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Boolean Searches for

Health Care

Using Boolean is a helpful way to source faster. Here’s a cheat sheet to help you get started right now.

Medical Assistant
(“medical assistant”) (“medical equipment” OR “medical devices” OR “medical device” OR “med device” OR
“stryker” OR “abbott” OR “boston scientific” OR “depuy” OR “j&j” OR “kci”) (“medical instruments”) (“lab
testing”) (“medical” OR “medical devices” OR “pharma” OR “pharmaceutical” OR “healthcare” OR “med
devices” OR “pharmaceuticals” OR “device” OR “medical device” OR “chemical” OR “health” OR “hospital”)
(“medical supplies”)

(medical OR med OR surgical OR GP OR “doctor’s” OR doctors OR clinical) (assistant OR ass OR asst)

Registered Nurse
(nurse OR nursing OR rn OR “r n” OR lpn OR rgn) (registered OR general OR licensed OR practical OR
practitioner OR rn OR “r n” OR lpn OR rgn)

Medical Receptionist
(medical OR med OR GP OR clinic OR clinical OR dental OR radiology OR cardiology OR cardiac OR cardio
OR radiological OR oncology OR oncologist OR respiratory OR audiology OR dermatology OR gynaecology
OR urology OR obstetrics OR ent OR paediatrics OR pediatrics OR plastics OR psychiatric OR psychiatry
OR surgical OR surgery OR haematology OR endocrinology OR slt OR “speech and language” OR “intensive
care”) (receptionist OR reception OR secretary OR secretarial OR sec OR admin OR administrator OR
scheduler OR clerk OR clerical)

Pharmacy Technician
(pharmacy OR pharmacist OR pharmaceutical OR pharma OR otc OR “over the counter” OR prescription)
(technician OR tech OR otc OR wbt OR “ward-based” OR “ward based” OR Technician)

(phlebotomist OR phlebotomy OR “blood test” OR bloods)

Dental Assistant
(dental OR dentist OR dentistry OR rdn) (Assistant OR asst OR nurse OR nursing OR rdn) -dentist -doctor
-professor -manager
Boolean Searches for Health Care

Certified Nursing Assistant

(nursing OR nurse OR rn OR stna OR lpn OR rgn OR care OR healthcare OR health) (assistant OR asst) NOT
director NOT manager NOT customer NOT research

Nurse Practitioner
(nurse OR aprn OR np OR anp) (practitioner OR np OR aprn OR anp)

Patient Care Technician

(care OR “patient-care” OR patient OR healthcare) (technician OR tech OR assistant OR asst OR “ass.”) NOT
director NOT manager NOT customer NOT research

Physical Therapist
(physical OR physio OR “physiotherapist” OR “physio-therapist”) (therapist OR pt OR “physiotherapist” OR
“physio-therapist” OR therapy)

Boolean 101. Here’s your quick guide to understanding the basics of Boolean.

AND searches require that all of the terms you have listed are found in your results. AND narrows or decreases results.
AND The result would be everything in the green area: the solutions that contain both blue and yellow.
For example: design and html — The results would be everyone who had “design” as well as “html” listed somewhere in
their resume.

OR searches require that your results contain any one of the terms being searched. The OR operator can be used to

OR broaden or increase your results.

In this case, the result would be everything in the blue, yellow, or green area: the solutions that are either blue or yellow!
For example: mechanic or diesel — The results would be everyone who had either “mechanic” or “diesel” listed
somewhere in their resume.

NOT (or AND NOT) Searches — NOT (or AND NOT) searches mean that a term or terms can be excluded from your results.
NOT In this case, the result would be everything in the blue area only — nothing that contains any yellow!
For example: pharmaceutical and not sales
The results would be everyone who had “pharmaceutical” in their resume, but would automatically exclude everyone
who had “sales.”

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