Interview Protocol

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Interview Protocol

Name of the Teacher:-_____________________________________________________

Grade level taught:________________________________________________________
School: _________________________________________________________________
1. What Mother Tongue (MT) are you using in your class?

2. Are you using the MT as a language for teaching (MOI) _______ or and as subject___________?

3. Do you use instructional materials in MT? ________ ,Please enumerate.


4. Do you find it easy ________or difficult ________ in using MT as a medium of instruction or language of
teaching? Why?

5. If you are teaching MT as a subject, do you find it easy ________ or _______ difficult? Why?

6. Do you use Mother Tongue in singing songs? _________, Or reciting a Poems? If yes, Please write the
tittle of the song and poems.

7. Do you find your learners enjoying the lessons with the use of the Mother Tongue? Yes ___or No ___.
Describe their

8. Are you learners learning? Yes _____ or No ______

9. Is the MT you are using, the same as your own as a teacher? _________, if no what is your MT?

10. When did you start teaching MTB-MLE? _____________________________, Why did you shift to

11. What are the things that are favorable or not in MTB-MLE? Please enumerate

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