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1) SLIDE 1 The meaning of Islam

(read the slide)
But the meaning of Islam itself in terminology cannot be said to be merely submissive.
In terminology, the meaning of Islam is described by the Prophet Muhammad in his words:
(read the HR)

2) SLIDE 2 The meaning of Islam

(read the slide) (first point)
 the attitude of pleasure to the god of Allah, accompanied by submissiveness and
obedience to Him is what must be possessed by everyone who claims to be a
believer (a believer)
 So, the followers of the religion of Islam is the one that people who believe in god,
 the term Muslim or adherents of Islam must be people who have shahada in Islam
that is, recognize that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of
(read the slide) (second point)
 Islam does not separate economics with religion, politics with religion or any
other world religion affairs
 Therefore, Islam is a way of life issued directly by Allah, so that humans submit
and obey His requirements to achieve a higher degree of life, namely peace,
prosperity, and salvation both in the world and the hereafter.

3) SLIDE 3 Aqeedah
 the position of aqidah in Islamic teachings is very important, Islam cannot be
established without aqidah.
 the word aqidah comes from the Arabic "aqad" which means bond.
(read the slide of definition)
 in accordance with the argument of QS al fussilat 13, QS al Baqarah 136 and qs al
imran: 84
 Islam is not a religion revealed to Arabs only. Islamic creed and law have been
arranged by Allah to be applicable to all humans, not just to one particular nation or
 For example, when Allah sent down a verse that forbids pigs and usury, then what is
forbidden is all pigs and usury for all humans, not only for Arabs only
(read the last point)

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