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„Alexandru Vlahuță” Technological High School

Podu Turcului, Bacău

8th grade
Diagnostic test: Unit 6
Textbook: Highflyer
Teacher: Ioana-Andreea Pleșca


Partea I..........................................................................................................................................60 de puncte.

1. Put the verbs in the brackets into the Present Perfect Simple: (5 x 2p = 10p)
a. Clarissa................................................................(never/to visit) the Smithsonian Museum.
b. I....................................................... ..(already/to finish) my paper for my Romanian class.
c. We..........................................................................(just/ to come back) home from cinema.
d. It .............................................................................................(not to rain) since last month.
e. .................................................................(you/ever/to be) on a safary trip to South Africa?

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the suitable past tense (simple or progressive): (20 x 1p = 20p)
1) Maria………………………(to eat) while she………………(to watch) her favourite TV show,
yesterday at 5 p.m.
2) I……………………..(to want) to vist my relatives two weeks ago but they..........................(not to
be) at home.
3) Mrs. Jones……….……………......(teach) us a new song, when Marta..................... ..............(to
enter) the classroom.
4) As I .........................................(to write) a letter to my penfriend, the phone............................(to
5) When..........................................(you/last/to see) him?.........................(it/to be) a long time ago?
6) What....................................................(Hellen/to do) when you................................(to call) her?
7) We..........................................(not to recognize) Tom when we..............................(to meet) him.
8) Anna..........................................(to drive) to Paris when the accident.........................(to happen).
9) Who............................(to be) your English teacher when you ................(to be) in the 7th grade?
10) Why ..............................(you/not to tell) the truth to your parents?....................................(you/to
be) afraid of their reaction?

3. Rewrite the sentences into Reported Speech. (5 x 3p = 15p)

a. “Give up smoking or you’ll have problems soon, Mark”.
The doctor warned
b. “Don’t do the same mistake twice.”
My mother advised me....................................................................................................................
c. “We are leaving for New York tonight.”
Lisa told us
d. “Tina buys a present for her child every week.”
I told my mum.................................................................................................................................
e. “Who is your French Teacher?”
David wanted to know....................................................................................................................

4. Rewrite the sentences into the Passive Voice : (5 x 3p = 15p)

a) Maria is reading an interesting novel at the moment.
b) She doesn’t clean the house on Sunday.
c) She bought a new dress yesterday.
d) Chris was eating breakfast at 8 o’clock yesterday morning.
e) I have visited Rome twice.
Partea a II-a...................................................................................................................30 de puncte

5. Write a letter to your best friend and invite him/ her to spend the winter holiday at
your home. In your letter:
- Tell him about the way in which Christmas is spent in your family;
- What activities you will do together;
- Ask him/her to write a letter back to let you know whether he/she is coming or not.

+ 10 puncte BONUS


-Se punctează oricare alte formulări/ modalităti de rezolvare corectă a cerintelor.

-Nu se acordă punctaje intermediare, altele decât cele precizate explicit prin barem.
-Se acordă 10 puncte din oficiu. Nota finală se calculează prin împărtirea punctajului total acordat
pentru test la 10.
PARTEA I (60 de puncte)
1. Put the verbs in the brackets into the Present Perfect Simple: ( 5 x 2p = 10p)
a. has never visited
b. have already finished
c. have just come back
d. hasn’t rain
e. have you ever been

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the suitable past tense (simple or progressive): (20 x 1p =
1) was eating/was watching
2) wanted/weren’t
3) was teaching/entered
4) was writing/rang
5) did you last see him/was it
6) was Hellen doing/called
7) didn’t recognize/met
8) was driving/happened
9) was/were
10) didn’t you tell/were you

3. Rewrite the sentences into Reported Speech. ( 5 x 3p = 15p)

a. The doctor warned Mark to give up smoking or he would have problems soon.
b. My mother advised me not to make the same mistake twice.
c. Lisa told us (that) she was leaving for New York that night.
d. I told mum (that) Tina had bought a present for her child every week.
e. David wanted to know who my French teacher was.

4. Rewrite the sentences into the Passive Voice : ( 5 x 3p = 15p)

a) An interesting novel is read by Maria at the moment.
b) The house isnn’t cleaned by her on Sunday.
c) A new dress was bought by her yesterday.
d) Breakfast was being eaten by Chris at 8 o’clock yesterday morning.
e) Rome has been visited twice by me.

PARTEA a II-a (30 de puncte)

Producere de mesaje scrise A2+ – B1

➢ 3 points for a layout (greeting/introduction, main body, conclusion);

➢ 4 points for appropriately beginning and ending;
➢ 6 points for correct grammar structures and connectors;
➢ 5 points for the use of appropriate vocabulary;
➢ 10 points for covering the tasks required by the topic;
➢ 2 points for the general impression.
Matrice de specificații

C1: C2: C3 C4:

Competenţe Să extragă Reformularea unor Să Să scrie
corespunzătoare informaţii enunturi/rescrierea deducă relatări
nivelurilor generale şi unor cuvinte sensul simple ale
taxonomice specifice dintr-un conform cuvintelor unor
text citit în gând unor structuri din context si evenimente
studiate sa formuleze trecute şi
enunturi experienţe
Teme/ personale
Unităţi tematice

Copilul şi lumea 30 p
înconjurătoare - Letter (Partea II)
Verbul - timpuri 10 + 20 p
verbale: Present (Partea I, ex. 1,2)
Simple, Present
Continuous, Present
Perfect, Past Simple,
Past Continuous
Passive Voice 15p
(Partea I, ex.4)
Reported Speech 15p
(Partea I, ex. 2)
TOTAL 30 p 15 p 15p 30 p

Test sumativ la Limba engleză

Clasa a VIII-a

Prezentul test sumativ are în vedere verificarea nivelului de pregătire al elevilor la finalul a
cinci unități de învățare. Prin acest test s-au verificat noțiuni teoretice precum: timpuri verbale,
tipuri de verbe, Reported Speech, Passive Voice.
De asemenea, elevilor li s-a cerut să resolve diferite tipuri de exerciții (blank and clue,
transformation/conversion, adding elements), astfel fiindu-le verificate noțiunile gramaticale.
Totodată, testul a vizat și capacitatea de exprimare liberă în scris a elevilor prin cerinţa de a
redacta o scrisoare informală către un prieten.
Competențe specifice:
- să recunoască noţiunile/structurile gramaticale învăţate şi să le aplice corect;
- să utilizeze corect timpurile verbale învăţate;
- să relateze un eveniment sau o experienţă, şi să expună, pe scurt, argumente sau explicaţii cu
privire la un plan sau la o opinie.
- să redacteze cu ușurință o scrisoare.

Descriptori de performanţă:


1-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
-Nu oferă informaţii -Oferă foarte puţine -Oferă paţial -Oferă integral informaţii
clare despre sine; informaţii clare despre informaţii clare clare despre sine;
-Nu recunoaşte sine; despre sine; -Recunoaşte integral
noţiunile/structurile -Recunoaşte foarte -Recunoaşte noţiunile/structurile
gramaticale învăţate; puţin din partial din gramaticale învăţate;
-Nu utilizează corect noţiunile/structurile noţiunile/structur -Utilizează corect timpurile
timpurile verbale gramaticale învăţate; ile gramaticale verbale învăţate
învăţate ; -Utilizează foarte puţin învăţate; -Reuşeşte integral să
-Nu reuşeşte să corect verbele la -Utilizează formuleze enunţuri logice
formuleze enunţuri timpurile învăţate; parţial corect -Redactează o scrisoare
logice ; -Reuşeşte foarte puţin timpurile verbale integral şi corect .
-Nu reuşeşte să să formuleze enunţuri învăţate
redacteze o scrisoare logice -Reuşeşte parţial
. -Redactează cateva să formuleze
cuvinte/propoziţii enunţuri logice
dintr-o scrisoare. -Redactează
parţial scrisoare.

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