Disaster and Emergency Nursing

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Disaster and Emergency Nursing

1. A victim of respiratory distress may have skin that is either pale, flushed or
A. Dry
B. Hot
C. Bluish
D. Red

2. Basic life support describes the procedures needed to ____________________ in an emergency.

A. Call for help
B. Sustain life
C. Reverse damage
D. Open airway

3. Brain cells begin to die within __________________ minutes after being deprived of oxygenated
A. 2-3 minutes
B. 4-6 minutes
C. 8-10 minutes
D. 12-14minutes
4. The crucial first step in Basic life support is
A. Opening the airway
B. Assessing the victim
C. Activating EMS
D. Perform Heimlich manoeuvre

5. Tap the victim on the shoulder and ask if he or she is ok to determine

A. Unresponsiveness
B. Breathlessness
C. Choking
D. Arrest
6. Before you open the airway ,the victim should be in a __________________ .
A. Prone
B. Supine
C. Recumbent
D. Fowlers

7. During the head-tilt , chin lift maneuver ,maintain backward pressure on the victim’s.
A. Chin
B. Shoulder
C. Forehead
D. Neck
8. Use jaw thrust maneuver if yo suspect the victim has ________________ injury.
A. Head
B. Tracheal
C. Cervical
D. Spine
9. In the jaw thrust maneuver ,you bring the victim’s ______________ forward instead of tilting the
head back ward
A. Jaw
B. Head
C. Back
D. Neck
10. To assess for breathlessness _________________ for the chest to reise and fall
A. Feel
B. Look
C. Listen
D. Smell

Test II 10 points

The three major ways you can recognize adequate breathing are to

Look for ______________________________________________________________________

Listen for _____________________________________________________________

Feel For _______________________________________________________________________

You are eating at the restaurant .Suddenly a man at the next table stands up knocks over his chair and
places both hands over his throat. He looks alarmed and his mouth open

What is the probable cause of this emergency situation ? What emergency care would you give in this
situation ? What would you do if the victim is still was not breathing after you provided this first aid care ?

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