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Case Study: Rotating Images

By: Sergei Prokhnevskiy

Not too long ago a client asked me to recreate a video similar to this one: This was a challenge to me because I didn't
want to just recreate it, I wanted to come up with a template that would require a very small
amount of key frames. The following are the steps I took to solve the problem.

Step 1:
I went inside After Effects and created a new composition. I named it “Rotating Images”.

Step 2:
I created a Solid.
Step 3:
I made four copies of a solid by selecting the existing solid and pressing down “CTR + D” on a

Step 4:
I pre-composed each layer individually by pressing “CTR + SHIFT + C”

Step 5:
I did the following to other 3 layers. Once I pre-composed each layer, I will be able to go into
each layer individually and add any video or image. This will allow us to make any necessary
changes in each pre-comp without messing anything up. It makes this process easy and less
Step 6:
Then I created a new solid to use as a guide to place layers in designated locations.

Step 7:
I switched the composition view from “Active Camera” into “Top”. Then I moved “1-Inside”
layer forward to line up with the guide line by pressing and holding the left button on the z-
axis. I moved “2-Inside” layer to the right to line up with the guide line by pressing and holding
the left button on the x-axis. I moved “3-Inside” layer back to line up with the guide line by
pressing and holding the left button on the z-axis. I moved “4-Inside” layer to the left to line up
with the guide line by pressing and holding the left button on the x-axis.
Step 8:
I created a “Null Object” and named it “Controller”. This Null Object will control the entire

Step 9:
I selected all four of the pre-composed layers and parented them to the “Controller” layer.

Step 10:
I placed this expression “-thisComp.layer("Controller").transform.yRotation” into “Y-Rotation”
of each pre-composed layer. To add an expression you have to “ALT + Right Click” on the
stop watch.
Step 11:
I selected all four pre-composed layers and pressed “s” on the keyboard. This brought
forward the scale property of each layer. I changed the value to “65”.

Final Step:
Now I am able to rotate all four layers with a one simple slider. All I have to do is change the
value of Y-Rotation inside “Controller” layer and all four layers move together while facing the
camera. You can either key frame the animation or by adding a simple expression like

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