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Mathematics connected to the Educational Tour

First of all what is Mathematics? Mathematics Is the science of number, quantity and shape, and is used to maximize the
brain’s capability to think, resolve problems, and improve analyzation skills

Then what is an educational tour? It is an event conducted by schools, companies, and organizations aims to bring
enjoyment while learning and relaxing to also empower the brain in order to work more properly

Just like mathematics, the tour is educational and fun but in the right mindset, in the other side, many enjoy the tour
while learning so as in math, but many learn but not enjoy in math also in the educational tour, therefore they can be
connected by two different factors: Enjoyment and Learning. two factors which causes one thing in common, Effective
Brain empowerment.

Conclusion: Math and Educational tour can’t be connected by their own definitions but, they can be connected by their
aims, causes and on what it results in the human brain.

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