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Republic of the Philippines


Lucinda Campus, Brgy. Ungot, Tarlac City Philippines 2300 (045) 493-1865 Fax: (045) 982-0110 website:
Accredited Level 11 Status by the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and
Universities in the Philippines. (AACCUP), Inc
The College of Nursing pursues the Mission of the University which states: “The Tarlac State University is commits to promote and sustain the
offering of quality and relevant program
s in higher and advance education ensuring equitable access to education for people empowerment, professional development, and global
The College of Nursing pursues the Vision of the University which states: “Tarlac State University is envisioned to be a premier University in the
Asia-Pacific region.
The goal is on the holistic development of the person to be professionally competent and caring nurse imbued with the following core values of
love of God ,love of country and service to man.

To prepare graduates for the practice of nursing in various settings by providing a broad estbasiceducation , skills and competencies for future
leadership positions in nursiing
To develop among the spirit of compassionate caring , quality of service ,social insight ,and commitment in the health care of the nation.
To continue to strengthen and facilitate health research initiatives and maintain active outreach programs with the community through
coordination and collaboration of undertakings
Name: ____________________________ Score: _____________

Year/Section:__________________ Date:_______________

DIRECTION: Shade the corresponding letter of your answer on the ANSWER SHEET provide.
Shade only one letter. Don’t use pencil in shading. STRICTLY NO ERASURE/S!!!

1. This classification of wound usually heals quickly, generally within days to weeks. The wound
edges are well approximated and the risk of infection is lessened.
A.Abrasion wound
B.Acute wound
C.Chronic wound
D.Unintentional wound

2. One of the most common skin and tissue disruption is:

B.Pressure ulcers
D.A and B

3. Which of the following is not true of wet-to-dry dressings

A.Is only used for debridement
B.Wet gauze is applied to wound and allowed to dry
C.Debris and necrotic tissue adhere to the gauze and are removed from the wound when the
dressing is changed
D.There is a decreased risk of infection(Mi

4. Which of the following is not a roller bandage method?

A.Spiral turn
B.Sling turn
C. Figure-of-eight turn
D.Circular turn

5. A characteristic of an unintentional wound is:

B.High risk for infection
C.Clean edges
D. A and C

6. Which of the following is not true of wounds that are treated by leaving them open to air.
A.No dressing is applied
B.They are at more risk for infection(Missed)
C.They heal more slowly
D.All of the above

7. It is the partial or total separation of wound layers as a result of ecessive stress on wounds
that are not healed. In this condition, the muscle is generally intact.
D.A and B

8. Hemorrhage may occur from a:

A.Dislodged clot from sturess at the suture line or operatuve site
C.Erosion of a blood vessel
D.All of the above

9.In the inflammatory phase of wound healing, this type of white blood cell arrive first to ingest
bacteria and cellular debris .
D.A and B

10. Who of the following is the most at risk for a pressure ulcer:
A.Peter Lotto , because of his obesity
B.Mayor Adam Manalang, because of minor brain impairment
C.Joe Marie Sayson , because he is a paraplegic
D.Lando Ferrer , because he is an infant

11. Which of the following is not a psycholgocal effect of wounds?

D. None of the above

12. A collection of infected fluid that has not drained is a


13. A sling is used on binders and bandages for

A.The chest and abdomen
B.Rectum and perineum and in the gron
C.Joints, such as the knee, elbow, ankle, and wrist
D.Supporting an arm

14. Loida Santos is experiencing red drainage from a wound. What kind of exudate is this?
A.Serous drainage
B.Sanguineous drainage
C.Serosanguineous drainage
D.Purulent drainage

15. The spiral turn is done using Bandages and Binders in

A.Wrists, fingers, and trunk injury
B.Joints, such as the knee, elbow, ankle, and wrist
C.Fingers, head, and for the stump of an amputated limb
D.Rectum and perineum and in the groin

16.Which of the following influence resistance of skin integrity?

B.Amount of underlying tissue
D.All of the above

17. What would you do for a victim who has internal bleeding?
A. Keep the victim quiet and lying down.

B. Bend knees to make them comfortable.

C. Both a and b

D. None of the above.

18. To care for a victim with a sucking chest wound, you would?
A. Cover the wound completely with a sterile gauze pad.

B. Cover the wound with a dressing that doesn’t allow air to pass through.

C. Apply ice pack to the wound.

D. Both a and c

19. Internal bleeding can be caused by:

A. Injury

B. Illness

C. Medication

D. All of the above.

20. When caring for a choking infant, what position is the infant held in?

A. Upside down by the ankles and shoulders.

B. Face up on a flat surface.

C. Face down on your forearm with head lower than the body.

D. Face down on your knee, with head lower than the body.

21. Soft tissue wounds should be cared for by:

A. Heat and elastic bandages.

B. Ice and elevation.

C. Apply direct pressure on the area to cut down on bleeding under skin

D. Both B & C

22. A dependent patient at risk of aspiration needs help with eating breakfast. Which statement
by the nurse maximizes the ancillary staff member's ability to manage the situation if aspiration
A.. "What are you prepared to do if the patient starts gagging?"
B. "Remember to have the suction equipment readily available."
C. "Do you understand the importance of evaluating the ability to swallow?"
D. "If you have any reason to believe that the patient is choking, call me immediately."

23. Which of the following actions should have priority in order to best ensure that the patient
has the ability to swallow effectively?
A. Palpate the patient's larynx for movement while swallowing normally.
B. Ask the patient if he or she has a history of difficulty chewing or swallowing.
C Interview the patient regarding specific foods that are difficult for him or her to swallow.
D. Arrange for a dietary consultation in order to fully assess the patient's risk for aspiration.

24. An elderly, confused patient with a history of choking while eating requires assistance with
breakfast. Which statement, made by ancillary staff, reflects an understanding of the importance
of appropriately communicating with the nurse regarding this intervention?
A. "Do you think I could encourage her to sit up in a chair when eating breakfast?"
B. "The patient began coughing when I gave her some coffee, so I didn't offer it again"
C. "The patient did very well eating the birthday cake the family brought in last evening"

D."How much of those thickened liquids on the tray should the patient actually drink?"

25. Which of the following patients should not be initially assigned to

ancillary staff to assist with feeding because of a potential risk for aspiration?
A. 85-year-old patient diagnosed with advanced Alzheimer disease
B. 76-year-old hospice patient currently experiencing dyspnea
C. 66-year-old patient with a history of petit mal seizures
D. 47-year-old patient recently diagnosed with an oral cancerous lesion

26. The purpose of artificial ventilation to choking patient is to

A. Prevent the toungue from being swallowed
B. Provide method of air exchange
C. Clear an upper airway obstruction
D. Clear a lower airway obstruction

27. The first priority in giving first aid care to an unconscious victim is to
A. Establish & maintain an airway
B. Check for pul;se
C. Activate the emergency system
D. Get consent to treat

28. Without oxygen brain cell will die

A. Within 1-2 minutes
B. Within 4-6 minutes
C. Within 6-8 minutes
D. After 10 minutes

29. What is the preferred method of opening the airway to a client with spinal cord injury ?
A. Jaw thrust
B. Necklift -jaw trhust
C. Head tilt /jaw thrust
D. Head tilt /chin lift

30. The most reliable indication of a block airway in a conscious person is

A. The inability to talk
B. A compression accident
C. Preferably digested food in the mouth
D. Cherry red skin

31. When giving mouth to mouth resuscitation , you should

A. Hold the victim’s nostril closed while breathing into the mouth
B. Avoid touching the nostrils under cardiopulmonary resuscitation is given at the same time
C. Pinch the nostril as you lift your mouth from the victim’s mouth
D. Keep the nostril open

32. You are a school counsellor and enter an empty classroom to find two 11 year olds, one of
whom is unconscious, appears blue, and has labored gasping breathing. The victim’s friend tells
you she collapsed after playing the “choking game”. What do you need to do?
A. Provide abdominal thrusts.
B. Perform CPR at 30:2 for 2 minutes and then send the victim’s friend to call 911.
C. Leave the child, call for help, and have the friend start CPR.
D. Send the friend to call for help and check for a carotid pulse

33. . If you are performing CPR on a child and their chest does not rise with the first breath,
what should you do?
A. Perform abdominal thrusts and look in the airway.
B. Stop efforts to resuscitate the child.
C. Adjust the airway and give your second breath
D. Attempt a second breath without changes.

34. What is the proper hand position when performing chest compressions on a 6 year old?

A. With one or two hands, lower half of breast bone.

B. With two hands encircling the chest, thumbs on the beast bone.

C. Two hands, upper third of the breast bone.

D. Two hands, center of breast bone.

35. You are babysitting an 8 month old child who is crawling on the floor when they suddenly
starts coughing and gagging. What should you do?
A. Closely observe the child in case the symptoms worsen, at which time you must take
B. Provide rescue breaths.
C. Alternate between 5 chest thrusts and 5 back blows until the object is expelled.
D. Provide abdominal thrusts until the object is expelled.

36. What is the first link in the adult “chain of survival”?

A. Preventing heart disease.
B. Avoiding tobacco use.
C. Early recognition
D. Early CPR

37. The current American Heart Association (AHA) Guidelines call for a compression:breath
ratio when performing one person adult CPR of:

38. When performing adult CPR, the current AHA Guidelines recommends a compression rate
D.As fast as possible

39. When performing adult CPR, the current AHA Guidelines recommend a compression depth
A.1/2 the depth of the victims chest.
B.1.5 to 2 inches.
C.1 to 1.5 inches.
D.0.5 to 1 inches.

40. The most important objective of performing adequate cardio-pulmonary resuscitation is:
A.Giving the correct compression:breath ratio
B.Giving full breaths during rescue breathing in order to promote proper gas exchange
C.Checking for a pulse frequently to assure that you are not doing compressions on a beating
D.Adequately priming the heart so it will be in an optimum state of readiness when more
advanced procedures can be performed.

41. Breathing emergencies may be caused from….

A .Asthma or Allergic reaction
B. Hyperventilation
C. Injury to a muscle or bone in the chest
D. All of the above

42. Tissue torn or separated from the body is called

A. Amputation
B. Abrasion
C. Avulsion
D. Laceration

43. Name items that can be used as a protective barrier to control bleeding
A. Gloves
B. Plastic wrap
C. Clean handkerchief
D. All of the above

44. While in a store you see someone suddenly collapse. The victim is a middle-aged woman
who is not responding, unconscious, and gasping occasionally. What is the most likely cause
and appropriate treatment?
A. Sudden Cardiac Arrest Treatment: CPR, Defibrillation with an AED
B. Stroke, Treatment: Calling for help
C. Choking, Treatment: Back blows
D. Low blood sugar, Treatment: force feeding the victim
45. You are helping an adult male who was thrown off a snow mobile at 50 MPH. He is
unconscious and does not appear to be breathing. He does have a strong pulse. There is blood
visible on both legs. How should you open the airway to give rescue breaths?
A. Jaw thrust, without tilting the neck
B. Head tilt, chin lift
C. Do not move the neck, use a CPR Mask
D. Await professional help to arrive

46. While performing CPR your chest compressions should be:

A. Hard and fast, with as few interruptions as possible.
B. Gentle and slow
C. Hard but slow with frequent interruptions to check for a pulse
D. Gentle but fast

47. Mang Kanor an electrician is working in your home. He is electrocuted when his ladder
touches a power line. He falls approximately 15′ on to soft grass. The scene is safe. The power
line is intact and the ladder fell away from the patient. The patient is unconscious. An AED has
been connected and advises that a shock should be delivered to the patient. What should you
A. Perform CPR for 2 minutes and then shock the patient.
B. Check for a pulse.
C. Ignore the AED, perform rescue breathing.
D. Ensure everyone is clear of the patient and then deliver the shock.

48. While dining with a friend they suddenly grab their throat and cannot speak or make any
sound. You ask if they are choking and they nod their head to indicate “yes”. How should you
A. Have them lay down and begin CPR.
B. Encourage them to cough
C. Perform a series of rapid abdominal thrusts..
D. Provide back blows.

49. What is the pads placed directly on the wound to absorb blood and other fluids and to
prevent infection ?
A. Bandage
B. Dressings
C. Roller bandage
D. Plaster

50. What is a punctures/penetrations ?

A. serious injury where a portion of the skin and sometimes other soft tissue is partially or
completely torn away, can become infected
B. superficial burns (first degree)
C. located beneath the epidermis and dermis, contains adipose, blood vessels and connective
D. cresult when skin is pierced with a pointed object, external bleeding is generally not severs,
objects penetrating the soft tissues carry microorganisms that cause infections

51. A soft tissue injury caused by exposure to heat, chemicals, electricity or radiation
A. burns
B. dermis
C. tetanus
D. Abrasions

52. What is a large cuts that require stitches and with partial-thickness burns ?
A. Avulsions
B. signals of severe internal bleeding
C. example of occlusive dressing
D. examples of serious soft tissue injuries

53. The care for an accidental amputation of the leg due to car accident include
A. put on gloves
B. control of external bleeding
C. locate and care for severed body part
D. All of the above

54. A deeper skin layer that contains nerves, sweat glands, oil glands and blood vessels
B. Dermis
C. Subcutaneous tissue
D. Fatty tissue

55. When delivering ‘back blows’, where should you aim for on the casualty’s back?
A. Over a shoulder blade
B. The lower region
C. In-between the shoulder blades
D. Anywhere

56. When performing an ‘abdominal thrust’, where should you place your fist?
A. Just above the belly button
B. Just below the belly button
C. Anywhere in the lower region of the abdomen
D. Anywhere in the upper region of the abdomen

57. A person, who is unconscious, not breathing, has a weak pulse, needs….
B. Heimlich maneuver.
C. Rescue breathing.
D. Back blows and chest thrusts.

58. When helping an unconscious choking victim, you would give an adult____ chest thrusts.
For an infant you would give____ back blows and____ chest thrusts.
A. 3,3,3
B. 5,3,3
C. 5,5,5
D. 3,5,5

59. A girl is not breathing but has a pulse, what would be the best course of action?
A. Call 911, and begin CPR immediately.
B. Call 911, and begin rescue breathing.
C. Call 911, check for blocked airway, begin CPR.
D. Call 911, and wait for professional medical help to arrive.

60. An eight year old child is unconscious and the airway is blocked. You should:
A. Give abdominal thrusts
B. Begin CPR
C. Begin Rescue Breathing
D. All of the above

61. A victim is coughing up blood with bleeding from the mouth and is tender in the abdomen.
Pulse is weak and rapid. The victim is having signs of
A. Massive head injuries
B. Internal Bleeding
C. Drug Overdose
D. Possible Poisoning

62. Shock is a condition where:

A. The respiratory system fails to deliver air to the lungs.
B. The cardiovascular system fails to deliver blood to the heart.
C. The circulatory system fails to deliver blood to all parts of the body.
D. All of the above.

63 Benjie is driving his route and he come across a victim lying in the middle of the road that
appears to be unconscious, he should….
A. pull the bus safely to the side of the road place his reflectors around the injured person and
call 911.
B. Position his bus to protect the victim, turn on his flashing red lights, call 911.
C. Pull the bus safely to the side of the road, drag the victim out of the roadway & call 911.
D. Continue driving to the nearest phone, Call 911.

64. When performing CPR on a child, how deep should the chest compressions be?
A. 1½ inches.
B. 2 inches
C. 2½ inches
D. 3 inches

65. A boy is shot with an arrow through the chest and out the back, what would be the best
course of action?
A. Remove the arrow and apply sterile gauze to the wound.
B. Do not remove the arrow, place several dressing around the arrow to keep it from moving,
bandage the dressings in place around the arrow.
C. Do not remove the arrow; break off the part out the back, bandage with dressing around the
arrow to hold it in place.
D. Remove the arrow, wash the area, and bandage with sterile gauze.

66. Where would you check the pulse on a 12-year-old boy?

A. On the inside of the arm between the elbow and shoulder.
B. At the side of the neck
C. On the inside of the wrist.
D. Both b & c

67. A boy on your bus has been coughing for over a minute, what should you do?
A. Begin rescue breathing and call 911
B. Get medical attention as quickly as possible
C. Encourage the boy to cough and get medical attention a.s.a.p.
D. Encourage the boy to cough and begin giving abdominal thrusts

68. Philippine Red Cross volunteer instructor is teaching nursing student s on moving a victim
in a car accident .When can you move a victim?
A. When the victim is in danger.
B. When you need to care for another victim.
C. When it would be easier to care for the victim.
D. All of the above.

69. What is the treatment for ‘mild airway obstruction’?

A. Give the casualty sips of water
B. Gently pat the casualty on their back
C. Call an ambulance immediately
D. Encourage the casualty to cough

70. What would you do if a victim had a body part torn or cut off?
A. Wrap severed body part in sterile gauze.
B. Place in a plastic bag.
C. Put the plastic bag on ice and take it to the hospital with victim.
D. All of the above.

71. Suffocation occurs when no air enters the rooms and to the nose and the room is a confined space
where all the oxygen is used up like caves, holes and wells without water. The management include:

A. removing the person from the area, applying artificial respiration and giving pure oxygen, if available.
B. ensure circulation of fresh air before entering the room by opening the doors and windows.
C. removing the person from the area, applying artificial respiration and giving pure oxygen, if available.
D. All of the above

72. A teenage girl Eloisa committed suicide by hanging herself by a rope on their house ceiling.Hanging
is define as

A. suspension of the body by a noose around the neck

B. constriction around the neck
C. squeezing the throat
D. none of the above

73. Characteristics of the majority of poisonous snake include

A. irregularly shape blotches in the skin
B. fangs
C. elliptical pupils
D. all of the above

74. The following is recommended first aid care for a honeybee sting is to:
A. Grasp the singer with a pair of tweezers and gently pull it out
B. Remove the stinger by scraping it gently
C. Apply wet mud to the sting area and let dry
D. Apply baking soda to the affected site

75. the most important characteristics of heat stroke is

A. Profuse perspiration
B. Dizziness
C. Very hot skin
D. Painful muscle cramps or spasm

Prepared by:





Program Chair

Approved :


1. B
2. D
3. D
4. B
5. D
6. B
7. A
8. D
9. A
10. C
11. D
12. B
13. D
14. B
15. A
16. D
17. C
18. B
19. D
20. C
21. D
22. B
23. A
24. C
25. A
26. B
27. C
28. B
29. A
30. A
31. A
32. D
33. C
34. A
35. A
36. C
37. C
38. A
39. B
40. D
41. D
42. C
43. D
44. A
45. A
46. A
47. D
48. C
49. B
50. D
51. D
52. A
53. D
54. B
55. C
56. A
57. C
58. C
59. B
60. A
61. B
62. C
63. C
64. A
65. B
66. B
67. C
68. A
69. D
70. D
71. D
72. A
73. D
74. B
75. C

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