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Tekken 6 Moves List: Paul Phoenix - IGN FAQs


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PAUL Phoenix

Command: Name: Type: Damage: Escape: Properties:

[F+]1+3 Over the Shoulder F 35 1
[F+]2+4 Shoulder Pop F 35 2 KND
2+4~b Kajou Palm F 40 2 #1
f,f+1+2 Shoulder Ram F 40 1+2 #1
d/f+1+2 Twist & Shout F 40 1+2
(d/b_FC)+1+2 Ultimate Tackle F_L_R_B_C 5 System
= (1,2,1_2,1,2) = Ultimate Punch - 5,5,5 System
= (1,2_2,1) = Ultimate Punch - 5,5 System
= 1+2 = Cross Arm Lock - 25 System
= 1+2 = Cross Arm Lock - 25 System
= 2,D+1,1,N:4,1,1+2 = Prison Rape - 5,8,8,35 System
b+1+4 Foot Launch F 40 1 BT #1
[F+](1+3_2+4) Dragon Screw L 45 1
[F+](1+3_2+4) Fall Away R 40 2
[F+]1+3 Reverse Neck Throw B 50 none
[F+]2+4 Piggyback Ride B 50 none

1. Does 44 damage if the opponent hits a wall.


Command: Name: Stance: Damage: Hit Properties:

1 Jab 5 h
f+1 Forward Jab 6 h
d/b+1 Low Jab RC 5 Sm
WS+1 Quick Upper 12 m
FC+1 Crouch Jab RC 5 Sm
2 Straight 12 h
f+2 Forward Straight 12 h
d/f+2 Uppercut 13 m JG JGcco
(d_d/b)+2 Low Straight RC 8 Sm
FC+2 Crouch Straight RC 8 Sm
3 High Spin Kick 30 h KND
f+3 Forward High Spin 30 h KND
d/f+3 Lateral Kick 17 m
d+3 Low Spin Kick RC 12 L
d/b+3 Spin Sweep RC 12 L
FC+3 Crouch Spin Kick RC 12 L
4 Roundhouse 17 h JGc
f+4 Forward Roundhouse 17 h JGc
D/F,4 Crouch Shin Kick RC 10 L

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Tekken 6 Moves List: Paul Phoenix - IGN FAQs

d/b+4 Shin Kick RC 7 l

(WS_qcf)+4 Front Kick 18 m
FC+4 Crouch Shin Kick RC 10 l


Command: Name: Stance: Damage: Hit Properties:

(1_f+1),2 One-Two Punch (5_6),12 h,h
1,4 Reverse PDK Combo RC[2] 5,8 h,l
d/f+1 [~b] Body Blow [SWY] 10 m
d+1 Hammer Punch 15 m RCj OC
= 2 = Phoenix Smasher 26 m KND
= 2* = Delay Phoenix 26 m KND
= 2* (longest hold) = Phoenix Death Fist 39 m GB KND
= <4,2 = Falling Leaf RC[1] 15,21 l,m PLD[1] KND[2]
qcf+1 Thruster 21 h JG FSc
b,f+1 Burning Spear 30 h KND
SS+1 Turn Thruster 23 h GB KND
f+1+2 Hammer of the Gods 27 m OC OCb KSco
d+1+2 Iron Mountain Bash 30 m GB KND
(qcf_FC,d/f)+1+2 [~b] Riptide [RC Cancel] 21 L JG
f+1+4 Shoulder Tackle 22 m SLDc KND
2,3 PK Combo 12,21 h,h KND[2] CSc[2]
2,(d/f_d_d/b)+3 PDK Combo RC[2] 12,11 h,L
f+2,3 Quick PK Combo 12,20 h,h KND[2]
f+2,(d/f_d_d/b)+3 Quick PDK Combo RC[2] 12,15 h,L
f,f+2 Flash Elbow 15 m MS
= 1 = Juggernaut 18 m KND
= :1 = Holy Dragon Claw 26 h GB KND
= <2 [~b] = Riptide [RC 21 L JG
qcf+2 Phoenix Smasher 33 m SLD KNDc
b+2 Wrecking Ball 22 m KND CFSc
WS+2 Thunder Palm 20 m RCj JG
(FC,d/f+2_D/F,2) Stone Breaker 20 m
= <1 = Juggernaut 30_25 m KND #1
= <2 [~b] = Riptide [RC 21 L JG
(f,f_WR)+3,4 Shredder 20,15 m,m JG[all] JG
= <4 = Shredder High 25 h GB KND
= <(f_d/f)+4 = Shredder Mid 15 m
= <(d_d/b)+4 = Shredder Low RC 15 L
b+3 Lights Out 18 h CSc
(u_u/f)+3,4 Quick Shredder (17_15), m,m JG[all]
u/f,N+3 Phoenix Hop Kick 25 m JG
(WS_qcf)+3 Rise Spin Kick 28 h KND
SS+3 Pumpin' Pedal 15 L MSccl
f,f+4 Neutron Bomb RC 20 M JG OC GB #2
d/f+4 Solar Plexus 23 m MS FSc
JGcl[1] BS[1]
d+4,2 Falling Leaf RC[1] 10,18 l,m PLDc[1]
JGcl[1] BS[1]
d+4:2 Dragon Falling Leaf RC[1] 10,21 l,m PLDc[1] MS[2]
GB[2] #5
= 1+2 = Demolition Man 25 m GB KND
= :1+2 = Dragon Thunder 30 m GB KND
Bolt Palm
u/f+4 Hop Kick 13 m JG
u/f,N+4 Jumping Hop Kick 25 m JG
(d_d/b)+2 Down Strike 21 L
(opponent grounded)
FC,D* Paul's Taunt RC - - #3
= u+2+3+4 = Incomplete SLD 45,40 m,M KND[all] #4
qcb Sway SWY - -
b+(1+3_2+4) High & Mid Attack System -
1+2+3+4 Supercharger - -
b,b,u/b Wall Jump Mid Kick 25 m GB KND

1. Damage will be 25 if you delay the hit.

2. JG when hitting from the front. OC from the side or back.
3. This move has Supercharger effects.
4. Does 45 damage while going up and 40 while going down. Also does 10 damage to Paul.
5. The low kick must hit in order to do the just frame version.

SWAY: (Starting during Sway only [qcb] SWY)

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Tekken 6 Moves List: Paul Phoenix - IGN FAQs

Command: Name: Stance: Damage: Hit Properties:

1 God Hammer Punch 15 m OC BNc
2 Rubber Band Attack 20 m GB MS KNDc
3<2 Rapid Fire - Stone RC[1] 14,21 L,m PLDc[1]
= <1 = Juggernaut 25_21 m KND #1
= <2 [~b] = Riptide [RC Cancel] 21 L JG

1. Damage will be 21 if you delay the hit.


Command: Name: Stance: Damage: Hit Properties:

b+1+2 Burning Fist 100 ! KND


Command: Hits: Damage: Hit Range:

(1_f+1),2,3,1,2 5 (5_6),12,7,6,30 h,h,m,m,m
(1_f+1),2,3,1,4,2,1,4,2,1 10 (5_6),12,7,6,7,8,5,8,10,30 h,h,m,m,l,m,h,m,L,m
(1_f+1),2,3,2,1,2,1,4,2,1 10 (5_6),12,7,5,7,4,5,7,8,30 h,h,m,h,m,h,h,l,m,m


Command: Damage:
Combo 1 ???
Combo 2 ???
Combo 3 ???
Combo 4 ???
Combo 5 ???
Combo 6 ???
Combo 7 ???




Notation: Explanation: Notation: Explanation:

1 left punch (triangle button) 3 left kick (X button)
2 right punch (square button) 4 right kick (circle button)
f tap forward F hold forward
b tap back B hold back
u tap up U hold up
d tap down D hold down
d/f tap down and forward D/F hold down and forward
d/b tap down and back D/B hold down and back
u/f tap up and forward U/F hold up and forward
u/b tap up and back U/B hold up and back
qcf quarter circle forward (d,d/f,f) qcb quarter circle back (d,d/b,b)
hcf half circle forward hcb half circle back (f,d/f,d,d/b,b)


Notation: Explanation: Notation: Explanation:

N neutral joystick position SSL side step (left only)
SS side step (left or right) SSR side step (right only)
FC full crouch position WS while standing up from crouch
WR while running [ ] optional command(s)
( _ ) or ... continue infinitely
+ at the same time ~ immediately after
, followed by < delayed input
* press and hold button(s) = next in sequence
: "just frame" input - button must ; used to separate commands used
be pressed on an exact frame in a combo

Grounded Positions:

Notation: Explanation: Notation: Explanation:

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Tekken 6 Moves List: Paul Phoenix - IGN FAQs

KND (FUFT) knock down (face up / feet PLD (FUFA) play dead (face up / feet away)
SLD (FDFA) slide (face down / feet away) FCD (FDFT) face down (face down / feet

Throw Types:

Notation: Explanation: Notation: Explanation:

F front throw B back throw
L left side throw R right side throw
C crouch throw (from the front on A air throw (opponent in the air)
a crouching opponent)
G ground throw - -

Move Properties:

Notation: Explanation: Command: Explanation:

BT back turned FF face forward
RC recovers crouching initially RCj RC joystick modifier (hold D or
CH major counter hit OC forces opponent to crouch
(ex. Ganryu - u/f+3+4)
OS forces opponent's side to face OB forces opponent's back to face
you you
(ex. Hwoarang - CH LFF,b+4) (ex. Marshall - BT+1)
JG juggle starter BN bounce juggle starter
(ex. Feng Wei - WS+3) (ex. Bryan - b+1)
block stun - attacking character guard break - defending
BS has huge disadvantage if blocked GB character takes a step back, or
(ex. Marshall - d/b+4) his hands are in the air (ex.
Feng Wei - f+1+2)
SH stagger hit - opponent may DS double over stun - opponent can
recover KND in some cases (ex. tap f to escape (ex. King - CH
Lei - SS+1) f,f,N+2)
minor stun - animations vary, fall back stun - opponent can
MS but usually nothing is FS tap f to escape
guaranteed after (ex. Bryan - CH SS+1,2)
(ex. Nina - b,f+3)
kneel stun - opponent falls to crumple fall stun - opponent
KS one knee, free hits are CFS slowly falls down, free hits are
sometimes possible usually possible (ex. Heihachi -
(ex. Anna - d/f+4) CH b+2)
crumple fall - opponent quickly crumple stun - opponent falls
CF falls down, free hits are CS down, free hits are usually
usually possible possible
(ex. Roger Jr. - 3+4) (ex. Lee - CH f,f+4)
[x] hit modifier (ex. CFS[1,2]) # see footnote (ex. #2)
b block modifier (ex. BTb - c counter hit modifier
character is BT on block) (ex. BNc - BN on counter hit)
co crouching opponent modifier cco CH on crouching opponent
(ex. SHco - SH on crouching (ex. JGcco)
cl clean hit modifier ccl CH clean hit modifier
(ex. JGcl - JG on a clean hit) (ex. FSccl)
bt back turned opponent modifier B! move can cause "bound" property
(ex. JGbt - JG on a BT opponent) when used in combos
F! move can cause floor destruction - -

Hit Ranges:

Notation: Explanation: Notation: Explanation:

h high (block B or duck) H high, hits grounded
m mid (block B) M mid, hits grounded
l low (block D/B or jump over) L low, hits grounded
Sm special mid (block B or D/B) SM special mid, hits grounded
! unblockable <!> unblockable, can be ducked
[!] unblockable, hits grounded T throw (duck or input escape

Character Specific: (Stances, Special Positions, etc.)

Notation: Explanation: Notation: Explanation:

LBR Labyrinth (Raven) FLA Flamingo (Baek)
MST Mist Step (Lee) RKT Rocket Stance (Roger Jr.)
HMS Hit Man (Lee) LFF Left Foot Forward (Hwoarang)
CJM Chaos Judgement (Anna) RFF Right Foot Forward (Hwoarang)
LCT Leg Cutter (Asuka) LFS Left Flamingo (Hwoarang)
HPF Haze Palm Fist (Asuka) RFS Right Flamingo (Hwoarang)
RDS Rain Dance (Ling) SIT Sit Down
(Ganryu & Jack-5 & Kuma/Panda)
AOP Art of Phoenix (Lei & Ling) HBS Hunting (Kuma/Panda)

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Tekken 6 Moves List: Paul Phoenix - IGN FAQs

DRU Drunken Master Walk (Lei) ROL Prowling Grizzly Roll

SNA Art of Snake (Lei) FKS Fake Step (Marshall)
DGN Art of Dragon (Lei) DSS Dragon Sign (Marshall)
PAN Art of Panther (Lei) DFS Dragon Fake Step (Marshall)
TGR Art of Tiger (Lei) KNP Kenpo Step (Feng Wei)
CRA Art of Crane (Lei) JAG Jaguar Step (King)
CDS Crouching Demon (Jin) FLK Flicker (Steve)
MNT Mount Position (Craig) ALB Albatross Spin (Steve)
RDP Ready Position (Craig) LWV Left Weave (Steve)
HSP Handstand (Christie/Eddy) RWV Right Weave (Steve)
NEG Negativa (Christie/Eddy) DCK Ducking (Steve)
FLE Flea (Yoshimitsu) DKI Ducking In (Steve)
INS Indian Sit (Yoshimitsu) SWY Sway (Steve & Paul)
DGF Dragonfly (Yoshimitsu) WND Wind Roll (Julia)
MED Meditation (Yoshimitsu) DES Destroy Form (Alisa)
SEN Silent Entry (Lars) DEN Dynamic Entry (Lars)
SAV Savage Stance (Miguel) TRT Tarantula Stance (Zafina)
MNT Mantis Stance (Zafina) SCR Scarecrow Stance (Zafina)
MTS Muay Thai Stance (Bruce)
PKB Peekaboo (Steve) STC Shifting Clouds (Feng)
HAZ Haze Stance (Raven) KIN Kinchou Stance (Yoshimitsu)
NSS No Sword Stance (Yoshimitsu) - -

Submitted by tekkenomics - Created 10/26/09 Share |

See All Tekken 6 W alkthroughs and FAQs

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