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Some chassis it is possible to easily replace the panel and remote control (in fact, not

only them, but it is most interesting when transferring firmware). To do this, the
necessary files are recorded on the USB flash drive, the USB flash drive is stuck in the
TV, the TV turns on and changes the files of the remote control or panel itself

Panel Replacement
To replace the panel, take a USB flash drive, format it in FAT32 and create
the CTV_USB_EU folder in the root.
We need to put the Customer_1.ini files and the panel ini file referenced
by Customer_1.ini
There. Where to get these files?

1. We take the file Customer_1.ini from the firmware that we are going to
install . Unpack it, and from the tvconfig section we get the
file /config/model/Customer_1.ini . Copy it to the CTV_USB_EU folder on the USB flash
drive and open it with a text editor.

We see something like the following

Type = 00; # 00: System INI File; 01: Panel INI File; 02: DLC INI File
Ver = 0x00000001;

u16DfbLayerW = 1280; # u16DfbLayerW: DFB layer wide value
u16DfbLayerH = 720; # u16DfbLayerH: DFB layer height value
bCountdownSwitch = 1; # 1: ON; 0: OFF
u16AdvertTime = 20; # u16AdvertTime: Advertising time
u16CountDownShowFontW = 50; # u16CountDownShowFontW: Font width
u16CountDownShowFontH = 50; # u16CountDownShowFontH: Font height
u16CountDownPosX = 1150; # u16CountDownPosX: Countdown x
u16CountDownPosY = 0; # u16CountDownPosY: Countdown y
u16CountDownShowW = 110; # u16CountDownShowW: Create the width of the display countdown
u16CountDownShowH = 50; # u16CountDownShowH: Create the height of the display countdown window
u16VolumeBarShowPosX = 400; # u16VolumeBarShowPosX: Volume bar x
u16VolumeBarShowPosY = 0; # u16VolumeBarShowPosY: Volume bar y
u16VolumeBarShowW = 480; # u16VolumeBarShowW: Create the width of the display Volume bar
u16VolumeBarShowH = 150; # u16VolumeBarShowH: Create the height of the display Volume bar
m_pVolumeBarFilePath = "/ data / volume /"; # m_pVolumeBarFilePath: Place volume bar file path

widi ] m_pWidiName = "/config/widi/widi.ini";

# <1> .FullHD_CMO216_H1L01.ini <2> .AU20_T200XW02.ini <3> .M190A1.ini <4>
.SXGA_AU17_EN05.ini <5> .AU32_T315XW03.ini
# ^^^^^^^^ NOTICE ^^^^ ^^^^ ABOUT CHANGING PANEL SETTING ^^^^^^^^
# After changing the panel ini file path, if you're using MBOOT with LOGO / MUSIC enabled.
# Please enter "dbtable 1" command in MBOOT to update the setting.
# eg << MStar >> # dbtable 1
# ^^^^^^^^^ NOTICE ^^^^^^^^ ABOUT CHANGING PANEL SETTING ^^^^^^^^
m_pPanelName = " / config / panel / FullHD_CMO216_H1L01. ini ";
m_p4K540_240PPanelName = "/config/panel/UD_VB1_8LANE_CSOT_240.ini";
m_p4K1K_120PPanelName = "/config/panel/UD_VB1_8LANE_CSOT_120.ini"
m_p4K2K_60PPanelName = "

# bPQUseDefaultValue = 1: use default value,

# bPQUseDefaultValue = 0: use the customer PQ binary file as below PQBinName =
"/Customer/pq/Main.bin"; .
bPQUseDefaultValue = 1;
PQBinPathName = "/ config / pq /"

The name we need is highlighted in red. Remember it.

2. From the native firmware we get the ini-file of the panel. To do this, unpack the
dump, find in tvconfig the same Customer_1.ini and the name of the panel ini-file in it -
everything is exactly the same as in item 1. Next, go to / config / panel / , take the
desired file and copy it to a USB flash drive in the CTV_USB_EU folder . Now remember
the name of the ini-file from item 1 and call our native ini exactly the same. If we
rename the file, then inside it we also edit the name to a new one:

Type = 01; # 00: System INI File; 01: Panel INI File; 02: DLC INI File
Ver = 0x00000001;

m_pPanelName = FullHD_CMO216_H1L01 ;

3. Now we have a CTV_USB_EU folder on the USB flash drive with two files:
FullHD_CMO216_H1L01.ini (the name of the panel ini-file may be different)
We take this USB flash drive, insert it into the switched-off TV, turn it on, wait until the
telly sets everything up and after rebooting we have a TV with a modified ini-file of
the panel.

Remote control replacement

To replace the remote control, take a USB flash drive, format it in FAT32 and create
the CustomerConfigFile folder in the root , in which we create another IR folder . We will
put all the necessary files into it.

1. Unpack the native dump.

2. Take the tvconfig section , find the /config/PM.bin file there and copy it to the USB
flash drive.

3. We take the system section , from the / lib / modules / folder, copy two files to the
USB flash drive:

4. Copy the irconfig.ini file (75 bytes) to the USB flash drive
and open it in a text editor.
We see the following

ir_header_code0 = 0x00;
ir_header_code1 = 0xDF;
power_key = 0x1C;

These are the remote control codes that are used when turning on the TV, we need to
replace them with ours.

5. Open the MPOOL.bin file in the hex editor, go to the offset 0x1E0000 from the
beginning of the file. There are environment variables, these are text parameters, we
are interested in three of them:
ir_header_code0 = 0x XX
ir_header_code1 = 0x YY
power_key = 0x ZZ
The found values must be inserted into the appropriate places in irconfig.ini

6. Now we have the CustomerConfigFile / IR folder on the USB flash drive / with four
We take this flash drive, insert it into the switched off TV, turn it on, wait until the telly
sets everything up and after the reboot we have a TV with a working native remote
control. Profit!
After changing the remote control, disconnect the TV from the network to update the
codes in the bootloader.

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