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A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE ‘ro PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY By VIVIAN, ROBSON, B.Sc. se i, Mt st = = | | te wa = PREFACE ‘The rapld Increase during recent years in the progress of Astrology, andthe ever-growing pablc intrest in the scence, hhave created a demand for an introductory book on the subject containing the essential information necessary to a Practical investigation of astrological claims, without being ‘overbuudewed with detail. The present work is an attempt ‘to meet this demand, and has been writen with the needs of the beginner in mind throughout. My object has becn to indicate and exemplify the methods to be adopted in casting and judging a horoscope, and to simplify the procedare fe much as possible. This allows the stodent to obtain thorough grasp of the principles involved without being embarrassed by a multitude of rules, aphorisms, exceptions, and other inforination, which, however helpful it may be at ‘Tater stage, isa distinct hindrance atthe beginning. ‘The metluds uf judgment are neatly all excmplifed upon 8 single horoscope in order that the different fields of influence may be better appreciated than would be the case were Several maps used, but I am fortunately able to include ‘ther more diagrams and examples than are wual in a book of this kind, and Uiese have been seleted to forish a further insight into the planetary action in the various departments of life, Nothing essential to the practice of Astrology has been ‘omitted, and if T have succeeded in my object the beginner will be able to acquire with as ltl dlticlty as posite sound knowledge of the principles and methods ofthe subject and their practical application London. ‘Vivian E. Ronsou, PERE REPRE RERERSEE xt xIL xatL Xx, XVI xvi CONTENTS part 1 HOW TO CAST A HOROSCOPE. ‘Tw Honoscore Drhora ‘Tne Housts oF zz Honoscore ‘Tar Stowe oF 112 Zootse Reazion of Stowe ano Puawers Aspacts ao Om ee ne Convension oF Tin : How 10 Cast A Honoscors PART It PLANETS, SIGNS, AND HOUSES Invtnopverony Rewanns . PLANETARY RULENSIDS ‘Siew Roransiare - ae Poawers ie Siow Pavers ie Houses Parr Ht HOW TO JUDGE A HOROSCOPE Tae Pamctruss oF Juvoxayr.. Live ano Dearne ee PERSOWAL APPEARANCE geersat oud s+ 109 one comp XXII scan. XXIV. XV. XXVI HOW TO CALCULATE FUTURE INFLUENCES XXVIL XXVIL XXX, won CONTENTS Ctanacren ano Mweat Quatrries Occvrariox Freaxer ‘Associates Manmiaci ato Cimtoesie Reuarives ave. : Sone Exannue Navtviries parr iv How 10 Catcutare Drnzcrions How 30 Jooar Dinecrions ‘Twn Enricts oF Diarerions 155 PART I HOW TO CAST A HOROSCOPE CHAPTER I THE HOROSCOPE DiAGRAX ‘The first step in practically all astrological work is the “casting ” or calculating of a horoscope. A horoscope, or as it is often called, » mop, chart, or figure, io simply an Aécurate map of the heavens as seen from a particular spot on the earth at a particular time, This map contains in SATURN MERCURY URANUS VENUS 9 NEPTUNE. y MARS g Tis important to learn these symbols so thoroughly that each immediately suggests the planet's name just as the Sgure 2 suggests the word “two,” for they and the other symbols to be leamt later are the alphabet of astrology and tml the above list the Sun is placed fret on account of its ‘importance, and the other planets are arranged in the order of their speed from quickest to slowest. The order trom Mercury to Neptune is also that of dltance from the San, Merenry being the nearest, Te will be foun convenient t6 a A BEGINNERS! GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY Jean the names in the above order, and always use i when dealing with all the planets together, for unless some definite ‘order is habitually used one is liable to miss out a planet when casting the horoscope or calculating aspects. In fact ‘the cultivation of methodical habits in all departments of astrology will be found to be of immense help in.the end. ach of these planets has a definite influence, and rules ‘over a great variety of things, the more important of which will be found in later chapters. Te i suficient at thie stage for the student to obtain an idea of their general natures, Teaving the details to be added gradually as he proceeds, THE SUN,©, hes a fery, hot and dry, positive and rmatculine influonce, Tt rules honour, fame, euperiors, the Vitality, and constitution. In character it’ confers. pride, Aigaity, nobility, genercety, ambition, ostentaton, strength ‘of will and courage. THE MOON, pis cold, moist, negative and feminine, It makes tts natives changeable, imaginative, inconstant. and capricious; and roles women, the public, water, and watery ‘cccupations and things. The Moon isa receptive body, and takes upon itself the nature of the sign containing it, or the planet with which it is most strongly associated in the oro MERCURY.¥, i itself cold, dry, ary, nervous and adapt able. Like the Moon, it takes over the natare of the planet in closest association, but when uninflenced its own nature is mental, nervous, ‘and intellectual. Te roles the mind, ‘writing, study, travel, and messages; and it makes its natives highly’ strung, subtle, clever, active, restless, and talkative, VENUS, 9, is a benef or fortunate planet, and is warm, 12 | BEER EEREEESEEE ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY mit, and feminine in ature. Tt gover love, mani Teauty, pleasure, the fine arts, geet, oman ee Jewelry, and. matic te matocs Sag” cman affectionate, and artistic. si nessant MARS, dis «mateo cl planet, and 4 maf Fel planet, andi ot, dr, fore, positive, and mascline. It rules fre wee eee wounds ion and sharp tol, and mas tercto, hnsty, warlike, passionate, rash, eeltconfident, combative and courageous. JUPITER, 2, is bene by nature and is expansive, warm, ‘moist, and mascaline. It rales churches, religion, Law and the professions generally, also port, and brings siceee sed Protection, If makes its natives philosophical, philantropie, >humane, enerovs, prudent, cheerful, optimistic, sympatheie, just, and frequently lovers of sport ” SATURN, fy is maleic, and is old, dry. hard, estecting, aust masculine, 1 rules old age, sorrow, melancholy: dseres and chronic silments, misfortunes fall, and dark things eel Places; and it makes its natives cautious, secretive, alow miserly, acquisitive, faithful, serious, steady, and patient. URANUS, ¥. is malofc, and is cold, spasmodie, and ‘masculine. Tt rules unusual things, ccupat . ings, occupations, aid people Glectcalapprats ecculi, aed sullen so cae Pappenings, It makes its nativesabrupt, ingenious, origin! Independent, and eccentric. a NEPTUNE, ¥, 1 wusly mle, omet male, sometines extremely, but may be hichiy spiritual in natoe It wane so feminine and rules myaticem,ctveysnee ences rmeiumshiphogpitls, voyages andthe ee, cadene sean drugs and prodes acti endecy in ase Ys aes ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY its natives dreamy, sensuous, musical artistic, sll-indulgent, unstable, sensitive, and highly cmoticnal twill be sen from the above that some planets appear to be good and others bad. Actually each planet has both good and bad sides to its nature. ‘Thus Jupiter when operating favourably causes generosity, but when unfavourable produces reckless extravagance; Venus may cause love or sensuality the Sun may be ignited or bombastic, and so with every planet. The exact way in which it will operate depends upon position in the given horoscope. At the same time it is true that certain planets are more disposed to act favourably ‘ornfavourably than others, Venusand Jupiter are naturally favourable, while Mars and Saturn ate the reverse, s0 we find that the former when showing their unpleasant side are not s0 bad as the later when showing their, Conversely Mars ‘and Saturn can be very beneficial, but not quite to the extent possible to Venus and Jupiter. CHAPTER IV ‘TUB StoNS OF THE zoDtAC ‘The planets are all revolving round the Sun at diferent rates, and it is therefore necessary to use some means of ‘epresenting their positions relative to each ather and to the earth at any given moment. "The astronomer usually caleulates the postions of the planets as they would. te seen by an observer situated in the Sun, but for astrological Purposes we need to know how the planets appear as seen from the earth, because we are dealing solely with thei {auence upon the earth and its inhabitants, "For this reason we usually speak of the San as moving, because to an observer on the earth it appears todo so, The inaccuracy terminology only. In order to describe the position of planet in space it necessary to decide upon a constant circle and fix a definite Point on it to mark the beginning. We can then say that the planet isso far along the circle fom this point, and 20 far above or below the line of the circle itsell, There are {wo convenient cirles that may be chosen for this parposr ‘One is the eart’s equator, or rather the projection of the eatth’s equator into space. The beginning of this circ is fixed at the point whee itis et by the Sun's apparent path round the earth, of in other words, a the pont cccupied by the Sun on the 2ist March every year. The circle is dided into 360 degrees (360%, each degree of which contains 69 ‘minutes (60), and each minute 60 seconds (60"), and the Planet is said to be so many degrees, minutes, and seconds along the circle, and so many degree, minutes and seconds aboveorbelowit. Thedistance along this circle is technially 1 ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY called Right Ascension, usually abbreviated R.A., and that above or below is called Dedination, abbreviated Dec. We shall not need to use R.A. in our present studies, but the ‘ectination ofthe planet, or its distance above or below the ‘equator, is of importance, Declination is said to be North if the planet is above the equator, and South if below it. ‘The second, and usual astrological method of fixing the position ofa plant i along the circle of the eatth’s orbit, or mother words along the apparent path of the Sun round the earth, Its found that all the planets move round the Sun within a narrow band some few degrees on each side of the exact central line, which is known asthe Eclipi. This band is ealled the Zodie, and as well as being divided into the ‘usual 360" fealo divided into twelve equal parts of 30%, each called Sigrs. The beginning point of this circle is the same as that used in the case of the equator, and isthe point where the equator and ecliptic intersect, and which is snnvally ‘ceupied by the Sun on 21st March. This point is called Of Aries. The distance ofa planet measured along thectrle from o® Aries is called its Longitude, and its distance above for below the exact ecliptic line is called its Letilwde, though ‘this ie not commonly used in ast Now the longitude may be measured direct from o® Aries in degrees, minotes, and seconds, bul itis wal Wy measare lnstead in signs first, and specify the degeees in sign rather than the degrees from the beginning point of the cree. Thus a planet distant 65° 27" from o° Aries would be said to be in 5° 27' Gemini, which is the third sign, because it has passed hrough all the 90° of Arie, all the 30" of Taures, end is 5° 27’ into Gemini, The reason for using the sign position in this way is that each sign possesses a distinctive influence of ts own. We have already seen that a planet is radiating a certain type of influence down upon us, This influence 10 A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL, ASTROLOGY comes down tog the sgn in which the planet hapens te stat ni nied by th infer of ta Se This combined invence thn aan sl Taher model by te hase in whch ie paceln the hornspe The tj of astrology it show how to bend thse ene tnt teri the fal seul ‘The names and symbols of the Signs of the Zodiae are as follows — 1. ARIES, The Ram 7 opposite to 7, LIBRA. The. Balance 2 TAURUS. The Bol ¥ —,, 8, SCORPIO. 3. GEMINI, The Twine The 9 SAGIFTARIUS, 4 CANCER, The Grab a a ‘The Archer ¢ 10, CAPRICORN. 8 x “The Gost 5 LEO. The Lin 2,1, AQUARIUS. ‘The Waterman 6 VIRCO. The Virgin me sa, Pisces. The Fishes These mst be leat thoroighly in ther relative ere As the Zoic i's cecal gn fal opps fo shthey &% shown above, and Hf nceany Co Boo what oe ppm vo ay even ne "he inne ofeach sgn sina to that ofthe coe ‘tending howe The sgn Aes sormalycoesponds © te Jet hou, Tae to tesa oo, to mater what gn imy at try tine be ecupyng that owes Acuay te Howes btn tha Tact though coapoony wi the sigs, for the ler are thermore Sed and enduag Te the hootcope, a planet in Tauren pa matters tosome extent at reine an howe, bt te ‘tect of th sigs is songr upon carter a here pe 1 A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY ‘manent matters, while the houses are more concerned with ‘environment and changing conditions It will be found, no matter how unlikely or absurd it may seem, that the characteristics of the signe closely resemble those ofthe animals whose names they bear in certain eases ‘Thos natives of Aries are headstrong and rush at things— just like a ram; Taurus natives are obstinate and sometimes Dalliike in appearance; Cancer natives tend to get thei hhands upon something and never let go, like the crab, and. ‘moreover sometimes waddle or walk sideways ; and similarly in the case of the other signs. There are many classifications Of the signs according to these characteristics which ste valuable in practical astrological work. Thus the signs of ‘those creatures that make no sound, the Crab, the Seorpion, and the Fish, are termed Mute signs, and ate found to be ‘connected with dumbness. But the most generally important . “oa @atbith ogre Next the Moon, Dat noon roth ot get Dato oth 2 te Daily motion... Gy ag When passing from one sign to another in the proper order 0 A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY of the signs, a8 in thie eae, add 30° to allow of subtraction. ‘Thus 10°31’ ais equivalent to 40° 3x’ mx. Thisis frequently necessary in the ease of the D. Log. of qh 27m os op318 ‘Add Jog. of Moon's daily motion. 2124 ae Which is the log. of 2° 44’. Then:— Dat noon roth 1 ye Subtract motion for qh 27m.. 244 Dat birth rar 1 the cate of the ) rather more accuracy may be abt by taking the motion for the hall-day and multiplying it by 2, but the beginner need not bother with this at present FOR MERCURY at noon roth as ay Wat noon oth mas Daily motion 2 Log. of ghaym.. 738 ‘Add log. of daily motion .._x535t “22669 which is the log. of 0° 8". Then :— Yat noon goth ast ay Subtract motion for sh 27m’ 08 vatbith BS If you continue inthis way for each of the planets you will ‘obtain the following results — oo io, 7—Gesenat Exanriz, oL ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY Wa" 5 = M7 = was 39 par 4g = s-2 4s = 46 gan h-8 9 8 w8 ae vo. omy ‘These are entered into the diagram, and the horoscope is shown in Fig. 7 In addition to the above, however, the student should cultivate the habit ‘of caleuating. the declinations of the planets also, This is done in exactly the same way. Thus for the Sun — Sun's dec at noon gth «14? 49'S ‘Sun's dec. at noon roth m9 8. Daily motion... 930 Log. of shaym sss ‘Add log. of daily motion. S.3.8573, 2580 ‘which is the log. of of 4. Now notice whether the declination is increasing or ecreasing between the two moons, From the gth to the oth itis decreasing. ‘Therefore at 4h 27m before noon on. the roth its value will be greater than at noon, so we must ‘add the motion to the declination at noon on the xoth. Sun's dee. at noon roth. a4? ag’ S. ‘Add motion for gh 27m <0 Sun's dee. at birth .. 4. 3 8 Be BERD ERE EEE A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY By an exactly similar method we arrive atthe declinations of the other bodies as follows — enw" x's ary N ay 5S eas 3s so aS A 32 N ho 27S eo2 SN vou 32 N Nate that the declinations of 21, n, , and ¥ are only ssiven for every altemate noon, 20’ that it is necessary {0 divide the motion between dates by 2 in order to obtain the dally motion. In most cases, however, the dectinations of these planets can be estimated at sight owing to their very slow motion, ‘This is the whole process of casting a horoscope, and if you emember always to use Local Time for cusps and Greenwich ‘Time for planets, no matter where the birth may be, you wil, ‘experience no difficulty inthe erection of foreign horoscopes. nthe foregoing examples ne student has Deen taken tough the actual proces step by step. After he has a clear idea of the methods, however, he may appreciate a tabulated ist of rules covering all cases, for nothing is more annoying than having to search here and there to find just when and how some emall corection hes to be used. ‘The following rules should be applied in order. The ‘method to be adopted in dealing with horoscopes for South latitudes is included, but has not been exemplified as the Drinciple isin no way different. 4 BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY RULES FOR CASTING A HOROSCOPE 2. If birth isin Summer Time subtract 1 hous to obtain Greenwich Time, or normal Standard Time in the ease of a forcign beth, 2. If birth is in Standard Time, add the Standard to the given time if the place is West of Greenwich, Subtract the ‘Standard if the place is East. This gives the Greenwich Time ind the longitude of the place and convert it into time the degrees of longitude minutes of time, and the ‘inate of longitude seconds of time, and multiplying by 4. 4. To find Local Time subtract the longitude in tive trom ‘the Greonvich Time of beth if the place is West of Greenwich, ‘Add the longitude in time ifthe place is East 5. Take from the Ephemeris the Sidereal Time at the ‘oon previous to birth 6._ ME the birthplace is far distaut from Greenwich take the longitude of the place in time and allow 10 secs. (0.863 ‘exactly for every hour, and a proportion for the minutes, ‘Addthis correction (not the long. itself) to the noon Siereal ‘Time ifthe place is West of Greenwich, Subtract it if East. 7, To the result add the Local Time elapsed from the previous noon to the moment of birth, 8, For this time elapsed allow 10 sees. (986s exactly) for every hour and a proportion for the minutes, Add this correction to the result obtained in Rule 7. The final result ie tho Sidereal Tine at bith 9. ‘Tum to the Tables of Houses for the latitude of the phice of birth, or the nearest latitude if exact Tables are not ‘available. Note that latitde only needs to be considered in ‘the matter, and longitude does not enter into it. ‘Thus cy ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY Tats fo Now atk a. 4X) wl ee or Roe P52 N) ap hy ae om ny the sae ltt CSCeae On ital ise ke Tacks weet eat cbtained by Rule an take ot the comejonding csp Orit prefered work the sath and it cog et ensly by peopoton, 10, ll inthe semsining cusps by wring in te same degre of opps igs on the suse eye "i. Take te Greenwich Time of itn and ind the mer cf hous and mites i Gitar fen the nee note Find the log af this from the Table atthe end of the Epa see at tothe Epes he oger oe as for thenoonbefereand the oon ate bth, and by stating ono tn hy ot ah at 73. Aad the og ofthe tne a found in Rule rf tog. ot ‘the daly Motion, in the case of each planet. The itis the ng. of the tance ths moved nthe eqed time, Find wht this fom te abe If lhe fla is diva, ths distance to the longitude atthe nearest noon if bath was pam Subtract ifbith was am Te pst roger is tac rome longtde at the nearest noon i ith was pm AG Sith was am, : 45, Inst the pants in the horoscope ngram in thee ner poste, PTS Tike the dena and fd the daly maton of cach nt a inthe es ofthe longi (Re 12). 17. Find the motion for the require fine in he sameway asin Rale 1, wing decision intend of logit 18 If dination i eetng, hd te rr tthe ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY decination at the nearest noon in apm. bth. Subtact i isn bth ae elnaton is decreasing, Stace res rom the dechton a the eat non in pnb Ad Tn a8 Shen 10 cat A nono YOR A HAGE SUNN aTTERE tee TE Tote See Tne at Mth eed in Te © sd a hur (trating 2 hous om te sn sce D vi the latitude North TH Un Tables of Howe rte same ited North the theo South Th for a5 8 ae Tb fot oon. TV. ook wp the Sider Wilt onthe dag the ume dese bat he ff si gut if te Tat gw to th hp rte down von the han siay with he oer “ijeCmlte te reining cog nthe seal way 7 Sig rg ae lt th net pee and dents fo the Cini tie of th oly arn len 1 oft reve ton ‘obtained in Rule 1 and CHAPTER 1x For the purpose of exemplifying the calculation of aspects wwe will take the horoscope shown in Fig. 7. Titst of all should like to emphasise the fact that aspects are counted in eres of the Zodine from one planet to ancther. ‘They are notin any way connected with, of dependent upon, the houses, One of the most frequent mistakes made by the beginner is due to confusion upon thie point, He secs a plant in the 4oth house and another in the 1st, and because they are, appear to be, three houses apart he concludes they are in square, Certainly they may be, but they may also be in {rine or in soxtile, I all depends upon the number of degrees ‘ofthe Zodiac between them, nomatterin what houses they fall mn calculating aspects foliow the ustal order of the planets Deginning with the Sun, and work systematically. ‘As all sspecte are include in 180" they must be measured in the ‘order of the signs along the shortest distance between the ‘two planets Oand). ‘Starting with the ©, we look first to sce whether there is any aspect between that planet and the ), which comes next in ordet. The shortest distance in the order of the signs is frum the @ round to the }.. The @isin=r20° 51, and the ) in a 7° 47". For the sake of simplicity lt us take each to the nearest degree, calling the @ = 21° and the ) se 8°. The beginner may find it tess confusing. to iscard tho odd minutes and as each aspect has a considesble ‘orb there will be no loss of accuracy. Now from s 2r to the end of that siga there are 9° Beyond that we have 30° for all, 30° forall "30° forall 4, 907 forall u, and finally 8° of ato bring ws tothe place 3 ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY of the D. Adding all these up we find the total distance amounts to 337°. Another method of counting may be found easier. From 24 to x at is 30° ; frome 24 top 2 is another 30", making 60"; from ‘p21 toy 2 ie another 30%, making 99°; from ¥ 2x tom aris another 30%, making 120°. ‘Thea from 21 to 0 30, or 0, which is the same thing, is g*, making 129°, ‘and from mo to a 8 is another 8°, making a total of 137". ‘Look inthe ist of aspects om page 24 {0st if there i any, recognised aspect of about this value, We find that the sesquiquadrate of sesquare is an aspect of 135%, and has an orb of about 4°. As our value of 337° is oniy 2° away from ‘the exact aspect i follows that the @ and ) are in sesquare tone another, and we write down ©}. © and ¥. “The shortest distance in this case, always ‘measuring along the proper order of the signs, is from § 0 the ©. It does not matter from which planet you count so Tong as you measure in the order of the signs, Here Wis in 1925 aid the w in = 21, From ¥ 25 to M308 §%. From ¥5 30 (or = 0) to a is 21%, making a total of 26% Alter- natively you may say ;—From 7 25 to = 25 is 30%, The © 4° short of = 25, and therefore the distance will be 26%. ‘The nearest aspect in thelist isthe semizentile of go". But ‘our value is 4” uf this, and only 2° are allowed as orb. There= fore the @ and ¢ are not in aspect © and %. These two bodies are obviously only just about ‘apart and are thereforein conjunction, Write down © ¢ #. Oand a. The count is trom g in = 3 to the ©, a distance of 38%, which is no aepect. © and 24. 21 is in w 7, and the count is from the @. m = 24 to X ar is 30°; from x ar to -r at is another 30%, making 60°; from ‘v 21 to y 2r is another 30°, making 96°. Then from yar to the end of is g°, making 99"; and 58 PERE ERREERRRES A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY from 1 0 to m 7 is 7°, making a total of 106", which is not near to any aspect, © and h. The count is from tr it 15 8. 14 8 to = Bis 30°; <8 to om a4 is 13", making a total of 43". This is Within orbs ofthe semisquare of 45°, Write down © Li © and. The count is from the © to in *t 9. = at to x aris 30%; x ar tothe end of » is 9", making 39°; and Another 9° into.” makeo a total of 48°. ‘This i aive within ‘orbs of the semisquace, 20 write down © L. © and'¥. The countisfomy in m3. m3 to = 3is 30°: 3t0 M3 another 30", making 60"; 307 3,90": 7 3to 5 18 3 tom 3, 150° and finally eto oe 22 is ing the total 168°, which ia no aspect, This completes the aspects formed by the ©, and the ) is the next planet on the ls. D and Y. This is the first pair to be examined, The ‘nearest distance between y in 25 and the ) in a» 8 i from tothe}. Then ¥ 25 tom a3 je 30°} m 25 to % 25, 65" X25 10 a5, go"; 25 tow 25, 120°; 25 to w 25, 150": 1 25 to the end of m, 5°, making 155° ; and m0 to a0 8 fs 8°, making the total 163°, This is no aspect. Dand'@. Thecount is from @ in = 22. To 22 is 30°; to ‘# 22 is 60°: to 29, ga": tou 2a, x20%. Then 8° more in 1 and 6 in as bring the total to 136°. This is within 1 of the exact seequare, so write down ) g 2. Continuing inthis manner we obtain the following results: dand g and 4. 1p" yO Gand hl ay! Nosepect Band 8 74° No aspect Dand 9 Wand VS 242" No aspect dand ¥ Qand g | to No-aspect wand 2 Band % ° 103° No aspect Band 3 Gand hot 8Z ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY Bande. 47 ZY and hs yt eh Gand Y . sb9* Noaspect and Yas Re Gand Alia GAH and Yas LOY Gand nas Nowpect hand 8 how Band ¥ lo gee hand ¥ RAY Band ¥ liso" GeV Band Yaga No aspect ‘This completes all the ordinary aspects, and only! the parallels, if any, remain to be noted. Look down the list of declinatione and note any two planets having the same ‘ectination within one degre, either both North, both South, orone North and the ther South. This ives us @P9, ¥P a, and 4 P2, Having calculated all the aspects as above, tabulate them, under the map. ‘The process of calculating aspects may appear to be a tedious one, but with practice it becomes extremely easy, and one is able to estimate the aspects at a glance. The following hints wil be found of service -— 4%. Two planets in or near the same degree of diferent signs are in aspect, 2. Add to, or subtract from, a planet's longitude 15°. Any other planets in or near the resulting degree may bein aspect 3 Sips of the same Quadrupltety are in square or ‘opposition to each other. 4. Signs of the same Tripliity are in trne to exch other. ‘Numerous ingenious mechanical devices known as Aspect= arians, and mostly emanating from America, are sold for the parpoce of automaticaly calculating aspects, The beginner should strenuously resist the temptation to purchase one. ‘They may save time and trouble at the moment, but they prevent one from visuaising the aspects quickly, and are ‘therefore hindrance in the long run. 6 PART IL PLANETS, SIGNS, AND HOUSES, INTRODUCTORY REMARKS The following chapters describe briefly the persons and ‘things ruled by each ofthe planets and signs, and the general fect of planets in signs, houses, and aspect. They were Included here in deference to the upinion of certain elementary Students, and only after considerable hesitation. That such information as is here contained is of use to the beginner is ‘unquestionable, but the grave danger attaching to its that it fs apt to destroy the personal judgment, Itis of the very ‘utmost importance for the student to reallse that these post tions are necessarily described in general terms, and mist fot be taken a definite and unalterable. Itis quiteimpoasible to take into account even a tithe ofall the variations that arise in practic, and the details here given should be regarded. merely a5 hints. “On no account stuld Uey be included a8 ‘they stand in a delineation. The best use that ean be made of them is to take each position, read over the description of its effect, and then try to puzale out why such’ an ellect should foliow. This is excellent practice in developing the judgment, When the underlying idea laws Veen grasped fan even better exercise is to attempt to write a deseription of the probable effect of any position before reading it up ‘Then try to think out variations, “Thus, Saturn in the 70h hhouse is bad for marriage, Why? Because Saturn catecs coldness. selfishness, and isolation, ete. Now fry and think ‘out the effects produced by Saturn in various signs in the 7th, Saturn in Leo in the 7th would be likely to import the ‘question of children (Leo ie sth sign corresponding to sth house) into the matter. Probably one of the partners would desire » childless marrage. If Saturn weve in Tauras ine @ A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY stead, the fiction would arise over money or property. Practice along these lines will develop the jusgment rapidly, and that is the object the student should tet before himself to be attained at all costs. Success in astrology depends entirely upon judgment and nothing else. Tt ig far beter to ‘write an independent delineation of only a few lines than to copy dozens of pages from books. The former encourages the judgment and increases its power every time, while the latter simply strangles it, and, moreover furnishes a delinea- tion like a ready-made suit of clothes ‘which fits where it touches ‘The following descriptions include the personal appearance fiven when the planets and signs are rising, and the character sven when they are rising of ruling the horoscope. These may also be taken as personal descriptions ofthe wife, friends, ‘and others according to the houses in which they fall and the persons they signify in the particular map. The occupa tions are little more than suggestions, and the diseases are those 0 which the person is subject provided the planet or sign is acted In all cases aspects will modify the general remarks, A bad postion will be improved by good aspects, and vice versa. A position such as Jupiter in the 7th howse, which normally shows a happy matrage, wil produce an unhappy ‘one if itis seriously acted, In fact none of the descrip. tions should be used without an eye upon the horoscope to see hhow it is supported or contradicted. SEREEEEREEEEEEE CHAPTER X. THE SUN Appearance—Fall stature, round face, large head, large ‘bones, fresh: complexion, ight and thin hair, blue o rey eyes Character-—Proud, elgnified, ono ambitious. Body. Heat, vitality, back, 1 eye of a woman, Diseases.—Debilty, fevers, unstroke, heart disease Oceupations.—Jewellers, goldsmiths, managers and those in authority, goverament workers, ‘Persons —Kings, noblemen, superiors, dignitaries, the father ‘or husband. ble, generous, noble, t eye of @ man and left ‘THE MOON Appearance—Short, plump, broad face and chest, brown hai, pale complexion, grey and soft eyes. Character—Changeable, inconstant, capricious, receptive, ‘sentimental, imaginative, good-bumoured, fend ef Havel and novelty, modest, timid. ‘Boiy:—Stomach, breasts, sympathetic system, glandular ‘issues, left eye of a man and right eye of a woman, Diseaset-Functional disorders, chills, colds, weakness, swellings. dropey. Oceupations —Sailor, traveller, caterer, servant, fisherman, Advertiser, all whose work deals with liquids, Persons.—The public, women generally, and especially the mother oF wife, os ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY MERCURY Appewrance-—Tall, thin, Jong limbs, dark ‘hair and eyes, olive complexion Character —Clever, wary, subtle, cunning, quick, active, alert, talkative, restless. Body —Nerves, lungs, brain, bowels, hands, arms, tongue, hair, Diseases Nerve disorders, lung diseases, worry, insomaia, food iregulasitis, Ocespations —Writer, teacher, editor, clerk, secretary, book: seller, postman, Persons —Brothers, male cousins, neighbours, young men, VENUS Appearance—Plump, short, round cheeks, smiling face ight- brown and smooth hair, blue or brown eyes, cleat ‘complesion Character.—Artstc, pleasant, sociable, gentle, refined, bright, affectionate manner. Body.—Chin, cheeks, threat, lis, Eustachian tubes, reins, ovaries, kidneys, internal generative system, Diseases-—Venereal diseases, ailments of the throat and Kidneys Occupations Poet, artist, confectioner, scent dealer, flower seller, linen draper. Porsons.—Sistrs, female cousins, young women, ner, embroiderer, MARS Appearce—Mediwns height, strong, large bones, sharp hazel eyes, prominent brows, red, light, or black hair 66 BERERRORE A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY Character Brave, confident, assertive, eaily angered, extra: ‘gant, passionate, energetic, destructive Body.—vorehead, nose, bile, gall, muscles and sinews, external ‘generative system, Diseasex—Fevers, infectious and inflammatory diseases, operations, effusions of blood, sharp and painfl dis orders. Occupations Soldier, surgeon, dentist chemist, photographer, metal worker, butcher. Persons.~Men of below middle age. JUPITER Appearance.—Well-buil, dignified, oval face, high forehead, brown or chestnut hair, blue or brown eyes, fresh complexion Characler—Generous, prudent, jovial, kind, sympathetic, charitable, courtly, proud, Body. —Thighs, fect, right ear, liver, blood, pleura, Diseases —Apoplexy, pleurisy, disorders of the blood and liver, ailments arising from exeess. Ocexpations.Lawyer. physician, clergyman, banker, clothe, {rocer, tobacconis Persons. Uncles and ants, SATURN Appearance-—Lean, thin, large nose and eats, dark or black hair, pale or sallow complexion, deep-st eyes. Character —Carefal, cautious, jealous, misetly, severe, in- dustrious, cold and reserved, just, unrelenting, suspicious Body.—Teeth. bones, joints lett oar, epee, or ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY Diseaser-~Colds, chill, cheumatism, weakness, chrouic and lingering diseases. Occupations —Miner, Inbowrer, coal michal, dealer in land and property, plumber, architect Persons.—0ld people. URANUS Abpearence.~Tal, spare, rugged look with strongly-marked feature, dark hair and eyes, pale complexion, Charactr.—Becentrie, erratic, inventive, independent, roman- tic, eitca, fond of unusual things and subjects Body.—Nerves, pat of brain and spinal cord, Diseaser—Nervous breakdowns, paralysis, spasmodic and incurable diseases, Occupations.—Electrician, inventor, aviator, antiquarian, astrologer, government offical, Persone. Grandparents, NEPTUNE, Appearance —Medium height, soft, plump, thin face, nervous ‘or strained and startled look, soft silky hair, dreamy ey¢s, clear complexion, Characer.—sthetc, artiste, musical, imitative, very emo- tional, dreamy, psychic and intuitive, self-indulgent. Body.—Patts of brain. Diseases—Obscure and incurable diseases, ailments ats from self-indulgence through sex, drugs, le. Occupations.—Sailor, dealer in tea and colfce, tobacconis, ‘violinist spirtuaistic medium, 6 CHAPTER XI ARIES Appearance-—Medium height or over, thi, long neck, bony face, high cheekbones, narrow chin, hair tisp or wiry and sandy or very dark, bushy eyebrows. grey or greyish brown eyes Characier.—Ambitious, courageous, reckless, energetic, enter ising, impulsive, combative, independent, clever. Boly.—Head, face, brain, Disease. Diseases of head and face, neuralgia, dental ailments, fevers, affections of the eyes. Oceupations.Soldier, explorer, writer, veterinary. surgeon, ‘groom, coachbulder TAURUS Appearance —Short or medium height, squarely built, often stooping, short thick neck, fall forehead, lps, and nostrils, heavy jaw, hair dark and often wavy, fll dark eyes. Character —Obstnate, plodding, patient, persevering. strong= willed, jealous, resentfl, slow to. change, sometimes {ndotent, fond of ease, sensuous, loyal, fixed opinions. Body.—Neck, throat, cerebellum, ears, Discases—Diphtheria, quinsy, fistulas, apoplexy, diabetes, throat disorders, (Occupations —Real estate dealer, house agent, wool merchant, Duilder, gardener, farmer, singer, GEMINI Apbearance-—Tall, slender ; long arms, fingers, hands, and 6 A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY Jegs ; long and straight or bird-ike nose, hazel eyes, dark hair, pale or sanguine complexien, Characle—Cleves, versatile, dexterous, curious, subtle ‘exible, mathematical and scentif, nervous, vacillating, invitable Body.—Arms, hands, shoulders, lings, blood. Diseases —Nerve disorders, consumption, bronchitis, asthma. Occupations Journalist, writer, teaches, mocician, elerk, surveyor, mathematic CANCER Aphearance—Medivm height, inclined to stoutness, often top-heavy appearance, broad forehead, full face, full cheeks, double chin In midate life, short but sometimes prominent or peculiar nose, bad or rolling walk, grey or light-biue eyes, very dark or golden-brown hair, pale complexion. Character—Changeable, quiet, reserved, ambitious, imagin- ‘tive, romantic, emotional, sensitive, eapricios, adapt. ble, sympathetic, sentimental. Body.—Breast, stomach, chet, digestive organs. Diseases Gastric ailments, dropsy, liver disorders, cancer, ‘heumatism, dipeomani, ceupations.—Sailor, publican, barmaid, caterer, wine met chant, servant, washerwoman, charwoma LEO Appearance-—Tall, upright, broad, steongly-bailt, large bones. full round heady ight and thin har, grey or sherry coloured eyes, florid complexion Characte—Faithfal, frank, ambitious, provd, generous, artistic, lordly manner, fond of show, often ostentatious, very fond of children, idealistic, 70 ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY Body teat, ack pie Divaser—Hlear corde, syncope, pian, es, um ers mening Ceeipations = Arist actor, manage, ena, buts, ach, schosinaier virco Atfesroee—Metiom height ove, fll fore, net Preset appearance, modesty Hany, sai nos fey oF Bae eyes, ark ha incned fo be thin on top, Gark comes, Charter Mtb, cl, pectic, very cite, pre, fad over tees ingiiv hy, modest, qui frome twony, BoizeBowes, ities, abdomen Disa, —Constiatio, bowel dards, dysentery, Garo, Sse, Cupane Secretary, accountant, tac, cates dear, Tacone LIBRA Appearance Tal, welds, sender tat becoming stot in ili, ound face: ong aod right nove repr festa, short fat hac aod ge, ue or brown eye sooth brown complain geod bat roy or pple in'ater ie Character Cetin, ind, jst, very bumane, eli tsi, kl cathe ih and tao, dese ade: ton, ay, fond of plate and ety Baty nj, si Disser—Shin an Kae dss, Bight’ ease, ecxema, epirit, umge, Geexptiont~Bank rk, designe, vale, pawabroke, ape, jewels. n A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY SCORPIO Aphearance—Mediuo height, often thick-set or squately uit, face often fa but sometimes with aquilne features, Prominent brows, dark and intense or sometimes beady eyes, thick and dark hair often curly. Character, —Bold, confident, sarcastic, critical, strong willed, ppenevering, brusque, sensational, impressive manner, fiery temper, fond of secrets and mysteries, ‘Body.—Urino-genital system, nose, bladder, appendix, Diseases-—Veneteal diseases, piles, ruptures, fistulas, infectious diseases. Oceuputions Soldier, sailor, chemist, photographer. surgeon ‘brewer, oil dealer. SAGITTARIUS Appearance-Tall, sender, wellmade but sometimes stooping, long or oval face. rounded forvhead : gre. Hue, ‘or brown eyes; brown or chestaut hair thinning at the ‘temples, good complexion, Character ~Good-tempered but irvitable, frank, honest, {mpetuous, god natured, optimistic, independent, clever, ‘uick. shrewd gueswer, fond of horace and sport Body:—Hips, thighs, arteries, Diseases-—Rheumatism, gout, sciatica, lang and nerve disorders, Occupations.—Lawyer, clergyman, physician, horse dealer, ‘groom. CAPRICORN A phearance.—Medium height, thin, bony, prominent features, long nose, narrow chin, thin neck, dirk eyes, dark thin hi 2 ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY Character-—Reserved, capricions, very “ambitious, quiet, suspicious, melancholy, just, conscientious, unrelenting and unforgiving. cantions and prudent, leh, evsnwusieal Body.—Knees, bones, joints, teeth. Diseases Rheumatism, cols, chills, eczema and skin diseases. Occupations. —Government offial, politician, diplomat, farmer, farrier. AQuaRtUs Appearance —Medium height or tll, wll built, ova o longish face, brown or flaxen hair, biue eyes, good and cleat complexion. Character —Idealstle, artistic, humane, timid, scientific, fond of human nature and humanitarian schemes, quiet, happy disposition, very ftiendly and popular. jody.—Legs, ankles, blood and circulation. Diseases—Anamia, nerve and blood disorders, cramp. Occupations.—Scientist, aviator, electrician, designe, poet, Painter, company promote, PISCES Abpearance.—Short, often’ stooping, fleshy, full watery blue ‘wt ark eyes, small and short limbs, plentifel dark hair, pale complexion Character.—Kind, very imaginative, romantic, talkative, versatile, secretive, changeable, often muddle-headed and clumsy, fond of sensationalism, Body.—Fece a toes Diseeses—Gout, dropsy, colds, tumours, bowel disorders, infectious diseases ccupations.—Fiskmonger, brewer, bootmaker, hospital or Prison attendant, nurse, imaginative writer, 3 CHAPTER XIL SUN © jn sr, Strong, well made, light halt, Targe eyes. Courageous, ncble, energetic, wilfel, excitable, independent Strong constitution, Insomnia, and diseases of head and eyes. © inv. Short, thick-set, brown hair, grey eyes, broad face and mouth, Targe nose. Proud, conerited, amorous, obstinate, warmhearted, autocratic,” Apopleny, syncope, diabetes, te, convulsions © in u, Tall, well-made, brown hai, grey eyes, Affable, courteous, mild’ tempered, versatile, ambitions, refined, studious, “Consumption, lung and blood disorders © in a=, Short, brown hair, grey eyes, pale complexion, fle deformed face. Indolent, amorots, ease-loving, easy: going, fond of home and mother, untrustworthy. Digestive isorders, tumours, rheumatism, © ina. Strong, well-built, fll face, large prominent eyes, light or sandy hair. Just, honourable, proud, ambitious, ignited, generous, sociable, kind-hearted. Heart disease, spinal ailments. © in m1 Medium height, slender, well proportioned, dark brown hair, grey eyes. Ingenious, scientific, modest, trious, lacks self-confidence, rather melancholy. Constipation, Dowel disorders, lung and nerve weakness. © inex. Tal slender, oval face, full eyes, light har, ruddy cr pimply complexion. Extravagant, generous, sociable, romantic, kind, just, hopeful, attistic. Kidney diseases skin, head, and stomach disorders. ™ A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY © nM. Squately built, fall and broad face, brown halt, darkcomplexion. Ambitious, overbearing, proud, unbending, pssionate, quairelsome, olatiate, Diseases of throat, heart, and urino-genitaltystem, © ins. Tall, well-built, oval face, light brown hair, olive complexion. Generous, restless, proud, judicial, good-natured, enthusiastic, sincere, Disorders of blood, lungs, and nerves. ‘Acide © ix 1. Medium height, thin, oval face, brown hai unhealthy complexion. Just, ambitious, subtle, reserved, ‘thoughtful, conventional. Rheumatism, constipation, melan- choly, weak digestion and bowels, © tm =, Medium height, well made, stout, round full face, own hai, clear complexion. Vain, proud, ostentatious, idealistic, democratic, humane, sociable. Disorders of hear, eyes, and nerves; defective cireulation, © in x. Short, stout, round full face, grey eyes, light brown hair, pale complexion. Changeable, restles, exttae vagant, intemperate, easily led, hospitable, Consumption, blood and digestive disorders, MOON D in Medium hight, plump, round face, grey eyes, light brown hair, good complexion, Rash, ambitious, fnvitable, enthusiastic, aggressive. Insomnia, convulsions, ‘diseases of head and eyes. Diny. Short stout, grey eyes, brown har, pale complexion, Kind, obliging.” amorous, quit, persistent, conservative. Troat disorders, quinsy, croup, tonsilits, goitre. Din m. Tall, upright, well-made, brown halt, good ‘complexion. Ingenious, talkative, subtle, crafty, active, exterous, fond of reading and novelties, Bronchial and Pulmonary diveace, Eo ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY Dn ash wet othe te hat sh te, sk cn Sot Se Sicas eda herein haere sete om coe cei moat ae ae gee vom Stee beeen ore eee eh ee ce Si et wee tans tpn use ree al ps a rs meee oo a oa a SEL cu aon staan non arn wet ies tr at om 1 eaten ol en pom tos see at = ee eo i mead Dinvs, Short, thin, weak, dark straight hat, small features, bed complexion.’ Dull, mean, cold, eelfish, calculating, cove- tous, fond of show. Poor vitality. Long illnesses, gout, sheumetiam, skin diseases, ; Dine, Medium height, wellmade, stoutish, brown halt, clear sanguine complexion, Adable, courteous, ingenious, inventive, sociable, humanitarian, Blood disorders, anemia, hysteria, debility. ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY ix x. ‘Short, stout, round or blotted face, sleepy eyes, light ‘brown hair, pale complexion. Fond of ease. cit, indulgent, dreamy, inconstant, intemperate, easly is ‘<2uraged, lack humour or commun sense. Infectious dense, ropsy, disorders of the feet. MERCURY in wr. Median height, spare, thin, eval face, long neck, light brown hair, bad complexion. Ambitious, wetlee, exggerative, quick, tricky, clever, hasty, quarreloome Headaches, neuralgia, insomnia, 4 in ¥. Medium height, stout, thick-et, grey or hazel eyes, dark thick haic, swarthy complexion, Inpeovident, Bractica, stubborn, easeoving, sociable, fond of money, Nervous throat trouble, hoarseness, convulsions ‘Yin, Tall, upright, well made, hazel eyes, dark brown ; Jong limbs. Clever, shrewd, scientific, linguistic ality, itty, argumentative, ‘inquisitive, mentally changeable Bronchial and lung disorders. 5 im Short, thin face, sharp features, small grey eyes dark hair, bad complexion. Fickle, changeable, tactful, Aiseret, mean, grasping. Digestive troubles, coli, flatulence, in Tall, thin, lange build, round fare, broad nose, full, eyes, light brown hair, ewarthy complexion, Bombs Proud, ‘hasty, ambitious, contentious, fond of pleasure, Heart or bowel weakness, palpitation, fainting fits in ma Tall, slender, long face, stall dark eyes, dark hair. ‘Subtle, scicatitc, critical, ingenious. septica!, prectce, {good memory. Bowel and intestinal disorders, Hin. Tall, wel'made full build, grey eyes, smoothlight brown hai, sanguine complexion, Pleasant, ingenious, geod talker, refined, broad mind, artistic. Kidney and utisary disorders. n ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY Yin m. Short, broad, dark eyes, dark curly hair, swarthy complexion, Critical, suspicious, ingenious, self seeker, ob- stinate, sarcastic, uncertain temper. Usino-genital”dis- orders, neuralgia. if, Tall, wellmade, large bones, oval face, large nose, brown hair, ruddy complexion. Rash, hasty, rebellions, talkative, quick but superficial mind, Sciatica, nerve weak: '¥ in. Short, thin face, bow-legged or crippled, brown hair, dark complexion, Decvith, discontented, suspicious, ‘critical, irritable, scientife. Gout, rheumatism, » bowel disorders. Yin ap. Medium height, stout, fall face, dark hate, clear shin clear complexion. Scientific, obliging, inventive, hurane, refined, intuitive, fixed opinions. Hysteria, nervous debility. in X. Short, squat, pale sickly face, brown halt, hairy body. Fretfl, repining, muddled, too receptive, imitative Comeumption, cli, dicerdere of the fet, VENUS in or. Medium height, slender, blue eyes, fair hair, good complexion. Restless, idealistic, demonstrative, changeable, frdent, Ececma, ska dncase, in, Medium height, plump, good looking, dark eyes, ight brown hair, sanguine complexion. Kind, humane, volup- tuous, obliging, strong felings. Throat disorders, 8 in tm, Tal, slender; brown, blue, or hazel eyes; soft brown hair cleat fair complexion, Mild, kind, sympathetic. good humoured, just, charitable, Uberal.’ Bad respiration, in cx. Short, fleshy, round pale face, stall blue, grey or greenish eyes, light hair. Gente, indolent, fickle, economical, ‘mid, inconstant. Digestive and breast troubles. 78 A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY 2 in. Tall, well made, round face, full eyes, ight hat, freckled and fair skin. Generous, kind, passionate, proud, ‘romantic, extravagant, Heart trouble, swovuing, palpitation in 'm Tall, well made oval face, dark hai, sanguine ot dark complexion. Quick, active, musical, ingenious. Bowel irregularities, illness from wrong diet and indiscretion. im =, Tall, elegant, handsome, oval face, blue eyes, Jong and soft but not very plentiful brown hai, often freckled, Courteous, equable, ‘kind, affectionate manner, popular, Kidney diseases, eczema, uremia, ‘in M. Short, stout, broad face, bue or grey eyes, dark hair. Seltindulgent, envious, jealous, seductive, Venereal slseases, dsorders of womb and ovatics ins, Tall, well-made, oval face, brown ait, clear complexion. Generous, good-natured, light hearted, fond of pleasure and sport. Lung troubles, gout 2 in v5, Short, thin face, blue eyes, dark hair. pale and sickly complenion, Courteous, fickle, sellsecking, fond of pleasure itesolute. Skin diseases, constipation Sin=. Medium height, stout, brown or light hair, clear complexion, Quiet fable, romantic fithu timid. Ane mia, hysteria, varicose veins. 2 in ye Medium height, plump, round dimpled face, blue eves, Tight brown hait, good complexion, —Good-natured, jst, affable, sympathetic, hospitable, impressionable ‘Tumours, chiblans, ender feet MARS 3 in ov. Medium height, well-et, large bones, grey eyes, light curling hair, swarthy complexion, Quarreaome, posh ive, argumentative, courageous, proud. “Brain fever, head and eye troubles. ” A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY ins. Medium height, thick-set, broad face, wide mouth, srey eyes, dark coarse hair, raddy complexion. Reserved ‘proud, conceited, bld, acquisitive, uarrelsome, Diphtheri tonsils, stone, erysipelas, in 11, Tall, strong, wellproportioned, grey eyes, brown hair, sanguine complexion. Rash, generous, ambitious, restless, ingenious, tricky. Bronchitis, pneumonia, infamma- tion of lungs. 4 in ao. Short, ill-made or deformed, grey eyes, scanty brown hair, sickly complexion. Peevish, revengeful, servile, ambitious, self-indulgent, Gastritis, typhoid and’ enteric fevers, puerperal fever. ina. Tall, lage strong limbs, oval face. large grey eyes light brown hair, sanguine or eunburnt complexion. Generour, noble, passionate, fearless, commanding, boastful. Malaria, pleursy, aneurisms, heart trouble, in, Modium height, well made, round face, grey eyes, ark brown hi, dark complesion’ Conceited, ieritable hasty, revengefal, shrowd, deceitful. Peritonitis, cholera, hernia, bowel inflammation 4 in = Tall, oval face, light soft or wiry hai, sanguine complexion. Idealist, courteous, quickly” angered, con called, fond of sport and the opposite sex. Inflammation of kidneys. 4 in. Medium height, stout, broad and plain face, black and curing hair, ewarthy complexion, Passionate, acute, designing, rovengeful, ambitions, ungrateful, quarrel- some. Piles. istolas, venereal disease stone, septic poleoning in ¢. Tall, wellproportioned, oval face, quick eyes, brown hair, sanguine complexion. Hasty, generous, pasion. ate, courageous, rebellious, loquacious. Sciatica, inflamma tion of lange. ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY in. Short ean, small head, thin face, lank black hat, sallow complexion. Ingenious, prudent, frm, wity, tactful industrious, Rheumatic fever, jaundice, dycontery, akin diseases, 3 in, ‘Medium height, rather stout, sandy haie, fair oF clear complexion. Unraly, argumentative, nervous, clever, Actermined. Varicose veins, erysipelas, Dood poisoning, 4 in Short, Meehy, lange eyes light Urown hat, bad. complexion. Passionate, satirical, idle, deceitful, timid and Dold alternately. Consumption, timouts, JUPITER 2 in oe. Modiam height, lean, oval frce, quick eyes, high ose, light hair, raddy or pimply complexion. Courteous, senerous, noble, enthusiastic, judicial. Diziness, swooning, congestion of the brain, 2 ing, Medium height, stout, short thick neck, brown eyes, dark conrc haie, swarthy wupexion. Fit, generous, Peaceful, dignified, charitable, just, Gout, disorders from over indulgence. 2 in a, Tall, well-made, plump, full eyes, brown halt, sanguine complexion. Scientific, mild, affable, refined, Yitrary, good-natured, Pleurisy, Iung troubles, blood dis: orders. 2in es, "Medium height, rather plump bt disproportoned, oval face, brown eyes, dark-brown hair, sickly complexion, Courteous, conceited, kind, meddlesome or offious, talkative Dropsy, indigestion, scurvy. 2 jn. Tall, strong, full eyes, light-brown cutling sanguine complexion. Generous, noble, courageous, proud, loyal, ambitious. Pleurisy, apoplexy, fatty degeneration of the Beart a A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY 2 in mM Tall, well-built, dark or black hair, rudy com Plexion. “Ambitious, boastful, prudent but rash, covetous, Aeceital, Bowel and liver troubles, blood impurities, 21 in =. Tall, slender, oval face, fall eyes, light-brown hair, lear complexion but subject to pimples or rach Generous, mid, obliging, considerate, just, fond of sport and recreation, Tumours, obstructions, and kidney troubles. 2 in R. Medium height, ston, thicket, fall Beshy face, dark coarse hair, muddy complexion. Arrogant, ambitious, overbearing industrious, covetous, selfish, crafty. Absceses, ropsy, urinogenital disorders, 2% int. Tall, upright, oval face, brown eyes, brown of chestnut hair, ruddy’ complacion. Just, open, generous, kind, courteous, fond of sport and spectlation. Gout, sciatica, leg and hip troubles 2 in v4. Short, weak, small head, thin face, dark ha sickly complexion, Peevish, discontented, autocratic, i genious, severe. Frvama, chin troubles, bad circulation 2 ins Medium height, stoutish, brown hair, clear complexion. Just, merciful, cheerful, humane, broad: minded, scientific. Lumbago, blood poisoning, 2 in x, Medium height, fleshy, large eyes, light-brown har, bad complexion. Good-hearted, generuas, lnnpilable, sympathetic, charitable, friendly. Dropsy, tumours, poor ‘Blood conditions. SATURN hh in sv, Medium height, spare, large bones, small eyes, dark hair, ruddy complexion. “Contentious,” ambitious, touchy, industrious, boastful. Head, stomach and liver disorders hiv s. Medium height ; heavy, lumpish and illmade ‘dark hair, dark complexion. Revengeful, dull, diplomat 2 ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL. ASTROLOGY sullen, economical, sordid. Deafness, throat and vuice troubles. fh is tr. Yall,ovalfac, dark hair; dullswarthy complexion, Ingenious, subtle, scientific, seltseeking, unpolished Con sumption, pneumonia, bronchitis, cheumatism in arms and shoulders, hh in oe, ‘Shortish, lean, thio, languid eyes, datk hair. sichly complexion. “Canning, deceitful, repining, malicious, Aiscontented, suicidal tendencies, Asthma, cancer, gastic and digestive disorders, h inal. Medium height, large build, broad shoulders, sunk eyes. brownhair, Passionate, revengelul generous. ambitious, autlous, conceited. “Heart weakness, spinal dscases, gout, liver troubles, ‘hin m, Tall spare, ong head, plentiful dark hair, swarthy complexion. Scientific, melancholy, unforgiving, subtle teserved, cautious. Constipation, bowel disorder and vt structions. hin Tall, oval fac, large nose and forehead, brown Ini, clear complexion, Proud, argumentative, careful, opin ‘onated, prodigal. Kidney, blood, and urinal disorders ‘ain m. Shore, ick-set, Broad shoulders, dark eyes, thick Gark hair, Malicious, jealous, avaricious, passionate, quarrel. Seine, violent. Gout, gravel, stone, urinal disorders hh int, Tall ean, brown hais, ruddy complexion, “Ree ‘served, trustworthy, sensitive, oval, proud. Consumption, bronchitis, sciatica, hipjoint disease fh inn. Short, thin, stooping, long face, small eyes, dark hale and complexion. Suspicious, peevish, melancholy, ava riciows, covetous, unforgiving, treacherous. Rheumatism, ‘gue, skin diseases and howel trouble, 83 ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY ‘fh ie, Medium height, stoutsh, large head and face, large grey eyes, brown hair, clear complexion. Prudent, scientific industrious, thoughtfel, oheervant Cramp, anim mia, bad circulation, eye weakness. hh in». Short, large head, full eyes, very dack hair, distorted teeth, pale complexion. Malicious, contentious, indecisive, fickle, lacks hope and courage, “Consumpti sheumatiem, cnlds, affections of the fest ‘URANUS Win on, Tall thi, well made, blue or grey eyes light hai, ruddy complexion. Positive, masterful, abrupt, inventive, sali, eciontite, Inflammation of the bein, facial paralysis 1 in u. Short, thick-st, dark deep-set eyes, dark com- plexion, “Determined, conceited, boastful, passionate, re- vengeful. Nervous throat disorders, Bin. Tall, thin, grey eyes, light hair, Eccentric, feientitc, inventive, inquisitive, generous, Asthma, cramp in arms and shoulders. in ox Short, stout, grey eyes, dark hair, pale com- plexion, Unreliable, erratic, capricious, changeable, con- cxited, restless, fanciful. Cramp of stomach, cancer in 2. Tall, large build, brond shoulder, light or sandy hair. Independent, resolute, generous, strong passions, proud, Heart stoppage. 1 in ™. Short, thin, small limbs, dark eyes and hale, Eccentric, studious, sclentite, fond of novelties and curisities, sensitive, retiring. Cramp in bowels, appendicitis © in =, Tall, strong, round face, light hai, sanguine ‘complexion. Scientific, ambitious, easily angered, indepen- dent, romantic. Spasmodic lumbago, * RERERERRRERRH ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY 1 im m, Short, thickset, dark eyes, datk hair, swarthy complexion. Malicious, deceitful, passionate, intense, se- cretive. Spaame of bladder, cancer of genetutive syste © im 4. Tall, upright, high forehead, grey or blue eyes, light har, good complexion. Enthusiastic, scientific or phils ‘osophical, rebellious, turbulent. Sciatica, in ¥8. Medium height, short thin neck, high forehead, steely eyes, dark hair. Proud, austere, conceited, ostentatious, selt-opinionated, acquisitive, Cramp or deformity in knees. 1 fn s=, Medium height, broad face, light-brown eyes, brown hair, Ingenious, scientific, independent, eccentric, pressionable. Hysteria, nervous disorders, 1 in x. Short, stout, illmade, dark eyes and hair, pale complexion. Dull, eccentric, cantankerous, fanciful, “de- spondent, unnatural tastes. Cramp and sweating in fet. NFPTUNE, ¥ inv, Medium height, slight build, long neck, beown, reamy eyes, light hair, clear complexion. Imaginative, poetical, unscrupulous, craves notoriety, resourceful. Brain and eye troubles, ¥ ino. Medium helght, ehicktet, flexible neck, dull blue eyes, creamy complexion. Musial, esthetic, sensoous, coarse, depraved tastes. Eye and throat troubles, ¥ im ur, Tall, slender, large eyes, light or brown hair Sensuous, iresponsible, musical, humorous, tortuous. mind, ‘mischievous. Consumption, neurasthenia, Win a=. Short, sight, feshy, round face, small greenish eyes, light hair, ‘pale complexion. Wayward, emotional, unreliable, parasitic, impressionable, Dipsomania, hypo: chondria, as ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY V én 1. Tall, slight, fll brilliant eyes, light sandy baie, ruddy complexion. “Romantic, passionate, idealistic, generous, artistic. Peculiar heart weakness ¥ in m. Medium height, oval face, wistful hazel or brown, eyes, abundant brown’ wavy hair, darkish complexion, Demure, mysterious, scheming, deceitful, sensitive, illicit pleasures. Consumption of bowels. ¥ fn = Tall, elegant, large liquid eyes, abundant brown, or Tight hai, etbereal appearance. Visionary, intuition, poetical, artistic, weak moral. Dropey. ¥ in m. Short, stout, forbidding appearance, dark eyes, heavy brows, dark hair, swarthy complexion. Aloo, deep, subtie, proud, mysterious, sensual. Venereal diseases, Vin 2. Tall, oval fae, large blue eyes, chestnut hair, fir complexion. Utopian ideas, mystical, resourceful, frothy farsighted, restless. Nervous diseases, ¥ iw. Medium height, chort neck, dark Vise ut blue. ‘ey eyes, smooth and fine brown hair, pale or dusky com Plexion. Idealistic, political, cunning, designing, selish, seltindulgent. Skin diseases, ¥ in =, Medium height, plump ; large brown, hazel or Dine eyes, abumlant brown Dat, fait complexion, Artistic, plausible, humanitarian, improvident, deceitful, Nervous iseses. in», Medium height, stoutish, round full face, deep dark eyes, dark hair, pale complexion. Quiet, humane, Sensitive, poetic, inspirational, dissolute, lazy” Drops. EERE REE ERR REESE cuarror xin sux In ait. Generous, dignied, prow, ambitious, entident, boastful, fond of display, independent. “Honour and sucess. Good vitality. Few brothers. In and. Free expenditure. Extravagant. Money comes snd goes easly. Gain through superiors or influential people, fand through Government In 3rd. Firm, scientiie and artistic, stickler for his religion, Fame by writing. Honours to relatives. Many short journeys unless in fixed sign. Business involves travel In 4th, Inconstant affections, occult interests, pride in house or property. Litle chance of honour until late in life, but success and fortune at the end, Good forthe father ‘unless aicted In sth. Fond of pleasure, spends freely. Few or no chit. tution, and illness according to the sign. In 7th, Proud, honourable, lofty and generous marriage partner," Good for partnership. Honour through marriage Succes in litigation. Honourable of influential opponents. Im 8h. Extravagant marriage partnet, Honour after marriage. Fame at or after death. Danger of death in middle life. Tf afticted, violent death In oth, Fianourable, Gem, jut, religious, prowd, ambitious, 7 ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY artistic, Voyages, and success or dignities abroad, Clerical or legal honour. In roth. Honour and preferment. succes. fortune. hich position. “Success under” Government. High patronage. Honour in middle life. Rises above birth status, In 11th Loyal to friends. Firm and faithful friends, Helped or hindered by influential people. Successful ambi- tions In rath. Dificulty in proper seltexpression. Danger of imprisonment, exile, or life apart from relatives. Enemies stnong people of high position. Triumphs over enemies, MOON In 1st. Ambitious, fond of fame, carious, receptive, timid, i ive, fond of change and novelty. “Changefol lite. In and. Changeful and unsettled fortunes, sometimes success and riches but loss and trouble if affitod. Gain or loss by women, the pie, or travel In 3rd. Capricious, unstable, scientific or occult interests, Gains publicity. Many short journeys. Help or hindrance from relatives. In 4th Often changes residence, Success in land work land farming. Uncertain position. Chance of inheritance Popularity at end of life. "Favours from women, Outlives| Wife, Lives near water, In sth. Fond of gambling, speculation, theatres, and pleasure, and success in thee ifwellaspected. Many children, fone becoming famous, Twins if in 2 mutable sgn In Gh. Bad for health, especially to women. Much sick- ness in infancy. Many changes of servants. Makes good fervant but bad master. Ifa servant himeelf, has many small things to attend to. BERR REREGGE ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY In 71h. Many journeys and changes, Svecess or the reverse in marriage and partnership. Fickle partner. Changefal relations with opposite sex." Unpopulas. Pubic ‘opposition. Enemies among women, In 81h. Money by marrage, or unsettled fortunes after ‘mariage. If allicted, violent death. Death in public place for among strangers. Tu of Romantic, fanciful, curious, fond uf uovetis, Hietelin region. Voyages and travel Help from eaves ‘marrage. In x0lh. Desires public life. Changes in occupation, and unstable position. Benefit or the reverse from association ‘with women. Deals in public commodities, In 11th, Many acquaintances but few friends, Aequaint- ances among the public. Unreliable friends, Patronage of women, Several children if in watery sign, In 12th, Hinders self-expression, Many secrets in the life, Eueies among women and the public. Danger of restraint or enforced retirement, MERCURY Jw ast, Business ability, active and enquiring mind, settles, Inquisitive. Many journeys. Literary interest, In and. Money by leters, writing, and other Mercurial activites. Loss by thet or trickery if aficted. In grd. Busy mind, scientific, mathematical ability, studios, oquisitve, changeable.” Many short joueye, Crafty relatives, ¥ \ In qth. Inconstant afcctions, studious. Changes of residence for business purposes. Lives near buses, trams, libraries, ete, Inheritance by craft In Sth, Inconstant in love. Inclined to gambling or 0 ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY ‘speculation and worties through these. ad for childeen, who may be deformed or mentally acted, In 6th, Interested in medicine. hygiene diet, ote Manger ‘of consumption and illness through worry or strain. Deceit. fal servants and employees. Loss by theft. Worries over servants, journeys, of health, In 7th, Fomenter of quarrels. Many worties and vexa- ms. Annoyance and competition in hsines. Troubles throvgh tigation. Sharp-tongued marrage partner, domestic ‘quarrels, and unsettled married life In8th, Inconstant fortunes, Minor financial troubles aller ‘marriage, and worry over partner's money. Tn women's ‘map, diticulty in obtaining money trom the husband In oh. Clever, busy mind, meddlzoue, quick wit, cien- tif literary. Inclines to travel, Legal worries. In roth, Talented, Literary and commercial succes Several occupations, Uncertain pesition, Succes in trading ‘and gonaral agencies, ot aa secretary ty uluetal person In 11th, Many acquaintances but few friends. Scientific friends. Worries through associates, In x2th, Sefabsorbed and narrow mind, Given to plot- fing and scheming, Many small enmities. Crafty enemies. Laie o seandal and slander VENUS In 3st. Artistic, attractive, aflectionste manner, fond of pleasure and personal adornment, Social interests and In and. Money comes easily. Gain through women, art, and drama, Expenditure on orament, pleasure, or women, In yrd._Actistic, pleasant mind. Help from relatives and neighbours. Pleasant journeys, %0 A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY In 4th. Fond of home and attached to the mother, In- heritance, and gain through parents. Happy and peaceful nd af life, In sth, Given to pleasure. Large family. Succesrin love fairs and socioty. Gain by art, elldren, theatres, pleasure, ‘and speculation. Artistic and affectionate children, Tn 6th, Obliging servants. Good health. Love of clothes and adornment. Cateful in det. Health improves or suers after marrage. In 7th, Early and happy marsiage or attachment, Gain through adversaries. Peaceful end to quar Im 8h Gain by marriage and legacy. Wile fond of frsament and pleature. Financial succes after manage, In otic Gente, cultured, religious, cheerful, musical and artistic, Pleasant journeys, Benet through relatives by ‘marriage. Honours recived either with or without cause’ In roth. Success, honour, fortune. Praceful and eecare Position, Gain by women, Succes in love aflars Manes above his station In r1th. Many frends among women. Fond of society, Happiness through friends. Favours from women, In ath, Peaceful soclsion. Fond of lange. uuiuals, Unfortunate marrage, or mésaiance. Danger of enmity from women owing to secret love afar. MARS: In 8h Strong, courageous, confident, coneequentiel assertive, passionate, independent, reckless. Often mark of scar on head or face. In and, Lavish, cata, and improvet, Los ashness, Good earning powers. me ” ‘rk Stabbor, batten Qual and ks tg sy ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY letters, Loss by litigation. Disputes with relatives and ‘neighbours. Fond of change. Danger of accidents by rail ‘and on journeys. In 4th, Troublesin old age. Bad for the father. Loss by fie of theft at residence. Quarrels with parents, Loss by speculation in buildings, property, and mines, Lives neat railway. Te sth Fond of plessire. Tass hy gambling or epecla- tion. “Rash love affairs. Quarrels in home life. Children unruly and some die early. Danger in childbirth. Severe with ehilden, In 6th, Extravagant in food and dress, Feverish and Inflammatory illness, Theft from servants, ‘Strife in ‘employment. Ingih, Disputations and quarrelsome, Excites opposition ‘and strife, Subject to violence. Business enemies. Bad for partnership. Unfortunate marriage, with quarrels and separation or daath of partner. Tn Buh, Extravagant mariage partner. No money by marrlage. Strife over wills and legacies. Loss by fre and ‘theft. Quick or violent death. Inolh. Headstrong, jealous, fanatical, atheistic, o bigoted, Fights for cosvilious. Loss i awouits Danger in voyages and violence abroad. Loss by mariage relatives. In roth. Courageous, conceited, passionate, quarreliome, desires conquest. Liable to slander. Success as soldier, otherwise danger of discredit, IM 11th, Friends among surgeons, soldiers, mechanics, ete. Quarrels with friends. Malicious friends cause injury and loss. Led into extravagance or dissipation by frends. Danger to wife in childbirth In rath, Secret enemies, Loss by robbery. Danger from 2 A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY large animals, Liable to imprisonment. “Violence from enemies. Martiage partner suites from inflammatory diseases. JUPITER In ist, Dignified, generous, just, fortunate, Prod and hypocritical if afficted. Good health. Social and business In and Wealth and prosperity if well agpected ; otherwise ‘reat extravagance. Gain or loss by specalation, Ingrd. Refined mind, optimistic. Pleasant short journeys, Help from relatives and neighbours In 4h. Happy and comfortable old age, but die poor if ‘fficted.Fathor in good. position. Gain by inheritance. ‘Success in place and country of birth In sth. Dotifl children who do well in the world, Gain bby speculation if well aspected, Prospect of rich inheritance. In 6th, Good health. Good servants. Many comforts, (Chet nesses through indulgence or excest. In 7th. Good for law and partnership. Good for marviage unless affcted, Faithful partner. Enemies become friends, or benefit arises out of strife. Tn 8th, Money by mariage or legacy. Death peaceful for in peaceful surroundings and conditions. In th. Religious, moral, prudent. Gain abroad. Ad- vvancement in the Church. Benefit by travel and through marriage relatives, In roth. Success, honour, esteem. “High postion. Public appointments. Rise in life. Gain throvgh parents ot superiors In xh, Faithful friends and success’ through them, Ambitions realised. Association with people of noble birth, Good for children. Success atthe time of the birth ofa child. %8 A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY In rath, Few seeret enemies, and those harmless, Success abroad, or in connection with large animals or institutions SATURN In 1st Industrious, economical, thoughtful, patient, shy, nervous, and if affcted harsh, stubborn, and melancholy Organising ability. Liable to bruises to the head, In and. ‘Trouble, les, and worry in money matters. Bas ress losses and sometimes poverty, Very hard. work ‘with inadequate return, If well aspected, money by investment, from corporations, or money tie up. In 37d. Melancholy. Late mental development, Danger of foss in travel. “Unpleasant journeys, Quersels and ess by relatives and neighbours. Loss by writing, and trouble ‘hrough publications and correspondence, Health suites by travel, In qth, Early death of father. Tied to a locality det mentally. Poverty at end of life, If well wyecte, gain by land, property, and mines, In sti. Ungrateful children, or severe with children Often denies or destroys offspring. Disappointment in love ‘fiir. Danger of heart trouble or drowning. Zn 6th, Tastidious tastes. Debility. Long and tedious ‘nesses, and illness through cold, want, or exposure, Ten ency to fasting. Bad servants, "Hard work if under others In 7th. Many open enemies. Lass by partnership and litigation. Cold, morose, reserved marrage partner. Death of partner, ‘May marty widow or widower, or someone of ilering age or station, In 8th. No money by marriage, Trouble over oF los of, legacies. Difficulties after marriage, Lingering death, In oth. Religions, thoughtful, studious, philosophical * BERR RRR ERR R REESE ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY reserved, prudent. Danger and trouble abroad and in travel. Lass by marriage relatives J roth, Trouble to mother or hss uf parent in eatly lf, Succes and high position but ultimate fall and disgrace Inxuth, Frostratel ambitions, Loss throug false fiends, ‘Trouble to oF from children, In sath, Secluded life. Injury through secret enemies, Liable tw false accusation and’ imprisonment. Lingering illness of marriage partner. URANUS {In st. Original, eccentric, inventive, abrupt, independent, atubhom. Usueual interests, Danger of fay and hurts bby machinery. “Estranged from parents and relatives Jn and. Sudden gains and losses, Dificulty and per- plexity in money matters. Many ups and downs, Money through Government or in unusual ways, and often eared at home In yd, Independent, scientific, and occult interests, Unpopular ideas. Many changes. . Purchases curious books, Trouble through letters and joumeys, and with relatives and neighbours, ‘Ingh, Estranged irom parents. Trouble over inheritance and in old age, Many changes of residence, Sudden end. Insth. Inconstantin ove affairs. Romantic attachments, Broken engagement. Domestic trouble, Strange sex ideas, ‘Trouble through children, if any, but often denies or destroys them, Loss in speculation, 4% 64h, Trouble and loss through inferiors, Obseare ana nervous diseases. Tealth sutfers through change. In 7th, Violent, cruel, or adulterous partner, Hasty and ‘unhappy marrage followed by death or separation Rad for % A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY Yaw and partnership. Many open enemies and public strife Great opposition in life and perpetual quarrels with associates, Jn 8h, Financial diculties after marriage Partner squanders money. Trouble over legacy. Sudden and extra- ordinary death, or death by nervous aMiction, paralysis, oF uicide, Tn glk. Independent. Unorthodox religious views, Fond of occuiam, erionee, literature, or antiquasianism, Mie fortune abroad or in travel. Loss or trouble through marriage relatives, In 10th, Strong originality. Chequered career, Difficul ties with employers. Scandal. Sudden changes in business High postion followed by fall, Estranged from relatives. Tn rth, Romanticloveatais. Impulsiveand unfortunate attachments, Eccentric or occult friends, and Tose throvgh fiends and acquaintances In talks: Many secret enemies, and unexpected enmitis Loco by thelt. Estrangement or calle, Tayaiwnusent ‘abroad or in strange places, NEPTUNE, In 1st. Psychic, receptive, dreamy, inconstant, wandering, visionary. Sealife. Danger from plots and enemics, Liable to wasting disease. In and. Loss by fraud. Involved financial affairs. Gain through secret work. Money in pecoliar or questionable ways, In 3rd. Inventive, psychic, occult interests. Strange ‘dees. “Adopts eeudonym or changes mame. Fraud fom relatives or neighbours. AMlicted relatives. Inqth, Troubletoa parent. Family skeletons, Domestic troubles, and loss by domestic plots and over property. Secluded end, often in insituic 6 ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY In sth. Love troubles and ili love affairs, Depraved tastes and peculiar sex ideas, legitimate children, and ‘disappointment theongh children. Loes by epsealation. In 6th, Dislikes exertion. Peculiar tastes in food and clothing. ‘Treacherous servants or employees. Liable to ‘wasting disease, In7in, Treachery and loss by Iitigation, Pecaliar marriage conditions, Crippled or aMicted uursiage partner, Flatonit oF immoral union, Tlicit attachments after marzage. In Sth, Many troubles after marriage. Pecaliar death in trance condition. Delays in culmination of ambitions Anheritance divided, or wasted by litigation. im oth. Clairvoyant, paycnle. Loss by fraud and the Jaw. Dilicuties abroad. Ocean voyages Jn roth. ‘Trouble to a parent, Strange career, Lack of application. “Honour under assumed name, Too many lines ‘of work. Dissatisfied with the profession, im sith, ‘Seductive, uneliable, or treacherous friends, Secret love affairs. Megitimate child. Loss by speculation, In z2th, Despondent. Periods of poverty. Loss by fraud, plots, and decoption. Many secret enemies and pets. Danger of confinement or imprisonment. CHAPTER XIV Gond, Amb Favourable for heath, general succes, domestic hie, and mariage, Help fom ad, Domestic trouble, dite in the occupation and in dealing withthe publi.” Bad fr general health aod aa, he Gti athe cl tn ening ‘pon the sign occupied and the other aspects ie reaxen, teu the hah aed mind e bey tet nd as nature rather one ded. on (ever more than 2° part) 4 oF P, Good memory, studios, quick at leaming and figures, Nut always «good positon, and may tend toatar sspetcalty and impair the intlect fo som extent, o-% (Weer more than 48 par) 4 Good. Attic, llectinate manner; fwd ui wey, ‘sends and pleasure? poplar. Favourable for money. Bad, Only the semiageare can be formed. Fond of Pleasre but lable to hindrances or exces, Afetions (oo Prodigal. Somewhat entavagant o-3 Gonk, Energetic, courageous, ssciat, enters enero. Stong body and vitality. Responsible pos In army, publi lie, or &cccupation, "Often tings egy ” ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL: ASTROLOGY 3 or Bed. Rash, headstrong, quarrelsome, extravagant. ‘Trouble to or from the father. “Quarrels. with supesors, Goon! vitality, but liable to acidents and fevers. Very bad for women, bringing trouble through marriage or bad hhasband. oa oF Good, Honest, optimistic, generous, charitable Success, wealth, fame. ‘Help from powerful friends. Good health. Favours professional occupations. Bad. Wastetul, conceited, rash, extravagant, hypocritical ‘Loss of money. General bad luck. Danger of legal loses ‘and trouble through travel, religion. or enmity. on oot. Steud, thought), perseveing, hard-working, biiou Favours reponse postion of Gants ne Help from early sod ical pase. Gd a a, rent and gain through propery 4 7 Bad. Sesh, cld, unsympathetic Generally fortunate in ie, Thwarted ambition, ‘Trouble too fe the father, and through superiors, elely poops, sod the Bobi “Vey tad forbeith and vitality” Bee maces inva woman's map. ow Gond. Inventive, orignal ambitious independent, Pole otk. “Government or musical cecpaton, zat. fers, “Unexpected berets, "Romane atachneats ts woman's map. 4 or Bad. Stabbom, highly strung, pervene, scent {Los fn pubic afar "Sudden catatopues and Seva Broken ts. Toul t or hom paren % ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY env 4 oF God. Subtie, asthetic, musical, psychic, fond of luxury. ‘Benefit thenngh watery ceoupations, speculation, ‘and dealing with the public, Pad, Unpractcal, tricky, self-indulgent, immoral. Op: Position in business; failure of projects; disfavour of superiors; loss by treachery. yw 4 or Good. Strong, active, and quick mind; aguick wit, good linguist. Good for travel, wait and other’ activities, Bad, Clever, independent, erratic and turbulent mind; ‘sven to gossip, lying, and backbiting. Danger of slander and adverse criticism, ‘Trouble through writing and ¥ matters, tidy. Good for ‘money, popularity, marriage, and artistic work. Help from Bad, Slovealy, untidy, indolent ; foolish, extravagant. ‘Loss hy women. "Tanger of scandal. Domestic and mati. ‘moni troubles. Social unpopularity. bs Good. Courageous, enterprising, practical, active, hard. working. Strong vitality. Gain by legacy, personal sergy, and ¢ occupations, 4 07 Bad. Headstrong unruly, rash, quick mind, quarrel some. Liable to accidents and fovers, Unhappy marriage {involving financial loss. Trouble toot from the mother. 100 ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY 2 6 or Good. ‘Honest, generous, sympathetic, hospitable, Favours wealth, success, and popularity. Good health, Happy domestic lf. Gain by speculation, Bad. Careless, hypocritical, extravagant. Loss by squane ering, speculation, and dishonesty. Domestic. troubles. Liable to gout, and stomach, liver, and blood disorders. don Good. Patient, persevering, thrifty, careful, steady. For tunate for business advancement. Benefits from parents, Responsible position. 4 or Bad. Ambitious, subtle, salich, maan, exepicious, timid. Danger of poverty, business losses, and. failure Unfortunate marriage, Hard life, Poor health and digestion, God, Active mind, vga acependent, cecal intr, een arg ata nett or Be, Een hangeabe,emcrain eer, Neve st Maton tron andar ee ‘more chung my 4 oF Good. Imaginative, emotional, dreamy, musical, Paychic power or interests. Benefit through the mother, ‘Travel by water. ‘Bad. Selt-indulgent, immoral, subtle, tricky or unpractical, tortuous mind. Lose from women, Scandal and sander, Secret enemies. Trouble late in life. Peculiar ilnesses cad (Never more than 76° apart 8 or Good. Cheerful, sociable, artistic, refined, polished. 101 ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY Popular. Fond of young people. Benefits from relatives: May marry a relative. Bad. Unimportant. Ohstacls in socal ite, cations with ‘terirs or relatives, and artistic activities, wy Good. Quick active mind, shrewd, sarcastic, original, good argues, mathematical ability, manual dexterity, Favours ¢ ‘occupations. Legacy trom a relative. orBad. Same mental qualities, but exaggerative, quart some, turbulent, very ambitious. Liable to mental strain and overwork. Loss by own or others’ dishonesty. ‘Trouble with relatives, wa 4 oF Good. Tolerant, broad-minded, honest, generous, Philosophical, good judgment. Fevours general succes Professional occupation. Gain by literary work or relatives, Bad. Good-natured, hasty, unreasonable. changeable Foor Judgment. Irligious, sceptical, or blindly eredolous, ‘Loss by law. Trouble through travel or inferirs ta Good. Steady, methodical, grave, thoughtfl, conscientious, logical. Reeponsible position. Good otganising and exec: utive powers 4 0 Bad. Suspicious, critical, contentious, narrow, hard, malicious, easily depressed. Defective hearing or speech, May be dishonest. ‘Separation from relatives, Unfaithful Siende, ee 4 oF Good. Ingenious, intuitive, inventive, independent, Britiant and original mind. Favours occult and scientific pursuits, 12 A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY Liable ‘Trouble through writing and relatives, Liable to nervous breakdown. wy 4 0” Good. Intuitive, psychic, changeable, subtle, musical and artistic. Versatile mind, Mystical interests, Bod. Unpractical, dreamy, bohemian, tricky. Psychic interests, Loss through treachery and slander. Liable to worry and sufer from vague fears, a Good. Demonstrative, generous, fond of pleasure and society. Benefits through opposite sex. Early matrage, Money through marriage and partnership. Bad, Extravagant, careless, lax morality, too fond of Dleasare. overarlent Lots by women and false frends ‘Trouble in love and marriage through death or separation, The d is variable, but usually causes indisreet action. oa 4 orGood, Sociable refined, genial chaste, a of beauty fand dress or omament, Generous. Favours success and Popularity. Bad, Insincere, latterer, extravagant, indiscret, proud. Lives beyond his means. Squanders on dress, ornament, of oh Good. Steady, persevering, Faithful friendships and attachments. Late marriage or elderly partner. Gein rough investment, marriage, or elderly people. 103 ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY Bad, Selish, restricted affections. Sorrow through love or marriage, Bereavement. May have depraved tastes. Loss by bad business or investments, Trouble. through elderly people, ‘The d is mixed, but usually more bad than good, ey Good. Romantic, artistic, popular. Many fiends. Early love alsin, Hasty marriage Bad, Jealous, romantic, Troubles in love and marrage. ‘Loss by women, Trregular attachments, Delays or denies ‘marriage in woman's map. The is mixed, but usually more bad than good, especially im a woman's mp, wy Good. Emotional, romantic, suscaptible, pooticand artistic, Many love afairs. Gain through art ot friends, Bad. Fickle. Unstable affections. Deception and dis- appointment in love, Danger of scandal. Loss by fraud and trickery, ‘The ¢ is of mixed eflect, s— Good. Generous, enthslatic, enlersising, Strong body and muscles. Apt to squander money or spend too freely. Given to championing friends or causes. 4 or Bad. Over-optimistic, unduly enthusiastic, extreme opinions, very extravagant. Loss by gambling and dis- honesty.” Mines from fever or excess, ah Good, Practical, severe, ambitious, determined, courageous, Gain from superiors and public work. 104 A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY 4 0r Bad, Ward, cruel, bad-tempered, malicious rebellions. Liable to public diseredit, scandal, imprisonment, or public death, Loss through superiors. ae Good. Bold, headstrong, impulsive, powerful, proud, orig ina, sarcastic. Favourable for science and engineering. 4 er Bad. Violent and ungovernable temper, erratic, excitable, unbalanced, determined, Liable to accidents and sudden misfortunes and catastrophes, ay Coad. Strong emotions, generove, sathuciatie, concsited, Gain through medical work and the sea. 4 or Bai. Sellindulgent, vicious, conceited, crafty, Aeceitfal, “Lose through women. Scandal, Danger from liquids and poison ah 4 o7 Good. Thoughtful, serious, steady, careful. Favours ‘business advancement. Steady success. Gain by invest- ‘ment, property, and legacy. Bad. Restricted ambitions, Badluck, May be dishonest. Unsuccessful. Loss through public matters, property, ia. vestment, and by superior, the law, and trustees Seeks wealthy marrige, 14 4 or Good. Original, religious, or philosophlcal Interests. High position. Gain through legacy. May acquire wealth rapidly Bad. Unbusineslke, headstrong, may be dishonest. Loss through the law, religion, and ¥ people and occupations. 108 ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY av 4 oF Good. Sympathetic, devotional, hospitable, humane, conceited. ‘Mystical religious feelings. Love of beauty. ayy hhave great nancial sucess, Bad. Emotional, conceited, hypocritical, impulsive, ex travagant, Religious indiference or peculiar views, Loss by water and by fraud, noe Good. Strong-willed, serious, thoughtful, altruistic. Pros longs life. Favours business success. Responsible pos 4 o Bad, Stubborn, eccentric, strong-willed, malicious ‘may be indolent or criminally inclined. Weakens health ‘Loss through business, public affairs, and investment, now Goi Intuitive, sel-controlled. subtle acquisitive, thought ful. Gain through psychic matters and liquids. Good for ‘money and investment, 4 oF Bad, Cold, calculating, revengefu. Peculiar or Gepraved tastes, Liable to scandal and discredit. Loss by Property and investment. wy Good. Spiritual and occult interests, Insptationa, Strange life with many peculiar happenings. 4 or Bad. Inspirational, unreliable, restless. Trouble and Joss through occult matters. Strange and. eventfal lif, Many misfortunes 106 PART II HOW TO JUDGE A HOROSCOPE PERE REREREREEEE CHAPTER XV ‘THE PuciPLES oF JuDCMENT ‘The beginner usually stes in a horoscope mass of die connected influences of every kind, and is entirely at a loss to know how to proceed. Usually he reads the description of planets in signs and houses and gets very litle further, chiefly because of the lack of any method, My object, therefore, is not so much to give a Tong list of rules a8 to indicate by way of example how to tackle the problem of judgment, eaving the student to Al in the smaller details after he has grasped the main prinepls, Every planetary position inthe horoscope can be read from various points of view., Thus all the planeta und signs have some elect upon the native's character; all more or less satfet is ances, his marriage, and every other department of his life. If we let the matter remain in this condition, however, the judgment of a horoscope would indeed resemble the solving of a jigsaw puzzle, but it is possible to simplify the proceedings considerably. Tn every departnent of life one or two planets are of much ‘more importance than the rest. ‘These planets are called the ‘Signifcetors, and our task should therefore be frst ofall to find the significators of the matter with which we are con- ‘cerned, and then judge chiely from their postionsand aspects, In fact the ability to jodge a map accurately depends largely ‘upon the power to select the signiicators correctly. In order to do this we have to consider two things, Firstly, what Planets and signs are naturally connected with the matter under judgment ; and secondly, to what house does it belong. Take marsiage, for example, Venn ax natural ruler of love 109 A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY 's obviously a general significator, and so is either the Sun lr Moon, for the former roles the liusband in a woman's horoscope, and the latter the wife in a man's "Then again the sign ‘Libra, which corresponds normally to the 7th house, mast also be important, and any planet in that sign ‘must be considered. All these factors are quite general ones, and are truofor every horoscope. They give the groundwork and colouring. The second consideration, namely the articular house concerned, gives the persunal factor for that particular horoscope. In the case of mattiage the 7th house is the one to be considered, and the final sigifcator will be the planet in the 7th house or the ruler of that house "This gives the particular influences peculiar to that fone map. ‘Therefore we have general significators giving the fone, anda particular one pointing out theexact way in which ‘the effects will be felt. ‘The planet rating the sign on the ascendant is called the Reding Planct, and isthe particular signifcator of the nation himseit. The strength of this planet and the aspects to it indicate whether the native is strong or weak, free or ham ered, and his general relations to his environment. It is of {reat importance in every enquity. Having found the signifcator of the matter concerned Interpret all aspects to it as things and people affecting Ie ‘Suppose Jupiter were chietsignificator of money and afflicted by Satur, “We should judge that money matters would be bhampered by poor conditions, depressing surroundings, il. health, or whatever Saturn signified in that horoscope,” In ‘other words we should give Jupiter the chief consideration as signifcator of the matter enquired into, and interpret the action of Satur in its relation to Jupiter, and not vive versa On the other hand if Saturn were the significator we should jndge that fits of generosity or extravagance would aflect no EREEEEEELLELEGL A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE. 10 PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY the finances, because Jupiter is expansive in action, and its aflicting aspect would cause trouble and loss, This general indgment is then refined by taking inte account the wig aid Fro. 8, hhouse occupied by the aspecting planet, and the houses it rules. Thus, suppose with Saturn as signifcator that Jupiter threw an adverse aspect from the sth house. Then we should judge that the extravagance would ‘aries from too much an A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY indulgence in pleasure, of from gambling, or other matters ruled by the sth house, This would be modified by the sign containing Jupiter. A watery sign would incline more to sellindulgence, a fiery sign to gambling, a sign ruled by ‘Venus to expenditure on women, and soon, thus enabling us to enlarge on the judgment obtained from house_ position alone. We should next lok to ste what houses Jupiter rule, it ruled the 3rd we should judge expence and extravagance ‘over joumeys, relatives, and other 3rd house matters and by iending the influences, that gambling loses (sth) would ‘come through the advice of relatives (5rd) or some other appropriate blending. If, at the samo timo, it ruled the 6th, also, we should expect extravagance over food and clothes, ‘uch expenditure on health, and perhaps loss at the hands of unfaithful servants and employees, ‘As a general example of the method of obtaining definition Jet us put the above general positions into a more particular fem asin Fig. 8, ‘Here Saturn is chief signifcator of money and on the cusp of the and in m, The rising sign is arlistic, and mis a dramatic sign ; moreover, h rules the sth house, eo that we might expect some financial association with theatres, We cannot at the moment say whether good ot bad until we look to the rest ofthe chart. "Now Jupiter occupies the st which in the ordinary way is good for such matter, but in this particular cas it isin square to Saturn, the significator, and denotes loss. How is the lose coming? We have to blend the influence of 2 in = in the sth; and the 3rd and 6th houses and their signs, a these are ruled by 21. Therefore wwe might say that a theatrical (sth) company (co) fnanced by the native would cause great loss while on tour (31d), possibly abroad (t), owing to serious illness (6th) ofthe ‘members (6th) possibly through eating fish (), or perhaps m2 BEREELEEE ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY from malicious poisoning (h iam). This, however, is not the only way the influences would work, ‘There would also be lability to great loss through the death (Mm) of a , and ascendant. If all are in strong signs and unafficted a very long life may be predicted. If all are in weak signs and affcted a very short life is shown; while mixed positions will give a longer or shorter life according to the severity of the alictions, The © rales the radical constittion, and the ) the functional and sympathetic system, so that ina general way affictions to aa HELE EERE EEREEE ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY the © are more to be feared than to the }, The worst ailictions are from the malefics ¢, h, ¥, and ¥, and those from any plasets that happen to occupy or rule the planet) from any planet tend to support life, and are most Deneicial if thrown by &, 2, or 8. In the case ofan infant pasticular attention must be paid {2 planets close to the cusps ofthe angles. A child will often farvve serious allictions to the @ and, and infant morality is usually shown rather by planets in square and oppucition ‘cross the angles, and aflicting the angles themcves, than by ‘ordinary aflicting aepects elsewhere tn the map, In Judging of death note the aspects to the three vital Points. “When the affictions are very severe, especialy if in oF fom +, 8,8, M2, oF ¥, and the male elevated while % and 9 aiford little points, especially if they are in or ruling the 4th or 6th, The Acta ie of death can nly be aged ys ct stu ‘of directions. ” set by ¥ General Example, (Big. 7, p. 51), ‘The © is in =, a weak sign, afficted by the ), h, and ¥, and receives support only from 9, The } is also in a weak ‘ign and aflcted by ¢, hand W._ Te recaives the support of 2 by semisextile, but 2} is weak being in its detriment, It also has the sextile of v, but this is not vitalising, ‘The ascendant isa weak sign, and is in sextle to and in trine to 21, Therefore the aflictions and weak postions greatly reponderate, and we should judge a very short ile The us ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY native would survive infaney, however, because the affictions| do nat involve the anges ‘The clight help to the ) and ascendant fom 7, and the conjunction of the © and @ will prevent a violent death, Dut ‘the affiction of both luminaries by W indicates a sudden end after a long illness (Saturnian affictions). Mercury ruling both 4th and 8th and in sath indicates thatthe end of lif wil comein a hospital or inetitution. Anemia, wasting diseases, fand consumption are indicated by the affitions to the © ‘and 8, part ruler of 8th, ne, with 2 in mon the 4th cusp ‘Mercury, ruler of 4th and also part ruler of Sth, being acted by 2 and ako by g ine, ne CHAFLER XVIL us te pel spe steal ee ears ery oka aH ae eee filteandn ear depen a omen Thos one bao eaeana eth. Src ty atom em ey rena st ey ab evan en e enein Sen a dan a eg eg ci ah ae ae at wager a a ea ‘etstien Onc rac es IU fh ae vy gran arene wher adipsia ream ray on iceman hares eee tm isp se en mein ch eee ceee ri ete Sten G2 ni ma ly preter rier trea set hen a ga et een net 2 wel de cay gan ra ten cre int eh cng gece enema Tint The eos el pe ot ay spon one ae tt ‘of well-kuown people in relation to their ‘Photographs. The ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY following very mixed lst gives the names of a few famous People born under the rising of the various signs. rics, King George ¥, Pres. Wilws, Savonnrvts, Cat Sylva, Rudolph Valentino, Mre. Annie Besant, Taurus. Duchess of York, Pres. Hoover, Pierpont Morgen, ‘Washington, Mary Queen of Scot, Gemini. Queen Victoria, Duke of Gloucester, Pres. Ebert, ‘Wagner, Tennyson, Dante Cancer. “Ex-Kaiser Wilhelm II, Marshal Foch, Sir H. Rider Hoggard, Sir J. M. Barrie, Rudyard Kipling, Huxley, Byron, ‘Leo. Prince Gaorge, Rameay MacDonald, George Ul, ‘Charles 1, Bismarck, Betty Nuthal. Virgo. Princess Mary, King Albert of Belgium, King Alfonso, ‘Nicholas If ast Czar of Russia, James I, Pres. Coolidge, Earl Palfour, Gloria Swanson, Mozart, Chopin. Litre, Dake ot York, Lord Harewood, Emperor Franz ‘Josef of Austria, Thomas Hardy, Gen. Bramwell Booth, Scorpio. Queen Alexandra, Ex-King Manoel, Mussolini, ‘Winston Churchill, Philip Snowden, John Bums, Edison, Dickens. Sogitrins, King Edward VII, ‘Abraham Lincoln, Lindbergh, Capricorn. Princess Elizabeth of York Pres. Hindenburg, Earl Haig, Gladstone, Aguarivs, Queen Mary, Prince of Wales, Lloyd George, Lord Baden-Powell, RL. Stevenson, Ruskin, Jackie Coogan. Pies. Pres, Harding, Lord Rosebery, Eat] Roberts, HG, Wells ‘Haakon of Norway, us CHAPTER xvIT CHARACTER AND MENTAL Quattrigs ‘The determination of characteris one of the most important considerations in dealing with a nativity, fori is impossible to form a eotrect and balanced judgment unless tse (ype uf characteris known and one is able to calculate the extent to which the native will react to any glven influence. Every ‘Planet and aspect in the horoscope hasan elect upou character, but to consider all these separate influences and make a satistactory blend of them ea talerather beyond the beginner. ‘The best way to treat the judgment of characteris as follows — First ofall count up the nomber of planets in each triplicity ‘and quadrupicity, This indicates in a general way the basis of the character, according to which group in each division holds the majority of the planets.” Cardinal signs lve ‘activity, ambition, love of fame, energy, headstrong tendency, and restlesness. “Fixed signs give obstinacy, wil-power, ‘and resistance to change. Mutable signe give ity, nervousness, worry, indecision, and intellect. Fiery signs give energy, intllct, ardour, enthusiasm, and inspiration. “Earthy signs give a practical, worldly, matter- ‘of-fact and suspicious nature. Airy signs give an intellectual ‘idealistic, and artistic nature, Watery'signs give emotion, changeableness, and imagination. Having settled the general type of character, etudy the ‘sing sign and any planet rising in the same sign, even if i ‘be above the ascendant end in the zath house. This denotes ‘he native's characteristics and outlook, We may look upon, the horoscope as a house with many different rooms, and. Aiferent things going on iaside out of sight of the world ne ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY ‘The ascendant isthe front door, and it ie through this that the native must always appear. Every thought and act is finaly coloured by the rising sign, and ising planet, if there Js one. A horoscope with intense energy in the planetary positions and a weak ascendant will indicate weakness on the surface, and will spol the inner strength ; while con versely a strong ascendant that is unsupported by the rst ofthe hototcope wil ereate a false fist impression of strength. ‘Then look to the ruler of the rising sign, which isthe chief signifcator of the native himself The ruler weak by sign and house or retrograde denotes a hampering influence, and a lack of proper sel expression. Ezamine the rule's aspects Each of these will give the good or bad qualities of the aspecting planets according to the nature of the aspect Next take the Moon and its aspects. The Moon is the chief ruler of the personal characteristics and largely governs ‘the habits, instincts, and to some extent the mentality. The planet in closest strong aspect with the Moon, especially if ‘the aspect is separating, will colour the feelings and determine the general quality of the Iunar influence. The deeper aspirations and inner character are ruled by theSun, which should have next consideration in the same way. Finally, to determine the intellectual nature of the map study the planet Mercury and its aspects, as well as any planets in the 3rd and oth houses. Remember that Mercury takes on the nature of the planet in closest strong aspect, expecially if separating, and that the influence of this planet tives the prevaling colour to the mind, ‘Such an aspect should, however, be within about 3 degrees, as otherwise ‘Mercury tends to take on the nature of the planet ruling the sgn it is in In the case of character many contradictory qualities will be indicated. These do not cancel out, though they are 120 REREREERRRERREGS ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY probably subject to mutual modification a life proceeds: ‘The characteristics given by the stronger and more prominent planet will be the normal ones, and the others will be below the surface and appear only from time to time, Fie. Example. Fig. 9. ‘There are 2 planets in cardinal sigs, 4 in fixed, and 3 in ‘mutable. This gives a preponderance of fixed planets, indicating patience, obstinacy, conservatism, pride, and organising power. ‘Then there are 3 planets in fiery signs, m ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY catty, 2 nary and none in watery. ‘The earthy signs retoinate, showing » practi nature, weld, coneee, Pera, ‘The ena ied sath denotes arias Shstnny, walkatocm, and a methodical nature. 10 sme aunt wil be found that the pasts ae equally dstbated, Sein mc Hepes th canter seule oe tithout any stong bias ina particular directo, Whos haging nated the genwrel nate of the planetary sistvton i the sign, we have fo decide which of the avis factory tobe the ost prominent. We ave Uhm as follows (9) gin? 7 (2) 2 reer off, in: (a) ) in? ae bere; 4) O ia Ws Hin A, Oniting Btn iain ox the omen. ne ave to choose tetween pin, 2 inf and © fn forthe strongest ig. isc Jopiteris ruler, bt not necesal the tongst plane To fact it foot ao hse, for itis suecden, im a Exot sign, and retrograde. The )y however, is angular an ng, an thetore tn 9 very strong pontine © Ht treaty sgn and ony ut sbove fhe 2nd esp, so we most Tear accord chit prominence tothe Pint TE shuld be flly understood that tis doesnot mean hat wre are to tule ut the other factors, What it does mean ie at intone af sata oppoite to thote given by the Jing wilbelessapperent,” Nowe ws consider tisinence Brat Saptari open, hon rank, imetooos, init, forsinatared, and generous, and wavally has sporting te Stein The sang ofthe ) ads to the reatesess, ving taziation, sone sentientalty, and a love of Canes "The sronget Luar aspect i he in to 6, Tis increases the generosity sit an outgoing and impabive infoece, hah throwt fom a and the 8th howe, a house connected frth money. ‘This generosity and expenditere wil sow Tet patclary in conection with domestic matters and 122 BEEEEEBEEEE A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY eh unm fn ih es ry Sr had ‘Dictate ils Fete eel rl a rir etl jhe avmeeaimae eae er SESE cee mie Suey, i paetaiey oe a as le eae eo crease cohen re ig etme ware eer cicetetite cl at ei Sa rat pi Sa decade mca es ay ae cr sees i ma og a cui se meee seemed Oy tr win os siradaonse Tyumen ars ahem tin on wg a ve ee lying further below the surface than those of ) in ?, and sen gir ec cui arog pe ls ty pelea iti ens mnie a vy vg ten Grae aladicnier sateen cea Ria ep seen Sea, Reagan ih en aes eee eee ra neta cui ramen ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY an unusual outlook, with some abruptness at times ; while the weak semisextile to ¥ adds mental ability of a practical nature. since ¢ ein Uhe practical len ‘This is the general type of character with which we have to deal. The next thing is to take the other portions, Jupiter, the rule, in has already been considered to some ‘extent. Its aspects emphasise the above characteristics, ‘Thus the opposition to @ is extravagant. and the sextiles to hh and Y introduce underying carefulnes, together with considerable ingenuity from ¥ in m, but again of a rather practical kind. The Q position introduces much pride and a liking for display and ostentation, which, however, is kept within bounds by . Deeper in the character we have © in v, an intensely ambitious and practical influence, giving subtlety, seriousness, reserve, some vindictiveness, and an ‘unrelenting nature. We ate therefore justified in saying that the native would be dificult to know, because the inner nature is very much at variance with the outer, and by no means ‘0 desirable, The solar aspects are all adverse, and do not tend to exhibit the bet side of 9. Mentally the influence of 1 is also present, for ¥ takes over the nature of that plane, hhaving no close aspect. Therefore we should judge the mind to be radically suspicious, practical, and concrete, and ‘concerned. more with business than’ with intellectual or artistic interest, 1m CHAPTER IX ‘The occupation is denoted chiely by the planet nearest to the © the planets in the roth house or the ruler ofthat house, the majority positions of the planets, and the Ascendant. This ia rather a lot to take into account, and indeed the determination of the occupation, especially nowadays when there are so many, is one of the most dificult branches of Astrology. ‘The best thing to do isto examine the general typeof the horoscope to start with. The distribution of the planets in the trplicities and quadraplicities should be noted. If the ‘majority are in Fiery signs there ie a tendency to follow ‘occupations involving fire and metals, and the native may be 2 soldier, songeon, mechani, engineer, ete. If Earthy signs hold the majority, the tendency is to manual occupations, farming, agriculture, mining, ete, ; if Airy, to intellectual or artistic work ; and if Watery, to work connected with Bids, such as sailor, chemist, painter, brewer, publican, etc, or to ‘work bringing the native before the public, or to picbelan cccupations. If the majority of planets are in’ Cardinal sigs, the tendency will be towards managing and directing, Political work, and an active or pioneering career; if in Fixed signs, to plodding and routine work, production, ‘manufacture, or Government or Snancial work ; ifn Mutable signs to intellectual and clerical work, travelling, etc, and also to several changes of occupation, of to more than one cccupation at the same time. The nature ofthe signs on the th and It ahould also be noted andincuded in he majority tions, 135 ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY Having settled the general type of occupation to be ‘expected, turn to the @, and note its sign and house positon, and any planet that may happen to he near it. If be the nearest planet the work will partake of the nature of, and will be active and probably connected with fre, tool, ete. Judge in this manner for the other planets. The house Position of the @ often gives a further clue to the nature of the occupation according to the matters ruled by the hance or the sign to which it normally corresponds, Thus the ged ‘house, which corresponds to 1, suggests work of a clerical ‘or travelling natare; the 6th house suggests service of some kind, or medical work, and so on. Finally note the planets fn the roth house or the ruler of that house. Aspects to ‘hese will indicate the fortunes of business. ‘The prominence and postion attained is indicated by the strength of the planets. Many planets in angles or cardinal signs give fame or notoriety ; fixed signs and succedent houses give slower but more lasting fame while planets in ‘mutable signs or cadent houses tend to obscurity. Many planets above the horizon or in the left-hand half of the map also tend to give prominence. General Example. (Fig. 7. p. 5t) Anere are 4 planets in Aity signs and 4 in Cardinal, while if we include the ast and roth eusps we have § Airy, 4 Cardinal, and 4 Fixed. Thus the general type of horoscope {nelines fo intellectual or artiste work through the Airy signs to management and ditecting or to originality through [Carainal signs ; and to routine work through the Fixed signs | ‘Thenearest planet tothe is 9, which inlins to artistic work, and its rulership over the 3td house also suggests work of ‘mental rather thana physical nature, ‘The signf ison the roth, ‘fiery and inspirational sign, and its ruler, 2), i in the mental 126 RERERRERRRERERREE ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY land clerical sign on the cusp of the 4th house which rules buildings, houses, etc. We have to think of an occupation involving at many of these details as possible. Draught. ‘manship, designing, and architectural ‘work immediately suggest themselves, and we must see how they St in with the rest of the map. "We have h, the rule, in 1, a sign of planning and organising and one which rules buildings, Mercury is also there, ging the right mental bias for work ‘of this kind. “Uranus in the 2nd house in eextile to the ruler of the roth suggsts money from originality, and is quite in keeping with such occupations. The trine from the ruler t0W in mis also beneficial, as it would increase the intuition, and help greatly with the detail work (1). Thue we should Sally judge architecture asa likely profesion, with ability for designing. These, however, are not the only possible ceupations by any means, Thus the Civil Service is indi sated by the planets in = political or Government sign, ‘and 2 in for the clerical work inenlved. On a lower eco the native might become some kind of commision agent. Ta this matter itis essential to know the general environment and social standing of the native or his parents in order that ‘we can confine our choice to occupations fitting the conditions, oy CHAPTER XX In judging the financial prospects of the native proceed as x. Examine the ) and see whether it is strong and well sspected or the revere, An afloted ) ie adverse for gen- feral conditions, and if seriously afficted causes dificalty in obtaining money, and even poverty, especially if badly afficted by Saturn. A good stpect between the © and ) for benefic aspects to the) from 21 or @conduce to comfortable ‘Groumatances or wealth according to the strength of the planets concerned. 2, Note whether 2 and @ are strong. The stronger they are and the better aspects they receive, the better willbe the Aertunes. 3. As chet significator look to any planet in the 2nd house, or if that house be uncecupied, look to the roler of the and, The condition of this planct and the aspects it receives will indicate the financial fortunes and experiences in accordance with the general tone denoted by the D. 2, and 9. The planets throwing good aspects to the chief signifcator indicate the persons and things bringing money to the native, while the aflictng planets denote the sources ‘of los and expenditure. For the exact circumstances note the houses and signs occupied by such: planéts, and the houses they rule. ‘4. The and house is concerned chiefly with the native's ‘own money, and when judging of inheritance, legacy, and 138 ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY ‘money obtained by marriage look to the planets in, oF the ruler of, the 8th house in exactly the same way. For the circumstances attending speculation take the sth house and its roler General Example. (Fig. 7, p. 58) The ) and ¢ are both badly afflicted, The former is ‘opposition to Wy, indicating. general depression in financial alfairs probably due in part to specalation or some other 5th house matter. ‘The square from ¥ in the and points to great and unexpected losses through headstrong. action ('r), domestic affairs ( will cause toss by sth house matters, and also illness through the influence of friends, the latter because of the Moon's rulership over the 6th house, Opposition will arise between the native's friends and his employees (6th), Simi. larly the other aspects show other sources of trouble of benefit Mercury in the 12th house indicates malicious secret ‘emies who sill cause trouble through slander, and wil aflect the professional career ((9 2), ruler of roth), A death and a legacy will provoke enmity, since ¥ rules the 8th and aflits rting and. The same planet being ruler of both the rath and rst houses indicates that the naive will be his own enemy t9 some extent, Other associates may be judged in a similar manner, and the particular details obtained by a consideration of the houses ruled by the aspecting planets. 133 CHAPTER XXII Love altars are shown by planets in. or the ruler of, the sth house ; and marriage, or union whether legal or otherwise, by the occupants or ruler ofthe 7th. The general significators are the ) and @ in a man’s horoscope, and the ©, 9, and ita watery sign is on the 7th cusp; if aspects 4; and if there ate no affictions to the signfcators from fy or #. The weaker and more aflited the sigificator, the less chance there is of marrage. Affictions from hy tend to cause delay, but sometimes denote ‘marriage toan elderly partner or one of low birth, Alfictions| ‘rom are particularly bad in a woman's map ; they usually deny marriage, but at times lead to seduction. ‘The signi~ fcators in mutable signs or aspecting planets in these signs indicate several marriages. The wile or husband is de- scribed by the planet inthe 7th, and nearest the cusp if there are several; or by the ruler of the 7th and the sign con taining it if that house is empty. The circumstances of ‘marriage are often indicated by the planet with which the in a man’s map, or the © ina woman's, first forms an aspect after birth, and if the aspect is within orbs at birth it partly describes the partner. Thus application to A ‘would indicate anindependent, capable and energetic partner, ‘whereas if it were toZ) ¢ it would denote one of a head- strong, wilful, quarresome and domineering type am ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY ‘A second wife or husband is usually represented by the oth house and its ruler; a third wile by the 13th and so on: but somotimee the eacond partner is indicated by the planet ruling the sign containing the ruler of the 7th ‘The time of marsiage is estimated by considering the relative strength ofthe signs, If the significator is unaflicted and in watery signe an early matrage ia indicated, The same is the case when the ) is passing from New to Full otis between the rst and roth, or 7th and 4th euspe. The opposite positions delay marriage, and so also do afflictions to the significators. The success or otherwise of the marrage is indicated by the aspects to the planate in or ruling the. 7th, ‘The length of marred life is shown by the number of degrees between the significator and the next strong afliction it tects, counting each degree as one Children are ruled by the sth house, If there isa watery sign on the sth. or the ror iin a watery sign, and eepecally iM'such a sign is on the Ascendant or contains the J, there will be a large family. Few children only are born when the signs ¥, 1% =, oF c=, occupy the above postions; and Darrenness is indicated ifthe signs concerned are -v, 8, or 6. Twins are often Indicated by mor. Malafice in the ‘sth house or afflicting the ruler deny children if the signs involved are barren ones, but otherwise they cause difficulty and danger in rearing them. In a man’s map the sth house specially rules the ist child, the 7th house the second child, land so on ; while in a woman's map the 4th house ruls the first child and the 6th the second one, ete. Steptuldren are ruled by the rth house, and adopted children by the 7th, Planets in, or the rulers of, these houses are the signifiators ‘of the children concerned, whose fortunes may be judged by the nature of the aspects receive. 135 A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY General Example, (Big. 7,0. 5%) “The ) i tong by sign but badly aflicted, and i between tha 7th and. th elope.” Venue aon o weak by sign and alice, butts position strong a ising in conjunction with the ruler ef the 7th. The pth contaon W, which i therefore the particular sgnifiator of the wife. The afc tions to the general rulers denote much delay in marrage Inca woman's map they are trong enough to deny fy for the @ i badly afictd fom barren sigs, and, the planet cf rentnciation, occupies the 7th. Bat if the map be fegarded as a man’s the chances are that some Kid of union tiltake pace aftergrest delay, hough the natareandsoverity Bi the aiicins suggest. aa frgular ane, he wile i described by Vin was of medium height, with grey or hazel. tyes and da bai The ) fist applies to h, and asthe D Tales the 6th (inferior) the wife fly to be of low thd theconditions of mariage rater sordid Some pesbrty ‘heurionionted hv inthe pth. Details of the marrnge and wife may be obtained by noting the aspects to ¥ and the houses led by the aspecting planet In regard to chikce, all the indications sre adverse excepting ony the Sign position of the), the chet sigifeator as it occopies the Si thn ines fat nn mee than one ht cide Expected and that 1 would stand lite chance of srviva ‘The badly acted stat ofthe ) ian indication that the eld would mist probably be legitimate 136 REREREREREEREREE CHAPTER XXIV mecarivas ‘The houses ruling relatives are as follows Father—tth, Mother roth, Brothers and visters—grd, Aunts and wncls—h (lathe side); ath (nother ie). Cousins—roth (father’s side): 4th (mother’s side) Grondparents—ast and 7th, Grandchildron—gth, Relatives by marriage—th. ‘The houses opposite to these rule the wife or husband of, the relative in question. Planets in these houses, or the rulers, describe the relatives, and the aspects indicate the natare of the relation between ‘them and the native. By calling the house ruling a given relative his 1st house, and renumbering the other houses accordingly, a great deal of information may be obtained bout that person's aflair. Among the planets the @ stands forthe father; the for the mother; ¥, and for brothers, sisters, and cousine; 2 for uncles; for aged relatives: and ¥ for grandparents, The aspects between the rulers of ‘the 4th and roth houses denote the harmony existing between ‘the parents; and the aspects between the ruler of the rst and the sigifcator of any relative show the kind of feeling existing between the native and the relative in question. 1st A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY General Example. (Fig. 7, p. 51) Japiter ruling 20th and ¥ ruling 4th are in action, in- dicating some disharmony between the parents; judgment supported by the mutual afliction of the © and ), The father is described by ¥ in ¥, and this sign, together with == on the Ist, which isthe zoth from the qth, suggests that he right be in Government employment. The aifiction of § by 4 ruler of the 6th from the 4th, indicates that he was ‘subject to feverish ilneses, accidents, and blood troubles (x). ‘The mother was rather more in sympathy with the native, but her actions were largely controlled by the father, since 21 is weak by sign and is in a sign ruled by ¥, the father’s signi ‘ator, The native would receive financial help through her ‘owing to the rulership of 2 over the and ; its tine to, park Toler of the and; and its sextile to in the and. But she ould be antagonistic to the wife, owing to the square to ¥ in the 72h, The affairs of other relatives ate judged similarly. Thus ‘an ant onthe father's side (ey, a female sgn, on 6th lost her Ihusband suddenly by an accident to his head {rom machinery while abroad (B, ruling =, § h, ruling her 7th and 8th, and (OW, ruling machinery, in her gth in ~, rung the head). ‘This method of obtaining detail concerning other people i Sometimes discountenanced owing to its horary nature, and the argument that such detailscannot reasonably be expected to show when they do not affect the native himsell, but experiment proves the remarkable accuracy of the method, and the student is advised to stady it thoroughly in relation to known facts, 138 BEEEREREEELREEE CHAPTER XxV eave, ‘The 3rd house rule short journeys such as those for business Purposes or those which can be completed in a day; while the ath rules more extended and foreign travel The plancts in, or rulers of, these houses are to be taken as the chet signfcators. In a general way planets in cardinal, mutable, and watery signs, and in angles or cadent hovses tend to cause travel. The aspects thrown to the signifcator will dicate the nature and outcome of journeys. Ths afictione from fiery signs indicate accidents; from watery signs, danger of floods and drowning ; aspects from the ruler of the 6th denote travel for reasons of health ; and so on. The 4th house represents the birthplace, and if its occupant or ruler is well aspected and strong. it is better fo remain at home than to travel, especially if the gth house i afficted. If, however, the otis better than the 4th, i wil be well to leave the birthplace. The direction to go for succes is indicated by the signs containing the bencfics, if they are favourable, Dut otherwise those containing the best asperted planet, ‘The points ofthe compass to which the signs correspond are asfollows— aE REbyN + Ebys BStyE omSbyW HS auWbys =W = WbyN eN ANbyE XxNbyW ‘These are to be taken a pointing the direction from the birthplace. 139 ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY In addition to this, each sign roles certain countries, the ‘more important of which areas follows — ‘e—England, Denmark, parts of Ge wHTeeland, Poland, Persia, Asia Minor. ‘Wales, United Statesof America, Lower Egypt, Belgium, ‘Scotland, Holland, Africa, China, New Zealand, parts ‘of Germany. A—France, Italy, Romania, parts of Australia, ‘Turkey, Switaerland, W. Indies, ‘Austria, Japan, Upper Egypt R—Algetia, Morocco, Norway, Transvaal 2—Spain, Hungary, parts of Austral ‘M—India, Greece, Mexico, Persia, Afghanistan, Russia, Sweden, Abyssinia. parts of Poland, Ye—-Portugal, Galicia, Normandy, ‘The countries ruled by any sign will be favourable to the native if that sign Is occupied by a well-aspected planet in his horoscope, but unfavourable if the planet is weak or affleted, a General Example. (Pig. 7, p. 51) ‘The ruler, ¥, and the ) in cardinal signs indicate a certain amount of travel, but it is limited to some extent by the strong fixed positions, and fixed signs on the cusps of the ‘rd and gth. Jupiter on the 4th cusp is fairly well nspected but weak, while 4, ruler ofthe gth, is also well aspected, and in conjunction with the ruler of the 4th. Hence residence either at home or abroad is fairy equally favourable, but Mo ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE To PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY he teat eter omg to the stnge psn ot Ths two bis are the at ate hone od es Indias the mos suet lcs oad tn fd teen The gn cnning fv tates bce W by N othe Brtipaes wile & Sane Wop 5. tat anynre tothe Wet woul be bane Oe, oso off pot parca to We oe Unied States The rel of ven in thos te een By the spect 2, "The acon or ie ea oud poder enmity, andthe eqs fom W inte ah sold Deng taimonal ‘roster Sexi tn pe “apes bat the enpets omg and) Poe eae iat and fant soca 1a CHAPTER XXVI ‘The following nativties have been chosen more or less at random on actount of their general interest, and because they exemplify several departments of life. Space does not allow of a detailed reading of each, and therefore only some of the main features are mentioned, ivy ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY Example 1. Fig. 10, Ean Batrour. Born asth July, 1848, 9.34 am, Whit- ingehame, Died x9th March, 1530, at the ege of over 3 ‘The © is in a strong sign, and the ) and ascendant are In signs of moderate strength, The @, ruling the radical constitution, i unafticted and in close conjunction with both the Benefics % and, a very favourable combination. The D isin its exaltation, elevated, and strongly supported by {good aspects. The ascendant is also moderately strong and Well aspected, except forthe opposition from h. Note that the vital points and preserving influences all link up with cach other, ) % ©, @ * Ascendant, Ascendant Ap, thus forming a chain of strength, and with the other favourable Positions, indicating a long lif. Literary and philosophical ‘work is indicated by the ) in the gth howse in sextile to h, hich gives depth of thought ; and by ¥, the ruler ofthe 15 ‘and 10th, elevated, also in trie toh. The @ and 2 gn the ath cusp (Parliament) in to Government work, 09 also did ¥ CB, which brought public opposition at times ‘through the square. Saturn on the 7th cusp; 2, ruler of ‘7th, and 9 in a barren sign ; and ) CW all helped to deny ‘marrage. By direction at death the © had arrived at the ‘ppostionof theradicalW in the Btls howe (death), and wacaleo forming theconjunction with the progressed, ruler ofthe Sth, Example 2. Fig. 11, Rurerr Brooxe. Bom 3rd August, 1887, 7.32 pam, Rugby. Died 23rd April, 1915, at the age of 27 Here the © Is aguin in a strong sign, but both the and ascendant are weak, and h, the rue, is alicted in the 6th hhowse, The © and ) are in close opposition, a critical Position, and the“® is in conjunction with ¥, ruler of the 4th. This planet is separating from the conjunction of h M3 ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE 70 PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY and the square of 21, and is therelore of a malefic natore ‘The ) and ascendant are badly aflcted, and all three vital points are therefore weak, and promise only a very short lif. dnd 9 Batt Bt for the radical strength by sign of the © li could not have been sustained as long as it was. The horoscope fsa very artistic one, with ) rising in e», © and Yin A (5th sign), @ angolar, % ruler of roth in, 9A ¥, and ¥ A). ‘Venus {nm inclines to poetry, as do several of the other 1a ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY positions. Jupiter, ruler of the roth, ie in a 9 sign, and @ receives the trine of ¥ in the 3rd house (writing). Flo, 12-—Heeay Foro, Example 3, Fig. 22. Henne Foro, the millionaire motor-ear manutacturer, Born goth July, 1863, 10.0 am,, near Detroit, Michigan, USA. ‘The ), ruler of the roth, prise) in's, a ecentie sign, fon the cusp of the sth (enter- trine tof rising in o, giving M5 A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY steadiness and organising ability, and in sextile to ¥ in, fiving intuition. Blas, ruler ofthe 2nd or money house, nd She of the planets ruling the motorcar, ic in the sign 9 in Sextile fo 8. a planet of invention and organising on a large fale, inthe scientific sign 1 in the ath, the latter postion having brought much help from abroad. Mars is also in textile to the rising 2 in the money siga =, and 2 is in ne 109g, all of whl Indicate great wealth." Jopiter rales the srd and 6th houses, and therefore denotes gain through Imechanieal transport, and alzo through the goodwill of tployeet, The positon ofthe } ruler of the roth house, of {the cusp of the sth (children) caused Mr. Ford to delegate the ‘contol ofthe business to his ne fora time, bat the opposition Of the @ and ¥ to the ) indicated thatthe step was not likely fo bean advantageous one, The position of in an airy sign in the oth house gives an interest in aeroplanes, but the sesquare of the ) and the square of @ fend to hamper any plans for their mass product Example 4. Fig. 13 Ruporri Vatextixo, Born 6th May, 1895, 3 am. Ccastllaneta, Tncluding the midcheaven. and ascendant, the distribu: tion of the planets is 5 Cardinal and 4 Watery, indicating fan active type of occupation, and one bringing the native before the public. The © is with ¥ ruler of the 3rd howve, in the Venvsian sign ¥, attracting to artistic pursuits, find, througls the 3rd house, to work entailing movement ‘Saturn, ruler of the Toth, isin the dramatic sien M, in trine fog and % in am, another sign ruling acting and public twotk, The ) is angular in the artistic sign =, and rules the Sth house, that of the stage. Jupiter, which js prominent ivee, rules the rath house and x, both of which bear rule over Ms A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY the feet. Hence Valentino started his stage career as a ance, The conjunction of @ with 2 and is trin to, site nfo cat tary shel nhs boyhood tthe tis in its detriment accounts for his not having Fic, 13 —Rubotnt Vaueaiso, ‘Adopted the Army as a career. The ) in the 7th house (tarrage)afticted by the squares from and 24in the domestic Si on the ath (home) indicate demste and matimonal bles. The amazing fascination exercised by Valentino ‘over women is astrolagieally indicated by eeveral pections, Mt ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY ‘The easy personal charm of the Din =is one factor, expecially 1s it operates from the 7th house (the public). ‘Then there is the intense magnetic attraction of, and the trine frm 4 and 2 in the female sign a», which also rules the public; while ¢4°¥ also adds an elusive and mysterious charm, and acting through the mental sign and house must have in fluenced his work, This helped to produce enormous publicity His prominence is due to the strngly occupied cardinal signs, and to the cardinal signs on the angles, a8 well as to the positions just mentioned. The nature and dram circumstances of death are indicated by ¥ in Min the 8th Ihowse. This postion off in the malicious sign M, in opposi- tion tothe @ and ¥, and in sesquare to in am which is almost equally malicious, caused the intense jealousy and persecation ‘to which Valentino was subjected during his last years, a persecution in which the Press, ruled by &, played a very Prominent part. Example 5, ig. 1, Sim Anruur Conan Dove. Born 22nd May, 1859, 455 am, Edinburgh. Died 7th July, 1990 Four planets rising in ‘altered the typical appearance given by that sign. “The rising 2 gave bulk to the bedly, while the effect of the ruler ny is also noticeable. “The © and ¥ ‘rising in give great independence of thought, to ‘which adds quickness, and 2 good nature and a philosophi ‘aloutlook. The scientific and humanitarian sign = oocupies ‘the roth house, and its ruler is in sextle to the ©, The strength of 1, the literary sign, brought fame ‘through Uiterature. The solar conjunction’ with ® indicates quick success by originality, and is the aetrologial signiietor of Sherlock Holmes, whose characteristics are closely described by this postion. The rule, y, and four other planets ia the Ms EERE E EEE SEEEEEE ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY sth house also contributed to the writing of detective fiction, for this house rules mysteries and the police and detective force. Popwlarity war increased by the tine from the elevated ) in the gth (publications) to the © and Fic, 14.—Sm A. Conan Doves. ‘This lunar positon in =, and the ruler in the 12th indicate the desire to help others, and especialy those considered to be unjustly imprisoned (ath). Interest in Spiritualism is indicated by the ) in the oth (religion) in sextile tothe paychie Planet ¥, together with the strong rath how poritics, The M9 ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY carly medical work is shown by the prominence ofthe scenti- fic signs, and therisng of 2, the planet ofthe physician, and, ruler of the 6th house (health), hut its abandonment came Fo, 15—Bentro Musso through the square of y to 2, and the afficting aspects from the)andh tog. Knighthoodis shown bythe ©4¥#insextileto kh, ruler of the roth (honour) inthe royal sign , Death by a bear aflicton is very clearly shown by h,rulerof the th house (eath) ina (heart) on the cusp of the 4th house (end of life). 160 ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE 10 PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY Example 6. Fig. 15, Bexrro Mussotin1, Born 29th July, 2883, 2 pam. Dovia, Power is the dominant cluwacterste in this chart, Fi Planets are angular, the strong sign Mis rising, and @, the Planet of the Dictator, dominates the map from the mid- heaven. The @ is in the royal sign 9 and ¥ in close con- junction takes on the solar nature and inclines the mind to ewer and rulerchip. ‘The position of te ) iw the human sign um, badly aicted by being " besieged ” by (ie, in be- tween) the malefics ¢ and h, is the cause ofthe many attempts which have been made upon the Dice's life, and which have proved unsuccesful owing to the sextile from the @, and also to the trine from @ and 3 to the aacendant, which has great ower to protect. The ruler, ¢, n i, the sign of the mind, ‘in conjunction with the ) and h, the latter being ruler of the corresponding 3rd house, gives a very aggressively militant bias to the mind, and as m is the sign of speech, and the planets are angular, thie mental attitude i greatly to the {ore in speech and writing. Example 7. Fig, 16. Prrsioexr Hoover. Born roth August, x874, 25.15 pm,’ West Branch, Towa, 11S.A This is an example of the prominence given by angular planets and h in the roth. Five planets in, and the © in conjunction with Y, have brought great power, President Hoover's father was a blacksmith, indicated here by , the planet of fire and metals, in the 4th (lathe) in epposition to ‘which when allcting the significator of employment causes tard and dirty work. This positon, together with the afflictions from @, also caused the father’s death when the native was only nine years of age. The same postion of ‘and. caused mining engineering to be choeea a. profession, ash A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY Dut again the aflictions interfered, and finally the conjunction ‘of the @ and , together with the Government sign son the roth, brought politics into the life Saturn is strong hy sign and angular, and has therefore played a part in raising Mr. Fro, 16.—Parsionr Hooves Hover to the positon he now occupies, but h in the roth is always a dangerous influence, and in this particolar case the danger is aggravated by the opposition of the malefics in the 4b, all of which denote a sudden and serious reversal ‘and downfall, and a dramatic political finish. 152 BERERER ERE PART 1V HOW TO CALCULATE FUTURE INFLUENCES BEREREREBEEE CHAPTER XXVIE MOW To CALCULATE DIRECTIONS So far we have confined our attention to the horoscope of birth, and we have now to consider the subsequent changes and variations which occur in the planetary positions, by which the events indicated at birth are brought to fruition, ‘The birth horoscope is known as the Radical chart or Radi for itis the root from which all changes proceed, The radical horoscope constitutes an epitome of the whole lif, and ‘nothing ean ever occur that is contradictory to its indications, U the horoscope shows poverty, no subsequent influence can Produce wealth, The Radix is always the primary con sideration, and all changes and modifcations of influence ‘are subsidiary to those in the bisth map. ‘The radical horoscope shows the position of the planets and signs at a definite moment, that of birth, and these are imprinted on the native throughout life, Bat ol planets in the heavens do not stop still, They continue their ‘Movements, forming fresh configurations with each other, centering other signs, and what ie even more important, throwing aspects to their positions at the moment of birth, Suppose the Sun at birth is in 6, The characteristics given by this positon of the Sun in + will persist throughout fe. But actually the Sun continues to advance after birth, {nd in about two months it will have reached 6. Here it willbe in sextile to its own positon at birth, and during those ‘two months it will have recsived many aspects from other planets, and also have thrown many aspects to the places of the other planets at birth. ‘This movement of the planets away from their birth 185 ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY positions bears an important relation to the life ofthe native, for upon it depends the age at which events occur, and also the partinlar nature of the events, It hae been fond that 12 movement of one degre Is equivalent to one year of life, fand also that planetary changes taking place in one day are ‘equivalent to one year, These two measures of time as they are called, which are actually very closely related, form the Irae of the two chief aystome of predictive astrology. In the system called Primary, we measure the number of degrees of Right Ascension which pass over the midheaven while a planet passes totheconjunctionor aspect of another, taking one asmovingand the otherasfixed, and tur thee dereesinto time attherateofonedesreeforayenr. The resltis the age of the native at which the effect ofthe aspect willbe felt. In actual practice the process of calculation is complicated and tedious, ‘and thesystem falls quiteoutsie thescope ofthe present work. Tn the Secondary system, which is that in common use, We are concerned with the motion of the planets on the days following birt, each day after birth representing one year of life. The movement of the planets day by day away from ‘their birth positions is known as Progression, and the aspects formed either among themselves ot to the planets in the Birth horescope are called Directions. The calculation of ‘Secondary Directionsis quite simple. The planetary positions Dirth not only represent the whole life, but in a more par- jcular sense they show the events of the fist year of life. ‘The postions on the day after birth show the events occurring between the fist anniversary of the birthday and the second, ‘The positions on the thirtieth day after birth indicate the events of the thirtieth year of life, and so on, In its simplest form the process consists in erecting a horoscope for the same time as birth on each day after birth. In our example horoscope (Fig. 7) birth took place at 7.33 am. 166 ‘A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY on roth February, 1939, at Liverpool. The horoscope as it stands represents in a special way the events of life daring the fiat year, namely fiom oll February, 2930, £0 9th February, 1931. If we erect another horascope for 7.33 a.m. ‘on arth February, 1930, we obtain the progressed positions for the first birthday on roth February, 1931; and this map shows the events occurring between ioth February, 7932, and gth February, 2932, If we wh to know wat. will hhappen when the native is 25 yeats old, we simply count 25, days after birth, which brings us to 7th March, x930, and erect a map for 7.33 am. on that day. The positions £0 obtained are the progressed places for the asth year after eth, namely roth February, x933 to oth Febroary, 1936. The aspects formed between the planets themeelves, and their aspects to the radical postions on the day in question are worked out, and the exact date in the year to which they correspond is easly found by proportion. ‘As an example we will ealeulate the directions formed ia the horoscope of King George V during 1928-1929, measuring to the period of his serious illness, King George was born at Marlborough House (37 secs. West Long) on 3rd June, 1863, at th 2om 68 am, the horoscope being at in Fig. 27 On 3rd June, 1928, the King attained the age of 63 years, and therefore we must erect the progressed horoscope for 63 days after birth. Count the days carefully, calling the actual day of birth 0, ‘Thus:— ‘aed June 1865 ie age 0 Me wT sho nk 6h, m3 and 30 on. Continuing. we find that age 6 corresponds to sth August, 1st

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