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Project No Project Title

Multi-Criteria-Based Reputation Evaluation

1 of Cloud Services

2 Price Estimation of Used Cars

Conversion of Hand-Written Text into

3 Computer-Understandable Text

4 GUI-Based Simulator of AI Problems

10 Intelligent Seat-Allocation System

Intelligent Emergency-Auto-Adjustments for

11 Faculty

12 Intelligent Vehicle Parking

13 Intelligent Time-Table Preparation

14 Relationship Identification System

15 Reasoning System (for Weather)

16 Develop a simple AI-Game

17 Simple Navigator for LPU.

18 Reasoning System (for Medication)

Production System for solving Towers of
19 Hanoi (for any no. of Disc upto 8)

Production System for solving 15-Puzzle

20 Problem.

21 Simple Navigator for Your Own City

22 System for Family-Tree

23 Predict Stock Prices

24 A Music Recommendation System

25 Sentiment analyzer

26 Online Book Recommendation

Personality Prediction System Through CV

27 Analysis
Voice based Intelligent Virtual Assistance for
28 Windows

29 TV show popularity analysis

30 Healthcare Chatbot System

Product Review analysis for Genuine

31 Rating

32 Stock Market Analysis and Prediction

33 News Reviewer

34 Sentiment Based Movie Rating System

35 Best route finding

36 Finding PC health status

37 Recommender system
Voice based Intelligent Virtual Assistance for
38 Windows

Your Personal Nutritionist Using FatSecret

39 API

TV Show Popularity Analysis Using Data

40 Mining

41 Online Logistic Chatbot System

42 Banking Bot Project

Quiz model based on catagories with

43 improvement suggestions

44 Alarm Tool

45 Human activity recognition system

46 A Music Recommendation System


48 Artificial Intelligence Dietician

49 College Enquiry ChatBot

50 Automatic Answer Checker

51 Intelligent system for tourists
52 University Chatbot for Library Support
Smart Career Guidance and
53 Recommendation System

54 Cardiac Arrest Prognosis using AI

55 Kidney disease Prognosis using AI
56 Cardiac Arrest Prognosis using AI
Application in python for locating
57 persons/things

58 Artificially controlling business processes

59 Home Automation System
60 Quiz Application
61 Questionaire Management System
62 Face recognition system
63 Disease prediction system
64 AI based crop monitoring system
65 Online Assignment Plagiarism Checker
66 Body posture recognition
67 Question Paper Generator System
68 Sales Prediction
69 Spam filtering
71 Stock rate Prediction
72 Desktop voice assistant

73 Twitter Sentimental Analysis

74 Online Current Affairs analysis

75 Online Parking System

76 Expense Traker System

77 Chatboat with advance features

78 Wishlist Price Comparision

Project Description
In this project, reputation of the cloud services can be
evaluated using Fuzzy logic based on multiple attributes of
the services (like reliability, user rating, price, ect.).
In this project, price of the used vehicles can be estimated by
considering various factors (like mileage, company,
registration, etc.).
In this project, hand-written text can be converted into
computer-understandable text which can be further used for
various purposes.
In this project, attractive graphical simulator can be developed
to easily understand various AI problems (like Tower of Hanoi,
Missionaries and Cannibals, etc.).
Let a Van has 18 seats. Different age-groups including
physically-challenged people need to be seated comfortably.
Prepare a rule based system for the same.
The system may have time table of few faculty members.
Assume 2 faculty are in leave. Prepare a rule based system
for the same.
Assume the different sized vehicle. How to decide and
allocate the parking area for that vehicle?
Given number of subjects and number of faculty. develop the
rule-based system for the same.
How the person x is related to person y ?. Let us have few
statements as input. Let the system decide how they are

Let us have few statements discusing about the weather. Let

the system, has a reasoning system to arrive at a conclusion.
Develop a simple AI-Game
System is expected to give the comfortable route to reach any
destination from any place inside the LPU-Campus. (for
Individual / for Car)

Let us have few statements discusing about the illness. Let

the system, has a reasoning system to arrive at a conclusion.
develop a Production System for solving Towers of Hanoi
problem having any no. of Disc upto 8.
develop a Production System for solving 15-puzzle problem.
The system is expected to perform from any given initial
System is expected to give the comfortable route to reach any
destination from any place inside your Home-City.
System is expected to store all your close blood relations.
And, system have to tell, what is the name of the relationship
between any two given person.
First, you have many types of data that you can choose from.
You can find prices, fundamentals, global macroeconomic
indicators, volatility indices, etc… the list goes on and
on.Second, the data can be very granular. You can easily get
time series data by day (or even minute) for each company,
which allows you think creatively about trading
strategies.Finally, the financial markets generally have short
feedback cycles. Therefore, you can quickly validate your
predictions on new data.
The goal of this project is to recommend music based on user
listening history.
The goal of this project is to analyze the sentiments of the
person behind a given statement(positive, negative , neutral ,
happy ,sad)
Collaborative recommender systems aggregate ratings of
objects, recognize commonalities between users on the basis
of their ratings, and generate new recommendations.

This will enable a more effective way to short list submitted

candidate CVs from a large number of applicants providing a
consistent and fair CV ranking policy, which can be legally
justified. System will rank the experience and key skills
required for particular job position.

The objective is to build a system that will recognize people’s

sentimental comments on TV shows and Visitors can view TV
show popularity data in a graphical representation in pie
charts and bar charts.
This healthcare chatbot system will help hospitals to provide
healthcare support online 24 x 7. By asking the questions in
series it helps patients by guiding what exactly he/she is
looking for.
The System takes reviews of various users, based on their
personal opinion, system will specify whether the posted
product is good, bad, or worst.
The objective is to create software that analyzes previous
stock data of certain companies, with help of mining
algorithm. It will predict company's Monthly Sales / Profit
report with Months High and Low points of its Stock.

The objective is to predict whether the news is good (shower

happiness and blessings), bad(sadness) or neutral.

The objective is to gather all comments for a particular movie

and then calculates an average ranting to score it based on
sentiment analysis. This score is generated for every movie in
the system. The system also sorts and displays top rating
movies as per analysis and calculates the list of top five
movies automatically.

Implement various search strategies to find best route in map

On the basis of past behaviour of your Computer find the
health status of the Computer
After analyzing the students various data this software would
be able to recommend the students seriousness about the
It is a useful tool for search, for reminders, and to write notes
just by speaking it up.
FatSecret API helps the System to get the information in
many ways. The user can get details about a number of
nutrients, vitamins etc of a fruit or vegetable. The user can
add his recipes or get recopies using the API.
The excel file will contain peoples name, email id, age,
gender, location and comment. Based on people’s comment
and sentiments, the TV Show popularity will be rated
Logistic includes tangible goods such as material equipment
and supplies. Logistics can be benefited using chatbots by
improving customer-facing operations and supply chain
A banking bot project is built using artificial algorithms that
analyzes user’s queries and understand user’s message.
This project aims to take a quiz of a user with catagory based
questions and suggest improvement areas ans strategies to
score good in future
This alarm tool will be able to set alarm for the user if he
forgets to do so the system will give suggestions accordingly
with some music recoomendations

Human activity recognition system is a classifier model that

can identify human fitness activities. To develop this project,
you have to use smartphone dataset, which contains the
fitness activity of 30 people which is captured through
The goal of this project is to recommend music based on user
listening history.

The online artificial dietician is a bot with artificial intelligence

about human diets.The system asks about how many hour
the user works, his height, weight, age etc. The system stores
and processes this data and then calculates the nutrient
value needed to fill up users needs.

The user can query about the college related activities

through online with the help of this web application. The
user can query college related activities such as date
and timing of annual day, sports day, and other cultural
activities. This system helps the student to be updated
about the college activities.

An automatic answer checker application that checks and

marks written answers similar to a human being. This
software application is built to check subjective answers in an
online examination and allocate marks to the user after
verifying the answer. The system requires you to store the
original answer for the system.
It will contain a set of questionnaire which the user has to
reply. Based on the answer provided by the user, an
intelligent system returns best results.
A text-based assistive chatbot to explore library resources.
Based on the answers related to interests and abilities,
guidance by system will be provided.
To create an application which would take in the symptoms to
give disease prognosis of a person

Create an application in python which would be helpful in

locating persons/things
Create an application in python which would be helpful in
artificially controlling business processes in Retail Market

Sentiments are analysed on the basis of their comments

classified as posetive and negative directions
Analysis is performed on the basis of information collected
every day from the new websites and generate the trends of
life style

Problem of parking is troublesome now a days and it is

required to investigate them so that people can optimized the
time and space requirements for their vehical in the storage.
This problem is associated with the daily expenses in various
activities of the Universitites, Industries and instutions so that
an optimum level of expenses is decided.

Prices of the items are investigated on the basis of whish list

collected from various emarket websites and proper
comparison is performed for the customer satisfaction.

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