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World Vision Kacyiru South Plot No: 1327 P.O Box 1419 Kigali Tel: (+250)788308924 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT No: WVRISCMIIEGI2019/12/029 Between: World Vision Rwanda the “OWNER” And JV KIGALI GLOBAL SUPPLIERS & CONSTRUCTORS LTD and H & B CONSTRUCTORS & SUPPLY COMPANY LTD as the “CONSTRUCTOR” Project: Extension of Kinishya ~ Yaramba Water Supply System (3.93 Km) in Gicumbi District December, 2019 This contract is entered into between: World Vision Rwanda represented by its National Director; Mr. Sean Kerrigan, P.O Box 1419, Kigali, Tel: 250 788308924/6/7/8, Tin N° 100600104. Kacyiru, Gasabo, Kigali, Rwanda hereinafter referred to as the “OWNER” And JV Kigali Global Supplies & Constructors Ltd And H & B Constructors & Supply Company Ltd registered and existing under the Company Law of Rwanda and having its principal office in Kicukiro Centre, Kicukiro Modern Market 3° Floor, KK494 st ,Gikondo Sector, Kicukiro District, TIN No: 100533854, represented by its Managing Director; Frank Manzi, Tel: 0788304969, 0788308174, 0785055412 PO.BOX: 2921 Kigali , e-mail:, hereinafter referred to as the “CONSTRUCTOR”. SECTION |: GENERAL CONDITIONS Article 1: Object of the contract ‘The Owner desires to engage the services of the Constructor to complete the Construction of Extension of Kinishya -Yaramba Water Supply System in Gicumbi District. The Constructor ensure that it meets the requirements to perform the aforementioned work, commits to timely delivery of the work and adheres to respect the terms specified herein; and in consideration of the mutual promises and premises herein contained, the Owner and the Constructor agree to meet and satisfy all terms and general conditions of this contract. Article 2: Contract price ‘The Owner does hereby employ the Constructor for the Construction of Construction of Extension of Kinishya -Yaramba Water Supply System in Gicumbi District, at the total sum of Twenty-Nine Million Four Thousand Five Hundred and One Rwandan Francs (29,004,501 Rwf) all taxes inclusive, all in accordance with the drawings, and specifications provided in the tender document, 2.1 Duration All the works under this contract shall be completed within Three months (3 Months) from the date of signing this Contract by both parties. 2.2 Change Orders The Constructor agrees not to make any changes in the schedule of work, design, or of the specifications without written authorization by the Owner. 2.3 Hold harmless ‘The Constructor agrees to defend, indemnify and hold the owner harmless from any liability or claim for damage because of bodily injury, death, property damage, sickness, disease or loss and expense arising from the Constructors’ negligence in the performance of the construction au) 2 Contract. The Constructor is acting in the capacity of an independent Constructor with respect to the Owner. The Constructor further agrees to protect, defend and indemnify the Owner from any claims by laborers, sub constructors or material men for unpaid work or labor performed or materials supplied in connection with the construction contract. 2.4Permits and Codes Before starting any works, the constructor shall obtain all necessary building permits. Any fines for noncompliance to the requirement of the law will be bornelpaid by constructor. The Constructor will secure at his/her own expense any other necessary permits and licenses required to do the work and will comply with all building and code regulations whether or not covered by the specifications and drawings for the work. 2.5 Work Performance 1. The Constructor shall protect all work adjacent to the contract site from any damage resulting from the work of the Constructor and shall repair or replace any damaged work at his/her own expense. 2. The Constructor shall replace and put in good condition any existing conditions damaged in carrying out the contract. 3. The Constructor shall take all precautions to protect persons from injury and unnecessary interference or inconvenience. 4, The Constructor shall conduct all activities in a businesslike manner and adhere to the reasonable wishes of the Owner in relation to the working schedule. 2.6 _ Conditions of Premises The Constructor agrees to keep the premises clean and orderly and to remove all debris as needed during the hours of work in order to maintain work conditions which do not cause health or safety hazards. Article 3: Contract documents The following documents are incorporated in full as part of this contract; |. This contract 2. Tender documents, including quantities and measurement units 3. Designs and drawings 4, Plans and specifications Article 4: Sub-Contracting The Constructor shall not assign responsibilities or obligations under this contract, in whole or in part, nor enter into any subcontract to perform any portion of this contract, without the written consent of the Owner. Mu) SECTION Il: EXECUTION MODALITIES Article 5: Supervision/Control of the works 5.1. All the construction work under this Contract shall be supervised by Owner's representatives, Dufatanye Cluster Manager, World Vision’s Engineer, and Partners (District and WASAC) to ensure that the finished work is satisfactory and does respect the norms and standards. Therefore, the Constructor has the duty of cooperation with the Supervisors and shall adhere to the Supervisor's instructions, who shall report to the Owner the progress and quality of work. In case the Supervisor notices that work is not being done in accordance with this Contract and/or without professional norms and standards, then he/she shall notify the Constructor in writing, with copy to the Owner, with a proposal of correction instructions. If the Constructor does not respect the Supervisor's instructions, the Owner shall have the right to cancel this contract 5.2. If at any stage it is found that some works were poorly done and are not in conformity with the requirements of the Tender document, the Supervisor shall instruct Constructor to correct such mistakes within a period not exceeding 15 days. Otherwise, the Constructor shall incur penalties for delay and/or contract shall be cancelled. Article 6: Contract extension 6.1, In case the Constructor needs extension of the contract, the constructor shall request an extension from the Owner two weeks before the end of this contract. However, this request does not guarantee acceptance of extension by the owner. Therefore, if the Constructor does not receive a written acceptance within one week of the reception of hislher request, the status of the duration of the contract remains unchanged. In any case, the silence of the owner shall not be interpreted as an acceptance of any amendment of this contract. 6.2. If the Constructor does not complete the work during the agreed period, the penalties stated in article 7 below shall apply. If the Owner decides to apply penalties, the Constructor shall bear all the costs related to the extended supervision works. 6.3. If the Constructor cannot work in compliance with the terms of this contract, the Owner shall decide on either applying the penalties for delays stated below or terminating the contract immediately Article 7: Penalties for delays 7.1. The Constructor commits to respect the time agreed upon to complete the construction works. Therefore, in case of failure to complete the work within the agreed period, a penalty of 1/1000 of the value of the uncompleted work shall be deducted for every delayed day. If the penalties reach 10/100 of the value of the tender, the contract shall automatically be cancelled. In case the Owner has evident reasons to doubt on the economical or financial capabilities of the Constructor, he/she may not apply the penalties for delays but shall rather terminate the contract immediately. 7.2. In case the Constructor has been requested by the Supervisor to correct encountered mistakes as per the contractual works and did not correct such mistakes within the provided 4 Ap time of 15 days, he/she shall incur penalties of 1/1000 of the value of the contract for each day of delay. Article 8: Water Quality Testing This is a pre-requisite condition before starting any works and after the constructor has found the water catchment: 8.1 Water Testing I. Undertake a water quality test by authorized/accredited institution and obtain a certificate which attests the quality of the water to be supplied as safe water (water ‘quality testing shall include Physico-chemical and microbiological lab analysis) referring to the parameters by the Client; which shall be presented to the Client; 2. Study review of the project and presentation of detailed drawings, hydraulic calculations, pipeline profiles and maps to the Client; 3. Upon validation of above during a meeting, the constructor shall start the construction works, 8.2Reporting 1. Unless otherwise stated in the particular conditions, phasing reports shall be prepared by the constructor and submitted to the client in four copies, the first phasing report shall cover the period up to the end of phase | following the commencement date. Phasing reports shall be submitted after the completion of every phase and shall be attached to the letter of phase reception request by the constructor except the last phase (phase VI which shall be after the guarantee period of 12 months observed after provisional reception). 2. The phasing report shall be prepared and elaborated in accordance with the attached phasing report preparation guidelines. 3. Reporting shall continue until the constructor has completed all works. Article 9: Construction Phases: The construction work shall be done in phases as described below: Phase 1: shall be completed in one (I) month, the works to be done are the following: completion of project review including detailed drawings, hydraulic calculations, pipeline profiles and maps, and spring water sources development. To be completed in fifteen days (15) days. Water quality testing including physico-chemical and microbiological lab analysis from accredited institution as well as excavation works for the pipeline trenches as well as the trenches for the civil works foundation (chambers, water points and reservoirs). To be completed done in fifteen (15) days. As per tender and BoQ document. Phase 2: shall be completed in one month and a half (1.5) months, consisting of completion of construction civil works (construction of reservoirs tanks, chambers, water stands), supply and laying the HDPE pipes in the excavated pipeline trenches as well as backfilling of the laid pipes and supply and installation of concrete terminals all over the pipeline, as per tender and BOQ wf ss document. Reception of this phase 2 to be done after having water reached in the constructed water facilities, Phase 3: shall be completed in fifteen (15) days, consisting of the completion of all finishing works, conducting the pipeline pressure test, completion of all branding activities, supply, installation and connection of all hydraulic fittings (hydraulic valves, meters and taps) and Putting the network into service and water facilites/infrastructures (Pipeline, tanks and chambers) disinfection; Providing the As constructed/built plans/documents and site fold up. Should be done by the constructor and submit them to the Contracting Parties in both hard and soft copy! AutoCAD/ArchiCAD format. As per tender and BoQ document. After completing this phase 3,4 provisional hand over will be pronounced, At this phase all planned work should be completed. Phase 4: shall be paid after the guarantee period of 12 months observed after provisional reception of Construction of Extension of Kinishya -Yaramba Water Supply System in Gicumbi District. The payment of this phase may be retained if the constructor fails to rectify any defects detected. The payment of this phase may be retained if the constructor fails to rectify any defects detected within this period. At this phase all planned work should be completed, Article 10: Completion Phase 10.1. At the end of each phase, the Constructor shall inform the supervisor and the Owner in writing that a phase has been completed. The owner shall visit the site and come up with a phase report. 10.2, No payment shall be made for any works which is not specified in this contract or any change order to it. Arti 1: General Guarantee ‘The guarantee of 12 months shall be observed from the date of the provisional reception of the completed work after which period the last installment shall be released. During this period, the Constructor shall remedy any defect due to faulty material or workmanship and pay for any damage to other work resulting there from which shall appear within the period as shall be pointed out by the reception committee. Further, the Constructor will furnish the Owner with all manufacturers’ and supplier's written guarantees and warranties covering materials and ‘equipment furnished under this contract. Article 12: Final Reception The final reception of the work shall be done after the guarantee period and after the works have been verified by the Supervisor and approved by a reception committee appointed by the ‘Owner. Any damage, defect or fault to the construction work before the final handover or, shall be borne by the Constructor and shall not make request for any payment. In case of any damage, defect or fault to the construction work before the definitive handover, any pending payment shall be subject to deduction pending correction of the revealed defects. In case the constructor fails to complete the work or does shoddy works, the owner shall retain the 10% al 6 of the total cost regardless the level at which the constructor has failed. 10% will act as performance guarantee. Article 13: Contract amendments, Changes in drawings, design and BoQ The designs, drawing and BoQs attached to this agreement are deemed final and not subject to any changes unless approved in writing by the contract signatories. Should there be any needs to review the Designs and Drawings or BoQs by the constructor, he/she make within 10 days post contract signature an official request to WVR accompanied explanations, in such detail as would be necessary or expedient to enable WVR to fully understand the ration behind such request. ‘The Owner upon reception of the request shall commission the team of the engineers to review and make a recommendation, once the owner has approved the changes it shall be signed by both parties and form integral part of this contract. The constructor shall not be entitled to any extension of time for completing construction or any other relief on account of delay caused due to providing any clarification or in resubmitting the Designs and Drawings unless the owner deemed it necessary to extend the completion. The Owner reserves the right to modify, and/or to add some works. However, the costs and payments related thereto shall be discussed and agreed upon between the Parties through their official representatives prior to any action. In any case, the Constructor shall not claim any payment related to additional works done without prior consent of the Owner. Any additional work shall be specified in writing and the contract amendment shall be and approved/signed by the Parties or their legal representatives. Article 14: Planning of the execution of works 13.1. Prior to the commencement of any works, the Constructor shall submit to the Owner a schedule and a plan of action for the contract execution. 13.2. The plan shall indicate the following: |. the list of activities planned (Work program! presented in Gantt Chart) to be carried out within the Contract execution period; 2. the deadlines for the submission of the lay out plans and drawings as indicated in the tender; Submission of all administrative documents (site books, visitor’s books Article 15: Breach of Contract 15.1 The Constructor shall be regarded as having failed his contractual obligations, if: |. The works are not fully completed within the period provided for by the tender document or within the period which specified sections of the works were to be completed as par article 2.| and 8 of this Agreement; 2. The works are suspended in such a manner that they shall not be completed within the period provided for as par the Contract; wp o7 3. The Constructor contravenes written instructions from the Supervisors in compliance with legal provisions. 15.2. The Constructor's failure to execute the contract shall be notified to the Owner in a written report by the Supervisor amounting to breach of Contract. The Constructor shall be given fifteen (15) calendar days from the receipt of the report showing the failure of the contractual obligations in order to make possible amends, or otherwise provide reasonable fication to not honoring the contract. If the Constructor fails to respond to the report the given time, this shall be interpreted as an affirmation to the content of the report on the Constructor’s part. Failure to make amends and meet the contractual requirements, it shall be ground for termination of the Contract. SECTION III: FINANCIAL DISPOSITIONS Article. Payment terms 16.1. The agreed price to complete the whole construction work is the value of Twenty-Nine Million, Four Thousand, Five Hundred and One Rwandan Francs (29,004,501 Rwf). Every time the payment is due, the Constructor must provide the invoice accompanied by a site visit report that shows works accomplished as specified in the contract documents and approved by the supervisor. This is an irreversible condition for each payment. The Constructor has the obligation to provide a clearance document from Sector Level as proof that he/she has paid all casual workers before any phase payment. The payment shall be paid as follows: \* Phase: 25 % = Seven million, two hundred fifty-one thousand, one hundred twenty- five Rwandan francs (7,251,125RWE) shall be paid after successful completion of first phase in accordance with article 9. 2" Phase: 35 % = Ten million, one hundred fifty-one thousand, five hundred seventy-six Rwandan francs (10,151,576 RWF) shall be paid after Successful completion of 2” phase in accordance with article 9. 3” Phase: 30 % = Eight million, seven hundred one thousand, three hundred fifty Rwandan francs (8,701,350 RWE)) shall be paid after Successful completion of 3” phase in accordance with article 9. 4” Phase: 10 % = Two million, nine hundred thousand, four hundred fifty Rwandan francs (2,900,450 RWF) shall be paid after the final reception of the constructed works in accordance with article 9. Any corrections must be done before payment of this phase. The Constructor agrees to invoice World Vision Rwanda after completing any phase of the above mentioned. 16.2, All the payments shall be made through bank transfers to Account No: 0062-06976524- 69 opened at Bank of Kigali, Pension Plaza Branch in the names of KGS&CLTD & H&BCSC LTD. 16.3. The Constructor shall affirm that shelhe personally made a site inspection, made comparisons to the work plan design/drawing, confirm that it is in conformity with the agreement and confirm receipt of the whole payments from the part of the Owner as par the Contract. 16.4 The Owner has the right to hold back money for unfinished items including @ pro-rata share of builder's profit and overhead, In accordance with the Rwandan labor law the constructor has the responsibility to ensure that all his workers are fully paid and shall provide a local government clearance as evidence of such payment, failure to do so the Owner shall withhold form the payment due to the contractor an amount equals to the claims of the workers and may decide to pay it directly to them. Articlel7: Payment Schedule Payments shall be disbursed based on the article 16 of this contract. The Contracting Parties agrees to make payments to the Constructor within 30 days of approved work. Article 18: No additional costs due to the Constructor’s fault It is hereby agreed that in case the contract is terminated due to a breach of contract by the Constructor’s default, he/she shall bear the additional costs necessary for the completion of contract activities, as well as for the preparation of the amendment which is calculated as a lump sum of one per cent (1%) of the amended contract price. This amount shall be deducted from the approved invoices that have not yet been paid or that may be recovered by using other means. Article 19: Taxes The Parties agree that the Constructor has sole responsibility for the payment of all applicable taxes (sales, consumer, use, income, payroll, employment, safety, etc) relating to this Contract. SECTION IV: DISPUTE SETTLEMENT AND OTHER PROVISIONS Article 20: Dispute settlement If any dispute arises during the period of this agreement, all efforts will be made to reach an amicable resolution. However, should the contracting parties, completely fail to negotiate a resolution, then the disputes may be forwarded, for settlement in the Coure of Law within the Republic of Rwanda. Article 21; Contract termination 21.1. In case of breach of this contract, either party has the right to terminate the Contract with a written notice to the other party within 15 days. Letters can be hand delivered or af ° through national post office or official email of the Constructor. Fundamental breaches of Contract shall include, but are not limited to, the following: I. Insolvency and judicial bankruptcy of the Constructor’s Company; 2. If the Constructor sub-contracts with another Company/Constructor without authorisation of the Owner; 3. The denial or negligence of the Constructor to provide enough and qualified man-power as required by this Contract; 4. The non-conformity with laws and rules into force in Rwanda or the instructions from the Owner or any competent authority; 5. Failure to abide by child protection requirements; 6. Any other non-conformity with this contract pro jons and in whatever ways. 21.2, The Contract can also be terminated in case of force majeure: in case of unforeseen events (war, embargo, strikes, lack of funding, etc) or fortuitous case (act of God) preventing one or the other Party to fulfl his/her obligations, 21.3. In such case (unforeseen events or fortuitous case), no penalties shall attach to the Parties, and any payment due shall then be calculated on a pro rata basis. 21.4 The following cases shall lead to automatic termination: 1) When the penalty amount exceed 10% of the total cost of the contract; 2) In case of unjustified abandon of the site; abandon here means absence of works for more than 15 calendar days; 3) When the Owner notices cases of technical inability of the Constructor like use of substandard materials, not using right mixtures among others; 4) If the value of the penalties for delaying to execute activities or for poorly executed activities or both, exceeds the value of the performance security. The Contract shall automatically be cancelled and the Constructor shall be held responsible; 5) Delay of more than 15 calendar days before starting the construction works after signing this contract; 6) In case the Supervisor instructs the Constructor to delay the progress of the works, and the instruction is not withdrawn within twenty-eight (28) days; 7) The Owner or the Constructor is made bankrupt or goes into liquidation other than for a reconstruction or amalgamation; 8) In case the Supervisor gives notice that failure to correct a particular defect is a fundamental breach of Contract and the Constructor fails to correct it within a reasonable period of time determined by the Supervisor; 9) If the Constructor, in the judgment of the Owner has engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices in competing for or in executing the Contract; | 10) No compliance to environmental regulations and standards as par Articles 26 of this Contract; Notwithstanding the above, the Owner may terminate the contract at his ‘own convenience; 11) The Owner reserves the right to arrange for payment of outstanding wages to the local workforce by the newly appointed Constructor with deduction thereof from the termination certificate or performance guarantee claim. 21.5. In case of automatic termination, an inventory of the executed works and a general assessment of the works shall be conducted in the presence of both Parties, and the pending payments shall be done according to that inventory and in accordance with this Contract. 21.6. The Constructor shall be required to vacate the construction site within a period which shall be determined by the Owner depending on actual circumstances. If the Contract is terminated, the Constructor shall stop work immediately, make the Site safe and secure, and leave the Site as soon as reasonably possible Article 22: Fraud and defect The Constructor may, upon suspicion of fraud or defect, be required to demolish the works executed and to reconstruct them. Costs for such demolition and reconstruction shall be borne by the Constructor subject to prove of fraud or defect, by the Owner, designee/Procurement Committee incase suspicion is proven not true, Article 23: Non-qualified staff / Casual Labor As much as he can the Constructor is required to employ casual laborers living in the community where the site is located. Unless there is lack of manpower in the surrounding area of the site, the Constructor shall not employ people from other community. The community here means, people living within one Sector in accordance with the Government regulations. The Constructor however, shall endeavor to employ qualified staff at the site. |e remains the Constructor’s responsibility to choose his/her labor among the people living in the community. Therefore, the Constructor remains also solely responsible for any injuries to his workers/labor and of the payment/remuneration related thereof. Article 24: Accidents insurance The Constructor shall be held responsible of any accident or damage of any nature either caused by other person than his/her staff or done by his/her own staff, done by his/her equipment or actions of the works towards the Owner during the course of works’ execution. The Constructor is solely responsible for insurance of his staff, equipments, damaged installations during excavations of the site and installations made on the site. The Constructor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Owner, from any and all claims, liabilities, losses, or damages arising out of the performance of this Contract. au) u Article 25: Child Protection requirements In the course of performing this contract, Contractor and Contractor's employees will ensure that: 1) Any of their interactions with children or with adult beneficiaries, or with personal data about such persons, will comply with the attached WV Safeguarding Behaviour Protocols, and with any other reasonable safeguarding measures that WV may specify; 2) Any incidents of harm or risk of harm to children or to adult beneficiaries will be reported immediately to WV; 3) Any individuals with access to children or adult beneficiaries, or to personal data about such persons, will have a current clean criminal background check for offenses against children or abuse of adults, to the extent permitted by law (evidence of which will be provided to WV upon request); and 4) These safeguarding obligations will be clearly communicated to, and acknowledged by, all ‘employees who may have access to children or to adult beneficiaries, or to personal data about such persons, and will be extended in identical form to any subcontractors (if any are authorized) engaged to perform this contract.” Article 26: Security at the site The Constructor shall take all the necessary measures to protect the Works and ensure that the construction is not damaged. In case of damages either caused by his labor or the materials, the Constructor shall be held responsible for repairs of the damaged works. The Constructor has sole responsibility and liability under this Contract for bodily injuries of his labor/staff. Neither the Constructor nor his employees, workers, shall be deemed employees of the Owner for any purposes, nor shall they participate in any of the Owner's ‘employee benefit or insurance programs. The Constructor shall ensure the security and safety of the site at all times during the period of execution of works. To this effect, the Constructor shall: 1, Take measures to ensure the security of his /her workers, passers-by and any other person authorized by the Owner to visit the site; 2. Be required to respect Laws and regulations in force with respect to where the works are executed or to the objectives of the tender; 3. Not allow any person to have access to the site without the Supervising official’s or the Owner's authorization; 4, Maintain landmarks showing where some infrastructures’ installations were placed or return the installations where they had been placed if the execution of works had made it possible for them to be displaced or shifted; 5. Take at his or her expenses, necessary measures to safeguard the neighboring persons and properties, to assure protection, conservation and integrity of Ws constructions and other existing works as well as other installations around the site, Article 27: Representat ns and Warranties by the constructor The constructor hereby represents and warrants to WVR that: I. The constructor is in compliance with all applicable laws regarding business permits and licenses; 2. The constructor is not a party to any agreement restricting Constructor's ability to enter into this contract, and Constructor’s performance of this contract does not require the consent of any person or entity; 3. Alll services under this contract will be performed in a competent, professional, workman like manner and conform to industry standards for quality; 4. The constructor and Constructor’s employees will adhere to the enclosed World Vision Child Protection Behavior Protocols in respect to any interaction with children while performing services under this contract. The constructor conducts its businesses in compliance with all national anti-corruption laws applicable to this contract, and that it shall not engage, and he shall not to engage, directly or indirectly, in any fraudulent, corrupt or illegal practices In addition, in performing this contract, regardless of whether such activity is illegal or not, the constructor will not do any of the following: a) pay, offer, give, or promise or authorize, any money, commission, reward, gift, gratuity or compensation of any kind to any official or employee of, or any person acting in an official capacity for or on behalf of, any government agency or instrumentality for the purpose of influencing any official act or decision of any such official; or b) Offer, solicit, provide or attempt to provide any kickback (as defined below). 1) The constructor will immediately notify WVR of any suspected or actual violation of these provisions, and also will immediately notify WVR of any solicitation of a kickback by a WR Director, Officer, Employee or Agent (each a "WVR person"). The constructor may offer only nominal customary gifts to WVR persons, if such an offer complies with WV's policy on gifts. 2) Any violation of these provisions constitutes a material breach giving WVR the right to immediately terminate the Agreement. As used in this contract, "kickback" means any money, fee, commission, credit, gife, gratuity, thing of value, or compensation of any kind which is provided, directly or indirectly, toa WVR person for the purpose of obtaining or rewarding favorable treatment in connection with the awarding of business or the execution or performance of any agreement with WVR. Article 28: Environmental issues I. Dispose of rubble and other site waste safely in pits covered with a minimum of 400mm of topsoil or other soil 2. Take care when storing hazardous materials, fuel and re-fuelling machinery. wp ® 3. Ensure that temporary latrines are well away from water supplies and are properly closed off and refilled after use. 4. All shrubs, trees and woody material cleared where necessary shall remain the property of the local community irrespective of compensation paid for its removal. Article 29: Governing Law This contract shall be governed in respect and in conformity to the law of the Republic of Rwanda. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed this agreement as of the dates indicated below. For World Vision Rwanda For JV Kigali Global Supplies & Constructors Ltd and H &B Constructors & Supply ‘Company Ltd. Ananias Sentozi Frank Manzi Managing Director Integrated Program Signature: Date: ..ff./i4.14 14 “A ge. 9 fot 260g SDUNSIG IquINdIg “sarsNID aduerENG ‘gy CUES! UI Warsis Ajddng JareAA equIEZE, Jo UONNNSUOD =YAM NI GSH ONILASW (Sd) INSWIUNDOUd OTAS — TOquiss7; VON5V GeueeD9s) s03eUIpsoo5 uleyD Aiddns wos i BYsiBnY UEYERY | (roquioys) s08eueH dL UIPH HSYM. HSVAA BUDUIqea/) OSIEDIN | (Gequiapy) Ieiunosy s1uR15, FONVNIS. 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