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Acceleration: Projectile Motion:

-rate of change of velocity with time. -horizontal velocity (always constant)

-tells how quickly velocity changes. -vertical velocity (always changing)
-increases as well as decreases Horizontally Launched:
-greater force, greater acceleration -they have no upward trajectory and no initial
A= change in velocity/ time interval vertical velocity

SI Unit- m/s^2
Speed- tells how fast the object is. (10 m/s)
Velocity- magnitude and direction. (10 m/s N)

Uniform Acceleration:
-Acceleration that does not change in time 
Example 1
If an automobile with a velocity of 4.0 m/s
accelerates at a rate of 4.0 m/s2 for 2.5 s, what
is the final velocity?
vf=vi+at=4.0 m/s+(4.0 m/s2)(2.5 s)=4.0 m/s+10
. m/s=14 m/s
Example 2
If a cart slows from 22.0 m/s with an
acceleration of -2.0 m/s2, how long does it
require to get to 4 m/s?
t= vf−via=−18 m/s−2.0 m/s^2=9.0 s
Free Fall:
-motion under the influence of gravitational pull
-greater mass, greater gravitational force.
-free-falling obj. do not encounter air resistance
-All free-falling objects (on Earth) accelerate
downwards at a rate of 9.8 m/s^2

Air Resistance:
-force acting on an obj. resisting its motion due
to its surrounding fluid
Earth Satellite- projectile that circle the Earth
-directed opposite to its obj. motion
due to gravitational force.
-frontal area and speed of the falling obj.
*a satellite is an object upon which the
Terminal Speed: only force is gravity. Once launched into orbit,
-maximum velocity attained by an object thru a the only force governing the motion of a
fluid. satellite is the force of gravity. Newton was the
first to theorize that a projectile launched with momentum as smth small and fast
sufficient speed would actually orbit the earth. -object at rest= no momentum involved
Tangential Velocity- rational velocity- this
Law of Conservation of Momentum:
refers to how fast an object rotates or revolves
-Impulse- product of the average force and the
relative to another point.
time interval during the force acts
-where momentum changes
-J= F(triangle)t

Projectile Path Principle- if it is much faster -it will only have impulse if it will interact with a
there is a wider arc of cured path. force
Circular Orbits- orbit with a fixed distance -moving object doesn’t have an impulse
around the barycenter, that is, in the shape of a *states that for a system in which the net
circle. You’ll need 8 km/s for the satellite external force is equal to zero, the total
motion in outer space momentum remains constant.
*there is no external force during and after
Law of Universal Gravitation: impact.
-everybody attracts other body; every object P(i)=m1v1+m2v2
with mas has gravity Pi=Pf
Equilibrium- net force equal to zero
Collision- the total linear of momentum is
Circular Motion- motion moving at a constant
conserved when two obj collide, provided they
speed in a circular path; It can be uniform, with
constitute an isolated system
constant angular rate of rotation and constant
speed, or non-uniform with a changing rate of
1. Elastic- both momentum and kinetic energy
are conserved
Centripetal Force- it is always directed to the
2. Inelastic- momentum is conserved and
center, it keeps an object going in a circle;
kinetic energy is not
gravity friction, and pulling on a cord;
3. Perfectly Inelastic- two colliding objects
push away from the center because of inertia
stick together after the collision
Centripetal Acceleration:
-change in velocity due to change in direction.
Inertia- tendency to do nothing or to remain
-resistance of any physical object to any
change in its velocity. This includes changes to
the object's speed, or direction of motion.
Linear Momentum:
- inertia of motion
-ability of an object to maintain its position
P= mv
-huge ship moving at a small velocity- P= Mv
-high velocity bullet- P= mV
SI unit: kg m/s
-momentum is proportional to mass and speed
-something big and slow could’ve the same
Kinetic Energy:
-energy in motion
-ability to do work (W=Fd)
-higher from the ground higher potential energy
-Gravitational potential energy is energy an
object possesses because of its position in
a gravitational field. The most common use
of gravitational potential energy is for an
object near the surface of the Earth where
the gravitational acceleration can be assumed
to be constant at about 9.8 m/s2.
PE= mgh

-Acceleration- m/s^2
-Velocity- m/s
-momentum- kg. m/s
projectile motion:


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