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2307 Lebanon Road

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Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN
Permit 2464
Church of Christ
2307 Lebanon Road; Nashville, TN, 37214 * (615) 883-6918

Current Resident or Volume 58, No.50 December 12, 2010

“No Crying He Makes”? Adam Faughn
Joe Adams
This time of year, it is virtually impossible ture of the night of Christ’s birth, but that 773-2331
to avoid hearing songs that deal with the line can give us a false sense of Jesus, the
birth of Jesus Christ. From radio stations to Johny Baker
store P.A. systems, they seem to be every- 758-7654
where. Many of these songs are found in John began his account of the Gospel by
our songbooks, and most have messages Ralph Brewer
stating that Christ (called by John, “the
that are Biblical and educational. 871-4849
Word”) “became flesh and dwelt among
us” (John 1:14). Often throughout His life, Wayne Davidson
One song that has always intrigued me is we are told of Christ’s physical nature. For
“Away in a Manger.” The simple song 758-2705
Worship With Us gives a poetic description of the scene in Earl Flynn
Sunday: Worship 9 AM & 6 PM * Bible Classes 10:20 AM which Jesus was born. Most of the song is  He was thirsty (John 4:7). 889-1659
Wednesday: Bible Classes 7 PM simple and beautiful, but there is one line  He spent time in social settings (John
that has always seemed confusing to me. 2:1-11). Ted Fox
 He was tired (Mark 4:38). 754-7607
One verse reads:  He knew the feelings of rejection
“The cattle are lowing, (Matthew 26:56). Steve Ledbetter
(...continued from front page) So, why would the world enjoy singing about the The poor baby wakes;  He cried out for mercy (Luke 22:41- 889-8614
baby Jesus not crying? The answer is quite simple. But little Lord Jesus, 44).
These represent just a few of the physical realities He was to be the Prince of Peace (and He was). We No crying He makes.”
that Christ endured while on the earth, but they are  He wanted His mother, Mary, to be Jim Schroeder
like that picture of Jesus. We like the calm, sub- cared for (John 19:26-27).
enough to remind us that He was made of flesh and dued, quiet Jesus. We like to think about Christ as Did you notice that last line? “No crying 754-8990
blood, and that His life was a human life. Indeed,  He got angry (John 2:13-17).
being someone weak and very mild. He makes.” Did Jesus not cry as a baby?
He was “Immanuel, which means, God with  He knew the experience of physical Cliff Wilson
us” (Matthew 1:23-24). However, Christ also came to send a sword on the death (John 19:30). 889-6477
Of course, He did. I fully understand that ((continued on back page…)
earth (Matthew 10:34). He was not always quiet, the song is trying to depict a peaceful pic-
But, what does that matter? Why does it matter that and, when He speaks, He often says things that dis-
Jesus might have cried as a baby? rupt the way we might want to live. His teachings are
not always easy to follow, so we like the idea of Jesus Tonight is our final “Children’s Emphasis Night” of 2010. I hope all our children will join Pulpit Minister
It matters because Christ had to endure all that we as a silent baby who is “away” in a manger, instead me down front for the beginning of our lesson, as we learn some lessons from Abraham’s Adam Faughn
endure in order to be our perfect High Priest, and of a Lord who is “near” to us. faith. 973-4483
our mediator with God the Father. While we often —Adam
remember that He “was tempted in all points as we But thanks be to God that Christ knows what we Outreach Minister
are” (Hebrews 4:15, emphasis added), His human-
ness was more than just enduring temptations, such
need, and knows just what we go through in this life.
From crying as a baby to drawing our final breath,
Sunday Sermon Preview Harry Middleton
as those recorded in Matthew 4. In reality, He en- Jesus knows it all, and is there for us each step of the
dured all that we endure. AM: The Suffering Savior
way. Youth Minister
PM: Children’s Emphasis Night: a Movement of Faith JD Buckner
(731) 336-4768
Worship Leaders by Harry Middleton JD’s Jargon
Sick List Hello everyone,
Sunday Morning (Contact: Tim 758-9297) WHY THE OLD TESTAMENT IS OLD
Dan Eller has moved to Mt. Juliet Healthcare Center.
No Visitors Please. Opening Prayer: Bill Wolfe The Christmas holiday season is in full
Some people become alarmed when they
Nettie Flippen is at home recovering from a fall. Read Scripture: Tony Grigsby swing. Trees are being decorated, ornaments
hear us say that no part of the Old Testament is
George Lance is at Centennial in room 7100 fighting Closing Prayer: David Cook are being stolen, and great feasts are being
pneumonia. binding upon Christians. They think that since eaten. I hope everyone will have a very safe holi-
Sermon: Adam Faughn
Del Pirtle’s surgery was cancelled. the old Testament says “thou shalt not kill,” if it day and much fun with family.
Song Leader: John Smith
is done away then it would mean that we may
Serving Lord’s Supper: (Contact: David 754-7085) kill, commit adultery, steal, and disregard the While we are thinking about this giving season, I
Thank You Roger Reaves 1 “moral law.” But that does not follow. would like to invite everyone to participate in our
 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Thank you Jack Vannatta 2 The United States was once under the law of volunteer day at the Second Harvest Food
so much for all the cards and prayers offered on Jay Baker 3 England, and Texas was one time under the law Bank. The Youth group will be meeting at the
my behalf during my recent surgery. It was such building at 8 AM on Wednesday, December 22 to
Sammie Hunter 4 of Spain. Today we are under neither. Yet in
a blessing to feel such love and concern all the work the 8:30 to 11:30 AM shift at the food
Philip Denny 5 the statutes of those countries there were laws bank. We will be sorting food, packing boxes,
way from Tennessee! Knowing that you care
made my ordeal so much easier to bear. May
Ralph Brewer 6 prohibiting things such as named. Does it mean and packing other supply containers. Anyone
God bless you, Sue Gross, Winder, GA. Paul Woods 7 therefore that our people may now do such from the congregation is welcomed to join us in
 Thank you for all the cards, calls and prayers Tim Mullican 8 things, seeing that we are no more under the this good work for our community. You must be
during my recent tests and procedures. They Sunday Evening (Contact: Cary 883-5909) laws forbidding them? No, is the answer, but at least 12 years old to participate and everyone
were all greatly appreciated. Samantha Richard why? Because our new constitution prohibits needs to fill out the online registration form before
Opening Prayer: JD Buckner
and Family (granddaughter of Joe & Claudine working December 22. We would love to have
Closing Prayer: Steve Ledbetter the doing of such things also.
Adams) you with us as we work on this day!
Read Scripture: Gavin Hammers On the same principle the New Testament
 Dear church members, I want to thank everyone
for the calls, cards and especially the prayers Sermon: Adam Faughn becomes unto us a perfect law and itself forbids I know the ladies had a wonderful time at the
during my recent surgeries. Thanks to God’s Song Leader: John Smith the doing of all those things that were in them- cookie baking extravaganza last Tuesday night. I
healing power and mom’s TLC I am recovering Serving Lord’s Supper (Room) selves wrong to do. The prohibitions and inhi- would like to thank the Allison Studer for hosting
nicely. Sincerely, Jerri Cox Wilhite bitions of the new covenant (or constitution) are and all the ladies who helped put this evening
Johny Baker 1 together. I am really looking forward to eating
therefore independent of what was in the old,
Baby Shower Tim Hill 2
and they are obligatory upon us, not because some of the goodies!

For: Erin Young they were in the old, but because they are in the Please remember the progressive dinner on Fri-
Wednesday, December 15th (Contact: Billy 642-6817) new.
December 12th Read Scripture: Nathan Pugh day, December 17. We will leave from the build-
(From “The Gospel For To- ing at 5 PM.
Opening Prayer: Jim Oakley day,” by Foy E. Wallace, Jr., pages 143-144).
in the Fellowship Hall Speaker: Adam Faughn Have a great day! Thank you very much! --JD :)
Given by: Friends Song Leader: Scotty Studer Visitation team #1 will meet tonight.
Bert & Erin are expecting
a baby girl. Announcements:
The Ministry for Single Christians
Mark Your Calendar...
They are registered at Target. Harry Middleton - Johny Baker
 Today: Baby Shower for Erin Young 1:00-2:30 First and foremost, thank you to the elders for approving
Congregational Service Project Nursery Attendants
 Monday: Elders, Deacons & Ministers meeting this ministry.
Alison & Ashley Witt
On Wednesday, December 22nd 7PM Now, "ministry" denotes a work. This is a work of the church. It is
We will be taking the The Record  Tuesday: Ladies Bible Class 10AM fulfilling a need in the congregation and the community, as well as
buses to the other congregations and communities in the Nashville area. There-
Sunday Morning Worship 320  December 17: Youth Progressive Dinner
2nd Harvest Food Bank. fore, it has greater importance than a social club like you hear about
We will be covering Sunday Evening Worship: 181  December 22: Service Project on the radio or see in a newspaper. It is scriptural with spiritual
the 8:30-11:30 AM shift Sunday Bible Study: 264  December 31: New Year’s Eve Party consequences, so the Bible will direct the work. One of the pas-
Loading boxes and bags. sages studied last Sunday was Hebrews 10:23-25, which calls all
Wednesday Night: ---
We can take up to 35 people ages 12 and up Christians to "consider one another in order to stir up love and good
Please sign up if you are interested. Contribution: $12,177.00 works." Looking forward to seeing you Sunday!
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