Wahyudi TK 1b Absen 45

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Patient Details

Title : …………… First name(s) : …Vera Nita………… Surname :


Gender: [ ] F [ ] M Marital Status :Single….……

DOB : 26th OKTOBER 1999………… Country of origin: indonesia………..

Occupation : (-)………….

Address : Irigasi

Tel : (Home) …………… (Work) …………… (Mobile) ……………

Next of kin : Brother…… Relationship to patient : Romi………………………

Tel : (Home) …………… (Mobile) 083129026989……………

Allergies : (-)……………


N : Good morning

P : Good morning

N : what can I help you?

P: I want to meet dr.Alvin ,I would to check my Head condition

N : Ok before you meet dr.Alvin I’d like to check your personal details,if that’s Ok?

P : Of course

N : Can you give me your full name please?

P : Vera Nita

N : Can you spell that please

P: V-E-R-A-N-I-T-A

N : And what would you like us to call you?

P : Vera is fine

N : Vera ,where do you live?

P :I live in Irigasi

N :Vera ,how old are you?

P : 19 years old

N :And what is your date of birth Vera?

P : I was born on Oktober 26/1999

N : is that the 26th of Oktober1999?

P : That’s right

N : And what is your job?

P : I don’t work,I’m still a student

N : Which student?


N : Do you have any allergies?s

P : No

N : Can you give me your family number phone to contact at an emergency

P : 083129026989

N : Ok I have finished to check your personal details Vera, excuse me first, if anything is needed
can call another nurse

P : Thank you very much nurse

N: You are welcome


N: Hello Sis, Can I help you?

P: Arrgh…. My Stomach

N: Don’t worry. I won’t take long. I just want to ask you a few question. Is that ok…?

P: Yes of course

N: Where does it hurt…?

P: In my my Stomach. It’s really pain?

P: Here, the left abdomen

N: Oh, I see… can you describe this pain?

P: Yes, I still have a stomach, and it feels like a shaken, so it’s make me feel so weak

N: When did it start…?

P : On Monday

N : Ok.tell me, when do you fell the pain most…?

P : Arghh… I don’t know

N : All the time,, at night, in the morning maybe ?

P: Often in the morning

N : I see. How long does it last. This pain…?

P : one or two hours

N : one or two hours. Right…?

P : Yes

N : oke, enough the doctor will come to check you,get well soon Nia

P : Thank you Nurse

N: You are welcome


N : Good morning . How are you today?

P : good morning nurse. I’m not feeling well today

N : Can you tell me about the problem of your condition

P: I have a problem with my head, cause I feel dizzy

N : ok this morning I will checking your vital sign for check your condition

P : yes nurse please check it

N : firstly I will check your blood preasure

P : ok sure

N : i will wrap your arm with cuff just relax it will just be a bit fight around your arm

P : ok nurse

N : that 80/60 and then i will check your body temperatur and pulse,please put the
thermatometrin your axila and hand to check your pulse

P : yes i can. How about the result nurse

N : your temperature is 36,50c and your pulse is 95


P : thank you nurse

N : you are welcome

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