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cdr ae IS 16186 : 2014 Indian Standard qenk—50 fea aren te act O fet eet An at Tet ah — faferfte Textiles — Light Weight Jute Sacking Bags for Packing 50 kg Foodgrains — Spe ICS $5,080; 59,060; 67.080 © BIS 2014 srt arr yt BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS AIPe TAT, 9 angie othe un, =e Pref 10002 MANAK BHAVAN, 3 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAML MANG NEW DELI 10002 wwwbis.crain woeuslaadsbisin Maren 2014 Price Group 3 Jute snd Jute Produsts Sectional Committee, TXD 03 FOREWORD ‘This Tndian Standard vas wopted by the Burcau of Indian Standards, afler th Gra Gadiced by the Jute wid Jute Products Sectional Cemuiter kad been approved by the Texile Division Coane Uhe types of tags specified in ths standard have been developed afler extonsive tals Keeping in view th: jguiuelines providedby the Inteceational Labour Organization (HLO) for not permitting manual carringe of weight exceeding 50 kg by the workers and consumers for their scfey. For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement ofthis standard is complied with, the final value, observed or ealculatedexpressing the result ofatest or analysis, shall be roundedioff maccordance wich IS 2 1960) “Rules for rounding ol! numerical valuos (revised), The number of sigeificant plaees retcined in the rounded off value shoule! be the same as that of the specified value [this standard IS 16186 : 2014 Indian Standard TEXTILES — LIGHT WEIGHT JUTE SACKING BAGS FOR PACKING 50 kg FOODGRAINS — SPECIFICATION 1 SCOPE, ‘is standant prescribes constructional details. and other requirements of light weight jue sacking bags toe packing 51) kg foodgrains 2 REFERENCES “The thllowing stendants enniain provisions which, through reference in this Wext, conalitute provisions of this santa. At thetime af publication, che editions indicated were valid, All standards ace subject to revision and parties to agreements based on thi ‘surdued are encouraged lo iseaigule the possibility cof applying the most recent editions of the standard indicaed below. ISN Tite 2873: 1991 Textiles — Packaging of ute products in bales — Speeiticution (seeond session) 5476; 1986 Glossary efter elaing w jute (erse eision) 9113) 1993 Textiles — Jute sucking —Goneral requitements (rst revision) 3 TERMINOLOGY Forthe purpose ofthis standard, the definitions given in 18 5476 shall apply 4 MANUFACTURE 4,1 ‘The bags shal be made from single piece of twill weave jute sacking of uniform construction as given below with seamp rurming along tne length oF the bag Type A — Single warp, double wel woven ou ‘modem shuttelesstcom. Type B— Double wasp, single weN woven on ‘conventional shuttle loom. ‘Thre shall be u single blue stipe, 0: stripes woven along the length ofthe bay or tae bzg shal! be without ‘rine as agrece! to between the uyer ad the sel “The constructional parienlars of sacking used in the fabrication of the Eags sll be such thatthe bags meet (he requiremenss spevtfed iu Tale 1 42 Seam “The wo sides of tae bags shall be sewn with eras stitches on selvedge through (wo layers of sacking as AS Safety Stitch Teagresd to herwaen the buyer and thesaller 2 Line of safety unioa ste shall be provided at ths inner edges oo the herakle stitches (see IS 9113). The number of sofery union stitches per decimette shall be 10 + L 44 Flemming at dhe Mouth Provisions of I$ 9113 shall apely. 45 Frecdem from Defects ‘Te bags shall meet the requirement of freedom from ‘major defects as given in Annex A. 5 SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS 5.1 Tho bags shall conform to the req specified in Table 1 522 The bales containing the bags shall also conform ote requlrements specified in Table 2. 53 ‘The coauues moisture regala shall be 20 pes 54 Additional Requirements for Labelling as Environment Friendly Products SA. General Requirenent SA.1.1 The bags sll conlirm jo the requirements for ‘quality and performance prescribed under §.1 10 5.3. SAL] The manufacturers shall produce to HS ervironmertal consent clearance from the concerned State Pollution Costrol Based as per the provisiens of Water Prevention and Contral of Plleaion) Act, 14 and Atr (Hrevenitons and Control af Polluton) Act, 1981 alongwith the amhorizaion, if equired under the Environment (Products) ei, 198Gaud the Rules made theieunder, while spplying for ECO-Mark AdGitionally, the manufacturer shall produce Udocumenuaty evidence on carapace ofthe provisions related to noise level and occupational iealth under 2 provisions of Factory Act, 1948 and Rules made erode SA.1.3 The product packiging may display in bret the criteria based 08 which the product has len Iubelted environment friendly. 1S 16186 +2014 ‘Table 1 Requirements of Jute Bags (Clases 4.1 aad.) s Coane Taare eran Metal Tee xe Retio Clot —__~—___. 159119 Type oie o a o, o © @ 9) Dimension Gee Nee 1) saz 19 Cote ene * o ha by Oni with, cm s ad 3) atl % “ saz iy) kan 0 3 Ee saz Sherecen 2) Const mmm, Ete oe 2 20 om ci “Ange esting nea of scking reed Seip mane 0 5 20 ce. in, NO: naz ‘Wp Isrts) s70«K60) 8 Wat Lamnciis) 2043) 1» avenge scam stsneth (Sem «206m rected 4000) oxen w ‘spn vn ke i) Nobu opi, pact, fer 2 2 aa ik) Git ecetca'on diy deni mst eax} y a ores 1 The bag spk dination ants oe pking of wht lee ond nla sous gris. er pacng of aber marl, ‘Sehaperand he eller nay aoe othe dimensions lsrthan tos aeed shove. The ras sachet oleae by Ne frohod gion in S308 18 C119 Mower feriene specifadin hie ble for Smenson svc se mas dll he gets 2 Average mtr opin sal bs akan. 29 pace Howere 0 pee fhe individual wane cf moisture sin parent may te chove 23 peoon than oper lm of 26 pret Table 2 Requirements of Packed Wales (Clause 5.2) sr Charsetitie equirament Wethod Tse et Ne. ‘Chotts9018, oo a - ” 3 Ta umber toes pete (ee Noe 1 30 ” 1) Nember of bas por soe Fs 2 ii} Chntmer mascots blk (ee Noe 2) 20 * ih) Caetod nt mass oat, ke Not shan x 1) Nember of ote begs ser bead cf tags Hi Vist 1 Tae aunts of bugs per tale stl be. 509 seed Contac mis ofa bale = nomial mess of ag speed number of bugs por a ‘a agicemene Dewecn the bayer and he se Self The moterial used for product packaging shall 542 Specific Reyuirements ‘be reusable nr male from recyelable or biodegradable a S421 The bugs shall conform to the requirements given i Table 3 @ PACKING. ‘The bags sball be packecl in hales as preserbed in IS 2872 or a specified in the agreement between the Igoe andthe celle. ‘S415 Fatty alcohol based nov-fonies as emulsifier ‘snoald be used wherever required. SALL6 Folytulew ‘Shall nor be use. nated bused phenolic fire etardants “Table 3 Spocific Requirements for ECO-Mark (Clause 542.1) Paramcte ‘Mama Lins, ens and Sackings "meg Pe) © o on 1) Nortalogertcd iyuoarton: 4 ponent 1) eeselis (Sum prance a (oo decal ty Lu) plot sqecoatexnet 80-30 1y) Coupled amines Cor azosjee 00 (Sum pares) (Beceem sing vr eclads of tis ECO-paanetess ebay Hoven by HIS and Teale Cowie, Tie wlll of tts ne Shoindtued. the anulsurer hl declae cnleemsnes {kip ita ensdeation te chem sansa wal yes Tae list of pesctées ued on jus, banned ronected oe ‘wth fs spooedad 8 Ana 8, 7 MARKING 7A ‘The bales shall be marked as preveribed fn 18 2873. Additional markings shall be made as Sipuluted by the buyer or quired by regulation law in force, 72 BIS Certification Marking ‘Tacbales may also be masked withthe Standard Merk. 72d The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the provisions of te Bureau uj Indian Standards Act, 1985 and the Rules and Repalaticns made trereunder. ‘The details of conditions under which the licence for the use of the Standard Mark may bo granted to ranafielurers e producers may be obtained feozm the ‘Bureaw of Indian Standards 73 The bales may also be marked with ECO-Mark in aaditiun o Standart Markit thevequirements specified in S.are also satisfied TS 16186 : 2014 SSAMPLING AND CRITERIA FOR ‘CONFORMITY BAL Lot Al bales 07 jate bags of same size produced under similar conditoas of production and delivered to @ Dbuver ogainst one dispatch note shall constitute a Tot 8.2 Sample Size und Criteria for Conformity Vor assessing the conformity of foto the requirements of this standard, bales shall be fist selected from each tot al andovn in avcerdance with the col 2 asd 3 of ‘Table, All the hales sa sclected in the sample shall bbe tested for ‘Gross mass of bales’, "Tare mass of bailing hoops and other packing materials” and “Number of bunlles per bale’. Two buniles of bags selected at random from each bale selected in the sample shall be tested for total number uf bass per ‘ounce, The Lot shall be considered as conforming to the requirements o° this standard if all the following cconcitions ure solsfied: 8) Total corrected net mass of al the bales in the sample is not less than the otal mass of allthe bales. ‘Total numer of bags in cach bale selected as ‘per 82 meet the relevant requirement ») 8.3 Sample Size for Bags For freedom from defects, longth, width, erds/de, picks/dm, nomber of stitshidm, mass per bag and ‘moisture regain, [¢ bags shall be solooted at random rom euch of the bales selecced as per 82. The tal ‘number of bags (0 be tested from each lot for these roquirements is given in col § of Table 4 84 Criteria for Conformity BALL Criteria or Conforming for Freedam rom Defects sch bug selected ia die sample shall be vested for freedom from Getects. A bag shall be termed as defective, ifitcontzins twoor more majordefects (ee ‘Tuble 4 Sample Size and Acceptance Nombers (Clauses 8.2, 8.3, 84.1 and 8.4.2) a Woof Baer Novo es Tor Lang Wid, Sniher of Sicha, Ena, Ne ithe at the Sample etal, Motcure Megs “Rin Fays fom Total Nanber of Tecspane Eb Bale Bags Stole ‘Nanbor a a 2 ro 5 oi 040 a Ie 0 ES 301 00 20 6 in NOTE — tf te number ef tle it sorsgnmeat exceeds SOD the arc halt spl io ube ese oping wa ‘ks Toned tags alam be ern Guin sampling of bags for viseal nspeion and arcakng rh es ¥ 1S 16186 : 2014 ‘Annex A).A lot shall be corsiered conforming w this requirement. ifthe number of defective is less than oF qual to the aseeptmnce number given in eol 8 of Table 4. Aeceptance number given in Table 4 iz on the basis of an AQL of 2.5 pervent, 8.42 Criteria for Conformity for Lengeh, Width, Endvdn, Picksidm, Number of Stitches/dn end Motssure Regain ‘The Jot which meote the requirements of 8.4.1 shall be tested for length, widih, crds/dm, picks/ém, nursher of stitehes/dm and moisture regain as per the plan. A ag shall becormed asdelective tit ails to meetany fone or more of these reguizements. The lot shall be considered as conforming tothe quirements af length, width, endstde, picks/dm, sttches/dim sad moisture regain, ifthe total number of defective found in the sample is less than or equal to the corresponding, acceptance numaber given in col 6 of Table 4. SAS Criteria for Conformity for Mass per bag The lot which meetsthe apove requirements, shal hen be tested for mass of bag. The lot dll bedleclared as conforming to this equiremeat if: 8) Average value of! mist per bag, a8 obtained for sampled bags is not less then the nominal vale specitied, and bb) Not more than 10 percent of she inctiviSuat values of mais of bags ia below tre lower specified value. 85 Sample Size and Criteria for Conformity for Treaking Strength Requirement ‘Ta lot, which meetsthe ahove requirements shall thea be tested for breaking strength requirements. For this, jpurpove, une bag shall be celected atraaclon from enc’ ble selected in the sample. Suable test specimens shall he len trom these bags and tested fr wampoay, vweitway and scam szength. Tie lol stall be declared a conforming to these requirements i 4) Average values of warpway, weftway and seam breaking strengths respectively, os ‘tained forall test specimens are not less than the corresponding values specified, nd we of the individual value is less than 20 slow the specified value, pee 86 Sample Size and Criteria for Conformity for O51 Content “Thelot, which meets he above requirements, shall den ‘be tested for oll content. For this purpose two bags siull be selected out oF two diferent bales seleeted as ‘per 8.2, Ue Jot shall be declare es conforming 10 this. equirenient, if both the bags meet the requirement of sil content 87 "The lot shall he considered ss conforming to the requirements ofthis nandard, iF 8.2 and 84 to R6 aro sasfied, 15 16186 = 2014 ANNEX A (Clauses45 and 84.1) CLASSIFICATION OF DEFECTS Type of Defer | Description Mejor | Minor AW >1Sam x 05 ew Lom Lx] vearnie “Tio or more ronson. gars offense 7 brokenmmissing warp i iend) Milipis broken wel | Two or more sop, eurdlew of Tena aI pik) One pick all wits x Cay Bole, ear or | Two oc mere warp of Gling tavads ruparad w ajuining |» patch points | Fat A place in the faire where [>2en? » warp abd wel yiem cies [95 su? wow x ns oie itt Gap aching Saiehes mising Sa 5 = 05 emto LSem Covnce Gap Gomer of the bay wet [> 13 ent x propety stteked resuling ia | 9S emt 1Sem x formation of fle Wilde Stning of fabric duo Rngal orbaceral growth vistleto | x ned eye 2 nino det le von te mj ae ANNEX B (Table 3) LIST OF PESTICIDES USED ON JUTE. — BANNED, RESTRICTED OR WITHDRAWN: BAL PESTICIDES REGISTERED FOR USE ON SJUTICIN INDIA HERBICIDES PUNGICIDES + Dalapon +: Carbendavim INSECTICIDRS : Carbaryl, Carborurse, Endosulfan, Lindanc, Phosulone, Quinalphos 82 EXTRACT FROM LIST OF PESTICIDES NOT APPROVED, KESTRICTED USE, ‘WITHDRAWN OR BANNED IN THE COUNTRY AS ON 10.04.1992 B21 Pesticides not Approved for Lise 24,50 B2,2 Pesticides Restricted for Use Use of DDT in agsicultre is banned, fn very special circumstances warranting the use of ODT for plant protection, the State or Central Goverment may purchase i diectly foomn M/s Hindustan Tnsecticiges Ltd, be used under expert Government supervision. Use of DDT for public health programme up to 10 000 ACF per annum, except in ease of any major urea, is restricted. Use of Diectin shall be resrieted tor Locust Control in deseet ateas by Plant Provection Adviser co the Government of India B.2.3 Pest entachlorophenal, Texaphene and Alurs les Ranned/ Withdrawn 18 16185 : 2014 ANNEX © (Table 3) RELEASED FROM AZO — DYES ) AMINES i) 3,3" —Dinmethylbenzicine xii) 3.3'—Dimeshyl 4.4 tamnovipheayimethane i) Vonzidine iv) plresidin (2-Methoxy $ methylaniline) Wy) 4 Chloro-o-wluidiae Av) 44° Methylene-bis-(7-chloraniline) v) 2Naphy famine avib 4" Oxydianiline vi) @ Aloinoararohine avi) 44° Thiodianiline vil) p-Cateraaitine xvii) o-Toluidine vii) 24 Diaminoanisole six) yf, —Teluylenediamine 4x) 44”— Diaminodiphenyime:nane xx) 2,4, —Trimethyleniline 8) 3.3°—Dimethoxybenzidine ax) p-Amino-azobezene ni) 33° — Dinethoxybenddine aati) 2-Methvay aniline Burean of Indien Standards RIS is a at harmonious development of the act ‘and attending to counected matters in che counuy. tory instination established andes the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, (9X6 10 promote ies of standardization, marking and quality contifiestion of goods Copyright [BIS hus the copyright of ull is publications, Nw part of these publiestions may be reproduced in any form ‘without che prior permission in writing of BIS, This does nor preclude she Iree use, in the course of implementing the standard, of nezessary details, such as symbols and sizes, Lype oF grade designations. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed tothe Direeror (Publications), BIS. Review of Indian Standards Amendiuenis are issued to standuccs 25 the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards ar also reviewed periodicslly: 4 stardsrl along with amendments i¢ reamed when sich review indicates that no changes are rncedeey ifthe review indicates tat changes ate nzeded, itis ken up Zor revision, Usere of Indian Standard: should ascertain that they are ia possession of the latest amendments er edvion by refering (Uke latest issue of “BIS Catalogue’ und ‘Standards: Monthly Auditions’, “This Indasn Starcard has heen developed from Dos No + TXB 08 (1055). Amendments Issued Sinee Publication ‘Amend No. Dave ol have BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS Headquarters: Mana Blawan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi 11002 Telephones: 1323 0131, 2323 3975, 2323 9402 Website: www bis orzia Roglonal (Offices: Telephones Cour: Manak Bhavan, 9 Babadur Shah Zafar Marg 2323 7017 NEW DRLUT 110002, 2303 3841 Easier: (/l4 CLUE Scheme VIM, V.I.P, Read, Kanikurgacht 2887 8499, 2337 8301 KOLKATA 700034 2337 8626, 2337 9120 Nonheen + SCO ¥35-3%6, Sector S4-A, CHANDIGARE! 160022 260 813 240) 9235 Southern + CLT. Campas, LY Cress Road, CLIENNAL 6201 14 234 1216, 2254 (442 22542519, 2254 2315 Weslemm ; Manakalays. EY MIDC, Marol, Andheri East) 28329295, 2832 7858, MUMBAI 410093 2892. 7AV1, 2832 7892 Brasetes: AHMEDARAD, NANGALORE. RIOPAL. RIUBANESHWAR. COIMBATORE. DEHRADUN, FARIDABAD. GHAZIABAD, GUWAKATL HYDERABAD. JAIPUR. KANI'UR. KOCHL LUCKNOW. NAGPUR. PARWANOO, PATNA. PUNE. BAJKOL VISAKHAPATNAM.

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