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Partially Unsatisfactor POINT

ACTIVITY Exemplary Proficient

Proficient y S
Use of Resources Sources of All sources of Most sources No citations
and Citations information and information of are included.
During Research graphics are are clearly information
and Note Taking properly cited identified and are identified
using citations. credited using using proper
citations. citation.
Storyboard The storyboard The The There is no
illustrates the storyboard thumbnail evidence of a
video includes sketches on storyboard.
presentation thumbnail the
structure with sketches of storyboard
thumbnail each video are not in a
sketches of each scene and logical
scene. Notes of includes text sequence and
proposed for each do not
transition, special segment of the provide
effects, sound presentation, complete
and title tracks descriptions of descriptions
include: text, background of the video
background audio for each scenes, audio
color, placement scene, and background,
& size of notes about or notes
graphic, fonts - proposed shots about the
color, size, type and dialogue. dialogue.
for text and
headings. Notes
about proposed
n text are
All sketches are All sketches
numbered, and are organized
there is a logical and numbered
sequence to the in a logical
presentation. sequence.
Content/Organizatio The content Information is The content The content
n includes a clear presented as a does not lacks a
statement of connected present a central
purpose or theme theme with clearly stated theme, clear
and is creative, accurate, theme, is point of view
compelling and current vague, and and logical
clearly written. A supporting some of the sequence of
rich variety of information supporting information.
supporting that information Much of the
information in contributes to does not supporting
the video understanding seem to fit information
contributes to the project's the main idea in the video
understanding main idea. or appears as is irrelevant
the project's a to the overall
main idea. The disconnected message. The
project includes series of viewer is
motivating scenes with unsure what
questions and no unifying the message
advanced main idea. is because
organizers that there is little
provide the persuasive
audience with a information
sense of the and only one
presentation's or two facts
main idea. about the
Events and topic.
messages are Information
presented in a is incomplete,
logical order. out of date
Introduction The introduction The The The
is compelling introduction is introduction introduction
and provides clear and does not does not
motivating coherent and create a orient the
content that evokes interest strong sense audience to
hooks the viewer in the topic. of what is to what will
from the follow. follow.
beginning of the
video and keeps
the audience's
Production Quality
Video Continuity/ The tape is The tape is The tape is The tape is
Editing edited with only edited edited in few unedited and
high quality throughout spots. many poor
shots remaining. with only Several poor shots remain.
Video moves quality shots shots remain. No
smoothly from remaining. A Transitions transitions
shot to shot. A variety of from shot to between clips
variety of transitions are shot are are used.
transitions are used. Good choppy, and Raw clips run
used to assist in pacing and the types of back to back
communicating timing. wipes and in the final
the main idea fades video.
and smooth the selected are
flow from one not always
scene to the next. appropriate
Shots and scenes for the scene.
flow seamlessly. There are
Digital effects many
are used unnatural
appropriately for breaks and/or
emphasis. early cuts.
Audio Editing The audio is The audio is The audio is The audio is
clear and clear and inconsistent cut-off and
effectively assists in in clarity (too inconsistent
assists in communicatin loud/too or
communicating g the main soft/garbled) overpowering
the main idea. idea. at times .
Background and/or the
audio is kept in background
balance. audio
the primary
Lighting Additional Additional Some scenes Only ambient
lighting is used lighting is are too dark (available)
to eliminate used. Few or too light light is used.
shadows and shadows or to determine Most scenes
glares. All scenes glares are what is are too dark
have sufficient apparent. happening. or too light to
lighting for determine
viewer to easily what is
see action. happening.
Camera Techniques All shots are Most shots are Some shots Many shots
(Exposure/Focus) clearly focused clearly are are unfocused
and well framed. focused and unfocused or and poorly
The camera is well framed. poorly framed.
held steady with framed. Excessive
few pans and panning and
zooms. Close- zooming
ups are used to distracts the
focus attention. viewer.
Graphics The graphics The graphics Some of the The graphics
and/or animation or animation graphics and/or
assist in visually depict and/or animations
presenting an material and animations are unrelated
overall theme assist the seem to the
that appeals to audience in unrelated to content.
the audience and understanding the Graphics do
enhances the flow of topic/theme not enhance
concepts with a information or and do not understandin
high impact content. enhance g the content,
message. concepts. or are
Graphics explain distracting
and reinforce key decorations
points during the that detract
presentation. from the
Copyright Copyrighted Every photo, Some There is no
information for graphic or sources of reference to
photos, graphics music is either photos, copyright
and music is original or graphics, and information
clearly identified permission for music are not for photos,
by source and its use is clearly graphics, and
nature of documented. identified music.
permission to with
reproduce. references,
permission to
reproduce is
Moving Images and Motion scenes The video The video The video
Animations are planned and includes some includes features
purposeful, "talking "talking "talking
adding impact to heads," and heads" and a heads" with
the story line. backgrounds few motion little or no
"Talking heads" and video scenes are action to add
scenes are used effects add added but do interest, or
when crucial to interest. Most not improve the video
telling the story. motion scenes understandin uses action
make the story g of the story excessively.
clearer or give line.
it more
Animations are Animations Some Animations
smooth and brief are smooth blinking blink or
-- no more than and brief, for animations. flicker,
five seconds. the most part. Some distracting
Alternative Alternative animations from the
(ALT) text for (ALT) text is greatly video.
animated image brief or exceed five Animation is
is provided. inaccurate. second limit. excessively
Alternate long. No
(ALT) text is alternative
missing or (ALT) text is
inaccurate. available for
Timing Video clips show Most video Some video Video clips
no slack time. clips are clips need to begin and end
"Three beat" edited to be edited to with slack
timing (three remove slack remove slack time or no
actions per clip time and to time and action.
or three clips per emphasize increase
event) is evident. action. action.
Video Captioning
Synchronized Captions are Captions are Captions are No
synced up with usually synced often not captioning
the audio that is up with the synced up was provided.
played. audio. with the
Equivalent Captions are Captions are Captions are No
verbatim of what nearly rarely captioning
is said, excluding verbatim, with verbatim, was provided.
fillers like a few sound- containing
“umm” or “uhh.” alikes and sound-alikes
substitutions. and
Accessible The captions are For the most Captions No
readily available part, captions often block captioning
and do not block do not block key material was provided.
any important important on screen.
screen content. screen
Complete Captions span Only a few Large No
the whole length portions lack sections have captioning
of the video. captioning. no was provided.
Readable Captions provide Some issues Captions are No
readability (font with font size hard to read, captioning
size and color and face; either for was provided.
contrast), and caption lines poor font
each caption line occasionally choice, too
is on the screen exceed or do much
only for roughly not meet the content, or
four seconds or four second too short a
less. guideline. time on the
Media Hosting The The site where The site The site
site where media the media is where the where the
is hosted/ hosted/ played media is media is
played ensures is not screen hosted/playe hosted/
that the media reader and d is not played is not
player is screen keyboard screen reader screen reader
reader and accessible. and keyboard and keyboard
keyboard accessible. accessible.
All controls have Most of the A few of the Controls do
text labels (text controls have controls have not have text
that is read aloud text labels text labels labels (text
when a screen (text that is (text that is that is read
reader goes over read aloud read aloud aloud when a
a button- i.e., when a screen when a screen reader
saying “play” reader goes screen reader goes over a
over the play over a button- goes over a button- i.e.
button) and an i.e. saying button- i.e. saying “play”
individual can “play” over saying over the play
use only the play “play” over button)
keyboard keys to button) and an the play and an
access media individual can button) individual
controls (the use only and an can use only
play/pause keyboard keys individual keyboard
button, volume, to access can use only keys to
stop, CC media controls keyboard access media
button). (the keys to controls (the
play/pause access media play/pause
button, controls (the button,
volume, stop, play/pause volume, stop,
CC button. button, CC button.
volume, stop,
CC button.

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