Conduit V7 N3 (RBI)

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from Mechanical & Materials Engineering
Volume 7
Number 3

Technology and Development

of Risk Based Inspection
By Lynne C. Kaley
Risk Based Inspection (RBI) is a method techniques can also be applied to the
for quantifying risk to prioritize inspection chemical process, pulp and paper, fossil
program efforts. The potential benefit of fuel utility, and nuclear power industries.
RBI is to increase operating efficiencies
and unit run lengths of process facilities Overview
while reducing the level of risk. RBI def ines the risk of operating
A large percentage of risk in an equipment as the combination of the
operating plant is associated with a small consequence of failure and likelihood of
amount of equipment. RBI shifts inspection failure. Risk can be shown by the
and maintenance resources to increase mathematical equation:
coverage on high-risk items and decrease
Risk = Probability X Consequence
effort on lower risk equipment.
Risk Based Inspection
American Petroleum Institute (API) is
drafting RP 580, the recommended programs:
practice for RBI. RP 580 will supplement · Screen operating
units to identify
API 510, 570 and 653 codes.
areas of high risk
These codes state that “an RBI
assessment must include a systematic · Estimate the risk
evaluation of the likelihood of failure and value associated with
the consequence of failure ... and must each equipment item
be based on all forms of degradation that based on a consistent
could reasonably be expected.” methodology
They also note that “an RBI assessment · Prioritize the equipment based on
may be used to increase or decrease the measured risk
10-year inspection limit.” RP 580 is · Design an inspection program
intended to guide users to properly · Systematically manage the risk of
perform RBI assessments that will comply equipment failures.
with the appropriate inspection code. RBI determines what incidents could
occur ( consequence ) if a piece of
Background of RBI equipment fails, and how likely
API initiated RBI development in 1993. (probability) that incident is to occur. The
A group of participating companies consequence ref lects the outcome or
developed methods for implementing RBI effect of an equipment failure.
practices covering typical problems in the Organizations traditionally focus on the
refining and petrochemical industries. RBI (continued on page 2)
The Conduit 1
RBI Technology and Development
(continued from page 1)

consequences of failure or on the planners need to identify the damage type

probability, without considering them and location and then select appropriate
together, i.e. how likely it is that the NDE methods, realizing their limitations.
undesirable incident will occur. Only by
considering both factors can effective risk-
based decision making take place.

A tolerable level of risk must be defined
recognizing that not every failure will lead
to an undesirable incident with serious
consequence. Understanding the two-
dimensional aspect of risk allows new
insight into the use of risk as an inspection
prioritization. RBI allows users to focus
attention on those equipment items whose
Cost Optimization
failure will result in serious consequences.
Not every equipment failure results in The ultimate goal of inspection is the
a serious safety or economic event. safety and reliability of operating facilities.
Conversely, some failures have potentially RBI as a risk-based approach focuses
serious consequences, but if the likelihood attention on the equipment and
of the incident is low, then the risk may associated deterioration mechanisms
not warrant immediate action. However, representing the most risk.
if the probability and consequence When the risk associated with
combination (risk) is high, then a mitigation equipment is determined and the relative
action to predict or prevent the event is effectiveness of different inspection
recommended. techniques in reducing risk is quantified,
adequate information is available for
developing an optimization tool for
Probability planning and implementing a risk based
Probability refers to the chance that an inspection. Since not all inspection
equipment failure will occur once or with programs are equally effective in detecting
frequency over a specific time frame. in-service deterioration and reducing risks,
The Probability of Failure (POF) several methods are usually available with
increases with the number of degradation different costs and effectiveness.
mechanisms that can cause a failure. The RBI provides a methodology for
POF will generally increase for longer determining the optimum combination of
periods of exposure. If the operating methods and frequencies. Each available
environment does not change, for some inspection method can be analyzed and
non-time dependent failure modes, the its relative effectiveness in reducing failure
inherent POF will not increase. probability estimated.
To effectively implement RP 580, For every dollar invested in RBI
owner/users need to understand implementation, industry experience has
potential damage mechanisms and typically shown a savings of $4 to $10 on
characterization techniques. If damage is the cost of maintaining and inspecting
expected or experienced, inspection equipment.
2 The Conduit
Dobis and Kaley join M&M Engineering team
Jonathan Dobis and Lynne Kaley have Jon’s background includes materials and
joined the M&M Engineering Refining, corrosion design specification and review,
Chemical and Petrochemical Industries corrosion and materials problem solving,
Engineering Team. Jon and Lynne join Team remaining life prediction, fitness for service,
Members Gerrit Buchheim, David Osage weld and heat treatment procedure
and Greg Alvarado to provide materials, development, and risk assessment.
corrosion, NDE, FFS, and RBI evaluations Jon will recommend the best available
to avoid operation interruption, reduce inspection and equipment assessment
maintenance costs, and improve technologies to help owner/users improve
equipment performance. reliability, reduce maintenance and
Lynne has more than 20 years of operating costs, and extend the operating
industry experience, including nine years life of existing equipment. Jon will maintain
as a Metallurgical and Materials Engineer an office near Baltimore, Maryland.
at Amoco. She also spent 11 years as a
Manager/Consultant for DNV, managing
private and joint industry projects such Joint Industry Project (JIP) Announcement
as the API Risk Based Inspection project. Risk Assessment of Rotating Equipment (RARE)
Lynne will focus on project management
and product/technology development of The RARE JIP is developing
risk based management, systems risk-based tools for compressors.
integration, training, and f itness for
The next group meeting will be held at the
service. She will based in Houston, Texas.
Jon has 20 years experience in the
Courtyard Marriott by Hobby Airport
process industries, including 10 years as a on December 12-13, 2000.
Senior Reliability Engineer at BP, six years For more information, contact Mark Tanner,
in corporate materials for Hercules Project Manager, at (512) 407-3777 or
Chemicals, and four years in technical and
business development for KLAD LLP.

M&M Employee Spotlight

The newest addition to M&M Engineering, Lynne Kaley is involved in engineering
consulting services for metallurgy, corrosion, risk based inspection, and fitness
for service for petrochemical facilities.
An internationally recognized industry expert and leader in the technology
development and use of risk based inspection technology for the refining and
petrochemical industries, Lynne is involved in various API Materials and Inspection
committee activities involved in RBI, inspection practices, fitness for service
and corrosion and materials practices. She also managed the MPC/API
Program for Detection and Evaluation of Wet H2S Damage in Steels.
She is a member of NACE, PVRC and API code committees and has
participated in various industry programs addressing equipment degradation. Lynne Kaley
A budding entrepreneur, Lynne has recently explored her passion for cooking by
preparing delicious meals for small groups. She also enjoys sailing her 25’ Catalina
in Galveston Bay.

The Conduit 3
Interrelationship of RBI and FFS
By Gerrit M. Buchheim
Two new technologies improve the safe, Interaction of RBI and FFS
cost-effective life management of aging Used together, RBI and FFS technologies
equipment. Risk Based Inspection (RBI) allow owner/users to optimize resources
and Fitness for Service (FFS) are and manage risk appropriately. FFS is used
complementary technologies that augment in some simplif ied or qualitative RBI
and enhance the use of API and ASME methodologies to make risk based
design and API and NBIC inspection codes. decisions. Even at a higher or quantitative
Most RBI applications involve ranking level, RBI methodology uses a simple
equipment by risk to better focus more conservative FFS analysis to
resources. RBI ranges from simple risk determine probability of failure (POF).
screening to fully quantitative financial If a piece of equipment fails the RBI POF
decision analysis. criteria, then the user should determine
This process emphasizes the importance what variables are driving the POF. If the
of understanding the basis in the RBI input data is above risk target limits, FFS
probability of failure (leak or loss of analysis can quantify, characterize and
containment) models and knowing when monitor damage so appropriate decisions
to perform a detailed FFS analysis. It also can be made.
shows how RBI can indicate when more
FFS uses partial safety factors and the
rigorous scrutiny is needed. FFS and
remaining strength factor (RSF) that are
remaining life studies then help owner/
calibrated for different probability of
users make the best run, repair, replace,
failures. The user determines a particular
or interrupt service decisions.
probability of failure, which typically
RBI and FFS share a need to identify
involves an understanding of the
and understand damage mechanisms and
consequences and an acceptable risk level.
the effectiveness of NDE techniques to
detect and characterize damage.
API is drafting RP 571, Conditions Supplemental
Merging the Technologies
Causing Failure in the Refining Industry, Most often, RBI and FFS merge at higher
which will review processes, identify
API RP 579 Training
level RBI assessments, since to perform
common damage mechanisms and list financial decision analysis, FFS models are
techniques to f ind and characterize an input into the assumed probability of
damage morphologies. failure. RBI screening identifies which items
contribute most to the cumulative risk in
that unit.
Inspection, maintenance and testing can
be deferred for low risk components.
High risk items have a higher probability
of failure in RBI and are ideal for FFS
Mechanical & Materials Engineering While FFS and RBI increase the upfront
engineering effort and costs, the returned
Austin • Cleveland • Houston savings in deferred maintenance, risk
Baltimore • Portland, OR reduction, shutdown scope reductions,
unneeded repairs, and avoided unplanned downtime are typically from 2-5 times the cost invested.

4 The Conduit
Risk Based Assessment of Steam Turbines
By G. Mark Tanner
Imagine a system in which the decision-making What if you could predict the increase of risk as
process across an industry had been compiled into you extend the Turnaround/Inspection interval by up
a process that will produce consistent risk-based to 10 more years (like Figure 3)?
results. For example, what if you could obtain a
comparison of the risk of sustained operation of 30

your turbine when compared to others in industry 25

Risk Index No. (RIN)

(like Figure 1)? 20


[Note: In the following four figures, RIN is the 10

Risk Index Number, which is the risk of failure in 5

days of lost production over a six-year interval.] 0

10 (33%)

11 (47%)

12 (62%)

13 (78%)

14 (96%)

15 (116%)

16 (137%)
7 (4%)

8 (11%)

9 (21%)
Y e a rs B e tw e e n O u ta g e O v e rh a u l (% in c r e a s e o f b a s e lin e ris k )


Figure 3. Risk increase with
extension of time between overhauls.
Risk Index No. (RIN)


And, what if you could compare your company’s fleet

of turbines to others in an industrial database (like
20 Figure 4)?
10 60

Risk Index No. (RIN)













Turbine ID


Figure 1. Comparison of risk
for your turbine to industry data. 50 25 32 5 17 44 12 43 18 26 57 22 21 35 28 20 14 29 24 59 7 33 36 23 41 49
T u rb in e ID

What if you could predict the contribution of Figure 4. Comparison of corporate fleet
various turbine components to the overall turbine of turbines to industry.
risk (like Figure 2)?
The Steam Turbine Risk Assessment Program
(STRAP) identifies the high risk areas of steam turbines
and helps focus and prioritize resources on justifiable
Risk Index No. (RIN)

maintenance and operation practices, spare decisions,
5 and upgrades to minimize lost production time and
lost revenue. STRAP is a technical tool that uses risk-

based models to bring important engineering and
reliability factors into the decision-making process with

Rotor Seals (18%) Casing Bearings Coupling

relevant recommendations to reduce risk and costs.
Assembly (14%) (6%) (6%) STRAP is also a financial tool because it brings the
economic consequences of the technical factors into
the decision-making process.
Figure 2. Contribution of turbine For more information please contact Mark Tanner
components to overall risk. at

The Conduit 5
Financial Risk Optimization Process Facilitates
Plant Component Repair/ Replace Decisions
By David A. Mauney (Structural Integrity Associates)
Since many U.S. industrial plants were decision-making process. Spreadsheet
built in the 50’s and 60’s, numerous critical modeling makes the tool easy to review.
components are in their advanced life
cycle stages, where failure rate is exponen- Short- and Long-Term Decisions
tial. Maintenance expenses are necessary Financial Risk Optimization saves money
to maintain equipment reliability. by considering a component’s long-range
Predictive maintenance challenges life, not just short-range decisions. Since
include deciding which components to it is desirable to operate a component
repair or replace and when. Financial Risk for many years, the model examines the
Optimization produces a maximized financial impact over the whole period.
economic value, which prioritizes Short-term effects are accounted for by
components and recommends optimal updating the input data and rerunning the
maintenance schedules. optimization each year. This update gives
a long-range view of a component’s
Net Present Value (NPV) service life, while taking into account the
One way to achieve the “Value Added” short range by inputting plan
goal of maximizing return on maintenance implementation one year at a time.
dollars is by using NPV as a decision-making Specific elements of the model are:
criterion. NPV accounts for the cash flow • Repair or replace costs for the
over the equipment life. In order to component of concern
receive production benefits, maintenance • The lost production consequences
expenditures are viewed as investments. with the project implemented
NPV puts all expenditures into a • Realistic constraints such as annual
common language for comparison budget limits
purposes. Converting maintenance costs • The lost production consequences
and engineering analysis results into cash if the project is not implemented.
flow and NPV terms helps decision makers The modeling rationale is that certain
compare them equitably. production losses would occur if the
Financial Risk Optimization goals are to project were not implemented. The
implement inspect, repair and replace decision to implement is constrained by
projects that produce positive NPV’s and the maintenance budget for the project
plan implementations that maximize NPV. year and can help plan optimum future
The resulting prioritized list of project maintenance budgets.
implementation years is the schedule for
maximized NPV. The overall NPV is the Case Studies
“Value Added” by the whole optimization
Carolina Power & Light Co. used this
process across multiple components.
analysis process on nine critical
components on each of 19 fossil units,
Making Financial Decisions resulting in more than $50 million increase
Decision analysis models predictive in NPV over existing engineering-based
maintenance costs and their effects on replacement dates.
future reliability. It also helps bridge the A large oil f ield used f inancial
gap between engineering analysis, optimization to determine which of
expressed in terms of probability of thousands of well heads needed repair
failure, and f inancial analysis in the to increase the oil flow rate.
6 The Conduit
Tenfold Plus – More than an RBI Case Study
By Greg Alvarado
Recent changes to the American Elements of the feasibility study included:
Petroleum Institute (API) pressure vessel, • Interviews with representatives
piping and above ground storage tank from inspection, maintenance and
inspection codes allow the use of Risk operations, including discussions on
Based Inspection (RBI) to establish process stability, past problem
inspection frequencies and overall plans. areas and mitigation measures
Owner/operators no longer have the • Review of P&ID’s and PFD’s
same limitations imposed in earlier codes. • Focused review of inspection
records, inspection database
Customer Perspective management system and inspection
This spring, an ethylene plant operator practices.
considered the feasibility of conducting an The feasibility study resulted in the
RBI analysis of a large unit. They wanted recommendation that the inspection
to take measured, manageable steps to frequencies of 50-80% of the equipment
apply this technology to equipment could be extended beyond seven years,
inspection plans. They had no prior taking them to the next planned
experience with RBI. turnaround.
Over 225 pieces of fixed equipment The owner/user estimated that the
were scheduled for internal inspection average inspection cost for the equipment
during the upcoming turnaround. was $6,000. Savings from shortened
Approximately 100 items were already turnaround time were not considered.
slated for internal access for operational The owner/user expected to achieve
and/or maintenance reasons. This left 126 savings from $378,000 to $600,000.
equipment items as candidates for avoiding A systemized method of operations,
internal inspection. inspection and maintenance practices to
produce risk rankings and establish
Initial Feasibility Study inspection strategies would produce a
The feasibility study took approximately safer and more reliable operation.
3 days of the owner/user’s time and 2½
days of on-site consulting time. A former RBI Study Results
owner/user, the project consultant has A comprehensive RBI study was then
extensive industry experience and a strong conducted. Turnaround scope and
background in NDE, inspection, materials inspection plans were developed for each
engineering, corrosion and RBI piece of equipment.
implementation. Based on the actual RBI results, only
Copies of Process Flow Diagrams four pieces of equipment required internal
(PFD’s) and Piping and Instrument inspection in the upcoming turnaround
Diagrams (P&ID’s) provided a roadmap (out of an expected 25 items, based on
for later discussions and review. the most conservative anticipated results
By involvement in the feasibility study, of the feasibility study).
plant employees benefited from exposure Implementation of the recommended
to the process and interaction with the plan resulted actual return on investment
consultant. In addition, any information exceeding 10:1. Further improvements in
gathered during the feasibility study could equipment reliability, availability, and
be used for the actual RBI study. safety are anticipated.
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