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Quiz Competition between Class Ist & IInd

On Gandhi Jayanti (1st October’18)

Question 01. When was born Mahatma Gandhi?

Answer: 02-10-1869
Question 02. Where was born Mahatma Gandhi?
Answer: Porbandar
Question 03. What is full Name of Mahatma Gandhi?
Answer: Mohandas Karam Chand Gandhi
Question 04. What is Mother Name’s of Mahatma Gandhi?
Answer: Putilibai
Question 05. Who was Wife of Mahatma Gandhi?
Answer: Kasturba
Question 06. Which book was written by Gandhi?
Answer: The Story of My Experiments with Truth

Question 07. Where was spent time by Mahatma Gandhi during 1893-1914?
Answer: South Africa
Question 08. When was the salt march year?
Answer: March 12, 1930
Question 09. Where is situated (State and District) Sabarmati Ashram?
Answer: Ahmadabad, Gujarat
Question 10. When did Mohandas Karam chand Gandhi die?
Answer: January 30, 1948
Question 11. When was married Mahatma Gandhi (His age)?
Answer: 13 years

Question 12. Where is Memorial to Mahatma Gandhi ji?

Answer: Raj Ghat (New Delhi, India)
Question 13. When was Gandhi ji went to jail (First time)
Answer: 1908 at Johannesburg in South Africa
Question 14. When Gandhi ji published “Hind Swaraj”
Answer: 1908.

Question 15. Where is situated Tolstoy Farm and where is situated?

Answer: South Africa, 1910.
Question 16. Which weekly news paper was established by Mahatma Gandhi?
Answer: Indian opinions
Question 17. When was Mahatma Gandhi ji returned to Indian?
Answer: January 9, 1915.
Question 18. What was Gandhi’s Last word?

Answer: Hey Ram.

Question 19. Where was M.k Gandhi ji first fast?
Answer: Ahmadabad
Question 20. Why abandoned the Kaiser-I-Hindi by Gandhi ji?
Answer: Jailiyawala bag massacre (1919)
Question 21. Which congress session presided by Gandhi?
Answer Belgaum in 1924
Question 22. What is the real name of Gandhi’s Autobiography?

Answer: The Story of My Experiments with Truth

Question 23. Where is situated wardha Ashram?
Answer: Sevagram, Wardha, Maharashtra
Question 24. When did started weekly magazine harijan?
Answer: 1933
Question 25. Gandhi called subhsh chandra bose as…….?
Answer: Patriot.
Question 26. Who called “Half Naked seditious fakir” to M.K Gandhi?
Answer: Winston Churchill
Question 27. Who was given the title of Gurudev to Tagore?
Answer: Mahatma Gandhi
Question 28. Who called first time as “Mahatma”?
Answer: Ravindranath Tagore
Question 29. Who is political Teacher of Gandhi ji?
Answer: Gopal Krishana Gokhale.
Question 30. In which language wrote his Autobiography by Gandhi ji?

Answer: Gujarati

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