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HUAWEI FusionSphere



Smart phones, cloud computing and based IT services to replace traditional IT. A that between 2009 and 2013, the number
social networking are rapidly blurring the telling case is the US CIA intelligence agency of large operators offering cloud services
boundaries between telecommunications choosing Amazon and cloud-based IT over the doubled. So while cloud-based services
(CT) and IT; in many cases they are rapidly offering from the traditional vendor - IBM. threaten traditional telecom services, they
replacing traditional telecom services. In the also offer opportunities for telecom operators
All of these new services utilize the “pipes”
UK, the amount of time smart phone users who are able to transform their offerings to
provided by telecom operators, requiring
spend on Facebook is almost 3 times more take advantage of the convergence of IT and
the continuing investment of vast sums for
than they spend on traditional voice calling. CT and the concepts of cloud-based services
faster infrastructure, while at the same time
Another example is WeChat, a messaging will have a major impact on the structure of
these new services are reducing telecom
application from China which has grown the telecom networks.
operator revenues. The key for long-term
to almost 300 million active users in three
success for operators is to move beyond
years, while revenues from traditional mobile Internet Player Telecom Player
basic telecom services such as voice and Competition
messaging applications such as SMS have IT Hosting /
SMS to services which also take advantage SNS XaaS Voice MBB
shrunk by 15%.
of the improved mobile and fixed-line data
The story is the same in IT, where Internet services. Some of these efforts involve Infrastructure
Telecom IT
service providers such as Amazon have the acquisition of IT service providers, but Transfor- Infrastructure Infrastructure
begun to offer advanced IT services to large operators are also exploring offering cloud
enterprises and governments using cloud- services to enterprises, as shown by the fact Figure 1: The Fusion of IT and Telecom

Present situation Trends

Internet Player Competition
•• Social applications replacing telecom services •• “New” communication patterns like social networking increase in
•• Offer cloud-based IT to large enterprises and popularity, reducing revenue from network-centric services.
government •• Many operators enter the market for IT services to enterprises by building
or expanding data centers and by acquiring IT providers.
Service Telecom Player
•• Operators work with software providers to build partner ecosystem
•• Revise business model for existing telecom
offering end-to-end cloud services.
•• Operators “white-label” existing cloud services, adding value through
•• Invest in cloud-based services
customer acquisition and support.
Internet Player
•• Universal architecture
•• Open source-based software on commodity
•• Adopt Internet Player infrastructure
•• Universal platform for telecom and IT
Infrastructure •• Rapid iteration for new services
•• Move to X86 servers and scale-out storage
Telecom Player
•• Software-defined network and virtualized everything
•• Separated architecture •• Big data capability for real-time marketing
•• Dedicated hardware
•• Long time to market


The rapid growth in Internet usage from It was to address this need for transformation that led Huawei to create SoftCOM, a telecom
mobile devices is having a huge impact on network architecture and evolution strategy. SoftCOM uses cloud computing and software-
the telecom industry. To serve this growth, defined networking (SDN) to transform telecom networks, operations, and businesses.
telecom operators are working to improve SoftCOM involves four main areas: architecture transformation, network transformation,
efficiency through dramatic changes such as service transformation and operation transformation. The foundation for these transformations
centralized procurement, network sharing is an efficient and open platform, which allows both IT systems and telecom services to be run
and service outsourcing. Traditional network in a cloud.
construction, however creates bottlenecks
when trying to reduce expenditure and at Management
the same time increase revenues. While RRU

Internet service providers can utilize low- CPRI Cloud BB Cloud Edge
cost commodity hardware and open source Control
software to build their software-based RRU
Eth Eth Router Router
Switch Switch
infrastructure, telecom operators build
their networks using dedicated hardware, ONT WDM Metro WDM WDM Backbone WDM
Cloud Service
which is expensive and greatly reduces DSL
service flexibility and deployment speed. It
ONT Dynamic Efficient Scalable Automatic Open
is imperative that telecom operators think
about the transformation of their networks. Figure 2: SoftCOM - telecom network transformation


Maximizing the value costs and increasing service deployment

efficiency. This move to virtualization is
IT hosting, a business already provided by
many operators, is to offer Infrastructure as a
of transition to the hampered by the current market situation, Service (IaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS)

cloud where a small number of vendors dominate

the market. Open virtualization software
to enterprises. Telecom operators have
advantages in providing these two services,
A large-scale survey of telecom operators’ and an open cloud computing platform such as reliable network and data center
plans for Network Function Virtualization are required by operators to avoid vendor infrastructures and strong after-sale support
(NFV) revealed that the major factors lock-in while minimizing the investment in capabilities. In addition, an increasing
driving cloud platform deployment plans virtualization and cloud platforms. An open number of governments require data to be
are the desire to reduce network total cost cloud platform will also provide standard retained locally, giving telecom operators
of ownership (TCO) and increase network and open management APIs and service an advantage in developing regional cloud
flexibility through open interfaces (APIs). APIs, facilitating telecom operators' service services.
Having an open cloud platform is the key to deployment and simplifying resource and
An open cloud platform not only helps
realizing these benefits. service management.
telecom operators overcome the challenges
NFV envisions a cloud platform which
distributes the functionality of traditional Providing competitive posed by software and platform costs, it also
can provide standard service APIs which will
telecom "boxes" and uses virtualization cloud services to allow fully open hybrid clouds, enhancing
software to allow telecom service software
to move from specialized hardware to
enterprises the value of cloud services for enterprises.

commodity hardware, thereby reducing The first step in moving from traditional

FusionSphere OPEN

OpenStack is an open source project

supported by major IT and telecom
OpenStack-based open APIs and
companies, along with developers from orchestration
all over the world. The goal is to build a
A unified, efficient, and open cloud operating system provides telecom operators the
versatile cloud platform that is easy to deploy
benefits from economies of scale, simplifies system integration, allows service scalability, and
and scale. The platform is oriented to public
accelerates service innovation. The operating system can also provide competitive public cloud
and private clouds and provides an open and
services and improve business value and transformation.
standard cloud operating system for data
centers. About 850 organizations from 132
countries are involved and Huawei, a gold 3rd Party Mngt. Tools Multi-tenant Apps
member of the OpenStack Foundation, has
been deeply involved since it was founded, FusionSphere
providing vision and contributing key FusionManager
technology to the efforts. API API API

Independent of any enterprise, OpenStack OpenStack

employs transparent management, design, API
Nova Neutron Cinder
and development to create open APIs and Extensions
a decoupled modular system architecture.
OpenStack is fully open and compatible
with heterogeneous physical hardware, Nova Plug-In Neutron Plug-In Cinder Plug-in
heterogeneous virtualization platforms, and
diverse upper-layer applications. Hypervisor SDN SDS

Utilizing the open and standard interfaces ESX KVM Switch FW/LB SAN NAS
provided by OpenStack, an open cloud
computing platform with excellent flexibility Huawei Developed Component 3rd party Component OpenStack Component
can be built, reducing the costs of cloud data
center deployment and management. To Figure 3: FusionSphere Architecture

meet the unique needs of ICT convergence

and telecom operators, Huawei created By integrating with OpenSpack, FusionSphere supports third-party physical hardware and
FusionSphere, an OpenStack-based cloud virtualization software, and can reuse the resources of existing data centers, improving the
operating system. efficiency of scheduling and managing IT infrastructure resources. In addition to supporting
cloud services based on OpenStack, FusionSphere also provides backup, disaster recovery
(DR), live migration, resource scheduling across data centers, and customized telecom cloud

Huawei FusionSphere consists of a carrier-class server virtualization component, a distributed

storage virtualization component, and a network and security virtualization component. The
network virtualization is based on software-defined networking (SDN) and supports virtual
extensible LAN (VXLAN).

provides reliability mechanisms independent
of applications, such as high availability
(HA) and lightweight fault tolerance (FT).
High performance, high reliability, and low
latency enable a better user experience
in the environment of network function
virtualization (NFV).

An indication of FusionSphere’s server

virtualization hypervisor optimization is that
it out-performs enterprise-class virtualization
in the SPECvirt_sc2010 tests.

Storage virtualization

Currently, many different storage systems

exist in data centers are closely linked with
the applications using the storage. Much of
this storage is direct attached storage (DAS)
located in servers, which is not virtualized
and is not available for use outside that

Carrier-class priority". A logical network element contains

multiple VMs working together to provide
physical server. As a result, storage resources
are not managed and scheduled in a unified
virtualization a complete service function. Using the manner, reducing resource efficiency.
"performance priority” policy, FusionSphere
Server virtualization FusionSphere adopts SDS(software defined
will ensure that all the VMs for that logical
storage), an innovative distributed storage
Latency is a key performance indicator network element stay close physically in the
system that provides high performance, low
for carrier-class applications. Telecom network topology to guarantee optimized
latency, and scale-out capability. SDS can
applications are typically composed of latency and throughput between VMs.
be deployed on general-purpose servers,
multiple virtual machines that communicate
To meet the requirements of IT and allowing the local storage of those servers to
frequently with one another. Compared
communication applications, FusionSphere form a unified resource pool.
with dedicated physical hardware, typical
enterprise-class virtualization adversely
affects the communication performance
of applications. Based on innovative Ethernet Switch
technologies, FusionSphere hypervisor …
improves the communication performance of
Server-1 Server-2 Server-N
VMs by 1.5 to 3 times, greatly reducing the … … … …
latency, and enabling traditional carrier-class SDS
applications to be smoothly migrated to the
cloud platform.
FusionSphere’s cloud resource scheduling
engine has been optimized for telecom
applications, allocating virtualized resources HDD HDD HDD HDD DAS Pool HDD HDD

according to "affinity" between network

elements, thus achieving high performance Protocol Client Protocol Client SAN/NAS Pool Protocol Client
and high reliability, allowing network
elements to migrate from specialized FC iSCSI … NFS
hardware to standard x86 servers.
SAN/NAS Storage
When deploying telecommunication network
elements in the cloud, each virtual machine
can be located based on "performance Figure 4: SDS Unified Storage Pool

FusionSphere virtualizes various storage physical devices and virtualization platforms.
systems and enables storage resources to Key technologies, such as fine-grained
form resource pools, building application- resource scheduling that crosses data centers
oriented and software-defined storage and SDN-based traffic engineering, deliver
systems which have unified management. higher resource efficiency and better energy
Based on the performance, capacity, and cost efficiency, along with ensuring the QoS
characteristics of various storage media, and of services and reducing the total cost of
service level agreement (SLA) requirements, ownership (TCO).
FusionSphere uses an intelligent storage services and mission-critical IT applications.
Some telecom applications and enterprise
resource scheduling algorithm to deliver Assuming adequate bandwidth and network
private clouds require high performance
better performance and resource utilization. quality, the DR resource pool between data
or have special requirements for Reliability,
Compared with traditional disk arrays, SDS centers uses the storage snapshot and
Availability, and Serviceability (RAS). For
increases the IOPS of applications by 2 to 3 mirrored I/O mechanism of FusionSphere
these applications, FusionSphere centrally
times, improves the throughput by 6 times, to ensure synchronous DR between the
schedules and manages heterogeneous
reduces the latency between server and production and DR data centers. If a site fails,
physical resource pools and abstracts them as
storage to one fifth to a half and expands a mutual-assistant site in the DR resource
cloud services to respond to cloud tenants'
the peak I/O bandwidth by 10 times. pool can immediately take over services from
and cloud service developers' requests for
Thus FusionSphere SDS provides better the failed site.
physical resources.
performance for mission-critical applications
For a remote data center (the transmission
and helps telecom operators maximize return Service-aware and agile data center
distance is greater than 100 km), the
on investment. network
bandwidth and network quality cannot be
FusionSphere uses an overlayed virtualization ensured, so FusionSphere uses asynchronous
network component that is based on DR mode by default. FusionSphere also
SDN(Software Defined Network) and VXLAN provides a backup mode, which backs up
to construct a full mesh Layer 2 network data to storage resources that reside in the
in and across data centers, simplifying same or different data centers.
application deployment and making
resource scheduling flexible. Being aware
of topologies and QoS, the SDN controller
dynamically selects the correct routing path
and adjusts the WAN routing policy and
bandwidth among multiple data centers, CONCLUSION
reducing cross-data-center link bandwidth
cost by 60% to 70% on average. The By merging the cloud computing concepts of
complete SDN consists of virtual switches, Internet Players with the telecom network,
service gateways that provide virtual firewall not only can traditional telecom services be
Distributed cloud data and VPN functions, and centralized SDN delivered more efficiently, but the network
controller clusters. SDN supports Layer 2 to
centers Layer 7 network features, high availability of
can also allow IT resources to be delivered
as services, opening up new revenue
Unified management and scheduling of VMs and live migration across data centers. opportunities for operators. Huawei’s
resources across data centers FusionSphere is designed for ICT convergence
By providing automated network
FusionSphere allows organizing virtualized configuration to support application/VM and will help telecom operators smoothly

infrastructure resources into unified logical deployment, FusionSphere significantly migrate IT and telecom services to cloud

resource pools and provides centralized simplifies application deployment and allows platforms, delivering benefits both from

resource management and scheduling across flexible resource scheduling. providing cloud services to enterprises, as

physical data centers, creating a super- well as from supporting the transformation
High reliability across data centers
large cloud data center housing millions of of networks and services. FusionSphere is a

virtual hosts. By supporting OpenStack APIs, Service unawareness, active/active DR, active/ proven platform which has been deployed by

FusionSphere supports an open architecture standby DR, and backup ensure the high telecom and enterprise customers in over 40

which is compatible with heterogeneous availability of telecom operators' telecom countries.

API Application Programming Interface

CSP Cloud Service Provider

DAS Direct-attached Storage

DR Disaster Recovery

ICT Information and Communications Technology

ISV Independent Software Vendor

MBB Mobile Broadband

NAS Network Attached Storage

NFV Network Functions Virtualization

RAS Reliability, Availability and Serviceability

SAN Storage Area Network

SDN Software-defined Networking

SDS Software-defined Storage

SNS Social Networking Services

SSD Solid-state Drive

VXLAN Virtual Extensible LAN

XaaS Anything as a Service

1. Huawei, leading performance of FusionSphere 3.0 in SPECvirt_sc2010 result. Available at:

2. Huawei, officially became a Gold Member of the OpenStack Foundation. Available at:

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