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Bandung, 16 November 2019

Alif Ilham Muhammad

GBA 2 M3 No.27

Bandung, Indonesia


To: Dr. Femi Yulianti, S.Si., MT

Advisor of Business Simulation Laboratory
Telkom University , Telekomunikasi Street No. 1
Bandung, Indonesia
Dear Ms. Femi,

My name is Alif Ilham Muhammad from TI-41-09 Industrial Engineering 2017 in Telkom
University. According to the information I got on social media that the Business Simulation Laboratory
is opening recruitment to become a Business Simulation Laboratory Assistant. I am here asking for
permission to join because I am very interested in learning more about business simulations and
interested in teaching others in practicum.

For your consideration, I attach the following:

1. Curriculum Vitae ( Formal CV)

2. Personal SWOT
3. Essay
4. Inegrity Pact

I hope that I will be given the opportunity to join the Business Simulation Laboratory then I will
contribute to making Business Simulation Laboratory even better. Thus this letter, Thank you very much
for your attention. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best Regards,

Alif Ilham Muhammad

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