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Ships Journal

Journal for storage and use of substances

injurious to health on board

Printer: Grafia Kommunikasjon, 5K, 05.09

REV. NO. 06
ID. NO. 801018

Wilhelmsen Ships Service AS

Mail: P O Box 33 NO-1324 Lysaker, Office: Strandveien 20, NO-1366 Lysaker, Norway
Tel: +47 67 58 45 50, E-mail:
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

«Ships Journal»
ID no. 801018

Wilhelmsen Ships Service

Print and reproduction: Grafia Kommunikasjon
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Ships Journal
Journal for storage and use of substances
injurious to health on board

Name of Ship:
Regulation of 1 January 2005 No. 8 concerning the working
environment, health and safety of workers on board ship.
Laid down by the Norwegian Maritime Directorate on 1 January 2005 pursuant
to the Act of 9 June 1903 no. 7 relating to Public Control of the Seaworthiness
of Ships, etc., § 1, § 9A. § 41, § 42, § 56, § 59, § 97 and § 106, cf. Formal
Delegation of 12 October 1962 No. 5, Formal Delegation of 5 April 1963 No.
9, Formal Delegation of 1 December 1978 No. 1 and Formal Delegation of 2
August 1991 No. 528, the Seamen’s Act of 30 May 1975 no. 18, § 13, para-
graph 3 and § 40 paragraphs 2 and 4, cf. Formal Delegation of 31 January 1986
No. 221, Royal Decree of 23 December 1988 No. 1081 and Formal Delegation
of 27 December 1988 No. 4321. Cf. the EEA Agreement, Annex XVIII para. 8
(Directive 89/391/EEC) No. 10 (Directive 89/655/EEC amended by Directive
2001/45/EC), No. 11 (Directive 89/656/EEC), No. 12 (Directive 90/269/EEC),
No. 14 (Directive 90/394/EEC amended by Directive 97/42/EC), No. 15
(Directive 2000/54, Directive 91/383/EEC articles 3 and 4), No. 16h (Directive
98/24/EC), No. 16j (Directive 2000/39/EC) and No. 16ja (Directive 2002/44/EC).
In respect of Chapter 8 of this Regulation, refer to the EEA Agreement, Annex
XVIII para. 16d (Directive 92/85/EEC). Amended 6 July 2005 No. 800.

Message from
Wilhelmsen Ships Service

Wilhelmsen Ships Service is striving to achieve the most efficient, safe and
environmentally friendly products for use on board your ship. We are constantly
trying to develop safer products, but for many years to come we will have to live
with the fact that many of the products that serve us so well and are so efficient
for the operation of a ship, will continue to be potentially dangerous.

All chemicals, paints and gases are dangerous to both people and the environment
if used incorrectly. It is Wilhelmsen Ships Service’s policy to do our best
to guarantee your safety in your work with our products. We hope this journal will
contribute to your having a safe and healthy ship.
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Regulation of 1 January 2005 No. 8

concerning the working environment, (1) The following general guidelines shall
form the basis for the implementation of the
health and safety of workers on board
provisions of this Regulation:
ship a) risk factors are to be eliminated;
b) any risk which cannot be elimi
nated shall
A summary of the Regulation: be individually assessed;
c) any risk shall be counteracted at the
CHAPTER 1. source;
General provisions d) technical progress shall be taken into
§ 1-1 e) common protective measures of a
Objective technical nature, or measures, methods
or procedures related to the organization
The objective of this Regulation is to ensure of the work shall, if possible, have priority
that work and off-duty time on board is arranged before individual protective measures.
and organized so that the safety and physical
and mental health of the workers is ensured in § 2-2
accordance with the technological and social Risk assessment
development of society. This Regulation shall
furthermore ensure that the safety and health (1) Hazards on board shall be identified.
of workers is protected against risks arising or When the hazard has been identified, an as
likely to arise from exposure to chemicals and sessment of the risk represented by the
biological agents in the working environment. hazard shall be made. Such risk assessment
shall be made on a regular basis and:
§ 1-2 a) whenever new working equipment or
Scope of application new technology is introduced, and
b) whenever other modifications are made
(1) This Regulation applies on board any to the organization or planning of work,
vessel to which the Seamen’s Act is which may affect the health and safety of
applicable, cf. the regulation concerning the workers.
scope of application of the Seamen’s Act
curently in force, unless otherwise provided (2) The results of the risk assessment shall
in this Regulation. be documented in writing.

(2) The provisions of Chapters 1-6, including (3) If a risk to the safety and health of
Chapter 14, are general provisions on th workers is identified, the necessary
working environment, safety and health measures shall be taken to eliminate or
Chapters 7-13 contain additional provisions. reduce the hazards.

(4) If a risk cannot be avoided in any other

CHAPTER 2. way, appropriate personal protective
Provisions concerning the working equipment shall be made available and shall
environment, safety and health be used.

§ 2-1 (5) For any worker who is pregnant, has

General guidelines for the working environment, recently given birth or is breastfeeding, an
safety and health additional, special risk assessment shall be
made pursuant to Section 8-4.
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

CHAPTER 3. § 6-2
Personal protective equipment Workers’ duties

§ 3-1 (1) Each individual worker has a duty to

Provisions on personal protective equipment comply with orders and instructions, inclu-
ing to accept assignments, show caution and
(1) This chapter prescribes minimum otherwise in every way cooperate to saf-
requirements for the use of personal guard life, health and welfare in accordance
protective equipment. with this Regulation.

(2) Personal protective equipment shall be (2) Any worker shall use the required pro
used when a risk cannot be eliminated or tective equipment and otherwise cooperate
sufficiently limited by means of common to prevent accidents and health injuries.
protective measures of a technical nature or
by means of measures, methods or proce- CHAPTER 7.
dures relating to the organization of work. Special provisions concerning the
manual handling of objects
Work equipment § 7-1
Provisions on the manual handling of objects
§ 4-1
Provisions on work equipment This Chapter prescribes minimum safety and
health requirements for the manual handling
This chapter prescribes minimum safety and of objects.
health requirements in connection with the
workers’ use of work equipment. CHAPTER 8.
Special provisions concerning workers who
CHAPTER 5. are pregnant, have recently given birth and
Protection supervisor and protection and are breastfeeding
environment committee
§ 8-1
§ 5-1 Scope of application
Election of protection supervisor
This chapter shall apply to any worker who:
(1) A protection supervisor shall be elected by a) is pregnant;
and from among those who are employed on b) has recently given birth;
board in connection with ordinary operation c) is breastfeeding;
of the vessel. with the exceptions and special provisions set
out in the regulations currently in force concern-
ing the scope of application of the Seamen’s
Workers’ duty to cooperate
§ 8-2
§ 6-1
Workers’ cooperation
For the purpose of this Chapter, the following
Planning and evaluation of the working envi-
definition shall apply:
ronment and the implementation of necessary
Injury: Any harmful effect on the health of a
preventive measures shall take place in
pregnant worker, her foetus or breastfeeding.
cooperation with the workers.
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

§ 9-1 coating, etc. which need no adapting work on

Use of safety and protective equipment for spe- board.
cial work operations
(2) On existing vessels all asbestos in need
(1) Work outboard while the ship is under of repairs or renewal shall be replaced with
way must only take place when it is abso
lutely necessary. The officer of the watch equivalent materials as mentioned in the first
shall be informed of the work, and shall en paragraph.
sure that adequate safety measures are
taken. § 10-2
Ban on certain chemicals
(2) During mooring, loading/unloading, and
when working in cargo holds, engine rooms, The following chemicals are not permitted for
tanks, as well as in places where objects use on board ship:
might fall down, protective helmets and a) 2-naphthylamine and salt of 2-naph
safety boots shall be used. thylamine (CAS no. 91-59-8);
b) 4-aminobiphenyl and salt of 4-aminobi-
(3) When using tools, machinery, power phenyl (CAS no. 92-67-1);
sprayers, etc. which present a risk of injury to c) benzidine and salt of benzidine (CAS no.
the eyes, protective goggles shall be used 92-87-5);
if no other protective measures offer suffi- d) 4-nitrobiphenyl (CAS no. 92-93-3).
cient safety.

(4) When products which can be hazardous CHAPTER 11.

to health are used for cleaning, instructions Provisions on the protection of workers
for use shall be available. Necessary person- against exposure to chemicals and
al protective equipment such as helmets, biological agents
face screens, large aprons, gauntlets, suit-
able safety boots, etc. shall always be used. § 11-1
Scope of application
(5) If repairs have to be carried out in places
where there may be a danger of asbestos (1) This Chapter covers all situations where
dust or dust from materials containing asbes- chemicals and biological agents are used on
tos, protective measures shall be taken dur- board ship or present in the working environ-
ing the work, requiring respiratory protection, ment, including production, handling, stor-
screening of the working space, ventilation, age, disposal, destruction, and waste
etc. treatment.

(2) This Chapter also applies to carriage of

CHAPTER 10. chemicals unless specifically provided that
Ban on the use of asbestos and certain only chemicals for use on board are covered
noxious and health hazardous substances or other legislation gives stricter or more spe-
cific provisions.
§ 10-1
Ban on the use of asbestos on board ship § 11-2
(1) On vessels built on 1 July 1987 or later all
use of asbestos is prohibited, except pre- For the purposes of this Chapter:
manufactured asbestos packings and friction a) Administrative norm means recommended
maximum value for the average concentration
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

of a chemical agent in the air within (1) Exposure of workers to biological agents
the breathing zone of a worker in relation to a shall be avoided.
specified reference period.
b) Biological agent means any micro-organism, (2) If it is not possible to avoid exposure,
cell culture and endoparasite the contact such exposure shall be reduced to a level
with which may provoke infection, allergy or which is sufficiently low to give adequate
toxicity. protection to the safety and health of the
c) Biological limit value for lead means the workers concerned.
binding maximum value for the concentration of
lead in a person’s blood. (3) The quantities of chemicals to be used on
d) Cell culture means the result of in-vitro board shall be as small as possible and
growth of cells derived from multicellular chemicals which may be injurious to health
organisms. shall not be used where non-injurious pro-
e) Exposure means the harmful effects of cesses and substances are available. If such
chemicals and biological agents to which substitution is not possible, processes and
workers are exposed or risk being exposed. substances which are less injurious to work-
f) Endoparasites mean parasites which live ers’ health shall be used instead.
in the human body during the whole or parts
of their life cycle. (4) A biological agent injurious to health shall
g) Limit value means the binding maximum not be used when another biological agent
value for the average concentration of a is available which under the same conditions
chemical agent in the air within the breathing of use and according to existing knowledge
zone of a worker in relation to a specified is either non-injurious or less injurious to the
reference period. health of workers.
h) Containment means barriers used to
prevent unintended contact between biological (5) Common protective measures of a
agents and humans or the environment. technical nature or measures, methods or
i) Chemical agent or chemical means any procedures related to the organization of
element or compound, on its own or ad- work shall be preferred wherever possible to
mixed, which may pose a risk to the safety individual protective measures.
or health of workers, as it occurs in the natural
state or as produced, used or released, (6) The number of workers engaged in work
including release as waste, by any work operations or otherwise running the risk of
activity, whether or not produced intentionally. exposure to chemicals and biological agents
j) Carcinogenic chemicals and processes shall not be greater than necessary.
mean any chemical which meets the crite-
ria for classification as carcinogenic under § 11-4
the Regulation of 16 July 2002 No. 1139 Risk assessment
concerning the classification and marking,
etc. of dangerous chemicals. (1) Any exposure to chemicals and
k) Micro-organism means any cellular or biological agents which poses a health risk
non-cellular microbiological entity, including to workers shall be identified. The following
those which have been genetically modified, shall, inter alia, be described:
capable of replication or of transferring a) the chemicals and biological agents
genetic material. that workers are exposed to;
b) how, and during which activities and in
§ 11-3 which areas the exposure occurs;
Provisions on the protection of workers against c) the concentrations involved;
exposure to chemicals and biological agents d) the duration of exposure;
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

d) the duration of exposure; before work has begun. Steps shall be taken
e) the number of workers susceptible to to ensure, inter alia:
exposure. a) the availability of written instructions to
ensure safe routines for the storage,
(2) When such exposure has been identified, handling and carriage of chemicals and
an assessment of the risk posed by the biological agents on board;
exposure shall be made. The risk assessment b) the use of suitable methods of
shall be performed on the basis of all available measurement and measuring equipment
information, including: that will identify possible chemical
a) information on dangerous properties of exposure risks;
chemicals; c) the availability of necessary protective
b) information from the supplier on safety arrangements and personal protective
and health risks; equipment and that such arrangements
c) information on the risk group of each and equipment are in good working order
biological agent; and adapted to the working situation in
d) information on human diseases that each case;
may be caused by the biological agents; d) the implementation of necessary
e) information from competent authorities; technical control measures;
f) information on recommended protective e) the availability of first-aid equipment
measures and effects of measures taken; and other equipment to prevent or mitigate
g) knowledge that a medical condition injuries to workers in the event of incidents
found in a worker at a special medical and accidents.
examination or otherwise may be directly
attributed to that person’s work; (2) Work in narrow and confined spaces,
h) information on the conditions on board tanks and similar spaces shall be according
in general. to instructions which shall always be
reviewed before commencing work. The
(3) For activities involving exposure to several instructions shall ensure that, inter alia:
different chemicals and biological agents, the a) the oxygen content of the atmosphere
risk shall be assessed on the basis of the is measured before commencing work;
aggregate and combined risk of the chemicals b) there is a person standing guard during
and biological agents. the work operation at the entrance of the
space and that this person is provided
(4) The risk assessment shall be performed with necessary and approved
at regular intervals and invariably when there communication equipment and protective
is a change in conditions which may affect and rescue equipment.
workers’ exposure to chemicals and biological
agents. (3) The ventilation system shall be so
designed and dimensioned as to keep the
(5) The risk assessment and its results shall concentration of chemicals at a safe level.
be documented in writing, available to the
workers and submitted to the Norwegian (4) Warning and safety notices shall be used
Maritime Directorate on request. to indicate areas, including piping and tanks,
where there is a risk of exposure to
§ 11-5 chemicals.
Arrangement and organization of work, etc.
(5) Written instructions shall be set up to
(1) Where a risk to the safety or health of collect, handle and examine samples from
workers is identified, necessary measures persons and animals which may contain
to remove or reduce such risk shall be taken biological agents hazardous to health.
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

§ 11-6 (3) If the medical examination shows that a

Hygienic measures worker suffers from a condition which may be
attributed to exposure to chemicals or
(1) Measures shall be taken to ensure that biological agents on board, measures shall
workers do not eat, drink or smoke in areas be taken to examine the health condition of
where there is a risk of exposure to all workers who have endured similar
chemicals and biological agents. exposure.

(2) Floors, walls and other surfaces in areas (4) Any worker who is to work with lead and
which may be contaminated by chemicals lead compounds shall undergo a compulsory
shall be cleaned at regular intervals. medical examination before commencing
such work. The medical examination shall
(3) Workers shall have at their disposal include a clinical examination and
suitable and satisfactory toilets and measurement of the lead content of the
washrooms where, if appropriate, eyewash blood. Measurement of the lead content
water and antiseptic skin care products shall of the blood shall be performed every three
be available. months. If three consecutive checks show a
lead content of the blood which is lower
(4) Personal protective equipment and than 0.5 micromol per litre of blood for
working clothes which may be contaminated women in their fertile age and 1.0 micromol
by chemicals and biological agents shall if per litre of blood for other workers, checks
necessary be taken off when the workers of the lead content of the blood may be made
leave the workplace and be kept separately once a year as long as the exposure level
from other clothes until disinfected, cleaned and the working conditions remain the same.
or, where necessary, destroyed.
(5) Workers shall be offered safe and
(5) Containers or similar arrangements for effective vaccination against biological agents
contaminated working clothes or protective to which they may be exposed. Workers shall
equipment shall be conspicuously marked. be provided with information on the
advantages and disadvantages of such
§ 11-7 vaccination.
Medical examination
(6) Where a medical examination is carried
(1) Where the risk assessment shows that out as mentioned in this provision, the
there is still a risk, despite the protective journal shall be available for at least ten
measures taken in each case, to the safety years after the end of exposure. For workers
or health of a worker, he or she shall receive exposed to carcinogenic chemicals or to
an appropriate medical examination. any other special health risk, the journal shall
be available for at least 60 years after the last
(2) The medical examination shall take place known exposure.
before the worker commences work and at
regular intervals thereafter. The doctor § 11-8
decides the frequency and content of the Measures in the event of non-anticipated
examination on the basis of the nature, exposure
degree and duration of the exposure and the
health condition of the worker. Steps shall be (1) An emergency preparedness plan shall
taken to ensure that the worker is provided be prepared for unforeseen situations and
with the necessary information about the accidents which may cause abnormally high
need for future medical examinations. exposure.
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Upon use of biological agents, such an (1) A register shall be kept for each ship of
emergency preparedness plan shall be workers that, through use or otherwise are,
prepared for biological agents which, or may be, exposed to:
pursuant to Section 13-1, are classified as a) carcinogenic chemicals;
Group 3 or Group 4 biological agents.The b) other chemicals which according to the
same requirement also extends to cases risk assessment pose a special health risk;
otherwise, which are considered to pose c) biological agents classified pursuant to
a risk of unforeseen situations and accidents Section 13-1 as Group 3 or 4.
which may lead to the dissemination of
biological agents that can cause serious (2) The register shall identify the chemicals
infection or disease. The emergency and biological agents to which the worker is
preparedness plan shall be prepared on the exposed and provide information on how the
basis of the risk assessment and shall worker has been exposed, and the duration
contain, inter alia: and degree of the exposure.
a) information on special hazards which
may arise in unforeseen situations and (3) The register shall be available for at least
accidents; 60 years after the end of exposure for
b) guidance for incident alerting and workers who have been exposed to chemicals,
measures to be taken to manage the and for at least ten years after the end of
situation; exposure for workers who have been
c) guidance for use of external assistance exposed to biological agents.
or rescue service.
(4) The register shall be available for at least
(2) If an unforeseen situation or accident 60 years if the exposure to biological agents
arises or occurs, the emergency may cause infection:
preparedness plan shall be put into effect a) by biological agents known to be
immediately. The workers shall as soon as capable of provoking lasting or hidden
possible be informed about the situation, the infections;
cause of the exposure and the measures b) which on the basis of existing
taken. knowledge cannot be identified before the
disease breaks out several years later;
(3) Emergency preparedness plans shall be c) which has a particularly long incubation
available to the workers and the external period before the outbreak of the disease;
rescue service. d) which leads to a disease that
sometimes flares up again over a longer
(4) Drills in accordance with the emergency period in spite of the treatment received,
preparedness plan shall be conducted at or which may lead to serious
regular intervals. accompanying diseases in the longer
(5) The Norwegian Maritime Directorate
shall immediately and as quickly as possible (5) Any worker entered in the register shall
be informed about any accident or incident be informed of this and have access to
which may have brought about the information relating to his or her case. If the
dissemination of a biological agent that could employment relationship is terminated or if
cause human disease. the worker so requires, such information shall
be provided in writing.
§ 11-9
Register of workers exposed to chemicals and (6) Doctors carrying out medical examinations
biological agents as specified in Section 11-7 shall be informed
of and have access to the information
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

mentioned in the first paragraph. c) precautionary measures to be taken to

avoid exposure;
(7) The register shall be forwarded to the d) information on measurements made of
Norwegian Maritime Directorate if the the contamination of the working
company discontinues its activity. atmosphere and their results;
e) rules on hygiene;
§ 11-10 f) identification of the protective equipment
Storage, handling and carriage of waste which to be used and how to use it;
may contain chemicals or biological agents g) measures to be taken and emergency
preparedness plans to be put into effect
(1) Measures shall be taken to ensure that in the event of unforeseen situations and
the collection, storage and removal of waste accidents and incidents.
is carried out without health risk to workers.
(3) The training shall be provided before
(2) Such waste shall be stored in containers commencing work and it shall be repeated
which are unambiguously and conspicuously at regular intervals and adapted to new or
marked and, where necessary, completely changed conditions.
(4) Completed training shall be documented
(3) Chemical waste shall be safely disposed in writing.
of or delivered to approved reception facilities
for special waste.
(4) Where necessary, biological waste shall Special provisions concerning the
be rendered harmless by appropriate protection of workers against exposure
pretreatment. to chemicals

§ 11-11
Training and information § 12-1
Records of substances and products
(1) Steps shall be taken to ensure that
workers are provided with and have (1) Records of substances and products shall
understood the necessary training and be kept which show the chemicals to be used
information so that exposure may be avoided on board.
or reduced to the greatest possible degree.
The training shall be provided on the basis (2) The records of substances and products
of all available information and written shall contain all information on the chemicals
instructions drawn up to establish safe which is necessary for their intended use.
routines for the storage, handling and Such information may include, inter alia,
carriage of chemicals and biological agents health, environment and safety product data
on board. sheets, other information provided by the
supplier, information from competent
(2) The training and information shall give authorities and relevant literature.
special consideration to the following:
a) the use of records of substances and (3) The records of substances and products
products, including identification of the shall be kept readily accessible to the
health hazardous substances used and workers.
stored on board and the risk of exposure;
b) the health hazards that biological
agents may constitute;
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

§ 12-2 § 12-3
Marking Packaging

(1) Chemicals for use on board shall be Chemicals for use on board shall be stored in
appropriately marked. The marking shall be their original packaging or other equivalent and
in accordance with the information in the marked packaging. If the original packaging is
health, environment and safety product data damaged or the chemical is re-packaged, the
sheets and shall exhibit, inter alia: new packaging must be of a chemical-resistant
a) the technical name, substance/product type which cannot give rise to confusion.
name and an indication of its contents;
b) the hazard class and hazard symbol; § 12-4
c) a warning against hazards and Measurement of contamination of the working
necessary precautions; atmosphere
d) the name and address of the
manufacturer. (1) Measurements of the contamination of
the working atmosphere shall be made at
(2) If chemicals are stored in a separate and regular intervals and invariably in the event
locked room, the storage room shall be of any change that may influence the
conspicuously marked with the hazard workers’ exposure to chemicals.
classes and hazard symbols of the chemicals
stored. (2) Measurements shall be made so as to be
capable of identifying any exposure to
(3) Marking as specified in this provision shall workers.
be in a language or languages understood by
the workers concerned. (3) Measurements of contamination and their
results shall be documented in writing.
(4) Instructions shall be prepared which
ensure that the requirements pursuant to this § 12-5
provision are complied with at all times. Limit values

(1) The following limit values for lead, vinyl

chloride and benzene in the working
atmosphere must not be exceeded:

Substance Reference period Limit value in ppm Limit value in mg/m3

Lead eight hours - 0.05
Vinyl chloride eight hours 1 3
Benzene eight hours 1 3
(§ 12-5; Limit values)
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

(2) The biological limit value for lead which (2) If measures as referred to in the first
must not be exceeded is 0.5 micromol per paragraph are not practicable, measures
litre of blood for women in their fertile age shall be taken to avoid ignition sources which
and 1.5 micromol per litre of blood for other may cause fire or explosion or any other
workers. condition which may cause reactive
chemicals to lead to dangerous situations.
§ 12-6
Measures to be taken where limit values or (3) Measures shall be taken to prevent
administrative norms for contamination are injuries to workers in the event of fire or
exceeded explosion or any other dangerous situation
likely to be caused by reactive chemicals.
(1) Where a limit value or administrative
norm is exceeded preventive and protective § 12-10
measures shall immediately be taken to Records
improve the situation.
(1) Separate records shall be kept of
(2) The workers concerned shall immediately chemical agents used on board. The records
be informed of such incidents. shall contain information on purchases,
storage conditions and quantities of the
§ 12-7 following chemicals:
Special measures for work with carcinogenic a) organic solvents and detergents of any
chemicals kind;
b) strong/concentrated alkalis;
(1) Where possible, carcinogenic chemicals c) insecticides and rat poisons;
and processes shall be kept within a closed d) cooling media for refrigerating systems;
system. e) antifreezes;
f) strong/concentrated acids;
(2) If it is not technically possible to use a g) hydrazine hydrate;
closed system, measures shall be taken to h) filmtec membrane preservative;
ensure that the exposure is a low as possible i)carcinogenic chemicals and other
and not exceeding a safe level. chemicals which according to the risk
assessment pose a special health risk.
§ 12-8
Special measures for sandblasting work (2) The records shall in each case identify
the person to whom a chemical agent is
Sand and other agents for use in sandblasting handed out, the quantity involved and the
on board ship shall contain maximum 1 weight intended use of the chemical. The workers
percentage of quartz or other crystalline silica. shall sign for the chemicals handed out and
thereby acknowledge that they are familiar
§ 12-9 with both the health hazards associated with
Special measures in connection with flammable the use of the chemicals and the necessary
and explosion hazardous chemicals and volatile protective measures.
(3) The workers shall have access to the
(1) Measures shall be taken to prevent the information contained in the records.
occurrence of dangerous concentrations of
flammable chemicals or dangerous quantities (4) The records shall be available for at least
of reactive chemicals. three years.
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

§ 12-11 shall be punishable by fines pursuant to § 339,

Change of work paragraph 2 of the General Civil Penal Code
of 22 May 1902 no. 10, unless a more severe
(1) Where necessary to protect the health penalty is applicable pursuant to another statu-
of a worker, he or she shall be assigned tasks tory provision.
and duties where there is no risk of exposure 0 Amended by Regulation of 6 July 2005 No.
to chemicals. 800 (Previously § 14-1).

(2) Workers engaged in work with lead or lead § 15-2

compounds shall be assigned other work for Entry into force
a period of at least three months if the
following limit values are exceeded: This Regulation enters into force on 1 January
a) Women in their fertile age with lead 2005. As of the same date, the following is
content of the blood exceeding 0.75 repealed:
micromol per litre of blood or with three
consecutive quarterly checks showing a 1. Regulation of 4 August 2000 No. 808
lead content per litre of blood in the concerning the working environment, health
0.5-0.75 range shall be assigned other and safety of workers on board ship;
work until the lead content of the blood
has decreased to less than 0.5 micromol 2. Regulation of 11 January 2001 No. 21
per litre of blood. concerning protection of workers on ships
b) Other workers with lead content of the against exposure to chemical agents;
blood exceeding 2.0 micromol per liter
of blood or with three consecutive 3. Regulation of 11 January 2001 No. 20
quarterly checks showing a lead content concerning protection of workers on ships
per litre of blood in the 1.5-2.0 range shall against exposure to biological agents;
be assigned other work until the lead
content of the blood has decreased to less 4. Chapter 6 Special measures for safety
than 1.5 micromol per litre of blood. and protection of the Regulations of 15 June
1987 No. 507 concerning Safety Measures,
etc. on Passenger Ships, Cargo Ships and
CHAPTER 13 Lighters;
Special provisions concerning the
protection of workers against exposure to 5. Sections 6-17 to 6-20 of Chapter 6
biological agents Protection of the crew of the Regulations
of 13 June 2000 No. 660 concerning the
CHAPTER 14 construction, operation, equipment and
Provisions concerning the protection surveys of fishing vessels 15 m in overall
against mechanical vibration length (LOA) and over.

Amended by Regulation of 6 July 2005 No.
CHAPTER 15 800 (Previously § 14-2).
Concluding provisions
Amended by Regulation of 6 July 2005 No. Complete text:
800 (Previously Chapter 14). islation_and_International_Relations/

§ 15-1

Wilful or negligent violation of this Regulation

Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Classification of Unit
Product Supply Personal Hazardous ingredient Transport label
label hazard
ACC Plus Xn Harmful Naphtha (petroleum) + Alcoholethoxylate None
Air Cooler Cleaner Xn+N Harmful Tetrachloroethylene Toxic + Mar Pol
Alkalinity Control C Corrosive Sodium hydroxide Corrosive
Alkleen Liquid C Corrosive Potassiumhydroxide Corrosive
Alkleen Safety Liquid C Corrosive Disodium metasilicate None
Aquabreak PX Xi Irritant Disodiummetasilicate + Alcoholethoxylate None
Aquatuff C Corrosive Potassiumhydroxide Corrosive
Aquatuff High Foam C Corrosive Potassiumhydroxide Corrosive
Autotreat C Corrosive Potassiumhydroxide Corrosive
Bilge Water Flocculant Xi Irritant Polyaluminiumchloridehydroxysilicate Corrosive
Biocontrol Mar-71 Xn+N Harmful Alkyl (C3-C8) benzenes Misc. + Mar Pol
Bioguard Xn+N Harmful Alkyldiamine diacetate Misc. + Mar Pol
Boiler Coagulant None None None None
Burnaid T+N Toxic Alkyl (C3-C8) benzenes + Tert.alk.amines Misc. + Mar Pol
Carbon Remover T+N Toxic Cresylic acid + 1,2-Dichlorobenzene Toxic + Mar Pol
Carbonclean LT Xi Irritant Alkylglucoside + Alcoholethoxylates None
Cat Sulphite L T Toxic Sodium bisulfite+ Cobalt sulphate Corrosive
Cleanbreak Xn Harmful White spirit (de-aromatized) None
Coldwash HD Xn+N Harmful Alkyl (C3-C8) benzenes Misc. + Mar Pol
Combitreat Xi Irritant Sodium carbonate None
Commissioning Cleaner Xi Irritant Trisodiumsalt None
Condensate Control Xi Irritant 2-diethylaminoethanol/2-aminoethanol None
Defoamer Concentrate None None None None
Descalex C Corrosive Sulfamic acid Corrosive
Descaling Liquid C Corrosive Hydrochloric acid Corrosive
Dieselguard NB O+T+N Oxidizer/Toxic Sodium nitrite Oxidizer + Toxic
Dieselite Xn+N Harmful Alkyl (C3-C8) benzenes Misc. + Mar Pol
Disclean C Corrosive Phosphoric acid Corrosive
Dual Purpose Plus Xn Harmful Naphtha (petroleum), dieselfuel None
Electrosolv-E Xn Harmful Naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy None
Enviroclean Xi Irritant Orange terpene + Alkoholethoxylate None
Fore & Aft Xi Irritant Disodium metasilicate None
Fuelcare T+N Toxic Tert.alk.amines + Alkyl (C3-C8) benzenes Misc. + Mar Pol
Gamabreak Xn+N Harmful Alkyl (C3-C8) benzenes Misc. + Mar Pol
Gamazyme 700 FN None None None None
Gamazyme BTC None None None None
Gamazyme BOE None None None None
Gamazyme Digestor Xi Irritant Sodium alkyl benzene sulfonate None
Gamazyme DPC None None None None
Gamazyme MSC None None None None
Gamazyme Toilet Descaler Xi Irritant Citric acid + sulphamic acid None
Natural Hand Cleaner None None None None
Hardness Control None None None None
HP Wash Xi Irritant Disodium metasilicate + Potassium hydroxide None
Liquitreat C Corrosive Potassium hydroxide Corrosive
Metal Brite C Corrosive Phosphoric acid Corrosive
Metal Brite HD C Corrosive Phosphoric acid Corrosive
Oxygen Control T+N Toxic Hydrazine hydrate Toxic
Oxygen Scavenger Plus Xn Harmful Diethylhydroxylamine + Hydroquinone None
Potable Water Stabilizer None None None None
Reefer Cleaner Xi Irritant Disodium metasilicate None
Rocor NB Liquid T Toxic Sodium nitrite None
Seacare Ecosperse Xn Harmful Kerosene None
Seacare OSD Xn Harmful Kerosene None
Seaclean Xn Harmful Naphtha (petroleum) None
Seaclean Plus Xn Harmful Naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy None
Slipcoat None None None None
Slipcoat WR None None None None
Soot Remover Xn Harmful Copper hydroxide carbonate Toxic
Soot Remover Liq. Xi Irritant Corrosive inorganic nitrates Corrosive
Uniwash Xi Irritant Alkylether sulphate + diethanolamide None
Unipol Xi Irritant Alkylethersulphate + Dodecylbenzenesulphonate +Alcoholethoxylate None
Valvecare Xn+N Harmful Alkyl (C3-C8) benzenes Misc. + Mar Pol
Vaptreat None None None None

Please also refer to the product label and / or Material Safety Data Sheet for more details.
Please note that the above is subject to continuous changing international rules and regulations.

24 h emergency international telephone numbers: +44 18 65 40 73 33 / +1 703 527 3887.

Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.
tor Marine Chemicals Journal
Transport UN Flashpoint Advice on hazards to users Advice on storage and
class number °C personal protection
None N/A >62 Note that when chemicals are not When working with chemicals:
6.1 + Mar Pol 1897 >80 classed for transport, this does not mean Always: regardless of whether the chemical is
8 1824 None that they are not absolutely harmless to classified or not.
8 1814 None the users. For this reason, some carry a Wear: Safety goggles, gloves and protective
None N/A None harmful or irritant sign. clothing.
None N/A None Chemicals that do not carry any warning
8 1719 None symbols should also be handled with When not in use: Store chemicals in
8 1719 None care.
8 1814 None hermetically closed containers in a cool
8 3264 None
9 + Mar Pol 3082 >62 Copper compounds: and very well ventilated place.
9 + Mar Pol 3082 None Irritating to the skin and toxic after
None N/A None ingestion.
9 + Mar Pol 3082 >62 Segregate chemicals by:
6.1 + Mar Pol 2810 >62 Nitrites: Their hazardous nature, toxic with toxics,
None N/A None Produce toxic gases when in contact flammables together, etc.
8 2693 None with acids. Toxic after ingestion.
None N/A >62
9 + Mar Pol 3082 >62 Hydrocarbons: Dieselguard NB & Rocor NB Liquid:
None N/A None High concentrations of vapours Store away from acids & flammables.
None N/A None irritate the lungs.
None N/A None Skin contact causes irritation.
None N/A None
8 2967 None Aliphatic amines:
8 1789 None Irritants of skin and lungs.
5.1 + 6.1 1500 None
9 + Mar Pol 3082 >62 Chlorinated hydrocarbons:
8 1805 None Irritating to skin and lungs.
None N/A >62 Under fire conditions, poisonous
None N/A >62 gases may be formed.
None N/A None
None N/A None Sulphurdioxide:
9 + Mar Pol 3082 >62 Strongly irritating vapours.
9 + Mar Pol 3082 >62 Toxic after ingestion.
None N/A None
None N/A None Strong acids:
None N/A None Causes (severe) chemical burns.
None N/A None
None N/A None Causes (severe) chemical burns.
None N/A None
None N/A None Hydrazine hydrate:
None N/A None Highly toxic.
None N/A None Fumes are extremely irritant to skin
8 1814 None and respiratory tract
8 1805 None
8 1805 None Corrosives:
6.1 3293 None May cause irritation or chemical

None 3082 None burns.

Grafia Kommunikasjon 3K

None N/A None

None N/A None
None N/A None
None N/A >70
None N/A >70
None N/A >62
REV. NO. 03

None N/A >62

None N/A None
None N/A None
ID. NO. 801 019

6.1 3288 None

8 1760 None
None N/A None
None N/A None
9 + Mar Pol 3082 >62
None N/A None
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Name: Unitor Carbon Remover Product Data Sheet: In substance file.

Use: Removing Carbon deposits Name of Producer: Wilhelmsen Ships Service
Storage: Engine store room Emergency Tel. no: +44 1865 407 333,
USA only: 1-800-424-9300
The Receiver shall verify that the products are properly labelled, packaged and stored according to regulations.
He shall ensure that product data sheets are received and stored in a substance file to which the user has ready access.

The User has an independent duty to gain the necessary knowledge concerning health hazards and necessary
safety precautions.

Date: Purchased Issued In Stock Receiver/User’s Comments:

quantity quantity on board Name and signature To be used for:

01.01.09 2 x 25 175 Ola Normann O.N. To stores

50 125 Mario Marinero M.M. Cleaning Piston rings

l y, r d
O n o a
l e n b
m p o
a i n
S led
f il
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Harmful Substance: Poisenous Liquid

Injurious Component: Cres ylic Acid/ 1,2 DicloroBenzene

As regards those seamen who perform work involving particular injurious substances, a general record shall
be kept. containing duration and strength of exposure, protective measures etc. Such a record shall also be
kept where nature of the work and the substance or the work situation would also indicate that this should be

Duration of work: Strength of Exposure: Protective Measures:

09-1200 - 3 hrs Used neat – undiluted Gloves. goggles. facemask and good ventilation

l y, r d
O n o a
l e n b
m p o
a i n
S led
f il
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Name: Product Data Sheet:

Use: Name of Producer:
Storage: Emergency Tel. no:

The Receiver shall verify that the products are properly labelled, packaged and stored according to regulations.
He shall ensure that product data sheets are received and stored in a substance file to which the user has ready access.

The User has an independent duty to gain the necessary knowledge concerning health hazards and necessary
safety precautions.

Date: Purchased Issued In Stock Receiver/User’s Comments:

quantity quantity on board Name and signature To be used for:
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Harmful Substance:
Injurious Component:

As regards those seamen who perform work involving particular injurious substances, a general record shall
be kept. containing duration and strength of exposure, protective measures etc. Such a record shall also be
kept where nature of the work and the substance or the work situation would also indicate that this should be

Duration of work: Strength of Exposure: Protective Measures:

Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Name: Product Data Sheet:

Use: Name of Producer:
Storage: Emergency Tel. no:

The Receiver shall verify that the products are properly labelled, packaged and stored according to regulations.
He shall ensure that product data sheets are received and stored in a substance file to which the user has ready access.

The User has an independent duty to gain the necessary knowledge concerning health hazards and necessary
safety precautions.

Date: Purchased Issued In Stock Receiver/User’s Comments:

quantity quantity on board Name and signature To be used for:
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Harmful Substance:
Injurious Component:

As regards those seamen who perform work involving particular injurious substances, a general record shall
be kept. containing duration and strength of exposure, protective measures etc. Such a record shall also be
kept where nature of the work and the substance or the work situation would also indicate that this should be

Duration of work: Strength of Exposure: Protective Measures:

Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Name: Product Data Sheet:

Use: Name of Producer:
Storage: Emergency Tel. no:

The Receiver shall verify that the products are properly labelled, packaged and stored according to regulations.
He shall ensure that product data sheets are received and stored in a substance file to which the user has ready access.

The User has an independent duty to gain the necessary knowledge concerning health hazards and necessary
safety precautions.

Date: Purchased Issued In Stock Receiver/User’s Comments:

quantity quantity on board Name and signature To be used for:
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Harmful Substance:
Injurious Component:

As regards those seamen who perform work involving particular injurious substances, a general record shall
be kept. containing duration and strength of exposure, protective measures etc. Such a record shall also be
kept where nature of the work and the substance or the work situation would also indicate that this should be

Duration of work: Strength of Exposure: Protective Measures:

Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Name: Product Data Sheet:

Use: Name of Producer:
Storage: Emergency Tel. no:

The Receiver shall verify that the products are properly labelled, packaged and stored according to regulations.
He shall ensure that product data sheets are received and stored in a substance file to which the user has ready access.

The User has an independent duty to gain the necessary knowledge concerning health hazards and necessary
safety precautions.

Date: Purchased Issued In Stock Receiver/User’s Comments:

quantity quantity on board Name and signature To be used for:
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Harmful Substance:
Injurious Component:

As regards those seamen who perform work involving particular injurious substances, a general record shall
be kept. containing duration and strength of exposure, protective measures etc. Such a record shall also be
kept where nature of the work and the substance or the work situation would also indicate that this should be

Duration of work: Strength of Exposure: Protective Measures:

Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Name: Product Data Sheet:

Use: Name of Producer:
Storage: Emergency Tel. no:

The Receiver shall verify that the products are properly labelled, packaged and stored according to regulations.
He shall ensure that product data sheets are received and stored in a substance file to which the user has ready access.

The User has an independent duty to gain the necessary knowledge concerning health hazards and necessary
safety precautions.

Date: Purchased Issued In Stock Receiver/User’s Comments:

quantity quantity on board Name and signature To be used for:
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Harmful Substance:
Injurious Component:

As regards those seamen who perform work involving particular injurious substances, a general record shall
be kept. containing duration and strength of exposure, protective measures etc. Such a record shall also be
kept where nature of the work and the substance or the work situation would also indicate that this should be

Duration of work: Strength of Exposure: Protective Measures:

Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Name: Product Data Sheet:

Use: Name of Producer:
Storage: Emergency Tel. no:

The Receiver shall verify that the products are properly labelled, packaged and stored according to regulations.
He shall ensure that product data sheets are received and stored in a substance file to which the user has ready access.

The User has an independent duty to gain the necessary knowledge concerning health hazards and necessary
safety precautions.

Date: Purchased Issued In Stock Receiver/User’s Comments:

quantity quantity on board Name and signature To be used for:
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Harmful Substance:
Injurious Component:

As regards those seamen who perform work involving particular injurious substances, a general record shall
be kept. containing duration and strength of exposure, protective measures etc. Such a record shall also be
kept where nature of the work and the substance or the work situation would also indicate that this should be

Duration of work: Strength of Exposure: Protective Measures:

Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Name: Product Data Sheet:

Use: Name of Producer:
Storage: Emergency Tel. no:

The Receiver shall verify that the products are properly labelled, packaged and stored according to regulations.
He shall ensure that product data sheets are received and stored in a substance file to which the user has ready access.

The User has an independent duty to gain the necessary knowledge concerning health hazards and necessary
safety precautions.

Date: Purchased Issued In Stock Receiver/User’s Comments:

quantity quantity on board Name and signature To be used for:
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Harmful Substance:
Injurious Component:

As regards those seamen who perform work involving particular injurious substances, a general record shall
be kept. containing duration and strength of exposure, protective measures etc. Such a record shall also be
kept where nature of the work and the substance or the work situation would also indicate that this should be

Duration of work: Strength of Exposure: Protective Measures:

Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Name: Product Data Sheet:

Use: Name of Producer:
Storage: Emergency Tel. no:

The Receiver shall verify that the products are properly labelled, packaged and stored according to regulations.
He shall ensure that product data sheets are received and stored in a substance file to which the user has ready access.

The User has an independent duty to gain the necessary knowledge concerning health hazards and necessary
safety precautions.

Date: Purchased Issued In Stock Receiver/User’s Comments:

quantity quantity on board Name and signature To be used for:
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Harmful Substance:
Injurious Component:

As regards those seamen who perform work involving particular injurious substances, a general record shall
be kept. containing duration and strength of exposure, protective measures etc. Such a record shall also be
kept where nature of the work and the substance or the work situation would also indicate that this should be

Duration of work: Strength of Exposure: Protective Measures:

Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Name: Product Data Sheet:

Use: Name of Producer:
Storage: Emergency Tel. no:

The Receiver shall verify that the products are properly labelled, packaged and stored according to regulations.
He shall ensure that product data sheets are received and stored in a substance file to which the user has ready access.

The User has an independent duty to gain the necessary knowledge concerning health hazards and necessary
safety precautions.

Date: Purchased Issued In Stock Receiver/User’s Comments:

quantity quantity on board Name and signature To be used for:
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Harmful Substance:
Injurious Component:

As regards those seamen who perform work involving particular injurious substances, a general record shall
be kept. containing duration and strength of exposure, protective measures etc. Such a record shall also be
kept where nature of the work and the substance or the work situation would also indicate that this should be

Duration of work: Strength of Exposure: Protective Measures:

Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Name: Product Data Sheet:

Use: Name of Producer:
Storage: Emergency Tel. no:

The Receiver shall verify that the products are properly labelled, packaged and stored according to regulations.
He shall ensure that product data sheets are received and stored in a substance file to which the user has ready access.

The User has an independent duty to gain the necessary knowledge concerning health hazards and necessary
safety precautions.

Date: Purchased Issued In Stock Receiver/User’s Comments:

quantity quantity on board Name and signature To be used for:
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Harmful Substance:
Injurious Component:

As regards those seamen who perform work involving particular injurious substances, a general record shall
be kept. containing duration and strength of exposure, protective measures etc. Such a record shall also be
kept where nature of the work and the substance or the work situation would also indicate that this should be

Duration of work: Strength of Exposure: Protective Measures:

Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Name: Product Data Sheet:

Use: Name of Producer:
Storage: Emergency Tel. no:

The Receiver shall verify that the products are properly labelled, packaged and stored according to regulations.
He shall ensure that product data sheets are received and stored in a substance file to which the user has ready access.

The User has an independent duty to gain the necessary knowledge concerning health hazards and necessary
safety precautions.

Date: Purchased Issued In Stock Receiver/User’s Comments:

quantity quantity on board Name and signature To be used for:
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Harmful Substance:
Injurious Component:

As regards those seamen who perform work involving particular injurious substances, a general record shall
be kept. containing duration and strength of exposure, protective measures etc. Such a record shall also be
kept where nature of the work and the substance or the work situation would also indicate that this should be

Duration of work: Strength of Exposure: Protective Measures:

Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Name: Product Data Sheet:

Use: Name of Producer:
Storage: Emergency Tel. no:

The Receiver shall verify that the products are properly labelled, packaged and stored according to regulations.
He shall ensure that product data sheets are received and stored in a substance file to which the user has ready access.

The User has an independent duty to gain the necessary knowledge concerning health hazards and necessary
safety precautions.

Date: Purchased Issued In Stock Receiver/User’s Comments:

quantity quantity on board Name and signature To be used for:
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Harmful Substance:
Injurious Component:

As regards those seamen who perform work involving particular injurious substances, a general record shall
be kept. containing duration and strength of exposure, protective measures etc. Such a record shall also be
kept where nature of the work and the substance or the work situation would also indicate that this should be

Duration of work: Strength of Exposure: Protective Measures:

Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Name: Product Data Sheet:

Use: Name of Producer:
Storage: Emergency Tel. no:

The Receiver shall verify that the products are properly labelled, packaged and stored according to regulations.
He shall ensure that product data sheets are received and stored in a substance file to which the user has ready access.

The User has an independent duty to gain the necessary knowledge concerning health hazards and necessary
safety precautions.

Date: Purchased Issued In Stock Receiver/User’s Comments:

quantity quantity on board Name and signature To be used for:
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Harmful Substance:
Injurious Component:

As regards those seamen who perform work involving particular injurious substances, a general record shall
be kept. containing duration and strength of exposure, protective measures etc. Such a record shall also be
kept where nature of the work and the substance or the work situation would also indicate that this should be

Duration of work: Strength of Exposure: Protective Measures:

Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Name: Product Data Sheet:

Use: Name of Producer:
Storage: Emergency Tel. no:

The Receiver shall verify that the products are properly labelled, packaged and stored according to regulations.
He shall ensure that product data sheets are received and stored in a substance file to which the user has ready access.

The User has an independent duty to gain the necessary knowledge concerning health hazards and necessary
safety precautions.

Date: Purchased Issued In Stock Receiver/User’s Comments:

quantity quantity on board Name and signature To be used for:
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Harmful Substance:
Injurious Component:

As regards those seamen who perform work involving particular injurious substances, a general record shall
be kept. containing duration and strength of exposure, protective measures etc. Such a record shall also be
kept where nature of the work and the substance or the work situation would also indicate that this should be

Duration of work: Strength of Exposure: Protective Measures:

Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Name: Product Data Sheet:

Use: Name of Producer:
Storage: Emergency Tel. no:

The Receiver shall verify that the products are properly labelled, packaged and stored according to regulations.
He shall ensure that product data sheets are received and stored in a substance file to which the user has ready access.

The User has an independent duty to gain the necessary knowledge concerning health hazards and necessary
safety precautions.

Date: Purchased Issued In Stock Receiver/User’s Comments:

quantity quantity on board Name and signature To be used for:
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Harmful Substance:
Injurious Component:

As regards those seamen who perform work involving particular injurious substances, a general record shall
be kept. containing duration and strength of exposure, protective measures etc. Such a record shall also be
kept where nature of the work and the substance or the work situation would also indicate that this should be

Duration of work: Strength of Exposure: Protective Measures:

Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Name: Product Data Sheet:

Use: Name of Producer:
Storage: Emergency Tel. no:

The Receiver shall verify that the products are properly labelled, packaged and stored according to regulations.
He shall ensure that product data sheets are received and stored in a substance file to which the user has ready access.

The User has an independent duty to gain the necessary knowledge concerning health hazards and necessary
safety precautions.

Date: Purchased Issued In Stock Receiver/User’s Comments:

quantity quantity on board Name and signature To be used for:
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Harmful Substance:
Injurious Component:

As regards those seamen who perform work involving particular injurious substances, a general record shall
be kept. containing duration and strength of exposure, protective measures etc. Such a record shall also be
kept where nature of the work and the substance or the work situation would also indicate that this should be

Duration of work: Strength of Exposure: Protective Measures:

Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Name: Product Data Sheet:

Use: Name of Producer:
Storage: Emergency Tel. no:

The Receiver shall verify that the products are properly labelled, packaged and stored according to regulations.
He shall ensure that product data sheets are received and stored in a substance file to which the user has ready access.

The User has an independent duty to gain the necessary knowledge concerning health hazards and necessary
safety precautions.

Date: Purchased Issued In Stock Receiver/User’s Comments:

quantity quantity on board Name and signature To be used for:
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Harmful Substance:
Injurious Component:

As regards those seamen who perform work involving particular injurious substances, a general record shall
be kept. containing duration and strength of exposure, protective measures etc. Such a record shall also be
kept where nature of the work and the substance or the work situation would also indicate that this should be

Duration of work: Strength of Exposure: Protective Measures:

Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Name: Product Data Sheet:

Use: Name of Producer:
Storage: Emergency Tel. no:

The Receiver shall verify that the products are properly labelled, packaged and stored according to regulations.
He shall ensure that product data sheets are received and stored in a substance file to which the user has ready access.

The User has an independent duty to gain the necessary knowledge concerning health hazards and necessary
safety precautions.

Date: Purchased Issued In Stock Receiver/User’s Comments:

quantity quantity on board Name and signature To be used for:
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Harmful Substance:
Injurious Component:

As regards those seamen who perform work involving particular injurious substances, a general record shall
be kept. containing duration and strength of exposure, protective measures etc. Such a record shall also be
kept where nature of the work and the substance or the work situation would also indicate that this should be

Duration of work: Strength of Exposure: Protective Measures:

Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Name: Product Data Sheet:

Use: Name of Producer:
Storage: Emergency Tel. no:

The Receiver shall verify that the products are properly labelled, packaged and stored according to regulations.
He shall ensure that product data sheets are received and stored in a substance file to which the user has ready access.

The User has an independent duty to gain the necessary knowledge concerning health hazards and necessary
safety precautions.

Date: Purchased Issued In Stock Receiver/User’s Comments:

quantity quantity on board Name and signature To be used for:
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Harmful Substance:
Injurious Component:

As regards those seamen who perform work involving particular injurious substances, a general record shall
be kept. containing duration and strength of exposure, protective measures etc. Such a record shall also be
kept where nature of the work and the substance or the work situation would also indicate that this should be

Duration of work: Strength of Exposure: Protective Measures:

Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Name: Product Data Sheet:

Use: Name of Producer:
Storage: Emergency Tel. no:

The Receiver shall verify that the products are properly labelled, packaged and stored according to regulations.
He shall ensure that product data sheets are received and stored in a substance file to which the user has ready access.

The User has an independent duty to gain the necessary knowledge concerning health hazards and necessary
safety precautions.

Date: Purchased Issued In Stock Receiver/User’s Comments:

quantity quantity on board Name and signature To be used for:
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Harmful Substance:
Injurious Component:

As regards those seamen who perform work involving particular injurious substances, a general record shall
be kept. containing duration and strength of exposure, protective measures etc. Such a record shall also be
kept where nature of the work and the substance or the work situation would also indicate that this should be

Duration of work: Strength of Exposure: Protective Measures:

Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Name: Product Data Sheet:

Use: Name of Producer:
Storage: Emergency Tel. no:

The Receiver shall verify that the products are properly labelled, packaged and stored according to regulations.
He shall ensure that product data sheets are received and stored in a substance file to which the user has ready access.

The User has an independent duty to gain the necessary knowledge concerning health hazards and necessary
safety precautions.

Date: Purchased Issued In Stock Receiver/User’s Comments:

quantity quantity on board Name and signature To be used for:
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Harmful Substance:
Injurious Component:

As regards those seamen who perform work involving particular injurious substances, a general record shall
be kept. containing duration and strength of exposure, protective measures etc. Such a record shall also be
kept where nature of the work and the substance or the work situation would also indicate that this should be

Duration of work: Strength of Exposure: Protective Measures:

Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Name: Product Data Sheet:

Use: Name of Producer:
Storage: Emergency Tel. no:

The Receiver shall verify that the products are properly labelled, packaged and stored according to regulations.
He shall ensure that product data sheets are received and stored in a substance file to which the user has ready access.

The User has an independent duty to gain the necessary knowledge concerning health hazards and necessary
safety precautions.

Date: Purchased Issued In Stock Receiver/User’s Comments:

quantity quantity on board Name and signature To be used for:
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Harmful Substance:
Injurious Component:

As regards those seamen who perform work involving particular injurious substances, a general record shall
be kept. containing duration and strength of exposure, protective measures etc. Such a record shall also be
kept where nature of the work and the substance or the work situation would also indicate that this should be

Duration of work: Strength of Exposure: Protective Measures:

Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Name: Product Data Sheet:

Use: Name of Producer:
Storage: Emergency Tel. no:

The Receiver shall verify that the products are properly labelled, packaged and stored according to regulations.
He shall ensure that product data sheets are received and stored in a substance file to which the user has ready access.

The User has an independent duty to gain the necessary knowledge concerning health hazards and necessary
safety precautions.

Date: Purchased Issued In Stock Receiver/User’s Comments:

quantity quantity on board Name and signature To be used for:
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Harmful Substance:
Injurious Component:

As regards those seamen who perform work involving particular injurious substances, a general record shall
be kept. containing duration and strength of exposure, protective measures etc. Such a record shall also be
kept where nature of the work and the substance or the work situation would also indicate that this should be

Duration of work: Strength of Exposure: Protective Measures:

Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Name: Product Data Sheet:

Use: Name of Producer:
Storage: Emergency Tel. no:

The Receiver shall verify that the products are properly labelled, packaged and stored according to regulations.
He shall ensure that product data sheets are received and stored in a substance file to which the user has ready access.

The User has an independent duty to gain the necessary knowledge concerning health hazards and necessary
safety precautions.

Date: Purchased Issued In Stock Receiver/User’s Comments:

quantity quantity on board Name and signature To be used for:
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Harmful Substance:
Injurious Component:

As regards those seamen who perform work involving particular injurious substances, a general record shall
be kept. containing duration and strength of exposure, protective measures etc. Such a record shall also be
kept where nature of the work and the substance or the work situation would also indicate that this should be

Duration of work: Strength of Exposure: Protective Measures:

Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Name: Product Data Sheet:

Use: Name of Producer:
Storage: Emergency Tel. no:

The Receiver shall verify that the products are properly labelled, packaged and stored according to regulations.
He shall ensure that product data sheets are received and stored in a substance file to which the user has ready access.

The User has an independent duty to gain the necessary knowledge concerning health hazards and necessary
safety precautions.

Date: Purchased Issued In Stock Receiver/User’s Comments:

quantity quantity on board Name and signature To be used for:
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Harmful Substance:
Injurious Component:

As regards those seamen who perform work involving particular injurious substances, a general record shall
be kept. containing duration and strength of exposure, protective measures etc. Such a record shall also be
kept where nature of the work and the substance or the work situation would also indicate that this should be

Duration of work: Strength of Exposure: Protective Measures:

Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Name: Product Data Sheet:

Use: Name of Producer:
Storage: Emergency Tel. no:

The Receiver shall verify that the products are properly labelled, packaged and stored according to regulations.
He shall ensure that product data sheets are received and stored in a substance file to which the user has ready access.

The User has an independent duty to gain the necessary knowledge concerning health hazards and necessary
safety precautions.

Date: Purchased Issued In Stock Receiver/User’s Comments:

quantity quantity on board Name and signature To be used for:
Journal of toxic or injurious substances used on board.

Harmful Substance:
Injurious Component:

As regards those seamen who perform work involving particular injurious substances, a general record shall
be kept. containing duration and strength of exposure, protective measures etc. Such a record shall also be
kept where nature of the work and the substance or the work situation would also indicate that this should be

Duration of work: Strength of Exposure: Protective Measures:

Ships Journal
Journal for storage and use of substances
injurious to health on board

Printer: Grafia Kommunikasjon, 5K, 05.09

REV. NO. 06
ID. NO. 801018

Wilhelmsen Ships Service AS

Mail: P O Box 33 NO-1324 Lysaker, Office: Strandveien 20, NO-1366 Lysaker, Norway
Tel: +47 67 58 45 50, E-mail:

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