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Curriculum Process: Improving a Field of Study

Staff development is becoming an increasingly integral and critical part of our schools. The
chapter illustrates how basic attempts have been made in the past to reconceptualise fields of study.
School districts usually decide to improve a field of study by strengthening one subject are over several
grade levels. The decision to reconceptualise a field of study typically emerges from an awareness of a
deficiency, such as when poor articulation across the various levels of schooling exists, when teachers
are no longer using existing guides, or when the present curriculum for a particular field of study as
become out-dated. Substantial teacher preparation is necessary to improve a field of study so that
teachers are equipped to make the most effective use of technology, pedagogy, and curriculum
development in our nation’s classroom.

Case Study – Providing Diverse Teaching Strategies

The following case study is an example of how an Ohio principal is able to use staff development
and differentiated instruction strategies to improve school curriculum.

“We have a situation whereby the fourth-grade teachers are fearful of meeting state guidelines
and feel they are restricted to teaching only the basics,” says the principal, Art Mandel. “parents of the
high-level students are grumbling.”

Susan Gibbns, a fourt-grade teacher-leader, listens and nods her head in agreement. “Yes, you
are right,” she says. “Martha and Bob are concerned their students will not make state mandates.”

Principal Mandel is frustrated. “How can we help them?”

“Well,” says Susan, smiling, “why don’t you arrange for some staff development on compacting
and differentiated instruction? That way, Marta and Bob can see some different ways to align their
teaching with state standards and still reach all their students.”

“That sounds like a great idea,” says Principal Mandel approvingly. I’ll contact the district office
as well as the loyal university to see if we can get some help in setting up an in-service on differentiated
instruction as well as some other strategies.”

The Challenge

Formulating strategies to improve fields of study and enhance staff development is a major goal
for many school administrators. What can Principal Mandel do to get more teachers like Susan Gibbons
involved in leadership roles?

Key Questions

1. What are your impressions of how Principal Mandel handled the situation involving Martha and
Bob at his school?
2. Do you feel the Principal Mandel might have used or manipulated teacher Susan Gibbons to
solve his problem?
3. How do you think other teachers will react when they find out that Susan Gibbons is providing
staff-development suggestions to the principal? What should be discussed?
4. What are some other possible ways that Principal Mandel can staff development and improve
fields of study at his school?
5. How would you feel about Principal Mandel asking Susan Gibbons, Martha, and Bob to attend a
differentiated instruction conference together? Do you think this would be useful? Why or why

Reference: Gatthorn, A., Boschee, F., Whitehead, B., & Boschee, B. (2012). Curriculum Development: Strategies for
Development and Implementation (3 Ed). Thousand Oaks, California 91320: SAGE

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