and Pleistocene EC, CS
5 La Plata 0"40S 78"95W Cretaceous volcanics D
6 Salinas 1.35S 78"90W Cretaceous sediments CS

n o m e n a both in M e x i c o [6] and E c u a d o r seems to indicate that t h e r m a l springs

in the regions o f convergent plate margins are c o n d i t i o n e d by the t r a n s f e r o f h e a t
and volatiles t h r o u g h the fractured parts o f the continental lithosphere. Because the
m a j o r i t y o f t h e r m a l springs as well as the recent volcanic activity are a r r a n g e d in
a linear belt parallel to the strike o f the s u b d u c t i o n zone, it can be c o n c l u d e d t h a t
both p h e n o m e n a are closely related to the process o f subduction.

This study was carried out as part of the programme of scientific co-operation between the
Escuela Politdcnica Nacional, Quito, and the CzcchosloVak Academy of Sciences. We are
indebted to E. A l m e i d a , B. Beate and P. D u q u e for their support and stimulating discussions.

Received 5. 12. 1986 Reviewer: J. Zahradnlk


[l] V. Hanu~, J. Van~k: Morphology of the Wadati-Renioff zone and volcanism in Ecuador
and northern Peru. Geofisica Internacional (in print).
[2] V. H a n u ] , J. Van~k: Subduction of the Cocos plate and deep active fracture zones of
Mexico. Geoflsica International, 17 (1977-- 78), 14.
[3] V. H a n u ] , J. Van~k: Morphology of the Wadati-Benioff zone, andesitic volcanism, and
active fracture zones in Central America. Studia geoph, et geod, 23 (1979), 218.
[4] V. H a n u ] , J. Van~k: Earthquake distribution and volcanism in Kamchatka, Kurile Islands,
and Hokkaido. Studia geoph, et geod., 28 (1984), 36, 129, 248.
[5] V. Hanu~, J. Van~k: Deep sei,~mically active fracture zones in Ecuador and northern Peru.
Studia geoph, et geod., 31 (t987), 8.
[6] V. H a n u ] , J. Van~k: Subduction induced fracture zones and distribution of hydrotherma[
activity in Mexico. Tectonophysics, 103 (1984), 297.
[7] W. S t a u d e r : Subduction of the Nazca plate under Peru as evidenced by focal mechanisms
and by scismicity. J. Geoph. Res., 80 (1975), 1053.
[8] M. B a r a z a n g i , B. L. I s a c k s : Subduction of the Nazca plate beneath Peru: evidence from
spatial distribution of earthquakes. Geoph. J. R. Astr. Soc., 57 (1979), 537.
[9] Mapa Geol6gico Nacional de la ReFflblica del Ecuador (1 : 1 000 000). Direcci6n General
de Geologia y Minas, Quito 1982.

Studia geoph, et geod. 31 [1987] 265

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