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Proposed System

The proposed system can overcome all the limitations of the existing system.

1. The primary aim of the new system is to speedup transactions. The report is prepared
for the schemes and implemented by the concerned officials.
2. Computerized management process.
3. It comes as no surprise to one that when everything is being converted to
computerize. Already the business has to global with the coming of Internet. Now, no
more the individual aims at the local market is also just a click of button away.
Dozens of companies are in the race to convince auction and bidding that a pot of
Policy’s awaits those who conduct their business on the Internet. In this fast race of
business and moneymaking, no country, no company and no individual want to fall
back. Everyone wants to lead the group. Hence, everyone is trying to make the best
use of Internet.


The system is very simple in design and to implement. The system requires very low
system resources and the system will work in almost all configurations.

1. Easy To Track The Vehicle Current Service Status Easily

2. Security of data.
3. Proper control of administrator
4. Minimum time for needed for the various processing.
5. Greater efficiency & Better service.
6. A member can add a new account whenever he wants.
7. Owner can add property info at anytime and anywhere.
8. Admin can control overall system.

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