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i RK CHINESE READER WORKBOOK Volume I ie October 1977 DEFENSE LANGUAGE INSTITUTE FOREIGN LANGUAGE CENTER PREFACE This workbook is designed to be used in conjunction with the text Chinese Reader (CR), and was in fact necessitated by certain inherent deficiencies in ‘the original PRC publication. First, as with Eleaentary Chinese (EC), many of the vocabulary itens have alzeady been introduced in Cthe? parts of this course. Moreover, CR treats certain items as faniliar vocabulary, as if they had been introduced in EC, when in fact they haven't been introduced at all. Perhaps even more distracting is the practice of introducing characters several lessons after they begin to appear, or introducing the second half of a character combination only after the’entire combination has already been used in the text. The vocabulary and usage sections of this workbook attempt to rectify this problen. To enable you to work with "raw," authentic, written Chinese materiats, this workbook and the passages fron’CR have several unique features with respect to vocibulary usage, First, you will encounter single characters and character conbinations in the transiation exercises for which neither CR nor this workbook provides a meaning, necessitating the use of a dictionary, At this stage of your language learning, using a dictionary goes hand in hand with reading authentic written passages, and you must learn to take this in stride, ‘The nunber of unknown words has been kept to a minimum. ORGANIZATION OF THE WORKBOOK. Each reading comprehension lesson is comprised of four sections: stuay resources, practice exercises, self-evaluation keys, and a lesson eriterion— referenced test (CRT). With the exception of the CRT, all of these appear in this workbook. STUDY_RESOURCES: As the first section of each lesson, the study resources introduce the new characters and vocabulary, with appropriate usage examples, of sample sentences that present the new terminology in context. A model English translation 13 provided for each usage example. The vocabulary section of each lesson is Sividea into distinct areas? T, Required Vocabulary - These are the high-frequency words in the lesson, Bitch are Turther sub-divided into three groups? A. Familiar Characters in Known Terns ~ As your "aural/oral vocabulary” is nore extensive than your "written vocabulary,” there are many words for which you know all the component characters, and for which you learned the meaning of the combination through PINYIN in other parts of the course, yet have not seen the character combination written in a passage. In short, there are words you don't know you know. You might recognize many’of these words on your own. However, there are other words which you may not recognize because of the characters involved; and for this reason a list has been provided of such terns found in the practice exercises and CRTs, Since these words pose little "new" vocabulary learning burden, no separate usage examples have been written. B, New Characters and Terms - Words in this category are self- ‘explanatory. ‘While the terns may or may not have ‘been learned through PINYIN, new characters will be introduced. C. Familiar Characters in New Terms - In this group, additional Geanings will be given to Taniizar characters and/or combinations, or familiar characters will be combined to form new terns. Note that you will be held responsible for having a thorough working knowleage of all the itens in the "Required Vocabulary category. II, Additional Vocabulary - These are the lesser—frequency words in. the {Eason ond are provided only as an aid for reading and translating the passages in GR, and need not be memorized at this time. PRACTICE EXERCISES: ‘There are two types of practice exercises in this workbook. Both types of » exercises parallel the Lesson CRT in content, style and format. Practice Exercise "I" is an information extraction exercise in a question and-answer format directed toward building your ability to extract pertinent fnfornation from written passages without the use of lexical aids. (The "Addi— Ylonal Vocabulary" List is not considered a lexical aid.) Write your answers in English to questions in English based upon a passage written in Chinese. Practice Exercise "II" is a translation exercise intended to sharpen your ability to translate written passages. At this stage of your Language training you do not yet know a sufficient mumber of characters and their conbinations to Yranstate authentic, unaltered, written passages without the use of lexical aids. For this reason you will be pefmitted to use a dictionary and a copy of the Naaaitional Vocabulary" of the lesson when taking the translation CRT. You will also find that there will be a small number of words in the translation passages that will require the use of a dictionary. You will not be permitted to use the "Required Vocabulary” when taking the crt, and should therefore refrain from referring to that part of the study fesources when doing the translation exercise in your workbook. The reason jou willbe permitted to use.a dictionary and the "Additional Vocabulary" but Rot the "Required Vocabulary" is that the individual characters and/or the Specific combinations presented are relatively high-frequency itens and should become s memorized part of your language base during your formal Language training. By so committing these itens to memory, you will gradually be able to reed and transtate more and more authentic material without looking up each word, In conjunction with this, you will find that the tine limits imposed on The CRT simply will not allow you to complete the test if you haven't memorized the "Required Vocabulary,” and must spend all your time looking up characters you should already know. SELF-EVALUATION KEY! ‘The primacy purpose of a self-evaluated exercise is to enable you to identify and correct your own mistakes and problems -~ in this case, in understanding and {ranstating written Chinese. Secondarily, your self-evaluation will faniliarize you with the systen used in evaluating your performance and competency on the ents. Wnen you have completed one of the practice exercises, compare your work with the answer key that follows in the workbook. ‘These have been broken up to Teflect distinct words and/or phrases of the original Chinesei and, as a matter Of convenience and as a means for standardization, these units have been given Gnec or two-point values fo assist you in evaluating your translations. Although Gltecnate English translations may be equally acceptable, they must contain these essential elements. Give yourself the indicated nusber of points for each model fransiation unit that is included fully in your own version. If your phrasing or choice of words does not distort the sense of the Chinese, you should give yourself full credit for that translation unit (e.g., the phrase "right in the middle” could aiso be translated as "exactly in the cen— ter". If your translation alters the intent or does not give the full meaning of the original, points should be taken off consistent with the degree of error (e.g., “in the middie/center® would receive only half credit, for the translation does fot reftect the “GE of "ae tp YS: “Ie’you fail to corfectly transiace unit, of Completely onft something? you receive no credit for thet units Acceptable performance on the lesson CRT is correctly answering 70% of the questions or a 70% accurate translation, Following each answer on the inforna~ tion-extraction Key is the number of points possible for that item. You should achieve at least 70% of the total possible points. Following each model translation are numbers that reflect the points necessary to achieve 70% accuracy, and the total number of points possible in that pazageaph. Dont’ be overly concerned with the mechanics of grading. You should be concentrating on identifying your mistakes and correcting them. SEQUENCE OF LEARNING ACTIVITIES: ‘The following four steps should be followed to complete a lesson cycle on reading comprehension and translation: Step 1! Read the study resource sample sentences and granmar notes (found in OR), if applicable, and menorize the required vocabulary. Step 2! Do the two practice exercises (PE)! a, After you have completed each PE, check your answers and calculate your scores according to the self-evaluation keys provided. b. If you did not achieve the criterion, discuss your aistakes with your instructor, study the resources again, and reacconplish the exercise and/or’ask the instructor for an appropriate alternate ©. If you achieved a passing score, take your workbook to your instructor for nis approval of your work, and to discuss any problens or questions you may have. If,"by mutual agreenent, it is decided that you are ready to take the unit test, the instructor will give you the lesson CRT at this time. Step 3! Complete the lesson CRT ~ After you have completed each part of the lesson CRT your instructor will give you the self-evaluation key so that you can evaluate your own work, under his supervision. Hand in your corrected answer sheet so that your instructor can record your progress. Step 4! Feedback, renediation and enrichnent? 2. When you hand in your corrected lesson CRT to your instructor, he will go over the test with you and give you whatever remedial or enrichnent instruction necessary to satisfy your individual needs. b. After you have successfully completed each lesson cycle, in addition Yo any enrichment instruction, you will have a conversation in Chinese with your instructor to practice your speaking skills and to provide further reinforcement of the gramtar and vocabulary you have iearned in the lesson by active manipulation. . A.woré about parts of speech: Bach Chinese character represents a meaning, except those which aust be bound ith other characters and yould otherwise be meaningless by theaselves; eg.) Sign the teem Eee TA HH" meaning glassy and "gi" inthe, tern bigabd BE." neaning Baty ete Phere are only a fee suctMure heed foe CEES chatacters, so alnost none shoula be identified as BF, especially in wretten Chinese, However, you will see a munber of characters noveted BF in this workbook, for the’ vocabulary lists will also be used for conversation class, and these characters cannot be Wsed alone in spoken Chinese. A GENERAL STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES ‘The purpose of this workbook is to enable you to. read and transiate authentic passages written in Chinese characters typical of the material currently Published in the People's Republic of China — specifically, the lessons of the PRC-published text Chinese Reader. Toward that end, this workbook will develop your reading comprehension and translation skills through the systematic {ntroduction of new and useful characters and character combinations, and those Language constructions peculiar to the written style of modern Chinese, This vocabulary and grammar will be used in sufficient example sentences and practice cxereises to enable you to master the corresponding lessons of CR. In addition, your ability to use 2 Chinese character dictionary as an aid to accurate {eanstation will also be enhanced through the incorporation of dictionary driil into the translation exercises. Upon completion of this workbook and the accompanying lessons in CR, your knowledge of Chinese characters and the written style of the language will be broad enough to allow you to meet the Terminal Skill Objectives (TS0s) for your course of instruction in the areas of reading comprehension and translation. Your performance will be evaluated for accuracy achieved within specified tine constraints, as set forth in the TSOs. It is therefore essential that you read and become familiar with the reading Comprehension and translation TSOs. CONTENTS: Pectacot Statement of Objectives... 2... Lesson 1 Study Resources... ee eee ee Practice Exercises 222 222211 LeBson 2 ‘Study Resources... ee ee ee Practice Exercises 22 222211 Lesson 3 jStudy,decouces| | eetete eee Practice Exercises 22222201 Lesson 4 Study Resources... eee ee ee Practice Exercises, 72 2 2222 ¢ Lesson 5 Study Resources. 2222-2. ee Practice Exercises’ 2 22 222! Lesson 6 Study Resources ss. eee ee ee Practice Exercises, 21222111 Lesson 7 Study Resources... 22-22... Practice Exercises >) 121121 Lesson 8 Study Resources. 2-2-2. eee Practice Rxerciaes ott sl Lesson 9 Study Resources... 2 2 ee ee Practice Exercises, 222 2222221 Lesson 10 Study Resources... + = Practice Exercises 2) 2 2221 APPENDICES I = Character Index by Radical ‘and Stroke Count... II ~ Character Index by Pinyin Spelling . ITT ~ CHINESE READER GLOSSARY, Lessons 1 to 10... ss 23 35 45 56 6e 34 201 ii6 130 142 - 158 178 194 206 2u7 232 247 258 272 . 278 283 Lesson 1 ‘STUDY RESOURCES I, Required Vocabulary, AL 2 Familiar Characters in Known Terns: OF a he 3 $11 dudbin At most Likely, most of, majority zhénggdng Nz Chinese Connunist (Party) zhudanén SV/A: gpecial, technical, specialized; specially, exclusively, solely New Characters and Terns: Ak i cénee +h LBS, Ae t BIRR A BKK 10) Rie K 8G) S a. He has $15 and I have $5. His amount (of money) is two tines again as much as mine. ARN PLO FE AY 09 OTR J aN. “ gles Sp Tan neat Seo ‘éngei A: from now on, henceforth HRI — RRR FIR, AICHE oe I bought an English-Chinese Dictionary. From now on, I won't have to borrow a dictionary from you. KR RARE, te FARK I, AMRF ARs t RRS, I played a joke on Little Zhang. He was displeased. From now on, Iwill no longer play jokes on him. Nz top, tipi wear on the head N: rooftop, IRA yO B GIR, There are quite a few structures in Beijing with red-colored > HRM EIRG ORAL HEAT, The guerritias were opening fire with guns from high rooftops. 7.48 (dEpewd Vi hang: os He at Je RP EARS fo @ 09 8 On the wall of our classzoon hangs a map of the PRC. > PAC R ARMS ERE RF, T have hung up all my clothes. © MIAI Bb BAD ie & Haute L, After we complete a phone call, we should inediately hang up the telephone, a Bim Ni gota Ee staat Ni golden colored goid tint © HEE REE AH » £EH MASH, Golden-colored paper is called gold paper. a ae ve flag, vannes, peanant os: & idm) Me Facet Ni flag, banner, pennant BH wear Ni national fag © BOK OAF A, ARGS, There are many snat1 pennants (hanging) at places in the United States that sell used cars. REO LOOM IR AEA 1 AF, ‘The present-day American (national) flag is different from ‘the one in 1776. so. ft (Sfp nee _ : = MAF LEED? » BIT ARR, cay mA BA HBR, When winter cones the sun does not rise until after seven orel a1. AR sntng BE: flourishing, prosperous JK shengad att: grand, great Bs LEAMA RL HIRAI - TRA ARE, 0 EREARAR EEG IER AS A ggand reception was held at the Great lait of the People yesterday. 2 8 psn BF: show, reveal, indicate 8. 1G sow cua any appear (to be), Lok ike) AERTS o34. 4 RES REE. Aithough he is over 50, he still seems to be very youthful. » FMA S, HL FRI. the trees seem to be even greener after the rain, c AG 24G A RIL BX. He appears to be sonewhat unhappy. raith resem ple 43. ai% xiang Nyy 8 thoes ait O4 BK oi £0 REN eraherher ath. > ® ast BAR ODALE ABIE AL aT Bk In China, Chairman Mao's portrait hangs in the auditorium of every school. cP Te BERRY DP SODAH wm Quite a few portraits of famous people hang in the historical L. a. Buin BP: announce BE wshero Vi prociaim, announce 2 ~ABAETA — 8, ERTS TH FARK fo toe. on 2 October 1949 Chaizsan Mao prociained the founding of the > PEAR KAM ONS, 2h Me se RAI $09. The establishment of the PRC was proclaimed by Chairman Mao at Tian An Men. 15. SR yang BF: center, central RW cnsngying N: ~ ARRAS BARI by PR, ‘The Monunent to the People's Heroes is in the center of Tian An Men Square. >» HL OL IRE FIRES ADH Ge BD @ttin, When T was young, I often went with my parents to play in Central Park. e, central 16, N/BF: marsh TRS AARBRSE#R, ‘The people of China ardently Love Mao Zedong. . Familiar Characters in New Terms: AAMBRYEA, Everybody should be patriotic. » EMEAVITKALI EG Hg Gwe hthr. Comrade Wang was severely injured fighting the eneny. His patriotic spirit is really great, eee perce ” + REAM RK FF, WE RRA ORAS. » PL PLARG SE ORT, LAR BGS thi. ‘mere are many golden-colored flags in the square, and it has changed to a golden-colored square. 19. fi chéng N: walled city af, Fa enéneiss Ni rostrum, tower on the city wall sh HB ontesss ng Ne city wall = REM AMRHS TA, esse? ‘Tian An Men Tower is 30 meters tall, how about the city wall? > IG & oh AE AR F -AEH ALL the towers on Beijing's city walls ‘are not equally tall. 0. RAL, aiinst Ni ceremony REAER RIAN 09 Ey aha. My spouse is going to cone to take part in my graduation ceremony. at. Be HY eta Ni everywhere, all places GAF 6 CAPER. ‘There are national flags hanging everywhere on National Day. 22. # Ao is gsi Ai even more so = HIMBPZ ADMAKE AMM Fase In order to sefengthen Sino-American friendship, we should work even hard ve REE he, RAVE LAG RTF, our school sens even cleaner after the snow. 23. RE nut Vo/N: ratty, gathers assenbiy ~ ERARS DEAREST DBA RR ‘The people at the capital regularly hold great rallies at Tian An Men Square. . by ERMA RIEOK RA, RA @ i+. Last fine here were approsizately, 4000-5000 peoplw who attendea ‘the gathering in front of Tian An Me as, FFE wtigus : FERAL eens astat augue! corenon . £ BOF ORnken g picea Where were the founding ceremonies for the United States of Anerica held’ >» PA SMBPRKARE 3th Avo Br pg eo RAL. Detegates from everywhere i participate in New China's ing (of a nation) 25. ve kud jin N/V: expansion; expand (structurally) Kit RU Bork fe, £44 Rae Hy, After the expansion our school seems even neater. . Ah i, RE VAP IRAE 3 x! “ST th 69 Aid HE TY BR th a TE 40 ARKE z. After Li ec te bedpie were built on the east and west sides of the (respectively), et Az wien one's (very) own hands, personally -SERTSMP Am aet, FF HHS %- am. ten Chafeman Nae Prociadned the sstablishnent of the PRC, ne porsontliy raised the frat aatlobal fin > EE IRA IRS 18h 89 (Apa) thre 27. FR Pusingend VA celebrates celebration a off SAG FAR AIT URSA wh PERETESAR. against Japan, students from ail Beijing colleges held tallies to celebrate. . BETA 8, PAS PRG RA RERMOR. Each year on October 1, great gatherings are held everywhere in China to celebrate National Day. cK HD RIB ER FE, HAE RAL F, This performance wag Postty gost achieved fairly good 28. BE Gi) quénsus Ni the whole nation, the entire country ARPA SASHA ARIL IM. on National Day, everywhere in the entire nation there are celebration activities. 29. p Beiprtanin dinutedng Ne Great tant of the Peopte so. 4B Ff xtiys Ve situated af, positioned at eT eee, Ree a = ARADEMFREN PHA. o poR RE FZA opr. Canada is situated to the north of the United States. 31. HAE A xisngnts Ss imposing, magnificent . FER R 2 & wo mod, 2 AFAE Bae, ‘The golden rooftops and the red-tinted city wall (make it) seem extraordinarily imposing. » REMRGAWEAIAZ Bt AKRKRE LGB po hketht. After the building of the Historical Museum and the Great Hall of the People on the east and west sides of Tian An Men, the place seens even more imposing. Te B xing Ne star (M: BB Ke) 32, BE Ff wininendagat Ni Five-Star Red Flag (national flag of B-wAz im Ee sheep sed, ‘The first Five-Star Red Flag was raised personally by Chairman Mao. 33. JB vodaiss JE: iv tumns out that. at. 35. - a/SV: originai(ly), in the first place (see CR L.1, note #3) " RARARAR IC RECT BS IGH I haven't seen him in the past couple of days; it turns out ‘that he went to Beijing on business. ART FERRER - DOPE ER KS - 8. irciecice eslouayataetoeigicnt is) cums acmeeeees Uerucuaes zhdngzhéng, PW: right in the middie 8 REM IBEP ESLER 1 Bm, Right in the middie, on the wall of Tian An Men, hangs Chairman Mao Zedong's portrait. & AIG Ae IRE EP OO AB NAR IKE ip, The man standing in the center of the classroom is Teacher ahang 1) ensnssise PW: anong, between, in the aldse of: ~ RoW? GADRLOREAED te 41 P ALA RR MRE F Bp po$A There were innumerable delegates participating in the founding ceremonies of the PRC. Among them were workers, peasants, PLA, cadre, and students. » BAP [£09 ECR, « AB ROH Lb, ob aia ok P 1 09 FS MA REEROEA, Stauding,btuten ng two soigiers in that pnotogrgh Ss the - cs ehingxtn Puss center =» RET T ICR OPS, » LBeP ear kp. Lie PS A- BRB B22 89H, In the center of Shanghai there is an extremely tall building. Tt is over 300 meters high. Le + Additional Vocabular: . BR 2 AR Ae. oy 3 6 We gudhu Ni national enbiem REMVARHATSR, be ges PEAR KF OA. Tian An Men Tower is over 30 meters high, At its top hangs the national enblen of the PRC. aidovio Nz expatriates, fellow countrymen overseas, overseas Chinese - foo RE+A- a, AFZED RE ERE DE Roe eRe oe TARA. On 1 Qctober 1949, there were many patriotic expatriates who came fron everywhere in the world to participate in the founding cerenonies of the PRC. réngnd V: hold (contain) PER OREIVS th [ABs ut Ha, wig SV: Lofty JL fk 09 2 APA BF GE ad. ALL of these lofty structures were built several hundred years ago. xuda Vs be suspended, hang KM aRLAZ. ‘The sun hangs high in the sky. yh Vi stand towering, tower BERRA BRACE REII 00 AL, Chairman Mao's portrait stands towering on Tian An Men rostrum, zhuangy&n SV: solemn, somber KA SAE GL £09 BK 40 BE oe Hh L1G Enos H 3. Chaisman Mzo's portrait and the Five-Star Red Flag hang in the auditoriun, (making it) seen even more solemn. La 8. qt Aq zheng SV: grand, magnificent, splendid TESS I MPRIeL EA RRM tek IRS th BAG EL no Both at aad. ‘The Monuneat to the People's Heroes stands towering in the Genter of the enlarged square, causing the square to seem even more magnificent. Proper Nanest 9-42 BP princes? cuingching Pw: Red square 10.9, FHA BP vatLn Cone PW: the Krentin (Palace) a. AR sate PW: the Soviet Union, USSR PRACTICE EXERCISES a IR A oo 4 FH. A€esasem EAI ap IL te RE He Hk 09 Bt KARO THASA TUR tht J oo Birt EAH ya SM SY EE ot | ee i aK HB Xx Wom RK Hea eK ia X F wBWon glo Pp kek © ior ad Ke EIB KS cans LY MEA RMN T OB GBP RAE A AME L AWA HPL SE 09. Yh 4£ 84 mb bh ZB Re 7, KA- TER fe 7 & gf tral the ELEMKE ASP thd Am * RARBG a Bape PPeRK LGR dt mi Me rh Bet AA KRERBKESHR ALR Mt AB GR i ib oh 0d ot R WAVER BERD EL HB, ees ia & HE Ht KAPBIRGA Bap i A A KB te R09 ap UE 4° ob BA. 6. When did they build a wall around the city? 7. Compared to its original size, how big is the capital now? 8. What kind of materials were used in the construction of the modern wall? 9. What was done with the old buildings inside the wall? 10. What is the mane of the world-famous area just outside the Kremlin? 11, What was done to it after World War 117 12, What is it Like now? 13, What is its capacity now? 14, What occasions is this area used for? 15, What people come mere to visit every day? Check your answers and calculate your score using the answer key on the next page. 1a Answer Key! fn 10. ne 12. 13. 14, 15. it is situated in the center of the capital of ‘the Soviet Union a a al es 2 they are both solean and imposiny gah sobean and imposing the rooftops ed flags and pocteaits of Lenin the national emblem of the Soviet Union Le — seg than 100 yeacs ape several tons of Lines as lange stone and brick atone and brick some were turned into offices; sone were changed into a ee cee gee sssenbly alls; and sone were converted tate auscune seeyee ee Red Square it was enlarged it appears even more magnificent it can hold several hundred thousand people tT. 2 great callies or when there is cerenonial activity celebrating the ee ee 2 October Revolution T anong then are soldiers who cone from everywhere in the Soviet Union, 12 a. a . workers, peasants, cadre, students and foreigners pote eapants T t Total! 83, Passing? 59 45 ict n. i ‘Translation Exercise? LUSIRUCTIONS - Transtate alt the fotioving sentences and/or passages in prohibite: translations. Franstations must be we! in'the CX.) ‘Criterion cutoff is 7Okaccurate IRAE A ay > BRA GBF AWARE, BT Epes hE Tp ARAL bh WIE AR bh 6 ap BB. PHARME RENAN 4a FIO R 89 P a P BA ap BeGIFA RAILALE RA KF TAA LE WR Sk Of ob \ & Wo Bio ge Hi BP mS hrm Art & SRAM RE RS aT oes oy S Po SS Fog Be Pa Kr 7 hay Oh a ES SYS te Sit > 6 A a Ae CHAS HES ia Ye a S oh BSR BAS a Bt & Rt that At = Ws =a wr x Be wy - BER EAPAR ° BKRARKA® RAG BKESE ae Fl skip a wR MRA AE bo A fal &; £8 ae rs mo ot o> y pos ash st La we PA AR 3 fa w By X i, eh oR YAK # Gd $b ge 6) A pa AEP BA BRA bh 36 eR TBR Kw EM BALE E Lt ik? Oe 13 2 no KB AB AE an J, je completed the exercise, check your work against the mode: ‘that follow. KEY = Model Translations: In the old society, / she cogftops / of sone / weatthy people's / houses / were very high. / Right in the middle / of the front wall / y high. / Right 1s / of the front walt of the living room / une / portraits / of the parents. / (14/20) Most of she(se) / portraits / were nung / personality / by sons / ox auygnters. / 8 / long / goldcgolored / taple / was placed / unger / she posteaite. / Tue Living room / appeared to be / very / somber. / (18/28) Beijing University / was originatty / very large, / After / Liverstion, / expansion / yas carsied out, / The expanded / Beijing Universizy / is tnsee times again as targe / as it was osiginatty, / and can / acconmodate / 30,000 / or 40,000 / students. / (16/22) song / the masses / at the salty / cetebsation, / shere were / many / elementary schoot students /notging / snaii ced fags / in seis nands./ The red flags / were only / one / foot / long / and seven / inches / wide. / z T Tort T + T ar/ea) Yesterday / students / from England / and France / cane to / Tian gu Men / fora vistt, / they / wapted / $0 3now / whether Gf) / Tan 4 Hen / Square / was enlargea / before / Liberation / or / after / Liberation. Sayare / was entarged / before / Liberation / or / after / Liberation a «as/25) he people of China / ardently love / Tian An Men. / Ti Men / T 2 z 2 is situated / in the center / of Beijing. / The New China / neta / z = T z 2 the inaugural ceremonies / there. / Qn Tian An Men / Tower / Chairmen Mac / z T 2 T proclaimed / the establishment / of the PRC / and raised / the first / 2 z T 2 T an Five-Star Red Flag / of the New China. / (26/36) ied Flag / of the New China. 7. In secent years, / gost of the / Labor Day / ceLebsations / ia Beijing / were netd / sinuttancousty / in several places. / Tian an Men / Square / and / the Great Hall of the People / are the centers / of these / celebration activities. / This is pecause / these places / are the Largest / t t t and can hold / the nost people. sndcgn hotd / the most people. / (22/31) 8, At the centers / of large cities / such as Beijing / and Shanghai / Ace senters # T eee there are / stores / speciatty / serving / foreign friends / and expatsiates, / Henceforth, / buying things / (white) in ching / {will be) even more / convenient / for foreign friends / and expatriates Guill be) even nore / convenient / i 2 a touging / Ghia. 7 (19/27) 2 Yesterday / the peopie / of the capitat / neta / a great / ratty / at the Great Wali of the People / to enthusiastically / welcome / 2 eee years ete the Japanese / delegation. / Sitting / at the center / of the dais / were the responsible / comrades / of the Chinese Communist (Party) (CCP) / T and the head / of the Japanese delegation. andthe head / of s 7 (1/20) 10, The founding / of the PRC / wag 1ike / she oun / viéen just / zose / in the east. / Thenceforth, / the people of Ching / ie T have stood up (have been independent). / Having gone through / the great / z t + socialist / revolution / and socialist / (re)construction, / China / seems / T T T T T T even nore / imposing / and magnificent, / (20/28) When you have satisfactorily completed ve practice exercises, take your workbook to your instructor for checking, aim! >/tecwards, take the lesson CRT 22 t Lesson 2 STUDY RESOURCES Required Vocabulary. A. Paniliar Characters in Known Terms: 1 KK A aarén Ne aduit 2. RIB shout eee ce a. = Free Ti a night, the whole night (Long) Ff 8 Vi permit, allow, tet 5. JAAR stnae Vi know, recognize, be acquainted with B. New Characters and Terns: a BF: first, beginning “a a4 engi Xr ot the beginning, at the initiat stage Tb be SAN, LF EARS AE JORG RE. During the initial stages of the War of Resistance against Japan, there were many university students from Beijing and Shanghai who escaped to (ran te) Chongaing. ». AR ANIA, FOS veal A 8 RIK A RW EGKPLLES A, During the initial stages of the Liberation when new construction had just begun in various parts of China, the people's standard of Living was still not high enough. 1 Hae BF: eneay BA cee Ns eneny kA ek AM AB, A Rie etea, Le BES, RATE ATO ARE AR AL The eneny has already entered the village. Let us hurriedly hide our foodstuff (grains). 23 : © AAAS ELAR. We finaity anninitated the enemy, HR aus Ve hide, avoid, keep avay From nove ont Ue FE aude: RC: nove f th aR ecg clea coterie crates “FIR IIRS RI, AB AMAL, AE RS HR oe,” "The devils have already searched many hones. They will be here Soon, You had better hurry and hide." & KARR E ein SO RRH Guerritias often hide behind the hills and wait for the « RERBLE,- WARE URI RAT, FARRER, As Iwas walking along the road, @ car came along. I quickly moved aside, otherwise I would have been injured. > HE ore caeeey cee BR niet Ar suddenty, alt of a sudden ART EE Aa P48, F Re ib 9 tT 4 BL BREE, >» ALT HRA, BORAT RK AAG Ft panuangnindng TE: with composure, caimly RZLIRI, EAR PRR EE ERE? It's about time for class. How come you are here calmly drinking tea? + A OR i RT af ZT RAMA TOR ABR KE RE fee A Feit | and he goertlitts are. If youcdon't I'll kill you.” The child calmy Feplied, "I don't know." Set, KR J via tinge 1B: day breaks, the sun's up » BPA, THOR KGEHE, ‘The window is too small, It's mot bright enough. I can't see Clearly. >» HBF ARICA RMA. I regularly rise before daybreak. ARAB He RoR, In the winter day breaks comparatively Late. 1 SLs SUAS So Piolbns at randony confasedy disorderty, wildly, mixed up Gee GR 1:2," note #3) SLAC R wingitai C: be throm into confusions becone SA EL O94 RT yh LB BARAK © RH 05 30H, Do not place Library books at random, ‘They should be returned to (their) original places. > EA BATE BLP, ERE. Those children art wildly in the street. This is Feally dangerous. co BH OT Fie WAR TE RL RAR ALT. The ig brother's room used to be quite neat. Recently it's getting more and noi sederly « AITER AMT ERIE wD ete, BR of LIB, KRBPI LRA, As we visited the bicycle factory, all of a sudden we heard the sound of gunfire. Everybody was immediately thrown into Le 2 is. RH na BR: anger eR At reib Be th Aik — 956, HK BAT IM,” ‘That person said angrily, "If you say another word I will will you." ov HE RATE VARS ERAT Oh Beg St, RAAT AE Rs ‘The teacher talked about many incidents where the eneny invaded China, These made us extraordinarily angry. w. Boat _ BE & atening Ni disteict leader, nead of a district Cae es HR att Ni area, section, district = RIRGLS wA MH e, laces these theee ate nany factories aze celled industrial » LER RTH, 49 AK a, * ERE GERAA EAI (VARS, 4 Ri. We have not finished using the pencils that we bought last time. There are still many left, Don't buy any more, >» AAR MD OOZ Hit iee: Eup —TA - RA el FAP AEE, ts bats Vs seize, occupy (oy force) & Afimintine Ve occupy ~ Sap, BRR LRS A, At the beginning of the War of Resistance against Japan, Japan wanted to occupy all of China. 26 » BAS ARI H 09 ot OR, Hi RAK EE, & BEB BAY AIK, ‘ERAS BRS A oh Hf iL 49 38H, ‘The encny first occupied the large cities. Only later did they occupy places in the vicinity of these large cities. 1. Ah BPs subdue AB FF vr anes SY cats, unruttied ; BR RLMBIAP IL, RIT RA 11!” & SAR RAF 89 at ATG RITA RRA REAR 1e door, the Japanese devils said loudly, "open ia'to'us very cainty, MHide quickly, b. ne KARGENTI, KRPRES 7 RECA HAG the village and everybody renely calm 2 on . i HT zuixing NE oe ; . Z. = KAS? od RATARLERTR R ear ein fo gention everything act the neny e. a FO vA Ko ib $b F 09 56 17. £ gE wt MBIT AA $0 BE He. rE ARAL. fe the criminal acts of the a7 Le 2 . Familiar Characters in New Terms: at. eB vows Ye surrbend, to besiege et BH 4 417 % BuIOBKA 4 Fare - af AREER F TOR EAR hoe $ ze oe 22. ipl Vi overthrow, "Down with ..." Cin slogans) BS he, KEES. 3 aRRS.” On the squar university students yelled, "Down with the Japanese dev: 23. EXatevseniy? nates i ism; . PREX RAR HH » ATE MEX AT RAMOS, a tRE FPO Res CREOLE LAR & 4B ARID. eeseraselaary covesesstn) ale tesse oee ecules 26. SAAT cenaitn ws in Front of at sb FIRM BOKMAL, “EX OE, LDR!” ‘The enemy said to the adults in front of then, "Who is an Eighth Routh Army soldier? Hurry and speak up." >» EEMAEL, HAP LI RMEK, Rak ienrige. If you have any opinions, go in front of the teacher and tell Guin: “He can’t hear you clearly when you are so far away. 25. 3% J nudite BK (an exehanation of sagperation, Aas! sof Gamal” Blase ats eee) FEV Aas CAMEKABAY. "Alas! Our village has already been occupied by the eneny. 28 ORI WOEGLE), Rise ES He is already unconscious. Quickly send him to the N: meeting Vo: hold a meeting, attend a PEEL A PRCA, RRBE HS Us ‘There is not a single person in the office. It turns out that they have all gone to a meeting, 27. ant: Eqitng Ni machinegun (M: fi ting) KE rE WAB, ak RM AA, » AI IE RAE, BEAR £ AA PLAC TT 41. Let's hide we'll shoot the gate tower, As soon as the eneny arrives with machineguns. S A-BAT REM Ree J Ute, fg soon as, the enemy surrounded the village, they immediately et up machineguns. AE A oa AMIE FIA, Riegn BRE BL. , workshop. bistate nathinery up's 1ietie Righer. ao. 4B iat acee heel RIKER CRE REM AE. me devils often cone to the village to drag people off to perform hard labor. 30. AR ring V take away as one's own, claim} lead « LEMT Keres whe Ros, u can now claim the things that you lost. BEd KARMA RAED, The devils told me to lead then in the search for guerillas. 29 L.2 it possible ...7, could it be ; is it Conceivable ...? si. sfE iB adnate corn “EB AGE HOR b AR ate TB BK APRA 0D? & ACFE RRR mE Besa IB? Up to now he stili hasn't arrived. Is it possible that he is sick? « K- RAR BATE LARD Tm? Ts it possible that we can't e such a small difficulty? 32.5K iB aiinend Vi force, compet Fl RG TRF Bete FE ROOF Do not force children to do what they dislike doing, LAB KAR I HIRI RRS F op TEAR BRP OEMS, — He hee he enemy up nachineguns and forced everybody to ee ry (gets everyone stood there calmly withour making i single moves yy herd (used to Gr "group of") 33. BF ain BE/M: group, ASF Rpeage Apna PA, ites EAR The devils ar: eae Sue five persons from anong the crowd and ae aia tess ea coee rinsed > — TF EAR MTOR VICbO REAMOHK, FiFseTh” A,devit stood in front of he crowd and said to, the chidren, 1s: x k 8. (people) indlscrinvaately 1 A child drove a flock of sheep up the mountain to graze, = SUS HG - BEE Re shit SV! sound (asleep, etc.) “ie He shuishd RC: sleep soundly K- RPM REAM RE. I did not steep soundly all night. Now I really do not feel like getting u 30 _s Kopsliges Fe 8 Bb aR 3H 09 i 8 APRA, nen everybody heara already occupied Bei j news that the invading aray had ig» they were all very worried, sec. oursanco Ne one sige plea Faasb te id we wo9b » AE FAD APA LIAO, ~ me LAD, AM- DRARARE, ‘There are imposing buildings on both sides of Tian An Men Squa al Museum. On the other z Wiese n BO SPA Ge — mh R09 TBR BRE Please place today's paper on one sides older papers on the other side. Re MALTY {atk FEA 2. 38. A a zhouwéi Nt all around, surroundings RTCSRMAR ARR, Cieten HG - TAD RG MHS HL, ‘he devils called everybody from every family and herded them to a square around which machineguns had been set up. > RA ix ERA B07 BAR. ‘The grass surrowi wnding this building is very green in the 7A 09 FA A 2h, BGI KANT, g the city of Beijing is a city wall, and there river outside the city wall. 3a 1.2 39. # zhukn ¥i turn, revolve, rotate, circle RRS RMR AL, Fit RR ERM TIA, FRAT ATLAR Feit B ry 2. BE as BF: yesterday HF OR enti 7H eSRRLETESE ce» of Rew ED ae Ror MH BSSeEaEBlon of OE ARB ie et CEE euyte, sare as" of KD Of OR IROL RIM. . BEAT RKALHTAR ZAI te, Last night at 11:00 (PM) the enemy set up machineguns all around the village. aE a BR Kite A 09 AF. Yesterday the district leader told about the enemy's crimes, 32 L.2 II, Additional Vocabuiery: 1. A\S > oinei Ni courage AB A Jedines xido TE: get scared easily, be timid Aa i Keiinei ad Bt brave = RPT ABALTARA, # EEE RAK BELALI RE, Ah STS 1 wanted to econe a guerrisias but mother said that I was a child, I got scared easily, and could not becone one. 2 zB Vi curse, swear, scold . Bet SiC FATA RBA rae ote sa tte cig, fou are nou peraited te » BAREIS RERTE SER, ‘The younger brother did something wrong. He hid inside the room, fearing that father would scold hin. f tose LST aa . o#£E Ai, Baap ween . BERRY EOD = a) A BURY. The park not o far from my hone is not large, yet many 2 fople play the: e i PREMERA, A TRIO K RBM, feap FR Fe ea a HF 40 38 10111 ea Vbon'e know where they are. Babe RCE Cen, PMMA L 0, en Twas ‘sleeping soundiy, "1 heard someone pounding on the door. I hurries 46 open the door oF Re RAR IB 8 11 aS, Last night the door to the Japanese Embassy was PRACTICE EXERCISE HARKS mmaktBEXR ab £ RRA LRA TARE EATS A MA RMA BAH OE ange £ tnd P BE BSA 4A a9 Be BARA @ TE AR 7 BLA AZAP A HAA AT RB OD AAP RAITT SI. ACA Bt 2h & Oh 09 at tR b ARE BRSLAT ASA BO A B40 FE pe REP ARB eA OB AA A BES qeA de HR ih eiirig 2 eR BE a9 3% tr PK PR BR OAH OI ay ePA, RFT RGRS HUF BAA ERRAB EMAAR ATINZG xia b BAR APA RR RAPA SS A RBA A- RARE 1S ee E BUR Rik sei 60 BB foo PB ae TZ, RS BEES &H te aK IVA 109 KB FART HB OBA AP EB EH REAR VE AEA YEAR AT GG AP BT AK RH ULNA A # ADR ORM AT ALF thal 4yrs 2 AE of IR TLR BAY TOA RE BAD BARKS BRD OKA 4 ERR ARATE IT te Herb ARE EKKR SR FH R, GRRE CHINA Ble ASP PAB A RAIL) BF BB FERMRE PLARE DAR BH RABAGK IUGR ARIIRE RAPA SEMA ATER ARF 2 AB Aad AER BARA BBA BUR Kho — ee BAK te BR GASH fo KBR T AB Aah AN 10 AP aR HA TB RA 6 AR t cos ee Hat dc eA T REF +E AT A BORK J 69 & oe ie oy BH Aa ts 89 36 Fh OI HM LAKE ETEER 8. 1. When did the Japanese Army advance to Beijing? 2. What terms were used to describe the Japanese Army? 3. How did our forces (Lit. national forces) fight? What was the fate of our city? 4. How were conditions in the occupied zone? What was done in my hometown? What did they often do there? what kind of people were dragged out, and what was done to then? 8. What was the reaction of the children, and of the people on the streets? aT 9. When did they come to our house? What caused ne to awaken? 10. What did they do with the male members of my fanily? 11. What did T observe concerning the adults? 12, Where were we locked up? 13, How were conditions there? 14, What did they ask me? What did I say? 15, What became of my brother, and why? Check your answers and calculate your score using the answer key on the next page. 38 ansner_ Kev’ score during the initial stages of the War of Resistance against Japan s suring 1 Mar of Resistance gon 10. ue 12. 13. Me 45. imperialist invading army 3 they fought bravely; the city was surcoundes ané occupied by the enemy 8 they were thrown into confusion (were disorderiy) 2 2 she engny set up aachineguns round the gity and everywhere uw T sees in the streets inthe streets dragged people from the crowd and forced then to point out who were 10 seageed f szowd and forced poipt out our guerrillas T both men and womens both beat them and swore at then 6 oa T =D 2 many children turned around and didn't dare look} the people were 3 T 2 T T extrenely angry, and 211 resolved to annihilate the enemy sume ae T T T 2 before daybreak; sudden sounds of goor-snashing and shouting 10 z 2 i T 2 T they were herded outside the house, and were not allowed to nove 8 patos aagt T ee or talk T contrary to expectations, they were still standing calmly inside and @ z T 2 T outside the house honze T several snali rooms not far from their troops’ fortified point 6 ——aT s T the rooms were windowless and without beds; the gir was extrenely bad 6 et a ene T ee ae they asked me who in ny family was a guerrilla and who had involvement 12 ~ T ae with our forcesi "I don't cecognize even one guerriiia!" Seep 2 elem! he was not rescued, because he was a guerrilla in our national forces 5 _— T 2 Total Passing? 80 39 » oe + an BAA Re REZ RA Bb AF ELRZAG HE 6 — A ARR RK ah ay AT RH 9 iV 4e KAI of &2 5 4a & i aR 47 — a A A aK AVX EB Riv aL 4 EK APRA E AAT AKA FB) HOA & HR HR ee! aN HK A} Ri, — BR BROVA BES oi BY 6, KA 4A 1 BAL PAAR io Ae ABA BH BL Att HOE BAK 40 RAP GR Re RIBS RAT eA ST 2B - RERKE* hE AL EAE He A134 F BERLE 4 oy ot AR IT TZ RRA BABI 4H F401 A FO A RA2 7 MAeID Ay RY a A EB tp LK Bhi BA xh ie AB i id A HE AL Hb, aK fea BARAT BR RIL NIVAZ BAER oD 7AN AT AP ARAB HE ra BFE HAAR GDh REGO BEART RR. BLA tude he 41 a . oe Rake Hah 47 F oH 00 041K, 2 A — TA HRD F IER I, ite Wop ens. sa yg riding my bicycle hone last aight: e nen suddenty snatched it away from es, Tt really frightened me badly. 22. ani Li: (a classical Chinese structural a particle often used in godern Written Chinese for " 89") = ZAZT PBB: Does Voice of America broadcast music? > REM ERL Rae, one third of sixty cents is twenty cents. 23. JH zhu Nt province (China), State (USA) Sy cutense pelea seers a 3H a ee pees eeieet oe] miseries = BA SLILSLIB, fe 9 ARTEL T ETAL, ER wee DK, in his wild running & jumping, younger brother's Leg bunped into the table leg. He sat on the ground and kept on yelling. HM PATER FRA RL ABTA jek SSE. ‘A man bunped into'mé, Only later did I discover that the nan had taken away ay pen. MLA REAGE RAPL, KEILE-A, Ralees az: gah bai en ‘Street and I went over to fnere had been a car collision, but aobody saw how they colliges. 49 BF: careful A/SV: carefully; attentive, meticulous RFE HE aA ht e0d RAAB, Please think carefully about thi: before you decide. » RAVE IOR MS 1 20% We should carefully look at this report. cf RAG ADS Hf PAR LR FAK Ze, ‘The captain inspected each part of the ship very carefully. C. Familiar Characters in New Terms: am Geng ehees) . a WE 5S 3 eR Res That guerrilla attentively observed the activities of the enemy. & AA AD AT ABA, A-RAL Ke ZAR, 08 off Bah 44 4 02” our vas teas surrounded by the enemy. One night ay elder brother asked me, "Do you hear any activity?" e LEARNS, AREER, TRA Mt & Fe. , I heard that the enemy was coming here to rob as. But after waiting for quite a while, nothing happened. at, NF eat Ni size, statuse PEER RIDA, (RAK B| Sis 09 RAR. People who are especially large in stature have a hard tine buying clothes that fil * ZR ROTS REAR Ge RODE. Company Commander Wang's stature is cénparatively huge (big and tall). He looks full of spir: oA B HAG TH ah, 40.09 $ EPARK, Both his parents are small in stature, yet his stature is large. 28. KE A: on purpose, deliberately TE ag anat am Smack, jer Sits, @ 8) RB Fe OAK 1a 19 14 20 14-20, During class, the teacher pur} posed made mistakes in writing Gharacters. "The puspose was to find out whether oF not we looked carefully, > By KE Tedeh aH He G 09 OH « BAR EK Ap ALISA, 12 2 TET %, Pi me Hh LE UR TH xk ap FL 09, 1 liked that radio receiver very much, but I did not have enough money. Se I y said chat I did not Like that kind. * eda gudiwy N: monster Hu TAKS sk & Am ad @ %, 4 eT RAD If somebody purposely said that you are a monster, what would you do? 30. + guan SV: accustomed to, used to LS HRM F IRE BIL a0, fiotik Pte, ey BAL EI Twas not accustoned to Listening % Professor Speech. Sometines I could not understand. Gradually I got accustomed to listening (to hin). ~ ARI 7 AAT Esko st Btn. Once you are accustomed to eating Chinese food, you will no Yonger enjoy eating foreign food. c MAURIE R, KEG AE 09 KAKA, HO RLIR I. first moved here I always felt that the weather here cold. Gradually I got accustomed to it. 31 Le 3 31. KVL) budcr) svt angry » BARA AM, AKI, S Hagied dhe Falck AX ARG F 41 I purposely. i 4 TK book that elder brother had borrowed. He : RK BERK, TL AT HAT IC. Although Twas very mad, yet I colild not hit him. 32. za ye ee Ab hurried} hur DY jade oy B jidosneng Ne ery K oy 5380 Vi ery ou KB ol Ashéng sito Keng aisders “HEPA ERR Moateseo ze. jot Fo bring my books to school, so I hurriedly ran back 0 get then. ea NEE I 64h, A S41 2.4 te +0 i& Bl BLK, A member of the Eighth Route A His comrades hurriedly sent hi + MFRS ZZ ia Herein 40, ie Ti RE han ¢ When elder sister go without even eating supper? Fees 2 genious injury. Yy shout, bray loudly Phi cry ow} bray loudly ne Ph: give out ERO PART to, A tiger's roar is very frightening. A AIAA BR Koy, That patient often cries out loudly, ARERR KY - % RK. ‘That tiger gave out a loud roar then died. ud cry oF roar L.3 KE As indeed, certainty (wnen strongly stressed, means "at last," "finally") Gee CR E.3, note #6) ARE AVR GT AS, Your Chinese characters are indeed really well written!!! HE we I, I (finally) graduated! : tei Beth, HEA 10 Bap micougn Hid incessantly doing his best, he has at last overcone his difficulties zhuin Vi walk around, take a turn or spin TL HES FRA KG ARAN Ue. 1 walked around on the street for a long time before finding that little store. AR TA BAAVGE hid RG, F Ko iB ERT. ‘There is someone walking back and forth outside our dormitory. [ido not Know what he 38 going to do. a EB RRAK YR LER KD EAE, on Dacca always love 'to walk (hover) around their mother, Causing then to have no way of working. TI, Additional Vocabulary 1. BP at N- donkey, ass eK > DLP OES Fy on ap, > "Qian zhi 10" means the donkey of Guizhou Province. WstRE TAPE ULFR-F. A donkey resenbles a sheep, but its stature is a little larger. at sh ah HAP, AG LK 4° AAR BBP Bl bts HL, RESETS PSE ae aD REE My 2 FARRAR vhooréadind oh huge monster, ¢ nenmoth aninal SPN ERAS, prec # RB ope » th dE KAM, ALLA E RAI, KABEES T heard that there was huge monster up the hill, I really feel Like going there to see ity Vs rush, spring, pounce - AKL AA BI. HA — TA Sb it A, F teak oF ap. I had just gone out last night, when a person rushed over (tovme).” Indeed, it badly frightened we. BEARELE -AM AR Ze qb iL &, tr tha. Guerrillas hide in the hills, and as soon as they see the eneny they immediately spring out and hit then, Qi PW: Guizhou Province (ancient name) Giote: in written Chinese, single characters are often used’ for names of provinces.) 34 fa) 5H t aidogizo A: silently, stealthily RMF a be i foe ween PAE ks, i when the child saw that his mother was soundly asleep, he Steaithity ran out to play. 2H 20 F483, HATTA Hoe EeEE RI a ‘The movie had already started, We walked in stealthily and sat down in the rear. sk Vs provoke, incite, cause, instigate (conveniently translated "make," as —- trouble, — angry) HER AY KS, Be taken Ree FARM a MRE Ke BPR score, ne Teey'beadelful and’ makes people ye oes A- RAISE EKS, feed FRAGA. a once I made my father angry, He told me to leave hone and don't return. t Ve kick \ AR REPEAL PR TA RERTERY* i The little tiger purposely made the donkey mad. ‘The donkey extended its two hind legs and kept kicking wildly, 16 te 4 a #F 9 AR Bet shel ¥ Who kicked down this lit ist planted? SR RKEMES. Younger brother is very angry and keeps kicking the table. Proper Nane? 8. Rat sons Ni (personal name) NGSEHPAA-FABH wo oY Fas 4, > FAR ARB AL HAR At AR AA EP A IAG tt A AP HL BA, AA —ORAOAA AR 09 HA HA sehe 7 —-AAPP LIF aN 7 Lb Bpid vl bao At AA H SARK, BARB: 2 88 A BF Rea APA SF BH J asa aa] I — 4 F% °% 09 HB BY He ABUL By AH af te LA Lk APA AMAA HEH RHE EIRSA CARE THIF ARE % TGR BA A ARRAS OA RIAKIIK EE -RERBZAL Lee eACIIAL IT. BY tro me BAP HE A RAE Me Ae hj A ARE SMe AK TR 56 ALK I S80 eT CITA J. Bob Skee LI — RARE KE a LEAA RU LAS AHL ERAA— RAL FRREABRGIS Kaeo Al RA RENT BO FH BIRR OPA RRAIEA Bi edi AP 7G EMH RK LG LAT TF te O81 F BAG BE BK RAE HY GE, Rs reOoZ TT Hidwow £ it J — PHA BALI - RADA AAKBEMA GK AD AWHI- £445 aR I — TADS ap AP kA. fo Rie I A BK 1 te Ase FH, 7 BE — BR RATERS AF RR BH ofa ee BRAM-RKAEMRBK ING wisn — Be AY BAH Lb white te ogee GHA FWA RK Rie ® we Me RTT, i aftk Z fa tk — thep RBM RE RE RK tooo th 7 — Hoes E that RRA eH EE Th tam L — RAE — HEL RK AEE wi son BY AE od RK GRAF EO AR SIE 2. How was he treated by acquaintances? 3. Where was the village situated? 4, Whon did the villagers reconmend should spend the night in their village? 5. After paying, what did Wa Song do? 6. Why did Wu Song continue on ahead in spite of the posted warning? 7. What was happening to the sky? 10. ae 12. 13. Wnat did he enter, and what did he find there? What did he initially do there? After that, what did he do? Describe in detail what happened after an animal leaped out of the forest! What happened several tines? How was Wu Song getting along, and what did he do in the end? Check your answers and calculate your score using the answer key on the next page. 38 1.3 Answer Key! 10. ue 12. 43. he was a man of $a11 stature, very beave, very strong and very capable 2 no one dared provoke him at the foot of the mountain yersons who had no special ability Beepens who Badine spsvial ate he Kicked gpen the door and Jeft Kicked open age he was used to travelling in (on) the mountains, and was aed to e the mounting, not scared at all. the sky was gradually getting dark pee acter a forests a boulder (big rock) fosgstt powder (oig he walked around the front, rear, left and right of the boulder aS pee ABE ne eee a“ and made a careful observation he Lay down on the boulder and stretched out his legs Say Gel OB the POUnGee and steesehed out his ses Wu Song gave out a big yell and jumped up from the boulder; ee ee t at he hurriedly hid beside the boulder and was extrenely nervous; ia eeeeeee ate seupeett eee he wanted to escape, but couldn't do so manted te apcape, but coulda's do se the Eiger pounced and Wu Song dodged igen pounced and Wu Song dodged Wu Song became more and more confident; by relying on his own pore and nore confident; by selying on two hands he Killed the tiger me hands he Killed the Sizer Total: Passing! 60 Score 10 an 15 36 6a II. Translation BS egy oat —T RE Zit — Kap ayx> KE RE AP B42 aS, ARK I BF KBAR HE J — HK SEH MA J, 282 Bia HK 6, AA ARTE | Ah it OP BY» 7 Foe OP BAT 4 FA RL PAR RF de G O# wb Ap ik CA APE ZB. »—- Roh éR A IL SPA LARS A® FP A He AR EL Dhik BBA, F+tMAY FZ, BoP FW ies 72 A+ VALE AP KARA IL AoA Vee ain 71 an fa 4% & Rap ah Ht RARE 18 ay fa KR ARH ah tn 24h AR LK LAA TK 62 THI RR ET RE RAR A BAAR 5a ah Mat At BARS BRK TOR ARR Eidk BE A ttw & J AAT AR AE Vi %@ IL ———_—— — Aue BR 4 fe 09 Lap t ——— BHLHEAA- RE BLERE L Aap ptith 3 BR ay a 2H RAM A on Ak RATA Pap h Ka A AMAR ap RAY A EM ARRW-RE #, MRA BA RR, 4 Yt Brea 69 A> AR AS AAT AB oY fis) 4S eK AA RAPHY TR DOS AO EY 4 gt Fa A BL i ABD J ART AP ROE FILBA R—- TRA A Ba B89 AS RAR Ae eee Lee PAK RAPIRE KK Ath, k against the model KEY = Model Transtations: Paragraph 1! Have you / ever peard / (someone) tel / a dopey / story? / Tonce heard / a story / (which) told / about a donkey. / This story / appened / in china, / (and) was cited / "Qian Zhi Lt,” / which neans b a / in china, / (and) vas catiea / Zni Ul," / which peans / phe Donkey / of / Guizhou Province." / (16/22) z te eer cet Parageaph.2t in the southwestern / part / of China, / there is / a place / callie: Int thwestern / part / # / / As / calied / Gujznou. / Formgrty, / there mere uo / donkeys / Shere. / Later ony i someone / shipped / a donkey / $0 Guizhou / fron / another ptaces / but, / after / the donkey / was shipped, / pecause / she peopte / i11 didn't know / what use / the donkey had, / therefore, / 2 2 T . 7 all they could do / was release / it / at the foot of a mountain L / as release (it / at the foot of a nountan / ana) tet / it / graze / suere. / (34/48) af aittte / figer J saw that) / the donkey / at the foot / of the sguntain / could onty / extend / its two / pind Jess / and xick / witaty / (and) had no / other / abitieys / nesgupon, / fos) gave 2 loud coas / and sprang / atop / the donkey / and ate up / the donkey. / (26/37) 65 Paragraph Over / 20% / of the peopte / nave att / never / encountered / a tiger! / Once / passed through / a forest / (end) py nance / sau / an animal / walking / towacd / ge, / That aninat / seemed / very frightened. / Sitepmards, / shat aninat / gradyalty / walked over (toward me). / Lick a took / and indeed uas / badiy / frightened. / It tusns out thet / Sines a tises. / 1 / pad never / sum into / a tiger / in the forest / inthe past, / (and) I shougnt, / "I certainty / can't provoke / it." / E/ husricdty / ran away. / (40/37) Parageaph 5: Pegpie / neve ait / suyored / that they have seen / a monster / walking / back / and forth / in the forest / at the foot / of the mountain / behind bag / ang forth / ae eee fs atths foot / Behing / av.none. / Que day / 1 pumposety / nig / in the vicinity / of the foot / of the nountain / to observe, / In fact, / there was no / activity / inthe forest, / andy also / gidn's see / apy / nonster / cone out. / t / tpereupon / used / ny feet / to Kick / several / trees / to see if, / after alt, / a monster / would / cone out is / really Cindee: fier ait, / ancnster / youd / cone / Mais / seatty Gndees) / ngde / that monster / angty (provoked its anges), / and ix / san out / and even / punped into / my teg. / 1 thought / 1 bunpes inte / & monster, / carefully / took a took / again, / (and) it turns out that / it / wasn’ flix / took a took / again, / (and) ie that / i / Bi? aby / sonster (after alt), / it-mas / one of / ay fanity'e / sheep. / (67/95) 66 Pasagraph 6! Formerly / there was / a peasant / in the village / called / Xie Ping. / tis / size / was very snalt, / (and) everybody / alt / called hin Bis / size / y snail, / (and) everybod faa ied him / "Xiao Gezi (Littie Size)." / Afterwards, / because / everybody / all Gezi (Litt: / Age 2 / ¥ fh / decane accustoned to / calling him / "Xiao Gezi," / the people / became accustomed to / salting hin / "Kise Geri. that calied hin / "Xie Ping," / on the contrary, / were very few. / T T onthe gontrarl wi 11 / knew / that people / of small size / didn't necessarily / / wee / shat people / of smart size / as T not have / ability. / Xie Ping's / ability / was very great / and ne also / T T T T very much / Liked to / help / others, / so / everybody / aii / Liked very much / Liked to / uel / others, / go / everybody / sii / Likes / din / vesy auen. / (28/38) ven you have satisfactorily completed the practice exercises, take your workbook Wen yom petructor for checking, and afterwards, take the Lesson CRT. 67 Lesson 4 STUDY RESOURCES I. Required Vocabulary. A. Familiar Characters in Known Terms: 1 sine Pe = simply, just (see GR i.4, note #7) 2. EF wénguén SV/A: perfect, conpletes ee perfectly, entizely 2. Ro GR antons Ne ktondedge, know-how B. New Characters and Terms: AE TE AE att an Vi press down, hold down (with hands or Fingers) Anza’ RC: restrain, hold steady, hold firmly | LEZ B Ho CIGARS 1% 04 09 087 Are all Phones in the U.S. now push-button? (it. press (phone) number) » POASIRA R-RAREEE. ‘The donkey's strength is very great, I can't restrain it by nyself. 2 PISFAIRAWA AL-DTRSEA stub SLAT. A large statured man was holding a child down on the ground and wildly beating (the child). oft BF: wealth, riches, goods chichin Nz property LS RELIC RS HR K SPE TP. Factories, stores, land, houses, and cars, are all property. BRPRORL RAR UE RA pe Ge ener orerage sen property, there is no private property. (lit. property for 68 6 tA es WK, om wt Re « URERRAMH feng rae & soap BR. He decided to present four-fifths of his property #0 that hospital before his death. zy, delay ani lelay, interfere with, waste (time) AR Bk IRE, SEA MIR- SL WORF, ‘That soldi s wounds are very serious. If (there is) any further de: ». 4 aT Ba ERR. AE AE % a The teacher said to his students, "Do not waste times study properly." RP BMRA LE TLARBRA. T don't want to interfere with four work. I'11 be back to See you in a couple of days. Pk ae vs fatty seumbte Rp aigaio RC fall down Je tee RE BD HH 09 OS 1K, 1 hE hate 1. ACL PR BAT RS RIB, FE ve tel V . He When I was a child mother often saii 4 to me, "Run slowly. Don't fall down!" ed BF: Look after, take care of cee iis ahdogu Ve take care of es Ft Row Of PK, ABD : =: ron a. Hae RM HB ay OE AK 09 do Ab The village chie! ny mother, Jou For taking care of ny grandson.” "E am very grateful to 69 La cA Ot AR BP HOF re KF KBAR BH ANI AP AS Lid. o YL ste BFS solid, fem, determined NS 42° jiancnt W/a: insist, presist, persevere; Fay? stubbofnly, persibtentlys dastarenciy © KE GAMETIAK, TLRS RE REWN HHS. I wanted to become ‘an Eighth Route Army soldier and fight the eneny, but dad insists on saying that I am too young and incapable of becoming one. © bse Bi eo 4RBAI, 08 wz HH — 49H 09, 12 RE RAGE, Younger brother lost the teacher's pen. He wanted to pay back the teacher with a new one, but the teacher insisted ne didn't want it. = Laue RRPRARLY KER A, ADE, OR HIRE. Xia Li cane yesterday to “invite me to the movies, T wanted to do my Chonework) exercises and so did not feel Like going, but he insisted and dragged me there. 20. FR stow BF: frighten, startle & th shdu jing vo: fo,be started, get a fright, suffer a RRR ERE fA I, RAR, tte $ LI RS ewe 5, Once Little Wang was tending sheep at the Toot of the mountain, when suddenly there cane a tiger. Both he and the sheep suffered a fright and hurriedly ran away. 1. hiking SV: cool, cotd = ARABI, AA OR, & BEA OLE ol th Ht 3, 16 9 BARR Re TR EOE a ta 70 cy c AR AOR ABR VE IRR, Both the rice and vegetables (or dishes) will soon be cold, Let's hurry up ai 14. et he -ALAIE HE Teoh AK 2 eh 4 pai ' Risking danger to his own 1ife, an Bighth Route Army soldier rescued that child from the water, oH K- hh LAMER RAG, fede es. ae) sane village chief eard that mere vere ed ‘las in the Bills, he bi the snow and hurriedly there). «KR EGIRKG AAPA. I feel that driving a car while braving heavy rains is very dangerous. xin SV/Ne » AARARA aS Pit ee vi PBS GE WF FHL. Since I do not have patience, therefore there is no way I «Bie hs Bes, -R GE AAT, Ze property care for children, (you) must definitely have af ‘Ni mud t atet Ni dirt, earth, soil = ARG bs KF AP Bak IL ie, VE obs ef AEH ach: There are many children who love to play with mud. Did you ever play with mud when you were young? ~ AAA ake & 269, Aer e R09 How come some dirt is black and sone dirt is yellow? n La nF - #4N bo tia d, 2 putt, cattte om: Kd Bikaa. Our calf became sick, and Dad was very worried. BP ARAL +H RAIA, Oxen are very useful in cural China, RIERA MEFKRE Hai Wa rode the ox each day to go tend her sheep. ndng. Ve doy make, gets maniputate (see CR L.4, hote #2) - ls RHR 4 HK OD TA APAR FF. Younger sister made my room very clean. . RG ee BOP AK, Ki RATA ‘The grammar in iz iésson is very hi ard, The teacher explained it twice but I still could 1 ERLE PL REFER & Kt, Mother said, "You wait awhile, I'11 go make sonething to eat." pin SV/BF: poor z pfnnéng Ni poor peasant (refers to a class or Person of that class) TRE ~ ARIK ARREST BI, Before Liberation the livelihood of China's poor peasants was extrenely bitter. PBA Ot ote Ee OR BUF. Not only did the poor peasants not possess their own Land, ‘they didn't even have enough to eat, ue Az yet, but, still, on the other hand KARI, PR GR iB HF ad. The eneny cane, yet didn't force us to work. RAB S IPL, epES AAR, We all want to study Chi but he wants to study French. fe shibit BHR, SpaR RAE, He hasn't gone to school, still (he is) very capable, rR La 19, BE suai Vi fall, throw dow, break FEB] stuticio and fait Fe shudishing RC: get hurt in a fall EE H xf 1000109 FAL. AI, TRB 31” v KEPAP 16 ARE I, BEMIS ATA. Vite rere Sire trertioe ta iaen hae meno RR BORE 19 PEER, B53, A patient jumped from a very tall building. He fell to his death, 20. were, Ni smell, odors flavor, taste HAR RH RE rere ee T do not Like the odor from the bodies of cattle and sheep. >». ER PMA BA ho. Both hospitals and wards have medicinal snelrs. oo KP LOY KL BH, RI AD? ‘This dish's flavor is best. who made it? a (RoE s§ RIL DER A As 09H? can you make out what flavor this candy is? a. Hy v6 BF: happy, pleased Yay pe yon N/Sv/as pleasures pleasant, happys tay tee (sas ee eSantly my PRBS ROK 09 bb A ATT, RT AAR EE ORI. PAAR Reha eR OK, When Chinese write letters, they often write at the end of their tetiers "Wishing you heaith and happiness. KEE TL GE Fp, BA apak B TK. My father was elected leading cadre for the factory. We were extraordinarily happy. 73 * a bon eee ER Be THAR AH AR, oA vi ag a SARA At Haag, KOO RAI ARA AS Under Teacher Li's patient edu A thus ia ere lane eee eastice nt RA ANE SF IE Bel person has to receive nine years of education. 23. Be mt BF: fine, delicate, minute 40 Ke Bond SV: meticulous, with meticulous care RAR Ritts Aso BK ah 868 aii. & SARA at: =, PPAR AHR Aa aK, En everything she does. ce LL KE RAD RARART A $0 BK, None of the factory-nade clothes are too meticulously (made). zhui Vi run after, chase after, pursue 6 we tS Gina Reh F tk eek 3, SRAR RB RBS II. be vuying things, foreigner eft without waiting for hi is ane of alesman hurriedly chased after hin and gave hi » = keh #84, RAAB - “ite, q AR Rue SRR A calf ran off and I chased after it immediately. I yelled as I chased, but the more I chased the calf, the faster the calf ran. « AOHLGAK, KB IF ABE He ran too fast. I chased him for a long time but never caught up with him. © BALULRARIR TS DREALE. Japanese, industry developed very rapidiy. Many countries can not catch up with her 74 La Cc. Familiar Characters in New Terms: 25, HWA viytansns Ni graduate =. KANE Raye Aa BK FI ob A KL Few. I suppose most of the graduates from this school have been sent to foreign countries to work. AR Bee rep FE ee ae 4, « yan PPLE GRA ETH Al high School graduates in China have to temper themselves through manual labor in the rural communities. 26. 3 i cotagenh 8 chty, tums asi center + bg G RAAT B88 KARR n~ 4 ay we :. REPRE ASEETST I, BRGY eRe. oe Po aA, TERE RHE x ° ‘Those who are ‘omed to Living in cities do not like going to work in rural conmunities. = 44 Ral ie ap ik oy ERA Fe 1 & OVS HH HA, Mo BARS, 7 QA BTR A & AR RE tb ‘ery ire? s RAT, F Sone students have friendly feelings towards this school. They often come back to 100k around after graduation. 75 ca 4 28. nS ais a x so a 2 N/V: encouragement; encourage, inspire AASSR ELE, 9 KIRA BB ~ CYC BMRS Ry OT MIRA OEE fe A 7 : “Red Detachnent of Women" gave me a great deal of a AAT AE SK ER ok 1 Au HARA. Ph eutonues W/V: concerns be concerned about, concerned = Ot OAR at Ai OD At, ‘Thank you for your concern for us. - LET ae RA PAA RGA GF. Chairman Mao is most concerned for the livelihood of the Chinese people. « HRS PSE E BRA tries aesvaode "e very concerned about every aspect of conditions in their intry It K eudan MA/Ns in the past, formerly ~ FR PILE RI IRS BH KE, Fold, RAR NM BE >» CARE E ak i fei K 09 $8, He dislikes very much talking about his past. © LARTARAR KER, Im the past this city didn't have large buildings. SV: to be anxious, worried » RARBERAC RR gl 5 ADE ARG MD, KEG RHB EAD, and there was a lot of blood on his face. T'was so worried that T did not know what to do. 76 4 PR ERARIAR, EARZEEE wee! You've Lived in the hospital for only two days. How come you are anxious to be discharged form the hospital? = EMO FER, FRAZ IAL a2, FRE szvin ———__Sv/vs be cose £05 cone ctose toy approach . TARR, a OA LwF ta. tn the past I was very scared of getting close to calves. Gtaduanty T decane accustomed to ft, and T am no tonger afraid. » HRA FIRE RAIL Bi TKI Rieti 2s ew. BONE if A109 BB HAE ‘The Company Commander said, "Wait until the enemy comes close to our fortified point, then fire." ergo, go through, en be translated’ as maving/having had” + F experiences, pas: BOE ALE we expartnee, ct “LATE Ray O4 i if eae HA) Perk eh After Teacher Li had patiently analyzed these two complicated Sentences, we innediately understood then. EP RREB RATE Hon id -F YOK HAE) VARG LP Bir. ‘The production team sent me to labor in rural communities. ‘Through a year of eI learned a great deal of production knowledge. . Bit fp s0 WU RBKA I aR Af, RRDAORS. After having meticulously observed the movements of the enemy, T innediately returned. a La aR ne BF: decidedty (preceeds JE + verb) TRA... ju€ vd... MG decidedly no «1+ by no means «a. . ve 2. BEAT BASE A In China, a definitely cannot call thei parents (by theit) names. > 2 PRE T ATIFA, . RI REM DK, RT Hei TROIOMP LARK, surely have to think of sone way y out, I definitely can't Tee"calidctive property sutfer aaakecs’ SV: all overs full Ph: all over the street Ph: all over the body (one's body) HERRERO AM, REAM, vA ih Bi AP AR. Last Bight there was big wind and heavy rainfall, therefore there was mud all over the str - RIBAS rosie, aos, aa eed ‘it 78 > OF RoR LE wkg ARS, SAFE Ber RR RRA ae 29 MARS, 4# 15] 5 @ PELE RMAR ton Im the winter the clothing the children wear is too thick. (nce) they fall down they cannot get up by themselves. if & ctoent 38. aingié Ve ask e+. to come, send for vA Cgeneratly used’ in weitten materials) BH KRERSRE RM. Hurry and send for the doctor to look at (check) father. 20. Pe Bentresin ook x prodution team . BEEF ODEP KF KF RAS. ‘The production level of the production team this year has been raised from that of last year. » KEE Rik ME EP MHOT ap. « x BP & SAA EP IRE 6 LR. be 's new product was the result of research by our production squad. 40. Fa whn/-wén RWB: fo die, to be Finished, to be done 2 Fa Vi wanes TE: Coxpression of exasperation: Alas! =) = AA Ricek ERE, ZAM h- Bil, ORK 1. Let's hurry up ad send him to hospital. If there is further Seley he will be done for. » AVA KIN 4 CBRAACA Alas, Alas! Our village has been surrounded by the enemy © HRS RAR PE VA BLS. ‘tion, those who opposed the communist party were a FP Restensnenéos “ Gites or pereon of that class). PLP K pinwidendnenéag N+ poor and tower middie peasants FP RAIEBEAKF fo FRETS, The standard of Living of the lower middle Peasants was similar to that for poor peasants. EP RERA-S PITS RR EB, EatT ROM CRATE, HE 5 TEPER A 09 4 iF Under’ the patient education of I a Sor and lower middle peasants T learned a great deal concerning aspects of Production. have sone Land, yet the grain > yikin At to be bent on, wholeheartedly, with all one's heart - fae RAB AAR ARS ALAKE Sli MEE. Tiinking wholeheartedly of only serving the people, he did not pay any attention to things in his own e343 FHAGRAR PH uh at ae He was bent on coni he did his bes} to America to do research. Therefore rudy English. - PAVE — AR GKA, HABA TH, We must wholeheartedly anninilate the eneay. We must not be afraid of any danger. 8. = § nae Av att she tine (up ontin a certain point), all along, straight (See CR L.4, note #6) aR ane Paks, -ARRD ARLE, Since his gr: radeon | from college, professor Li has ali along been teaching at this scl = “AOE HT RAR, ve ER, #5 a4 F hl ee Go a ai ent north from here, You will then reach the bicycle manufactory. 80 La II. Additional Vocabulary tent Ni uncte (honorific form of address for 1. KER cider nen) BKRA-TR RK (009 CARA at AA RAR HH. Uncle Huang is a poor peasant. He is goodhearted, and very cordial toward his friends. ABIL, FRAIL FADE. After Liberation, all of Uncle Zhang's property was finished (confiscated). ° 2, Bb eitn N/V: pad, cushion, tay down (sonething), peel todas tarataetocimsrcteren|ty Padingy Cushioning, filing KEY, FEiCKRBRYAAE 09 EMIT a 5 02 40 - Bu. After the days grew cold, mother padded the bed until it was Very thick, This permitted us warmer sleeping. » BVI, -— FRRA RAK BE At jG KAt- BS. In front of our doorway there is water and mud as soon as it rains. Father filled (the place) with dirt and it became better. 3. BPP renten A: one ond att, profuse, munerous and = RATA ER ZAT, IIS, MALI Bibl AeA Ie MS. When friends heard about this, one and all they came over to visit hin and offer him blood: RRP, toe pL. BR LBA 609. Za ETF. Heavy snow fell profusely. ‘The ground, rooftops and trees were all white. (Everything) seemed extremely clean. 4. 4B Fie xi Vi guffer from loose bowels Gite "discharge thin fluie) “ be - ROIMARF FO ham, p Younger brother definitely ate something unclean. He has loose bowels. aL ” » ACO RASA EEO Rees, Last night he had loose bowels. He wasn't even able to sleep weil. # feel, touch, grope "havea reat eae. « HIV Bic MME RARE I, 4 clothes. But after groping about for a long time I was unable to find it. a eure FE tm HEM K EEE AEN ata . PAVE P MOE EE KES ee ae 5 se AI Uncle Huang, the production teas veterinarian, is very experienced’ in treating cattle. bh hDDS BMG, & After younger brother eats candy he tte 494. & AFAR BAR GRAC 40.45 89 A Aep fo AS ih 4, Calves Like to lick people. They will moisten (by licking) your legs, feet and hands. D LKA-LEE AG! BFAD EPA I, ; In the past I had always lived in the city. 1 had never even seen an ox, not to mention feeding one. (see CR Le4, note #1) » = 4b TARTAR AL ALT HE PEIA, PH AAG OR fen, A soldier had both his hands injured. He was unable to eat his meals by hinself, so somebody had to feed hin. 82. oR to. AE L.4 xidn Vi dislike, detest; object, complain (see CR'L.4, note #3) HO RAR TB Teh, A 40. G P 4° EAT F- XE you object that this roon is hot, you can open a1 the doors and wi PARAGIS PI RA EAN BH, T object to boats being too slow, so I have decided to go to Shanghai by plane. zing SV: dirty, filthy RTM Mo eRe. AIO EAIA, BOT OR SRLS HOR Wt # AES. I ran too fast. My foot slipped, and I fe11 down and got ay c1othes dirty. aut Nz mouth AA ok 8 ik 09 40 -w 2 4B ad Th - FF, sone people aay, one thing (with nei no uths) and think another (with their minds, every Paey RELI, 7 Pe) LRERI. There was a (slight) movement in the mouth of that patient. He seened to want to talk, but he said nothing and died. 83 PRACTICE EXERCISES we (ede x! «Ques al sw @eX Bee Aw fe tole Ty ee Pye Lew eoe Padme 4 dew kvew + 2 KE ye] ve, Mea KK Ke Ae 1 Oe Cee SWE ON MEE Kl 1 oe oof & se SE Me A hd A eeUb se. | cerkeav KOQEEL BLT Ee eal al wag C1 Ka wow) & OP) Ske OS | exe CHK Hue oo BVA eek a Paragraph 2: RUE FRA RLA LAR THLE AA AL OD oR LE HK RERAR ARH MA KR- GREER Se 49 ih ODL Kat Hb 6g AL CHAIMIF 24 HRS fh Bi we sk AKA, He —-—- Tokp ws 2- TAF FrAteA t PtP RMA- A al FT ARMA A te dp RRA tH A Ke Ro A it — BS ADF HTK T 1) Ahi i 1 ot 0) Z 18 fo BF SAV IRK #9 B10 feqir at AE ADGA Kxt i BoA ext FF 09 Bap J HRA RE ee El es 1.4 fa Ap - AK 24 MABE R-PREABLA- SR BHR 85 “LHKMAPF Kee k- a a ws to BIG + Paragraph 1 1. Where did the person find a snail package? 2. What was the condition of the package? | What seemed to be in the package? + Whom might the package belong to? - How did he Lose the package? 6. What action did the finder take? + What happened when the rain suddenly started pouring down? La 8. What did the person do in spite of the leg injury? Paragraph 2: Who owned the cattle? 10. What was the writer's attitude toward cattle in the past? aL. Why? 12, What did the writer do whenever seeing cattle? 13, What is the writer's attitude toward cattle now? Paragraph 3: 14, As a city girl and a college graduate, what did she think of the poor and lower middle class peasants? 15. What underwent very big changes after Labor tenpering? a7 La 16. What three things of the poor and lower middle class peasants gave her a great deal of inspiration? Paragraph 17. How did she react on the day when one of the cattle got sick? 18, What happened that night? 19. What decision did she make? 20. Describe the manner of her caring for the animal? 21. How did she feel when the animal completely zecovered? Check your answers and calculate your score using the answer Key on the next page. 88 Answer Key: 1 10. ae 1. 13. 14, 15. 16. a7. 18. on the roadside sondaide no dirt, wasn't dirty at all i money T the man who was walking at a distance T — wasn't careful chased him Like mad ome T foot slipped, and fell down on the ground a) “—_ T ersisted in getting up and beaved the heavy rain, and chased and persisted in getting up and braved the heavy rain 2 caught up with hin the production team 2 didn't dare get close to them T 2 wasn't used to the odor of cattle z = always avoided (them) gt a great distance anes ay 2 accustomed to the odor of cattle. Not omly that, also has no fear coreet eeaene? it Sauna T of getting/being close to cattle; moreover, likes to tend them secting/peing close to safties nossover = most of all T that they were people without any knowledge thoughts and feelings ‘Mhoughts ond feopings coscientiousness about work, concern for comrades, 2 T 2 T ing for cattle and sheep z so worried that she almost began crying = T didn't sleep as she had her mind wholeheartedly on the calf a z 2 89 u 16 10 Score 19. gould not allow production tean property to suffer a loss 8 Soujd not aljow production team property to suffer * Joss 20. patient and meticulous 4 Bapens ond metipulous 21, she fett inexpressible pleasure 3 T Total: 104 Passing! 73 90 INSTRUCTIONS - BY WS ul Sf AR ET Cah DG RAL Kap st Ko KER ES Bat Wl HAE S pha D X feck Dc 1 CAN a CRBSeCHA Se ERO RE LOK Sw | Sat alse se D ty te & K sei PLapnoXkXPINSORR A ABAF 88 Fares, Kitt ro. $B BL Rem aCH Date HEREA of Judai F # Bh EK AI AD BR, BREEER AL HB, a) Ae GRE KAR AR BERRA KAR 4A IL KE RR LF KEK, « MMLABAR« FEA el Re IaKT ER koe A J tent 2, 24 TJ. i — Be AR 647% WRG AE VATED BF, BE HR a — ae ay Fad 08 eh ay, OF AAG BY Ja AF TeX ve MBX yeaa xX, © RABAT Bo J BE RA eR A ah 133, bp SRB I AC AR AE Ni 5,98 HOE A Ab BN TAL R NI BEE A Ma ASB — aR Ai, 89 OB BA AR wk Cats SS BRL FF She D> Cov cle Fh aS Ss RE Dr ¢ . ay K - ABR At DESL et (et AE LB By 6 TP RAPIRE Rol EAH I, KRBREA AeA I #, KR E ARat oH BA MER FPR PLE ay KK BT As EI KORE EEE Read At KA fo th 1h OB ap Ray E a BMA A J ARKO BA, REP RAL Ay E698 HK Rus BABA TB FR BD HAR, " A-KAA PLR aa, ay —K + & Kr PA J 95 Salt aR B AME eC eal < dear ob # sec ge] OX BRA ah A WH aes ak ies aE 4 RE kK WKS Ewa ie a of | Vek BOK AAAS | Gl Om a) a YB oh Yak Recah te kala) EEE | BO KR RMR CM BIR OR LAR T AE game ae HAL ‘There are many colleges in Beijing's suburbs. Two or three of then are very famous. & AT L TEAR, HHO GTA R RO ELT OO A4REL ME, Our factory is in the suburbs. Each day, many workers and take the factory's bus to work. 102 8. Ls Bose BF: grade, rank, steps, official hierarchy MR jidgt N: (social) class, rank, steps » KAAKRRER ARE RRA wh, ot #09 BE PLY ATP AOI, aA aihai. Sv/At 1 fre 7 ee Patt: to be X's aL AEG E, pari as, "ad 481 3. The floor is terribly stippery; You nust be especiatty Titel and don't slip and fall dow PRY LSEEBE. “WANE PL Rt ATE BE AK Ai BF Tate. our production tean Le and we are all afraid of traordinarily stern toward us, aga a/v turns, to be someone's something), rotate RK RNAEKE EGP. yoday it's my turn to shut the door and the windows in the classroon. KRAR ASMES ER DRE HAI. In this meet it will be my tu PEKRGIAVNAAKGI FROG BHO TF oh? ‘there are too many people waiting to be treated by Doctor Wang. Will ay turn cone up today? fomrade Li will be the chairman, Next time Ls Fak pe V/SF: reject, expel, dispose “ie TEEIE RA D2 OAS EIR ZvARE I AAT IRE Kee, Heavy gain fell continuously for three days, There is 0 much water in the ditches it will soon overflow. Let's hurry up and drain then. » RR BA RHE RARER BS. Everybodysis braving the heavy rainfall to drain the water. (Their) clothes are wet all the way through. 1K ERR A 1, HEK ARB, HFS, JL P32, This building is too old and there is difficulty draining it. It should be repaized without delay (lit. a little early). a Rm Sv: broken, worn, dilapidatea, BR FA pda VAs destroy, sstruction = RAF ROR REAR LR? HR OKRRI, SERI- AGH aed, * PRAY HA teRINET nin Bok 3F }, Last night soneon \e destroyed the machinery in our factory. © BRA IRI Hb HAIL TT AE A AS ‘The enemy's sabotage activity made us extraordinarily angry. ble~down, ranshackle 2, Sabotage a ow BF: he, shey they, it, their, eis, mae Cadnonstrative and po Bodnoun) Be EERO Kem ba LA BF 46 R09. Aside from 4 dictionary, all other books were borrowed from the Library » JOR P ARMCAAA TAB RIL, I have been to Beijing and every other large city in China. ERR EZIA, WRIA ER tte 8 KAP AR, ‘Among the people in this room I recognize only O1¢ zhang. Thave never seen the others before. 1 BR ana BP: relaxed, confortable AY ARsnatu SV: confortable » KR rt lH AF ARGS A large car is more comfortable than a stiall one. » KARRI MK ERE PREM 41 t BLE, Bow HAG KE AAR, I visited some piac fe the poor and lower middle peasants live. Their life is really hard. I felt very unconfortable: —RRRRAPR BV Oat SAR EM, 4 & AF HE ABABA R. for faye gonéecutive days, only slept four ours each, day: ‘day is Saturday and I'm going to sleep comfortably for the Thole days as. fe sur Vi follow, accompany HH owt Cr: following, accompany MEF HAR, Ree S313 Eye iP RA. ith the development of production, I also learned a great deal of knowledge about production: » MLAS BR ey Rie, KT Rss BR AK AK § AK HK Hh 16 HS, Following the changes in (ay) thoughts and feelings, I, a City girl, liked the collective('s) activities more and mor fA Ata Bw, #il- R51 aa a. Accompanying the "Resist~Japan” troops, we went straight to Southwest chine. te. BB SV: broken, smashed, torn, broken to Pieces! shatteree ME Ro ARO EG ETA Re eet f tA af be you kh oleh snes noe beentete ond my asente? 105 Ls * M4 BALA w oe at is breaking your heart? TERRE A Ae RRA OP BFA FV RA Last night soncone,saashee ia Window(s) of the "You-vi" Store, ‘Many things were taken aw ar, JR thing Wav: tove dcariy, fond of Cenildren)s (love afd pain are often felt to be indistinguishabie in Chine: ve FR xinténg Wafst: te istressing 6 EIB B PIR Aven res > HR HE 48 SE on, BAK “oak Wit ha- TF, LE Hwa!’ Sister was so busy that she did not even eat. Mother affectionately said, "Rest a bit, and have a bite to eat. © RATA A HR a 8, RG 1k: Some distr row away useful things. I feel this is very iy xitns WAP: hace other (use, to aazens fetes WA xis0¢03 N: brother = RE Rata s at Ra LAH . Company commander Zhang treats his soldiers Like they were his own brother: APRA RE 4 ETH BA, Class brothers ‘always help each othe: 19. FR) yang Ae tp aos pra , «ok & VARA OCH m5 FH KE, AGT BAR 0 4s, De. Bethune used his own blood. to save Chinese soldiers. He received the praise of the Chinese people (for shia), Ls » RE RS AAPMARA SHR ~~ APRAIA, ny people in the world who praise Chaseman Mao «HA HL th Be EAA RI #139 12 We ail should praise goud comsades who wholeheartedly serve the people- 20. HE ahiin BP: regulate, exact, defin AE zhiinbai V/Ni prepars et ready; preparations be fees T have prepared the things to be used tomorrow. >» AA ERS PEM K BAK BAF HARI. We were just getting ready to go to the station to meet a Friend when suddenly it started to rain ERMA RE EMAAR, HO REI RAL BOR. Last Friday night (our) teacher invited us to dinner. She prepared many dishes. All of them were good. C. Familiar Characters in New Terms: a6 ai. bei Vi carry on one's back . KE de oat 1K, — LR HH 09 Fe 9709 BB FEM ay ute ae sgn Een shee Ae O ES KH Fl OO APR. orers ‘on the station platform were carrying their backs ‘aboard the train to be shipped to « AEM ERIE A-TRAK, 0 F AO AR RAMA, 16 ik 9] ES I. ‘A comrade discov! fan on the road, He carrie -d the A regtead on Ris buck and left. He delivered nim to the Ls 22. HR iB vaso VE be forcéd #0; be eonpelied to aa. teas AB AKG, (RG EEA 89 A Rw By RAT KEARSE 09 2 4B. After Liberation, many people living in the cities were compelled to move to rural communities to perform hard labor. KR RBA APE, TRKER Ae bY. Iwas forced to join the communist party. It's not that T wanted to sjoin. 4 on LRM FS HARRIE A I ee y was coming hone to search for the Eighth Route Army soldiers, I was compelled to leave hone, BBG LL WF es AA tea 4 - TRA WAAR RARS. that their children will becone useful persons and serve. their countzy. RLS EERE HWS, T LETS BRAC Ait hikes. ty gon has already graduated fron college, but ne still can't take care of himself, This really worries mes RR EKRH EH do not Like to worry over small matters. cngkan, Vs inspect, examine, investigate, look into (a'natter) EPR ARE BARRE, ‘The production tean leader is going to inspect the water RMIL YT CORE FT PBS FARE HME. ‘The leading cadre of our factory often come to the workshops to inspect the machinery. ‘ WeREg Es Tit Res BR * new Hohe ae is a. Tiyelihood of the poor and lower middie pea: going to inspect every home today 2s. AT Hatz W/N: deai a blow toy strikes a blow “ON RRS AT 87 TB pH RL J ARABIA. eae ee oe KY RAM RIF GH. Mang Guofu and other cadre have repeatedly dealt blows to the eneny's destructive activ. co Het AAR IR AL t= TE ARIAL, 4 Yoke AT & fh? te is very cordial to nis friends end consci rk. 20 FAB ous sing ae En gaens # ES RE Aan RI er Ri led his students into rural conmunities to help the peasants plant vegetables. EMS EREELE UK. RAND RAR IIR Bt a4 eee fortified i” wa ODL IE He RAL 2 875518 $. cl fa AAR OE ee After. te Liveration of China, are there stilt peopie who walk ‘oad of imperiali FRR EAGER vh is HRY a this road is built, it will be much more convenient. 28. Bf) Bflesa: Ai truly, really, « ARIK OA HES 5 + i A a. » eit 89 sh Res. Airplanes are certainly much faster than ships. « $5 FH Pe KALE 8 A Al RP BA - 4. Many, American students speak really fluent Chinese, the sane as the Chinese (people). ty 29. $i, # atant N: iandiora . 40 WARS + 2, eA 4 TRIBE, » BRB ICE EMRE IRE EPR — #3 RAE HS, Te preciiberation Landlord, after Liberation, was Like the poor and lower middle peasant, and had & AR Ls, st, EO) HAA BH LAR After Liberation, children of the landlords were not allowed fo attend university, 0. Hp astng 7 mbites anaany stare Ge = Me EP OOF ER Ei £50 hohe oe ey eee » EPUURADAR ERA HH eh, ih Sh i FP det Guofe mobilized the ie menbers into mut Tue production team leader mobilized the people in planting They built many new roa trees on both sides of the newly built road 110 « MRA RAA Kah hot 02 iL Ba Prior to Liberation, some people mobilized (the people) to oppose the Landlords who were oppressing the working people. JRA AR FARR EBL LRA HY MZ, > AAA he FHNAK AIA KIBR ZA, After Liberation, the working people were enancipated and decane the masters of the nation. o TE GRRE S, HEAL, @ LTRS. RRA BATH. A soldier was severely injured and lay in a bed. He could not turn over by himself and needed someone to push him before he could. 32. GR ett Vs should, ought to (contr. of "Se Hs % it is time (for something to happen, or to do something) 7 gai x Vi it is X's tum = Bf tR #4, RELIG, » MBP ARRW RH RK — HHH 693, PMLA LIMA, BER FEAT). The class brothers are now all living in new housing. Finally, itis Wang Guofu's turn. oa. EDR sane Sv/A: resolute, fixm, determined} Resolutely, fiiniy, determinedly ~ LOGRALBRZELHB BLEE ARG EERE. Wang Guofu ig resolutely walking the path of socialism, relying on his own efforts, and leading the masses in Geveloping production, Ls EB RBA EEE RZ T SAR, & Vth 09 RR ARG E, 7 HEMI Faicisdga elishainesg vores Tro[ eres tt, etl eta) seer to continue serving the people. 4. of [7] sitonts Vor knock at the door Se RAL ete, LER Rho & 4 Me . PHO RRR I TERRE AA RFI, Last evening I returned hone too late. (1) knocked at the door 2 long tine before my spouse cane to open the doo! 35. DD kéu M: persons (1it. mouths) MR - KALA? How many persons are there in your family’ » RRAZCA, REE HIG IZ go Hk ‘There are three persons in my family: my dad, my mom, and I. RRAR-RROABB-WKRMR KR WRAL, Poor peasant Old whe with six persons in the family, lives ina small and dilapidated house. 36. BK ning N: mother oe Ns rMavan,* irs. KE, KRaicaraiing Ns ota tagy, "eranny™ RATE FMERIR, AMRF BOA, REEF R-TAI, {There ig) an old grainy more, than, 60 years o1d who used, to have five persons in her fan: Now there is only she left. AMAR E 0% Rake 20 4K 111th KAR. our neighboring granny often patche: clothes for us. 1." (polite forn of erly Lady) a2 eo AH KRA AL TAM BARAT, RAAH LF ORI, One day I heard someone knocking on the old granny’ It turns out that her son had returned. or. E a2 wings Vi forget « ARIE A LOIS FAP EI. . Hew 1, Mote & B67 gas s eee ete Paxtaeae RRR EL INR TERRE ap Bie ER £69 PRR Although we are now Living in a new house, yet we must fotgeteour class brothers'who are still iiving in dilapidaced housing. 43 io 5 I. Additional Vocabulary es 6R78 chéngging Ni hired farm hand, farm hand, hired hand KL AG + 20,2 2 HOE LAR, Mixed hands do not have any tend, They atvays work for EBS BMRA A SKLAR Boa TF. Prior to Liberation, Wang Guofu was a hired hand. After Liberation he was enancipated. 1a BP: a tear, tears yantdi BRR TER RATA BA, Littie brother cried for a long time, but there weren't any tears. - BRI GIFE KERR T. ts oF 4G KA oh, BIB GILT, FRA KARR AAA TRB 01d granny's house started burning. She was so scared that she couldn't move, When Wang Guofu saw this, he carried her on his back and took her away. Granny was so moved that tears flowed. : sngonseteitn ABW. AMER Heh I ‘This house we Live in was a only half a year ago. How cone it is now leaking (rain)? ~ ERE AAR OOFF RRR HAA BA HARARE, Like BF: material, raw material (See iten #6) PE Vi throw on (a garment), throw on nes shoulders) | AeA RIOKK EE TBE RE, Some people do not 1ike to wear their overcoats properly. ‘They only Like to throw then on Cover their shoulders.) “FEAR ERI, RERE” “Wear your overcoat properly. Don't throw it over your shoulders." Ls BP mold} plastics Nz plastic, Bakelite aL Ut BAS RAE vB RRIRGATRE ORB, RZ De EPS AOA RSAP A BA BLO), Plastics have many uses. Many children's toys, and artic used in hones, offices and hospitals are all made of plast: Bg Proper Names: 7. E ELFQ wing cusses Ni (personal name) PRACTICE EXERCISES RAK se MBA REE SM TP HARS 2D GK MIME R HAIRS RABHKGKBAARBE Roh @ By oy af 4k, OARS TAA RRR RPE KE HOF A AB Bt RK BE IL HE YS KLM RH PRE ROY TH & ROA tT TARA 1 RT RA 4% 0G Be BET RA i OM RP A YET BLA MRK 09 aT de 4g 117 09 PRG BG 81 ha oy RK OD ah, wx SE & al we oy K ge \o RES WoL xd ad od ke > KD Kw Be ay BL a OE Ca SUS Rus PH ENS Be RierRse BW oe x Cex RBZl wv \ ER RWS we H RW R aX Bat + x wk Re ew wR KR BD gw & xo GY \ €owr« PES X guy Bae Pwr a \ 1G aC pm ae a Set ES we wee KK AR Ee RS CREEK eK Oo ERS BYR KR Sw oe Pox \ aro Sac ee aa C Se RE & Nag Sk Aw Beg wat & DeRose erie Yak A Gee dete ees wea KS g9 FX Ka K¥ B a9 - ee Kabwe 8 Qh O Xai we Rae eke dows avd kmh | eyes uy Ls Pasagraph 1: 1. During what stages of the War of Resistance against Japan did the Japanese invaders occupy many parts of China? . Later on, what did the Japanese Launch many times? What happened every time they did this? Paragraph 2 4, What did I join? With whom did I join? What mission(s) did we accomplish? 6. Who often praised our bravery? Paragraph 3 7. What were the conditions of ny friends house? 8. What did I decide to do? 1s 9. Did my friend accept the he1p I offered? What did he say to me? How did he say it? Paragraph 4: 10. After my car broke down, what did I do first? 11. How many cars were there on the road? Who stopped? 12, How was the weather on the road? What did I finaliy do? 13. When did the door open? 14, What was the first thing the granny said to me? 15. After that, what did she say? 16. How was I affected by her kindness? Check your answers and calculate your score using the answer key on the next page. 19 Ls Answers Key! Le a 10. a. 12. 13. 14, a3. 16. at the initial stage T encirclenents T many Workers and farmers were forced to hide thenselves in the T T “OT suburbs or villages 2 T I joined the guerrillas with several hired farm hand class brothers. T =e 2 We not only destroyed many of the enemy's roads, we also burned the — T 2 <= eneny's hidden grain(s). ee ee Fron the unit leader(s) who ted us 1 2 Both terribly dilapidated and also leaked rain 2 =— 2 T decided to help hin repair (his hone) and to build « new roof ee ae RGA © Beene ith his affairs; he was stirred up I inspected the car for a long time = Very few cars, Nobody stopped It rained heavily. The only thing 1 could do was to throw a cloth i oe eet Nos I shouldn't be concerned r nade of plgstic on my back, braved tne rain and watsed for I don't know how many mites. 1 When I was getting ceady to knock on the door 2 _— She asked, "What happened?" 1 She said, "Don't worry, please cone in, Wait and Ii find T T someone to. T I was go moved that tears flowed 2 coe eee Total: Score 2 3 Passing! 52 120 II, Translation Exercise INSTRUCTIONS - 7 tek & PR PA K Ata Ah PAB RL wh RA RAR OF ES SR oy ws &, Ke B AAR OF E oo FANE BALK ARR 41 bE Pm ay RI 2 %), HL RAE A RI 0 F Spe ARAL A te EM pa a AMR FB 1, RF, Hh A ER Ab ee — 2K H 8B e , dene F de ca # % we Bl 69 af 1%, (RP # = 35D bok oD Pe > A Bae Se Pe He ak p we RS Se Aw at F he > Me Oe re er Re OO Ne Pm eS SG @ & ~ Se ey we MM 7 BX E la 3 5 te 5 ae fs peo x= & x (i a cM ae Me ger be at he a Pry 2h 09 AE: 8 40 a)AL TKD 4 as aH Ee REG Mt, BPA 8 & ER HK Oh 89,75 Bay 947k BRR I,KL 3k [al > KAA Lp ap RAB -RROKE — if (RoR RE hi + BF +R AA, BARA EL KAT AR I BR He Hh Mes ARB) eeORtE 2 RMR ERA FE AE-4Z 69 FA AR AE AB 7% aide BH Fob A Y 4A, RHE BAK HR,” - UK BPR Oy B BP RR AE oy OP RRR 16 Oo BF. AR DL BEEP RAI, ae eR od H wr R Ad Re 9 Ft BPR a RK AP BLE Be BB BREA F. PL A to BAK Bi) J dU ob oP g, RET A A ML BI BL AP EB OR OF. AR AD OD BR KE RRA— RAB MEE A. hI ES Am See 2 S HRA HH te SRA ATS HD HIE ART Aw A AK RK RL MK BR HE AK fata R AF Be MF HB -AR RET B Re AAT Yn HRI OE PA KK RR BP ik 12 A ERIE 46 neo OP HK ot RERVQEC IAC CHa setes wee oC eK Ce Peo ex ee wee teed ia RMP RWW OK Py CNR 8 ee Kx ER Or Bw HS MH Wal Be Pain RHA ewes ae 1 det the no st again: completed the exercise, check your work u_have ransiations that follow. yo KEY = Model Translations: Paragraph 1 Formerly, / 14 Wang / had been forced / to serve as / a hixed hand. / ee T ee ae —<— At the time of / the anti-Japanese war / he mobilized / —T — scores (several tens) of / hired hands / to go together / and join / scores CGeveret sens) of / Rises hands / $0 gop = the guerritias, / and later, / he even served as / a guerrilla unit / T T 2 ae ed / the guertittas / everwhere / to destory / the areas / oceupieg / by the Japanese invasion forces / and burned / the houses / deader. / He T of the Japanese invasion forces. / They also / mobilized / the peasants / sf the Jepaness int T z everymnere / $0 strike plows ageinst / the destructive / activities / of the tanatord / class. / Now, / Otd wang / is a cadre / of ous commune. / lust now / he is tending / the comune nenbers / in cegotutely / waxing / fhe road / of sociatisn. / (49/67) Paragraph 2! Basing / a storm, / a gsanny / fei down / in tne vicinity / of my none / and vas goverety / injured / and tay / on the road / unable / sonove, / At once 1 / threy on / a plastic cloth / snd san out, / picked her up (on ay back) / and carsied per (on wy back) / $0 ay nouse. / ater, / when granny knew at it was who carried her (on my back) / u 7 whi gay knew / thet 1 / wh Y tomy home, / she was extraordinarily / grateful to me. / She was so moved / + z 2 that tears / even flowed. / 1 said / to granny, / "Maven, / we_are / ciass / beothers. / This was (on! something / I should do." 5 ass / brothers. / Th (cnty) / sonething / 1 (40/56) 127 LS Paragraph 3¢ In the past / many / peasants / in the Chinese / rural communities / ae t T + were forced / to serve as / hired hands / in the hones / of the tandiords. / 2 2 z T 2 Vader / the oppression / and-exptoitation / of the tandlord / ctass, / T t t z 2 the Life / of the hired hands / was extremely / bitter. / Every day / mete (seme mands / me eceneh (meee + ae they had to labor / 14 of 15 / hours, / but / still (had/receivea) / T ee no food / and no clothing. / In 1949 / cl T T T / was Liberated / T T and the hired hands / were all / emancipated. / Some / hired hands / 2 T 2 T 2 joined / the Chinese Communist Party / and some / hired hands doined / Be RL / Ae / atte / Became / gage. / (39/55) Paragraph dt Comrade zhang / is the neag / of our factory. / He and his family / Somrede ang / Se She meee (Se ete pestonk: / Heese ee att of six persons / Live in / a very dilapidated / and very old / shall house. / Even more, / the house / often / teaks rain pea) buuas. / dyen nore, / ihe spouse / ofgen / jeaks cain / wite terribly. / All / the workers / affectionately / advised him / en es t 3 + to move / to a house / newly / built / by the factory / to Live, “Tr a TT a = 7 “a 7 T 7 T / but ne sais, /"Z / an Living / sruty / quite copfortabiy / in this Little house. / There are many / who should / move into satus Little bows. / T ee she new houses. / It isn's ny turn / yet." / (39/46) T Paragraph 5! ALL the houses where / the poor and tower / middie peasants / T t T suburbs / formerly / Lived / were bot! iown / 2 T T in the Beijing / T z and old. / After / Liberation, / production / was developed. / T T T Accompanying / the incessant / development / of production, / the commune / T t T T 128 cadres / nobitized / the commune members / 20 plant trees / and bake bricks / to prepare / for building / new houses. / in the future, and bake bricks / to prepare / for buijding a seu pouses. / in the future, / Now, / Af / you go to / the suburbs / of Beijing, / you can / see / new nouses / evermmhere, / (53/46) Paragraph 6! Our / production team leader / frequen: es alone / at night Spe / tis / fxequentiy / goes atone / nt / to inspect / the fields. / Last night / he braved / heavy rain pect / the fi / ght / / peavy rain / to go to the fields / and inspect, / and discovered / sone fields £ / andi / / were full of water / and should be / inmediately / drained. / But / T 7 2 spisht / seapnea. / Bp the sain / was so heavy / and it was also / at night, / who / as T asses at T could be found / 20 cone / and drain then? / The only thing he could do / oer Seco east cae eae cee T was start work / by hinself. / As a result, / he didn't return hone z / bys / / ; / untit dam. / The commune nenbers / praised him / as a good tean Leader, / a 2 / / and everybody / said / he went to great pains / for the collective, / 1 et eee ee ree meee that he really knocked himseif out. / (35/49) 2 Paragraph 7! Yesterday, / Comrade Wang / of the "Dong Fang Hong" / Peopie's Commune / T T Se ee gaye to / our schoot / to give us / a talk. / He said / shat sodsy / we are emancipated, / but / we can't / fogget / that there are stilt / many / class / brothers / like us / in other / countries / who haven't yet / T 2 T T T been emancipated. / When / Comrade ang / spoke apout / his own past history / as a hired hand, / many classmates / were moved / T peeae Seennul oa aaa to shea tears. / (30/42) 2 when you have satisfactorily completed the practice exercises, take your workbook to your instructor for checking, and afterwards, take the Lesson ORT. 129 Lesson 6 ‘STUDY RESOURCES I. Required Vocabutary. A. Familiar Characters in Known Terms: aT cua RC: open up 24Z xin Vi bedieve, have faith iny trust B. New Characters and Terns. doe fi pee gate | PRE BA x Ap 3b eee eR, nee IS K BAB BIAAPIRA GH. ‘There were very many people buying things today Everybody stood there waiting to pay (their) money. Suadenty, Somebody cut in. “Those standing in the bees were very unhapp} ~ KAGE 25 OAR AT AS ait &, When adults are tatking, children shouldn't interrupt. OR kouahi poke bg D PECRRREOR ee WADE. Please first put the grain in bags and then ship it elsewhere. . ALOKAOFAALHOPAPLAL oe By 0), In America it ig not ne buying things. They a . ARARA, Tt is very coud the pos fm 'y to bring your own bags when EKKO HB I often, 4 tng VE gestat ston, (see item #6) o aK ahd 8. 7a a. YoR —7- EMR - PIBRAT Ki ar ataing DATARS ARE 48 poRAR AS AML A or If someone Larger than you hit: think of a way to fe you going to ‘to fun away? City walls were built to resist the enemy. MER T AE IAG B22 AK KE BAS. A 4 KARAS fer for two or thee weeks 2 be hung A MBL HORE RY, OVE A ee $Y, BD Last night I Ghan't eat too much. Twas starving before going to ste tHE Heo BRAAS, 05 WRATH, ir alits any y people have Yo death. co An HR GE a Jo RAF Ab, — KAP 3K 9b. RAR BG Ths MA ABR 2% 2” Littie as a bit ill and hadn't eaten ail day. Nother said to ner very affectionately, "Aren't you hungry?” kin Vi tie up, bind AA KEARSE, —NA RLM OT APB we "fo Alp ap aA IBAA T. Just_now fio reported that a person discovered hi: Tekinbor Lying in bedy bound hand ana foot. BAP ARES ARID ERTE, EK RBH, [A person who had stolen some grain was tied to a tree fo let everybody see him. c RR ACK ABAF TB He ie. The peasants tie up their vegetables (properly) and ship then to the cities. KS 38k BF: pity, feel tender toward OAS xtiite SV/Vi be pitiful; pity a KAM KL OY RF AA BAG St FRB BEE A TA Hefore Liberation, the children of the hixed hands were forced to help thé landlords work from the age of 5 or 6. Tt was really pitiful. > ADE EEA LAE, 5A RO AY aa Rap Pt AI, Some youths don't work and have no food to eat. pity then in the Least. AOE EMRE 108 4 TER PR UA ae wide oan oe ne ouid Ve hunt AT HH Bb otritee Nt hunter inde RESHERAB AGA A BR 40 FF PIM MBK ITH. My father likes to hunt. Sonetimes he takes me and ny (older) brother into the forest to hunt. > BRK A AD BE KAT AR At A Bp ok TR Yesterday, we went up the mountain to hunt, (but) we didn't get anything. & 4T 48 89 SPAR A HL? Are all hunters brave? 1 don't 1. lng BES judge, criticize iE pinglt VO! judge (used when a third party Bives impartial opinion) GEG Bab # ih Be, Ave xt ve SE. Bee wie is right and who ia egong sr Teacher to judge to > BOR A Hh ALE AE LT HB Uh AD NV FREE ZB? If two cars collide, who can judge for then? . th pa Ve rush, spring, pounce 2. APIA 9 PA BRA AAR E, SA Heit, MILE. The guerriiise hid in the forest, waited for the enemy Tee eas tha" tnea rushes out HORAK T —RbBR. BRAHERAT ARR LAPA AK, teAPEA ET. £8, shéng Nt rope, cord, string GBF anbages Ni rope, cord, string ote, 3R + Wb BD RAP ARAE BiB 3A, > BAA ARI OP OG, & 8b FT. eee ET ORE OR ORDER. (and if) the string is pulled tight, the things in tne bag can’t fall out., a8 yén V/ev: follow, go along (river, street, customs, Ceres) along nore, MB AME RIA ih EAA EH RK. Many people Like to drive along the beach and Look at the sea and the sky v Ag MARA RARAKYW, BABA ah BE AB. weather in places along the ocean is not too cold in (ter and not too hot in sumer. It is really confortable. GABE BT - AAR ARR BK OD AP JET. Tf you walk straight along this street you will soon reach the bookstore where I bought the dictionary. 1.6 c 1s. GE as We capture, eaten, seize & AEA Roa AT AB OY BAR, PL VN TA oe oie The Little tiger knew the hunter wanted to capture him, so he fled for his life. b AND ANA TR AP OT LE TART — Bre tileaZ, (ithen) our calves became scared, they al1 ran away. We definitely must catch them and bring them back- c fei RIL AAA WH He eR BARE OD A ,¢eit —P ERA A 48 He LR A HEE] TPA, Recently it was discovered that somebody has been incessantly destroying things in the doraitery. Through a week of meticulous observation, that person was finally caught. Familiar Characters in New Terms: es SW/N/a: safes safety, security: safety = BANDE RB BE 65 17 E BP A FRSA, BRAILES S # KODA VEE.” Pisce cof paper shich statess Mor tsecanees mere Ae t outside of the school are not permitted to enter. » REI RMERE MAGE. : EMER EES REE On Anchh 1. a. Anzhdo CV! according to, in according with BB Ceccicnieltect spas * HOR AR ANAK BBA ROVE MU EME, — HK MRF ER. If you don't do it according to everybody's suggestions, you definitely won't have good results. > AP ELOY # APR F488 Say HL BY, STA ae ss ‘The books in the Library are placed according to number. You can't stick then in at random, 1.6 18. bing Heke R Pvestass aie ving aA ylat together a a. BARAT BP mT RR, PA VA TERT HE AO A Ob — Ht HA RO. our teacher didn't cone because of illness, therefore our class was combined together with another class. o. BBA FE AGA A ARAP eo FE RE RST AR with both Legs extended is nore together, keep together Sonforabie than keeping them togethe ca RGR ARAL, ff OA HE IPAE TAD e, so the . rA-# E eRe XP ib, HOG ie dat Lae fas they entered the 1il ade us unable . a emek Rrer 4. ait 0, af, AR OY Of AE, Me HLMe 7p AK T. Little brother returned At supper tine he sala he fon school and ate continuously. + hangry- eae BA ddoat Bhs to, the end, carry out (ali the way «ARE ER OLY, BE BL BE TOL, ven you do sonething you should do St to the end, don"t do half and then sto » BRR EH — LAR AR ERB OT EARL t you walk straight along this road, end walk to the end, you will reach our ie = BAI ete a Bil RIL RE RAPA AL eA We definitely must carry out the revolution to the end, to let the poor and lower middle peasants all have an opportunity to become emancipated. io 6 aoe ak peer 21. REAL ntocnd ence EAB RT AAR, “EK: Fie Es HT AR OY BERK ny said to hin, : Aaa 32 BARA 8) 27 Rb. 2D ERB BIA 42 MII At MEAT] 69 BERL. Me must renenber other peopie!s benevol bat must not hope tha ether people ren benevolence toward th SV: flurried, nervous, frantii Bae BRA, Ap ia) eR, # He BRAS ROB — k. He arrived Late, As soon as he nervously boarded the train, werere rT eT Trees I-A HE T4009 BATE, T tee oF th J. someone snatched his bicycles (and) it really frightened hin badly. 23. PIR “BE Bete Patti since ..., such being the ease ... - AR ERTE AB T, FG OB 8 | Since you are hungry, have peers to eat! > BIRR $k Kom XAT, EE M4 already know about this matter, don't purposely tit aga: We 8 18 He ap aw, Mit KAA ie sists on doing it that way, you needn't persuade 2. PEIE APN OG Fk oh, MR a A Be — Giz. 136 2. AB 1.6 jie Vi rely on, tean on, avail oneself of LBP Ra wy He DEBS eR ARE E GY HUM, When you go to a place you haven't been before, you must rely on a map to Find the places where you want to go. RRA EAA, ADRS BOE Fist 6. Before there were machines, ships relied:on the wind to advance (move forward). AR RAL APES RAGES seta. Jne buliding started burning end ny elder bréther and 1 Muga only avail ourselves of the ope and slide down. Jingeud Ni what has happened, the whole story, the ins and outs of an occurrence EE Up ACME HH poo BG 89 BHT Sik HAT J. Zacner LY to1d de about what happened in the past when he Joined’ the revouution. PAG EA ARK BIA IOK 6 eit. ningning At clearly, obviously, quite clearly . Ate, 87 OR 7 RB AF BAKA AH AE Al Ate Fs? ig btdousty dann’ taow abot his matter, why re you st BG of of £6 09 1 SAF RAR OY. Snow quite clearly is white. He insists on saying it is yellow. - A TAS OR A LAY Oo FR ERTS, FLEE ARR Ie T clearly just saw my dictionary on the table. How come now it has disappeared? L.6 a. va VE press down, tay (something) on, FEAR yasnang Fs AAR yxvwends Ct unable to suppress, cannot suppress + gee aT Aid Hat aH I. BaP EEMa, FARES ery 22 BRA, Z RIK BE EH ee, oy BH. Before there were Loudspeakers, when talking ¢o the masses had to speak in a loud voice, otherwise one cannot suppress other noises. « BEBRAT LER JOE IED ALE GT. The rain fell too heaviiy, and the mud that suddenly flowed down from the hills crushed the conmune's sheep. Nt intention . Bod wR RRA RK, MIE MRF, OIE B T know he is joking with you and doesn't have the intention of, you mad, PLIRAR 227 Soh LOVE ZMH Bh BUR EBA, Since you don't have the intention of tearaing foreign Languages you shouldn't come to this scl = BRA RAE S 51 445 SF a0 a8 fhe A eae EAL MA AN TAB Ohifivanty, 1 didn't have the intention of going to the gural regions to undergo labor tenpering, but my schoolmates insistently asked me to go. I cannot Dut go. 2hinan Ni disaster, calamity, misfortune, Catastrophe (M! $9 ) KEP DIOR pit te RK OY RA. FLT ARBA. Last yeer there was a very great disaster in the vi cinity of Beljing, China. Very many people died. £E UR Re KAP PRL AT. 7 OE. BORE a, I have avoi saster several times. 1 wonder what will happen this REA EM BK eB EF? 139 L.é ob BA A — ib ih, RAM AMRIAN, L.6 uw. Additional Vocabulary. 2 AR kind, benevolent, compassionate, of BP: nereiful (see item #5) Lan, wolf. (MER 2 ABFA LES ES MHI RAR Ate INK OY: “ARR! ARR Ts fe’ drove the sheep to the nountain to graze, wien suddenly two wolves cane. “He immediately shouteds Solves! Wolves!” se volves are coming!) : AR Of et AR Oh Th 09 LE Ye Have you ever heard the story about a wolf eating a child? Ligng BF! instinctive, inborn, conscience Lidngxtn Ni conscience Aap he BLT AR, ApS te eo J. RELA RS OKA. Mr. Dongguo saved the wolf, but the wolf wanted to eat him, Wolves really are conscienceless things BAER ER — PAG Pe Bg, BIA THA LAP RK AH | ninst RC: stifle, smother, suffocate DROW RAMRI, APEL REE AS. ‘The weather today is stifiing. Probably it is going to ARAL AT AB PRE A FO Be Why don't you open the window? Do you want to suffocate? rén BP: benevolence, charity, mercy, hunaneness. réncf SV/Nt kind, merciful, charitable: Kindness, mercy, charity » APE KA OIE Ra, tee HP Bh TPA That old gentleman is extraordinarily kindhearted. He often helps pitifut peopie. - aT AE 69 A= 99? Are hunters mercifu1? AE “te Proper Names: L.6 tus Vi carry (on the back of « beast of burden) DUE oka ROK ET, LRT BRK Ae. ‘The things carried on the horse's back are too heavy. It has also'walked this farang should be glloned to rest up. RRR EE PIES AKERS MBE, The peasants often have the donkeys or horses carry the grain into town, you Br: hesitate, hesitant; stilt ya BF! prepare, make ready; before hand youyh W/sv/a: waver, hesitates hesitant; hesivantiy ; ko MAES GR AE PEAR OTA 09 ¥ af Ak WIR ZINK RBH, If you want to brave dange: should immediately go. BO GRAS when saving sonéone, you “Ke KP ERP ; AB 8 pom te BE fo) 6K 1a) 18, 4 Yesteldty, comrade Zhang and ie went together to = bookstore to buy becks. I dida't bring enough money, and was going fo borrow (Some) from Conrade Zhang. “He hesitated for iong tine before lending it to oF EPIEAE ces xizanear 36 Geena mane tr. Bonen PRACTICE EXERCTSES to KN We yl] ww He BRL AE A IKE wax + Lx KES oe on FBR RA tO FF Foo oh OF Bp 43 3e a7 Reha KR Jap hot B® ERK KR RIE YS GE RE A i: TRE a,” mo vee xX sie GR Rw SN mH ES RK ag | aw S02 9 da ei wy ue oh ae XE eK KE Boa fox He S Rete | ie RE BB He Vata 2 ole EX-EFT BARKS NAP BD At RHR AEH HP ¥ (8 w, HO —P ‘| A 5 14% 09 Hons ZR PAE HE ae oh, Ko opig RP I Re HAR KES, KEGE-RALRI - AF A T4PIREG RBI OH z thik 3b oy ot RHA WL KREWKK BLEAK R TRE RMRMBEFRRR, aah att -) |r ae PD mY SS = Ryn 6, 3b AIRS ARM EV ERG RA BHR RRP RBE MAK Sy A, i th BMI Ade Fl AT KTR WAS KOR R Ris BAK EMA) UT AH eR R08 Boe & 3 1G Si I LAPT KA WADI RR BI Rte TH 100 16 HIRI Ft de REA, a0s St 3B Be Ah 4 BHF AREBNAAKSZ IB Heh 1 Kiko 6% Ker KH te RORRHRl RAKE AHI o4 tk dows 2 9 AS BLE HR AH SD 143 BK I KR Rie wm Re ahe HL Rtg A Bi 3b BF RHE - LK “TR, tow aa TPS | SxetS we Cat Bn Sw s {Rie REY aan = af 2 Eek Sse gl Rar & Ee Wake te eK se 1 He ow Ao oe EW VARS Tax Wk 0X ty 8 2 42! Be A RE Sy Sake Yer Fx & ; ¥ % emt Woe ke eK SN AX SD pai ak *KMYES fad ES ox sl Qe Y Re HS wi Ste wie e Pa EROOR a aE A galtu SR wey 148 RRER-PAREVKENHKER no oO AB AS BR GKE 4, 1. What dia many college and high school students have to do during the initial Stages of the War of Resistance against Japan? 2. What did I want to be? How old was I at that time? 3. What did ay family say after I told them what I wanted to be? How did I take my belongings along? Who accompanied me to the railroad station? 5. While I was on the train, what three things did T think about? To what extent was I affected by my feelings? 6, What were conditions Like on the train? 7. What did I see at the station? 8. What was my mental state? What was I afraid of? 145 10, a 12. 13. 44, 15. 16, a7. 18, 19. 20. Where id I wait in line for a long time? What did the devil tell me to do and what did he ask ne? Did I have a chance to answer his questions? Why? What was the eneny's face like? What did I think were the reasons he allowed me to go? What was ny reaction after he told me that I could go? How did I feel after I left the station? What did I do then? How long did it take us to reach the Yellow River? wnat did the leader tell us to do? We wouldn't be safe unless we did what? What did we rely on to get all of us safely aboard the boat? After boarding the boat, what were our feelings toward the leader? Who helped us toad the bags? Wnere did they put the bags? 146 21. Did they know we were coming? 22. Where did I go after I got on the train? Check your answers and calculate your score using the answer key on the next page. a7 Answer Key: 1. 10. ae 42. Score They had to run to Chongging or other cities that had not yet ad to fun to Chongaing or other cities not yet been occupied by the invading Japanese army secu smraging Japanese oomy 10 a soldiers not yer 20 se leet ee eee 3 “Since you want to go into the military, then you (aay) go." Sigee you upnt to go fate the pititacy, shen you Coan) go 6 1 put then into two bags, tied then with string and 7 ot; “pee carried (then) on my back; nobod) = see. 42 a, calamities that Ching had suffered, aad suffered, b. the inability of Chinese teoops to resist the Japanese invasion all at once, and vs she Shines peopie had eep Sessedy fete extuelt any ee rs cone tens) a Baby people Scutoe 3 SESS, SESE UL plata ster cased ‘ at —z Beane peized By the evils 6 SL she end Gof ene tine); seis ns to open the pas si poses 1 het gasses ec j ° Bo} he interrupted me and unceasingly asked several other questions aps he Sntessuptes SRSSSSTRGLY aged seupeal oopee auespions appeared to be very king eee “ 3 jerhaps there were too many people waiting to be inspected, pesyepe Sec maby Reople wasping Sobe inppected (or) perhaps he believed what I_had said perhaps he Believed what T hed asia extronety happy 2 148 aa. 4s. 16. ar 18. 19. 20. al. 22. 4 Little hungey; the only thing 1 could do was put the to bags together, placed them on my back, and very quickly went (out) souether, placed onmy back, and very quickly vent onto the street to eat —tT ali night not to talk and pot to move not to talie and not to move crossed the Yellow River T darkness; we would never forget that leader's benevolence er oe Chinese troops on the backs of horses ‘they knew quite clearl Ang suite sheet to the unit that I_had wanted to join Jo_the unis shat t hed wanted s2_jein ‘otal Passing 149 4s 139 98 G We AS ME aE te fe ae oy (Eee dS Kw we we SK ie pe] x ae RAH BO Ghee oe OB OH eC EH RD ER RAS K OX wo DoW Woo FR Sw Hea K p De ee Poy x eet frm kK TOM IE eh ek aE ul VE a& SW oth aE nd ok 150 R10 3 He GK 4B REP RI GG 4 TERK ot 16 ik. Th PRR RY ZEEE J Kew ee T Et ROR #2 EF 45 Fl RK BR - £ HEB F af 849 . OFA K 111 HE BL — >. RAR AK 1 ESA 48 $ 4e SB ALK ECM A — 1 # OK AR ABR RERA KR ' BART ie tm J ere & A RAP KALA R Fhawil. ‘yo Kat ik AE 0997 ask AY a = se ws wa o> pF a RY rt Seal! ok po we = a *S Fak ath @ 3 Fe BR RRS Be HEE # = And = a je a wr 9 FS abe BS ye ae aR va 3 > atk ff Hi ak ase fe +R RS 1a > & Pee A pr ls py 8 oe pe a et Se 3B ERT RADA ORR # te Age Jee BI, iw 2 & ¥< - BE ROD A & BR Hee PKK IK ARE AE BK fete 152 2 fi HAR Fk KS Oe SD 59 ae A > ve +” ‘ee rg KF te tek ib Ke — ab A +e, a2 lee & 3, AEWEA BR — GX ILMB 9 Fe 7 dete aR hoede ds BF 0 14° GP spar SKA OR RER R HE, 4 153 , oh Oe yay a> 3 a y ~ 8 @ fe 40 43 09 aL SR KE iL I iF 4 AT AB AY AF ADEE Kn gH KE F 13 te ik, 69 16,8 AKER AS RATER KH 4 it K Rte E- x 7 RGAABATLR KRADRAA MH When you have completed the exercise, translations that follow. + check your work against the model Paragraph Hs / was holding / a chotn / sack / in bis hand. / $ / quite clearty / sau / bum / open / she sack / and out in / two pooks, / But / when / J walked over / and asked nin / to open / the gack / so tet ne / see / those books, / pe / hesigated / a pit / and guid / shat sere seatty weren't any books / in the ack. / Lyne / gxteonety / angry, / but / couldn't inspect / bis / sgck. / The only thing 1 coutd do / yas bold ay anger /and wate away, / (21/32) Parageaph 2: My younger brother / had studied / Chinese / for over three years / already, / but / he really didn't / learn it well. / Yesterda T 7 Mgt / bagasdje aiiens / T ee cal he said tone, / "I'm thinking / of not studying / chinese. / T ms eee ey what do you think about that?" / 1 said to hin, / "Since / you nave what do you think sbout that?" / I said to hin, / "Sines / you nave / aiready / studied / for three years, / (you) ought to / continue / to study. / T T T 3 HE you / axe gble / to persist / to tye end, / 1 sink / you surety / will _be able / to learn it well." / (26/37) a T Paragraph 3: Yesterday / we / caught / a wolf, / We / prepared / to tie it w Yesterday / we / cought / 2 wolf, / Me / prepares / to tic it up / with rope / and let it / starve / to death, / But there was an / old granny / T z T T z who interrupted, / saying, / "I see / this little thing / is very pitiful, / geese T T fc 2 Jet's) solease it." / But / gverybody / yas against chia, / Everybody / said toner, / "EE / (ve are) goncifut / to / shis kind of / pad / mning / and setease it, / then / it may / pam / others / and may aise / asm / 155 gurseives." / Gonsequentiy, / for / she safety / of everybody, / according to / evecynody's / gpinion, / she voit / was kitted. / (42/60) Paragraph 4: O14 wang / of ous production tean / taught (schoot) / in the past, / so) a1) / the commune ngnbers / calt-hin / Teacher Wang. / One aay / Teacher Wang / was riding / a house, / and carried / on the back / of the horse / were two / big sacks. / There were also / several things / Aiea / with string / on top / of the gacks, / (We vas) coming along / a smal1 path, / and when / he-was about / to enter / the village, T fs sore res ne ae Teacher wang / was careless / snd fei1 / from / the back / of the horse, / The two / big gacks / tay / on hig chest, / and egusned / nin. / (36/51) Paragraph 5: Yesterday, / (my) Little prother / wanted ne / to teach him / Chinese, T i / so tnpen nin / Guiyess. / Lsaig / that 1 was busy / and couldn't / teach hin, / He / was engey / and wanted / to beat me. / The only thing 1 could do / was to run / behind / T T T T Bapa's / back / and sety on / Papa's / boty / so fond nim oft. / Pape / knew / that little brother / was wrong. / When / Little brother / used Agee / shat tistie brother / was wrong, / Men / Little prosner / used / his feet / 9 kick / age J Bape / aye / his two legs / together. / Little brother / yas afraid that / (ne would) kick / Papa, / so the only thing he could do / was stand / there / motiontess. / (35/49) 4 / waz stans / there i 2 U /' Paragraph 6: Qld Li / tocked / his daughter / in a smatt room / and went shopping / T T t ee ee ee by hinself. / Qld Li's / wife / returned hone, / took one 1ook and saw Py himself, / Oia Lite / wife / Feturned hone, / took one Look and sew _ 156 (that her) daughter / was about to / suffocate. / She / frantically / Achat need hughes / mae z She / Seantigetty opened / the door / and ait / of the windows / of the smait room. / Later, / T T T T T Old Li / returned / and / thought / that sone / great / catussrophe / hag occurred / at hone, / His wife / criticized / him, / and the first thing T T T T TT T eontence) / she said was, / "You / unconseionable (consciencetess) / T —s thing!" / (32/45) Barageaph 1* Comrade Zhou / Likes to / ride / a horse / and go / hunting. / He has often / T T T t r toid ne / what happened / in hunting, / and has further / told me / of many / T 2 2 T T T of che benefits / of hunting, / but 1 just / don't velieve / what ne says, / 2 2 T t Gif ne) wants oe / to pezieve, / (shen) jet ne / go with nin / once / and sce, / and only then / wilt 1 pelieve, / Bt / nave yo posse, / because / Leantt / ride a horse / and aise / don't bunt, / so what can be done about it? / (30/42) + When you have satisfactorily completed the practice exercises, take your workbook to your instructor for checking, and afterwards, take the Lesson CRT. 1s7 Lesson 7 ‘STUDY RESOURCES T. Required Vocabulary. A. Familiar ch: 2 RE FE te pitaas ye rates even tf ae ttt a B, New Characters and Terns? HF st eS ANT DAR 287, Pprk—- ED 4 48 $40, 60 AR BRR 4 We were afraid that the calf would run away again, so as Soon as we caught up with it we tied its legs with rope. BAAR BAK, B47 = KH THE, AY REAEBR. Since the car isn't big enodgh, we bicycle inside. The only thing we the back of the car. eit onto - BK BE, ARPA Oy PRA 4417 69 BK. In this photo the person tied up is our district leader. chong 4, rush . #17 MAb He ERA. Aa Aid — AAT AE PE Hy Re. Me hide in the forest and vait for the enemy. As soon as ‘they cone we rush out and annihilate then, HERR A Hee RAAT a APR, ‘The squad leader raised his gun and led us rushing toward ‘the eneny. ng BF! cleanse, wash away? subdue, quell (Zebetlion) (see iten #18) at Ni knife, various kinds of knives, blade’ Gir geD Gee ites #30) » EE es HEE eess00 RE ones “ PR HBR ER mE! Jne’ communists call the W >» BRE AKER RAIL AL E'S REE HS Bl ERATOR somebody's money ws wn cre? Nitec eres a 2 xD om Bid 3455. aa the newspaper, you can onebody snatching L.7 894% RAAB SF. in 1949, the Liberation army really didn't assault Bei ings they just ente > 8A RR EE SR BLA 69 2B Br, ee ecto 9. HE, uty N/BP: Light; bright, glorious ® (see item #17) 10. A né BF: a. AR om svar: LARA rom a] Ate a4 Although he looks fer evil-hearted. MEARE R, Bl Vago. EK a Te + AR AR $41 12) 4h RAK TB?” © ieee 5 ’ I went to the hom the ey en aaalhi ae WUNFE EB BAP BA 22. SFR men NASB: a eingy around, surround, Gece iten #13) 13. ae, Jing N/#F+ sisuation, circumstances, oh hudnjing zc De S 8 bk ae ore SS: yH _ Pe we Me a. nan of {fe wor ios s K <8 %., grew up in very Em AE KREME a LAE HAE AAT ARB A I? ince you dis ‘environment go much, why don't Jou leave? & AX CHIP B60 op 28 HO 3a Hi 0b 23, environnent eter than BF! unite, connect, join SM contacts comect, get in touch WN We Bak AO RH BR Ai Bighth Route Arny soldier, I've had no Aa REL IGR EM, 41 Ao 58h ORK A, ‘sent a detegat i jing to see Order to stresgthen contact between the we. AE 444g ARO ENE sk Fo AeA 5s ‘‘ 7B 7! a I arrived in eneny occupied territory three days, ago», but up to now I've had ho way of getting in touch wit our guerrillas. = La pan BE: to rebel, revolt, betray Gee item #23) rn s&nné . PR TA Ht FUAID, Be eta se PAE. Aside fron this Glace, I have never been any place. ERG LE OTEK. EAA 44 Aa R28 Ate AP AF Bh Ht ANT. Wang Guofu is really a good person. Tf any person has any difficulty he will help then. éng BP: gior’ eulingedng }/N:_ glozious: PR EAG pte Bak mL Fb ah SF SP Last year, Comrade Wang was etoriousty elected a leading cadre of the fact = 65 ASK OE, te HF a9 StGacnes! good achievenents in their studies are also glory for the te BA 43 08% BARBARA Sone Seopie Feet that talking with a fanous person is a kind o} ot 18. 19. 20. 43 sko V: sweep, clean up, mop up, wipe out FT stosing YA gop up Ceneay), wipe outs qe ‘nopping-up" operation = HAT BT SA, fl ot ATT KASH. Me susrounded the eneny and at the sane tine also ied out a "nopping-up" operatic Bk agen HM, Hk ah tah ‘After the enemy occupied our village, they really didn't Taunch any Mmopping-ip" operation. sheng BF: donestic animal (in ancient f BAS 2 Ar ICRA wp As bE) 75 PBB OY RARE A EU BRA ‘The weathe® in al1 the provinces along the coast of China is good, and there are also comparatively more people. «1b Bb A db, APRA AE RD Shanxi, Shandong, Hebei and Henan are all nanes of provinces. shit Ws! vetong toy be, subordinate toi 8 close relati jidsnt rr one's. fam: . U8 oy ged Bi ARBAB shel, A 64 RB at the people he’ A — against Japan, many rated from their dependents: i) Ak Be By oR Fs 7h MeA'Y 89 Bf BLAL. any students! f ry distant places to attend their (th ion ceremonies. 7 Bus 2. 60 V/P! throw or toss in, submit to; Join aR Chee" Ren 23%) BE panté Ne Sie ORL HELE Be. Pe 2 MPA I peldeve there are traitors in both the Nationalist and the Connunist Partie OF BRAK ATP Ia Pett te BR A 7k 23 18 Ze a ES ot oa gahF — HE, MEAT BORE FR Because ay thoughts/afE different | From those of ay ‘amily, they say 1 a. As Br: sacrifice, sacrificial offerings Fa PE Toes ae ee i ‘ges of something’ RSE ATE a eee 3, oaks Cy) ee LA... 3 x jak ay ape BR 447 69 R BeheddSnes seit cee pho grerificea (ener Lives Ate A By AAA A FFE — BIL At, BY BY 1a). He doesn't want to give up the Least bit of time for anyone. HA ERIE Rap KS, #09 6 KR >. as Heqgenaeay _ Haz I 27. PE TUE i Pe mT Aw BA, sok Reeeene 2K th Aaa ak Ret Peres. * 1m World War 11 Japan surrendered unconditionally. >. AR BT fears 7 xié = one, Jnxié Ni mifitary footgear RAR 6 Ho] FB Footwear worn by soldiers is called military footgear. Ay 4) 2 z 49, 4Rb AM 8 FLA A PIR Previously, military footgear was made of cloth and wore out quickly. 3) BA Las nein BA BEM EE. ARAB AB AR OL 2 Liu Hulan led the masses in making military footgear, actively supporting the liberation army. (Lid Hi1dn’—— see Additional Vocabulary, item #8) yéo Vi shake, quake adngyso a faiter, be swayed, rocked (in one's beliefs, Atak # AGERE SUA eT BRAT ED y he really believed in the Communist Party. wavering. Somewhat. go BARK ARS ASL. VEAL AB ARMY OP 4h. 1 county chief has already decided’to do it this way, fan make him waver. FR PE OY EPH, 4 BM « BH Ai SHG A TE ». Api nln ‘Aithough in dangerous circumstances, he didn't waver in the least, but persisted in struggling. anh Vi chop (chaff), cut (grass), zhfato r, (grass-)cutter +0 cut grass or Te) AL OFT Lit FA ARI RIILA, LA Wat, # Ia Five only heard of a chaff-chopper being used to chop Joncone fo death, but I've never actually seen it (done). BRO EMA 7 ee. . “On the farm, people use grass-cutters to cut grass. - ART) AO ARATE & FA BY 7 7 — HE Ghaff-choppers are different fron the knives we ordinarily a. A at WF uueaty seize, takes gra, = A TK a A. a Ak SORE KA OT ML 0 89 FH 8 When the eneny entered the oe ny friend was saten, away. From then on, no news was ever heard of him ag: » xoRE LRM IAATA RES eaneoeer i If the bandit army discovers that it has seized people by mistake, would it release then? c & 2 A FRR RARBIA fe, WARTE 0%, ay A dG KT BE BB, A Rta KARI. the“park a man Wearing worn-out clothing snatchea sone food from someone else's table and ran away think he surely must be extremely hungry. oa 4 =e eg ANAK Fl vinavedo Ro/mh: can never do ity Sete “ aa VAR, MSR SEAT N38E Mh $ Before Libe age an affair, y college students worked for (managed af! ‘the Eighth Route Army. 8m) dA Aas naco xf EE Hen YAK dR PE ate. pale hie This matter is very hard to handle. He can't do it. ss. A cas As onty, ju «LET ZS Rik A Bane £aTA # It's only 3:30 now. There is still a half hour before class is dismissed, 166 35. & po. atying eas at TA GRAF Bab T. ae A Aa &, A ie as ALBAIRS ag two student 2 Sppostunities te practice speak ‘There are many chi Ve appes en, 0c; have ‘sonething pen or occur that is bad or tnpleasant Ata 69 AE FARR GK, HERAT At a Sh, a ORO ARE ET iol £8, PT IA HEIR T A, men T was returning to ay native pt ng happened. (a problen occur _ Says o0 Twas sarees for a couple of l= 2 1 BET, Eee 2 eBS oR AP # There must be traitor, Stheewise fow would & fe a ops DS ° consent to, assent to, (a feduest, plan, veris, rep: Gee Gn Le 7, note #3) BO Be Tp 8 69 Ho MF aa h ERE Be a pep rans a et fWrokised to take us to visit the industria «Uh Fs farsi Tt RAAB ony after 1 cated "Little Gang, Little Gang!" for a tong tine did he answi i de: indie. “8 ms #49 EIR 89 SER AAI ) we should think of the hardships aE nt 84 otk. Aa ve 8 oY at ctoae 38. TA he a oppox TE Seat ea. ee Kak RABAT I 1} $RR “enesy BRE, RRS one socialist countries the peasants are often stilt Struggling against the Landlores. 40. xt "2 duizhtin (C: aim at, aim, Line up (on or with) x BAT DAR EM AT. ». FT 48 69 ae If ABNER RE ORG J PAA A. The hunter fired the gun without waiting to aim properly Tithe Lite tigers Sone dign't nit PAA PIAA BI EK oe ml FH. ma RBA BE z= cneny aimed the chopper at 'yhe head of the distr ve eager and chopped do "iL never be able to forget such a situati a. ABE Beceem cree encmer HE FA FG ry Em) By Zoe weston SORE TAR HE ae REA 4K Ganait sotdier af fu Wotan ond "IE you Soa Gonfesse Til e x) BA sss wasn oy At LAB A Ro iB, A & AREA & Lin Hulan Said, know alters What do you want me to confess?’ & ~ 7 Hebe BEAK WM AUIS NB A traitor has Lew testified that we are Eighth Route Aray soldiers. L 7 42. ARK “BREMRLRAF EME ET Br opihions of the Nationalist Party are couptetely different fron those of the Communist Party. . DRL ORL RE hut F. Compared to the Connunist Party, the history of the Guomindang is several score (teas) of years longer ude SV: fiery, heated, burning hot ; tay cE) Ze ea EAM RK ADS The tak a of i #89. were all educated in fiery struggle. - EKA OD RSF, IRS Fae 09 a+ 4i1 4 4. J Many youthful so rificed their lives in fiery FS PF PLA, giisrans ao J k de bg 2 Pt soon high Schéol graduates arrive the ‘they would join an the fiery struggle Jfzhong snbLe A, Bei ieee mae rome. RR ‘The district Leader assembled the masses in the square and spoke to everybody. RIDER TA AM ERA RA. concentrate all of our strength in order to tinihilete tae encey, RRR ORE. HA eth BRT AS ‘ou wat * concentrate your attention (spirit), you won't be Bote to do anything wells LT 45. ER jilinding SV? staunch, firm, determined es fee) SAAS ER , ib 0 1 IR g extraordinarily determined in hi Fot"tnyone to (try to) persuace hin. TERAMMRE Re ih: TRH TER” He said very determinedly to the eneny, "Even if T ai ‘won't surrender!” ideas. It's no . RRIRE EAI Hi. of RAY Kaa, Ki - RAW ‘ho comneny, comancer Yoey stauneniy, fold usy "We wi defangtely,pe’ victorious In tonorrow's Sig aGrptnecep 46. 2B fh sitankn SvMMi difficult, arduous, trying: aifficuity, hardship = GRR aR aE OD TEP, tein Ee ea RT i eA. Although ii very difficult circumstances, he still Continued to incessantly do his best - Bb B ie B FRAEH RE. In mountainous areas, transporting military foodstuffs is extraordinarily difficvit. PR aL I Ry OR TADR 8 A Be China's achievenents today came only through many years of hardships. jitngidng SV: staunch, firm, unyielding “eegt BOF Ph, RRR R He was tempered in hard struggling, and he has become more unyielding as tine goes by. : BROKE te 2k XE 69. a rere ean RA a) REAM. country must have staunch soldiers before it can win fhe greatest victories. Le 48. 49. Ba a RY SAS asc um £ HSA DARA Men OER Ries “If you want to kill me, then kill ‘af . 18 A NE A HE ABA BAB xingvat V/SV: understand, be clear ar “ EEiLek AAT AG, 1A ‘The company commander said that if someone doesn't understand he would explain it again. » KBE AA oe ES RE KA AF LER ARE? This tetter very clearly says shat he is coning today. How cone, up till now, he still hasn't arrived © AVR AR OAR AO, KA SPIES. ‘The teacher said it very'clearly, We all understood, a el e (someone) angry ADR BAWER. You shouldn't anger your spouse. >. 44 #4 BT RHA AS, fA iE TR IR OL. Elder brother's bicjete was broken by nis younger brother. He was so mad that he couldn't even atabt Ph: in one's own handwriting * Seeankare OF LEER characters op, the Nonunent to the people's Heroes written in Chairman Mao's own handwritin, RIE TE MEREES 4 FRIES #e5 * ‘This letter was not’ written company. conpandes's own handwriting. I recog: writing (characters). & At OF HT PAE RE tO 1 9 R Hts, KA Rieke. . His hand was injured. He couldn't write to his dependents in his own hand, The only thing I could do was write for hin. 172 3. aK L.7 shiy’ Ni a (great) cause; undertaking, faski a person's lifework (business or profession), career AVAR $b, #11 BRES 5+ BR, For the people's cause, we should live plainly and work hard to the end. R-TAPEMAZAL OFS a. A Hie eH By ees eve Everyone should concentrate his spirit on his profession. xitn Vi give, offer, present a. AAG PA A 09 ef fe) BR MLSE FE KS, «th He gave all (his) time to the production team. . BY KPH, SOR RAH PK LH 09 94K, ORR T1010 02 ah the Nationalist aid Connunist Pi nany Communist Party members gave their Lives. - 40411 Re» 5 89 of 1K, BP ORR 4, EP RK YS eee Sy shawt the aigeen Pecte army, they ait decided sea fey olned the Haan Dose Vi Lift, raise, foster, spread “ ‘ean HLA — Zibax. When you look at high places you must 1ift your head. . Ast man ARG Tne eneay said to the bound man, "Lift up your he IENIGED & th tet Paaiesctnni poate. Armys ha me?" (A rhetorical question meaning, "Y 173 a a oe wer: mgs va = cx Wh iL S RB pert 09 3k +7 We should a11 conmezorate soldiers who herocially rifice, sd (themselves). b. fi] 89 HE K AE RES gin eee ah HE z hig Squad teader is cme sulfated severe in, +. brave. Although he Tes, he still insisted on continuing the c. Bad HO +, HGR eK Ie Without brave soldiers there would be no way to achieve victory. i II, Additional Vocabulary. LBB cents Tt Hot one! nead uP ane Pht out wp ea E88 2 a ingxigng a 0 fheust out chest -- gestuce of ‘If-confidence) EAR Bh od of 1k, BP AE BH migeeant When soldiers walk, they aust hold the: and Yheust thefe chests out, and only then will they sppear to have spirit. ». Xt) BA Zasnam fr B ae AG 3t fa HY BRS: REA oe chopper and was chopped to death by the enemy. fn BF: wonan, fenale, wife 44 Kaen Ni Women’s Association ta SET wae Phe be + Rap ALG NFO) HR, wae Ret RAMPART NE, ER ER OAR Rho Btae ARI — LP RABE, Last Aimer, the Reople's Republic of Chinu'a Nowa’ Association’ invited @ number of foreigners to visit Beijing. of unnerved: pecone Franti: sh3uji one's wits + AE Ph BR Hy ik J, OF 4g BAT tT + BP, Ree EAD. A cla thes suddenly fainted. This scared us so, >. Sho ee ot i. AL-TARSE # a8 WEAK GP he HR i, He I + Bp, aT TRE ALB ft jon Tas sturning hone T, sav @ man ctinbing out Of the window Carcying ny Fedior As "soon a3 fe saw Bey he decane unnerved, put the radio dow and fled. 7 “TRA Beye ia eectestana Sree tctesny 70 he. He ab eh 4 Wpit ERR aA HL 69 x was — he performed earthshaki os tasks: T 2h FBO, eh ‘en square the nesses loudly, shoutea in unison, ons live Chairman Mao!" The noise was really ‘earthshakinj tne tf POR LE H AB, there are tenpies on many mountains in Chin . BS g tA $89, BY B® ARORA A sn 6 FR on Weide open banad?” on EA RMA RS, B AB aden as papa gets angry, he slaps the table with his and. ‘The noise is really’ loud, ee 915 A EAB T, he ese fo 46 4b RARE oy + KX EA. Fan too Fett own. After he got up he patted (SeBS" the aire on his clothing an " 20946 Ae: shlssse igh, Pot e great Life, glorious éeath Fes A ene » > ei ans ARA | BY, 48 Ett," ODAPK, FLOR. hen Liu Hutan died she was onty 13 years 1d, bur she "Lived a great life and died a glorious death, « wlan » bag »%. LAKE ZA aAH Lid Hae ShBnx¥ shiing Wénshuf xian YGnzhOuxt con 2 Pw: Pi: Pw: (personal, name) Shanxi’ Province Wenshui County Yunzhouxi Village cs 7 PRACTICE EXERCISES AE KAI -Teyar CRORE RKET A” TEE re 12 Lop — BA AI) HK HRA PP ae ik ke BAR xa BA 0B AP A I SAD IKIRG| HARA BRM LMF Rist 1% 09 oF {EAP EA te TAA RO et FLA KAT 1011 9 Mt AR EEA APE TERRA Et DKK IRE ER aun” DE RE ME DE WOE A shoe 1,3 1 A C ands 4. BAA RP CAN MAME] RAW AR + 4e CA ANAK RB RE F BARS. ae BRET BOA RR IRARK #) fen 0) RY sha oe R59 335 mest -—S I Rho hic BAHAR PER A Bat km iA eA BBY AA ei ap 2A BSE JE HK J OK, A-RetL ER Rubs 18 HD SAR AR ot A SERA 4619 Hi RAE wr 12 i on GIR TRE HOB OP RB EE A 4, RE a eG IRA OR KRPEWA RRR HARB Ke 11 RLS MP eo mw + wate 4 ZS Li? Ae AMARA AEG A 4h AOI J ERA -RA LER BABII IO AL EE RN Awl HG HOE 1 BH POA SET TREAT XK ROOM AKT BAH AA DF Ce 2 eee RIK PAR AIRS Atma 5 O11 09 ET A shin RZ wEKt AS AR 09 Bak aR I eH ee BRR - TURK ap ag ce B 1, Where did the story take place? 2. What happened to the county? 3, What did the bandits always do first? |. What happened afterwards? 10. ae 12. 13. 44. 4s. How did people in the county respond to these attacks? What happened if they didn't surrender? If they did? What did those who wavered want to do? What did the people finally decide to do? What did the seven soldiers do when things were most difficult for the county? What did the seven soldiers do as soon as they arrived? What did they do around all of the villages in the county? In what manner did the bandits rush over the high wali? After they rushed over the high wall, what did they begin? What did the people do? After the bandits had breached the high wall, what did the people do in response to their attack? aan 16, How long did they fight? 17, What happened to the bandit army soldiers? 18, As a result of their victory, what in fact had the people done? 419, What had the three soldiers done? 20. What did I think of the story? Check your answers and calculate your score using the answer key on the next page. 122 Answer Key? 8 10. ue 12, 13. 14, 4s. 16. a 18, ‘the author forgot which province and which county “Tt ~s seeueuse 4 sed seueal pues eed is eas rer sot ° soup saboag Catsied their pempests, Bay Lee) bess ae a re ae “TO 4 LUyes would ve aacajtices cnnzpascs T Seo ppepis. T “es Besiogenise mueuias : stayucniy nod 2s taal out gis cnests y sassmpied people z ae iy oo sau shee to ee 1 pe Baby oy suspen aes s ferocioush ates 2 began "nopping-up" operations ® 2 2 they didn't waver or surrender 2 4 they heroically aimed at the bandits and fired Bexotgeliy au =< almost the whole night + T 2 sone were Killed by guns, sone were chopped to death, and some were kiljed by guns, hopped 40 death, severely wounded, and others fled soundea, yea the people did what they previously thought could never have been done 2 Peecpoushy, Shepaht coule neyee ave been sone 183 7 19. gave their lives for the people's cause age Asves sages 20, it was really an earthshaking story. 134 total: passing: 107 5 Ww XE oO eh oe 8 BX] RO RPM alo pey~ eR i EEX KON EKER TKe TRE RE KYA De ee F a LE LM EE AT ee UK & i Bie we EY or to ok a é ma Bie Kept te kee | Ae R D g 3B BN N BR fH 4 A Af 42 he & ei BF nie bok Fe ay 5f 5% B tte 11 AR FE a ROR Bein REAR IAH ERA, CAS BLP Ns 3 t fe 1 HR RA i Ww Zsa A Fe KAR RRA KA DRE Fe fe {17,46 TL BK toh Bt te Aa 30 3b EAE KP BF, PAARA Hap 186 4 ag vb 3 mois geen Rx B BW ug ee vK BE OR HK ey en Sek dtiae xn KREKE a ak Le Bl Sa Me OMS SKE Reuse CRC ert Seay Hoe oC om ae MS BG ES te th M2 SB S18 he of Bl te ae ak KwWReESK KKK So Hee SY RW lS ay oes a OK oh £44 ex Hi OR SEA M0 St Ae ee REG i) KR fete 64 lA FP AAT rt ak, ie. ik SHA SRE Re RS yy Se A aR Sh 4 the model check your work against reas SW ESEM KK OE | RELAY Alanon esKeVe nsw | wie & aie + ee RE WX Se med L ve BE a og S¥EER SLEW KOC RAKKE KR OW TE wltewe wh tee Ke Rm EL Kal BEER BewTd SLC ERARR ARB: XX RE BATT T Soka QU EL Z you slat wne 189 ons that follow. When / the eneay / conducted / a sopping-up operation / in a Liberated area, / t t T because / the circunstances / wore very / difficult, / some people / cates (eee t 2 t waverea, / surrendered / to / tne enemy, / and necane / ssaisors / to the revolution. / But / many conrades / persisted / in the struggle / T T T T 2 for / the cevolutionary / cause. / Sone / comrades / heroically for / the revotut / sayse. / Sone / conzades / neroieatty / sacrificed (thenselves), / and other / comrades / continued / to struggle. / T T T Many people, / even / in the nost / eying / circumstances, / gloriousty / ined / the Chinese / Communist Party. / (39/53) During the war, / dependents / of the Bighth Route Army (soldiers) / who stayed / in the rear, / alt / actively / joined / in the heated / struggle. / They / concentrated / ali of their '/ strength / to deliver steupate. / Tey / soncensestes / ait of tneis / stzepatn / $0 getiver / nilitary foodstuffs / and / military footgear. / At that time , / although / T T T T the enemy / often / cane / to attack, / (and) cane / to mop up, / they all, / ta T T giacty / (anddycene / so nep up, / shoe however, / did not waver, / and in the environment / of the struggle, / T — 2 2 suey / wose tempered / $111 they Decene / pore and nore / steynch, / They realty were / glorious / Eighth Route army / dependents. / (38/54) Paragraph 2: ‘The eneny / tied up / several / Bighth Route Amy / soldiers, / placed The enemy / Hieg up / several / - / ceeL us / placed / a chopper / in front / of them, / and asked / then / 2 T T t T GE they would) surzender / or not surrender. / They / staunchly / replied, / T T 190 Seven if we) die, / (we) etitt / won't surrender!” / The enemy / had no way out, / (and so) prepared / so chop / then / to death / Those several / soldiers / stood / there / with their heads up / T T i T 2 and their chests thrust out / and toudty / shouted, / "Long tive / rr T 1 the Chinese / people!" / That / earthshaking / sound / scared / the enemy / T T T 2 T 55 T +21 they were feantic. / Finatty, / these severat / soldiers / nee T T were heroically / sacrificed. / (42/60) 2 2 Paragraph 4: Yesterday, / ait / the pensant / representatives / of each counsy / of she entire province / cane / and assenbled / st our / produetion tear / to attend a necting. / Because / there was no / auditorium, / therefore / all they could do was (have a) / former / temple / serve as / an auditorium. / At the necting / everybody / praised / the earthshaking / conteibutions / gade / by our tea / in / the cause / of socialist sonteibutions / sade / by our team / in / the cause / of sociatiss / (reconstruction. / We understood / completely / that without / the masses / T T T t a me could not do / anything. / As Long as we have / the masses, / 2 T se T anything can be done / all right! / (34/48) 2 T Paragraph 5: en / the bandit troops / attacked / my native place, / because ee /e it / attacked / my native place, a because / there was / a traitor, / the eneny / seized / Mrs. Wang, / who was working / 2 2 T 2 T foe / the Women's Association, / Te bandit troops / ferociousty / i + + aimed at ner / with guns / and wanted her / to confess / who were sinedet ner / wishauna / and wanted er / so sonfess / ynowers / the Bighth Route Army / dependents / and who / was in contact / ith h eoneae / sepepaente / / eect / with / aon the Provincial / ffonen's Association. / (They) further / wanted her / pe t T to write this down / in her own handwriting, / but / Mrs. Wang Sewrite taht cn / / a / 7 / Lifted her head / and very / staunchly / rebuffed Aifsed per head / snd very / steanenty / sabuffea / he bandit troops (saying), / "You want me / to be / a traitor? ihe bandit troops (saying), / "You want me / tobe / a tepitor? / Impossible!" / The bandit troops / felt / this was very / astonishing. inpogsibie: / us / = / / astonishing. / How (hy) couié / shis granny / bese / stauncht / (54/70) Paragraph 6: Several days ago, / Qld Li / asked ne, / "Littie mang, / lend ne / your / alarm clock, / all right?" / 1 said, / "No." (it's not all right) slarmclosk, / ali sight” / 1seid, / "No. ht) / He / becane so angry / he couldn't even talk / and walked away. / T T T T ‘This morning / Qld Li / rushed up / before me, / slapped / the table, ‘This sorning / Old Li / rushed up / before ne, / shopped / the table, / and shouted, / "Littie Zhang, / I (wanted to) / borrow / she atagn clock / and you said no, / why / did you / consent to / ‘ lend / the alarm clock / to / Little Lin?" (28/38 dena / fhe adage gine / a / ‘Ligtle Lin: / 1/39) Paragraph 7: Liu gutan / gave / her young Life / for / she pespte's / cause. / At the time unen / she / sacrificed (herself) / she was onty / 15 years old, / T T ‘and) Chairman Mao / wrote / eight lasge characters / foi + t t in his own handwriting: / "A great life, / a glorious death." / The eneny / 2 z 2 T = had promised / her / that if onty she would / confess / 2 U as a os a (who were) Communist Party members / in her hometown, / T 2 (they woura) give ner / sone tana, / But / she / sebuffed / T TE 2 the enemy, (saying) / "Even if you / gave ne / a mountain of silver, / 1 still / t T T T 192 wouldn't be / a traitor." / The eneny / was so angcy, / that he slapped / the table / and shouted, / and finatiy / they chopped / Liu Hulan. / (44/62) When you have satisfactorily completed the practice exercises, take your workbook to your instructor for checking, and afterwards, take the lesson CRT. 193 Lesson 8 ‘STUDY RESOURCES I. Required Vocabulary. A. New Characters and Terns: LAM, cheng BE/LW! call, name, designates say, state RH chengwéi Vi called, known as, referred to as KAM EE ODA, HEAT Hk 8 tA DIRT I rn us ys reat AS $2 SOE ABO BEAD ty has yet ant 1, it is called a fable. Vi promote (movenent, idea, etc.), r ne cdjin roceed, Stimulate 4@it Tk RR THR CRE oe ae ial development can raise the people's ings BEAT Mea mB OY GE. Students studying abroad can promoté friendship between two countries. Pa it we frowers otossoe out JE aus oc . 1K oR BA Ley ssi $0 Hh HEE UA. ‘The red ‘and yellow flowers on this piece of black cloth are extraordinarily beautiful, “BRA BAG & Gh iF] By af 45, & ADEA ‘hen A?! delegations go to ioe for a visit, there always are children who present flowers, sdk 3B BPS akit1, abitizy (see iten #8) tions two thousand en #7) : ay q DARE eee aa production. “4s 5, om SER at Bo kG, +B cise buying oor geo « BE BF! open up, break a path, develop aE kRip? Vi open up (new land, path, etc.) APA -RMREBRAB CR FSP OE sain » Zot) FB 4 4 payee os IK AMR ‘The opening up of roads has a very great influence on the construction of @ nation on jf pito BF! pretty, nice BB, ote SV! beautiful, Rendsone, snart-Looking Fo ZR EO ZAR ERI. Goncade Wang's apouse'Ts extcentiy caart-1ooking. > EE oR FRB EY? Who wrote these beautiful Chinese characters? BRS 2 oy EERE ERR B) J th Raya. Japan's auronobile production techniques have siready aeveloped to world Standards. 195 » tA FE AA, PB HS RPA 5] Don ook # a HERR. phen BROA, fH RB Gan peopte without any technical skill serve the country? . Ww Ne aLtkt (cam) sitha in generat * ue 8 18h 89 RAGE ARSF AB. silk are Very confor ee fo BR A FRE APRA Chinese and Japanese silks are both world fan Raising a anall tiger hom eure es 4 ean ie eee TH. | Bae, oa, 7a aig, FRY 2411 22 ‘en parents grow old, should children care for then? 1.7 yudn BF: the beginning, the first 4D FE. aoneyutn NE AD. BIR reno NE B.C. “A GHAR EB NEF BAR 20 Pit 4% 7 amaamia eee ate eee WX FRI 20-5 386), The Han Dynasty began in 202 B.C. ay 2 28 BF! record, write down eR ou record, put in writings record = qiynpe tant. 32, . at VAR, 48 1 12 Bi A APB? mere were events recor sded before there was paper? AP PE OGHAT ES Records in history books are really not complete. ie 2h i a we eae ao 28 ~ PORR ARR ES IU 84, » me 010,09 EARLE 09, HY FR, ‘the flowers on cloth are woven in, sone aren" LY BRA ORR ERR IA RF Factories weave cloth faster and better than the peasants. . Familiar Characters in New Tens? IO RAT AB, ae a BIR HE OTD EIT, BA ZEIT Tes sent Re $5 Rw HA, 1248 i oan tia ¢ I want to rewrite this a 's exercises, but he said hhe'has no tine to resread the dB oxo Pecpe nets FOE crest eee ee ~F Bente ae te uw JS. ‘The Chinese knew how to draw silk several thousand years ago. =H AR OLE ARB He ate £ A 4 What are silk threads drawn fron? 1. A chtchn Wt produces products AL the OY RA Pap ‘Things produced by this factory are extraordénari| BF ood. . eEee a Ba ih #8 RASS the high-yieta ficias is especiatly abundant, APR RA Bee eer Fe, A eB BE fo 8) BRA. 7 ap z 4 a ‘Vi 3 A fortified poin 4 FA ee eryers She, used stationery (printed) with mate write a letter 0 her spouse. 8 SEB) ceaccatae sya $0 forin, end sen AH 402K, nee —REK BU LURE ‘Tomorrow I'm ing. together with Shiwen, Ali, etc., to visit the industriel extibee + 7, fe. 30% Per ark Pe cltige of Cnt vs. A os Sie LAP So} Bib, RRX, can speak several _foreien Languages, Like English, Tepenesee and’ so for 3p aBngbt it eastern part Loe, hans Pw 67 Rap. ak FP BR Shanghas and NanJing are si tuated in the ea: astern part of China. Jap: uated to the east of Cl BOR ALOR ee The weather nere is much better than the eastern part (of the country). ] TAR SEAPER, Next ponth 1m going to the East (ern) part (of te 0.5.) to attend a meet Fa Serer +aR 7a Ghinese aha" yan KPa BRAK Fat gee. Everyday the sun rises from th © ALAA AT A, xf Dy BEAR I just cane from the Orient, and an not accustoned to western living. a gongténg SV/A: joint, common; jointly, commonly = MATAR AY BRK A RATA. im $a ak h AR 09 $Y as Sa ay “a BPA A RRL mR re a 1 and Little Zhang, een e. sotah of five persons are jointly studying the causes of “ 22. an abhi anc: EARIAM REA AEE TUR 2, yn b . res RARE & am ER, AY PA I MAM BR “it a, ABA FAAS RABI. soon be built. They can probably open it a LF AL, Ta ww if iat oi 20 GAGE #APB BEF eZ tBchin Silk is one of "s principal HTB Teta ay ef 18, APH KH BIL AR st 7 69 ae PF. vere to have a good time, we all Like to buy tong Vi Lead to (someplace)+ connect with Ly resolution) ke Be ek FL PERL A M- BSF AF 8). ‘The road leadin ign Jiro from China's Northwest was Spence Gore shan 100. years KET it OK BPS. Trains Jon's oftgn go, through ais centers. BERS fo tA it ix ae pee Canadian products are also shipped to the U.S. via this route. 6 IR TROH OR sac Sane Sik Rouse" was opened, it promoted tr. ade Between the East and the West, (Steno ZBF 13 — see ‘Additional, abulary, ite 42 bi EAR AB i 49 BR, AAR Gradually, more countries are trading with the PRC. aK dl grik @ fo AR. ‘This road Leads to Cai Byparman Nz exchange, interchange (cultural, etc.) “OA Fi ogme PRR RITA ad Aik FP 48 6 When did trade eee between China and the U.S. begin? aPatewneen LARTER 45 F. was 3,000 we? of history, but only has 4000-pius years PVT o Eres f RAGES EASA 7 Bei jing . gyn an. aT Pe AB AR BR end! ke Barre CBG a Ase ay %. e. SERRE Re BAR Fo# £ har TBE 07 4 i # ¥ Japan sent a detegation to elebration, (and) they © Hua. ina's National Day Ls AOR AM RICE and ‘ npn In the past half year feelings among them nave gotten bette netter. + ER. genet aR oD E eli to talk atents of this, book. BNE HES Be) SY . MEAT ERAT ge cipal (point) was discussion of the b. cc) II, Additional Vocabulary. 1-7 cn Ni siikworn yingeén Ni gecicuttuce (raising of silkworns for sitk production) » RG BPS AAR. Hh Apt 84? Very many children enjoy s¢riculture. Have you ever raised silkworme? » BoE AK AOR EAN R. The Life of the silkworm is short, bat the changes (in their lives) are very great. 2. YA(F) ensuces NE thin elie fabric 238 sfchéu Ni silk fabric Cin general) Ozone we oe si PEF oa ke 6B 238 2%. ERAT AD 7k 89 a In recent years there has appeared silk made by scientific methods. « PG) 69 28 9 40 Ae 44 * Rat ‘YB 2 BER AE HW fo BR M09, China's silk and aes ‘unique products, were shipped to Western Asia and Surepe Route Proper Names? 2 Py B FF me Pit Afghanistan 4. & RR Bajtsttin PN: Pakistan 5. $44, tp Fp Mienonents He Heatterrancan Sex +6 SR 8A Hanchéo fe emi uaesey coef sei 9 to 7 BRN Sushou Pit Europe 8 yz maya PW: Western Asia 0 AP BA yang Pw Tran 20. BR Ez zhang Qian Nw nane — sent as an envoy Central Asie Gurine PRACTICE EXERCISES WZ 8K doe a] SR LEKCH Ke Tk AS Eh? RES Do you know how heavy two bucketfuls of water are? About 100 catties. « RR de -t8 — 72 89 FR AE 2 RAR. a Load ty ioad the peasants deliver grain to a large building and store it away. ” fe SF EESeP een air) AMR, ZAMALK, The Mountain is very steep, and old people cannot climb (it). oom W/BE: households (Lit. a door) = HAUT EA, RA-BGP. > BPABP OP KS FH RB ay. In Chinese households, most of the heads of households are male. o 10. Fi, nung Acts wild, barren, uncultivated Rid *e huangad Ni wasteland, barren land, wilderness yy nudngsndn Ns barcen hill of mountain Tu OB HKD, $A AR st BE ute. After Liberation, China has actively aly up wasteland. & ATT Aw 46 wt it 09 Flu BEM B. We are determined to open up the waste mountain land in the vicinity and turn it into terraced fields, L.9 CRM, RES ALR AYR A pe & RBI FRR ek té KRABI. gents and can.basically jor, energy, strength F Be eit » vigor a Ft RB 69 Bt hi Hing AT R128 ae poem | A At the start we all had vigory but afterwards our drive grew less and less. be VE TR BRIE 20 PH: RR AiR a RAR AFM, eating, one won't have the energy to work} without ing Mao Zedong's thoughts, one won't have revolutionary ari 13. Jing me & fengsing 7 © wom Z ~ BASE e. Lake is a fanoi > KREREM EBA, I Like most of all to buy, scenic pictures. us. 2 ais big, huge, sanense zB as mes mE p jianja SV: formidable, arduous, difficult “EheA ABATE Ts Be act it a very formidable task to open up the waste mountain land and make it into a scenic area? 1.9 > AMAT HEARS B AWA F 3p. For some people, the more difficult the work is, the more vigor they have. 15. ww mai, BF: surpass or exceed, take big ZB IF nhonai SV: magnanimous, magnificent Rh ‘ ABT LA RU sik BER Roo FK ft 8 — FF, Bi th 4k 89 eB!” ‘That worker said magnaninously, "Since my blood is the sane as his, then draw mine.” bE [A RBewtns cus BH HW LAO F Sp BE EH LRME SELMA R EE Wang Guofu ‘said magnaninously, "Serving as a cadre involves Gis) serving the people. Living a few more years in a dilapidated house does not matter!" Sow ? 18. ai N/Me Mote measure of tana) w th (6.07 mu = 1 acre) BPS HAE OYE URRY, RAAT, DEF ORS OAR RH oY th 4, ‘The grain’produced from each mu of the high-yield fields is greater than for other land. ar, HR ps Nz slope a FL sniays Ns stope BE aR 0 Nz steep stope ay ze sR RS Bao ps ddu Ph: the mountain is high, the slope is m@ steep . apm BR Fa RPL, 1854 BAR aE he ‘This slope is both high and steep. It is very difficult for old cars to climb it. > R109 BS ER IRE, PAB RID 8) AK, Our dormitory is on the (mountain) slope, (and we) can see the scenery of the seashore. ABS wh BENG AR AKLE, That mountain slope is so steep that there is no way to go up. L.9 we ke gignshut Ni spring water at 37 69 RK RI RAF OG. The spring water here is both cool and very good to drink (detectable). > Ed BOA Bi A b RT ROO Ik, once ive ap tag mountains use te sping worer that we. Nosh BF: enter, receive, take in, income ae Nt income » RINSTA HATS, A- BRK, REO RABRAT EH ome, F KR GA I. Incone should now be twice what it was otherwise it would be insufficient (eo years ago, De 20. AIK tito ee ~ xe BR BASS, TRUK BA. fe too heavy. “I can't carry them. » aa FRIST RARAK, Per die Eien ett is both large and tall, is job. Kke ie & Rik, 2 RIRE. » & “AB 48 tek 09, RIL AB ARS. ‘The dishes that ny elder sister fixes all smell good. AN Aa AG see Sv/N/VE note #7) . HER, asses iy Sar PA IGS, pertatt eee rs) alt aspects of a} mechanization; therefore there has been much more progress ey than before. pan L > do RH MG AE, ARIS KP a RIED cts ne menos tc ct 23. vt Gren Ne teaf, petal cm: Pr ) ot cnéye Ni tea leaves, tea are green, and the scent Feet ont of Bok Gre wi toe ph: a “KEE TRRAF HS, T want to drink tea, but I haven't any tea leaves. >» WRGEME, TASES Ret oh? If you are going into town, could you buy sone tea for me? bonommupsenes BeCause Longjing tea leaves are green and the scent is foes Seeteee yeas easel +2 t B IG my 1, think back “ KE SO Wee Ro 04 09 $48 A. I often think back to the happy 1ife I ni a Twas in ny native hone. o K— BALA EAN ET, ROAR HE Ae we. ° Whenever the crimes of the eneny, I get so angry that Tam unable to sleep. 2s. Ax, yeu BF? excellent, superior AR youn’, SV! excellent, superb, outstanding SEREM ARAM UFR RD (Mere are) many places in the world that have excellent oe EPMA RITARK ZA RB superb scenery, transportation nt. 222 Lo 26. bu BES as a result, becauses by aeans of, cv: through, by youy CV! owing to, as a result of, because et St, 'n the grounds. of (ste CRL.9, note #5) “ PTE RBAK M4 AT RIES PLB e ee Oe AT EEG As a ‘result of the un.ty ae The people of the entire nation, (we) finally attained the basic guarantee of victory for the revolution. e DELS RAL RMI mie Pe RE 7 HIZB 3. Because basic mechanization of the factory has been Tealized, quality of products has incessantly been increased. = ® F Me th Fe RR, TAD ROK RE. dnt aoe seg coeineoyveesing offerte ao we hae te oe se LT & 7} zBoshdu ve eae tees ‘undergo (hardship, bad luck Bz raed ee Seats {tah als Bi] bE eM fey Bx xe. From childhood until now he hasvaever Buffered any difficulty. s PARR O EE PS RAPS ZI Ue 8 ae fo A A, Prior to Liberation, Very ‘many poor and lower middle peasants suffered oppression and exploitation by the landlords. 28. jE zheng N/BF? proety evidence, prove, confirm, thie é Gase"Gk'E Los" note’ #1) © VE ARIE AK 09 AAR Ab? wo ca guerantes thad tonorrok!s wacker wilt be" very pooit RE iA pea, KEM AS FF IR \t Inuous1} work hard I ou that 20, Bane BF: plants, vegetation; plant, a? Aisne V: plant; planted, cultivated MRnsPeAg a RAH MEA, and plant tea bushes. 223 1.8 SRA Ratio ty th Bae 09 | 2a, Today's meeting will discuss the problens of planting tea bushes (trees). ant N/BF: quality, substance, character old vatsane form: #7 = anf) zbiliang Ne quality tettife LY RRP R AIR ERE — AF. cds coc csortes pontuce sings auickty, quality, towevel, Is. cealiy not necessarily good. KER ER EH RB, I like to buy things of good quality. HAVRE R TET LP 0) ERE We guarantee that pens produced by this factory are of good quality. 2nd BFS welt-known, fanousi apparent, obvious} compose, writ zhinfng Att: well-known, fanous (see CRL.9, note #8) «Fos 09 Bi ono XP HX % a RE, > BR a cone FF 4% a #9 xe #A 2 home Ai a producing center, a growing district (lit. place where Something is produced) = HH cmon AP Be 38 0 BS P30, Hangzhou is a fanous production center for China's silk. 5k FP At (RAG S|, (RKe 8 RR 9 F it Fe oA IL vB? ‘This kind of tree is very unique (special). Do you know the place where it was originally produced (grown)? a PE cntmites eth bac? = WRRIMET, BS 09 FE Ber m3 8. rk hard, yield per mu will surely be twice wa eyas before. ROMER wba 2, AS FoF eRe. I feel that in a mechanized factory both quality and quantity are very important. 34, ATE fchéngaifin shingwin Phi hundreds and thousands me FEA ADA Sst Bit BRS EAL LA ES. Of people have cone from everywhere EP idem st 742 ht PBL ES of geod soil up the hill. 35. AK PA adout NE AF KBlentnecntn asd 1 = KDE F AME H EH. our eee brigade is preparing to plant tea bushes. Be Feveoesind KW RA BH HT HE aE 9 19) 2B, ‘The Longjing Brigade will hold a mee! the problens of constructing resi « EFEKKEF ISSA, Asie LALA MI. Last year the entire brig and finally completed #1 fing today to discuss hard for three months, 26.3... an cee Mi shud Patt? Chee Ge “ PARLE MA Rik t z wo tf 3 REE I. For a conscientious worker, this work can be completed in ‘two days. = AKG 3B 4 people iz ‘concerned, fatter. Lo a7. = AK fengsnsu N/E 4, bumper crop oF harvest, = BPM ARA £0 RS a A ER eer ‘The weather here and the quality of the soil are both good, therefore there is a bumper harvest every year. * ACE UNE 43 Sole, Fe REAR i$ uk 5, 38. EE) pay sont WE {neide se countey, domestics gf easeas Pus outside the countey, sbeoads Bl rh a snsntants os incernany ang externay, PA AH omni FE BA sh BAR Bh. China's Longjing tea is very fanous both at home and abroad, 39. FE UL) nuscry Ni work, 34 L,) sanbus(x) VO: work, do a job . Fe ee Le Ri RK He He Et. AKG ISF BIL, AD thot IR, When there are many people a job can be done easily; when there are few people it is easier to feed them. RE RFT 096 ARS, KAAS? 40. Yo TL sitetne Vi process (goods) « Bath a9 of $ po hs BZA BABA > MIRE J LG, Rot, TAR. seh ches ene Weare ha be pee day eat k 2 nidnit Ni area, 1.9 on, ely ony depend oni He MAAA 4 40 Rec. Depending upon any person is mot as good as relying on oneself. Fi A a SK wR, PARE RIA PLE ACT Bs ssneantay wit tenes of 50 RPMS ORL, Eb. PUR KAKI ne mountains, and one side fnarily superb. xuda3, Viexpand, enlarge Ki FR at HRA AT BEL 1B. our school has been expanded several tines larger thai 30 years ago. sx ot 8D APT EB Bear A. That hospital outside the eity has been continually expanding. attered 1 ek debris, Ske (that are’ all over. the y rocky SHERMER AB A AMEE ME. LHR PESLT MERU L Ej. this was @ mountain o Aa peeve vA # TERM A, a RRR Before expanding the planted area, (we) must first solve the problem of irrigation. Lo as. AL ae Ni human Labor or effort ‘ RH doz Rot $2 he x & pase rats processing ree leaves, and eiy depended Bon hana Laboes » Mien & Rei te 5. 12 Ag x HER 4G Although Factories a eee anized, some tasks must still depend on manpower. 46. hy FF shancin Ni mountain village re feo b 69 At #h Ab 44. A village atop a mountain is known as a mountain village. BA dh At 89 KiB AREA IL PTA * 3, se transportation is very inconvenient in a mountain Village, (therefore) there arentt many people. ar. hy Tf ontnatre Ni top of a omit hilitop, mountain’ peak » ELRLERT AIRE, Building » house on top of a ountain is @ formidable construction project > BA] SR ekoOn heats LES iS. Standing on the hilltop behind our school and looking down, the scenery is outstanding. as, 7p sto BF: youthful, junior, young 4 x FH yrim, nli, 1%, sndo Phi men, women, old and young 7 (people) . ANG, de eat Bae BIS MLE, : PAR After the enemy entered the village, all the men, 01d and young (people) of the entire village were onto the square. > DEDIAL GL, BH AY BBE Hop 0)? OF the menbers of the commune, must the men, women, old and young (people) all work? 49. Wl shfxiin v/Ne cone true, brin 9 ass, KRM TS eaiasey fenliehelon? = po Ret KAM J PUIG hf, BLA + Ems, PLFA ot eal 69 FH she he processing Of [tea le zed mechanization 90% (of tne work) depended ‘and the manpower that was saved coutd (be applied to) do ‘things. 228 Lo 50. — A yiding ‘Tw: all winter (iong), the whole : winter ~ BE-AREE, RO kB —URBERIAT-A AEF, In 1965 I was sick the whole winter, and didn't attend school. st. FB Yo zenessa N/V increase; add to, enhance M0 BAA 3% 0 0 * RINE RIAD BAe pes 229 Lg IT, Additsonal Vocabulary. RE ee eg wee A place that produces tea is known'as a tea-producing district. » Ane “RBA BEY, ~ AAT HO Le FR KA AE. RPE ae LB ib. Previousiy, this tea plantation was a rocky mountain, a VE gaateattetay: fo sont of + FRY OLRM. ‘The vegetables mother sti are the . OT eA SOY Aabte aA BULA. keselt of the efforts of our entire products lt a mechanized t ae NPs oy on mses ce a THOR BAAS ARIES AK, ven in a) drought, if there is a reservoir, a rich harvest canenien aspred. .. 2 KER BAL PAR Pa bo me When i ee iry, there isn't noven water to use, so everybody must think of ways to use Less. 7 Stace; v/ae: nate sent waa A very welt ™ HH Héngends & FE etasst : o. 7A pis West Lake PRACTICE EXERCISES I. Reading ¢. INSTRUCTIONS — AB EV AP HB 3b ap Y + PREWAA LKR RMAR RK RAMA IRD HMA ED we oy HOR AE, #P AB AP Oe AB +P AA 9 te OH AL FRAME PETG ET BR EW. WR RBA GE ob at 1k Be —- P AP BAB eas] RR iw oY ed — 4B — 4B Oy FE ARK BR BE AAT BI KX AR DA AEH Be. At F RE HH AA I. MEAT BB HG APE GTR I KARL AE, OAT 48 Lb Th 40 PRR ET ROD Bw KAP RE Bk RB tk 45] OL AK AP AT VA kik AMAA KG, IRE BHR BF ALB hye FRAGEYD 110 B&F 3915 A 09, 1241 FB tem FRE make AF R26 AB Aw- POAnHEAHE gos +) Bk fo th ik i RY EE ALA RA MERITEF-ROF GAR ek q. wer ye 1%, Bad — 4A BY HR He AI oF HEB RAVOIF RRR 1. What area is discussed? What was the condition of the land there? 2, What kind of situation was created when there was a shortage of rainfall? 3. What about the Land that could be planted? 10. ae a2. What was not such? What was useless to talk about? what did the people do when there was a drought? What was very low? List four changes that have taken place since 1949: What was built at various places? wnat was the reservoir used for, and where did that come fron? How were such accomplishments possible? Wat were they not afraid of? wnat did they often do after they had finished their work? 234 Lo 13, Following that, what did they forget? What did they say? How was it said? check your answers and calculate your score using the answer key on the next page. 235 Lo Answer Key: Score 1. Northwest china; most of the land was barren ‘ T T z 2. hundreds ond thousands of “au” of Land gould not be planted 7 aaeeeeaee oe Sons OE Be paged 3. it was completely dependent upon panual (human) Labor and 1 could not use machinery H 1 4. output} bunper harvest 4 2 2 5. they had to carey load after (upon) load of water to their homes 9 sagp Igad after Capen) 1 T from afar T their incomes 2 2 10. ue a2. much barren land was changed into agricultural product 30 2 T T T roducing districts with excellent scenery Brodie steicts with excoltent sconery b. they have realized mechanized production Healized nechanized production ©. they had expanded the cultivated area, and Sapapeeg whe galtsyated ase 4, not only had output increased, but quality was also enhanced 2 2 z 2 water-transporting (transport water) construction projects T nr to store up the spring water that {loved down from the mountaintop 11 and steep siopes Speen Shapes they were due to the evolutionary vigor of she old and young people 11 fn the production brigades everywhere in the Northuest the arduousness (difficulty) of the construction project 4 ne 2 they recalled the various kinds of difficulties that were suffered 11 = T T z prior to 1949, and talked freely of their fortunate lives talked freely tunate Lives in recent years T 236 13, hardships of the whole day's hard works they said, "As soon ag we 16 hardships pee eee ‘As soon a9 necall the fortunate Life that the Communist Party brought, our vigor —eEe Sommntgt Party Bropanty ovr wee returnsi" in a magnificent spirit a7 Passing! 82 237 ictionary and the d that you try not x mt & ot Aa Rts DAF 8 BLP A He 9B TAL E po a = H 47. Sk & br & Bt -e St on YB BR ie SB aS a hak > ao ° a Sse We BBE BE wie tg Oa & a "Additional Vocabulary," to refer to the nde s) Criterion cutoff is Tol-accurate 238 (INIT 23% x di @\ eo layx ey Rees ao ghre WX ke Kh we ER s CeWEHEKES YH Xb Ke EWS £4 Ke ROHL RAKE Woe SHMKRRECS XR awe s Rey MPSCy say PE Fw Row PA bb AR Ae Aik & ewe o9 A iB AR DL BAe AA WY OT 4A 69 F BAAR Ky Fs 2b APH ER HDF RM bh | — 48-98 69 46, 7K KE 48 ABA L HR a ee th FR LAS Sw | Baye | Be ce Ss BES 3 7 pe er | Bk Wee my Ys ae RXSS SHES ae MA BA wa fF ea = y* oo as onnen * he a ata 7 Re - et Bet FO Ss mA BAER a 1% Ase R ot B wove E +B a0 J. UH, Be AP ARE DT A BaP BE EE 34 12), ~ PRARLAR * DRL RK AEE st eA Ao ey BOX 12) RR, TA A TA. SY po WKN Bap KA AL BARA A i BY 70K N- REZ 2 FAR A ROR URD PHRF Al Ft RE ARIE $M ART 242 Lo = BT BE HE te Fe OR BOA, When you have completed the exercise, check your work against the model translations that follow. 243 Lo Key = Model Translations Paragraph 1! In the past, / the processing / of tea / mainly / depended on / hunan 1abor. / T 2 = T z Now, / because / mechanization / has been realized, / the processing / of pea / depends on / machines. / Nork / that was done / by several tens of peopid / in the past / can now / pe done by just a fen Conty few peopie are enougn). / nachine- / -processed / tea / has an even nose / fragrant / aroma / and the quality / is even better. / 31/43) Paragraph 2! In the past, / china’s / processing / of tee / completely / senended on / human labor. / After / Liverasion, / peceuse / mechanization / had beep basically / seatized, / not only / she voluse of production / inctgased, / but / she quaiity / was aise / improved, / Now, / Chinese / ge / auzgate / setts very weit / snsoypnout / the worse. / (26/40) Paragraph 3: Recentiy, / the workers / of our / workshop / held a / Eoundatable discussion, / In the meeting, / everyone / secalted (events) / Bejot to / Liberation, / (when) the workers / suffered / various kinds of / appreasion / and / exploitation. / In addition, / everybosy / talked freety / Aabout theis fortunate / Life / since (after) / Liberation. / Te workers / 430 / angnaninousty / stated, / "In order to / realize / sociation, / yo / ate wilting to / go ngre / work / so assure / (we) capisty / realize / production / mechanization." / (36/51) T eee 248 Paragraph 4! we "Dong-Fang Hong" / Production Brigade / is an advanced / brigade The “Dong: / Production Brigade / is sn edvenced / brigade / weli=known / throughout the nation. / Altogether / they have / over 800 Lit / ut / gS i = 4. a / households, / and ail told / there are / over 4000 houssholds, / and alt told / Sepsis / suerte 7 men, wonen, old and young people. / Prior to / Liberation / they / suffered / T T T oppression / by the Jandlord(s). / After / Liberation, / they were / supeyanion / by the tendtordte), / After / Libssatian, T enancipated. / Taeiz / grive / is very great —- / they / ot onty / planted pated. / Tas /a / i great / they / te 12 / ings / on a11 of / the barren hilis, / but / also / have ensured / yearl things / he / the bs ius 1 bat (ase / / apy / tich harvests. / (35/50) 2 Paragraph ALL / the Land / of the Third / Production Brigade / is on top of a mountain, / T T i 2 0 / as soon as there is / a drought, / there is / no water / for things / g fs AS socm_os there as / audrought, / tmnerg is / noweter / for things that are planted. / In order to / guarantee / a rich hatvest, = / Toner to / guatentes / a tish pervect, / e nen, women, old and young people / of the production brigade / of teh th / p ade / ofteh / eager / 1gad / upon / load / of water / fron dom tne mountain / uponto the mountain, / But, / because / the mountain / is nigh / and and the siope / is steep, / and it is very inconvenient, / therefore / it was recently / decided / to construct / a reservoir. / For / the Thira / T T T T T Production Brigade, / this construction project / is extraordinarily / 2 Shie congtruction prodect T formidable. / (42/60) 2 24s L ° Paragraph 6: Lgau / anovis / shat introduced / one of Gnina'e / most / faxous / texn / Produging centers. / Fomerty, / there vas such / barren tend / shere, / and the slopes / were both high / and steep. / Now, / shat place (there) / + ae as + T is alzeady / a tea plantation / with superb / scopery. / As a resutt of / the construction / of a reservoir / on the mountaintop / to store up / sotige water, / izrigating / the tea plantation / is very convenient / nezetore, / the output / of tea Leaves / for each / "gu" / has been increased. / Now, / each year / there are / hundreds and thousands / r T T 55 z of people / who go there / to tour / and visit. / (45/63) Paragraph 7: Yesterday / the Suburban / People's / Commune / held a necting / “espereey T T T T of commune members, /mainly/ to discuss / the question / of income of commune members, / mainly/ to discuss / the question / of income / of the commune nenbers. / Sonsone / said / if we wish to / increase / income / we should / definitety / expand / the area / that is planted. / angone / we should / defintsely / expend / sheparen / z Soneone / said / if we want to / increase / income, / we shouta / definitely / T T ‘5 T T Eealize / production / aschanization. / Everyone's / opinion / was different, / but / L think / thst the most important (thing) / is drive (vigor). / aly wil sive / can we / ensure / a rich harvest, / and only wit only with / rive / can we / ensure / a sich harvest, / and onty with / a rich harvest / can / the incone /of the conmune members / be increased. stich harvest / can / th / of the w pers / b / «a1/67) When you have satisfactorily conpleted the practice exercises, take your workbook to your instructor for checking, and afterwards, take the lesSon CRT. 246 Lesson 10 ‘STUDY RESOURCES I. Required Vocabulary. A. Now Characters and Terms: Fh a céng N/M: layer, tieri story, floor (of boliaing) a te 2A wRER AH wp 22 4D fe Tila G0i1ding hes only 3 stories. How many stories does the ford’ tallest building have? ». ee BeLHRS ERE Paks Do. you_know ‘why, 8 dormitory beds aze (up and dovn) two- tiered? 2 eee = Eth, TA our > # i8 on the second floor, or one can also say on the second story. 2. cht N/M: ruler (Mi ds “chY," foot (unit of R VM eogin agit 25 Ifa deter’ in metgie system, or 1 foot in U.S. system) GWote: since china uses the metric Syiten, this feature mst be translated SPSighay neni" in sentences wich specifically have a Chinese context.) = -RKRASR, ‘There are 3 "chi" in one meter. “KE AFRARRGS. Twas (already) six feet tall when I was twelve. « RPRAHA-BSR. ‘This old tree is over 100 feet tail. 3. OR cmt Ve blow Pao aT ers nt EE ee ice by windy stzuck by Fas) "bk 69 ER BAT ZFA WAKA aT, AB RI Through many years of weathering, the rocks on the hill were all broken down. RZ GKEARRB LG HHO Flam 4, 122 & % oF 1K at. Authough having undergone Muidreds Of Yeats of weathering, many ancient buildings still have beautiful coloring. JL a audn N/M: section, stretch (of road oF ot! KR Construction); paragraphs period (of tine) . ae Fit RAR, AG AE ‘This stretch of ippery when it rains. When you 1 Grive you must be especially earctul” ok KARR BR OF RA Rha he tml he ‘This lesson Has five ‘sections. The teacher asked each of us to transiate one section. 4K 18 Be eye eet mre (ee) “xz AK vee SV: rising and falling, undulating ARK ALE EF &, Hid A 1K 09 Bb 31 1h 48-44. Looking down fr: irptane, the high m tiong the coast seen very magnificent. 6 BRA TE OW: OER AR AF 89 GK Riding a bicycle on a A) that rises and falls unevenly is very good exercise, ns undulating 6 BR sen Nz foundation, root, origin Fk K cont Nz foundation ~ — SE RORKARTL BAH zn Fpwt Ba Be ‘The foundaté is that part bultaing ox other structul > BA A Fife x, Ph vs antes «to RAR RH A #A, RAK, LAS ot - 24 W xe. If tudy indistriousiy, you won't have a good Toukdation. Wnen you enter college you will derinifely have difficulties. > Bf ” B MR 4eR 7B Rite a] EE 4 2 ak Baga #2. Strengthening the Great Wal! and other ancient buildings are all fornidable construction projects. SKK it 16 re DAE $69 18, Today we will discuss the problen of strengthening the Fortified point(s). jak BP: leave of absence, holiday Ni holiday HARURE KARA TTS RoHS ‘of ail to‘Listen to music at hone, it. PIE SOL BML et ae Oi holidays, there are always many people in the parks and on ‘the beaches. EK EA OD? Do guerrillas also have holidays? 5 Sve Long eine) (see CR L.10, note #1) . AAR BLE 4 1 I haven't seen you for a long time. How have you been lately? KR AAR A, AER Be it oh 5, Not jong afver T seft Beijing, ‘the 1iberation amy envered thé “PRAY RAAST "How Long have you been here’ kun SV wide, broad RAT KER, QAR F. BAF 4 KY This table is 3 feet long and 2 1/2 feet wide. How large is REGED EL, FHA ot it HF, ‘That road is not wide enough. Two cars cannot pass by at the sane tine. 2a9 a Ldogd SV: firm, secure, solid FE EMS kM BPO. The taller the building, the firmer the foundation should be. & AN te ap 4 DPR IEE AE Fa, We have bound the traitor very secured} (ote: specificatty U.S. setting, translated as nies") AiR koh chéngchéng Ni the Grea Wall (iit. 10. oop se" asa jal; often abbreviated " AERMEP BERD SARIS A 0) it ki FRY. ‘The Great Wall was built in ancient China to ward off attacks by the eneny. a areeite TRY OK, Bde ag | vd in China the speciat plea “trains can go 120-130 "i" per 13. FR ais Nz ball, sphere agit ‘Ni the earth we ~ HOE 0 MARIRA ROPLAM AB Ze ees ver ices tot tot tt eee ae Rete iA At 4-476. KARA KF Ie P Hf everybody on earth spoke “4 language, then wouldn'é there ue By me care caargaeened can Ht tae 180 Vi (go) around, encircie, ci: KBAR RAR sh a= saat. 250 10 HERE RE RPE AB IE He BA. Wine was the first person in the world to circie the earth by hip? as. FE yan BFE to s + “tae 6) #3 ore amy Cnina's Yeltow River stretches out toward the east, and Flows Straight into the se AE RIK eas 3% F contmtignor FF AB FQ @ 3E fh BY £6 Aono, ‘The Great Wall of China begins at Shanhaiguan and extends westwards to Jiayuguan. (Shanhaiguan & Jiayuguan -- see Additional Vocabulary, items #5 & #3) rt o ” mime Ni fortitude, resoluteness, persistence AD Bie 4d teks, KABA BF. If you $0,d° something property, you must have Git? without persiseence Ie won't be ute “PAR LEASE OER LARS ar the! A a6 Chinese people overcane many Kinds of difficulties through unyi r a. #4 me ss appnoniaately, about “SEM ERMAFTE, 6 BARRE AB EK ABI ASP 49 = Y Q t ‘West Coast to the East Coast by plane now takes about 3 hours. 1s. antag " (unit of tength equal to 19 1/3 meters or approximately “ “Rea a BRRAATR, ~ Rime L E- LER B18 The Great Wall is approxi nately 3 "zhang" high and 1 "zhang," Schiv (11/2 zhang) wie 19. op Boa vee ahh vee LW... to - g to... Gi Ae Gee"atso iten #20) £AEMS OPE ED pF - RE Lipat oat, oon to tomorrow noon, Comrade Wang has to work for 24 hours. TOPRA REX % HEE = eT ee f America is very ile fends) east ‘tothe’ jcean, west to the Pacifi jouth to Mexico and . Familiar Characters in New Teens: 20. J Ffvioxiin V/Nt manifest, + perfornance . fee “x y ‘achievenent)s " expre essic on A EB ERRE PL ARIN Bt During ‘this war he manifested the spirit of saci sake of the nation. » FFA MRRIIRAD AS 8 BOE BGA RRA, Young students showed great determination in helping the troops annihilate the eneny. for the sho PSHRAREARINEPR fA 69 B #8. Increasing output’and raising quality are the goats of our production brigad 252 he 3&5 A ROAD. In coming to the U.S., the CI athletes, aside competing, atso strengthened dthip bettecn people of the v. PRABMRAZAMRI re Runok, i ace frien “Roe BE aw, Be et ey eeeene fealaered ate vee % aa MP -A MARR RIE ORK wh? Which river in America is the longest? Do you know its dength? BiRIRK RRA - AF, The Iength of a: . ta, & 10 3p ap it MiRKRO LAL & ra a “long wall in Northwest China is the Great Wall. B tah a! ee ee Pe REA Bz Ae J 7b BH sh order to fend off tne eneny, fee built nigh walls sivarounds whicn are calles city mails. 25. A, gun Ni frontier pass or gate KO guankdu N (mountain) pass, frontier pass or gate . aia SKRMAD SEAGLA the f China there are often several layers OF city walis (fortifications). » Re ze 2 Bik HT nae 8 f° sl 1.20 25. Jp at ity? Can extraneous expression used before Mee! msyilabl to Geer Lime a ae ARS HA BAR MIE Ke rr at O40 FR. eres ree ne bh & Ah 4. ‘The teacher analyzed “the problems in grammar one by one. kudzhin, VANt expand, extend; expansion ATE Wi Phe EA ULAT ATA, ‘The city that we are eae in is in the midst of undergoing expansion. » BRAD OAT ABY BR W ooasw J, Japanese trade has already extended to Europe. ee ahah TA “Ha wERREN These several snail towns are ait expandi they will be able to join up wit APR BoC Bd EGGALA, 1y, and soon The pro ee brigade is preparing to connect many small sections of the road. . #5 i Laney RS » Bak 8 fe jenever I go to a place with excellent scenery, I always Like to take several pictures. >» BRAARII EB ERURKRY, Whenever it is wintertime, we always want to go skiing a few © HHA G BARR OR. Some people go to Sleep whenever they go to meetings. 254 2. A@ ak Vi rise, begin (from a time or place) BEB ak os. mt... parts beginning at... extending to ... REA BB OF) GED (Dir) amt CB Patti beginning at (Location A) in the (Direction) and extending to location B) in the (Direction) = FERRARA IG Acamiiom, BES MSF coasvawey, ‘The Great Wall begins in the east at Shanhaiguan and ends in the west at Jiayuguan, le +-8M@, BARHtH0kF Pr on 21 March and ending on 22 June, it is spring. 30. Bt AR sncaai Ni era, time, epoch, age, period — BA at Kp, PAHS Be Since there are differences in the eras, people's thoughts are algo different. » DAM, FAA - Rat ZAKS ie - feet RALE MA KA ost. Before Christ, there was a period of time in China when there was always warfare. Historically, this period of tine is called the Period of Warring States. > one anf ante As very, extronety, conpietely, fully Gove: used ke 4B Bp" sore emphatic than " . PEA EMT TR. Present airplanes are extremely fast. oe ALT PGA VIAGRA He is a very conscientious, good student. . BE BF onsit SV/A/N: practical, actual; practically, oe Rens Has precticet seciitye Geweitey Bie ontitshang a seats te AREA EES 21653 #, Ait 4 FMAB, te Old worker has worked in the tea factory for many years. He has a lot of practical experience. 255 AM KAAS RRB, SRL H 7 Bb, ; Bere Pafeaia tee caren rete oe a on E Ecnetne apenn eee nee a # % AJA 89 AOS (8 SRE IRE ‘the city wall surrounding Beijing to this day is still very much intact. 8 AIEEE RR ED SAH RB, BERR. anal Most of the ancient things excavated (dug out) from the ground are damaged, 36. [A] % wénning SV: well-known, fanous a i R m4 AY i, Perso oo) Fe EG BK Is it possible to buy the world-famous Longjing tea here also? . CRAY Z-ASAM OH Hw. NYellow River" is a concerto well-known throughout the country. as, BH Sv: strategically important, steatesic 4 &. af fe ISB 49 70% 2%? . er ae ores - iver: K at & “is extraordinarily strategically important. More troops should be sent there, of Bisson Ve balsa, conssrae KA A Pah Fo BZ I 1G RBS, Mie ust construct ‘roads between the production Bereta 2 A PKREERIR Bb A BS, ‘The Great Wall was built atop high, undulating nilis. L.10 hon 27. i Wi eotin Caan oreo = BE Ra BARGAK MME D0 ALS BR. Every ‘tine whenever there is « holiday, there are alway go to visit fanous sc ERB REE BH Ak wenn 38. ae yuinfang Ni a dintant place, distant regions, RETA <8 APA Tey ak BAM BAA RA RA PAAR, eee eu toe on Kees, wi distant places to take’part in o SRA jt tk J, Re 3h Aa. ay has entered the city, Better flee to a distant place =” the farther she bets 3. JB) ase Me Celsouity eye, serotetion? * FSR GAZ Ot 26 Hh RK IF Lh oh op fo pen af athletic meet, the athletes first walk once around the Pied. > LE IRR AMAA ROH, The earth circles once around the sun in one year. E.10 TI. Additional Vocabulary. 1. fh ites BF: crystal, bright 48 Og seit __ SY cevatatssations ceystaltize . ZERRAT BAFmMAR BH 70 ab. ‘The Great Walt is the crystallization of the inteiligence Gwisdon) of China's working class. » AAMC — S th HB, HIF SS 4P & % to B PAR FT 09 28 fa tO ABE, 2. AE aMjsnvtnseuta SV: grand, magnificent, spectacular CEL OEE TERA ERB Aa Ak aL Wo AGE He Looking down fron a plane at the Great Wall, it really is a magnificent and grand structure. » KAN ARO Bobb RFK R- PARK 09 © Ai, aE Balk aL, The water flows down from thousands of feet up in the mountains, looking like a great strip of white cloth, and it is extras ordinarily magnificent. Proper Nanes: Boa 3. Be Wb Resayaeuin Pits Siayuguan 4 RHA cinento Nz Qin Dynasty (255 to 209 8.c.) ssl Ksntonbigutn Ps. shannaiguan PRACTICE EXERCISES ee Le vol + KR Lot ae) IE AG AG Se Eo Geta wes a eae eZ RPK 2g | S wei a RL RR EK HRI ok weR Wpav ed 48 7K BRK KA Bat af a at 0 Zewk 4. Wer Sok S wo xX HW RAE HERD AR Kye ds leas Are we irteR teed SPP waked ya ekeSE HES Sk SKE 4 EEO RIN 1 FAS a wEZ Het BweeKS 259 EAN LA AEB aR th Ae Me RAS —- BHM A DA. Bot, PARR EERO MAN iE 4% Ae RAR AE th 09 A, Rms RO KR - LA, RA fe aE EE BA ot ok So tARAW 2 AAEM PEBEANI MERA KEES — TK # Ao rd & & AE AS LE AE 40 hGH 9 FWA RAAT IL A BRP IRE CE ORARRE B, ERRMI AF RRA £ th H 09 SZ at y i we . S348 p5 an BY ae ay = Fah wt BS -) at & aE =, ow 5 10. 4. L.10 What was the original plan to which my wife objected? Where did we finally go? In the story, what is the significance of the Rome and Anniston Rivers? What are the dimensions of that mountain (range)? On what kind of mountain road did we drive? What were the conditions of the road? How long were we enroute? Afterwards, where did we arrive at? How tall were the buildings? What are the dimensions of the wall? 261 1.10 32. 13. 14. 13. 16. when wnat what wnat What were the buildings and wall built? happened in recent years? has happened over the past 100+ years? is the present condition of these structures? does this strategically important fortified point manifest? Check your answers and calculate your score using the answer key on the next page. 262 1.10 Answer Key , auch °F Lastrusae sn tye sorig suangseing ssupino Bish s <8 sis —T “T” Te 7 $ ep Ss abou 2gh sient she wigen 9 some 0 miles, and at sone places it is 30 miles wide z T ere 6. a goad on an undulating, high mountain, that extended into (towards) 9 T 2 T ee the distance aisgance 7. quite a few sections were bad 4 i sectpons were tet 8. a vesy Long tine 3 at an extremely strategically important pass 6 exteenety 1 pass 10. four stories 3 Te 11. about 4 zhang tatt and about 4 zhang, 5 (chi) (1% zhang) wide 16 sbgue pf aigne tape one heey ee TS “= 12. during the era of the Auerican Civit war (American War Between the 5 a t North and South) and poreover it was (further) 6 apie sapaiss oe expanded 14, the walt and the buildings have undergone weethering 5 are still very such intact, and their foundations are still a ee ee 2 T olid 263 1.10 16, the staunch fortitude of the Southern arny in overcoming rey “a 2 See eee eee difficuities, and it is the crystallization of the intelligence of ITEC seystallizetion dntetpigence the diligent Southern Arny! 130 om 264 INSTRUCTIONS - You bw © -BEKA S the kA bit FB e- BER FARM A OF IRE fit J Jt soya eae Fk Wao gw L we Mir w Xe SR Hom KOXE RT aN Se ~ectake EY RS eM EERE NR Met Meh SH Lesa eave @ ER SY WBeWo Ko Ewe {YE \ & Lewes eS EL YR Maio: a cgel e het ele hk SH ad ats 0d tel XO | PHT LET Kile Sie to oc RX te] A al od ee 266 #46 171 A VE 9% 69 Be 4 RwewkA RA RARRG foe KL We Arete Pp X F 2h, 0 BR vk RL AIT MI Roa A RO eH WAR 4 RMA BK Re hb bf fot wwe BBL ie B MATH BD 5 BRAS ‘er HN DRIES =} po BS RRA He TESAESRS A Sy Be Sr wo = Pp wD wy I oh MO 2 8 ad i ae ye RS Ll wy RPwWAS TI KCKRQHE | Oe Rw wt tee {we EW LW le Kis al y Fe Bids SM Soe Kk Pp RE Sod K ty vw ww ga foo ae eH A a w YW lies + MM ee Ry Mop Kh CA Sak Vt | we weak as | a = translations Yt the mode agains completed the exercise, That Totton 268 L.10 Key = Model Transtations: Paragraph 1? In sucient tines, / in order to / resist / eneny / attacus, / China / bait / severat / strategically important / places / into / passes. / Several thousand years / have passed / until now / (and) because of / the changes / of tng tinea, / aque / of the passes / needed cope / strengthened: / some / of she passes / necded to be / expanses / astin / opner / steategicatty inportant / plages / necded to be / puitt / into / sow / pagaes: / China / nas etseady / (further) sobved / gut / these / pegblens / one by one. / In order to / make it so that 7 shese / passes / outa / mutuality / connect, / Chins / is aise / preparing / $9 connect / what in the past was / section- / -by-section / of snait / roads. / (53/75) mhat_in pe paste z 2 T Paragraph 2! China / has / the world's / longest / wall. / More than / 2000 years / T T T t lal T T ago / suis / walt / was puitt / 90 undulating / pigh mountains / bythe Chinese / people / setying on / their so hands. / The Great Walt / T t =— begins / in she east / at shanbaiguan / and ends / in the west / st Hayuguan, / and she actual / length / is nore than / 12,000 / "Li." / It is extremely / grand / and magnificent, / so / people / alt gi” / 1 is extremely / grgnd / and nag ts / 3p / pespie / att / s/ cali / it / the Great Wall (19,000 "LI" tong wait). / Ch 7 T seat Wall / is a world- / famous / construction. 0/57 Great Watt / is a wortd- / -£ / construction. / (40/57) L.10 Paragraph 3: Quy if / one nas / staunch / fortitude / can one / overcome / am Supt / ons nas / stavnch / forsstuse / cab one / gvescone / any / sitticulty, / In the past, / the chinese / people / overcame / watious / difficulties / with / staunch / fortitude, / and on undulating / sountgin peaks. / (hey patie / se orla- / —fanous / Great Walt. / Now, / igh / staunch / fortipude / shey / nave overcone / various winds of / diftiguitios / in Crejconstruction / and nave advanced / on the toad / se sociation, / In / our studies / we shouid / also / ovescone / various / Siffiguities / in pronunciation / and / geasmar / when / staunch / fostisuse / and tearn / guiness / weit. / (42/60) Paragraph 4: Not tong / ago / we / visited / the Great wail. / That a / ago / gz / 4: xg / - day was / a noliaay, / and there were many / people / sight-seeing. / Ne saw that / the Great Walt / 7 + 2 T mas buiit / atop / high nountains / extending / into (toward) / the distance, / Ae / atpo / neh aenteion / axtepting / joy and_it was very / pagnificent. / Although / the Great Wall / nas undergone / z + * ss nore than / 2000 years / of weathering, / however, / the vat / is stitt / nore shen / 2000 years / z ( nowever, / she wall / is wecipauch / inact / (and) she foundation / Sn stitt / very gotta. / we / felt that / the Great wall / is teuty / the crystallization / of the wisdom / T T 3 2 of the Chinese / Isboring (working) / pespte./ (43/61) of the Chinese / Leboring 270 Leto Paragraph 5? a / notiaars, / Liste / pest / $0 g0 sightascing. / Sonetines / Igo to / fhe subuebs / to igok at / those / big / undulating / nountuine / ana / she gccan / extending / toward / the distance. / Sonetines / Jao / into / she city / to look at / those / puitdings / shat ars core than / 190 / stopien / tat1. / Magee / bix buiisings / are shout / 100 / “sngng" / gia / and about / 50 / "znang” / wide. / Lreatty / nope that / onsdey / Lean / goons tour / azoud / the yorid / and sce / various / shings / in the wortd / that manifest / different / ages. / This kind of / excursion / T T would certainty be / extrenely / interesting. / (56/79) When you have satisfactorily completed the practice exercises, take your Workbbok to your instructor for checking, and afterwards, take the lesson CRT. an APPENDIX I CHARACTER INDEX BY RADICAL AND STROKE COUNT 272 yak we. 4 = ia we le Ke Be Hews We ws ap eK Xe the Re es Lu +7 % LX 2 < x wf * ke Ss. i x a. & Bo wk. ; eo ve! WR. Me Me ; Ne 4kg Ke eg we j Wo ee Me we ee et Af Nom of + p# B ot a me at B # m2 aA x “yf Re iG OR BR hie tea ea ~~ EELELE A 4 ikieig t at q ab th 43 48 tA 48 AK hae AB A aE QT 2 7 ne OLTEAS Og ip ¢ 4k Re fe php: ke Hh RK Q- py oo gfe ete Ke ak 8 B mR A + K 4% 7 wee We BYs wk WS e Be we we i a wf 10 £4 0 £7 $6 y 5 z ae "NY 3 3 oR Bh. ki R 5 sTRoKES re 7 10 Sy i: 5 4 8 P EA Ht A AK P A oe Br +a oat : ome - Be » fe oc w 5B 8 2 8B -oF “et ar Re ¥f Hem A thm fA Ge Fe RE =e RI he qt KEE Be 207 APPENDIX 11 (CHARACTER INDEX BY PINYIN SPELLING 278 APPENDIX IT Character Index by Pinyin spelling (Number below character is lesson where introduced) AN ze a weg 8 a & mr 4 Be i oi * 4 CENG EB oe Hh i ans ¥ Ww! cur gk --z oe baNG pao) br DING pou DUAN uo cua euane HU HUA van nuang a saN g180 oe KUAN LAO LI LIAN LIANG NONG ry ok oR eee S&H oak va oH & 2B ogy og oft omy x a 2S eR AS ~foRe we “eh ~ gy Bf oA Rh OS omy de oR og SHENG SHU SHUAL T1A0 XTONG XUAN ole a “ RESP of op fe i - APPENDIX 111 CHINESE READER GLOSSARY Volune I, Lessons 1 to 10 283 APPENDIX 117 CHINESE READER GLOSSARY Volume I, Lessons 1 to 10 (Parentheses around lesson numbers indicate those items are "additional vocabulary") A mgs + Aednan PW: Afghanistan @) g Bg Rigud SV patriotic 1 BS anquén SU/N/A: safes safety, securitys safely 6 an + press down, hold down (i: de a : AR BB Anzhio CV: according to, in accordance with 6 oe . FRE anzhi REE zentrain, oid steady, hota 4 FRBLEAG Cos soos ms tote ncte tend ep antghnger hold up head =~ gesture of boldness? thous confidence) CA eye Bajisitan PW: Pakistan «@) A. ban Vi doy manage, handle 7 DF Bil banbudio Re/™s can never do ity it's impossible, 7 2 & banshi VO: do business, manage an affair, 7 Hp ving Vi tie, bind 7 Awl tout VE to surround, to besiege a A& bio V/BP: guarantee, insures guard 9 RIL vioening Vi guarantee, ensure, assure 9 : 4 bai Vi carey on onets back 5 e Gas aden) & bai F: prepare, provide, be ready 5 Rid veipd Vi be forced to, be compelled to 5 aS dinsni Ni ability, know-how 3 We ak biydendng Ni graduate 4 Rm bianchéng ‘Vi change to, become 7 284 al Ws senieen o Uenielenen, » # bing Conj: and, also, at the same tine 10 bing Vi combine . 6 HH — AL ving ai via Phi combine together 6 RE béiznd At Anceagantly, continuousty, 6 * a We elm oer, msi, PAR pe vinssnevinsng XE: with composure, calmly 2 Fe— BE bayising At not necessarily, uncertain 3 x of Az onty, just 7 at oki BF: wealth, riches, goods 4 WP cficnén Nz property 4 fn Ni sithworn « a cdoxin SV/VO: take pains (with/over something), 5 ARs povtcrgueae pain lor sone Seat atoge) tbe natin conceened, Ce is rer de rn ee ae Slaiier 20 the vernacular "rctily inoeked hinsei¢ our") 46 nares at , Snterrapt & ont exanine, observe, investigate 3 b4 cndkin V: inspect, examine, investigate, 5 Took into (a matter) Ret enky? & a chéyudn china Ni a producing center, a growing ° pe SuBEgTeE Ese pace ere Staething is pobdueee) ea-producing district @) tea leaves, tea 9 ca plantation @) P ca chintiang yield, output, capacity or 9 Yoluné of production KR engaged N= length 10 kt chéngging Ni hired farm hand, farm hand, (3) hited hang th ching BE: with gusto, to one's heart's ° Contents freely, snoothly Pd changtén V/N: talk to one's heart's content, 9 YHik tlt Fresly, chet freely 285 > chito Ve saute, stiscfeys to roast or @ xy Hire" Ceca) Cone’ of uhe steps In'prowescing tea Leaves) aT cidog Br/tifs cali, nane, designates say, ‘ AR) enéngwéi Vi called, known as, referred to as 8 42. cnéng BE: schedule, formuta; route, course 9 ARF AA — cnéneaian shingwin Pht hundreds and thousands ° , ae EEE ay : AR cnéngisa Nt contr, tover on the city watt 1 aK, 1S chéngqidng city wall 1 ‘, chéngshi- Ni city, town, urban center 4 oy i oni N/M: cuter Qt 4); "ch¥," foot 10 (anit of dength equal to 1/3 meter in metric system, or 1 foot in U.S. system) (Note! Since China uses the metric system, this measure must be translated as simply "chi" in sentences which specifically have a Chinese Contexts) x cnng Ve rush of dash forward, rush 7 ei enénextn At again, ren, anew 8 fo cnoa Ve draw, puil out, reet 8 to endust VO! sect or draw sith (threads From 8 sah chdu(zi) Ni thin silk fabric «s) 4 cna Vi appear, happen, occuri meet with 7 Of have sonething happen of occur s that is dad of unpleasant B - chichan, V/N: produce; products 8 in chi BP: first, beginning 2 oa] 34 chigi Nz Seen beginning, at the initial 2 ti chit BE: save, store, store up 9 Nk oo chifega Vi store, store up, store away ° oR hut vi blow 10 so “ BS oe Ouiteraty terme take Be5° . AA HE ednget At from now on, henceforth 1 AA & cbngidi MA: heretofore, in the past 3 AY ebngqién MA: formerly 3 Ak a BF: urge, hurry 8 286 7 =. ~ 7 ~ *. Ped SERRE SS see rr E+ er ay \s wr ba8 as cy S s & > i eaying aidio akaat ai1idae dud aajido ad jidoyishéng nidng ashEngiido argo aisha ani aki, kiting dan aanwu ain dinzi ad Enzi xiko aan ang ... de shfnow dfngsht dling ging ve v/s Re: promote (movenent, idea, etc. ), Urge to proceed, Stimulate leave for safekeeping, keep 2 promised consent to, assent to, ageee to (a request, plan, ters, etc. ds answer, reply 4 to overthrow, "Down with... Gin slogans) deal a blow to, strikes a blow open up hunt + hunter : brigade, "DADUI" (this term is translated as "brigade" for non-nilitary units only) Wi ery out loudly, bray toudiy Phi give out a loud cry/roar Ne Ma'am," "Mrs, 2.21 (polite form of addtess for an’ elderly Lady) Pa: cry out loudly, beay loudly Ni eaurt Ni uncle (honorific form of address for older nen) Ni a pocket, a sack, a bag cv: with Vi dead (troops, army, party, masses, etc. BR: tarry, delay Vi delay, interfere with, waste (tineS Ni courage IB: brave IB: get scared easily, be tinia N/M: two bucketfuls, toad, burden (consisting of two units on either end of a pole, carried fon the shoulder); a measure of, weight (100 catties make one dan) Patt: when, at the tine when At at that tines at that very monent : resist, stop, impede, obstruct cleanse, wash aways subdue, quell Febetiion) @ @ @ BA 4h 4RAY Ht BE HER HP 3 + dod ao dora o&ng¢aéng) afqud at afrén at + a¥aing digit gt Dizhdnghii dient A2gudzniy?, aifnit aian ding ding aBngbd dSngfang DSnggud Xiansheng aBng jing adngyéo aba Bu ps @uzhEng aun aul... 144 shud oulaniin Nt knife, various kinds of knives, Diade’ (Me FB) Phi to the end, thoroughly for walls) oad, path, way, route 'tc., and so forth, and such At truly, really, certainly BF: eneny Ni eneny + resist, oppose 1% resist, fend off, ward off 2 the earth area, section, district Pi: the Mediterranean Sea Nz landlord N/Att: imperialism; imperialist Nt ceremony N/V: to pad, to cushion, to lay down (sonething), to put under} to raise or make even by padding, cushioning, Filling Ni fall, stumble RC: fait down Nz top, tips wear on the head Vi rebut, oppose (1it. push of ran against with tne head) Pi eastern part PW/Atti the Bast, Orient; oriental (personal name) Mr. Dongguo Ni movement, activity, action (being taken) N/V: waver, falter, be swayed, shaken, Focked (in onéts believes, opinions, etc.) SVE steep Nz steep slope V/Ni struggie, struggle against N/M: section, streteh (of road or other construction); paragraphs peried (of time) Patti for ...3 as far as... is concerned RC: aim at, aim, line up (on or with) 288 ¥ auspan At most Likely, most of, majority 1 4 aR aud Vi hide, avoid, keep away from, 2 move out of the way, dodge dR audxait YF gove out ofthe rays get out of 2 1 2 Sv be hungsy ‘ xz Q SV/BF: evil, ferocious, wicked; loath, 7 s ee LARA tiantn SV: ferocious, fierce, malicious 7 and terrifying F Rin faddng Vi mobilize, launch, start 5 (a movennt, campaign, engine) 4 ffinshén VO: be enancipated (a term with 5 Sociopolitical connotations for the communists. Term originally heart "rise from poverty £0 Bffiuence," "turn on one's, sid HE ei Ni bandits, insurgents, rebel 7 g 23 e815 bandit troops, rebes ary 7 ez (ote! the term "QE "is used by the faction in power when referring to the faction not in power) Ley f€nfén AP ong apd alt, profuse, munerous « i fan BF: anger, resentment 2 TE f2nnd SV: angry, indignant 2 PRLog aay (pene Ea EE Siom by mindy stick by rai)" Pl féng jing Ni scenery} scenic 9 7 IK fEngshdu N/vs 9 bumper erep ox harvesti rich 9 4K ft BF: lie prone; prostrate oneself, bow 10 4a 8 ars wontn, fenaie, wife o ee 43 KE ftntinud Ni Women's Association a G _ ; Tee eee os, house, etc.)} cover, cover up ginging Ni feelings, friendly feelings 4 289 E f 37 KRRE PPI Ma Pee BE Se gAnhud (x) ginjin eat wei géngidn gen génii gOngchéng gongyuén gongyuéngidn gong ging adngfti gingténg giiddi sin a a aiyt ma gotta gute sudan, gudinkSu guanché gun enling gudngréng cudendu gudnut Guénfnaing pubn’i gudndiwai gual gudwai Vo: work, do a job ° Ni drive, vigor ° Ni everywhere, all places 1 Ne size, stature 3 Ni in front of 2 Nz foundation, root, origin to Ni foundation 10 Ni construction work or projects 9 task, job (figuratively) Ne A.D. 8 Ne B.C. 8 V/aP: attack, assault, raid 7 Vi confess, testify, offer testimony 7 Ni communist bandits 7 Sv/at Joint, conmoni jointly, connonty 8 Tw: ancient tines, ancient 8 N/V: encouragenents encourage, inspire 4 BE: look after, take care of 4 BF: solid, strongi stubborn, obstinate 10 ‘At on purpose, deliberately 3 2 hang 1 : monster 3 frontier pass or gate 10 3 concern be concerned about, 4 concerned for Ni (mountain) pass, frontier pass 10 Vs observe 3 SV: accustomed to, used to 3 N/BE: Lights bright, glorious 7 SW/Ni glorious: glory, honor 7 Pils Guizhou Province 3 Ni national enblen @ Ni Nationalist Party, Guonindang 1 PW: inside the country, domestics ° internal PW: internally and externally: ° at hone and abroad Nz national flag 1 Pas outside the country, sbroadi ° 290 ge gudqh Ma/N: in the past, formerly 4 = nai Vi injure, harm, damage 3 ta napa SV: be afraid, be scared, be frightened 3 nin SV/Nt dry, without waters drought o Re winenéo Ni Han Dynasty (206 B.C. to 220 A.D.) (8) WW H&ogenda PW: Hangzhou ” . néo BF: martial, heroic, extravagant, 9 chivalrcus, Ria néomai SV: magnanimous, magnificent 9 SEA aSochd Nz benevolence 6 soning Wns resembie; a good dent Like, just 3 ar smal Aft 4 né BF! Giterary interrogative 7 GASES, STAGE "Shy, omen, cee ee os) AK nen SV: vicious, malicious, cruel, ruthless 7 £2 BFW iéngsd Guingening Pals Red Square a AB Rw ndutut Ni hind tegs 3 a nd uddenty BIR hid MA: suddenty, ali of sudden ni N/BF: tiger EG ee qt nud Ni flower, blossom (H: AE dud of Bk hnudiang Ni portrait (: GB oF PB £6 1 RI nubile (an exclamation of exasperation: 2 Alas? Oh no! Dann! Biast it! etc.) STE, nudajing cfreumstances, envirennent, 7 pe adorto Vs Go) around, encircle, elle 10 Fuxte hudingal Ni wasteland, barren land, wilderness 9 2 huingshin Ni barsen hill or mountain ° ta hudng SVi frantic, hurriedly 2 HLT $ Aap befonie svbestto mw eseeg Sura grevouwits (oumise Tok hudngzhang SV: flurried, netvous, frantic 6 aie at Vi gwcoLLect, seeal1, eink tack eS nul Ni meeting a 76 04) KOW x é BOR ete aan a Baka ts Tp = hudce) huB(r) nuded Jiang Sfgiang SPeidhwd Jfndng jfhud Sfzhdng i Siena Jiro. jad... 5Reki Jidgdng Jide Jidyt Siashit Jideiang Jidylguan, jak Sak 5aRed Gian jiinent BF: att/az BR: sv: BE: N Patt: wn 202, work angry + fiery, heated, burning hot foundation, base, basis roots basics mainly, basically, in the main, fundaxentaliy excite, stir up, move emotionally be moved, be greatly affected; be stirréd up (people) machinegun (ts 4¥e ting) mechanized} mechanization} nechanize step, grade, class : to be anxious, worried hurried; hurriedly rally, gather; assembly + concentrate, assenbie skill, abitity technique, technical skil1 since ..., such being the case «2. Hecord, put in writing: record Process (goods) strengthen (Aa extraneous expression used before a tworsyllable verb to show that the action of the verb is somewhat nore intense or perforned toa somewhat greater degree than usual, Sonetines translated "further," "a little norei" most often not transiated.) fanily dependents, dependents, one's family (one's) hometown, native place, native district = Jiayuguan put up, set up, jack up leave of absence, holiday holiday i solid, firm, determined insist, persist, persevere; stubbotnly, persistently, insistently 9 10 10 «409 10 10 jidnaing jin jué Jidnqidng 5ianga Jinan Jiknznt Jidn Jidnjidn jido Boat Jitionén Jidoshéng jidoyu Be ae 5f Jad jin Jai€sing jin Jins® jin Jinging. Jin nidn Sing Jingguo Singeud Jing Jingtian ange? Shoe SV: staunch, firm, determined SV/A: resolute, firm, determined; resolutely, firmly, determinedly SV: staunch, firm, unyielding SV: formidable, arduous, difficult SV/N: difficult, arduous, tryings difficulty, hardship At simply, just gradually, little by little At gradually, Little by little suburb suburbs, suburban district foot, base or foundation of anything yell, shout, cry out (if an animal br bird, can be translated "roar," "bray," "squawk," ete.) VO: knock at the door cry (of an animal, bird) to educates education grade, rank, steps, official Bieratehy (social) class, rank, steps SV/V: be close to} come close to, approach N/V crystallization; crystallize Yi rely on, lean on, avail oneself of Ne gold Nz golden colored; gold tint Nz vigor, energy, strength ¥/N: assault, attack ‘TW: recent years, past years BP: crystal, bright V/Ni experience, undergo, go through, happen (ean often be translated as "through," or "having/having had" + verb'of clause); experiences, past Ni what has happened, the whole story, the ins and outs of an occurrence BF: frighten, startle Ph: earthshaking (lit, startie heaven ‘and move the earth) BP: scenery, view 293, a AAR 7a aE Ft 7" ate LEBRE v ia ar ae Az AR B th UW wai fing kaigué kaihud Kaipt Ko KE KELiga Kaiinitin Ging Bu wBuddi kuan xin rudd kd jin kudzhin 1 AR xt Lfng Afoding dudnlian N/ar: Nv vn 294 situation, circumstances, condition fquiet, stint = Long (tine) even if ... stil... big, huge, innense 1 decidedly (preceeas 7 + verb) decidedty ni in no way . ay by mo means 0, military footgear open to the public (park, garden, ete.2; open (to traffic, trade, etc.) = founding (of a nation) : to hold a neeting, attend a meeting open up (new 1and, path, etc.) jean on, rely on, depend oni be near’ to + indeed, certainly (when strongly Stressed, means "at last,” "finally" be pitifuls pity 2 the Kremlin (palace) persons (Lit. mouths) pocket, bag, sack + wide, broad + tie up, bind = expand, enlarge expansion expand (structurally) expand, extend; expansion = pull, drag, tug suffer from loose bowels (iit. discharge thin fluid) f wolf Oe AD Labor tempering, to tenper onese1f through’ manual labor, undergo Labor tempering 8 « «o) 3H SH Rak wy a si iA et eo aI & we SSRee Bhat dew Ses & we & c fo a iho Ldogh aonit Fy ay ans, 1idn Lin Lider Lidnjie 1ifng Ling Lidngein Liang 1320 138 ifn ing Lid Hin Léng 3ing abu ad isn, iuangitaé luanshf adn, ufnddo X solid, strong, securely firm, secure, solid R Ne tiger Ot BF: a tear N/M: "Li" (unit of length equal to 500 meters of 5 kilometer), mile (QWote: In a specifically U.S. setting, translated as "mile.") BE: stern, grim, strict SV/At terrible, very hard, severe, sterni terribly, extremely BP: pity, feel tender toward BP: unite, connect, join nv ¥: connect, join together (things, places, ete.) contact; connect, get in touch with SV: cool, cold BF: instinctive, inborn, conscience Nz conscience SV: shining, bright N? Light BP: material, raw material BP: hunt, chase, pursue BE: wood, forest ¥: to take away as one's own, claini to lead Ni (personal nane) Pu: Longjing + leak Ni donkey, ass (Mig) SV/A: to be thrown into confusion, Ih Confusion, at candon; confused, disorderly, wildly, mixed up be thrown into confusion, becone disorderly, go crazy, run wild scattered rocks, rock debris, rocks (that are all over the place), rocky BE/V: wheels take turns, to be someone's turn (to do something), rotate to be X's turn 295 10 10 “s) 10 10 «e >) «s) o o “ @ yer rad SSxB aN Oh He WH SS SS Zap bei a a I] 0u) bf mh niinjié ninshén M&o 28a5ng mo naoy? ao néi do... nénst nénk&uCe) ni&nit miangién niko afngbai nfagnfng x8 pRixtn nénddo nén, nil, 1x0, shio at aftt nit ndng a BF: sv: Ph: Phi BR: N/ve BF: sv: Re: we v/sv: w/a BR: sv/n: Maz Ph: to curse, to swear, to scold surpass or exceed, take big strides all over} full all over the street all over the body (one's boay) it (personal name) 2 brave, risk trade, barter connerces trade general appearance, external appearance, facial’ appearances # whenever .., stuffy, stifling, suffocating, oppressive (of weather, rooms, etc.) stifle, smother, suffocate gateway, doorway, in front of the door area, surface, surface area before, in front of (someone) 1 tempte Oe 9 understand; be clear # clearly, obviously, quite clearly feel, touch, grope "nu" (a measure of Land) (6.07 Mu = acre) tolerate; patience, tolerance patient; patience is it possible ...7, could it be that ...?, is it conceivable ...? men, women, old and young (people) mud dirt, earth, soit Nz oxy cowy dull, cattle (wi 3k ) Vi doy make, get, manipulate Br: anger 296 @ oo) heACR Buz péqitai p&ngréndawd pang peaggike pr pL pito piloliang pin pfnnéng, pfaxidzhdngnéng ping pingit Ps pd pohuai pa af afta af 297 Burope «s) Pick oneself up, get to one's feet 4 strike, slap, clap, pat (with oO ‘open hand) reject, expel, dispose 3 drain (water) 5 + to rebel, revolt, betray 7 : traitor, renegade, rebel (has 7 become an emotionally charged tern applied to those believing in an ideology different from one's own) huge monster, a masinoth animal 3) collide, hit, meet unexpectediy 3 by coincidence, by chance, to 3 happen to + throw on (a garment), throw on “s (one's shoulders) ‘open up, break a path, develop 8 pretty, nice 8 : beautiful, handsone, smart-looking 8 + peor 4 poor peasant (refers to a class 4 Og person of that class) poor and lower middle peasants Judge, criticize 6 judge (used when a third party 6 gives impartial opinion) slope ° broken, worn, torn, tumbie-down, 5 dilapidated, ‘run-down, ramshackle destroy, ruin, undermine, sabotage, 5 break up; destruction rush, spring, pounce (3,6 he, she, they, it, their, this, 5 that (dgnonstzative and possessive pronoun) other, the others, the rest 5 flag, banner, pennant (M: ff) ida) 1 fei N flag, banner, pennant a a Vi rise, begin (from a tine or place) 10 afte SVE rising and failing, undulating 10 af... cht... Pater beginning at... extending to... 10 iz) at Patt: beginning at (location A) in the 10 icy ant’ co) (Direction) ond extending to Gocation B) in the (Direction) at SV/V: be angry, be exasperated; anger, 7 Rake (someone) angey 2 Qin Pu: Guizhou Province (ancient nane) (3) aikngpd Vi to force, to compet 2 aifogizo Ab silently, stealtnily @ aifovio Nt expatriates, fettow countrymen a overseas, overseas Chinese atte SVE clever, skillful; coincidental, Lucky 3 & gz qinbt Pht in one's own handwriting 7 ainsnSu At with one's (very) own hands, 1 RF Personally RY Qfnenko Ni Qin Dynasty (255-209 B.C.) (10) aE aingiéi Vi ask .., to cone, send for 4 RAL aingend VAit celebrates celebration 1 5 ad Ns batt, sphere 10 E aa Ni district 2 Ek aizhing Ni district leader, head of a 2 sistrict adngus Ni the whole nation, the entire 1 2a ed country Zz quén source, a spring 9 ak qufnsmut Ni spring water 9 Ea aut At yet, but, still, on the other (2),4 Rand a an rr — fnaidace many” ox "group of") RE réondu MA: afterwards, then 2 g sto Vi wind around, wrap around, circle, 10 E st Vi provoke, incite, cause, instigate (3) & Conveniently tfansiatea "make," as — trouble, — angry) AL rénging Ne human Labor of effort 9 ARE réngin Nz crowd 2 298 2 roa BF: benevolence, charity, mezcy, © 4 B® réncf SW/Ni Kind, merciful, cnasitabies oy x& Kindness, mescy, charity 4& rn BE: appoint, let, allow, tolerate 7 AEG nd Sp! ayy whatever (Person, place or 7 4A4. rénde Vi to know, to recognize, be 2 uF ‘eatettuel its? & éng jlory, honor, prosperous 7 am sfnera + hold (contain) _. w rn a BF: enter, receive, take in, incone 9 43 sho Vi sweep, clean up, mop up, wipe out 7 3 sBodan; V/N: mop up (enemy), wipe out 7 1th : aepblagStgY apetaion aa tt shancdin Ni mountain village 9 Ta shanding N: top of a mountain, sunnit, ° hilltop, mountain’ peak a By HR BA shin elo 3 abu Phi the mountain is high, the slope ° i steep shez shanniguén ny shanjizo Alp fs shina? Shing y shio BP: youthful, junior, young 9 = Shamhaiguan ao) Foot of a mountain 3 slope 9 : Shanxi Province am AP shén Vi stretch out, extend, spread out 3 4 one act extent 3 ae : a oe Oe serene etna eetticiat 7 & KK __ shéngenin atau? Ni production brigade 9 a APR shéngehin dui Ni production team ‘ zeit sngggde wEicd, he a great Life, a glorious death o a he side gudngrén 4 antag S: rope, cord, string 6 = y sngoget Nr rope, cord, string Or AR 6 A shing Ni a province 7 4 tog Vz be Lefty have left, t0 teave a 299 shdng shéngda onffén shfadi shi jt shfjtshang shfxidn shiy® shdusd ‘shuzhi shdu shduyZ shdujing sha shifu shi shi sh sndifn shuai shuBicko shudishang shutshé sichéu sfchéu anf La saiign st sd1ido sfLiaobd out sufzhe sut sv: sve V/BF: Sees ere fae : flourishing, prosperous 2 grand, great very, extremely, completely, fully era, time, epoch, age, period practical, actuals practically, actually} reality, actuality + in reality, in practice, in actuality, in fact i come true, bring to pass, realize; realization i: a (great) cause, undertaking, ‘taski a person's lifework (business or profession), career i finger beast, animal # veterinarian 2 be startled, get a fright, suffer a shock 4} relaxed, confortable confortable sound (asleep, etc.) belong to, be subordinate toi a close rélative f skill, an art woods, forest fall, throw down, break fall down, slip and fall get hurt in a fal1 sleep soundly silki (raw) silks in general f silk fabric Cin general) i "The Silk Route" : the Soviet Union, USSR = mold; plastics Nz plastic, Bakelite Ni plastic cloth 300 1 follow, accompany 2 following, accompanying broken, smashed, torn, broken to Pieces, shattered 10 a «@ cS) cS) a “6 “6 i) i tho Ve escape, fie 3 ak Hoste Ve sun away, escape ; a tenia Ni apecial or unique promict Gof a 8 SEeeaienSe toed pPognet Contr. of "48 By eo) Eng V/SV: love dearly, fond of (children); 5 painful, sore (love and pain are often felt to be indistinguishable in Chinese) aR : x “a Ve kick @ RZ tin nin EK: drought ° RE tinting Pht daybreak, dawn, sunup 2 he z j tiin Lidngle TE! day breaks, the sun's up 2 eS tin Ve tick ro) Hi tite We shoulder, caszy (on te shoulder 9 with a pole) t3ng Vi lead to (sonepiace); connect with 8 téngeud Vi pass through} pass (a bill, 8 resolution) CV: go by way of, by, via, through hea is ik *dngshing Vo/x: trade 8 sae sSapwing Vs tend to 4 60 1: ehrow or toss in, submit to; join 7 e tt sSaxidng + surrender 7 a diseipie, foltower 7 a at vt tee Ot Soy BK tus VE carey (on,she back of # beast ©) _ vebn/ow RVE/V: to aie, to ve finisnes, v0 be 0 done foe By! Wéntet 1B: @xpression of exasperation: 4 3 Alasi'Ohy nol ete.) z whnguén SV/A: perfect, completes pesfectiy, 4 RE a eatisely RK w&nzhéng SV: complete, intact, whole, undamaged 10 f wan 1 ching chéng Phi the Great Wali (Lit, 10,000 "IZ" 10 AL RM Jed Song wally often abbreviatea “RR Wang Gust Ni (personal nane) oo FEE wing di Ni exchange, interchange (cultural, 8 etc.) Cit. goings and comings) 301 wangji weig wea wai(e) wid wéasnut xian whi wén2i joi wénatag widing Wi Sng wibcinghSngat xt xan? xi xi@nudite xi&zhSngnéng ida xiSnydo xilnde (xiinaé) xing xiang xidng xidng xilng sve BP: v/A/sv: N/ve 302 forget 3 lofty + feed, tend = smell, odors flavor, ‘taste t situated at, positioned at Wenshui County written Language, writing weitten records well-known, famous : rooftop, roof (personat name) Five-Star Red Flag (national flag of PRC) 1 sacrifice, sacrificial offerings West Lake : Western Asia sacrifice (one's Life, belongings, etc., for the sake of something of greater value) : detailed, minute t meticulous, with meticulous care frighten, scare, intinidate + frighten badiy lower middle peasant (refers to, a class or person of that class) Gislike, detest object, complain strategically inportant, strategic show, reveal, indicate seem, appear (to be), Look (like) : a county give, offer, present village, hantet, hometown, native district; district, region fragrant, aronatic, nice-enelling submit, surrender resemble; seen alike; look Like portraits resemble @ s) @ 10 z Ke RA si IR we ES ds Jai Jai, oF @ xifoxi xié wid xinmo xinténg xing xidng xidngd) xiSngw8i xian xudngto xudn ya yabuznd vyashang yan ya, yan yang vyéng yang vying yEngedn yéo ylodio y8(zi) W/MSv: # sell consume, use up, digest @ news, news iten, information, "word" 2 # shoes, footwear (Mi = one, 7 BR="paiz) # implenents, instruments, weapons ° new Look «@) love (more colloquial than "HE", 5 have affection fori affectionately+ painful, distressing Vi believe, have faith in, trust 6 Si star Ot $4 xe) 1 BF: elder brother (used to address 5 Friends, iesespective of age) Nt brothers s SVs imposing, magnificent 1 Vi buité, construct 10 We permit, allow, 1et 2 BF: announce 1 Vi proclaim, announce » 1 Ve be suspended, hang a Y Ve press down, tay (something) on, 6 Ehtsh, suppress, oppress Rc: unable to suppress, cannot 6 Suppress Ret crush Cinjure by pressure) 6 Wevs follow, go along (river, street, 6 customs, ete.5} along Cahore, Sivern ates) AF: to stretehi delay, protong, dram 10 Nz tears oy BF: center, centrat 1 Prt praise, acclaim, make known 5 BF: Lift, raise, foster, spread 7 Nz raise, rear, feed, care for, nurture 8 Nz sgericulture (raising of silkworms (8) for silk production; Vi shake, quake 7 Ni main road or route, important 8 road or route Nz leaf, petal ° 303 ye all w2i xigng vining yfye yibiance) yidong yfagying yBagena yeu ound you ySurt y6a yuyu yéulan ySunko vt yada yiisnt 2 yudn hi aa BP: ve Ne BF: eve BP: v/sv/az sve BE: N/sv/at BE: BP: IE: afsvs 304 + leaves are green and the scent is "Fragrant Iran a night, the whole night (tong) one side all winter (long), the whole winter to be bent on, wholeheartedly, with all one's heazt ali the tine (up until a certain point), all along, straight suppose, think that, consider that, make a faise assumption that remember, bear in mind, recall, recollect stand towering, tower intention be resolute fortitude, resoluteness, persistence heroic, brave use, usage q t excellent, superior + excellent, superb, outstanding tag @ result, because} by means of, due to,’on the strength of through, by owing to, as a result of, because of, on the groands of hesitate, hesitant; still, Like waver, hesitate; hesitanti hesitantly tour or visit (a place), go sightseeing, go on an excursion friendly; friendship, amity happy, pleased pleasures pleasant, happy Pleasantly thereupon, therefore, then educate, raise, nurture + prepare, make ready before hand the beginning, the first it turns out that... original(ly), in the first place wD ©) ic) 10 aa # Bs x vi Bie fe we abi = o 4a 42 yuSnfang yae YGnzh3uxt cin yanwing zanyéng zing zo 2lloshdu 2 zéng jit ant znfdzo ania andniing thing Qidn zhang zhdogu anda zndnjing zhangehSng zhtng zhi see2nt jin ani zhishi ve ve Ne N/a ve BP: SP: Pus N/BF: bit Patt: ve Nr 305 a distant place, distant regions, 10 Cin the) distance approximately, about 10 Yunzhouei Village o ship to 8 pound, hanner, smash, break @ # disaster, calanity, misfortune, 6 catastrophe (Ml: 3%") + record, write down a praise, exalt, speak favorably ofs 5 Braise f dicty, fi1thy « incur, bear, cone across, meet ° with, suffer suffer, undergo (hardship, bad luck 9 or fortune, difficulties) marsh a1 increase; add to, enhance ° + chop (chaff), cut (grass) 7 + (chaff=)ehopper, (grass—Jeutter 7 {g.RELfs moe #6 ent grams or har) sieze, occupy (by force) a occupy 2 (personal name — sent as an «s) envoy to countries in Central Asia during the Han Dynasty) Nghing" (unit of length equal to 10 10 "chi" (3-1/3 meters or approxi— mately 10,9 feet)) take care of 4 subdue 2 calm, unruffiea 2 (eight in the) middle 1 proof, evidences prove, confirm,” 9 verity (a classical Chinese structural 3 particle often used in modern weitten Chinese for "gq ") detweens among, anidst 8 weave, knit 8 knowledge, know-how 4 ac BF i» Bet SY BDF Blk aS: ARR sh Shake ake hoa Bw ee Asi ant zat ania znt zhi zhiiang zndnggdag zhong jin zhSngxin zhdngying zhdngeht zhdu 2hdu anduw€i zhifydo znd zhinfng zhul zhudanén hui, zhuiayn zhudn zhuangydn huang zhudnggudn zhudngl? zhut zhutshang ehiin ahiindd, zs Pus Pw/N: N atte BF: att: sv: sv: v: Re: Br: wn ve BP: 306 plants, vegetations plant, to point out, to indicate reaching or ektenaing’ $011. Cine ##l 1 fine, delicate, minute Se aes quality : Chinese Conunist (Party) among, between, in the midst; in thé center, in the middle center : center, central plant; planted, cultivated province (China), State (USA) (circuit, cycle, revolution) ail around, surroundings principal, main, chief, key, essential well-known, famous} apparent, Obvious} compose, write well-known, fanous i arrest, seize, takes grasp, snatch, grab + special, technical, specialized; specially, exclusively, solely to turn, revolve, rotate, circle transfer, transship, forward, pass on walk around, take @ turn or spin solemn, somber knock against, bump into, collide grand, magnificent, spectacular grand, magnificent, splendid run after, chase after, pursue catch up with regulate, exact, definite prepare, get ready; preparations capture, catch, seize careful @ ao) a geo 785-001/22109 eulxfng aud audeh zuduin, zudyé BP: TW: we me arefully; attentive, meticutous pouth in, crime, wrongdoing riminal act, crine yesterday yesterday (written style, sane as" BFA hee ae Ko ko iast night Gene SE “ee RRL

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