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Offshore South East A@a

2-5 February1988

Condensate Production Optimization in
the Arun Gae Field
by R.M. Risan,S. AMullah, and Z Hidayat Mobil 011 Indonasia (Indonasia)

This paper was prepared for wsasntatlon at’ the 7th Offahoos South East AaiiI Conference held In Singapore,
2-5 FsbruaIylSU1.Thispaperweaaahotadforpmasntatlon bya programmeaommlttesfollowingMawoflnformatlon Inan
abatraot0ont8rrtaof the paperhave no! bean mvlawadby OSEAand are subject to comctlon by the author(a).

‘fhem are 35 production wells currently in the

four clusters sod ten (10) gas’ injection wells
(61Wa) into the thickest part of the formation
around the North, West and South flanks of the
Aaamux GM condanaate and water me aeparatsd et each
cluster through two (2) ident icsl prmeea
h the Aruo Field, Mobil Oil Indonesia Inc. tmina. The gas and condensate are gathered
(MM) has ieplemnted a condemate production at a central pipeline aanifold end metering
optimiziition progxvm on ita Supervisory Control station at Point A. Point-A ia situated
and Data Acquisition (SCADA) aystsm This between Cluster 11 and Cluster 111 at the
program has been proven aucceaaful in improving center of the field M per Figurs 1. This iS
stabilized condanaate production by up to 3% or alao . the location of the field administrative
3200 BPD at 2,270 M4SCFdaily average separator of ficas , generators, warehouses,
gee flowrate. ssintenance ~~ and Central Control Roos (CCR).
CCRcoordinates field production and ergency
comunicat ion.
2.0. FISLD
The Arun gee field ia located in the Aceh
province, about 350 kus. aouthesat of ita capital Each cluster was designed to be identical. Each
city, Banda Aceh, Sumatra Island, Indonesia. cluster has locations for up to 16 production
wells, sost of which are deviated to achieve
The reservoir ia a carbonate reef reservoir. The assimua spread of bottom hole locationa as per
net voluae is 11.5 million acre-feet with the
Figure 2.
average net pay thickrresa of 464 feet. The
fomstion itself has a mean depth of approximately Well and individual cluster procaaa.controls are
10,000 feet aubaea, whiIe the higheat encountered located in, end aainly operated from the Cluster
Iimeatone top ia 9400 feet aubaen. Control ROOB. The operation of Cluster Control
Rooaa and OCR are connected by the SCADA
The product ion faci 1it iea are located within four systse. This enables operators at cm to
(4) individual clua~le ~ich contain the conditions sod to
sonitor clueter opemting
producing welle, st rem coolers and
comdinat e product ion.
aepnratora. Cluster U and Cluster 111. have one
(1) and two (2) gas rein ject ion cospmaaora
respect i vel y.

Rafazesces sad illuatrstioas at sad of pspez

Codemsate Pmdzotim OPtimisathm im tEe Araa Gee riold
.9 SS2G0

Wellstreum gee is proceamwl in the clusters To evaluate this program, agraphof unatabilizad
through .coollmg and sapsretion facilities. The condensate va dry gee bee been plotted from
final process iog ia through a 3-phsse sepbtor several runs of condeneete optimization case
q=~g at approximately 1200 paig and 70-60 studies as per Figure 3. From the graph, the
● The eeparator gee (dry gas) flows result of thie optimization wee so improvmt of
through a 42” pipeline to the Arun LWGplant end condensate production by up to 3% or 3200 BPD at
Fertilizer Plente. The WOC psi naperator 2,270 MCFll, the 1966 averzge separator gas
condaoeate (unstabilized mMensate) ie ptapad f Iowrate.
through a 20” pipeline to the LWGplant where it
ie procaeeed for eale. se stabilized condensate. 4.0. PmQ2m D2v21#mm20FmuuA TION
Water ie treetad tbrougb produced water 4.1. SCADA~
treatment facilities prior to diepoeal. Part of
the dry gas ie reinfected through the three Many industries use a SCADAsystem to monitor and
(3) gas in jact ion compressors. The field 1366 control their operations. In Arun Field, MCI uses
product ion end facilities data are as’ follows: a SCADAsystem. This system consiste of the hoat
computer system, data communication ayatem, remote
Mex. Cluster capacity ~ 760 M?SCFO terminal unite, field measurement interfaces and
Avg. Well Capacity 116 Mt3cFD application programs.
Avg. Dry Gas Production 2270PS4SCF0 The host computer aybtam consists of two
Avg. LWG& Fertilizer Planta Feed 1439 MCFO identical mini computer eysteme. One computer
Avg. Reinfection (ha 739 Mmclm system acts as the prima~ computer. It handles
Avg. Stabilized Condensate Prod. 10214O BPD the tsske of c~ icating with the Remote
Terminal “Units (RTiJs), Video Display Units
Well flowrates are controlled by manually (VDUa), Printers (PRTs), Alarm eystem, Rep6rt
aelacting a Presmure-Cent ro 1 controller or system, Historical system, Field balance system,
E%mt-@ntrol controller. All wells on pressure Optimization ayztem snd Online operations ayatem.
eont ra. respond to fil1 fluctuation in gas demand
and to maintain a stable pipeline pressure. Wells The second computer is the back-up unit which is
on flow control are aet at a certain flow alao used for program development. If the
condition. If gas demand decrease to a value primary computer fails, then the back-up unit
lower than the flow control set-point the wells at takes over by manually switching over all
flow control mode will be over-ridden by the peripheral devices to the back up unit.
Prasaure Controller output control.
3.0.oP’mmATIm PtmIm
Individual well Condensate Gas Ratio (CGR) of the
Dry (ha production is planned to fulfill LWG end 35 production wella ie shown on Table 1. The CGR
Fertilizer plants requirements. Condensate ia en valuee indicate the ranking of wells. Tho
associated product of the gas production. The values are determined by t@s. In order to
ratio of unstabilized condensate to gee varies maintain an u@eted CGR, the tests are repeated
from well to well over a wide range from 26.4 to on a zix [6) month schedule.
?O.7 BBL/FMCF as -F Table 1. The optimization
problem i= to select multiple feeds or WS1l-CGR’S At preeent, the test facilities are the
to produce maximum economic gain in terms of production separators themselves. The nominal
condensate production. gss separator operating rate ia 350 WtSCFO.
Testing a single wel 1 uzing a product ion
In 1964, when this proJact began, we were not able separator both dieturba production operation end
to claaaify well-CGR’s, predict changing CGR’S, gives “m inaccurate result. The separator and
plan for demand changes (due to shipment echedulea zsaociated measurement tranaaitters are oversized
or unplanned ahutdowna), or solve the optimization for a single well flourste. Wells are tested in
problem. These problems required solution due to a three-well, simultaneous test called a “Multi
rapid increase in our gee and condenaat.e sales Well Test”.
contracte se construction of two more cluztere and
three more LWGtrains progressed. This method is verified by comparing actual vs
pradicted+3GR’e and a ssmpling error of less than
A series of SCADA computer application were 2% has bean achieved. The results of multiwell
defined to solve theee probl~. Thase included a test are CGR, dry gas to wet gas ratio (DWR) and
aultiwell test system, a production planning water to dry gas ratio (WOR). These results sre
ayatem, an optimization study ayatea and an online kept in a historical trend file,
optimization aetpoint display aystam.

The method to optimize condensate production is to 4.3. 04mH12ArIaCsTsTm

operate each w&ll at a flowrat~ according to
priority which ia based on well ranking of All field production deta such as well CGRS,
current CGRvalues as defined by znalysia of the actual msx-min wall flowrates. limitation of
above application ayatti. trains capacity, pressure/temperature operating
, Iiaita end current gas demand are kept in the
SCADA computer database for use by the
condensate optimization system.


The resulte era displayed on VOUs @ CCR end At periods of low ambient temperature the
Cluster Control ROODS to advise the operators at wallstra= header pressure can be dacreaeed to
what flowrate eatpnint each wall dtould be run to 1S00-1800 peig. which still reaches the eeparator
obtain optimm condensate production (Figure 4 & operating te4wWlra. The objective of this low
5). The pro- is run eutmeticelly every hour, wellstresm header pressure oparattig p~e is
when gas ~ changes by (+/-) S% and when to improve well deliverability of higher CGR
activated by CCR operatore. Wsllo. Que.litalively it improves condensate
product ion. Long rum documented quantitative
TIM operators continuously aonitor these displays results $are still being ~nitored end studied.
end mnuelly adjust flow rates end process
condition to opt iaize condensate. Kxparience 5.3. -m~-m~.
shcem that during stable condition this is within
1-3% of the aaximum achievable CQR. The well flowlinee ware initially designed with a
positive shut-off type choke end a low-noiee level
control valve. AS the well head pressure
declines, reducing pressure drop in flowlinae ia
required to increase well deliverability in order
A feasibility study of Autcmetic Well Flowrate to mat gas and condensate daaan& and improve
Setpoint Control ie presently being studied es condaoeate production optimization.
the next step in thie progra. The aim of the
progras ie to connect the output of the SCADA S*4. sImL2w2LLTmT Mnum3s
production optimization program to the wall
control lore. ?’C kIWW- qllelity of the teat results, reduce
prod~t~~n- disturbances and increase Production
wall flouratea daviete from optimum condition for train capacity, single wall teat facilities are
following reasons; being constructed in each cluster.

1. Change in LtW Plent daazd beceuse of 6.0. (XlllOLUBIONMO ~AT~-

shipping schedules or plant squiF9ant
melfunct ion. ‘fhe current SCADA-Condensate optimization progrea
is a ueeful program to assist operatora to
2. Field proceaa upeete caused by inatnment or optimize condensate production. Concluaione and
elect ricel failures, which result in walls recrnndetions from this paper are :
shutting ,down or coupreseore tripping.
1. The progre8 k. been proven su~c~sful “
3. Shut t ing walls in for Bottom Hole Pressure improving condensate production by up to ;
nnd Caliper surveys. or 3200 BPD Stabilized Condensate at 2270 I
WSCF daily average Separator gee flowrate.
4. Changes in ~ient conditions which alter
cooler end c~resmor perf oraence. 2. To implement Automstic Well Setpoint Control
es further development of this program to
Well optimum flowretaz as predicted by the progrea maintain condensate optimization and improve
will be the coaputer eetpoint output to adjust the enother 0.5% of condensate production.
current controller setpokts. The- adjustment will
be done i~ e periodic fine-step of incrcae.nt or 3. Field operation weather variationa fr-
decrement in e closed-bop control. Thie is in deytime tonilht ti.aaor rein-time which can
order to achieve smooth operations. improve condensate optimization by reducing
the - wel 1st ream header pressure while
The Autoaatic Flow SetPoint Control providea an maintaining the separator operet ing
-Sete reaction to any process change or temperature within acceptable operating
upeets end result in so of ficient correct ion back conditions. Further docummted monitoring
to the optimum flowing condit ionm. Based on our end study of this program are recomendad
experience with the present on-line prograa it ie for evaluation.
felt en additional 0.5% condaneete production can
be achieved with the Autoaatic Flow Setpoint 4. To imple~t further development of this
Control. progren i.e.:
!5.2. ~T032Ml~CXMT18JL . Reducing preeaure drop in fhwlinae.
Single well test facilities.
Wellstream gee is cooled in the cluster traine
through an aerial cooler, a wet gas-cooled gee
heat exchanger end a Joula-Thoaeon (JT) type
valve. NorMl Walhztre- header preeaure is 1S50 We thank the k!obil Oil Indonesia Inc. and
-2000 peig. which is required to provide a Pert~ina-BKKA for paraission to puhliah this
preeaure drop acroaa the JT valve to maintain the paper. We alao expreem our sincere gratitude to
separator temperature at 70-80 degra@ F. our colleagues within Mobil Oil Indonesia/Arun
Field Production Operations for their valuable
cornnts and help in the preparation of the

oe: 41: 3% 1040-37 PROD A

CCRaPl: 1716
PAC~ L aF 3



CZ-6 v. o 94.3 ?7.o

CZ7 ~ :0.0 L17.7 LL’?.O
C23 W. o 9?. 3 m. o
C24 q4. o Q=, 6 ?4.o
C3 9 LZO. O L10.4 1=0.o
Czv 73.0 72.2 73.0
C21Q 106. a 106.4 106.0
C216 IOz o 99.6 102.0
cza 420 45. r 43.0
C2LS ?4. o 0.0 0.0
C:l lQS. o 104. L LOS.O
C33 106.0 LOO.4 104.0
C3ZZ 1:0.0 115.9 t20.o
C32 LOZ O 108.2 102.0
C17 Ll&O 112.3 116.0
cl? 1:2.0 111.7 115.0
C34. Izo. o 1-7. z LZO.O
CLS Lo=. O 102.0 :0s.o
CLS LO?..O 92.9 101.0
C46 LZZ O 130.6 LZZ. O
C3S6 84. G az. o 84.0
cl: LL4. O 111.4 114.0
C1L6 1:!!. o 110.9 1:S.O
C49 1::.0 L 14.a 113.0
C4Z ea o 07. L 80.0
C44 12S. O 122.4 1=5.O
C4E Izz. o 140.6 L:?.o
C“4 10 1S.:. o l=:.O 12?.O
C3Z 110.0 ;00. 4 11S.O
C47 LZ9.O 102.0 1S9.O
C3-6 111.0 20.1 69.6
CL4 Li20 LOB;z so.o
Clb Lz?.o 58.7 50.0
C3L0 1020 0.0 0.0
C4X6 L40.0 0.0 0.0


, ,PalNT”A”





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Caa. cm. U2%
Ac2. 0?7. M’LAN
*-, m.a 02 4,’.63s72 111 114 Uo
04 17.1 aua ;0s so 107
09 56.0 2US 122 us m (+41


C20STU-1 r-?mmi-t
X-:!m O?u
0s S4.S MM 104 10$ Aoa ~R-2

06 33.9 33s8 n so a9
07 s6.9 2744 W 116 U> t=?
0s S2.6 2S60 9J 10L 93 *7 r
M 47.6 a94a 1X2 121 110

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mu wa 8 00- 776 003 l-l


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