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Audition Guide

Welcome to your Lime Drums Audition!

This presentation will guide you step-by-step through our audition process.  
Audition Overview

The audition is split into two parts: the pre-audition and the sight-reading audition.

The pre-audition is done in advance and in your own time. It’s designed for you to showcase your musicianship,
sound and versatility.

The sight-reading audition is done live through Skype at your designated date and time. It is not only designed to
test your sight-reading skills, but also your ability to interpret a given chart (slash-chord comping, playing hits and
fills, using dynamics, articulation, etc).  •    
Please click here to download your pre-audition material. You will find:

1. Got to get you into my Life (‘minus one’ track + original recording)
2. Jump (‘minus one’ track + original recording)
3. Love on Top (‘minus one’ track + original recording)

The idea is for you to learn the drum part by ear (charts are not allowed for this section), and to see how well you can mimic a particular song’s
groove, feel, and sound. We strongly recommend you to play the songs as close to the original recordings as possible, and to keep it simple,
groovy and in the pocket.

4. Grooves Folder:
As a house band drummer, you need to be very versatile. This is your chance to showcase your ability to play different styles proficiently.

Please film these two videos (the three tunes back-to-back in one video and all the grooves, in another), and upload both to YouTube as Unlisted.
Make sure you have this YouTube link handy; we will ask for it at your live sight-reading audition. •
Pre-Audition TIPS

In general, we want you to perform these clips like you're playing in front of 50,000 fans. Please stand while you're playing,
make sure the camera captures most, if not all, of your entire body, and rock these songs out. Be enthusiastic, get into the
grooves, and look like you're having a great time. Here's an example of one of our musicians nailing this. (Don't feel obligated to
do everything that he does, of course.)

The finished video should therefore have 3 clips, back-to-back. Then upload the video to YouTube as Unlisted. Make
sure you have this YouTube link handy, as we will ask for it at your live sight reading audition. •
Live Sight-Reading Audition:
Equipment Needed
•  Computer connected to the internet.

•  Speakers to listen to the tracks while playing along during the audition. You cannot use headphones, as we
need to be able to hear the tracks, as well.

•  Printer to print off the charts. Reading off a computer is strongly discouraged, as some of the charts are
multiple pages long.

•  Video Camera – A camcorder, photo camera with video option, or a smartphone with a good quality camera
will do. Some people get confused and think the Skype camera is enough – it is not! You need a separate
camera in order to film yourself and to then upload that video to YouTube. Please make sure your recording
device is fully charged, with plenty of memory space!  •    
Live Sight-Reading Audition:
Equipment Needed

•  Your drums – A real kit is necessary for the audition; unfortunately, you are not allowed to use any sort of
electronic kit. We also expect you to play full-out and loudly in the audition, as if you were on a real rock gig,
so your speakers must be powerful enough to play the tracks audibly over your drumming without you
having to play quieter to hear them.  •    
Live Sight-Reading Audition

This part of the audition will take place at the date and time specified in the email. It’s very important you are online 5 minutes before the specified
time, to avoid any delays.

IMPORTANT – SOUND CHECK: Prior to the specified audition time, please record yourself playing one of the songs to make sure that the audio is
clear (no clipping or distortion), and that your drumming is louder than the backing tracks. We want to hear YOU above the tracks. You should
already have done this for the pre-audition, but please check again to make sure the levels are the same.

IMPORTANT – EQUIPMENT CHECK: Also make sure that your printer is working, and do a test call on Skype to make sure that’s working, as well.
This will help ensure that you have time to look over the audition material sent right beforehand, instead of fixing technical difficulties.

Please add us on Skype. Our user name is AUDITIONS – LIME ENTERTAINMENT

At your specified time, write to us on Skype letting us know you are ready to start. As soon as we get your message, we will send you the rest of the
audition material.  •  
Live Sight-Reading Audition

After your allotted 30 minutes, we will give you a call on Skype and start the actual audition.

Once the audition is over, you will upload the videos to YouTube as Unlisted and send us the links in an email with the subject: [Your Name] Audition

And that’s it!

Please allow us 2-3 weeks to review your audition. We will write you back with your audition outcome, regardless of whether you passed or not.

Good Luck!  •    
-  Can I practice the pre-audition material before making the video?
Yes, and you should! Get those tunes under your fingers, and spend the necessary amount of time to make sure you nail them!

-  When should I have the pre-audition video filmed?

By the time of your live sight-reading audition. If your audition was set up in a hurry, you can record the videos right after your live sight-reading
audition. But please make sure you upload them to YouTube as soon as possible.

-  Should I record the ‘Grooves’ section on a separate video?

Yes. You will record two videos for the pre-audition: one with both tunes (Got To Be Real and Sweet Love) and another video with the grooves
section (all grooves in one videos, playing them back-to-back).

-  I don’t have Skype; can we do the live audition over the phone?
Unfortunately, no. Please download Skype by clicking here and create a user; it’s very simple.  •  
FAQ’s (Cont.)
-  I don’t have a camcorder; can I use my computer’s built-in camera?
No, you will be using that camera for Skype. You need a separate camera. It can be a camcorder, photo camera with video option or a smart phone, as
explained earlier.

-  Something came up and I can’t do the audition at the agreed-upon time. Can I reschedule it?
You can, but it’s not that easy. Our audition schedule is very tight and we might not be able to fit you in for a long time. We strongly recommend that you keep
you original appointment, if at all possible.
IMPORTANT: You will not be able to re-schedule after you have received the sight-reading material.

- What do you mean by uploading the videos as ‘Unlisted’?

That’s a YouTube privacy setting. It means that only whoever has the link to the video can watch it; it’s not public and won’t come up in a search. Please don’t
set the video as private either; we won’t be able to watch it, even if you send us the link.

-  Where should I email the audition video links?

Please send them to

-  When will I know if I’ve passed the audition?

Please allow us 2-3 weeks to review your audition. We’ll get back to you as soon as we have assessed it.  •  

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