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Ivander Edo


Where Machine Can Replace Humans and How To Deal With It


Technological advances are increasing rapidly along with the higher level of education.
Sophisticated technology created by humans has been able to replace a variety of
functions that originally had to be done manually. Automation or in the Indonesian
language referred to as “otomatisasi” is a system that allows work to be completed
more easily and effectively and efficiently. An automation system is composed of 3
main components, namely tools / machines, control systems, and information
technology. On a large scale of production, the automation system can help create an
efficient and labor-saving production process. Human labor can be replaced by
machine operations through robot automation.

Behind its sophistication which facilitates human work, there is a negative side
to this automation phenomenon. From the social side, the use of industrial automation
robots can use employment. In the era of all-automatic as now manpower has
increasingly declined in value. Humans are more than that because of the brain and the
result is because human power can be replaced by automatic machines. This makes
humans have to think hard to stay in working world.

This time, the existence of this automation has penetrated almost all industrial
sectors, so the industries started to reduce the number of employee gradually. Like the
article that will be raised in this essay, taken from Detik Finance entitled ”Replaced by
a Machine, 50.000 Bank Employees in Indonesia are laid off ” that the automation is
already penetrated in banking industries.

Case Detail

Jaringan Komunikasi Serikat Pekerja Perbankan (Jarkom SP) mention that 50.000
bank employees have been laid off as a results of being replaced by a machine. The
Jaringan Komunikasi Serikat Pekerja Perbankan (Jarkom SP) staff tell that this laid
off in banking industries has happened since 2016. This layoff intend in the context of
company efficiency. A number of professions such as tellers, customer service, and
banking sales began to be gradually reduced. For example in the sales division that are
reduced to 80% and the same with tellers. This condition can be seen from the increase
of number cash deposit ATMs or cash deposit machine. On the other hand, in
accordance with article 151 paragraph (1) UU no. 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower
(Manpower Act) stated that employers, workers / laborers, trade unions / labor unions,
and the government, with all efforts must strive to avoid termination of employment
(PHK) (Fadhly, 2019).


In discussing about automation, there is a term call technically feasible that refer to
potential activity could be automated by adopting the demonstrated technologies.
Every occupation which is made by multiple types of activity have a varying degrees
of technical feasibility. Picture below is list of seven top level group of activities that
show the percentage of technical feasibility.
Picture 1 The technical feasibility of seven top list of activity (Chui, 2016)

Then, the types of the activities that can be automated are divided into three types. First
is the most automatable activities. This type of activities can be divided into two
groups, namely predictable physical work and unpredictable physical work. Picture
below show the technical feasibility of both groups.

Picture 2 Technical feasibility of automation (Chui, 2016)

Second is activities and sectors in the middle range for automation. Sector that will be
within in this range is economic sector. Because some activities in the economy sector
spent more time in the workplace such as collecting and processing data. Both activities
have a technical potential for automation exceeding 60 percent. Financial services and
insurance also provide one example of this phenomena because about 50 percent of the
overall workforce time in finance an insurance is much spent to collecting and
processing the data. Financial sales agents prepare the sales and bank tellers verify the
financial data. As the result, the financial sector has the potential to automate around
43 percent. Then the last is activities with low technical potential for automation. So,
the hardest activity to replaced by the technologies are those that involve develop and
managing people or to apply creativity, planning, and decision making. For the
conclusion, this picture below will show the technically feasible of automation for
many types of activities in industrial sector, but some activities can be more affected
than others.

Picture 3 Technical feasibility of activity in industrial sector (Chui, 2016)

Thus, to face this era where technology are more sophisticated, human must to increase
their competence and not only increase the expertise that only cognitive but also
increasing the sense, feel, and creativity. Our minister of economics, Sri Mulyani said
that we must be able to educate humans who are not only memorizing, doing manual
work, but who are able to do analytical work, creativity, a complex problem solving.
That can only be done by humans through brain and heart interaction. Robots can
replace (intelligence) our brains, but they don’t have sense and feeling (Adinda, 2019).

Adinda, C. (2019, October 3). Retrieved from CNBC Indonesia:
Chui, M. (2016). Where machines could replace humans-and where they can't (yet).
McKinsey Quarterly.
Fadhly. (2019, January 16). Retrieved from detik Finance:

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